pensyarah universiti
ukm-graduate school of business (ukm-gsb)
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). optimizing financial performance: a framework for malaysian public higher education through enterprise risk management. - international conference on humanities, social science and business management (ichssbm-2024). 1-15.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). cb-sem modelling on work coordination and enterprise risk management towards performance of malaysian public higher education. - 4th international conference on advancing knowledge from multidisciplinary perspectives in engineering & technology. 1-16.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, ainul huda jamil, mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, aisyah abdul rahman, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). pioneering pathways elevating risk communication in higher education. - international conference on scientific research. 1-15.
mazzlida mat deli, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah, siti norliyana harun. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organisations and society. - . 14.
rihana firdaus, siti norliyana harun, marlia m. hanafiah, mazzlida mat deli, sajal kumar adhikary. (2024). life cycle assessment of rice straw for energy valorization: a comprehensive review of methodological trends and future outlooks. - wires: energy and environment. 1-28.
rihana firdaus, siti norliyana harun, marlia m. hanafiah, mazzlida mat deli, sajal kumar adhikary. (2024). life cycle assessment of rice straw for energy valorization: a comprehensive review of methodological trends and future outlooks. - wires: energy and environment. 1-28.
rihana firdaus, siti norliyana harun, marlia m. hanafiah, mazzlida mat deli, sajal kumar adhikary. (2024). life cycle assessment of rice straw for energy valorization: a comprehensive review of methodological trends and future outlooks. - wires: energy and environment. 1-28.
mazzlida mat deli, ummu ajirah abdul rauf, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, astri ayu purwati, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah, fauziah ismail, siti norliyana harun. (2024). a bibliometric article regarding twin technology in technology management for the year 2019-2023: industry in malaysia. - journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets). 925-940.
ainul huda jamil, mazzlida mat deli, ummu ajirah abdul rauf, maryam jamilah, suguna sinniah, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). resilience and sustainability in tourism-forestry systems through risk management framework: review and concept. - journal of law and sustainable development. 1-28.
mazzlida mat deli, salbiah mohamed salleh, anis dayana mohd zulkafli, wan niesrien wan mohd bakri, amni humayraa abrari, nuratirah abu dzarr. (2023). development of students' innovative character through creative teaching of islamic education teacher. - tuijin jishu/journal of propulsion technology. 4432-4444.
mazzlida mat deli, hapini awang, nursuhaili mansor, shehu malami sarkin tudu. (2023). exploring the effect of school authority support on the intention to utilize virtual learning environment from teachers perspectives. - journal of propulsion technology. 4620-4630.
mazzlida mat deli, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah, siti norliyana harun. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organisations and society. - . 14.
siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah, phuah kit teng, mazzlida mat deli. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organizations and society. - . 11.
mazzlida mat deli, ruhizan mohamad yasin, noraini mokhtar. (2023). konsep baharu penerapan pembelajaran orang asli berasaskan tenaga solar. - . 142.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). optimizing financial performance: a framework for malaysian public higher education through enterprise risk management. - international conference on humanities, social science and business management (ichssbm-2024). 1-15.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). cb-sem modelling on work coordination and enterprise risk management towards performance of malaysian public higher education. - 4th international conference on advancing knowledge from multidisciplinary perspectives in engineering & technology. 1-16.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, ainul huda jamil, maryam jamilah ashaari, mazzlida mat deli, mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, aisyah abdul rahman, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). are information systems crucial in higher education? evidence from empirical study. - 3rd international conference on multidisciplinary research for sustainable innovation (3rd icmrsi). 1-17.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, ainul huda jamil, mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, aisyah abdul rahman, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). pioneering pathways elevating risk communication in higher education. - international conference on scientific research. 1-15.
mazzlida mat deli, ummu ajirah abdul rauf, maryam jamilah ashaari. (2024). bibliometric analysis for quality management in the manufacturing sector: 2020 to 2024. - international summit scientific research congress. 1-16.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EMPOWERING DISABLED STUDENTS THROUGH CHATGPT TOWARDS ACHIEVING LOW-RISK WORK PROGRAMS | universitas negeri surabaya | 96.7% (2024-03-22 sehingga 2025-03-22) |
SMART GREEN SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICE: REDUCING FATALITIES IN E&E HGHV INDUSTRY | advanced materials (imram) | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |
MODELING SUSTAINABLE ORGANIC WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN THE HIGHLAND AREAS USING INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL AND LIFE CYCLE COSTING APPROACH | perbadanan pengurusan sisa pepejal dan pembersihan awam (swcorp) | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |