pensyarah universiti
ukm-graduate school of business (ukm-gsb)
Asma-Qamaliah Abdul-Hamid, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer at UKM-Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Her research interest is in circular economy, environmental management, sustainability and digitalization. She has been involved in research for more than five years with more than 20 high-impact publication including book chapters, refereed conference paper and refereed journal papers. In recognition of her outstanding contributions she has received numerous awards and accolades from national and international event, including the Outstanding Paper Award, Best Paper Award and Gold Poster Presentation Award. She plans to be a driving force in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation in creating a more just, sustainable, and resilient world for present and future generations.
asma-qamaliah abdul-hamid, mohd helmi ali, lokhman hakim osman, ming-lang tseng, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). an industry 4.0 adoption in the circular economy application hierarchical model: driver, enable and barrier aspects. - industrial management & data systems. 386-415.
asma-qamaliah abdul-hamid, mohd helmi ali, lokhman hakim osman, ming-lang tseng, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). an industry 4.0 adoption in the circular economy application hierarchical model: driver, enable and barrier aspects. - industrial management & data systems. 386-415.
asma-qamaliah abdul-hamid, mohd helmi ali, lokhman hakim osman, ming-lang tseng, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). an industry 4.0 adoption in the circular economy application hierarchical model: driver, enable and barrier aspects. - industrial management & data systems. 386-415.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
SCALING UP POULTRY-DERIVED MULTIFUNCTIONAL HALAL ELASTIN FOR GLOBAL MARKET VIABILITY | la proteina sdn.bhd | 10.1% (2025-02-01 sehingga 2026-02-01) |
EXPLORING BLOCKCHAIN HYPES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN: THE CASE OF MALAYSIAN POULTRY SECTOR | persatuan penternak dan usahawan ayam belanda | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |