pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan awam
A detailed-oriented Ph.D. trained in transportation engineering mainly focused on human-transportation interaction and travel behavior. Ahmad Nazrul Hakimi Ibrahim received his Ph.D. degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) / The National University of Malaysia in 2021. Currently, he has joined the Department of Civil Engineering, UKM as a senior lecturer. His current fields of interest include travel behavior, transport planning and management, and road safety.
ahmad firdhaus arham, abdul hadi nawawi, sathees balachandru, muhammad firdaus aziz, jamsari alias, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim & mohamad zuber abd majid. (2024). analysis of shenzhen housing prices using geographic big data for adaptation in malaysia. - malaysia-saudi arabia international conference on youth and community issues 2024. 79-82.
ahmad firdhaus arham, abdul hadi nawawi, sathees balachandru, muhammad firdaus aziz, jamsari alias, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim. (2024). geographical big data analysis of house price in shenzhen for adaptation in malaysia. - the seybold report. 718-727.
jie shang, ting jiang, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, yanzhi pang. (2024). exploration and practice of road engineering course teaching innovation based on iopm. - artificial intelligence, medical engineering and education: proceedings of the 7th international conference (aimee 2023). 727-735.
jianrong feng, jie shang, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim. (2024). disposal for the pinching people and objects accidents in fully automated operation urban rail transit lines based on fault tree analysis. - artificial intelligence, medical engineering and education: proceedings of the 7th international conference (aimee 2023). 430-438.
tun ahmad adlan asma'an jamaluddin, ahmad fakhri fakhruddin abd wahab, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan, mohamad hidir mhd salim. (2024). rangka kerja tingkah laku peralihan mod pengangkutan daripada kenderaan persendirian ke perkhidmatan transit rel. - akademika. 238-253.
muhammad ali rehman, norinah abd rahman, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, norashikin ahmad kamal, asmadi ahmad. (2024). estimation of soil erodibility in peninsular malaysia: a case study using multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks. - heliyon. 1-15.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, sitti asmah hassan, ahmad firdhaus arham, sharizal hashim. (2023). modelling of passenger satisfaction and reuse intention with monorail services in kuala lumpur, malaysia: a hybrid sem-ann approach. - mathematics. 1-21.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan, mohd haniff osman, faridah hanim khairuddin, nur mustakiza zakaria. (2022). an empirical study of passengers' perceived satisfaction with monorail service quality: case of kuala lumpur, malaysia. - sustainability. 1-17.
gailan ismat safaeldeen, ramez a. al-mansob, abdulnaser m. al-sabaeei, nur izzi md yusoff, amiruddin ismail, wah yen tey, wan nur aifa wan azahar, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahi, taha mohammed jassam. (2022). investigating the mechanical properties and durability of asphalt mixture modified with epoxidized natural rubber (enr) under short and long-term aging conditions. - polymers. 1-16.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan, mohd haniff osman, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, munzilah md. rohani. (2022). the influence of service quality on user's perceived satisfaction with light rail transit service in klang valley, malaysia. - mathematics. 1-21.
ahmad firdhaus arham, abdul hadi nawawi, sathees balachandru, muhammad firdaus aziz, jamsari alias, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim. (2024). geographical big data analysis of house price in shenzhen for adaptation in malaysia. - the seybold report. 718-727.
muhammad ali rehman, norinah abd rahman, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, norashikin ahmad kamal, asmadi ahmad. (2024). estimation of soil erodibility in peninsular malaysia: a case study using multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks. - heliyon. 1-15.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, sitti asmah hassan, ahmad firdhaus arham, sharizal hashim. (2023). modelling of passenger satisfaction and reuse intention with monorail services in kuala lumpur, malaysia: a hybrid sem-ann approach. - mathematics. 1-21.
suwarna subramaniam, hanis zulaikha mohd zin, jie shang, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan, ahmad firdaus arham. (2023). factors influencing risky riding behaviors among p-hailing riders in malaysia. - journal of hunan university (natural sciences). 116-124.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan, nur shaeza darus, nor aznirahani mhd yunin dan rozmi ismail. (2022). understanding the willingness of students to use bicycles for sustainable commuting in a university setting - a structural equation modelling approach. - mathematics. 1-20.
jianrong feng, jie shang, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim. (2024). disposal for the pinching people and objects accidents in fully automated operation urban rail transit lines based on fault tree analysis. - artificial intelligence, medical engineering and education: proceedings of the 7th international conference (aimee 2023). 430-438.
jie shang, ting jiang, ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, yanzhi pang. (2024). exploration and practice of road engineering course teaching innovation based on iopm. - artificial intelligence, medical engineering and education: proceedings of the 7th international conference (aimee 2023). 727-735.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan. (2023). studying the factors influencing user satisfaction and reuse intention towards monorail service using a pls-sem approach: a case study in kuala lumpur, malaysia. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-13.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan. (2022). transit rel bandar: kualiti perkhidmatan dan kepuasan pengguna. - . 261.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan. (2022). transit rel bandar: kualiti perkhidmatan dan kepuasan pengguna. - . 261.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim. (2023). sifar karbon: kos tinggi punca penggunaan bas elektrik masih rendah. - 1-4.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan. (2023). studying the factors influencing user satisfaction and reuse intention towards monorail service using a pls-sem approach: a case study in kuala lumpur, malaysia. - the 4th international conference on transportation infrastructure and sustainable development (tisdic 2023). 1-10.
ahmad nazrul hakimi bin ibrahim. (2023). warga kota dihambat kesesakan lalu lintas: bazir masa lebih 500 jam dalam kenderaan. - harian metro (metro ahad). 5.
ahmad nazrul hakimi ibrahim, muhamad nazri borhan. (2022). penyediaan perkhidmatan rel usaha wujudkan negara mampan. - berita harian. 12.
muhamad nazri bin borhan & ahmad nazrul hakimi bin ibrahim. (2022). apabila nyawa menjadi angka. - harian metro. 14.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMODELAN TINGKAH LAKU PEJALAN KAKI TERHADAP RISIKO TERBABIT DALAM KEMALANGAN JALAN RAYA | institut penyelidikan keselamatan jalan raya malaysia (miros) | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |