Untuk Kegunaan UKM sahaja
For UKM use only
Dr Goh BS lulus sebagai doktor perubatan pada tahun 1996, dan sebagai doktor pakar bedah ENT pada Mei 2003 di UKM; melanjutkan latihan klinikal dalam subbidang pediatrik ENT di Pusat Perubatan Kanak-kanak Cincinnati, Ohio, Amerika Syarikat pada 2007 dan Great Ormond Street Hospital pada 2012. Amalan klinikalnya di hospital tertiari melibatkan pengurusan masalah kongenital ENT dan masalah kehilangan pendengaran di kalangan kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa. Beliau ialah Pengarah pertama Institut Telinga, Pendengaran dan Pertuturan (Institut-HEARS), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) pada 2012-2015. Pada masa ini, beliau Ketua Program Fellowship sub bidang pediatrik ENT, Fakulti Perubatan UKM; Ketua Pasukan Program Implan Koklear UKM dan Ketua Pasukan Klef di UKMMC. Beliau adalah ahli Program UKM Baha Implan dan Program Universal Saringan Pendengaran Bayi Baru Lahir, UKM. Beliau menyelia dan melatih pakar bedah lain di negara ini dan rantau ini mengenai pembedahan implan koklea dan masalah saluran pernafasan di kalangan kanak-kanak. Beliau telah dilantik oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia sebagai jurulatih dalam subkepakaran ORL pediatrik sejak 2013. Beliau juga telah mengarang banyak artikel, editor buku pengurusan buku klef dan aktif dalam menjalankan penyelidikan dalam bidang berkaitan. Beliau ialah Presiden Persatuan Pakar Otorhinolaringologi Kepala dan Leher (MSOHNS) Malaysia untuk tahun 2016/2017. Beliau ialah ahli lembaga Kumpulan Otolaringologi Pediatrik Asia Pasifik (APOG) dan Akademi Neurotologi dan Audiologi ASEAN (AANOA). Sejak 2019, beliau dilantik oleh Kementerian Kesihatan sebagai salah seorang ahli jawatankuasa Pendaftaran Pakar ENT (NSR). Dr Goh adalah seorang penceramah jemputan di pelbagai persidangan, bengkel dan kongres di peringkat tempatan dan antarabangsa.
Dr Goh BS graduated in 1996, completed her residency in May 2003 at UKM and further her clinical training in paediatric ENT at Cincinnati Children Medical Centre, Ohio, USA in 2007 and visited Great Ormond Street Hospital in 2012. Her clinical practice in the tertiary hospital has centered on the management of paediatric ENT and passionate in the management of hearing loss in children and adult. She is the first Director of Institute of Ear, Hearing and Speech (Institute-HEARS), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 2012-2015. Currently, she is the Head of UKM Cochlear Implant Program and Head of Cleft Palate Team at UKMMC. She is member of UKM Baha Implant Program and UKM Universal Newborn Hearing Program. She supervised and trained other surgeons in this country and this region on cochlear implant surgery. She was appointed by Ministry of Health as trainer in paediaric ORL subspecialty since 2013. She has also authored many articles, editor of cleft book management and active in conducting research in the related field. She is the Past President of Malaysian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists-Head and Neck Surgeons (MSOHNS) for the year 2016/2017. She is the board member of Asian Pediatric Otolaryngology Group (APOG) and treasurer for the ASEAN Academy of Neurotology and Audiology (AANOA). Since 2019, she was appointed by Ministry of Health as one of the committee member of National Specialist Registry. Dr Goh has travelled as an invited speaker at numerous conferences, workshops and congresses at local and international level.
Sarjana Kepakaran , , 2003 |
Doktor (Perubatan) , UKM , 1996 |
CLINICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES - MEDICINE (Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology) |
CLINICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES - SURGERY (Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology) |
Lim Hui Hui,eh Yee Ling,yazmin Ahmad Rusli, Goh Bee See, & Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim. (2024). Language Abilities And Associated Risk Factors Of School-aged Children With Cleft Lip And Palate. - Plos One. 1-13. |
Goh Bee-see, Nur Af'idah Mohd Zulkefli, Asma Abdullah, Cila Umat, Norazlin Kamal Nor, Juriza Ismail, Stephen J. O'leary. (2024). Cochlear Implantation Outcomes In Children With Multiple Disabilities: A Topic That's Worth Revisiting. - Brazilian Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology. 1-7. |
M Nazir O, Goh Bs, Hasniah Al. (2015). Impact Of Adenotonsillectomy On The Quality Of Life In Children With Sleep Disordered Breathing. - Respirology. 119. |
Syed Zaifullah, Mohd Razif Mohamad Yunus, Goh Bee See. (2013). Diagnosis And Treatment Of Branchial Cleft Anomalies In Ukmmc: A 10-year Retrospective Study. - European Archives Of Oto-rhino-laryngology. 270(4):1501-6. |
Farim Rizal Wong Iqbal, Bee See Goh, And Ami Mazita. (2012). The Role Of Proton Pump Inhibitors In Adenoid Hypertrophy In Children. - Otolaryngology - Head And Neck Surgery. 147(2):329-334. |
Goh Bee See, Balwant Singh Gendeh, Isa Mohamed Rose, Sabiha Pit, Shamim Abd Samad.. (2005). Prevalence Of Allergic Fungal Sinusitis In Refractory Chronic Rhinosinusitis In Adult Malaysians. - Otolaryngology - Head And Neck Surgery. 133(1):27-31. |
Lida Muller, Bee See Goh, Antonio Paz Cordov´e, Gayane Sargsyan, Kapil Sikka, Shomeshwar Singh, Jianxin Qiu, Lei Xu, Petra L. Graham, Chris J. James, Paula Greenham. (2023). Longitudinal Outcomes For Educational Placement And Quality Of Life In A Prospectively Recruited Multinational Cohort Of Children With Cochlear Implants. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 1-8. |
Mohammad Nasyatmuddin Yahya, Bee-see Goh, Fahrin Zara Mohammad Nasseri, Nor Azlin Kamal Nor, Wan Nurulhuda Wan Md Zin & Hasniah Abdul Latif. (2022). Spectrum Of Upper Airway Pathology In Children With Down Syndrome In A Single Tertiary Centre. - Acta Oto-laryngologica. 187-190. |
Nur Fatihah Ainun Hamzah, Cila Umat, Deepashini Harithasan, Goh Bee See. (2021). Challenges Faced By Parents When Seeking Diagnosis For Children With Sensorineural Hearing Loss. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 1-7. |
Iylia Ajmal Othman , Asma Abdullah , Goh Bee See , Cila Umat , Richard S. Tyler. (2020). Auditory Performance In Early Implanted Children With Cochleovestibular Malformation And Cochlear Nerve Deficiency. - The Journal Of International Advanced Otology. 297-302. |
Haziq Hakimi Mohammad Azmi, Bee See Goh, Asma Abdullah And Cila Umat. (2020). The Outcomes Of Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. - Journal Acta Oto-laryngologica. 838-844. |
Z Zainol Abidin, F Mohd Zaki, T Y Kew, B S Goh And A Abdullah. (2020). Cochlear Nerve Canal Stenosis And Associated Semicircular Canal Abnormalities In Paediatric Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Single Centre Study. - Journal Of Laryngology And Otology. 603-609. |
Bee See Goh , Dayaabaran Marimuthu , Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim And Asma Abdullah. (2020). Surgical Management Of Cochlear Implant In Chronic Otitis Media Patients: Safe And Sound. - Acta Oto-laryngologica. 1-5. |
Goh Bs, I Razak, Z Nasseri. (2019). Surgical Outcomes Of Laryngomalacia At Ukmmc : A 9-year Review. - Medicine & Health. 59. |
Bee See Goh, Chian Ling Tang, Noor Dina Hashim, Tiagarajan Annamalay, Fairuz Nazri Abd Rahman. (2019). Hearing Status And Behavioural Patterns Among School Aged Children With Cleft Lip And/or Palate. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 1-5. |
T Ezulia, B S Goh And L Saim. (2019). Long-term Status Of Middle-ear Aeration Post Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy. - The Journal Of Laryngology & Otology. 662-667. |
Hardip Singh Gendeh, Asma Binti Abdullah, Bee See Goh, Noor Dina Hashim. (2019). Intracranial Complications Of Chronic Otitis Media: Why Does It Still Occur?. - Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. 416-419. |
Bee-see Goh, Noraziana Fadzillah, Asma Abdullah, Basyariatul Fathi Othman, Cila Umat. (2018). Long-term Outcomes Of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Cochlear Implant Program Among Pediatric Implantees. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 27-32. |
Suhana Abdul Rahim, Bee-see Goh, Safinaz Zainor, Roslenda Abdul Rahman, Asma Abdullah. (2018). Outcomes Of Bone Anchored Hearing Aid Implant At Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (ukmmc). - Indian Journal Of Otolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery. 28-32. |
Timothy Lw Wong, Marina Mat Baki, Shareena Ishak, Goh Bee See. (2018). A Bizarre Case Of Accessory Larynx In An Infant With Oeis Syndrome. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 134-137. |
Mawaddah Azman, Ruth Ng, Maryam Budiman, Goh Bee See. (2018). Novel Tubeless Supraglottic Ventilation In A Difficult Paediatric Airway. - Egyptian Journal Of Anaesthesia. 43-46. |
Siti Nurhadis Che Omar, Bee See Goh, Muhammad Azhan Ubaidah, Khairul Anuar Khairoji, Shamsul Sulaiman, Lokman Saim & Kien-hui Chua. (2018). Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3 Induced Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells For Auricular Chondrogenesis. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Abdul Razak, Bee See Goh, Jothi Raamahlingam Rajaran, Abd Jabar Nazimi. (2018). Numb Chin Syndrome: An Ominous Sign Of Mandibular Metastasis. - British Medical Journal (bmj)- Case Report. . |
Siti Hajar Sanudin, Goh Bee See, Kew Thean Yean, Ong Cheng Ai, Mohammad Hazmi Mohamed. (2017). Skull Base Osteomyelitis In Acute Otitis Media. - Rawal Medical Journal. 276-278. |
Goh Bee See, Siti Nurhadis Che Omar, Muhammad Azhan Ubaidah, Lokman Saim, Shamsul Sulaiman Dan Chua Kien Hui. (2017). Chondrogenesis Of Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells For Future Microtia Repair Using Co-culture Technique. - Acta Oto-laryngologica. 432-441. |
Salina Husain,sazafi Mohd Saad, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Lokman Saim, Mazita Ami. (2017). Frequency Of Otitis Media And Its Predisposing Factors. - Rawal Medical Journal. 372-378. |
Sze Yin Ng, Bee See Goh. (2016). A Toddler With Rhabdomyosarcoma Presenting As Acute Otitis Media With Mastoid Abscess. - Chinese Medical Journal. 1249-1250. |
Lum Sg, Noor Liza I, Priatharisiny V, Saraiza Ab, Goh Bs. (2016). Aetiological Profile Of Paediatric Stridor In A Malaysian Tertiary Hospital. - Malaysian Family Physician 2016. 40-44. |
Mohd Nazir Othman, Goh Bee See, Hasniah Abdul Latif. (2016). Impact Of Adenotonsillectomy On The Quality Of Life In Children With Sleep Disordered Breathing. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 105-107. |
Ishak M.f.b., See G.b., Hui C.k., Abdullah A.b., Saim L.b., Saim A.b., Idrus R.b.h.. (2015). The Formation Of Human Auricular Cartilage From Microtic Tissue: An In Vivo Study. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 1634-1639. |
Mf Maryam, W Rusydi, Mj Jaafar, Bs Goh. (2015). Supraglottic Foreign Body Aspiration: Delayed Diagnosis And Lesson Learnt. - Hong Kong Journal Of Emergency Medicine. 57-59. |
Goh Bs, Ismail Mi, Husain S. (2014). Quality Of Life Assessment In Patients With Moderate To Severe Allergic Rhinitis Treated With Montelukast And/or Intranasal Steroids: A Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study. - The Journal Of Laryngology & Otology. 128(3):242-248. |
A. Asma, M. A. Ubaidah, Siti Salbiah Hasan, W. H. Wan Fazlina, B. Y. Lim, L. Saim, B. S. Goh. (2013). Surgical Outcome Of Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (baha) Implant Surgery: A 10 Years Experience. - Indian Journal Of Otolaryngology And Head & Neck Surgery. 251-254. |
Azida Zainal, Bee See Goh, Abdullah Sani Mohamed. (2011). Supraglottoplasty For Laryngomalacia: Who Will Benefit?. - Asian Journal Of Surgery. 34(2):92-96. |
Mf Ishak, Kh Chua, A Asma, L Saim, Bs Aminuddin, Bhi Ruszymah, Bs Goh. (2011). Stem Cell Genes Are Poorly Expressed In Chondrocytes From Microtic Cartilage. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 75(6):835-840. |
Y S Ee, A J Sow, B S Goh. (2010). Unilateral Tongue Angioedema Caused By Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitor. - The Journal Of Laryngology And Otology. 124(12):1337-39. |
Zarina Abdul Latiff, Nor Azlin Kamal, Jeevanan Jahendran, Hamidah Alias, Bee See Goh, Syed Zulkifli Syed Zakaria, And Rahman Jamal And Rah. (2010). Vincristine-induced Vocal Cord Palsy Case Report And Review Of The Literature. - Journal Of Pediatric Hematology Oncology. 32(5):407-410. |
Mazita A, Wan Fazlina Wh, Abdullah A, Goh Bs, Saim L. (2009). Hearing Rehabilitation In Congenital Canal Atresia. - Singapore Medical Journal. 50(11):1072-1076. |
Bs Goh, Sp Tan, S Hussain, Im Rose, L Saim. (2009). Metachronous Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumour In The Temporal Bone: Case Report. - Journal Of Laryngology And Otology. 123(10):1184-1187. |
Ves Tan, Bs Goh. (2007). Parotid Abscess: A Five-year Review - Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis And Management. - Journal Of Laryngology And Otology. 121(9):872-879. |
Ms Sakina, Bs Goh, A Abdullah, Ma Zulfiqar, L.saim. (2006). Internal Auditory Canal Stenosis In Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 70(1):2093-97. |
Goh Bee-see, Nur Af'idah Mohd Zulkefli, Asma Abdullah, Cila Umat, Norazlin Kamal Nor, Juriza Ismail, Stephen J. O'leary. (2024). Cochlear Implantation Outcomes In Children With Multiple Disabilities: A Topic That's Worth Revisiting. - Brazilian Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology. 1-7. |
Lim Hui Hui,eh Yee Ling,yazmin Ahmad Rusli, Goh Bee See, & Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim. (2024). Language Abilities And Associated Risk Factors Of School-aged Children With Cleft Lip And Palate. - Plos One. 1-13. |
Sobhashinni Chandran, Boon Chye Gan, Bee-see Goh. (2023). The Mysterious Whistling Breath: Foreign Body Aspiration. - Cureus. 1-5. |
Muizzuddin Fuad, Bee See Goh, Farah Liana Lokman, Mohd Razif Mohamad Yunus. (2023). Blue Parotid Unveiled: A Rare Case Of Traumatic Hemorrhagic Parotid Lymphangioma In An Eight Year-old Boy. - Cureus. 1-8. |
Siang Poon Goh, Danny Kit Chung Wong, Geng Ju Tuang, Bee See Goh. (2023). External Auditory Canal Paraganglioma Causing Chronic Mastoiditis With Complications Of Bezold And Luc's Abscesses. - Indian Journal Of Otology. 263-265. |
Isaac Yieng Ler Tan, Hardip Gendeh, Marina Mat Baki, Reena Rahayu Md Zin, Bee See Goh. (2023). A Diagnostic Conundrum: Tuberculosis Or Salmonella Neck Abscess?. - Cureus. 1-4. |
Lida Muller, Bee See Goh, Antonio Paz Cordov´e, Gayane Sargsyan, Kapil Sikka, Shomeshwar Singh, Jianxin Qiu, Lei Xu, Petra L. Graham, Chris J. James, Paula Greenham. (2023). Longitudinal Outcomes For Educational Placement And Quality Of Life In A Prospectively Recruited Multinational Cohort Of Children With Cochlear Implants. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 1-8. |
Rachel Lim, Asma Abdullah, Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim And Bee See Goh. (2023). Hearing Rehabilitation In Patients With Congenital Aural Atresia: An Observational Study In A Tertiary Center. - The Egyptian Journal Of Otolaryngology. 1-8. |
Wan Nabila Wan Mansor, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Cila Umat, Shamsul Azhar Shah. (2023). Factors Affecting Early And Late Cochlear Implantation. - International Tinnitus Journal. 34-39. |
Nur Izzati Ishak, Bee See Goh, Mohammad Fariz Amr. (2022). Primary Middle Ear Papilloma: A Case Report. - Rawal Medical Journal. 244-246. |
Boon Chin Te, Bee See Goh. (2022). Case Series Of Tuberculous Otitis Media: Spectrum Of Clinical Presentation And Outcome. - Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola. 123-129. |
Chong Foong Yen; Cila Umat; Mak Kah Kei; Goh Yan Jin Goh; Badrulzaman Abdul Hamid; And Goh Bee See. (2022). Semi-automating A Mandarin Pediatric Speech Perception Test For Use By Non-mandarin Speaking Audiologists: A Preliminary Study. - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine. 25. |
Anna Fariza Jumaat, Hardip Gendeh, Aida W. Mohd Mustapha, Geok C. Tan, Bee S. Goh. (2022). Otalgia And Facial Nerve Palsy: Common Symptoms Revealing The Uncommon Pathology Of Middle Ear Lymphoma. - Cureus. 1-8. |
Farah L. Lokman, Bee See Goh. (2022). Paediatric Adenotonsillectomy: Its Safety And Outcome In A Malaysian Tertiary Medical Center. - Indian Journal Of Otolaryngology And Head & Neck Surgery. 1050-1055. |
Anna F. Jumaat, Hardip Gendeh, Aida W. Mohd Mustapha, Geok C. Tan, Bee S. Goh. (2022). Otalgia And Facial Nerve Palsy : Common Symptoms Revealing The Uncommon Pathology Of Middle Ear Lymphoma.. - Cureus. 1-8. |
Mohammad Nasyatmuddin Yahya, Bee-see Goh, Fahrin Zara Mohammad Nasseri, Nor Azlin Kamal Nor, Wan Nurulhuda Wan Md Zin & Hasniah Abdul Latif. (2022). Spectrum Of Upper Airway Pathology In Children With Down Syndrome In A Single Tertiary Centre. - Acta Oto-laryngologica. 187-190. |
Mahmud Ka, Kew Yt, Goh Bs. (2022). Dilemma In The Treatment Of Paediatric Vagal Paraganglioma. - Iium Medical Journal Malaysia. 160-162. |
Farhan Fader, Hardip Singh Gendeh, Bee See Goh. (2022). Where Are The Vesicles? A Case Report Of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. - Malaysian Family Physician. 90-93. |
Asma A, Nasseri Z, Noor Dina H, Khairil Afif M, Goh Bs, Norazlin Kn, Juriza I,shahizon Azura, Faizah Mz, Azizi Ab. (2021). Cholesteatoma: How Delayed Diagnoses Become Morbidities?. - The Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 4. |
Nur Fatihah Ainun Hamzah, Cila Umat, Deepashini Harithasan, Goh Bee See. (2021). Challenges Faced By Parents When Seeking Diagnosis For Children With Sensorineural Hearing Loss. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 1-7. |
Farah Dayana Zahedi, Mohd Ikram Abdul Hakim, Salina Husain, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Adli Ali, Lokman Mohd Noh, Intan Hakimah Ismail, Saraiza Abu Bakar. (2021). The Ent Conundrum In Primary Immunodeficiency: What Are We Missing?. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 5. |
Noraimi Khamalrudin, Bee See Goh. (2021). Postcricoid Haemangioma With Laryngomalacia In Infancy. - Bmj Case Report. 1-3. |
Nurhamizah Mahmud, Hasniah Abdul Latif, Faizah Mohd Zaki, Bee See Goh. (2021). Tracheal Cartilagious Sleeve In Pfeiffer Syndrome: Lesson Learnt From Its Rarity. - Bmj Case Reports. 1-4. |
Z Zainol Abidin, F Mohd Zaki, T Y Kew, B S Goh And A Abdullah. (2020). Cochlear Nerve Canal Stenosis And Associated Semicircular Canal Abnormalities In Paediatric Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Single Centre Study. - Journal Of Laryngology And Otology. 603-609. |
Haziq Hakimi Mohammad Azmi, Bee See Goh, Asma Abdullah And Cila Umat. (2020). The Outcomes Of Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. - Journal Acta Oto-laryngologica. 838-844. |
Abdul Halim Rk , Saim L, Goh Bee See. (2020). Yolk Sac Tumour With Immature Teratoma Of Parapharyngeal Space Mimicking Chronic Otitis Externa Presentation. - International Medical Journal. 490-492. |
Bee See Goh , Dayaabaran Marimuthu , Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim And Asma Abdullah. (2020). Surgical Management Of Cochlear Implant In Chronic Otitis Media Patients: Safe And Sound. - Acta Oto-laryngologica. 1-5. |
S. Norhafizah, H. Salina, B.s. Goh. (2020). Prevalence Of Allergic Rhinitis In Children With Otitis Media With Effusion. - European Annals Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology. 121-130. |
Ikram Hakim, Goh Bee See, Hamzaini Abd Hamid. (2020). Neck Swelling In A Child : Now You See It, Now You Don't?. - International Medical Journal Malaysia. 117-119. |
Goh Bs, Sarniza Z, Nasseri Z, Liu Cy. (2020). Management Dilemma In A Rare Case Of Subglottic Mass In An Infant. - International Medical Journal. 325-326. |
Kai-jun Tey, Bee-see Goh,faizah Mohd-zaki. (2020). Intermittent Suprasternal Neck Mass Caused By Herniation Of Ectopic Thymus: Report Of Two Cases. - Iranian Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology. 391-395. |
Johannas Mohd Yusof, Jeyasakthy Saniasiaya, Norhaslinda Ab Gani, Goh Bee See. (2020). Adolescent Temporal Bone Fibrous Dysplasia. - Indian Journal Of Otology. 191-193. |
Lee Lee Chin, Fahrin Zara Mohammad Nasseri, Bee See Goh. (2020). Congenital Vallecular Cyst Mimicking Laryngomalacia In Infants. - International Medical Journal. 694-697. |
Mohd Zulkefli N, Goh Bs, Amri F, Tan Gc. (2020). Recurrent Otorrhea In A Child: Early Sign Of Temporal Bone Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. - International Medical Journal Malaysia. 116-119. |
Iylia Ajmal Othman , Asma Abdullah , Goh Bee See , Cila Umat , Richard S. Tyler. (2020). Auditory Performance In Early Implanted Children With Cochleovestibular Malformation And Cochlear Nerve Deficiency. - The Journal Of International Advanced Otology. 297-302. |
Goh Bee See, Sarniza Zaino, Zara Nasseri, Liu Chian Yong. (2019). Management Dilemma In A Rare Case Of Subglottic Mass In An Infant. - International Medical Journal. 301-302. |
Bee See Goh, Chian Ling Tang, Noor Dina Hashim, Tiagarajan Annamalay, Fairuz Nazri Abd Rahman. (2019). Hearing Status And Behavioural Patterns Among School Aged Children With Cleft Lip And/or Palate. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 1-5. |
Cila Umat, Nor Haniza Abdul Wahat, Sakinah Che Ross, Goh Bee See. (2019). Quality Of Life Of Parents And Siblings Of Children With Cochlear Implants. - Journal Of Otology. 17-21. |
Nur Izzati Ishak, Goh Bee See. (2019). The Same Old Story Of Delayed Diagnosis Of Airway Foreign Body: What Should We Learnt?. - International Medical Journal. 431-433. |
Kwong-yew Leong, Bee-see Goh. (2019). Acquired Paediatric Vocal Cord Paralysis Secondary To Cardiothoracic Surgery. - International Medical Journal. 402-404. |
Bee See Goh, Chian Ling Tang, Geok Chin Tan. (2019). Myeloid Sarcoma Of Temporal Bone: A Rare Manifestation Of Relapse Acute Myeloid Leukemia. - Indian Journal Of Otolaryngology And Head & Neck Surgery. 1023-1026. |
Nor Hafiza Qz, Bee See Goh. (2019). Foreign Body Aspiration In Children: A 5 Year Review In An Urban Hospital. - International Medical Journal. 180-182. |
Hardip Singh Gendeh; Goh Bee See. (2019). Branchial Cleft Anomaly: An Unusual Tale Of Bilateral First And Second Arch. - International Medical Journal. 1-3. |
Goh Bee See, Nor Azirah Salahuddin, Asma Abdullah. (2019). Experience Of Baha Attract System In Malaysia. - International Medical Journal. 498-500. |
T Ezulia, B S Goh And L Saim. (2019). Long-term Status Of Middle-ear Aeration Post Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy. - The Journal Of Laryngology & Otology. 662-667. |
Hardip Singh Gendeh, Asma Binti Abdullah, Bee See Goh, Noor Dina Hashim. (2019). Intracranial Complications Of Chronic Otitis Media: Why Does It Still Occur?. - Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. 416-419. |
Rosla Luqman, Goh Bee See, Zahedi Farah Dayana, Kew Thean Yean, Abu Bakar Azizi. (2018). The Fast And Furious, A Rare Case Of Primary Burkitt's Lymphona Of The Skull Base. - Egyptian Journal Of Ear, Nose, Throat And Allied Sciences. . |
Abdul Razak, Bee See Goh, Jothi Raamahlingam Rajaran, Abd Jabar Nazimi. (2018). Numb Chin Syndrome: An Ominous Sign Of Mandibular Metastasis. - British Medical Journal (bmj)- Case Report. . |
Mawaddah Azman, Ruth Ng, Maryam Budiman, Goh Bee See. (2018). Novel Tubeless Supraglottic Ventilation In A Difficult Paediatric Airway. - Egyptian Journal Of Anaesthesia. 43-46. |
Siti Nurhadis Che Omar, Bee See Goh, Muhammad Azhan Ubaidah, Khairul Anuar Khairoji, Shamsul Sulaiman, Lokman Saim & Kien-hui Chua. (2018). Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3 Induced Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells For Auricular Chondrogenesis. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Timothy Lw Wong, Marina Mat Baki, Shareena Ishak, Goh Bee See. (2018). A Bizarre Case Of Accessory Larynx In An Infant With Oeis Syndrome. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 134-137. |
Bee-see Goh, Noraziana Fadzillah, Asma Abdullah, Basyariatul Fathi Othman, Cila Umat. (2018). Long-term Outcomes Of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Cochlear Implant Program Among Pediatric Implantees. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 27-32. |
Suhana Abdul Rahim, Bee-see Goh, Safinaz Zainor, Roslenda Abdul Rahman, Asma Abdullah. (2018). Outcomes Of Bone Anchored Hearing Aid Implant At Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (ukmmc). - Indian Journal Of Otolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery. 28-32. |
Bee See Goh, Izham Mesran, Farah Dayana Zahedi. (2018). Management Of Paediatric Laryngotrachealstenosis And Outcome In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center. - International Medical Journal. . |
Goh Bee See, Siti Nurhadis Che Omar, Muhammad Azhan Ubaidah, Lokman Saim, Shamsul Sulaiman Dan Chua Kien Hui. (2017). Chondrogenesis Of Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells For Future Microtia Repair Using Co-culture Technique. - Acta Oto-laryngologica. 432-441. |
Salina Husain,sazafi Mohd Saad, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Lokman Saim, Mazita Ami. (2017). Frequency Of Otitis Media And Its Predisposing Factors. - Rawal Medical Journal. 372-378. |
M.y Soo, B.s Goh, M. Azman. (2017). Outcomes Of Endoscopic Balloon Dilatation For Acquired Laryngotracheal Stenosis In Pediatric Patients: Ukmmc Early Experience. - Brunei International Medical Journal. 36-40. |
Siti Hajar Sanudin, Goh Bee See, Kew Thean Yean, Ong Cheng Ai, Mohammad Hazmi Mohamed. (2017). Skull Base Osteomyelitis In Acute Otitis Media. - Rawal Medical Journal. 276-278. |
Lum Sg, Noor Liza I, Priatharisiny V, Saraiza Ab, Goh Bs. (2016). Aetiological Profile Of Paediatric Stridor In A Malaysian Tertiary Hospital. - Malaysian Family Physician 2016. 40-44. |
Sze Yin Ng, Bee See Goh. (2016). A Toddler With Rhabdomyosarcoma Presenting As Acute Otitis Media With Mastoid Abscess. - Chinese Medical Journal. 1249-1250. |
Mohd Nazir Othman, Goh Bee See, Hasniah Abdul Latif. (2016). Impact Of Adenotonsillectomy On The Quality Of Life In Children With Sleep Disordered Breathing. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 105-107. |
Fadzilah N., Azman M., See G.b.. (2016). Congenital Midline Tongue Base Mass In An Infant: Lingual Hamartoma. - Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research. MD01-MD03. |
Asma A, Goh Bs, Noor Dina H, Zara Fahrin N, Azhan U, Farah Dayana Z, Salina H, Mawaddah A, Lokman S. (2016). The Effect Of Hypersensitivity State On Chronic Iatrogenic Facial Nerve Palsy: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre Experience. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 8. |
Bruce Crawford, Siti Sabzah Mohd Hashim, Narayanan Prepageran, Goih Bee See, Genevieve Meier, Keiko Wada, Cheryl Coon, Emmanuelle Delgleize, Micheal Derosa. (2016). Impact Of Pediatric Acute Otitis Media On Child And Parental Quality Of Life And Associated Productivity Loss In Malaysia: A Prospective Observational Study. - Springer Link International. 1-11. |
M Nazir O, Goh Bs, Hasniah Al. (2015). Impact Of Adenotonsillectomy On The Quality Of Life In Children With Sleep Disordered Breathing. - Respirology. 119. |
Bs Goh, Sandie Ewe, Shahizon Amm. (2015). Bronchoscopic Laser Therapy As Palliative Treatment In Tracheal Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. - Indian Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery. 23-24. |
Mf Maryam, W Rusydi, Mj Jaafar, Bs Goh. (2015). Supraglottic Foreign Body Aspiration: Delayed Diagnosis And Lesson Learnt. - Hong Kong Journal Of Emergency Medicine. 57-59. |
Ishak M.f.b., See G.b., Hui C.k., Abdullah A.b., Saim L.b., Saim A.b., Idrus R.b.h.. (2015). The Formation Of Human Auricular Cartilage From Microtic Tissue: An In Vivo Study. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 1634-1639. |
Kong Min Han, Goh Bee See, Hamidah Alias, Zarina Abdul Latiff. (2014). The Prevalence Of Sensorineural Hearing Loss In B-thalassaemia Patient Treated With Desferrioxamine. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 69(1):9-12. |
Zara Nasseri, Bee See Goh, Sandu K, Sani A. (2014). Laryngomalacia, Laryngeal Cleft And Congenital Unilateral Vocal Cord Palsy: A Unique Case Treated Endoscopically Without Intubation Or Tracheostomy. - Brunei International Medical Journal. 10 (1):55-59. |
Goh Bee See, Roopesh Sankaran, Marina Mat Baki, Abdullah Sani Mohamed. (2014). Partial Cricotracheal Resection (pctr), A Rewarding Outcome For Paediatric Subglottic Stenosis: An Early Experience. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 69(1):13-15. |
Teoh Jian Woei, Goh Bee See, Shahizon Azura Mohamed Mukari, Siti Aishah Md Ali, Nor Hafliza Mohd Salleh. (2014). An Unexpected Lesion In Cerebellopontine Angle: Hemangiopericytoma. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 146-147. |
Eyzawiah Hassan, Goh Bee See, Dayang Anita Aziz. (2014). Thyroglossal Duct Cysts - A Ten Years Retrospective Review. - Eastern Journal Of Medicine. 112-118. |
Goh Bs, Ismail Mi, Husain S. (2014). Quality Of Life Assessment In Patients With Moderate To Severe Allergic Rhinitis Treated With Montelukast And/or Intranasal Steroids: A Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study. - The Journal Of Laryngology & Otology. 128(3):242-248. |
Hassan Fh, Goh Bs, Kong Mh, Marina Mb, Sani A. (2013). Tracheal Resection And Anastomosis: An 11 Year Management Outcome. - Rawal Medical Journal. 38(2): 177-180. |
Mohd Nazir Othman, Sivakumar Kumarasamy, Valuyeetham Kamaru Ambu, Goh Bee See. (2013). Foreign Body In Bronchus: A Rare Method Of Removal. - Rawal Medical Journal. 38(2):204-205. |
Ahmad Kusyairi Khalid, Abdullah Sani Mohamed, Bee See Goh. (2013). Airway Obstruction Secondary To Congenital Vallecular Cyst: When Should We Intervene?. - Rawal Medical Journal. 38(3):308-310. |
Jian Woei Teoh, Faridah Hassan, Norazmi Ghazali, Bee See Goh. (2013). Extranodular Nasal Natural Killer (nk) Cell/ T-cell Lymphoma: A Diagnostic Dilemma. - Brunei International Medical Journal. 9(3):203-206. |
Syed Zaifullah, Mohd Razif Mohamad Yunus, Goh Bee See. (2013). Diagnosis And Treatment Of Branchial Cleft Anomalies In Ukmmc: A 10-year Retrospective Study. - European Archives Of Oto-rhino-laryngology. 270(4):1501-6. |
A. Asma, M. A. Ubaidah, Siti Salbiah Hasan, W. H. Wan Fazlina, B. Y. Lim, L. Saim, B. S. Goh. (2013). Surgical Outcome Of Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (baha) Implant Surgery: A 10 Years Experience. - Indian Journal Of Otolaryngology And Head & Neck Surgery. 251-254. |
Shashi Gopalan, Mohd Razif Mohamad Yunus, Suria-hayati Md Pauzi, Noraidah Masir, Bee See Goh. (2013). Low Grade Non-intestinal Sinonasal Adenocarcinoma. - Brunei International Medical Journal. 9 (4): 274-277. |
Poon Seong Lim, Bee See Goh, Lokman Saim. (2013). Tuberculosis Otitis Media. - Brunei International Medical Journal. 9(5):329-333. |
Voon Hoong Fong, I Fadzilah, H Iskandar, Ana Majid, Bs Goh. (2013). Capillary Haemangioma Of External And Middle Ear. - Brunei International Medical Journal. 9(6):401-404. |
Wza Rusydi, Bs Goh. (2013). Primary Undifferentiated Carcinoma Of The Temporal Bone: A New Entity?. - Rawal Medical Journal. 38(1):86-88. |
Azman Mawaddah, Bee See Goh, Thean Yean Kew, Zakaria Rozman. (2012). Isolated Blunt Lingual Artery Injury Secondary To A Road Traffic Accident: Diagnostic And Therapeutic Approach. - Malaysian Journal Of Medical Sciences. 19(2):77-81. |
Saleh, K.a. , Isa, N.m., Firouzeh, Goh, B.s.. (2012). Primary Clear Cell Carcinoma Of Minor Salivary Gland Of The Soft Palate: A Case Report. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 67(3) : 335-336. |
Jian Woei Teoh, Bee See Goh. (2012). Atypical Adult Congenital Cholesteatoma. - Rawal Medical Journal. 37(2):214-216. |
Bee See Goh, Jian Woei Teoh, Rahim Faizah, Saim Lokman, Abdullah Asma. (2012). Paediatric Cholesteatoma: Experience Of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. - Brunei International Medical Journal. 8(2): 71-77. |
Nor Eyzawiah Hassan , Bee See Goh. (2012). Pyogenic Granuloma Of The Nasal Septum: A Rare Cause Of Epistaxis. - Brunei International Medical Journal. 8(6):367-370. |
Farim Rizal Wong Iqbal, Bee See Goh, And Ami Mazita. (2012). The Role Of Proton Pump Inhibitors In Adenoid Hypertrophy In Children. - Otolaryngology - Head And Neck Surgery. 147(2):329-334. |
Mohd Sazafi, Bs Goh, A Mazita, A Asma, S Lokman.. (2011). Necrotizing Otitis Externa In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center. - Rawal Medical Journal. 36(2):143-146. |
Azida Zainal, Bee See Goh, Abdullah Sani Mohamed. (2011). Supraglottoplasty For Laryngomalacia: Who Will Benefit?. - Asian Journal Of Surgery. 34(2):92-96. |
Siti Zulaili Zulkepli, Bee See Goh. (2011). Juvenile Xanthogranuloma Of The Nose. - Brunei International Medical Journal. 7(6):336-339. |
Mf Ishak, Kh Chua, A Asma, L Saim, Bs Aminuddin, Bhi Ruszymah, Bs Goh. (2011). Stem Cell Genes Are Poorly Expressed In Chondrocytes From Microtic Cartilage. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 75(6):835-840. |
Mazita Ami, Zahirrudin Zakaria, Goh Bee See, Asma Abdullah, Lokman Saim. (2010). Mastoid Abscess In Acute And Chronic Otitis Media. - Malaysian Journal Of Medical Sciences. 17(4):44-50. |
Y S Ee, A J Sow, B S Goh. (2010). Unilateral Tongue Angioedema Caused By Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitor. - The Journal Of Laryngology And Otology. 124(12):1337-39. |
D N Pengiran Suhaili, B S Goh, B S Gendeh. (2010). A Ten Year Retrospective Review Of Orbital Complications Secondary To Acute Sinusitis In Children. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 49-52. |
Azlan Iskandar Ishak, Suria Hayati Md Pauzi, Noraidah Masir, Goh Bee See. (2010). Multiple Metastatic Deposits In The Head And Neck Region From A Renal Cell Carcinoma. - Malaysian Journal Of Medical Sciences. 17(4):71-74. |
Bs Goh , Ar Faizah, H Salina, A Asma, L Saim. (2010). Congenital Cholesteatoma: Delayed Diagnosis And Its Consequences. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 65(3):25-27. |
Zarina Abdul Latiff, Nor Azlin Kamal, Jeevanan Jahendran, Hamidah Alias, Bee See Goh, Syed Zulkifli Syed Zakaria, And Rahman Jamal And Rah. (2010). Vincristine-induced Vocal Cord Palsy Case Report And Review Of The Literature. - Journal Of Pediatric Hematology Oncology. 32(5):407-410. |
Mazita A, Wan Fazlina Wh, Abdullah A, Goh Bs, Saim L. (2009). Hearing Rehabilitation In Congenital Canal Atresia. - Singapore Medical Journal. 50(11):1072-1076. |
Bs Goh, Sp Tan, S Hussain, Im Rose, L Saim. (2009). Metachronous Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumour In The Temporal Bone: Case Report. - Journal Of Laryngology And Otology. 123(10):1184-1187. |
M M Shaariyah, B S Goh. (2009). Retrospective Review Of Surgical Management Of Foreign Body Ingestion. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 64(4):307-310. |
M F Ishak, B S Aminuddin, A Asma, B S Lokman, B H I Ruszymah, B S Goh. (2008). Growth Kinetic Study On Normal And Microtic Chondrocytes Of Human Auricular Cartilage. - Medical Journal Malaysia. 63(Suppl A):117-118. |
Ves Tan, Bs Goh. (2007). Parotid Abscess: A Five-year Review - Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis And Management. - Journal Of Laryngology And Otology. 121(9):872-879. |
Sha Primuharsa Putra, Cy Wong, Mys Hazim, Mar Megat Shiraz, Bs Goh. (2006). Paediatric Tracheostomy In Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia : A Changing Trend. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 61(2):209-213. |
Ms Sakina, Bs Goh, A Abdullah, Ma Zulfiqar, L.saim. (2006). Internal Auditory Canal Stenosis In Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 70(1):2093-97. |
Goh Bee See, Balwant Singh Gendeh, Isa Mohamed Rose, Sabiha Pit, Shamim Abd Samad.. (2005). Prevalence Of Allergic Fungal Sinusitis In Refractory Chronic Rhinosinusitis In Adult Malaysians. - Otolaryngology - Head And Neck Surgery. 133(1):27-31. |
Goh Bee See, Mohd Ridzo Bin Mahmud, A.a.r.zurin, S.h.a.primuharsa Putra, Lokman Bin Saim. (2002). Vestibular Nerve Section In A Child With Intractable Meniere Disease. - International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 64(1):61-64. |
Bs Gendeh, Pj Wormald, M Forer, Bs Goh, K Misiran. (2002). Endoscopic Repair Of Spontaneous Cerebro-spinal Fluid Rhinorrhoea: A Report Of 3 Cases. - Medical Journal Of Malaysia. 57(4):503-508. |
Goh Bee See, Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim, Farrah-hani Imran. (2020). Rawatan Klef Bersepadu. - . 169. |
Goh Bee See & Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim. (2020). Rawatan Klef Bersepadu. - . 9. |
Tiagarajan Annamalay,prof. Dr. Siti Zamratol Mai-sarah Mukari,prof. Dr. Goh Bee See,dr. Deepashini Harithasan,nadirah Hanim Mannan,mohamad Firdaus Latip,tey Shi Rou,airenchara Habir,rosmiza Musa, Muhamad Hazwan Abdullah. (2017). Adam Boleh Mendengar. - . 15. |
Goh Bee See, Farah Liana Lokman. (2023). A Holistic Approach In Sleep Medicine: A Beginner's Guide. - . 12. |
Goh Bee See & Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim. (2020). Rawatan Klef Bersepadu. - . 9. |
Noor Dina Hashim, Goh Bee See & Asma Abdullah. (2020). Rawatan Klef Bersepadu. - . 169. |
Afliza Abu Bakar, Farrah-hani Imran, Goh Bee See. (2019). Acute Management Of Burn Injuries. - . 5. |
Farah Hani Imran, Goh Bee See, Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim, Zuraini Ghazali, Zainal Azhar Ahmad. (2018). Holistic Approach In The Management Of Cleft Lip & Palate. - . 193. |
Kong Min Han, Farah Dayana Zahedi, Abdullah Sani, Goh Bee See. (2018). Hctm Ppukm Surgical Prophylaxus Review 2018. - . 73. |
Goh Bee See, Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim, Farrah-hani Imran. (2020). Rawatan Klef Bersepadu. - . 169. |
Goh Bee See, Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim, Tan Huann Lan, Zainal Azhar Ahmad. (2018). Holistic Approach In The Management Of Cleft Lip & Palate. - . 193. |
Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee Hctm Ukm. (2018). Hctm Ppukm Surgical Prophylaxis Guide 2018. - . 73. |
Tiagarajan Annamalay,prof. Dr. Siti Zamratol Mai-sarah Mukari,prof. Dr. Goh Bee See,dr. Deepashini Harithasan,nadirah Hanim Mannan,mohamad Firdaus Latip,tey Shi Rou,airenchara Habir,rosmiza Musa, Muhamad Hazwan Abdullah. (2017). Adam Boleh Mendengar. - . 15. |
Lokman Saim, Siti Zamratol-mai Sarah Mukari, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Kartini Ahmad, Cila Umat, Raja Juanita Raja Lope And 17 Others. (2015). Protocol For Ukm Cochlear Implant Program: Guidelines For Professionals 2015. - . 43. |
Goh Bee See, Nor Hafiza, Wong Kit Chung,aamir Abdullah, Nursufiana Rofii. (2024). Coblator Assisted Lingual Adenotonsillectomy. - . 1. |
Goh Bee See, Anna Fariza, Azrin Anuar, Danny Wong Kit Chung, Rufinah Teo, Ujdora Goh, Hasbe Zuraina. (2024). Excision Of Vallecular Cyst. - . 1. |
Goh Bee See;cila Bt. Umat;asma Binti Abdullah;wan Fazlina Binti Ampan @ Wan Hashim;nur`izzati Binti Md. Yusoff;wan Nur Hanim Binti Mohd Yusoff;noor Dina Binti Hashim;lim Bee Ying;mohd Khairil Azahar Bin Jamaludin;fatimah Binti Sazari;nadiah Binti Abd Aziz. (2024). Paediatric Cochlear Implanted Recipients Observational Study. - . . |
Shyahlini Devi, Wan Nurulhuda Wan Md Zin, Sai Guan Lum, Bee See Goh, Fook Choe Cheah. (2023). Less Invasive Intratracheal Surfactant Instillation In Preterm Infants With Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial Single Centre Study Preliminary Outcomes. - Strengthening Perinatal Care: Back To Basics. 29th Regional Perinatal Society Malaysia Congress 2023. 147. |
Goh Bee See. (2023). Telinga Bionik Kembalikan Pendengaran. - Berita Harian. 1-4. |
Goh Bee See. (2023). Hpkk Ukm Julung Kali Jalani Pembedahan Implan Koklear. - Harian Metro. 1-3. |
Cila Umat, Wan Nur Hanim Mohd. Yusoff, Nur 'izzati Md. Yusoff, Mohamad Firdaus Latip, Hanif Farhan Mohd Rasdi, Bee See Goh. (2023). Audiological Outcomes Of The Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Pediatric Implanted Recipient Observational Study. - 14th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implant And Related Sciences.. 1. |
Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim, Lim Hui Hui, Eh Yee Ling, Yazmin Ahmad Rusli, Goh Bee See. (2023). Language Abilities And Associated Risk Factors Of School-aged Children With Cleft Lip And Palate. - The 10th Asian Pacific Cleft Lip-palate & Craniofacial Congress. 1-2. |
Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim, Lim Hui Hui, Eh Yee Ling, Yazmin Ahmad Rusli, Goh Bee See. (2023). Language Abilities And Associated Risk Factors Of School-aged Children With Cleft Lip And Palate. - 25th Medical And Health Research Week. 1. |
Noor Dina Hashim, Nabihah Roslle, Asma Abdullah, Khairul Farhah Khairuddin, Rosnah Ismail, Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim. (2023). Comparison Of Cortical Auditory Maturation Between Children With Cochlear Implants Vs Normal Hearing Children Attending Mainstream School. - 20th Asean Orl-hns Congress. 1-17. |
Goh Bee See. (2023). Management Of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. - . 1-74. |
Goh Bee See. (2023). Bilateral Vocal Cord Palsy In Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection Of Children : A Rare Case Report. - 7th Appac Asia-pacific Pediatric Airway Conference. 103. |
Goh Bee See, Danny Wong Kit Chung ,wong Sau Wei, Hamidah Alias, Loh C-khai, Faizah Zaki, Safinaz Mohd Khialdin, Azizi Abu Bakar, Ong Aik Leang. (2023). Guideline For Usage Of Selumetinib In Neurofibromatosis Type 1. - Paediatric Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Multidisciplinary Team (hpkk Paediatric Nf 1 Team). 1-17. |
Goh Bee See. (2023). Juvenile Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis : Erradication Of Or Living With Disease : Intractable Cases. - 7th Appac Asia-pacific Pediatric Airway Conference. 13. |
Bee-see Goh, Rachel Lim, Asma Abdullah, Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim. (2023). Hearing Rehabilitation For Congenital Canal Atresia Patients: What Do They Want?. - 14th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implant And Related Sciences 2023 (apsci 2023). 1. |
Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim, Fatimah Sazari, Goh Bee See. (2023). A Study On Intra-operative Neural Response Telemetry In Cochlear Implant. - 14th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implant And Related Sciences (apsci) 2023. 1. |
Goh Bee See. (2023). Cochlear Implant In Young Children: Challenges And Outcome. - 14th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implant And Related Sciences 2023 (apsci 2023). 1. |
Mohd Firdaus Latip, Noor Dina Hashim, Fatimah Sazari, Bee See Goh, Hanif Farhan Mohd Rasdi. (2023). Influences Of Aided Audiometry Performance To Category Of Auditory Performance Ii (cap-ii) Score Among Pediatric Cochlear Implant Recipient. - 14th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implant And Related Sciences November 8-11, 2023. 71. |
Goh Bee See;asma Binti Abdullah;w. Fazlina Binti Ampan @ W. Hashim. (2023). Hearing Rehabilitation In Patients With Congenital Canal Atresia : An Observational Study In University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. - . . |
Noor Dina Hashim, Te Boon Chin, Asma Abdullah, Bee See Goh, Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim. (2022). Identifying Factors Influencing The Quality Of Life In Post-lingual Cochlear Implants Recipients. - International Congress Of Orl-hns 2022 (icorl 2022). 1-17. |
Goh Bee See. (2022). Si Cilik Bertelinga Bionik. - Utusan Malaysia. 1-6. |
Noor Dina Hashim, Boon Chin Te, Asma Abdullah, Bee See Goh, Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim. (2022). Identifying Factors Influencing The Quality Of Life In Post-lingual Cochlear Implants Recipients. - 6th Congress Of European Orl-hns. 1-18. |
Wan Nur Hanim Mohd. Yusoff [and Thirteen Others].. (2022). Longitudinal Analysis Of Speech Perception, Spatial Hearing And Quality Of Hearing In A Group Of Children With Cochlear Implants. - 13th International Symposium Of Health Sciences. 92-93. |
Mohamad Firdaus Latip, Cila Umat, Deepashini Harithasan, Rafidah Mazlan, Nor Haniza Abdul Wahat, Siti Zamratol-mai Sarah Mukari, Salleh Amat, Tey Shirou, Goh Bee See. (2022). Parents Perspectives And Understanding Of Information Delivery On Childhood Hearing Loss. - 13th International Symposium Of Health Sciences. 90-91. |
Cila Umat, Siti Mariam Selaiman, Winnie Hoe Hui Ling, Nor Haniza Abdul Wahat, Rafidah Mazlan, Goh Bee See. (2021). Beyond The Clinic: Long-term Cochlear Implant Outcomes In Congenitally-deaf Adult Cochlear Implant Users Who Were Implanted As Children. - The 13th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implantation And Related Sciences (apsci 2021). 1. |
Chong Foong Yen; Cila Umat; Mak Kah Kei; Goh Yan Jin; Badrulzaman Abdul Hamid; Goh Bee See. (2021). Semi-automating A Mandarin Pediatric Speech Perception Test For Use By Non-mandarin Speaking Audiologists: A Preliminary Study. - The 8th Usim National Health Seminar. 53. |
Cila Umat, Winnie Ling Hoe Hui, Goh Bee See, Rafidah Mazlan, Nor Haniza Abdul Wahat. (2021). Trend Analyses Of The Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (ukm) Cochlear Implant Program: A Quarter Century Review. - Malaysia Cochlear Implant Symposium (mycis 2021). 1-22. |
Steven Leong Fs, Goh Bee See, Erica Yee Hing, Mohd Imree Azmi, Shareena Ishak. (2021). Retropharyngeal Abscess In A Neonate: An Unusual Complication Of Extravasation Injury. - 27th Regional Congress Of The Psrinatal Society Of Malaysia. 91. |
Goh Bee See, Reuben Abraham Thomas, Te Boon Chin, Syarifah Noor Nazihah. (2021). Atticotomy In Attic Cholesteatoma. - . 1. |
Bee-see Goh, Asma Abdullah, Basyariatul Fathi Othman, Cila Umat. (2021). Predicting Outcomes In Children-the Need For Early Intervention. - 13th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implants And Related Sciences. 1. |
Goh Bee See. (2021). Bilateral Simultaneous Ci632. - . 1. |
Noor Dina Hashim, Te Boon Chin, Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim, Goh Bee See, Asma Abdullah. (2021). Determining Factors Affecting The Quality Of Life Among Pre-lingual Cochlear Implants Recipients. - 13th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implantation And Related Sciences. 1. |
Goh Bee See, Khadijah Mohd Nor,aneeza Khairiyah, Irfan Affandi Hamid,nur Eliana Ahmad Tarmizi, Aishah Harizah Abdullah Alwi, Liu Chian Yong,ahmad Fairuz Abdul Shokri. (2021). Peadiatric Airway Assessment For Stridor : Diagnostic Scope And Supraglottoplasty. - . 1-XX. |
Goh Bee See, Khadijah Mohd Nor, Farah Liana Lokman, Nasyatmuddin Yahaya, Noraimi Khamalrudin, Nadia Md Nor, Tee Boon Chin. (2021). Canalplasty -congenital Canal Stenosis With Canal Cholesteatoma In An Eleven Year Old Child. - . 1. |
Asma A, Nasseri Z, Noor Dina H, Khairil Afif M, Goh Bs, Norazlin Kn, Juriza I,shahizon Azura, Faizah Mz, Azizi Ab. (2021). Cholesteatoma: How Delayed Diagnoses Become Morbidities?. - 13th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 41st Annual General Meeting Of Mso-hns. 38. |
Hardip Singh Gendeh, Marina Mat Baki, Goh Bee See. (2021). Awasi Anak Bederngkur. - Harian Metro Newspaper. 1. |
Noor Dina Hashim, Goh Bee See, Asma Abdullah. (2020). Ukm Temporal Bone Dissection Manual. - Ukm Temporal Bone Dissection Manual. 1-25. |
Goh Bee See. (2020). Paediatric Direct Laryngoscopy And Bronchoscopy During Covid-19 Pandemic. - . 1. |
Goh Bee See;siti Zamratol-mai Sarah Binti Mukari;cila Bt. Umat;rafidah Binti Mazlan;asma Binti Abdullah;mohamad Firdaus Bin Latip;deepashini A/p Harithasan. (2020). An Evidence-based Approach To Overcoming Barriers To Early Identification And Intervention Of Hearing Loss In Children. - . . |
Rafidah Binti Mazlan;cila Bt. Umat;salleh Bin Amat;goh Bee See;nor Haniza Binti Abdul Wahat;mohamad Firdaus Bin Latip;tey Shi Rou;nadirah Hanim Binti Mannan;deepashini A/p Harithasan. (2020). Improving Informational Counseling Delivery To Parents Of Hearing Impaired Children: Changing The Conversation From The Ear To The Brain”. - . . |
Noor Dina Hashim, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See. (2020). Quality Of Life Of Cochlear Implant Recipients Among School And College Students With Post Lingual Deafness : Ukm Ci Program. - Yonsei Endoscopic Ear Surgery Workshop (yees) 2020. 1-29. |
I. Razak, A. Zara, B. S. Goh. (2020). Outcomes Of Congenital Upper Airway Pathologies At Ukmmc: A 9-year Review. - Inaugural Congress Of The Asia Pacific Laryngology Association 8th International Annual Conference Of Laryngology & Voice Association 6th Asia Pacific Paediatric Airway Course. 26. |
Goh Bee See, Marina Mat Baki, Hardip Singh Gendeh. (2020). Simulation For Paediatric Direct Laryngoscopy & Bronchoscopy In Covid-19 Patient. - . 1. |
Gendeh Hs, Goh Bs, Rufina T, Liu Cy. (2020). Paediatric Airway Guidelines During Covid -19 Outbreak Ukm Medical Centre. - . 1-8. |
Noor Dina Hashim, Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Fahrin Zara Nasseri. (2020). The Effect On Impedance In Round Window Vs Cochleostomy Approach In Cochlear Implantation. - Yonsei Endoscopic Ear Surgery 2020 & 7th Yonsei Acoustic Tumour Symposium. 1. |
Goh Bee See, Siti Zamratol Mai-sarah Mukari, Asma Abdullah, Cila Umat, Rafidah Mazlan, Deepashini Harithasan, Encik Mohd Firdaus Latip,nur Fatihah Ainun Hamzah, Shagshafraa Othman, Wong Yun Ai. (2020). Kanak-kanak Dan Masalah Pendengaran : Peranan Ibu Bapa. - . 1-2. |
Goh Bee See. (2020). Nucleus Ci532 Simultaneous Bilateral Surgery. - . 1. |
Goh Bee See, Siti Zamratol Mai-sarah Mukari, Asma Abdullah, Cila Umat, Rafidah Mazlan, Deepashini A/p Harithasan, Mohd Firdaus Latip. (2020). Management Of Hearing Loss In Children: Guidelines For Professionals. - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 1-20. |
Goh Bee See. (2020). Baha Attract Surgical Steps. - . 1. |
Goh Bee See. (2020). Supraglottoplasty Surgery For Laryngomalacia. - . 1. |
Goh Bee See, Siti Zamratol Mai-sarah Mukari, Asma Abdullah, Cila Umat, Rafidah Mazlan, Deepashini Harithasan, Mohd Firdaus Latip. (2020). Hearing Loss In Children: What Parents Needs To Know. - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 1-2. |
Goh Bee See, Asma Abdullah, Noor Dina Hashim. (2020). Otorhinolaryngology Protocol For Ukm Cochlear Implant Program. - . 1-14. |
Noor Dina Hashim, Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Fahrin Zara Nasseri, Firdaus Latip. (2020). The Effect Of Round Window Vs Cochleostomy Approaches On Cochlear Implant Electrode Impedance. - International Conference Orl-hns 2020. 1. |
Goh Bee See,noor Dina,wan Nur Hanim,sherin Sokmum,asma Abdullah,cila Umat,rafidah Mazlan,faizah Mohd Zaki,juriza Ismail,nor Haniza,wan Syafira,wan Fazlina,steven Lee,nur Izzati,mohd Khairil,firdaus Latip,nadiah,afiq Ikmal,siti Munirah,hafizah. (2020). Ukm Cochlear Implant Program Guidelines. - . 1-50. |
Asma Abdullah, Goh Bs, Fahrin Zara N, Zuraini N, Wong Lw, Noor Dina Hashim. (2020). Management Of Paraganglioma. - 23rd Vietnam National Conference On Otorhinolaryngology Head-neck Surgery& The 8th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology And Audiology Congress (aanoa2020). 26. |
Nur Fatihah Hamzah, Cila Umat, Deepashini Harithasan, Goh Bee See. (2019). Parents' Experiences In Getting Early Diagnosis And Intervention For Their Hearing- Impaired Children. - 12th International Symposium Of Health Sciences. 56. |
Goh Bs, Szm Sarah Mukari,mazlan R, Harithasan D, Othman S. (2019). Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices Towards Childhood Hearing Loss Among Malaysian Medical Practitioners At Health Clinics Of Klang Valley. - Corlas Meeting 2019. 83. |
Othman I A. Abdullah A, Goh B S, Umat C. (2019). Auditory Performance In Early Implanted Children With Cochleovestibular Malformation And Cochlear Nerve Deficiency. - 11th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 39th Annual General Meeting Of The Mso-hns. 092. |
Cila Bt. Umat;siti Zamratol-mai Sarah Binti Mukari;manisah Bt. Mohd. Ali;lim Hui Woan;normah Bt. Che Din;rogayah Binti A Razak;goh Bee See;rahayu Binti Mustaffa Kamal;tiagarajan A/l Annamalay. (2019). Mainstream School Readiness For Hearing-impaired Children With Cochlear Implants. - . . |
Goh Bee See. (2018). The So-called Recurrent Croup. - 10th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 38th Annual General Meeting Of The Mso-hns. . |
Goh Bee See, Shi Rou Tey, Firdaus Latif, Noor Dina Hashim, Asma Abdullah. (2018). Cochlear Implant. - 40th Mpa Annual Congress 2018. . |
Goh Bee See, Shi Rou Tey, Firdaus Latif, Noor Dina Hashim, Asma Abdullah. (2018). Cochlear Implant Candidacy: Is There Anymore Contraindication. - 7th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology And Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Hardip S Gendeh, Asma Abdullah, Bee S Goh. (2018). Intracranial Complications Of Chronic Otitis Media: Why Does It Still Occur?. - 10th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 38th Annual General Meeting Of The Mso-hns. . |
Goh Bee See, Noor Dina Hashim, Wan Fazlina Wan Hashim, Lim Bee-ying, Asma Abdullah. (2018). Evolution Of Baha Implant For Hearing Loss. - 7th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology And Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Siti Zamratol Mai Sarah, Goh Bee See, Deepashini Harithasan, Nadirah Hanim Mannan, Rosmiza Musa, Airechara Habir, Tey Shi Rou, Mohamad Firdaus & Muhamad Hazwan. (2018). Bulletin Institute-hears Volume Ii Issue I 2018. - . . |
Timothy Lw Wong, Marina Mat Baki, Goh Bee See. (2018). A Bizarre Case Of Accessory Larynx In An Infant With Oeis Syndrome. - 10th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 38th Annual General Meeting Of The Mso-hns. . |
Asma A, Noor Dina H, Azhan U, Farah Dayana Z, Salina H, Faizah Mz, Kew Ty, Mawaddah A, Lokman S, Goh Bs. (2018). Facial Nerve Decompression Following Traumatic Facial Nerve Injury. - 7th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology And Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Siti Aisyah Ahmad, Nor Haniza Abdul Wahat, Marniza Omar, Goh Bee See, Nurul Ain Abdullah. (2018). Normative Data For Cvemp And Ovemp In Malaysian Children Aged 6 To 12 Years Old. - 5th Malaysian Audiology Scientific Conference (masco). . |
Azila A, Azizi Ab, Lokman S, Noor Dina H, Goh Bs, Farah Dayana Z, Marina Mb, Asma A. (2018). Management And Decision Analysis Of Patient With Acoustic Neuroma Treated In Ukmmc. - 7th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology And Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Hs Gendeh, A Asma, Bs Goh. (2017). Itracranial Complications Of Chronic Otitis Media: Why Does It Stiill Occur?. - 9th Malaysian International Orl Hns Congress. 1. |
Siti Zamratol-mai Sarah Mukari, Goh Bee See, Nadirah Hanim Mannan, Tey Shi Rou & Mohamad Firdaus Latip. (2017). Awareness Talk Hear And Be Heard Program (professional). - Awareness Talk Hearing Loss In Children: Hear And Be Heard. . |
Goh Bee See. (2017). Sesi Temubual Kesihatan Di Radio Ikim Fm Implant Cochlear In Children. - Radio Ikim Fm. . |
Siti Zamratol-mai Sarah Mukari,goh Bee See,deepashini Harithasan, Mohamad Firdaus Latip, Tey Shi Rou, Airenchara Habir, Rosmiza Musa, Nadirah Hanim Mannan, Tiagarajan Annamalay & Muhamad Hazwan Abdullah. (2017). Hear And Be Heard Video. - . 0. |
Prof Dr. Siti Zamratol-mai Sarah, Prof Dr. Goh Bee See, Dr. Deepashini Harithasan, Nadirah Hanim Manan, Rosmiza Musa, Airenchara Habir, Tey Shi Rou, Tiagarajan, Mohamad Firdaus, Muhamad Hazwan. (2017). Health Professional Information Package. - . 1-13. |
Prof Dr. Siti Zamratol-mai Sarah, Prof Dr. Goh Bee See, Dr. Deepashini Harithasan, Nadirah Hanim Manan, Rosmiza Musa, Airenchara Habir, Tey Shi Rou, Tiagarajan, Mohamad Firdaus, Muhamad Hazwan. (2017). Pakej Maklumat Untuk Ibu Bapa Dengan Anak Bermasalah Pendengaran. - . 1-8. |
Nadirah Hanim Mannan, Cila Umat, Goh Bee See, Siti Zamratol-mai Sarah Mukari & Tey Shi Rou. (2017). Transforming Lives With Hearing. - . 0. |
Bee-see Goh, Siti Nurhadis Che Omar, Muhammad Azhan Ubaidah, Shamsul Sulaiman, Lokman Saim, Kien-hui Chua. (2016). Chondrogenesis Of Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells For Future Microtia Repair. - 2016 Annual Corlas Meeting. . |
Siti Nurhadis Che Omar, Chua Kien Hui, Muhammad Azhan Ubaidah, Shamsul Sulaiman, Lokman Saim Dan Goh Bee See. (2016). Chondrogenic Differentiation Of Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells Co-culture With Human Auricular Chondrocytes: The Indisputable Role Of Serum And Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3. - International Scientific Conference (inascon) 2016. . |
Noraziana Fadzilah,goh Bee See, Asma Abdullah, Cila Umat & Basyariatul Fathi Othman. (2016). How Do Ukm Cochlear Implant Users Fare?. - Here@hears. 4. |
Feiming Ong, Bee See Goh. (2015). A Rare Case Of Congenital Ranula In Neonate. - 16th Asean Orl-hns Congress. . |
Chian Ling Tang, Bee See Goh, Geok Chin Tan. (2015). Myeloid Sarcoma Of Temporal Bone: A Rare Manifestation Of Relapse Acute Myeloid Leukemia. - 16th Asean Orl-hns Congress. . |
Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Sakina Saad, Suhana Abdul Rahim, Fatimah Sazari, Lim Bee Ying, Lokman Saim, Siti Salbiah Hasan, Noor Dina Hashim, Roslenda Abdul Rahman. (2015). Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (baha) Implant At Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center (ukmmc): An Eleven Years Experience. - 16th Asean Orl-hns Congress. . |
Juani Hayyan Karafi, Bee See Goh. (2015). Recurrent Antrochoanal Polyp In Young Children. A Case Report. - 16th Asean Orl-hns Congress. . |
Bee-see Goh, Abdul Hadi Nasoha, Rafidah Mazlan, Thean Yean Kew, Cila Umat. (2015). Cochlear Implantation In Children With Hypoplastic Auditory Nerves: Audiological And Radiological Outcomes. - 10th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implants And Related Sciences. . |
Roslenda Abdul Rahman, Noor Dina Hashim, Farah Dayana Zahedi, Mawaddah Azman, Bee See Goh, Asma Abdullah. (2015). Surgical Outcome Of Facial Nerve Decompression: 15 Years Expereince. - 16th Asean Orl-hns Congress. . |
Roslenda Abdul Rahman, Noor Dina Hashim, Farah Dayana Zahedi, Mawaddah Azman, Bee See Goh, Asma Abdullah. (2015). Surgical Outcome Of Facial Nerve Decompression: 15 Years Experience. - 16th Asean Orl-hns Congress. . |
Bee See Goh, Ishak Mf, Asma A, Saim L,chua Kh, Aminuddin Bs, Ruszymah Bhi. (2015). An In-vivo Studies Of Microtic Chondrocytes As Starting Material For Future Pinna Reconstruction. - 9th International Academic Conference In Otology, Rhinology And Laryngology. . |
Asma A, Roslenda Ar, Nor Dina H, Siti Salbiah H, Azhan U, Goh Bs, Wan Fazlina Wh, Almyzan A, Lim Bee Yin, Fatimah S, Shahrina Az. (2015). Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (baha) Implant. - 10th Annual Scientific Otology Meeting Surabaya 2015. . |
Goh See, Zarina Al, Priatharisiny V, A Hamidah. (2015). Management Of Drug Induced Vocal Cord Palsy In Children. - 16th Asean Orl-hns Congress. . |
Lokman Saim, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See. (2014). Revision Cochlear Implantation. - 6th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 34th Annual General Meeting Of The Mso-hns. . |
Goh Bee See. (2014). Management Of Vincristine Induced Vocal Cord Palsy In Children. - 6th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 34th Annual General Meeting Of The Mso-hns. . |
Goh Bee See. (2014). Indication Of Baha Implant. - 6th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 34th Annual General Meeting Of The Mso-hns. . |
Umat C, Ross Sc, Wahat Nha, See Gb. (2014). Quality Of Life Of Parents And Siblings Of Children With Cochlear Implants. - Hearing Across The Lifespan. . |
Goh Bee See. (2014). Controversies Around The Use Of Antibiotics For Acute Otitis Media In Primary Paediatric Practice. - 15th Asean Pediatric Federation Congress 2014. . |
Bee See Goh, Nor Eyzawiyah Hassan. (2014). The Prevalence And Characteristics Of Microtia: A Cross-sectional Study In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. - 12th International Congress Of The European Society Of Pediatric Otorhinolaringology. . |
Bs Goh, M A Awang, Sharina Zawawi, Saim L. (2014). Hybrid Implant Experience. - The 2nd Soree International Cochlear Implant Symposium. . |
Sandie Ewe, Shahizon Amm, Bs Goh. (2014). Bronchoscopic Laser Therapy As Palliative Treatment In Tracheal Tumour. - 6th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 34th Annual General Meeting Of The Mso-hns. . |
Masyita Gaffar, Kew Ty, Faizah Mohd Zaki, Sze Shien See, Goh Bee See. (2014). Absence Of Semicircular Canal As A Typical And Specific Feature Of Ear Anomalies In Charge Syndrome. - 6th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 34th Annual General Meeting Of The Mso-hns. . |
Ruth Ng, Mh Kong, Sn Syed Omar, Bs Goh. (2014). Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis After An Preauricular Abscess In A Young Child: A Case Report. - 6th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & 34th Annual General Meeting Of The Mso-hns. . |
Pei-cheun Lee, Hasniah Abdul Latif, Bee-see Goh, Swee-fong Tang. (2014). Two Cases Of Laryngeal Cleft - We Are Rare And We Present Differently. - 15th Asean Pediatric Federation Congress 2014. . |
Ahmad Kusyairi Khalid, Abdullah Sani Mohamed, Goh Bee See. (2013). Airway Obstruction Secondary To Congenital Vallecular Cyst: When Should We Intervene?. - 4th Asian Paediatric Orl Congress & 5th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress. . |
Goh Bee See. (2013). Foreign Body Inhalation. - 35th Mpa Annual Congress. . |
Goh Bee See. (2013). Surgical Management Of Congenital Aural Atresia. - 15th Asean Orl-hns Congress. . |
Goh Bs, Ishak Mf, Asma A, Saim L, Chua Kh, Aminuddin Bs,ruszymah Bhi. (2013). An In-vivo Studies Of Microtic Chondrocytes For Future Pinna Reconstruction. - 20th Ifos World Congress. . |
Jw Teoh, Bs Goh, Amm Shahizon, Ma Siti-aishah, Ms Nor-hafilza. (2013). A Very Rare Cerebellopontine Angle Lesion, Hemangiopericytoma. - 4th Asian Paediatric Orl Congress & 5th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress. . |
Bee See Goh. (2013). Role Of Reflux In Adenoid Hypertrophy. - 16th Asian Research Symposium In Rhinology. . |
Mohd Nazir Othman, Valuyeetham Kamaru Ambu, Norhaslinda Abd Ghani, Suryani Muhd Yusoff, Goh Bee See. (2013). Syanovial Sarcoma Of Middle Ear: A Rare Site. - 4th Asian Paediatric Orl Congress & 5th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress. . |
Goh Bee See. (2013). Challenges In Managing Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis In Children. - 4th Asian Paediatric Orl Congress & 5th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress. . |
G.b See, Asma A., J.r Lope, Asiah W, Faizal A , Farrah Hani Imran, Hasherah Mi, Noor Dina H, Oomen G, Syed Nabil So, L.b Ying, Nor Shahrina Mz, Wan Fazlina Wh, Zainal Azhar A, Zunaidah A, Zuraini G.. (2013). Management Of Cleft Lip And Palate Patients Ukmmc. - . 3-22. |
Ng Min Hwei, Ee Yuin Su, Sow Aye Jane, Goh Bee See. (2013). Detection Of Biofilms In Adenoids And Cholesteatomas Using Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy. - 20th Scientific Conference Of The Electron Microscopy Society Of Malaysia. . |
Ss See, Jcn Loh, As Mohamed, Bs Goh. (2013). Extralaryngeal Involvement Of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. - 4th Asian Paediatric Orl Congress & 5th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress. . |
Shashi Gopalan, Bs Goh. (2013). Foreign Body In The Bronchus: Which Side Would You Think?. - 4th Asian Paediatric Orl Congress & 5th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress. . |
Noriza Za, Faizah Mz, Kew Ty, Goh Bc, Hamzaini Ah. (2012). Mri Abnormalities In Cochlear Implant Candidates With Sensorineural Hearing Loss. - 12th Annual Congress Of The Asian & Oceanic Society For Paediatric Radiology. . |
Ishak Nl, Goh Bs, Saim L. (2012). Temporal Bone Carcinoma: The Outcome Of Radical Surgery As Initial Treatment. - 4th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & Inaugural Asean Sleep Congress. . |
H. Hirbod, F. Ameli, Swamintanhan M., Goh B.s. (2012). Preauricular Pilomatrixoma In A 3 Year-old Girl. - 4th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology & Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Goh Bs, Ishak Mf, Asma A, Saim L, Chua Kh, Aminuddin Bs, Ruszymah Bh. (2012). The Future Use Of Microtic Chondrocytes In Tissue Reconstruction:in-vivo Studies. - Malaysian Society Of Otorhinolaryngologists Head & Neck Surgeon (mso-hns) Annual Scientific Meeting. . |
Kong Mh, Zarina Al, Hamidah A, Goh Bs. (2012). The Prevalence Of Sensorineural Hearing Loss In B- Thalassaemia Patients Treated With Desferrioxamine. - 4th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & Inaugural Asean Sleep Congress. . |
Goh Bee See, Syed Zaifullah, Mohd Razif Mohd Yunus. (2012). Diagnosis And Treatment Of Branchial Cleft Anomalies In Ukmmc : A Ten-year Retrospective Study. - 4th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & Inaugural Asean Sleep Congress. . |
Goh Bee See. (2012). Hearing Rehabilitation In Cleft Palate: When And How?. - 4th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & Inaugural Asean Sleep Congress. . |
Bee See Goh. (2012). Ent Perspective In Cleft Palate Team. - 4th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology & Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Nik Mh, Goh Bs. (2012). Acute Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Rare Presenting Of Cerebellopontine Angle Arachnoid Cyst. - 4th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology & Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Rusydi Wza, Goh Bs. (2012). Primary Undifferentiated Carcinoma Of The Temporal Bone: A New Entity?. - 4th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology & Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Rusydi Wza, Asma A, Goh Bs. (2012). Hidden Foreign Body In Unexplained Asthma. - 4th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & Inaugural Asean Sleep Congress. . |
Nor Eyzawiah Binti Hassan, Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz, Goh Bee See. (2012). Thyroglossal Duct Cysts-a Ten-year Retrospective Review. - 4th Malaysian International Orl-hns Congress & Inaugural Asean Sleep Congress. . |
Lim Ps, Goh Bs, Saim L. (2012). Tuberculosis Otitis Media: Early Diagnosis Lead To Better Treatment Outcome. - 4th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology & Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Kong Mh, Zarina Al, Hamidah A, Goh Bs. (2012). The Prevalence Of Sensorineural Hearing Loss In B-thalassaemia Patient Treated With Desferrioxamine. - 4th Asean Academy Of Neurotology-otology And Audiology (aanoa). . |
Hassan Fh, Goh Bs. (2012). Case Report: Normal Labyrinth In Postpneumococcal Meningitis. - 4th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology & Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Sazafi Saad, Shahizon M, Goh Bs. (2012). Role Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging In Traumatic Facial Nerve Injury. - 4th Asean Academy Of Neuro-otology & Audiology (aanoa) Congress. . |
Bee See Goh. (2011). What Do We Know About Microtia Research?. - The 14th Asean Orl Head And Neck Congress. . |
Goh Bs, Ishak Mf, Asma A, Chua Kh, Lokman Bs, Aminuddin Bs, Ruszymah Bhi. (2011). Comparison On Normal And Microtic Cartilage Growth Profile Analysis And Real Time-reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (rt-pcr) Analysis. - Abstracts: Tissue Engineerieng Research Group: Progress Update. . |
Goh Bee See. (2011). Vincristine Induced Vocal Cord Palsy: What Should We Do?. - The 14th Asean Orl Head And Neck Congress 2011. . |
Nur Hashima Ar, Goh Bs. (2011). Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma Of The External Auditory Canal: A Case Report And Literature Review. - The 14th Asean Orl Head And Neck Congress. . |
Hassan Fh, Goh Bs, Kong Mh, Marina Mb, Sani A. (2011). Tracheal Resection And Anatomosis: An 11-year Series. - The 14th Asean Orl Head And Neck Congress. . |
Basyariatul Othman, Margaret Brown, Dianne Toe, Goh Sb. (2010). Parent-professional Relationships In Early Intervention For Children With Hearing Impairment In Malaysia: Exploring The Beliefs And Practices. - International Symposium Of Health Sciences, Kuala Lumpur. . |
Abdullah A, Faiz D, Mazita A, Goh Bs, Salina H, Mohd Razif My, Suraya A, Hamzaini Ah, Saim L. (2010). Surgical Experience In Managing Patients With Labyrinthine Fistula. - Sixth International Symposium On Meniere`s Disease And Inner Eat Disorders. . |
Kausarunur H, Hasniah Al, Goh Bs, Cheah Fc. (2010). Dextrocardia With Situs Inversus And Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. - 17th Annual Congress Of The Perinatal Society Of Malaysia. . |
Goh Bs, Marina Mb, Sani A. (2010). Cricotracheal Resection: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre Experience. - 2nd International Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Conference. . |
Mazita A, Zabri M, Asma A, Goh Bs, Saim L. (2009). Retrospective Review Of Congenital Atresia With Cholesteatoma In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center. - Xiii Asean Orl & Hns Congress. . |
Zabri M, Goh Bs, Mazita A, Saim L. (2009). A Ten Year Retrospective Review On Complications Of Acute Otitis Media Requiring Surgery In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center From 1998-2008. - 29th Ms)-hns Annual General Meeting & Malaysian International Otorhinolaryngology Conference 2009. . |
Kew Ty, Goh Bs, Nurismah Mi. (2009). A Case Of Probable Primary Branchial Cleft Carcinoma: Revisiting A Controversial Diagnostic Entity. - 43rd Annual Meeting Of The American Society Of Head & Neck Radiology (ashnr). . |
Goh Bs, Mazita A, Asma A, Saim L. (2009). Role Of Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (baha) In Congenital Canal Atresia. - 29th Mso-hns Annual General Meeting & Malaysian International Otorhinolaryngology Conference 2009. . |
Ishak F, Lokman Bs, Asma A, Chua Kh, Aminuddin Bs, Ruszymah Bhi And Goh Bs.. (2009). Chondrocytes From Microtic Samples Contains Stem Cell Properties As In Chondrocytes From Normal Samples. - Validity Of Automated Aud. . |
Goh Bee See. (2009). Ctr For Subglottic Stenosis. - Xiii Asean Orl & Hns Congress. . |
Goh Bs, Ishak Mf, Asma A, Chua Kh, Chen Hc, Saim L, Aminuddin Bs And Ruszymah Bhi.. (2009). Tissue Engineering Technology In Microtia Reconstruction.. - 13the Asean Orl & Head And Neck Surgery Congress,november 11-13 2009. Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia.. . |
Goh Bs, Marina Mb, Sani A. (2009). Cricotracheal Resection In Subglottic Stenosis. - 13th Asean Orl-hns Congress. . |
Bs Goh, Aj Sow, Ty Kew, A Abdullah, L Saim. (2009). Cochlear Implantation In Patients With Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome And Congenital Cochlear Malformations. - 7th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implants And Related Sciences. . |
Jenny Loh Chen Nee, Goh Bee See, Abdullah Sani Mohamad. (2009). Extralaryngeal Involvement Of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis In Universiti Kebagnsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. - Xiii Asean Orl & Hns Congress. . |
Hafeza Ahmad, Mazita Amil, Goh Bee See, Phang Koon Seng, Lokman Saim. (2009). Syringocystadenoma Papilliferum (scap), A Rare Ceruminous Gland Tumor Of The External Ear Canal. - 29th Mso-hns Agm & Malaysian International Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Conference 2009. . |
Zamri M, Goh Bs, Mazita A, Saim L. (2009). A Ten Year Restrospective Review On Complications Of Acute Otitis Media Requiring Surgery In University Kebangsaan Medical Center (ukmmc) From 1998 To 2008. - 29th Mso-hns Agm & Malaysian International Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Conference 2009. . |
Mohd Sazafi Ms, Goh Bs, Asma A, Saim L. (2009). A Review Of Necrotizing Otitis Externa In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center. - 29th Mso-hns Agm & Malaysian International Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Conference 2009. . |
A Abdullah, C Umat, Bs Goh, M Ami, Th Tengku Mohd Noor. (2009). Pediatric Cochlear Implantation: Surgical And Educational Outcomes. - 7th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implants And Related Sciences. . |
Mazita Ami, Goh Bs, Abdullah A, Saim L. (2009). Quality Of Life Evaluation In Patients With Bone Anchored Hearing Aid. - 7th Asia Pacific Symposium On Cochlear Implants And Related Sciences. . |
Ee Yuin Su, Pua Kin Choo, Goh Bee See. (2009). Lemierre`s Syndrome: A Rare Case Of Acute Upper Airway Obstruction. - 29th Mso-hns Annual General Meeting & Malaysian International Otolaryngology Head & Neck Conference 2009. . |
Faizah Ar, Goh Bs, Saim L. (2009). Paediatric Cholesteatoma:a Retrospective Review In Ukmmc. - 29th Mso-hns Annual General Meeting & Malaysian International Otorhinolaryngology Conference 2009. . |
Shaariyah Mm, Goh Bee See. (2009). Retrospective Review Of Surgical Management Of Foreign Body Ingestion. - 29th Mso-hns Annual General Meeting & Malaysian International Otorhinolaryngology Conference 2009. . |
Zainal A, Goh Bs, Sani A. (2009). Supraglottoplasty For Laryngomalacia: An Effective Surgical Treatment. - 29th Ms)-hns Annual General Meeting & Malaysian International Otorhinolaryngology Conference 2009. . |
Pengiran Suhaili Dn, Goh Bs, Gendeh Bs. (2009). A Ten Year Retrospective Review Of Orbital Complications Secondary To Acute Sinusitis In Children. - 29th Mso-hns Annual General Meeting & Malaysian International Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Conference 2009. . |
Ym Lai, M Nadiah, H Nash, S Farah, Ks Yeoh, Bs Goh, A Mazita. (2009). Quality Of Life In Patients With Microtia And Canal Atresia After Surgical Intervention In Ukmmc. - 1st Ssm Annual Scientific Meeting. . |
Goh Bee See, Pengiran Suhaili, Balwant Singh Gendeh. (2008). A Ten-year Retrospective Review Of Orbital Complications Secondary To Acute Sinusitis In Children. - 8th International Conference Of Eoropean Society Of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology. . |
Bs Goh, Mf Ishak, Kh Chua, A Asma, Bs Lokman, Bs Aminuddin And Bhi Ruszymah. (2008). Comparison On Normal And Microtic Human Auricular Chondrocytes: Growth Kinetic And Gene Expression Analysis. - Tissue Engineering And Regenarative Medicine International Society Asia-pacific Chpater Meeting. . |
Goh Bs, Mazita A, Asma A, Lokman S. (2008). Hearing Rehabilitation Using Bone Anchored Hearing Aid. - 1st Asean Academy Of Neurotology Otology & Audiology Congress. . |
Lokman Saim, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Mazita Ami. (2008). Management Of Congenital Microtia And Aural Atresia. - 1st Asean Academy Of Neurotology Otology & Audiology Congress. . |
Goh Bee See. (2007). Allergic Rhinitis: Is There A Role Of Probiotics?. - 26th International Symposium On Infection And Allergy Of The Nose & Mso-hns Scientific Meeting. . |
Salina H, Goh Bs, Asma A, Saim L. (2007). Congenital Cholesteatoma: A Report Of 4 Cases. - 26th International Symposium On Infection And Allergy Of The Nose & Mso-hns Scientific Meeting. . |
Goh Bee See. (2007). Cochlear Implant Candidacy. - 26th International Symposium On Infection And Allergy Of The Nose & Mso-hns Scientific Meeting. . |
Yah Hui Jong, Isa Rose, Bee See Goh. (2007). Nasopharyngeal Aspergillosis Mimicking Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. - 26th International Symposium On Infection And Allergy Of The Nose & Mso-hns Scientific Meeting. . |
Lokman Saim, Goh Bee See, Khairul S, Asma Abdullah. (2007). Pinnaplasty - When And How?. - 26th International Symposium On Infection And Allergy Of The Nose & Mso-hns Scientific Meeting. . |
Lokman Saim, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Mazita Ami. (2007). Canal Reconstruction Or Baha?. - 26th International Symposium On Infection And Allergy Of The Nose & Mso-hns Scientific Meeting. . |
Goh Bee See, Salina Husain, Tan Sook Pei, Nadira Mohd Nordin, Wan Fazlina Bt Wan Hashim, Lokman Saim. (2007). Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumour: A Case Report Of Bilateral Temporal Bone Involvement. - 12th Asean Orl Head & Neck Congress. . |
Asma A, Goh Bs, Sakina Ms, Salina H. (2007). Carotid Body Tumors: Review Of 9 Year Experience. - 26th International Symposium On Infection And Allergy Of The Nose & Mso-hns Scientific Meeting. . |
B S Goh, C Y Wong, A.asma, L Saim. (2007). Surgical Outcome Of Traumatic Facial Nerve Palsy. - Malaysia, Indonesia And Brunei Darulssalam Medical Science Conference. . |
Bs Gendeh, Bs Goh, Jong Yh, Isa Rose. (2007). Prevalence Of Eosinophilic Mucin Chronic Rhinosinusitis In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (prelimanary Report). - 26th International Symposium On Infection And Allergy Of The Nose & Mso-hns Scientific Meeting. . |
Doi M, Goh Bs. (2007). Efficacy Of Heat-killed Lactobacillus Paracasei 33 On Allergic Rhinitis Patients, A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study. - 26th International Symposium On Infection And Allergy Of The Nose & Mso-hns Scientific Meeting. . |
Lokman Saim, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See & Mazita Ami. (2007). Congenital Hearing Defects In Children. - Malaysia, Indonesia And Brunei Darulssalam Medical Science Conference. . |
Asma A, Mazita A, Goh Bs, Wan Fazlina Wh, Almyzan A, Shahrina Az, Lokman S. (2007). Bone Anchored Hearing Aid, A Review Of Complications And Outcomes. - Minggu Penyelidikan Ke-ix Perubatan Dan Kesihatan. . |
L Saim, B S Goh, B S Khairul, A Asma. (2006). Medpor Porous Polyethylene For Pinna Construction. - 2006 Chuk Ent Conference. . |
Lokman Saim, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Mazita Ami. (2006). Management Of Microtia And Aural Atresia. - 1st Ent Head & Neck Conference Indonesia. . |
Lokman Saim, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See. (2006). Management Of Csf Leak In Acoustic Neuroma Surgery. - 50th Annual Convention Of The Philippine Society Of Otolaryngology-head & Neck Surgery. . |
L Saim, A Abdullah, Bs Goh, M Ami. (2006). Challenges In The Management Of Congenital Malformation Of The Ear. - Kk Hospital Review. . |
Bs Goh, Sakina Ms, Asma A, Lokman S, Zulfiqar Ma. (2006). Internal Auditory Canal Stenosis And Associated Anomalies Of The Inner Ear. - Ixth International Congress Of The European Society Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology / Paris. . |
Lokman Saim, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See. (2006). Translabyrinthine Approach For Acoustic Neuroma Surgery. - 1st Ent Head & Neck Conference, Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. . |
Wong C Y, Goh B S, Jeevanan J, B S Gendeh. (2005). Fungal Sinusitis- Hukm Experience. - 10th Asian Research Symposium On Rhinology. . |
Asma A, Mazita A, Shahrina Mz, Goh Bs, Saim L. (2005). Utility Of Bone Anchored Hearing Aid In Bilateral Canal Atresia. - 1st Malaysia-indonesia Medical Science. 60. |
Retrospective Review Of Peadiatric Head And Neck Malignancies In A Tertiary Malaysian Institution , Ketua Projek , 23-01-2025 sehingga 22-01-2028 , Universiti |
The Prevalence of Ocular Abnormalities among Non-Syndromic Children with Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss , Ketua Projek , 29-04-2024 sehingga 28-04-2027 , Universiti |
Prevalence of Genetic variant Among Non-syndromic Hearing Loss in University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Cochlear Implant Patients Using Buccal Swab , Ketua Projek , 31-07-2023 sehingga 30-01-2026 , Universiti |
Knowledge and Attitudes towards Genetic Testing among Parents of Children with Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss Post-Cochlear Implantation , Penyelidik Bersama , 14-11-2024 sehingga 13-11-2025 , Kebangsaan |
Developing and validating Cochlear Implant Parental Support (CIPS) scale for assessing parental emotional readiness and ecological support system throughout their child`s cochlear implant journey. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Universiti |
Cochlear Implant – Parental Support (CIPS) Scale: Development and Psychometric Properties , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2023 sehingga 31-07-2025 , Kebangsaan |
Association between MRI Brain In Suspected Cytomegalovirus (CMV) With Post- Implant Auditory Outcome among Pediatric Cochlear Implant Candidates. , Penyelidik Bersama , 26-01-2023 sehingga 25-07-2025 , Universiti |
Less Invasive Intratracheal Surfactant Instillation (LITSI) Guided With Video Laryngoscope In Preterm Infants With Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS): A Randomised Controlled Trial , Penyelidik Bersama , 03-09-2021 sehingga 30-06-2025 , Universiti |
A Single Blinded Prospective Cohort Study on the Diagnostic Accuracy of Laryngeal Ultrasound in Paediatric Dysphonia and Stridor , Ketua Projek , 17-10-2022 sehingga 16-02-2025 , Universiti |
Impact Of Pediatric Tracheostomy On Children And Caregivers’ Quality Of Life , Ketua Projek , 26-09-2022 sehingga 25-10-2024 , Universiti |
Management Outcome of Craniosynostosis in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) , Ketua Projek , 15-09-2022 sehingga 14-02-2025 , Universiti |
A Cross Sectional Study On Bacterial Profile And Antibacterial Susceptibilty In Paediatric Otitis Media , Ketua Projek , 25-11-2021 sehingga 24-11-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Management Outcomes of Traumatic Facial Nerve Palsy Secondary to Temporal Bone Fracture in UKMMC. , Ketua Projek , 24-09-2020 sehingga 23-08-2023 , Universiti |
Effect Of Personal Listening Device (Pld) In Relation On Hearing Impairment Among Healthcare Students In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , Ketua Projek , 14-05-2020 sehingga 13-11-2020 , Universiti |
Hearing Rehabilitation In Patients With Congenital Canal Atresia : An Observational Study In University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre , Ketua Projek , 30-01-2020 sehingga 29-12-2022 , Universiti |
Seroprevalence of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection-Associated Hearing Loss amongst Newborns Delivered in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre , Ketua Projek , 16-05-2019 sehingga 15-09-2020 , Universiti |
Spectrum of Upper Airway Pathology In Children with Down Syndrome In UKMMC , Ketua Projek , 14-05-2019 sehingga 13-05-2021 , Universiti |
Audiological Outcome and Speech Performance In Children with Multiple Disabilities Post Cochlear Implant , Ketua Projek , 11-04-2019 sehingga 10-04-2021 , Universiti |
The Benefits of Paediatric Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users in UKM , Ketua Projek , 05-04-2018 sehingga 04-08-2019 , Universiti |
A Retrospective Study on the Outcomes of Congenital Airway Pathologies at UKMMC , Ketua Projek , 11-01-2018 sehingga 10-01-2019 , Universiti |
Paediatric Cochlear Implanted Recipients Observational Study , Ketua Projek , 27-04-2017 sehingga 26-04-2022 , Universiti |
Ear, Nose and Throat Foreign Body : A Cross Sectional Study , Ketua Projek , 16-02-2017 sehingga 15-08-2018 , Universiti |
Retrospective Analysis of Paediatric Adenotonsilectomy in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre , Ketua Projek , 01-11-2016 sehingga 31-10-2017 , Universiti |
Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis in Children with Otitis Media with Effusion , Ketua Projek , 13-10-2016 sehingga 12-10-2017 , Universiti |
Attitude Towards Hearing Aid Usage among Hearing Impaired Adults in Klang Valley , Ketua Projek , 02-06-2016 sehingga 01-06-2017 , Universiti |
Hearing Status and Behavioral Patterns among School Aged Children with Cleft Lip and/or Palate , Ketua Projek , 01-11-2015 sehingga 31-10-2016 , Universiti |
Management and Outcome Of Paediatric Laryngo-Tracheal Stenosis In UKMMC , Ketua Projek , 11-06-2015 sehingga 10-10-2017 , Universiti |
Long Term Outcomes Of UKM Cochlear Implant Programme Among The Paediatric Implantees , Ketua Projek , 13-11-2014 sehingga 12-05-2016 , Universiti |
Paediatric Vascular Anomalies Of The Head And Neck In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre : A Cross-Sectional Study Of Diagnosis, Management And Quality Of Life , Ketua Projek , 27-04-2014 sehingga 26-04-2015 , Universiti |
Parental Awareness And The Quality Of Life In Paediatric Sleep Related Breathing Disorder , Ketua Projek , 28-02-2014 sehingga 27-08-2014 , Universiti |
Keratinocyte Growth Factor Receptor (KGFR) and Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor (ERFR) in Cholesteatoma , Ketua Projek , 01-03-2013 sehingga 30-04-2015 , Universiti |
Impact on Quality of Life of Children with Otitis Media and Their Parents/Caregiver and Associated Productivity Loss , Ketua Projek , 01-03-2013 sehingga 31-07-2013 , Kebangsaan |
The Impact of Adenotonsillectomy On Quality Of Life In Children With Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders (SDB) , Ketua Projek , 01-01-2013 sehingga 30-06-2014 , Universiti |
Effect of Vitamin E Supplement in Loud Noise Industrial Workers , Ketua Projek , 01-10-2012 sehingga 28-02-2014 , Universiti |
Effect of Tocotrienol Supplementation in Loud Noise Exposure laundry Workers , Ketua Projek , 08-08-2011 sehingga 30-11-2013 , Universiti |
Reconstruction of external ear via tissuea engineering technology utilizing co-polyester materials in sheep model for future clinical application , Ketua Projek , 01-08-2007 sehingga 31-01-2010 , Kebangsaan |
Complication of cochlear implantation: lesson learnt from 20 years’ experience , Penyelidik Bersama , 23-02-2023 sehingga 22-08-2024 , Universiti |
Vestibular, Balance and Cognitive Functions of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Cochlear Implant Recipients , Penyelidik Bersama , 11-08-2022 sehingga 10-08-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Comparison between Cone Beam CT (CBCT) and High-Resolution CT (HRCT) in Post Cochlear Implant: Evaluation of Image Quality and Radiation Dose , Penyelidik Bersama , 28-06-2022 sehingga 27-01-2025 , Universiti |
Piezoelectric mechanism in ZnO-PDMS thin film bilayer membrane for hearing systems’ implantable microphone , Penyelidik Bersama , 07-09-2021 sehingga 06-03-2025 , Kebangsaan |
Scars & bullies: identifying the speech and language barriers that impact the quality of life in children with cleft lip and palate , Penyelidik Bersama , 07-09-2021 sehingga 06-09-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Less Invasive Intratracheal Surfactant Instillation (LITSI) Guided With Video Laryngoscope In Preterm Infants With Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS): A Randomised Controlled Trial , Penyelidik Bersama , 03-09-2021 sehingga 02-09-2023 , Universiti |
Severity Of Language Delay In Repaired Cleft Palate Pre School Children And Factors Influencing It , Penyelidik Bersama , 03-09-2021 sehingga 02-09-2022 , Universiti |
The Developmental Outcomes Of Paediatric Cochlear Implantees , Penyelidik Bersama , 26-08-2021 sehingga 25-05-2024 , Universiti |
Rawatan Bersepadu Klef , Penyelidik Bersama , 17-08-2020 sehingga 16-02-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Auditory Performances Among Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Cochlear Implant Recipients , Penyelidik Bersama , 21-08-2019 sehingga 20-02-2022 , Universiti |
Otorhinolaringology Disease Spectrum in Primary Immunodeficiency Patient Treated in Tertiary Hospital in Malaysia , Penyelidik Bersama , 14-03-2019 sehingga 13-12-2020 , Universiti |
The Clinical Characteristic of Pre Lingual Cochlear Implant Recipients , Penyelidik Bersama , 24-01-2019 sehingga 23-01-2021 , Universiti |
Outcome of Pediatric Cholesteatoma: A Fifteen Years Review at UKMMC , Penyelidik Bersama , 07-06-2018 sehingga 06-06-2020 , Universiti |
Auditory Performance in Early Implanted Children with Cochleovestibular Malformation & Cochlear Nerve Deficiency , Penyelidik Bersama , 29-03-2018 sehingga 28-03-2019 , Universiti |
Pencapaian Auditori dan Pertuturan -Bahasa Jangka Panjang Kanak-kanak dengan Malformasi Kokleovestibular Pengguna Implan Koklea , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-03-2018 sehingga 14-03-2019 , Universiti |
Memprofil dan mengukur Pencapaian Kanak-kanak Implan Koklea yang mempunyai Malformasi Kokleovestibular , Penyelidik Bersama , 25-01-2018 sehingga 24-01-2019 , Universiti |
Improving Informational Counseling Delivery to Parents of Hearing Impaired Children: Changing the Conversation from the Ear to the Brain” , Penyelidik Bersama , 10-01-2018 sehingga 09-01-2020 , Universiti |
Kualiti Hidup Keluarga Kanak-Kanak Pengguna Alat Bantu Dengar, Implan Koklea Dengan Kokleovestibular Normal Dan Tidak Normal , Penyelidik Bersama , 28-12-2017 sehingga 27-12-2018 , Universiti |
Fungsi Vestibular dan Keseimbangan Kanak-kanak Berumur 6 - 12 Tahun yang Mempunyai Masalah Pendengaran Tahap Teruk hingga Sangat Teruk hingga Sangat Teruk Jenis Sensorineural , Penyelidik Bersama , 30-11-2017 sehingga 29-11-2018 , Universiti |
Hear and Heard Programme: Hearing loss in children: approaches to early identification and intervention through improving awareness , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-04-2017 sehingga 31-03-2020 , Kebangsaan |
MAINSTREAM SCHOOL READINESS FOR HEARING-IMPAIRED CHILDREN WITH COCHLEAR IMPLANTS , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2017 sehingga 30-06-2019 , Kebangsaan |
Prevalance and Characteristics of Ear Abnormality Based on HRCT Temporal in Patient with Microtia : A Cross Sectional Study Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-10-2015 sehingga 14-10-2018 , Universiti |
Auricular Cartilage Regeneration Using A Co-Culture System Of Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells With Normal Auricular And Microtic Chondrocytes , Penyelidik Bersama , 12-06-2015 sehingga 11-06-2018 , Universiti |
Profil Hasil Audiologi Dan Radiologi Implan Koklea Di Kalangan Individu Yang Mempunyai Saraf Koklea Hypoplasia , Penyelidik Bersama , 12-01-2014 sehingga 12-08-2014 , Universiti |
A Review on Brain and Inner Ear Abnormality in Cochlear Implant Candidate , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-03-2012 sehingga 31-12-2012 , Universiti |
A 26 Week, Randomised, Open-Labelled, Two Arm, Parallel-Group, Treat-To-Target Trial Comparing Efficacy and Safety of Double Insulin Analogue Combination , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2010 sehingga 31-03-2011 , Universiti |
The Incidence of Outis Media in Children in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2010 sehingga 28-02-2011 , Kebangsaan |
The Maturation of the Central Auditory System and Its Relationship with Speech Perception Performance of Children with Cochlear Implants , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-04-2008 sehingga 01-03-2010 , Kebangsaan |
Registry To Evaluate The Burden of Disease in Vertigo , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2007 sehingga 01-01-2009 , Kebangsaan |
The maturation of central audiotory system and its relationship with speech perceptin performance in children with cochlear implants , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2007 sehingga 31-03-2010 , Kebangsaan |
Regeneration of cochlear hair cells for the future treatment of deafness , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2007 sehingga 31-01-2010 , Kebangsaan |
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 2008 |
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang / Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 2019 |
Anugerah Perkhidmatan 20 Tahun / Anugerah Perkhidmatan 20 Tahun , 2021 |
Certificated of recognition for exemplary presentation to Global OHNS , 2023 |
Tokoh Akademia Wanita Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , 2021 |
DR. EE YUIN SU, Sarjana |
DR. CHONG HON SYN, Sarjana |
DR. KONG MIN HAN, Sarjana |
Outcome of Bone Anchored Hearing Aid in PPUKM., DR. SUHANA BINTI ABDUL RAHIM, Sarjana |
Cabaran IbuBapa Dalam Proses Pengesanan dan Intervensi Awal Masalah Pendengaran Kanak – Kanak, NUR FATIHAH AINUN BINTI HAMZAH, Sarjana |
Long Term Outcomes of UKM Cochlear Implant Programme Among The Peadiatric Implantees, DR. NORAZIANA BINTI FADZILAH, Sarjana |
DR. TE BOON CHIN, Sarjana |
Cochlear Implant - Parental Support (CIPS): Development and psychometric properties, LIM TANG ZHI, Doktor Falsafah |
Regenerasi Rawan Aurikular Menggunakan Sistem Kultur Bersama Sel Stem Adipos Manusia Dengan Kondrosit Aurikular Normal Dan Mikrotik, SITI NURHADIS BINTI CHE OMAR, Doktor Falsafah |
Professor Dr Goh Bee See , 01-01-2018 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Kebangsaan |
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (IJPORL) , 01-01-2019 sehingga 31-12-2019 , Antarabangsa |
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (IJPORL) , 01-01-2018 sehingga 31-12-2018 , Antarabangsa |
Protokol Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoe , 26-08-2020 sehingga 26-08-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Middle Ear Pathologies and the Mobility of the Temporal Bone in Children with Cleft Lip and Palate - A Pilot Study , 02-08-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Jawatankuasa Perancangan Perpindahan HPKK UKM , 22-06-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Kebangsaan |
College Of Surgeons Academy Of Medicine Of Malaysia (CSAMM) Council , 01-08-2020 sehingga 31-08-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Effects of Low Birth Weight on Cochlear Function in the Newborns at Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya , 16-08-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Jawatankuasa Kerja Interim HPKK UKM , 07-02-2020 sehingga 28-02-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Jawatankuasa Kerja Interim HPKK UKM , 07-02-2020 sehingga 28-02-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Participation to "Care for Hearing and Swallowing Impairment in the Older People" symposium , 15-08-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Course Director : Fellowship in Paediatric ORL & Hearing Implant , 13-07-2020 sehingga 30-09-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Peperiksaan Akhir (Bersama) Ijazah Sarjana Otorinolaringologi Surgeri Kepala & Leher Sesi 2019/2020, November 2020 , 02-11-2020 sehingga 12-11-2020 , Kebangsaan |
Jawatankuasa Kecil Penilaian Kepakaran Perubatan (JKKPKP) bagi Bidang Otorhinolaryngology , 19-02-2021 sehingga 22-01-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Tokoh Akademia Wanita Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , 01-01-2021 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) , 16-04-2021 sehingga 15-05-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Guest and Speaker at Paediatric ORL Masterclass 2021 , 24-06-2021 sehingga 24-06-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Siaran Berita RTM "Dari Meja Doktor" , 14-10-2021 sehingga 14-10-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Program Temubual di 8TV Living Delights , 02-12-2021 sehingga 02-12-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Program Temubual di RTM2 Fresh Brew Like Show , 17-10-2021 sehingga 17-10-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Jawatankuasa Kecil Penilaian Kepakaran Perubatan (JKKPKP) Bagi Bidang Otorhinolaryngology Majlis Perubatan Malaysia (MPM) , 23-01-2022 sehingga 22-01-2024 , Kebangsaan |
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology , 01-01-2021 sehingga 31-01-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Berita Harian interview session - cochlear implant , 15-03-2022 sehingga 15-03-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Penggambaran Rancangan TV I-Doktor terbitan Taiping Broadcast System Sdn. Bhd. dengan kerjasama HCTM - stesen TV RTM/TV OKEY , 15-01-2022 sehingga 15-06-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Malaysian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists - Head and Neck Surgeons (MSO HNS) & College of Otorhinolaryngologist- Head and Neck Surgeons, Academy of Medicine Malaysia (CORLAMM) , 22-06-2022 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Kebangsaan |
2022 International Pediatric Airway Symposium - Unusual Case of Stridor in Baby , 25-03-2022 sehingga 26-03-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Majlis Profesor Negara , 26-08-2022 sehingga 26-08-2032 , Kebangsaan |
Editorial Board Member of Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports , 01-10-2022 sehingga 31-10-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports , 01-10-2022 sehingga 31-10-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Cosy Ten Facebook Live interview (hearing loss and cochlear implant) , 06-04-2023 sehingga 06-04-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Interview session with Dr Malar Santhi by Cochlear (treatment & management of hearing loss) , 23-02-2023 sehingga 23-02-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Certificated of recognition for exemplary presentation to Global OHNS , 06-05-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Journal of Surgical Academia , 23-10-2023 sehingga 22-10-2026 , Antarabangsa |
Penyelia Bersama bagi Pelajar Prasiswazah Kursus Projek penyelidikan 1 & 2 (NNNA4213 & NNNA4225) , 15-11-2023 sehingga 15-11-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Asia Pacific HPV and Head & Neck Cancer Group Input Meeting , 30-06-2023 sehingga 01-07-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Importance of age at 2nd implantation and inter-implant interval to the outcome of bilateral prelingually deafened pediatric cochlear implantation , 24-09-2023 sehingga 05-10-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Advisor to NF1 Advisory Board (Ad-Board) for Selumitinib , 08-04-2023 sehingga 08-04-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Guest Speaker for Medical Interview on MELODY , 15-03-2024 sehingga 15-03-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Ahli Jawatankuasa Penyeliaan Program Doktor Falsafah (Pendengaran & Pertuturan) , 14-03-2024 sehingga 31-03-2025 , Kebangsaan |
Optimizing Cochlear Implantation: A Step-by-Step Guide and Timeline for Subperiosteal Pocket Technique , 02-01-2024 sehingga 02-11-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Pediatric Cochlear Implantation in Otitis Media with Effusion: Are Ventilation Tubes Truly Necessary? , 28-01-2024 sehingga 28-11-2024 , Antarabangsa |
National Postgraduate Medical Curriculum: ORL-HNS Training The Trainers Programme - organised by ORL-HNS Specialty Committee , 01-12-2024 sehingga 30-11-2029 , Kebangsaan |
Penyelia Subkepakaran Otorinolaringologi (Bidang Pediatrik ORL) Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia , 01-01-2025 sehingga 31-12-2026 , Kebangsaan |
2nd ORL-HNS Video Montage Presentation & Competition , 14-01-2021 sehingga 14-01-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
55th TEMPORAL BONE COURSE , 14-02-2023 sehingga 15-02-2023 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
6th UKM PAEDIATRIC AIRWAY WEBINAR – TIPS AND TRICKS FOR TRAINEES , 01-09-2021 sehingga 30-11-2021 , Universiti |
AHLI JAWATANKUASA PENILAIAN BAGI PERMOHONAN PRGS FASA 1 2022 , 07-01-2022 sehingga 06-01-2023 , Universiti |
Adult & Paediatric Tracheostomy Workshop 2023 , 28-02-2023 sehingga 28-02-2023 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
BENGKEL PENYEMAKAN UBAT-UBATAN FORMULARI HPKK UKM , 28-07-2023 sehingga 30-07-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
COURSE DIRECTOR AND CO-TRAINER FELLOWSHIP IN NEURO-OTOLOGY AND LATERAL SKULL BASE , 30-09-2020 sehingga 29-09-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
COURSE DIRECTOR FELLOWSHIP IN PAEDIATRIC ORL & HEARING IMPLANT , 13-07-2020 sehingga 12-07-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Clinico-Pathological Conference (CPC) by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery: Nightmare Beyond The Ear Pain , 06-07-2022 sehingga 06-07-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
DANA PENERBITAN BUKU 2021 , 12-04-2021 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Universiti |
Grand Clinicopathological Conference (CPC) Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, An Infant with Difficult Airway , 06-04-2022 sehingga 06-04-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
HEARING CONGRESS KE-2 2018 , 05-10-2017 sehingga 11-08-2018 , Universiti |
JAWATANKUASA KECIL MODUL TAHUN 4 OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY – HEAD & NECK SURGERY FFFF4212 , 29-08-2016 sehingga 07-09-2018 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
JAWATANKUASA PASUKAN PENGURUSAN KLEF LELANGIT DAN BIBIR, HCTM PPUKM , 02-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
JAWATANKUASA PROGRAM UKM WORLD HEARING DAY 2024 , 03-03-2024 sehingga 03-03-2024 , Universiti |
JAWATANKUASA SAMBUTAN WORLD HEARING DAY 2020 , 03-03-2020 sehingga 03-03-2020 , Universiti |
JAWATANKUASA TERAPEUTIK DAN UBAT-UBATAN HPKK UKM , 03-04-2023 sehingga 03-04-2026 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Pelaksana Bidang Keberhasilan Utama (KRA) Institute-HEARS , 17-11-2017 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
KEM PPA 3 SESI 2021/2022 , 30-10-2021 sehingga 31-10-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
KOMUNITI TUTUR , 10-10-2017 sehingga 06-09-2022 , Universiti |
Lantikan Sebagai Penemuduga Sesi Pemilihan Pelajar Program Doktor Perubatan Fakulti Perubatan UKM Bagi Sesi Akademik 2021-2022 , 06-07-2021 sehingga 08-07-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Lantikan Sebagai Penemuduga Sesi Pemilihan Pelajar Program Doktor Perubatan Fakulti Perubatan UKM Bagi Sesi Akademik 2024/2025 , 02-07-2024 sehingga 04-07-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Mentoring Geran GGPM/GUP/DIP 2023 , 01-05-2023 sehingga 10-06-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
PASUKAN IMPLAN KOKLEA UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA , 01-07-2017 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Universiti |
PELANTIKAN SEBAGAI AHLI JAWATANKUASA, ACADEMIA OF ORL-HNS, JABATAN OTORINOLARINGOLOGI,HCTM, PPUKM , 01-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
PEMERIKSA PEPERIKSAAN IKHTISAS AKHIR (KLINIKAL) SESI 2019-2020 , 07-12-2020 sehingga 10-12-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
PEMERIKSA PEPERIKSAN IKHTISAS AKHIR TAHUN 5 SESI 20202021 , 06-12-2021 sehingga 09-12-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
PEMERIKSA PEPERIKSAN IKHTISAS AKHIR TAHUN 5 SESI 20212022 , 29-08-2022 sehingga 02-09-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Panel Penilai Dana Penerbitan Buku Tahun 2023 Fasa 1 , 01-01-2023 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Panel Penilai Geran Penyelidikan di bawah Dana UP Tahun 2022 , 01-06-2022 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Universiti |
Panel Penilai Geran Penyelidikan di bawah Dana UP Tahun 2024 , 30-07-2024 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Universiti |
Pemeriksa Dalam Untuk Menilai Tesis Ijazah Sarjana Sains Kesihatan , 09-05-2024 sehingga 09-05-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Pemeriksa Peperiksaan Ikhtisas Akhir Sesi 20242025 , 09-09-2024 sehingga 12-09-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Penaksiran soalan peperiksaan akhir semester 1 2020/2021, Modul Otorinolaringologi, Pelajar Perubatan Tahun 4 , 15-12-2020 sehingga 22-12-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Peperiksaan Doktor Pakar Surgeri Bahagian 1 , 03-11-2021 sehingga 03-11-2021 , Universiti |
Permohonan Skim Geran Penyelidikan Pembangunan Prototaip (PRGS) Fasa 1 Tahun 2022 , 07-01-2022 sehingga 06-01-2023 , Universiti |
Rampai Penyelidik Siri 7-Malaysia Sihat Sejahtera , 17-12-2018 sehingga 17-12-2018 , Universiti |
UKM 6th Cochlear Implant Workshop 2022 , 09-06-2022 sehingga 09-09-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Unit Otorinolaringologi Hospital Pakar Kanak-Kanak (HPKK) , 15-04-2023 sehingga 14-04-2026 , Universiti |
WEBINAR UMUM MEMASYARAKATKAN KESIHATAN RAKYAT 2022 SIRI 9/2022 : JANGAN BIARKAN DUNIA ANAK ANDA SEPI , 20-05-2022 sehingga 20-05-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
WORLD HEARING DAY 2023 , 03-03-2023 sehingga 03-03-2023 , Universiti |
jawatankuas kecil modul tahun 5 modul ffff5816 , 29-08-2016 sehingga 25-08-2017 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |