pensyarah universiti
institut penyelidikan tenaga suria (seri)
Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohd Faizal Fauzan is an Award-Winning Academics at Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) UKM. His research works focus specifically on Sustainable Development and Green Technology. Currently, he holds the position of Senior Lecturer and Research Fellow at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Prior to joining UKM in 2021, Dr. Faizal has served various Private Institutions in Malaysia including UNISEL, INTI International University, and Taylor’s University for more than 12 years. He received his First Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2008 from University of Nottingham, Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2011 from Universiti Malaya and Ph.D. in Engineering in 2015 from Universiti Malaya. He has received several important recognitions to his career, including "Vice Chancellor`s Award, Taylor`s most cited academic", "Anugerah Khas YB Menteri Pendidikan Malaysia: Rekabentuk Kurikulum & Penyampaian Inovatif (AKRI)" and also several awards from Elsevier for "Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing". Dr. Faizal is also recognized as Professional Technologists (Green Technology) by the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) and Professional Engineer (Mechanical) by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM).
nurul jannah yusaidi, mohd faizal fauzan, ahmad fazlizan abdullah, adnan ibrahim, amir aziat ishak. (2024). theoretical and experimental investigations on the effect of double pass solar air heater with staggered-diamond shaped fins arrangement. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-15.
muhammad amir aziat ishak, adnan ibrahim, ir ts dr mohd faizal fauzan, win eng ewe. (2024). analisis tenaga pesentakan jet aliran pekeliling terbalik (pjapt) ke atas pengumpul fotovolta terma suria (pvt) modul dwimuka. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 1091-1101.
israa amer dahham, muhammad ammirul atiqi mohd zainuri, ali abdulabbas abdullah, mohd faizal fauzan, qais hamid jeflawe. (2023). the effect of graphene, silica, and natural dust particles on the performances of multiple types of solar photovoltaic modules. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 1403-1417.
shaban r. s. aldhshan, khairul nizam abdul maulud, othman a. karim, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, mohd faizal fauzan. (2023). assessing the suitability of rooftop solar photovoltaic systems for sustainable electricity generation. - geografia-malaysian journal of society and space. 93-104.
nurul jannah yusaidi, mohd faizal fauzan, ahmad fazlizan abdullah. (2023). potential size reduction on double pass solar air collector using staggered- triangular fins. - world renewable energy congress (wrec2023). 1.
nurul jannah yusaidi, mohd faizal fauzan, ahmad fazlizan abdullah, adnan ibrahim, amir aziat ishak. (2024). theoretical and experimental investigations on the effect of double pass solar air heater with staggered-diamond shaped fins arrangement. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-15.
muhammad amir aziat bin ishak, adnan ibrahim, ahmad fazlizan, mohd faizal fauzan, kamaruzzaman sopian, aqil afham rahmat. (2023). exergy performance of a reversed circular flow jet impingement bifacial photovoltaic thermal (pvt) solar collector. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-11.
abdulsahib m. bassam, kamaruzzaman sopian, adnan ibrahim, mohd faizal fauzan, anwer b. al-aasam, ghaith yahay abusaibaa. (2023). experimental analysis for the photovoltaic thermal collector (pvt) with nano pcm and micro-fins tube nanofluid. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-10.
siti nuraisyah razali, adnan ibrahim, ahmad fazlizan, mohd faizal fauzan, raheem k. ajeel, emy zairah ahmad, win eng ewe, hussein a. kazem. (2023). performance enhancement of photovoltaic modules with passive cooling multidirectional tapered fin heat sinks (mtfhs). - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-8.
faisal nawab, ag sufiyan abd hamid, adnan ibrahim, kamaruzzaman sopian, ahmad fazlizan, mohd faizal fauzan. (2023). solar irradiation prediction using empirical and artificial intelligence methods: a comparative review. - heliyon. 1-17.
israa amer dahham, muhammad ammirul atiqi mohd zainuri, ali abdulabbas abdullah, mohd faizal fauzan. (2023). modeling the effect of dust and wind speed on solar panel performance in iraq. - energies. 1-18.
nurul jannah yusaidi, mohd faizal fauzan, ahmad fazlizan abdullah, adnan ibrahim, amir aziat ishak. (2024). theoretical and experimental investigations on the effect of double pass solar air heater with staggered-diamond shaped fins arrangement. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-15.
muhammad amir aziat bin ishak, adnan ibrahim, kamarruzaman sopian, mohd faizal fauzan, aqil afham rahman, nurul jannah yusaidi. (2023). performance and economic analysis of a reversed circular flow jet impingement bifacial pvt solar collector. - international journal of renewable energy development. 780-788.
nurul jannah yusaidi, mohd faizal fauzan, adnan ibrahim, hasila jarimi, ahmad fazlizan, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2023). recent development on double pass solar thermal collector. - renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 1-15.
muhammad amir aziat bin ishak, adnan ibrahim, ahmad fazlizan, mohd faizal fauzan, kamaruzzaman sopian, aqil afham rahmat. (2023). exergy performance of a reversed circular flow jet impingement bifacial photovoltaic thermal (pvt) solar collector. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-11.
siti nuraisyah razali, adnan ibrahim, ahmad fazlizan, mohd faizal fauzan, raheem k. ajeel, emy zairah ahmad, win eng ewe, hussein a. kazem. (2023). performance enhancement of photovoltaic modules with passive cooling multidirectional tapered fin heat sinks (mtfhs). - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-8.
hafis murty, mohd faizal fauzan. (2021). automated water irrigation system for urban farming. - 14th eureca 2020 international engineering and computing research conference. 1-14.
yathin krishna, shashikantha karinka, mohd faizal fauzan, prashanth pai manihalla. (2021). an experimental and mathematical investigation of optimal tilt angle and effects of reflectors on pv energy production. - 14th eureca 2020 international engineering and computing research conference. 1-13.
yip winn sheng alwyn, mohd faizal. (2021). bicycle powered mobile phone charger. - 14th eureca 2020 international engineering and computing research conference. 1-11.
y krishna, mohd faizal fauzan, r saidur, p p manihalla, s karinka. (2021). performance analysis of parabolic trough collector using trnsys®-a case study in indian coastal region. - 1st international conference on advances in smart sensor, signal processing and communication technology, icassct 2021 (journal of physics: conference series). 1-13.
mohd faizal fauzan. (2021). design and simulation of a rooftop pv system in taylors university lakeside campus. - 15th international engineering and computing research conference, eureca 2021. 1-31.
nurul jannah yusaidi, mohd faizal fauzan, ahmad fazlizan abdullah. (2023). potential size reduction on double pass solar air collector using staggered- triangular fins. - world renewable energy congress (wrec2023). 1.
mohd faizal fauzan. (2022). future and sustainability of solar energy. - . 1-28.
mohd faizal fauzan. (2022). recognizing excellence through award winning. - . 1-19.
ahmad zikri, mohd faizal fauzan. (2020). design of secondary condenser for air conditioner's double cooling system (dcs). - 14th eureca international engineering & computing research conference. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
GREEN HOME LOW INVESTMENT FOR UKM’S EMPLOYEES | verdant solar sdn. bhd. | 78.4% (2023-03-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
SOLAR DRIVEN DC HEAT PUMP FOR FOOD DRYING AND WATER HARVESTING (SOLARDRY-H20GEN) | tnb research sdn bhd | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
SOLAR DRIVEN DC HEAT PUMP FOR FOOD DRYING AND WATER HARVESTING (SOLARDRY-H20GEN) | sg global engineering sdn bhd | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |