pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian perniagaan global & ekonomi digital (globde)
Dr. Dahlia Fernandez is a lecturer at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Faculty of Economics and Management in Bangi, Selangor. She earned a doctorate in accounting from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), a master`s degree in accounting from Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIA), and a bachelor`s degree in accounting from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
Her previous work experiences include Internal Auditor at CIMB Bank Berhad, Account Specialist at Sime Darby Global Services Centre Sdn. Bhd., and lecturer at MAHSA University and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).
Her specialisations include Accounting Information Systems (AIS), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Digital Accounting, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Global Business Services (GBS).
She has numerous publications in WOS, Scopus-indexed journals, conference proceedings, and newspapers, and is actively involved in university, national, and international research grants.
dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;hafizah binti omar zaki;nurul atasha binti jamaludin;soliha binti sanusi. (2024). factors influencing students` behavioral intentions towards the use of e-learning in malaysia during covid-19. - . .
soliha binti sanusi;ruzita binti abdul rahim;dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;aziatul waznah binti ghazali. (2024). online learning satisfaction: a comparative study between malaysia, indonesia and china students during covid 19 pandemic. - . .
shuifang li, aini binti aman, dahlia fernandez , soliha sanusi, shasha dong, yuqiong fan, zhenwei liao. (2024). value identification and its creation mechanism of digital transformation at enterprises. - ieee access. 55976-55997.
dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, hafizah omar zaki, aini aman. (2024). robotic process automation: bibliometric reflection and future opportunities. - european journal of innovation management. 692-712.
dahlia fernandez. (2024). penerapan ai jadikan perakaunan lebih dinamik. - berita harian. 11.
shuifang li, aini binti aman, dahlia fernandez , soliha sanusi, shasha dong, yuqiong fan, zhenwei liao. (2024). value identification and its creation mechanism of digital transformation at enterprises. - ieee access. 55976-55997.
dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, hafizah omar zaki, aini aman. (2024). robotic process automation: bibliometric reflection and future opportunities. - european journal of innovation management. 692-712.
hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, aini aman, soliha sanusi. (2023). virtual reality in digital marketing: research agenda based on bibliometric reflection. - marketing intelligence and planning. 1-20.
dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, hafizah omar zaki, aini aman. (2024). robotic process automation: bibliometric reflection and future opportunities. - european journal of innovation management. 692-712.
shuifang li, aini binti aman, dahlia fernandez , soliha sanusi, shasha dong, yuqiong fan, zhenwei liao. (2024). value identification and its creation mechanism of digital transformation at enterprises. - ieee access. 55976-55997.
nadzirah rosli, elaina rose johar, hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez mohd farid fernandez. (2023). the rise of virtual tour in tourism: a bibliometric review and future research agenda. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 781-799.
elaina rose johar, nadzirah rosli, hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez mohd farid fernandez. (2023). does happiness really matter? exploring employee wellbeing recent research trends: a bibliometric analysis using r. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 550-567.
hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, aini aman, soliha sanusi. (2023). virtual reality in digital marketing: research agenda based on bibliometric reflection. - marketing intelligence and planning. 1-20.
hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . 11.
hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . 11.
soliha binti sanusi;ruzita binti abdul rahim;dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;aziatul waznah binti ghazali. (2024). online learning satisfaction: a comparative study between malaysia, indonesia and china students during covid 19 pandemic. - . .
dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;hafizah binti omar zaki;nurul atasha binti jamaludin;soliha binti sanusi. (2024). factors influencing students` behavioral intentions towards the use of e-learning in malaysia during covid-19. - . .
dahlia fernandez. (2024). penerapan ai jadikan perakaunan lebih dinamik. - berita harian. 11.
hafizah binti omar zaki;kamarul baraini binti keliwon;siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;syaima`binti adznan;suzana binti muhamad said;dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;nurul atasha binti jamaludin. (2023). pembelian kompulsif atas talian dikalangan pelajar universiti semasa pandemik covid-19: kebaikan atau kecelaruan?. - . .
dahlia fernandez, hafizah omar zaki. (2022). mapping the state of the art of robotic process automation: a bibliometric analysis. - 5th international conference on governance & strategic management. 29.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INVESTIGATING THE ROLE OF AI-POWERED EDUCATIONAL GAME IN SHAPING MALAYSIAN YOUTHS INTO FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS | infusion information technology sdn bhd | 63.7% (2023-12-01 sehingga 2025-11-30) |
PENGARUH AUTOMASI PROSES ROBOTIK (APR) TERHADAP UNIT PERAKAUNAN DAN KEWANGAN DI INDUSTRI SEKTOR AWAM | cognitive consulting sdn bhd | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
BLOCKCHAIN ADOPTION FOR AML COMPLIANCE: INSIGHTS FROM MALAYSIA’S FINANCIAL SECTOR | qne optimum sdn. bhd | 11.5% (2024-12-16 sehingga 2026-12-15) |