Dr Chaw received the BEng (Computer) and PhD (Electrical Engineering) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), currently serving as Research Fellow in the Institute of Visual Informatics (IVI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM, Bangi), Malaysia. Previously, he served as Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology (FOCS) at Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT). Besides that, he is a HRD Corp accredited trainer who has conducted training covering Python, Power BI, and Tableau. He is a SAS certified predictive modeler and machine learning specialist as well as NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute certified for demonstrating competence in deep learning for computer vision. His primary research interests include computer vision and deep learning. He has also actively collaborated with industry partners such as Advantech and HILTI Asia IT Services. His industry projects include optimization of manufacturing process and computer vision applications.
kam meng goh, li li lim, santhi krishnamoorthy, weng kin lai, tomas maul, jun kit chaw. (2024). recent advancement of intelligent-systems in edible birds nest: a review from production to processing. - multimedia tools and applications. 51159-51209.
tin tin ting, kar man cheah, jie xin khiew, yung chin lee, jun kit chaw, chong keat teoh. (2024). validation of cyber security behaviour among adolescents at malaysia university: revisiting gender as a role. - international journal of innovative research and scientific studies. 127-137.
chaw jun kit;norfilza mohd mokhtar;mohamad hanif bin md saad;ummul hanan binti mohamad. (2024). modeling an early prediction of ncds model from imbalanced data with sequence structure. - . .
yanfeng zhao, jun kit chaw, lin liu, sook hui chaw, mei choo ang, tin tin ting. (2024). systematic literature review on reinforcement learning in non-communicable disease interventions. - artificial intelligence in medicine. 1-9.
yanfeng zhao, jun kit chaw, mei choo ang, marizuana mat daud, lin liu. (2024). a diabetes prediction model with visualized explainable artificial intelligence (xai) technology. - 8th international visual informatics conference ivic 2023. 648-661.
kam meng goh, li li lim, santhi krishnamoorthy, weng kin lai, tomas maul, jun kit chaw. (2024). recent advancement of intelligent-systems in edible birds nest: a review from production to processing. - multimedia tools and applications. 51159-51209.
yanfeng zhao, jun kit chaw, lin liu, sook hui chaw, mei choo ang, tin tin ting. (2024). systematic literature review on reinforcement learning in non-communicable disease interventions. - artificial intelligence in medicine. 1-9.
jianbang liu, mei choo ang, jun kit chaw, ah-lian kor, kok weng ng. (2023). emotion assessment and application in human-computer interaction interface based on backpropagation neural network and artificial bee colony algorithm. - expert systems with applications. 1-19.
samuel ching xin ren, jun kit chaw, yee mei lim, wah pheng lee , tin tin ting, cheng weng fong. (2022). intelligent manufacturing planning system using dispatch rules: a case study in roofing manufacturing industry. - applied sciences-basel. 1-17.
xiang cheng, jun kit chaw, kam meng goh, tin tin ting, shafrida sahrani, mohammad nazir ahmad, rabi-ah abdul kadir and mei choo ang. (2022). systematic literature review on visual analytics of predictive maintenance in the manufacturing industry. - sensors. 1-16.
kam meng goh, li li lim, santhi krishnamoorthy, weng kin lai, tomas maul, jun kit chaw. (2024). recent advancement of intelligent-systems in edible birds nest: a review from production to processing. - multimedia tools and applications. 51159-51209.
yanfeng zhao, jun kit chaw, lin liu, sook hui chaw, mei choo ang, tin tin ting. (2024). systematic literature review on reinforcement learning in non-communicable disease interventions. - artificial intelligence in medicine. 1-9.
tin tin ting, eljrick tze siang lim, jaeky lee, jeng siang wong, jun hong tan, ryan chee man tam, jun kit chaw, ali aitizaz, chong keat teoh. (2024). educational big data mining: mediation of academic performance in crime among digital age young adults. - online journal of communication and media technologies. 1-17.
tin tin ting, shee chia lee, mee chin wee, jun kit chaw. (2024). romantic relationship patterns, detailed covariates, and impacts on education: a study on young adults in the u.s. using icpsr dataset. - global social welfare. 1-13.
tin tin ting, kar man cheah, jie xin khiew, yung chin lee, jun kit chaw, chong keat teoh. (2024). validation of cyber security behaviour among adolescents at malaysia university: revisiting gender as a role. - international journal of innovative research and scientific studies. 127-137.
yanfeng zhao, jun kit chaw, mei choo ang, marizuana mat daud, lin liu. (2024). a diabetes prediction model with visualized explainable artificial intelligence (xai) technology. - 8th international visual informatics conference ivic 2023. 648-661.
wen lin yong, yiqi tew, jun kit chaw. (2023). zero-shot learning on gesture movement for interactive dashboard control. - 2022 international symposium on intelligent signal processing and communication systems (ispacs). 1-4.
chi wee tan, joren mundane antequisa pacaldo, wah pheng lee, gloria jennis tan, siaw lang wong, jun kit chaw. (2023). automated metal surface defect detection. - international conference on machine learning and intelligent communications (mlicom). 39-49.
jianbang liu, mei choo ang, jun kit chaw, kok weng ng. (2022). performance evaluation of hmi based on ahp and grt for gui. - 4th ieee international conference on artificial intelligence in engineering and technology (iicaiet). 72-76.
chaw jun kit, zhao yanfeng. (2023). impak dan peranan teknologi digital bagi penuaan sihat. - . 8.
chaw jun kit, zhao yanfeng. (2023). impak dan peranan teknologi digital bagi penuaan sihat. - . 8.
chaw jun kit;norfilza mohd mokhtar;mohamad hanif bin md saad;ummul hanan binti mohamad. (2024). modeling an early prediction of ncds model from imbalanced data with sequence structure. - . .
chaw jun kit. (2023). microsoft power bi - fundamentals. - . 1-98.
chaw jun kit. (2023). python for data analysis (unikl). - . 1-203.
jianbang liu, mei choo ang, kok weng ng, jun kit chaw. (2023). optimization comparison between bees algorithm and artificial bee colony algorithm on backpropagation neural network. - the international workshop on the bees algorithm and its applications (baa) 2023. 1-18.
chaw jun kit. (2023). big data analytics: improving your organization performance via efficient data management. - . 1-65.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
FORECASTING ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY FOR PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE | universiti tenaga nasional(uniten) | 61.1% (2023-12-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |
USING WEB SCRAPING FOR SCAM SURVEILLANCE MODEL | veriva systems sdn bhd | 53.7% (2024-04-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |
INTEGRATING TRIZ WITH PATENT MINING TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY EFFICIENT PRODUCT INNOVATION | universiti tenaga nasional(uniten) | 61.1% (2023-12-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |