pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains biologi & bioteknologi
Mohd Ikmal is a Plant Breeder and Geneticist who currently is doing research on breeding for abiotic stresses tolerance and biofortification in rice (Oryza sativa). He is also interested in doing research on other plants. His works focus on the physiology, morphology, agronomy etc.
mohd ikmal bin asmuni;kalaivani a/p k. nadarajah;noor liyana binti sukiran;noraziyah binti abd aziz shamsudin. (2025). comparative phenotypic and molecular dissection for high yielding submergence and drought stress tolerant rice (oryza sativa l.) lines . - . .
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, basit akolade adigun, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, asmuni mohd ikmal, monsuru adekunle salisu, fadila ahmad malike, adebola azeez lateef. (2024). recent advancements in mitigating abiotic stresses in crops. - horticulturae. 1-37.
anandarajagopal kalusalingam, dania najiha hasnu, abdullah khan, ching siang tan, bama menon, venkateshan narayanan, khang wen goh, asmuni mohd ikmal, noraini talip, poonguzhali subramanian, long chiau ming. (2024). an updated review of ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of orthosiphon stamineus benth. - malaysian applied biology. 1-18.
mohd ikmal asmuni, siti nurfaeiza abd razak, noraini talip. (2024). paku bulu emas punya pelbagai manfaat. - dewan kosmik. 1.
asmuni mohd ikmal, abd aziz shamsudin noraziyah, ratnam wickneswari, yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji. (2023). sub1 and qdty3.1 improved tolerance of rice (oryza sativa l.) lines to drought and submergence stresses. - euphytica. 1-19.
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, basit akolade adigun, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, asmuni mohd ikmal, monsuru adekunle salisu, fadila ahmad malike, adebola azeez lateef. (2024). recent advancements in mitigating abiotic stresses in crops. - horticulturae. 1-37.
asmuni mohd ikmal, abd aziz shamsudin noraziyah, ratnam wickneswari, yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji. (2023). sub1 and qdty3.1 improved tolerance of rice (oryza sativa l.) lines to drought and submergence stresses. - euphytica. 1-19.
azmi adham, mohamad bahagia ab ghaffar, asmuni mohd ikmal, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2022). genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis of commercial hybrid grain corn genotypes in different environments. - life. 1-12.
asmuni mohd ikmal, abd aziz shamsudin noraziyah, ratnam wickneswari. (2021). incorporating drought and submergence tolerance qtl in rice (oryza sativa l.) the effects under reproductive stage drought and vegetative stage submergence stresses. - plants. 1-18.
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, asmuni mohd ikmal, mohd rafii yusop. (2023). heat stress in vegetables: impacts and management strategies - a review. - sains malaysiana. 1925-1938.
asrapil waitul fifika, asmuni mohd ikmal, ahmad faiz, hasan noraishah, harun abdul rahim, hussein sobri, abd aziz shamsudin noraziyah. (2021). carbon-ion beam radiosensitivity study and biological responses of high yielding rice line, mr219-pl-5. - sains malaysiana. 3481-3491.
anandarajagopal kalusalingam, dania najiha hasnu, abdullah khan, ching siang tan, bama menon, venkateshan narayanan, khang wen goh, asmuni mohd ikmal, noraini talip, poonguzhali subramanian, long chiau ming. (2024). an updated review of ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of orthosiphon stamineus benth. - malaysian applied biology. 1-18.
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, basit akolade adigun, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, asmuni mohd ikmal, monsuru adekunle salisu, fadila ahmad malike, adebola azeez lateef. (2024). recent advancements in mitigating abiotic stresses in crops. - horticulturae. 1-37.
asmuni mohd ikmal, abd aziz shamsudin noraziyah, ratnam wickneswari, yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji. (2023). sub1 and qdty3.1 improved tolerance of rice (oryza sativa l.) lines to drought and submergence stresses. - euphytica. 1-19.
siti raudhah noor shifa putri mohidin, said moshawih, andi hermansyah, mohd ikmal asmuni, naeem shafqat, long chiau ming. (2023). cassava (manihot esculenta crantz): a systematic review for the pharmacological activities, traditional uses, nutritional values, and phytochemistry. - journal of evidence-based integrative medicine. 1-26.
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, asmuni mohd ikmal, mohd rafii yusop. (2023). heat stress in vegetables: impacts and management strategies - a review. - sains malaysiana. 1925-1938.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, marlia mohd hanafiah, mohd ikmal asmuni, waitul fifika asrapil. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 13.
ida wenefrida, herry utomo, asmuni mohd ikmal, c. gireesh, b.p. mallikarjuna swamy. (2023). genetic engineering and genome editing for zinc biofortification of rice. - . 15.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, marlia mohd hanafiah, mohd ikmal asmuni, waitul fifika asrapil. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 13.
soffalina sofian seng, arnida hani teh, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, mohd ikmal asmuni. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 15.
mohd ikmal bin asmuni;kalaivani a/p k. nadarajah;noor liyana binti sukiran;noraziyah binti abd aziz shamsudin. (2025). comparative phenotypic and molecular dissection for high yielding submergence and drought stress tolerant rice (oryza sativa l.) lines . - . .
mohd ikmal asmuni, siti nurfaeiza abd razak, noraini talip. (2024). paku bulu emas punya pelbagai manfaat. - dewan kosmik. 1.
mohd ikmal asmuni, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2022). jaminan sekuriti makanan. - berita rtm. .
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, mohd ikmal asmuni. (2022). introduction of sub1 increased tolerance of rice (oryza sativa l.) to reproductive stage drought stress. - international applied biology conference 2022. 62.
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, amira ismail, mohd ikmal asmuni, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2022). screening of rice breeding lines under reproductive stage drought stress. - 5th international plant breeding conference 2022. 115.
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