pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian keutuhan tadbir urus & akauntabiliti (grace)
Dr Aziatul Waznah Ghazali memiliki Diploma Perakaunan dan Sarjana Muda Perakaunan dari Universiti Teknologi MARA dan Ijazah Sarjana dalam bidang yang sama dari University of Strathclyde, Scotland. Beliau juga memperoleh Ijazah Sarjana yang kedua pada 2014 dan melanjutkan pengajian PhD, yang juga dalam bidang perakaunan dari Kingston University London pada 2018. Kerjaya akademik beliau bermula dengan pelantikannya sebagai pensyarah di Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) pada 2010. Beliau kemudian dilantik sebagai pensyarah kanan pada 2019 di Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Dr Aziatul mengkhusus dalam kajian kuantitatif yang melibatkan pelaporan kewangan, tadbir urus korporat, pengauditan dan kriminologi kewangan. Beliau juga berminat dalam penyelidikan berkaitanperusahaan sosial, serta dalam pelaporan alam sekitar dan mampan. Karya beliau berdasarkan penyelidikan tersebut telah diterbitkan dalam jurnal berwasit yang mantap, prosiding antarabangsa, serantau dan nasional, serta laporan teknikal dan modul latihan. Dari segi pengiktirafan dan anugerah untuk inovasi produk, Dr Aziatul telah memenangi pelbagai pingat emas, perak dan gangsa di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa seperti IIDEX, PECIPTA, dan MTE.
Dr Aziatul Waznah Ghazali holds a Diploma in Accounting and Bachelor in Accounting from Universiti Teknologi MARA and a Masters degree in the same field from University of Strathclyde, Scotland. She obtained another Masters degree in 2014 and pursue her PhD, which is also in the area of accounting from Kingston University London in 2018. Dr Aziatul’s academic career began with her appointment as a lecturer at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in 2010. She was then appointed as a senior lecturer in 2019 at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
As for her research interest, she specialises in quantitative studies involving financial reporting, corporate governance, auditing and financial criminology. She also has a keen interest in social enterprises, as well as in environmental and sustainable reporting. Her works based on those researches have been published in established refereed journals, international, regional, and national proceedings, as well as technical reports and training modules. In terms of recognition and award for product innovation, Dr Aziatul has won numerous gold, silver and bronze medals both at national and international level such as IIDEX, PECIPTA, and MTE.
aziatul waznah binti ghazali;mara ridhuan bin che abdul rahman;soliha binti sanusi. (2024). digitizing the accounting education: integrating the remote learning concept and the work-integrated learning application in hei . - . .
soliha binti sanusi;ruzita binti abdul rahim;dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;aziatul waznah binti ghazali. (2024). online learning satisfaction: a comparative study between malaysia, indonesia and china students during covid 19 pandemic. - . .
aziatul waznah ghazali, nur aima shafie, zuraidah mohd sanusi, soliha sanusi, salwa zolkaflil. (2023). governance for sustainable social enterprise performance: moving beyond control mechanisms. - asia-pacific management accounting journal. 155-177.
nur aima shafie, zuraidah mohd sanusi, aziatul waznah ghazali, zahari md rodzi, noorraha abdul razak. (2023). the state, role and challenges of social entrepreneurship in malaysia. - european proceedings of social and behavioural sciences. 628-642.
zulaikha amirah johari, aziatul waznah ghazali, yusarina mat isa, nur aima shafie, soliha sanusi. (2023). digital disruption and cybersecurity threats: redefining the role of internal auditing. - international conference technology, humanities and management, building a sustainable future: fostering synergy between technology, business and humanity (icthm 2023). 788-801.
aziatul waznah ghazali, nur aima shafie, zuraidah mohd sanusi, soliha sanusi, salwa zolkaflil. (2023). governance for sustainable social enterprise performance: moving beyond control mechanisms. - asia-pacific management accounting journal. 155-177.
aziatul waznah ghazali, nur aima shafie, zuraidah mohd sanusi, nor balkish zakaria. (2022). political influence, governance mechanisms and financial reporting quality: a study on the earnings management practices of malaysian listed firms. - international journal of academic research in accounting, finance and management sciences. 474-496.
qutaiba khaled abdu alkhazaleh, aziatul waznah ghazali, amirul shah md shahbudin. (2022). the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and firm performance - evidence from jordanians listed firms. - international journal of academic research in accounting, finance and management sciences. 116-138.
fathin nabila asman, dahlia fernandez, nurul atasha jamaludin, hafizah omar zaki, aziatul waznah ghazali. (2022). cash conversion cycle and firm's performance. - international journal of academic research in business & social sciences. 2682-2692.
soliha sanusi, aziatul waznah ghazali, nur fatin najihah azahar, aini aman, dahlia fernandez, syaima adznan. (2022). the effect of covid-19 pandemic on the global business services industry in malaysia: surviving the business onslaught. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1493-1512.
hafizah omar zaki, nurul atasha jamaludin, aziatul waznah ghazali. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . 10.
hafizah omar zaki, nurul atasha jamaludin, aziatul waznah ghazali. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . 10.
soliha sanusi, muaz mohd zaini makhtar, aziatul waznah ghazali. (2023). microbial fuel cell (mfc) applications for sludge valorization. - . 10.
aziatul waznah ghazali, soliha sanusi, zulaikha amirah johari, muaz mohd zaini makhtar. (2023). microbial fuel cell (mfc) applications for sludge valorization. - . 253.
