dr. lim bee huah

pensyarah universiti

institut sel fuel (selfuel)


   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Research interest on proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), fuel cell technology, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) and mechanical engineering

  • nurul akidah binti baharuddin;mahendra rao a/l somalu;chen ruey shan;lim bee huah.  (2025).  prestasi elektrokimia dan keserasian terma sel tunggal berasaskan katod lico0.6sr0.4o2 untuk aplikasi sel fuel oksida pepejal bersuhu sederhana.  -


    lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli.  (2024).  sel fuel reka bentuk kelestarian tenaga hidrogen.  - 193. 


    hock chin low, bee huah lim, mohd shahbudin masdar, masli irwan rosli.  (2024).  understanding the factors influencing the corrosion of bipolar plate to the performance and durability of unitized regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell: a review.  - international journal of hydrogen energy.  420-430. 


    c.t aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli.  (2024).  optimizing proton exchange membrane fuel cell across varied inlet and outlet dimensions.  - 15th international unimas engineering conference 2024.  1. 


    c.a. sarjuni, b.h lim, e.h majlan , m.i rosli.  (2024).  a review: fluid dynamic and mass transport behaviour in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack.  - renewable and sustainable energy reviews.  1-17. 


    hock chin low, bee huah lim, mohd shahbudin masdar, masli irwan rosli.  (2024).  understanding the factors influencing the corrosion of bipolar plate to the performance and durability of unitized regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell: a review.  - international journal of hydrogen energy.  420-430. 


    c.a. sarjuni, b.h lim, e.h majlan , m.i rosli.  (2024).  a review: fluid dynamic and mass transport behaviour in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack.  - renewable and sustainable energy reviews.  1-17. 


    ahmad adam danial shahril, mohd shahbudin masdar, edy herianto majlan, lim bee huah.  (2024).  a review on mode conversion: dynamic response of unitised regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell.  - international journal of hydrogen energy.  91-103. 


    low hock chin; lim bee huah.  (2023).  numerical analysis of the effect of liquid water during switching mode for unitised regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell.  - membranes.  1-9. 


    dyg siti nurzailyn abg shamsuddin, ahmad faris mohd fekeri, andanastuti muchtar, faisal khan, bee chin khor, bee huah lim, masli irwan rosli, mohd sobri takriff.  (2023).  computational fluid dynamics modelling approaches of gas explosion in the chemical process industry: a review.  - process safety and environmental protection.  112-138. 


    c.t. aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli, wong wai yin.  (2023).  analysis of fluid flow behaviour in different proton exchange membrane fuel cell flow field configurations.  - asia-pacific journal of chemical engineering.  1-13. 


    masli irwan rosli, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, teuku husaini, wan ramli wan daud, lim soh fong.  (2022).  performance analysis of pemfc with single-channel and multi-channels on the impact of the geometrical model.  - energies.  1-14. 


    soh fong lim, adirah hamdan, sing ngie david chua, bee huah lim.  (2021).  comparison and optimization of conventional and ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction for synthetization of lemongrass (cymbopogon)-infused cooking oil.  - food science and nutrition.  1-11. 


    c.a. sarjuni, b.h lim, e.h majlan , m.i rosli.  (2024).  a review: fluid dynamic and mass transport behaviour in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack.  - renewable and sustainable energy reviews.  1-17. 


    ahmad adam danial shahril, mohd shahbudin masdar, edy herianto majlan, lim bee huah.  (2024).  a review on mode conversion: dynamic response of unitised regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell.  - international journal of hydrogen energy.  91-103. 


    hock chin low, bee huah lim, mohd shahbudin masdar, masli irwan rosli.  (2024).  understanding the factors influencing the corrosion of bipolar plate to the performance and durability of unitized regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell: a review.  - international journal of hydrogen energy.  420-430. 


    m.a. aminudin , s.k. kamarudin, b.h. lim, e.h. majilan, m.s. masdar n. shaari.  (2023).  an overview: current progress on hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.  - international journal of hydrogen energy.  4371-4388. 


    dyg siti nurzailyn abg shamsuddin, ahmad faris mohd fekeri, andanastuti muchtar, faisal khan, bee chin khor, bee huah lim, masli irwan rosli, mohd sobri takriff.  (2023).  computational fluid dynamics modelling approaches of gas explosion in the chemical process industry: a review.  - process safety and environmental protection.  112-138. 


    ct aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli.  (2023).  simplification techniques of cfd simulations and experimental validation for fluid flow analysis in pem fuel cells: a review.  - 2022 international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim 2022).  1-12. 


    soh-fong lim, siti kartina abdul karim, s.n. david chua, bee-huah lim.  (2021).  integrated natural resources management.  - 20. 


    soh-fong lim, agnes yung-weng lee, s.n. david chua, bee-huah lim.  (2021).  integrated natural resources management.  - 16. 


    lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli.  (2024).  sel fuel reka bentuk kelestarian tenaga hidrogen.  - 193. 


    nurul akidah binti baharuddin;mahendra rao a/l somalu;chen ruey shan;lim bee huah.  (2025).  prestasi elektrokimia dan keserasian terma sel tunggal berasaskan katod lico0.6sr0.4o2 untuk aplikasi sel fuel oksida pepejal bersuhu sederhana.  -


    c.t aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli.  (2024).  optimizing proton exchange membrane fuel cell across varied inlet and outlet dimensions.  - 15th international unimas engineering conference 2024.  1. 


    mohd shahbudin bin mastar @ masdar;siti kartom binti kamarudin;edy herianto;rozan binti mohamad yunus;azran bin mohd zainoodin;lim bee huah;noor shahirah binti shamsul.  (2023).  development of pem fuel cell stack for power generation.  -


    lim bee huah;masli irwan bin rosli;edy herianto;lim kean long;t. husaini.  (2023).  behaviour of mass and heat transport during switching mode of unitized regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell (urpemfc) on its performance..  -


    ahmad adam danial shahril, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, mohd shahbudin mastar.  (2023).  numerical investigation of dynamic responses of unitized regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell (urpemfc) during electrolysis mode.  - 8th international conference on fuel cell & hydrogen technology in collaboration with the 3rd symposium on fuel cell and hydrogen technology (icfcht-sfcht 2023).  1-2.