Dr. Razik Ridzuan Mohd Tajuddin is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia since December 2022. Interested in theoretical statistics with applications to actuarial science which includes GLM and inflated models, as well as quantitative criminology. Current research focus is on the development of heatmaps/hotspots from narcotics abuse crimes in Malaysia, in collaboration with Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Narkotik, Polis DiRaja Malaysia.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2024). recent advances in estimating the criminal population. - salus journal. 1-14.
gadir alomair, razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, hassan s. bakouch, amal almohisen. (2024). a statistical model for count data analysis and population size estimation: introducing a mixed poisson-lindley distribution and its zero truncation. - axioms. 1-21.
nurulkamal masseran, muhammad aslam mohd safari, razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin. (2024). probabilistic classification of the severity classes of unhealthy air pollution events. - environmental monitoring and assessment. 1-15.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2024). on stochastic representations of the zero-one-inflated poisson lindley distribution. - mathematics. 1-16.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2023). penentuan saiz populasi penjenayah. - majalah scitech. 1-4.
gadir alomair, razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, hassan s. bakouch, amal almohisen. (2024). a statistical model for count data analysis and population size estimation: introducing a mixed poisson-lindley distribution and its zero truncation. - axioms. 1-21.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2024). on stochastic representations of the zero-one-inflated poisson lindley distribution. - mathematics. 1-16.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail, kamarulzaman ibrahim, shaiful anuar abu bakar. (2022). a new zero-one-inflated poisson-lindley distribution for modeling overdispersed count data. - bulletin of the malaysian mathematical sciences society. 21-35.
nurulkamal masseran, muhammad aslam mohd safari, razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin. (2024). probabilistic classification of the severity classes of unhealthy air pollution events. - environmental monitoring and assessment. 1-15.
nurulkamal masseran, razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, mohd talib latif. (2023). classifying severity of unhealthy air pollution events in malaysia: a decision tree model. - sains malaysiana. 2971-2983.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, nurulkamal masseran. (2023). quantifying haze effect using air pollution index data. - sains malaysiana. -.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail, kamarulzaman ibrahim. (2022). several two-component mixture distributions for count data. - communications in statistics - simulation and computation. 3760-3771.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2024). recent advances in estimating the criminal population. - salus journal. 1-14.
gadir alomair, razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, hassan s. bakouch, amal almohisen. (2024). a statistical model for count data analysis and population size estimation: introducing a mixed poisson-lindley distribution and its zero truncation. - axioms. 1-21.
nurulkamal masseran, muhammad aslam mohd safari, razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin. (2024). probabilistic classification of the severity classes of unhealthy air pollution events. - environmental monitoring and assessment. 1-15.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2024). on stochastic representations of the zero-one-inflated poisson lindley distribution. - mathematics. 1-16.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2023). a new one-parameter size-biased poisson distribution for modelling underdispersed count data. - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 164-172.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2023). penentuan saiz populasi penjenayah. - majalah scitech. 1-4.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMBANGUNAN DAN PENGOPERASIAN PANGKALAN DATA FORENSIK MOLEKUL NPS | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 42.8% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2026-12-31) |
A SPATIOTEMPORAL ANALYSIS AND HOTSPOTS DETECTION FOR NARCOTIC-RELATED ACTIVITIES IN MALAYSIA | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |