dr. sumaiyah binti mat

pensyarah universiti

pusat kajian penuaan sihat & kesejahteraan (h-care)


   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Dr. Sumaiyah Mat is a scientist whose research focus and expertise lies in wide range of ageing research components from epidemiology in ageing and rehabilitation through to basic sciences of ageing related diseases. She holds a PhD in Medicine from the University of Malaya, where she focused on osteoarthritis and falls in older adults, and a Master of Applied Statistics. Dr. Sumaiyah currently serves as the Head of the Postgraduate Program at the Center for Healthy Ageing and Wellness, UKM, where she plays a key role in shaping research and education in geriatric health. She has led and collaborated on multiple research grants, including projects on osteoarthritis, cognitive frailty and ageing, and has published widely in high-impact journals. She also serves as an editorial board member for BMC Geriatrics. Her contributions to geriatric health have earned her numerous accolades, including the Excellence Service Award and an Early Career Research Award to the University of Oxford. Beyond research, she is dedicated to postgraduate mentorship, supervising PhD and Master’s students, and coordinating professional certification programs in ageing and geriatric rehabilitation. She is also actively involved in community initiatives promoting older adults’ health and well-being.

  • kiirtaara aravindhan, sumaiyah mat, shahrul bahyah, nor'izzati saedon, kejal hasmuk, hazlina mahadzir, selina khoo, ai-vyrn chin, tan maw pin.  (2024).  comparing four frailty assessment tools against seven-year mortality in the malaysian elders longitudinal research study.  - archives of gerontology and geriatrics.  1-10. 


    shi rui seow, sumaiyah mat, amalina ahmad azam, nor fadilah rajab, intan safinar ismail, devinder kaur ajit singh, suzana shahar, maw pin tan, francis berenbaum.  (2024).  impact of diabetes mellitus on osteoarthritis: a scoping review on biomarkers.  - expert reviews in molecular medicine.  1-11. 


    guo jeng tan, sheng hui kioh, sumaiyah mat, maw pin tan, shirley huey ling chan4, jacintha mei ying lee, yee wen tan.  (2023).  psychosocial determinants of knee osteoarthritis progression: results from the promoting independence in our seniors with arthritis study.  - annals of geriatric medicine and research.  346-352. 


    seow shi rui, sumaiyah mat, nor fadilah rajab, intan safinar ismail, devinder kaur ajit singh, suzana shahar, tan maw pin and francis berenbaum..  (2023).  social isolation in older people living with osteoarthritis is associated with poor cognitive performance.  - malaysian congress of geriatric medicine.  114. 


    chua qi qi, sumaiyah mat.  (2023).  unmet need in intimate relationships was associated with increased risk of hospitalization: one year follow up study among community dwelling older adults.  - malaysian congress of geriatric medicine.  92. 


    shi rui seow, sumaiyah mat, amalina ahmad azam, nor fadilah rajab, intan safinar ismail, devinder kaur ajit singh, suzana shahar, maw pin tan, francis berenbaum.  (2024).  impact of diabetes mellitus on osteoarthritis: a scoping review on biomarkers.  - expert reviews in molecular medicine.  1-11. 


    kiirtaara aravindhan, sumaiyah mat, shahrul bahyah, nor'izzati saedon, kejal hasmuk, hazlina mahadzir, selina khoo, ai-vyrn chin, tan maw pin.  (2024).  comparing four frailty assessment tools against seven-year mortality in the malaysian elders longitudinal research study.  - archives of gerontology and geriatrics.  1-10. 


    nurul nabilah akmal hashim , sumaiyah mat , phyo kyaw myint , sheng hui kioh , mirela delibegovic , ai-vyrn chin, shahrul bahyah kamaruzzaman , noran naqiah hairi , selina khoo , maw pin tan.  (2023).  increased body mass index is associated with sarcopenia and related outcomes.  - european journal of clinical investigation.  1-8. 


    intan meinar megasari, sumaiyah mat, devinder kaur ajit singh and maw pin tan.  (2023).  prospective sarcopenia outcomes associated with physical performance in individuals aged 55 years and over in malaysia.  - frontiers in public health.  1-8. 


    tiberiu a. pana , sheng hui kioh , samuel r. neal , maw pin tan , sumaiyah mat , alireza moayyeri, robert n. luben , nicholas j. wareham , kay-tee khaw , phyo k. myint.  (2023).  body fat percentage and the long-term risk of fractures. the epic-norfolk prospective population cohort study.  - maturitas.  71-77. 


    nur fazidah asmujea, sumaiyah mat phyo kyaw myint, maw pin tan.  (2023).  ethnic-specific sociodemographic factors as determinants of cognitive performance: cross-sectional analysis of the malaysian elders longitudinal research study.  - dementia and geriatric cognitive disorder.  396-404. 


    ahmad nabil khairi mahdzir, sumaiyah mat, shi rui seow, rizal abdul rani, muhammad kamil che hasan, nor hamdan mohamad yahaya.  (2023).  self-management of osteoarthritis while waiting for total knee arthroplasty during the covid-19 pandemic among older malaysians.  - world journal of clinical cases.  7043-7052. 


    sumaiyah mat, mohamad hasif jaafar, azad h. a. razack, jasmine lim, teng aik ong, su yen khong, shahrul bahyah kamaruzzaman, ai vyrn chin, azlina amir abbas, chee ken chan, noran naqiah hairi, sajaratulnisah othman, maw pin tan, the melor investigators.  (2023).  gender differences in the associations between knee pain and urinary incontinence in older adults: cross sectional analysis from the malaysian elders longitudinal research study (melor).  - neurourology and urodynamics.  641-649. 


    azianah mohamad ibrahim, devinder kaur ajit singh, sumaiyah mat, arimi fitri mat ludin and suzana shahar.  (2023).  incidence and predictors of physical inactivity among malaysian community-dwelling older persons.  - journal of aging and physical activity.  105-116. 


    kiirtaara aravindhan, karen morgan, sumaiyah mat, tengku aizan hamid, rahimah ibrahim, nor izzati saedon, kejal hasmuk, hazlina mahadzir, maw pin tan.  (2023).  cognitive frailty and its association with depression, anxiety and stress during the covid-19 pandemic among older adults in the transforming cognitive frailty into later-life self-sufficiency (ageless) study.  - psychogeriatrics.  1071-1082. 


    kiirtaara aravindhan, sumaiyah mat, shahrul bahyah, nor'izzati saedon, kejal hasmuk, hazlina mahadzir, selina khoo, ai-vyrn chin, tan maw pin.  (2024).  comparing four frailty assessment tools against seven-year mortality in the malaysian elders longitudinal research study.  - archives of gerontology and geriatrics.  1-10. 


    shi rui seow, sumaiyah mat, amalina ahmad azam, nor fadilah rajab, intan safinar ismail, devinder kaur ajit singh, suzana shahar, maw pin tan, francis berenbaum.  (2024).  impact of diabetes mellitus on osteoarthritis: a scoping review on biomarkers.  - expert reviews in molecular medicine.  1-11. 


    guo jeng tan, sheng hui kioh, sumaiyah mat, maw pin tan, shirley huey ling chan4, jacintha mei ying lee, yee wen tan.  (2023).  psychosocial determinants of knee osteoarthritis progression: results from the promoting independence in our seniors with arthritis study.  - annals of geriatric medicine and research.  346-352. 


    tan gj, kioh sh, mat s, chan shl, lee jmy, tan yw, tan mp..  (2023).  physical and psychosocial characteristics differ between individuals with knee pain and different knee osteoarthritis diagnostic criteria..  - postgraduate medical journal.  1104-1109. 


    intan meinar megasari, sumaiyah mat, devinder kaur ajit singh and maw pin tan.  (2023).  prospective sarcopenia outcomes associated with physical performance in individuals aged 55 years and over in malaysia.  - frontiers in public health.  1-8. 


    resshaya roobini murukesu, devinder kaur ajit singh,normala mesbah & sumaiyah mat.  (2023).  covid-19 dan warga emas.  - 20. 


    resshaya roobini murukesu, devinder kaur ajit singh,normala mesbah & sumaiyah mat.  (2023).  covid-19 dan warga emas.  - 20. 


    chow pei yun, sumaiyah mat.  (2023).  poor physical performance is linked to higher resiliency in community dwelling older adults: a cross- sectional study.  - malaysian congress of geriatric medicine.  94. 


    hadiza abdullahi abubakar, mohd razif shahril, sumaiyah mat.  (2023).  nutritional status of adolescent in nigeria: a systematic review.  - maso scientific conference on obesity 2023.  70. 


    seow shi rui, sumaiyah mat, nor fadilah rajab, intan safinar ismail, devinder kaur ajit singh, suzana shahar, tan maw pin and francis berenbaum..  (2023).  social isolation in older people living with osteoarthritis is associated with poor cognitive performance.  - malaysian congress of geriatric medicine.  114. 


    muhamad arif syahmimuhamad ariffin,ismarulyusda ishak,sumaiyah mat.  (2023).  a study on the relationship between social participation, obesity and quality of life among the older adults in klang valley.  - 13th malaysian symposium of biomedical science 2023.  1. 


    chua qi qi, sumaiyah mat.  (2023).  unmet need in intimate relationships was associated with increased risk of hospitalization: one year follow up study among community dwelling older adults.  - malaysian congress of geriatric medicine.  92.