aziatul waznah binti ghazali;mara ridhuan bin che abdul rahman;soliha binti sanusi. (2024). digitizing the accounting education: integrating the remote learning concept and the work-integrated learning application in hei . - . .
soliha binti sanusi;ruzita binti abdul rahim;dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;aziatul waznah binti ghazali. (2024). online learning satisfaction: a comparative study between malaysia, indonesia and china students during covid 19 pandemic. - . .
zuraidah mohd sanusi, nur aima shafie, aziatul waznah ghazali, yusarina mat isa, soliha sanusi, yusri huzaimi mat jusoh. (2022). integrating trustworthy framework in digital auditing: readiness of public sector accountants and auditors. - . 1-59.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INVESTIGATING THE ROLE OF AI-POWERED EDUCATIONAL GAME IN SHAPING MALAYSIAN YOUTHS INTO FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS | infusion information technology sdn bhd | 63.7% (2023-12-01 sehingga 2025-11-30) |
BLOCKCHAIN ADOPTION FOR AML COMPLIANCE: INSIGHTS FROM MALAYSIA’S FINANCIAL SECTOR | qne optimum sdn. bhd | 11.5% (2024-12-16 sehingga 2026-12-15) |
pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian perniagaan global & ekonomi digital (globde)
aziatul waznah binti ghazali;mara ridhuan bin che abdul rahman;soliha binti sanusi. (2024). digitizing the accounting education: integrating the remote learning concept and the work-integrated learning application in hei . - . .
soliha binti sanusi;ruzita binti abdul rahim;dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;aziatul waznah binti ghazali. (2024). online learning satisfaction: a comparative study between malaysia, indonesia and china students during covid 19 pandemic. - . .
aziatul waznah ghazali, nur aima shafie, zuraidah mohd sanusi, soliha sanusi, salwa zolkaflil. (2023). governance for sustainable social enterprise performance: moving beyond control mechanisms. - asia-pacific management accounting journal. 155-177.
nur aima shafie, zuraidah mohd sanusi, aziatul waznah ghazali, zahari md rodzi, noorraha abdul razak. (2023). the state, role and challenges of social entrepreneurship in malaysia. - european proceedings of social and behavioural sciences. 628-642.
zulaikha amirah johari, aziatul waznah ghazali, yusarina mat isa, nur aima shafie, soliha sanusi. (2023). digital disruption and cybersecurity threats: redefining the role of internal auditing. - international conference technology, humanities and management, building a sustainable future: fostering synergy between technology, business and humanity (icthm 2023). 788-801.
aziatul waznah ghazali, nur aima shafie, zuraidah mohd sanusi, soliha sanusi, salwa zolkaflil. (2023). governance for sustainable social enterprise performance: moving beyond control mechanisms. - asia-pacific management accounting journal. 155-177.
aziatul waznah ghazali, nur aima shafie, zuraidah mohd sanusi, nor balkish zakaria. (2022). political influence, governance mechanisms and financial reporting quality: a study on the earnings management practices of malaysian listed firms. - international journal of academic research in accounting, finance and management sciences. 474-496.
qutaiba khaled abdu alkhazaleh, aziatul waznah ghazali, amirul shah md shahbudin. (2022). the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and firm performance - evidence from jordanians listed firms. - international journal of academic research in accounting, finance and management sciences. 116-138.
fathin nabila asman, dahlia fernandez, nurul atasha jamaludin, hafizah omar zaki, aziatul waznah ghazali. (2022). cash conversion cycle and firm's performance. - international journal of academic research in business & social sciences. 2682-2692.
soliha sanusi, aziatul waznah ghazali, nur fatin najihah azahar, aini aman, dahlia fernandez, syaima adznan. (2022). the effect of covid-19 pandemic on the global business services industry in malaysia: surviving the business onslaught. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1493-1512.
hafizah omar zaki, nurul atasha jamaludin, aziatul waznah ghazali. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . 10.
hafizah omar zaki, nurul atasha jamaludin, aziatul waznah ghazali. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . 10.
soliha sanusi, muaz mohd zaini makhtar, aziatul waznah ghazali. (2023). microbial fuel cell (mfc) applications for sludge valorization. - . 10.
aziatul waznah ghazali, soliha sanusi, zulaikha amirah johari, muaz mohd zaini makhtar. (2023). microbial fuel cell (mfc) applications for sludge valorization. - . 253.
aziatul waznah binti ghazali;mara ridhuan bin che abdul rahman;soliha binti sanusi. (2024). digitizing the accounting education: integrating the remote learning concept and the work-integrated learning application in hei . - . .
soliha binti sanusi;ruzita binti abdul rahim;dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;aziatul waznah binti ghazali. (2024). online learning satisfaction: a comparative study between malaysia, indonesia and china students during covid 19 pandemic. - . .
zuraidah mohd sanusi, nur aima shafie, aziatul waznah ghazali, yusarina mat isa, soliha sanusi, yusri huzaimi mat jusoh. (2022). integrating trustworthy framework in digital auditing: readiness of public sector accountants and auditors. - . 1-59.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INVESTIGATING THE ROLE OF AI-POWERED EDUCATIONAL GAME IN SHAPING MALAYSIAN YOUTHS INTO FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS | infusion information technology sdn bhd | 63.7% (2023-12-01 sehingga 2025-11-30) |
BLOCKCHAIN ADOPTION FOR AML COMPLIANCE: INSIGHTS FROM MALAYSIA’S FINANCIAL SECTOR | qne optimum sdn. bhd | 11.5% (2024-12-16 sehingga 2026-12-15) |