pensyarah universiti
institut perubahan iklim (ipi)
NOORASHIKIN MD. NOOR, PhD, graduated from Universiti Malaysia Sabah in BSc (Aquaculture) and underwent her internship at Kinki University, Japan in 2012. She received MSc (Aquatic Biology and Ecology) from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2015 before received PhD (Ocean Science) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2018 with Graduate on Time (GOT) awards. Her research interests are climate change impacts to marine ecosystem, mariculture, aquatic animal health and aquatic biology. She has published 30 high-impact journal papers and 1 book to date. She has won Young Scientist Awards in microbiology presented by Alltech and was a finalist for the prestigious Merdeka Awards in 2023 founded by Petronas and Shell .
noorashikin binti md noor;zaidi bin che cob;khairul nizam abdul maulud;wee hin boo. (2025). cross-sectional research on water quality and bacteria indicator in connection with fish diversity along the johor straits. - . .
khairul nizam abdul maulud, fazly amri mohd, noorashikin md noor, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, wan hanna melini wan mohtar, nor aizam adnan, and syed ahmad fadhli syed abdul rahman. (2024). advances in geoinformatics technologies facilities and utilities optimization and management for smart city applications. - . 16.
noorashikin binti md noor;mohd. nizam bin mohd. said;mohd talib bin latif;siti norliyana binti harun. (2024). mercury concentration status in aquatic biota: a national fish mercury dataset. - . .
sonia mohd kasihmuddin, zaidi che cob, noorashikin md noor, simon kumar das. (2024). effect of different temperature variations on the physiological state of catfish species: a systematic review. - fish physiology and biochemistry. 413-434.
khairul nizam abdul maulud;wan hanna melini binti wan mohtar;noorashikin binti md noor. (2024). impact of sea level rise (slr) on coastal erosion using a multi-criteria index in pantai remis, perak and pulau carey, selangor. - . .
sonia mohd kasihmuddin, zaidi che cob, noorashikin md noor, simon kumar das. (2024). effect of different temperature variations on the physiological state of catfish species: a systematic review. - fish physiology and biochemistry. 413-434.
noorashikin md noor, sonia mohd kasihmuddin, mai izatul nuraishah mior hazri. (2024). interplay of climate change on mercury in fish within mangrove ecosystems: a brief systematic literature review. - estuarine, coastal and shelf science. 1-14.
nur syuhada iskandar, noorashikin md noor, zaidi che cob, simon kumar das. (2023). elevated carbon dioxide and its impact on growth, blood properties, and vertebral column of freshwater fish mahseer, tor tambroides juveniles. - fishes. 1-12.
jewel, m.a.s., ara, j., haque, m.a., hossain, m.a., noor, n.m., das, s.k.. (2023). effect of stocking density on the growth, body composition, and blood parameters of cage-reared gangetic mystus catfish (mystus cavasius). - aquaculture reports. 1-8.
simon kumar das, kumutha tamil selvan, noorashikin md noor, moumita de, david s. francis. (2023). effects of dissolved carbon dioxide on growth and vertebral column of hybrid marine grouper (epinephelus fuscoguttatus × e. lanceolatus) early advanced larvae. - journal of sea research. 1-9.
siti norliyana harun, marlia mohd hanafiah, noorashikin md noor. (2022). rice straw utilisation for bioenergy production: a brief overview. - energies. 1-19.
sonia mohd kasihmuddin, zaidi che cob, noorashikin md noor, simon kumar das. (2024). effect of different temperature variations on the physiological state of catfish species: a systematic review. - fish physiology and biochemistry. 413-434.
noorashikin md noor, sonia mohd kasihmuddin, mai izatul nuraishah mior hazri. (2024). interplay of climate change on mercury in fish within mangrove ecosystems: a brief systematic literature review. - estuarine, coastal and shelf science. 1-14.
jewel, m.a.s., ara, j., haque, m.a., hossain, m.a., noor, n.m., das, s.k.. (2023). effect of stocking density on the growth, body composition, and blood parameters of cage-reared gangetic mystus catfish (mystus cavasius). - aquaculture reports. 1-8.
simon kumar das, kumutha tamil selvan, noorashikin md noor, moumita de, david s. francis. (2023). effects of dissolved carbon dioxide on growth and vertebral column of hybrid marine grouper (epinephelus fuscoguttatus × e. lanceolatus) early advanced larvae. - journal of sea research. 1-9.
nurul ain liyana hamzah, khairul nizam abd maulud, noorashikin md noor, wan hanna melini wan mohtar, fazly amri mohd, nor aizam adnan, syed ahmad fadhli syed abdul rahman. (2023). impact assessment of sea level rise (slr) on coastal erosion through multiple-criteria index in pantai remis, perak. - geografia-malaysian journal of society and space. 21-36.
noorashikin md noor, mai izatul nuraishah mior hazri, wee hin boo, zaidi che cob. (2023). a brief overview of the issues faced by harmful algal blooms along johor strait. - 2022 international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim 2022). 1-7.
khairul nizam abdul maulud, fazly amri mohd, noorashikin md noor, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, wan hanna melini wan mohtar, nor aizam adnan, and syed ahmad fadhli syed abdul rahman. (2024). advances in geoinformatics technologies facilities and utilities optimization and management for smart city applications. - . 16.
khairul nizam abdul maulud, fazly amri mohd, noorashikin md noor, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, wan hanna melini wan mohtar, nor aizam adnan, and syed ahmad fadhli syed abdul rahman. (2024). advances in geoinformatics technologies facilities and utilities optimization and management for smart city applications. - . 16.
siti norliyana harun, marlia mohd hanafiah, noorashikin md. noor. (2023). intelligent systems and machine learning for industry: advancements, challenges, and practices. - . 15.
noorashikin md noor, khairul nizam abdul maulud, siti norliyana harun. (2023). intelligent systems and machine learning for industry: advancements, challenges, and practices. - . 20.
noorashikin binti md noor;zaidi bin che cob;khairul nizam abdul maulud;wee hin boo. (2025). cross-sectional research on water quality and bacteria indicator in connection with fish diversity along the johor straits. - . .
khairul nizam abdul maulud;wan hanna melini binti wan mohtar;noorashikin binti md noor. (2024). impact of sea level rise (slr) on coastal erosion using a multi-criteria index in pantai remis, perak and pulau carey, selangor. - . .
noorashikin binti md noor;mohd. nizam bin mohd. said;mohd talib bin latif;siti norliyana binti harun. (2024). mercury concentration status in aquatic biota: a national fish mercury dataset. - . .
khairul nizam abdul maulud;wan shafrina binti wan mohd jaafar;noorashikin binti md noor;khirunnisa binti mazelan;azizah binti ahmad;syarina binti md sah;ahmad tarmizi bin mohd azmi;nur khairun ayuni binti jusoh sukri. (2024). analisis perubahan pantai estuari di semenanjung malaysia menggunakan teknik geospatial. - . .
noorashikin md noor. (2023). bolehkah bakteria bercakap?. - rencana bulanan pkaum : siri 4/2023. 1.
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