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Curriculum Vitae



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Dr. Aznida Firzah ialah seorang doktor klinikal, penyelidik, dan advokat yang komited dalam meningkatkan kualiti perkhidmatan penjagaan kesihatan primer. Beliau memperoleh Ijazah Perubatan (MD) dari Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1992 dan memulakan kerjayanya sebagai Pegawai Perubatan di Hospital Kuala Lumpur, memperoleh pengalaman luas dalam pelbagai bidang perubatan. Pada tahun 2003, beliau melanjutkan kepakarannya dalam Perubatan Keluarga dengan memperoleh Sarjana Perubatan (Perubatan Keluarga), mengukuhkan peranannya sebagai Pakar Perubatan Keluarga yang berfokus kepada rawatan pesakit secara menyeluruh. Pada tahun 2015, beliau mencipta sejarah sebagai Pakar Perubatan Keluarga pertama di Malaysia yang memiliki ijazah Doktor Falsafah (PhD) dalam Kesihatan Awam, setelah menamatkan program PhD dalam Kesihatan Komuniti melalui kerjasama antara United Nations University–International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) dan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau telah berkhidmat sebagai Pensyarah Perubatan di Jabatan Perubatan Keluarga, Fakulti Perubatan, UKM sejak tahun 2003 dan pernah memegang jawatan sebagai Ketua Jabatan (2015-2017). Sebagai seorang pakar klinikal dan penyelidik, beliau mempunyai minat mendalam dalam meningkatkan penjagaan jangka panjang untuk pesakit strok dalam penjagaan primer. Berbekalkan pengalaman klinikal di Klinik Lanjutan Strok, beliau telah membangunkan laluan penjagaan bersepadu untuk pesakit strok di komuniti/pasca discaj (iCaPPS©), yang menghubungkan rawatan hospital dengan penjagaan komuniti. Pengajian PhD beliau juga memperkukuhkan pemahaman dalam ekonomi kesihatan, membolehkan beliau menyediakan bukti ekonomi bagi menyokong perubahan dalam dasar penjagaan kesihatan negara. Penyelidikan beliau merangkumi hasil klinikal, penilaian perkhidmatan kesihatan, dan reka bentuk laluan penjagaan bersepadu dalam model perkongsian penjagaan multidisiplin. Fokus utama kajiannya adalah dalam penjagaan jangka panjang pesakit demensia, kesan kesihatan oral t
Dr. Aznida Firzah is an active clinician, researcher, and advocate for improved primary care services. She earned her medical degree from the University of Malaya in 1992 and began her career as a Medical Officer at Hospital Kuala Lumpur, gaining hands-on experience in diverse healthcare settings. In 2003, she obtained her Master of Medicine (Family Medicine), solidifying her role as a Family Medicine Specialist dedicated to comprehensive, patient-centered care. In 2015, she achieved a significant milestone by earning a PhD in Community Health through a joint program between the United Nations University–International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) and UKM, making her the first Family Medicine Specialist in Malaysia with a doctorate in Public Health. Since 2003, she has been a core academic and clinician in the Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UKM, where she also served as Head of Department (2015-2017). Driven by a passion for optimizing long-term stroke care in primary care settings, she leveraged her clinical experience at Klinik Lanjutan Strok to develop an integrated care pathway for home-bound post-stroke patients (iCaPPS©), bridging gaps between hospital and community care. Her PhD studies deepened her expertise in health economics, enabling her to generate economic evidence that informs healthcare policy reforms. Her research portfolio spans clinical outcomes, healthcare service evaluation, and multidisciplinary shared care models, with a particular focus on dementia care, oral health’s impact on systemic disease, and strategic purchasing for Malaysia’s National Health Financing Scheme. She is actively engaged in translating research into practice, working with policymakers and stakeholders to enhance cost-effective, patient-centered care delivery. Dr. Aznida is a sought-after speaker at national and international conferences on long-term stroke care and healthcare economics. She currently serves as Vice President of the Malaysian Healt

(Bidang Pengajian),(Peringkat),(Institusi),(Tahun)
Kesihatan Masyarakat , Doktor Falsafah , UKM , 2015
Sarjana Kepakaran , UKM , 2003
Doktor (Perubatan) , UM , 1992

Penerbitan Berimpak Tinggi

Valery L Feigin , Rita Krishnamurthi, Oleg Medvedev, Alexander Merkin, Balakrishnan Nair, Michael Kravchenko, Shabnam Jalili-moghaddam, Suzanne Barker-collo , Yogini Ratnasabapathy, Luke Skinner, Mayowa Owolabi , Bo Norrving, Perminder S Sachdev.  (2024).  Usability And Feasibility Of Prevents-md Web App For Stroke Prevention.  - International Journal Of Stroke.  94-104. 
Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Nur Syazana Mad Tahir, Aniza Ismail, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Amirahazzeri, S.a. Zafrah, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin.  (2023).  Cost Efectiveness Of Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccines In The Elderly Population Of Malaysia.  - Scientifc Reports.  1-10. 
Mohammad Husni Jamal, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2023).  Gatekeepers In The Health Financing Scheme: Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, And Participation Of Malaysian Private General Practitioners In The Peka B40 Scheme.  - Plos One.  1-23. 
Nur Syazana Mad Tahir, Aniza Ismail, Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Amirah Azzeri , Ahmed Abdelmajed Alkhodary.  (2023).  Estimating The Economic Burden Of Influenza On The Older Population In Malaysia.  - Plos One.  1-13. 
Mohd Redhuan Abdul Muin, Saharuddin Ahmad, Mohd Hafidzul Jasman, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Zulkifli Md Zainuddin.  (2023).  Improving Erectile Dysfunction Management Among Asian Men With Diabetes Using The Knowledge Translation Intervention.  - Annals Of Family Medicine.  502-507. 
Siti Salmiah Mohd Yunus, Syed Nabil, Muhd Fazlynizam Rashdi, Abd Jabar Nazimi, Rifqah Nordin, Huann Lan Tan, Oteh Maskon, Hamat H. Che Hassan, Tzar Mohd Nizam Khaithir, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Yee Guan Ng, Ridwan Yeop Ismail, Roszalina Ramli.  (2023).  Perception Regarding The Nice Guideline On Antibiotic Prophylaxis Against Infective Endocarditis Following Dental Procedures: A Cross-sectional Study.  - Antibiotics.  1-15. 
Mohd Fairuz Ali, Nur Iman Suraiya Jaafar, Thayaletchumy Gophala Krishnan, Mohamad Azizi Mohamad Zulkifle, Nur Khairunnisa Khaidzir, Teh Rohila Jamil, Zuraidah Che Man And Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2023).  Dementia Awareness Among Elderly At Risk For Developing Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Cross Sectional Study At A University-based Primary Care Clinic.  - Bmc Geriatrics.  1-11. 
Afendi Hamat, Azhar Jaludin, Tuti Ningseh Mohd-dom, Haslina Rani, Nor Aini Jamil, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Diabetes In The News: Readability Analysis Of Malaysian Diabetes Corpus.  - International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health.  1-10. 
N.a. Mohd Norwir, S. Mohd Said, T.n. Mohd Dom, A.f. Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Identification Of Diabetes Risks In Periodontitis Patients And Their Compliance To Referral For Shared Care Interventions: Preliminary Findings From The Ukm-drip Trial.  - Journal Of Clinical Periodontology.  96-97. 
Chee Mun Chan, Marjorie Jia Yi Ong, Adam Aiman Zakaria, Monikha Maria Visusasam, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Teh Rohaila Jamil, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Assessment Of Dementia Knowledge And Its Associated Factors Among Final Year Medical Undergraduates In Selected Universities Across Malaysia.  - Bmc Geriatrics.  1-10. 
Muhammad Husni Jamal, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2022).  Successes And Obstacles In Implementing Social Health Insurance In Developing And Middle-income Countries: A Scoping Review Of 5-year Recent Literatures.  - Frontiers In Public Health.  1-13. 
Haliza Hasan, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2021).  Parents' And Caregivers' Satisfaction With Community-based Rehabilitation (cbr) Services For Children With Disability In East Coast States In Peninsular Malaysia.  - Health & Social Care In The Community.  215-226. 
Swee Hung Ang, Wen Yea Hwong, Michiel L. Bots, Sheamini Sivasampu, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Fan Kee Hoo, Ilonca Vaartjes.  (2021).  Risk Of 28-day Readmissions Among Stroke Patients In Malaysia (2008 To 2015): Trends, Causes And Its Associated Factors.  - Plos One.  1-14. 
Chong Pui Kei, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2020).  The Effectiveness Of Home-based Therapy On Functional Outcome, Self-efficacy And Anxiety Among Discharged Stroke Survivors.  - Medicine.  1-6. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Tan Chai Eng, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2020).  The Adaptation And Validation Of The Satisfaction With Stroke Care Questionnaire (homesat)(sasc10-my) For Use In Public Primary Healthcare Facilities Caring For Long- Term Stroke Survivors Residing.  - Health And Quality Of Life Outcomes.  1-10. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Amrizal Muhd Nur, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2020).  The Integrated Care Pathway For Managingpost Stroke Patients (icapps©) In Publicprimary Care Healthcentres In Malaysia:impact On Quality Adjusted Life Years(qalys) And Cost Effectiveness Analysis.  - Bmc Geriatrics.  1-10. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Mohammad Fhaisol Yusof, Zuraidah Che Man, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2018).  Profile And Outcome Of Post Stroke Patients Managed At Selected Public Primary Care Health Centres In Peninsular Malaysia: A Retrospective Observational Study.  - Scientific Reports. 
Hi Mohd Zahari, Im Tew, Af Abdul Aziz, Tn Md Dom, M Shahida.  (2018).  Quality Of Life And Oral Hygiene Improvement Following Oral-hygiene Intervention For Post-stroke Patients In The Primary Health Care Clinic.  - Journal Of Clinical Periodontology. 
Aznida F Abdul Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Noor Abd Aziz, Suhazeli Abdullah, Saperi Sulong, Syed M Aljunid.  (2014).  Care For Post-stroke Patients At Malaysian Public Health Centres: Self-reported Practices Of Family Medicine Specialists.  - Bmc Family Practice.  15:40. 
Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Noor Azah Abd Aziz, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Devinder Kaur Ajit Singh, Nor Aishah Omar Othman, Saperi Sulong And Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2014).  Exploring Views On Long Term Rehabilitation For People With Stroke In A Developing Country: Findings From Focus Group Discussions.  - Bmc Health Services Research.  118. 
Zurraini Arabi, Noor Azah Aziz, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Rosdinom Razali And Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh.  (2013).  Early Dementia Questionnaire (edq): A New Screening Instrument For Early Dementia In Primary Care Practice.  - Bmc Family Practice.  14:49. 
Na Aziz, Af Abdul Aziz, Mf Ali, Bs Saperi, Sm Aljunid.  (2013).  From Acute Care To A Primary Care-led Post Stroke Service For Patients Residing At Home: Doing Away With `blanket Referrals`!.  - Cerebrovascular Diseases.  35(suppl 3):1-2. 
Af Abdul Aziz, Mf Ali, Ns Mohd Zawawi, H Hussain, Rm Kamal, Z Che`man, Na Aziz, Sm Aljunid.  (2013).  Managing The Post Stroke Patient In The Community: Helping Primary Care Doctors To Screen For Swallowing Disorders Using The Icapps-swallow.  - Cerebrovascular Diseases.  35(S3):482. 
Af Abdul Aziz, Na Aziz, Mohd Nordin, Bs Saperi, Sm Aljunid.  (2013).  Promoting Seamless Transfer-of-care For Stroke Patients In Primary Care: Development Of The Integrated Care Pathway For Post Stroke (icapps) Services In Developing Countries.  - Cerebrovascular Diseases.  35(S3):482. 
Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Shahida Mohd Said, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Rizal Abdul Manaf, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2012).  Periodontal Disease As An Indicator Of Chronic Non-communicable Diseases: Evidence From Literatures.  - Bmc Public Health.  12(Suppl 2):A26. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Azah Aziz, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2012).  The Post Discharge Stroke Care Services In Malaysia: A Pilot Analysis Of Self-reported Practices Of Family Medicine Specialists At Public Health Centres.  - Bmc Public Health.  12(Suppl 2):A1. 
M Fairuz Ali, Na Aziz, Afa Aziz, Am Rizal, S Azmin.  (2012).  Early Functional Recovery Of Ischaemic Stroke Patients After 3 Months Of Transfer Of Care From Hospital To The Community: A Prospective Observational Study.  - Cerebrovascular Diseases.  34(suppl 1): 46. 
Faa Aznida, Nor Mn Azlin, Mn Amrizal, S Saperi And Sm Aljunid.  (2012).  The Cost Of Treating An Acute Ischaemic Stroke Event And Follow-up At A Teaching Hospital In Malaysia: A Casemix Costing Analysis.  - Bmc Health Services Research.  12(Suppl 1):P6. 
Aznida Faa, Asriah I, Zazalina M, Aziz Na.  (2010).  The Care Of Long Term Stroke In A Community: What Do We Need? The Development Of A Pilot Model For Community Based Long Term Stroke Clinic In Malaysia.  - International Journal Of Stroke.  5(S1):40. 
Nashrah H, Fadilah Az, Aziz Na, Zulkarami An, Aznida Faa, Maryam A, Katijjah Ma.  (2010).  Post Discharged Rehabilitation Intervention To Post-stroke Patients: Implementing A Structured Multidisciplinary Approach In A Combined Stroke Rehabilitation Clinic Patients In Malaysia-a Pilot Projec.  - International Journal Of Stroke.  5(1):42. 

Penerbitan WOS

Radhiyah Hussin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Ezura Madiana Md Monoto, Hs Arvinder Singh, Alabed Ali Ahmed Alabed, Wan Asyraf Wan Zaidi, Norlinah Ibrahim.  (2023).  Stroke Riskometer Application (sratm) Influence On Lifestyle Changes Of Home Bound Familial Malaysian Stroke Caregivers: A Randomised Controlled Trial In A Primary Care Based Longer Term Stroke Care Facility..  - Bmc Primary Care.  1-10. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Norlaila Mustafa, Abdul Hadi Said, Rasidah Ayob, Salbiah Mohamed Isa, Ernieda Hatah, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Mohd Farez Fitri Mohd Alwi.  (2022).  Screening For Type 2 Diabetes And Periodontitis Patients (codapt Myc): A Multidisciplinary Care Approach.  - Bmc Health Services Research.  1-8. 
Mohd Naqiuddin Johar, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  The Effect Of Game-based In Comparison To Conventional Circuit Exercise On Functions, Motivation Level, Self-efficacy And Quality Of Life Among Stroke Survivors.  - Medicine.  1-7. 
Noor Mikraz Mohamad Isa, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2020).  Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: Prevalence And Factors Associated With Help-seeking In Male Primary Care Attendees.  - Korean Journal Of Family Medicine.  256-262. 
Janice Hew Pei Fang, Lee Jia En, Tew In Meei, , Shahida Mohd Said, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Rohana Ahmad, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom.  (2018).  Impact Of Tooth Loss And Preferences For Tooth Replacement Among Clinic Attendees At A Public University.  - Journal Of Dentistry Indonesia. 
Chai-eng Tan, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, May-yin Hi, Nur Sarah A Azmi, Nur Khairina Ishak, Fathin Alyaa Mohamad Farid, Mohammad Nazri Zulkafli.  (2018).  Validation Of The Caregiving Knowledge Questionnaire-my: Measuring Knowledge Regarding Positioning And Feeding Among Malaysian Caregivers Of Stroke Patients.  - Indian Journal Of Palliative Care. 
Fathin Alyaa Mf, May Yin H, Nur Khairina I, Nur Sarah Aisyah A, Chai Eng T, Aznida Firzah Aa.  (2018).  The Level Of Caregiving Knowledge And Self-efficacy Among Caregivers Of Stroke Patient.  - Medicine And Health. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Noor Azah Abd Aziz, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2017).  The Integrated Care Pathway For Post Stroke Patients (icapps): A Shared Care Approach Between Stakeholders In Areas With Limited Access To Specialist Stroke Care Services.  - Bmc Health Services Research.  1-11. 
Rosdinom Razali, Julianita Ariffin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Sharifah Ezat Wan Puteh, Suzaily Wahab, Tuti Iryani Mohd Daud.  (2016).  Sleep Quality And Psychosocial Correlates Among Elderly Attendees Of An Urban Primary Care Centre In Malaysia.  - Neurology Asia.  265 - 273. 
Ali Mf, Aziz Na, Aznida Faa, Rizal Am, Azmin S.  (2013).  Prospective Study Of Functional Recovery Of Stroke Patients At Three Months Post Admission: Outcomes And Implications For Post Stroke Care Provision.  - Medicine & Health.  19-27. 
Aziz Na, Fatimah Ab, Aznida Faa, Hamid Mza, Syanaz Mh, Zuhra H, Mustafa N.  (2012).  The Association Of Various Risk Factors And Plantar Pressures In The Development Of Peripheral Neuropathy Amongst Diabetic Patients Attending Outpatient Clinics.  - International Medical Journal.  19(1):33-36. 
Fatimah Ab, Noor Azah A, Amaramalar Sn, Aznida Faa, Norlaila M.  (2010).  Risk Determinants Of Peripheral Neuropathy In Patients With Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus Attending Follow-up Clinics At University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center (ukmmc): A Cross Sectional Study.  - Medicine & Health.  34-40. 
Mohd Radzniwan A Rashid, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Saharuddin Ahmad, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Ismail Sagap.  (2009).  Colorectal Cancer Patients In A Tertiary Referral Centre In Malaysia: A Five Year Follow-up Review.  - Asian Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention.  10(6):1163-1166. 

Penerbitan SCOPUS/ERA

Valery L Feigin , Rita Krishnamurthi, Oleg Medvedev, Alexander Merkin, Balakrishnan Nair, Michael Kravchenko, Shabnam Jalili-moghaddam, Suzanne Barker-collo , Yogini Ratnasabapathy, Luke Skinner, Mayowa Owolabi , Bo Norrving, Perminder S Sachdev.  (2024).  Usability And Feasibility Of Prevents-md Web App For Stroke Prevention.  - International Journal Of Stroke.  94-104. 
Johanes Dedi Kanchau, Ralph Kwame Akyea, Noorhida Baharudin, Mohamed-syarif Mohamed-yassin, Aisyah Kamal, Yung-an Chua, Aimi Zafira Razman, Hasidah Abdul-hamid, Suraya Abdul-razak, Siti Fatimah Badlishah-sham, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nadeem Q, Anis Sr.  (2024).  Prevalence And Distributions Of Severely Elevated Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (ldl-c) According To Age, Gender And Clinic Location Among Patients In The Malaysian Primary Care.  - Clinical Epidemiology And Global Health.  1-5. 
Nurin Zainal, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Chai Eng Tan, Rahmah Kamaluddin, Petrick Periyasamy, Noorul Amilin Binti Sulaiman.  (2023).  Pause©: The Case For Developing A Premarital Hiv Testing Aid For Primary Care Settings In Malaysia.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  190-200. 
Benjamin Teh Wee Chuan, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali.  (2023).  Screening For Depression Among Elderly Patients Attending Public Clinics In Kuching District: Perception, Views, And Barriers Of Primary Care Doctors.  - Journal Of Health Science And Medical Research.  55. 
Ramli As, Qureshi N, Abdul-hamid H, Kamal A, Kanchau Jd, Shahuri Ns, Akyea Rk, Silva L, Condon L, Abdul-razak S, Al-khateeb A, Chua Y, Mohamed-yassin M, Baharudin N, Badlishah-sham Sf, Abdul Aziz Af, Mohd Kasim Na, Sheikh Abdul Kadir Sh, Kai J, Leonardi-b.  (2023).  Reducing Premature Coronary Artery Disease In Malaysia By Early Identification Of Familial Hypercholesterolemia Using The Familial Hypercholesterolemia Case Ascertainment Tool (famcat): Protocol For A Mixed Methods Evaluation Study.  - Jmir Research Protocols.  1-19. 
Siti Salmiah Mohd Yunus, Syed Nabil, Muhd Fazlynizam Rashdi, Abd Jabar Nazimi, Rifqah Nordin, Huann Lan Tan, Oteh Maskon, Hamat H. Che Hassan, Tzar Mohd Nizam Khaithir, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Yee Guan Ng, Ridwan Yeop Ismail, Roszalina Ramli.  (2023).  Perception Regarding The Nice Guideline On Antibiotic Prophylaxis Against Infective Endocarditis Following Dental Procedures: A Cross-sectional Study.  - Antibiotics.  1-15. 
Mohd Redhuan Abdul Muin, Saharuddin Ahmad, Mohd Hafidzul Jasman, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Zulkifli Md Zainuddin.  (2023).  Improving Erectile Dysfunction Management Among Asian Men With Diabetes Using The Knowledge Translation Intervention.  - Annals Of Family Medicine.  502-507. 
Nur Syazana Mad Tahir, Aniza Ismail, Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Amirah Azzeri , Ahmed Abdelmajed Alkhodary.  (2023).  Estimating The Economic Burden Of Influenza On The Older Population In Malaysia.  - Plos One.  1-13. 
Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Nur Syazana Mad Tahir, Aniza Ismail, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Amirahazzeri, S.a. Zafrah, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin.  (2023).  Cost Efectiveness Of Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccines In The Elderly Population Of Malaysia.  - Scientifc Reports.  1-10. 
Mohammad Husni Jamal, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2023).  Gatekeepers In The Health Financing Scheme: Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, And Participation Of Malaysian Private General Practitioners In The Peka B40 Scheme.  - Plos One.  1-23. 
Radhiyah Hussin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Ezura Madiana Md Monoto, Hs Arvinder Singh, Alabed Ali Ahmed Alabed, Wan Asyraf Wan Zaidi, Norlinah Ibrahim.  (2023).  Stroke Riskometer Application (sratm) Influence On Lifestyle Changes Of Home Bound Familial Malaysian Stroke Caregivers: A Randomised Controlled Trial In A Primary Care Based Longer Term Stroke Care Facility..  - Bmc Primary Care.  1-10. 
Mohd Fairuz Ali, Nur Iman Suraiya Jaafar, Thayaletchumy Gophala Krishnan, Mohamad Azizi Mohamad Zulkifle, Nur Khairunnisa Khaidzir, Teh Rohila Jamil, Zuraidah Che Man And Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2023).  Dementia Awareness Among Elderly At Risk For Developing Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Cross Sectional Study At A University-based Primary Care Clinic.  - Bmc Geriatrics.  1-11. 
Norhayati Aziz, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Junita Harizon Aris.  (2023).  Dementia Detection Practice Among Primary Care Practitioners: A Cross-sectional Study In Hulu Langat District, Selangor.  - Medical Journal Of Malaysia.  225-233. 
Rahmah Rambli, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin.  (2023).  Benefits And Challenges Of Teleconsultation Service For Noncommunicable Disease Follow-up In Public Healthcare Clinics In Malaysia: A Qualitative Study.  - Medical Journal Of Malaysia.  449-457. 
Benjamin Teh Wee Chuan, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali.  (2023).  Perception, Views, And Barriers Of Primary Care Doctors Regarding Screening Of Depression Among Elderly Patients Attending Public Healthcare Clinics In Kuching District: A Qualitative Study.  - Medical Journal Of Malaysia.  301-307. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Khor Swee Kheng.  (2023).  Strategic Purchasing In The Malaysian Public Healthcare System: Current Status And Challenges To Implementation.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  170-172. 
Aisyah Kamal, Johanes Dedi Kanchau, Nur Syahirah Shahuri,mohamed-syarif Mohamed-yassin, Noorhida Baharudin, Suraya Abdul Razak, Siti Fatimah Badlishah-sham, Hasidah Abdul-hamid, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Alyaa Al-khateeb , Yung An Chua, Et Al.  (2023).  Case Series Of Genetically Confirmed Index Cases Of Familial Hypercholesterolemia In Primary Care.  - American Journal Of Case Reports.  1-12. 
Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Fayiza Manzoor Ahmed, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Siti Athirah Zafirah, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2023).  Budget Impact Analysis Of The Anticoagulant Edoxaban (lixiana®).  - Journal Of Health Science And Medical Research.  99. 
Haliza Hasan, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2023).  Impacts Of Community-based Rehabilitation Program (centre-based Care Vs. Home-based Care) On Health Outcomes Among Children With Disabilities In East Coast Region Of Peninsular Malaysia.  - Journal Of Health Science And Medical Research.  98. 
Siti Athirah Zafirah, Amirah Azzeri, Hafiz Jaafar, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2023).  Cost-effectiveness Analysis Of Introducing Maternal Tetanus, Diphtheria, And Pertussis (tdap) Vaccination During Pregnancy To Prevent Childhood Infections In Malaysia.  - Journal Of Health Science And Medical Research.  96. 
Rahmah Rambli, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin.  (2023).  Teleconsultation Service For Non-communicable Disease (ncd) Follow Up In Malaysia: Benefits And Challenges Of Primary Healthcare Providers.  - Journal Of Health Science And Medical Research.  61. 
Mohammad Husni Jamal, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2023).  Knowledge, Attitude, Practices And Participation In Peka B40 Scheme: Assessment Of Readiness Of Malaysian Private General Practitioners In A National Health Financing Scheme.  - Journal Of Health Science And Medical Research.  59. 
Nurziilal Mazlan, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2023).  Cognitive Impairment Among Elderly Patients With Polypharmacy Attending An Urban Based Primary Care Clinic.  - Journal Of Health Science And Medical Research.  112. 
Norhayati Aziz, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Junita Harizon Aris.  (2023).  Cognitive Evaluation Practice Among Primary Care Practitioners In Hulu Langat District, Selangor.  - Journal Of Health Science And Medical Research.  62. 
N.a. Mohd Norwir, S. Mohd Said, T.n. Mohd Dom, A.f. Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Identification Of Diabetes Risks In Periodontitis Patients And Their Compliance To Referral For Shared Care Interventions: Preliminary Findings From The Ukm-drip Trial.  - Journal Of Clinical Periodontology.  96-97. 
Chee Mun Chan, Marjorie Jia Yi Ong, Adam Aiman Zakaria, Monikha Maria Visusasam, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Teh Rohaila Jamil, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Assessment Of Dementia Knowledge And Its Associated Factors Among Final Year Medical Undergraduates In Selected Universities Across Malaysia.  - Bmc Geriatrics.  1-10. 
Afendi Hamat, Azhar Jaludin, Tuti Ningseh Mohd-dom, Haslina Rani, Nor Aini Jamil, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Diabetes In The News: Readability Analysis Of Malaysian Diabetes Corpus.  - International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health.  1-10. 
Mohd Naqiuddin Johar, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  The Effect Of Game-based In Comparison To Conventional Circuit Exercise On Functions, Motivation Level, Self-efficacy And Quality Of Life Among Stroke Survivors.  - Medicine.  1-7. 
Nur Syazana Mad Tahir, Aniza Ismail, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Petrick Periyasamy, Hazlina Mahadzir, Fauzi Md Anshar, Mohd Faudzi Abdullah, Wong Ping Foo, Ho Bee Kiau, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Rizah Mazzuin Razali.  (2022).  Clinical Pathway For Influenza In The Elderly: A Comprehensive Management Protocol Of Malaysia.  - Asia-pacific Journal Of Health Management.  1-14. 
Muhammad Husni Jamal, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2022).  Successes And Obstacles In Implementing Social Health Insurance In Developing And Middle-income Countries: A Scoping Review Of 5-year Recent Literatures.  - Frontiers In Public Health.  1-13. 
Ambigga Krishnapillai, Halyna Lugova, Mainul Haque, Suthahar Ariaratnam, Aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz, Mohammad Nazmul Hasan Mazi, Sapna Shridhar Patil, Aqil M. Daher, Suhaila Muhammad Ali, Nor Azlina A. Rahman, Nor Iza A. Rahman, Kona Chowdhur.  (2022).  The Shock Of The Sars Cov2 Pandemic On Health Professionals' Education: A Pilot Qualitative Study In Malaysia.  - Journal Of Applied Pharmaceutical Science.  161-171. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Norlaila Mustafa, Abdul Hadi Said, Rasidah Ayob, Salbiah Mohamed Isa, Ernieda Hatah, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Mohd Farez Fitri Mohd Alwi.  (2022).  Screening For Type 2 Diabetes And Periodontitis Patients (codapt Myc): A Multidisciplinary Care Approach.  - Bmc Health Services Research.  1-8. 
Aida Jaffar, Sherina Mohd Sidik, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Aidalina Mahmud, Rosliza Abd Manaf.  (2021).  Protocol For Economic Evaluation On Mhealth App For Managing Urinary Incontinence Among Pregnant Women: Single Centre Assessor Blinded Pilot Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  29. 
Benjamin Teh, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali.  (2021).  Perception And Views Of Primary Care Doctors Regarding Screening Of Depression Among Elderly Patients Attending Public Healthcare Clinics In Kuching District: A Qualitative Study.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  31. 
Swee Hung Ang, Wen Yea Hwong, Michiel L. Bots, Sheamini Sivasampu, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Fan Kee Hoo, Ilonca Vaartjes.  (2021).  Risk Of 28-day Readmissions Among Stroke Patients In Malaysia (2008 To 2015): Trends, Causes And Its Associated Factors.  - Plos One.  1-14. 
Nur Syazana Mt, Aniza Ismail, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2021).  The Development Of The Clinical Pathway For Influenza Among The Elderly At A Tertiary Teaching Hospital In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  5. 
Haliza Hasan, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2021).  Parents' And Caregivers' Satisfaction With Community-based Rehabilitation (cbr) Services For Children With Disability In East Coast States In Peninsular Malaysia.  - Health & Social Care In The Community.  215-226. 
Ozdalifah Omar, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Saidatul Ezy Hazika Ali Ja, Md Parvez Eusof Izzudin.  (2021).  Caregiver Depression Among Home-bound Stroke Patients In An Urban Community.  - Cureus.  1-9. 
Norhayati Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Practice Of Dementia Detection And Its Associated Factors Among Primary Care Doctors In Public Health Clinics In Hulu Langat District, Selangor.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  8. 
Benjamin Teh, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali.  (2021).  Perception And Views Of Primary Care Doctors Regarding Screening Of Depression Among Elderly Patients Attending Public Healthcare Clinics In Kuching District: A Qualitative Study.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  31. 
Rahmah Rambli, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Barriers And Challenges Of Teleconsultation Service For Non-communicable Disease (ncd) Follow Up During Covid-19 Pandemic In Malaysia.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  24. 
Azera Hasra Ismail, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Concept Paper On Cost Analysis And Quality Of Life For Caregivers And Stroke Patients Managed In Community: The Development Of Conceptual Framework.  - Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology.  3150-3162. 
Rizky Namora Puteri Harahap, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Wan Fadhilah Wan Ismail.  (2021).  Determinants Of Colorectal Carcinoma Screening Amongst Patients Attending A Public Primary Care Health Centre In Johor Bahru.  - Medical Journal Of Malaysia.  346-352. 
Mohd Hafiz Ridzuan , Mohd Fairuz Ali , Chai-eng Tan , Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Traditional And Complementary Medicine Use During Postpartum Period: A Cross-sectional Analysis At A Rural, Public Maternal And Child Health Clinic In West Malaysia.  - Cureus.  1-10. 
Nur Adila Mohd Norwir, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Shahida Mohd Said.  (2021).  Oral Health-related Quality Of Life And Dental Problems During The Malaysian Movement Control Order (mmco).  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  10. 
Norhayati Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Practice Of Dementia Detection And Its Associated Factors Among Primary Care Doctors In Public Health Clinics In Hulu Langat District, Selangor.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  8. 
Chong Pui Kei, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Family Caregiver-mediated Home-based Therapy As An Approach For Continued Stroke Rehabilitation During Covid 19 Pandemic.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  14. 
Mohammad Husni Jamal, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2021).  Can The 1care Concept Of National Health Insurance For Malaysia Be Revived?.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  13. 
Sarah Liyana M Abd Rani, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom.  (2021).  Effectiveness Of Educational Intervention In Improving Dental Clinic Attendance And Glycaemic Control Of Diabetes Patients (ukm-dare Trial).  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  23. 
Rahmah Rambli, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Barriers And Challenges Of Teleconsultation Service For Non-communicable Disease (ncd) Follow Up During Covid-19 Pandemic In Malaysia.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  24. 
Noor Mikraz Mohamad Isa, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2020).  Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: Prevalence And Factors Associated With Help-seeking In Male Primary Care Attendees.  - Korean Journal Of Family Medicine.  256-262. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Amrizal Muhd Nur, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2020).  The Integrated Care Pathway For Managingpost Stroke Patients (icapps©) In Publicprimary Care Healthcentres In Malaysia:impact On Quality Adjusted Life Years(qalys) And Cost Effectiveness Analysis.  - Bmc Geriatrics.  1-10. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Tan Chai Eng, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2020).  The Adaptation And Validation Of The Satisfaction With Stroke Care Questionnaire (homesat)(sasc10-my) For Use In Public Primary Healthcare Facilities Caring For Long- Term Stroke Survivors Residing.  - Health And Quality Of Life Outcomes.  1-10. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Norlaila Mustafa, Shahida Mohd Said, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Ernieda Md Hatah, Abdul Hadi Said, Mohd Farez Fitri Mohd Alwi.  (2020).  Screening For Diabetes Among Periodontitis Patients (codapt-my©): Care Pathway For Bridging Primary Care With Dental Care Services In Malaysia.  - Journal Of Health Science And Medical Research.  57. 
Wan Siti Nur Shafiqa Wan Musa, Mohd Ibrahim Shapiai, Hilman Fauzi, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2020).  Vascular Dementia Classification Based On Hilbert Huang Transform As Feature Extractor.  - Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science.  968-974. 
Mohammad Husni Jamal, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Syed Mohamed Aljunid..  (2020).  Social Health Insurance As An Option For Health Financing: A Literature Review.  - Journal Of Health And Medical Research.  69. 
Chai-eng Tan, May-yin Hi, Nur Sarah Azmi, Nur Khairina Ishak, Nur Fathin A. Mohd Farid, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2020).  Caregiving Self-efficacy And Knowledge Regarding Patient Positioning Among Malaysian Caregivers Of Stroke Patients.  - Cureus.  1-12. 
Chong Pui Kei, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2020).  The Effectiveness Of Home-based Therapy On Functional Outcome, Self-efficacy And Anxiety Among Discharged Stroke Survivors.  - Medicine.  1-6. 
Noor Hazilah Omar, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Chai Siaw Chui, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2020).  Functionality Among Stroke Survivors With Upper Limb Impairment Attending Community-based Rehabilitation.  - Medical Journal Of Malaysia.  95-100. 
Wisam Kamil, Ooi Yow Hian, Shahida Mohd Said, Siti Lailatul Akmar Zainuddin, Haslinda Ramli, Erni Noor, Rasidah Ayob, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Aniza Ismail, Saperi Sulong And Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom.  (2018).  Development Of Clinical Pathway For Non-surgical Management Of Chronic Periodontitis.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  26-32. 
Radhiyah Hussin, Ezura Madiana Md Monoto, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2018).  Would Knowing Your Risk For Getting Stroke Make You Change Your Lifestyle? A Proposal For A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Among Malaysian Urban-dwelling Stroke Caregivers.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine. 
Chai-eng Tan, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, May-yin Hi, Nur Sarah A Azmi, Nur Khairina Ishak, Fathin Alyaa Mohamad Farid, Mohammad Nazri Zulkafli.  (2018).  Validation Of The Caregiving Knowledge Questionnaire-my: Measuring Knowledge Regarding Positioning And Feeding Among Malaysian Caregivers Of Stroke Patients.  - Indian Journal Of Palliative Care. 
Azera Hasra Ismail, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Sharifa Ezat Wp.  (2018).  Costs Of Medical Care Among Stroke Patients Living In The Community: A Literature Review.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  51. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Mohammad Fhaisol Yusof, Zuraidah Che Man, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2018).  Profile And Outcome Of Post Stroke Patients Managed At Selected Public Primary Care Health Centres In Peninsular Malaysia: A Retrospective Observational Study.  - Scientific Reports. 
Hi Mohd Zahari, Im Tew, Af Abdul Aziz, Tn Md Dom, M Shahida.  (2018).  Quality Of Life And Oral Hygiene Improvement Following Oral-hygiene Intervention For Post-stroke Patients In The Primary Health Care Clinic.  - Journal Of Clinical Periodontology. 
Haliza Hasan, Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Sharifa Ezat Wp, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Amrizal Muhd Nur, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin And Nurul Anisah Jaafar.  (2018).  Parents And Caregivers Costs Of Community-based Rehabilitation (cbr) Programme For Disabled Children In East Coast Region Of Peninsular Malaysia.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Noor Azah Abd Aziz, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2017).  The Integrated Care Pathway For Post Stroke Patients (icapps): A Shared Care Approach Between Stakeholders In Areas With Limited Access To Specialist Stroke Care Services.  - Bmc Health Services Research.  1-11. 
Rosdinom Razali, Julianita Ariffin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Sharifah Ezat Wan Puteh, Suzaily Wahab, Tuti Iryani Mohd Daud.  (2016).  Sleep Quality And Psychosocial Correlates Among Elderly Attendees Of An Urban Primary Care Centre In Malaysia.  - Neurology Asia.  265 - 273. 
Haliza H, Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Sharifa Ezat Wp, Aznida Firzah, Amrizal Mn, Nor Azlin Mn.  (2016).  Cost Of Community-based Rehabilitation For Children With Disabilities From Parents` And Caretakers` Perspective: Comparing Centre-based And Home-based Programme.  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  34. 
Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Ng Yern Yern, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Raymond Seow Soo Huai, Devinder Kaur Ajit Singh.  (2016).  Is Community-based Rehabilitation Beneficial In Improving Physical Function And Health Status Among Chronic Stroke Survivors? A Malaysian Experience..  - Malaysian Journal Of Public Health Medicine.  204-210. 
Mohd Fairuz Ali, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Radzniwan Rashid, Zuraidah Che Man, Amnor Aidiliana Amir, Lim Yinn Shien, Nurul Shahida Ramli, Nur Asilah Anez Zainal Abidin.  (2015).  Usage Of Traditional And Complementary Medicine (t&cm): Prevalence, Practice And Perception Among Post Stroke Patients Attending Conventional Stroke Rehabilitation In A Teaching Hospital In Malaysia.  - Medical Journal Of Malaysia.  18-23. 
Mohd Radzniwan Ar, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Khairul Anwar Ar, Farah Adibah Ms, Lau Pl, Chia Ck, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz..  (2015).  The Prevalence Of Internet Addiction Among Malaysian Medical Students Studying At Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (ukm).  - Brunei International Medical Journal.  44. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Noor Azah Abd Aziz, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2015).  A Consensus Recommendation For Rehabilitation Of Post Stroke Patients At Community Level: The Icappsrehab.  - Brunei International Medical Journal.  s20-s21. 
Zuraidah Cm, Fairuz Ma, Aznida Faa, Nor Shahrina Mz.  (2015).  Validation Of Dysphagia Self Test For Screening Among Post Stroke Patients In Outpatient Setting.  - Brunei International Medical Journal.  s37. 
Syahnaz Mh, Aznida Faa, Lee Tg, Heng Xm, Mohd Hafizuddin, Wan Fashniwazi, Nur Farahain, Musfirah, Norfazilah A.  (2015).  Self-care Practices In Elderly With Diabetes And Its Association With Diabetes-related Distress.  - Malaysian Family Physician.  23. 
Aznida F Abdul Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Noor Abd Aziz, Suhazeli Abdullah, Saperi Sulong, Syed M Aljunid.  (2014).  Care For Post-stroke Patients At Malaysian Public Health Centres: Self-reported Practices Of Family Medicine Specialists.  - Bmc Family Practice.  15:40. 
Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Noor Azah Abd Aziz, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Devinder Kaur Ajit Singh, Nor Aishah Omar Othman, Saperi Sulong And Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2014).  Exploring Views On Long Term Rehabilitation For People With Stroke In A Developing Country: Findings From Focus Group Discussions.  - Bmc Health Services Research.  118. 
Af Abdul Aziz, Mf Ali, Ns Mohd Zawawi, H Hussain, Rm Kamal, Z Che`man, Na Aziz, Sm Aljunid.  (2013).  Managing The Post Stroke Patient In The Community: Helping Primary Care Doctors To Screen For Swallowing Disorders Using The Icapps-swallow.  - Cerebrovascular Diseases.  35(S3):482. 
Af Abdul Aziz, Na Aziz, Mohd Nordin, Bs Saperi, Sm Aljunid.  (2013).  Promoting Seamless Transfer-of-care For Stroke Patients In Primary Care: Development Of The Integrated Care Pathway For Post Stroke (icapps) Services In Developing Countries.  - Cerebrovascular Diseases.  35(S3):482. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Noor Azah Abd Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2013).  What Is Next After Transfer Of Care From Hospital To Home For Stroke Patients? Evaluation Of A Community Stroke Care Service Based In Primary Care Clinic.  - Journal Of Neurosciences In Rural Practice.  4(4):413-420. 
Zurraini Arabi, Noor Azah Aziz, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Rosdinom Razali And Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh.  (2013).  Early Dementia Questionnaire (edq): A New Screening Instrument For Early Dementia In Primary Care Practice.  - Bmc Family Practice.  14:49. 
Na Aziz, Af Abdul Aziz, Mf Ali, Bs Saperi, Sm Aljunid.  (2013).  From Acute Care To A Primary Care-led Post Stroke Service For Patients Residing At Home: Doing Away With `blanket Referrals`!.  - Cerebrovascular Diseases.  35(suppl 3):1-2. 
Faa Aznida, Nor Mn Azlin, Mn Amrizal, S Saperi And Sm Aljunid.  (2012).  The Cost Of Treating An Acute Ischaemic Stroke Event And Follow-up At A Teaching Hospital In Malaysia: A Casemix Costing Analysis.  - Bmc Health Services Research.  12(Suppl 1):P6. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Azah Aziz, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2012).  The Post Discharge Stroke Care Services In Malaysia: A Pilot Analysis Of Self-reported Practices Of Family Medicine Specialists At Public Health Centres.  - Bmc Public Health.  12(Suppl 2):A1. 
Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Shahida Mohd Said, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Rizal Abdul Manaf, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2012).  Periodontal Disease As An Indicator Of Chronic Non-communicable Diseases: Evidence From Literatures.  - Bmc Public Health.  12(Suppl 2):A26. 
Aziz Na, Fatimah Ab, Aznida Faa, Hamid Mza, Syanaz Mh, Zuhra H, Mustafa N.  (2012).  The Association Of Various Risk Factors And Plantar Pressures In The Development Of Peripheral Neuropathy Amongst Diabetic Patients Attending Outpatient Clinics.  - International Medical Journal.  19(1):33-36. 
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Mohd Radzniwan A Rashid, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Saharuddin Ahmad, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Ismail Sagap.  (2009).  Colorectal Cancer Patients In A Tertiary Referral Centre In Malaysia: A Five Year Follow-up Review.  - Asian Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention.  10(6):1163-1166. 
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Buku Penyelidikan

Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz,zarina Abdul Latiff, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh,suzaily Wahab, Harlina Halizah Siraj,norlaila Mustafa,aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz,ani Amelia Zainuddin,siti Farhan Moh Fauzi,mohd Al Adib Samuri,nurhafilah Musa,farah Nini Dusuki, Azad.  (2022).  Pembangunan Dan Pemerkasaan Wanita: Kesejahteraan Kesihatan, Ekonomi Dan Sosial.  - 7. 
Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz, Zarina Abdul Latif, Sharifah Ezat Wan Puteh, Suzaily Wahab, Harlina Haliza Siraj, Norlaila Mustafa, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Ani Amelia Zainuddin, Siti Farhan Mohd Pauzi, Mohd Al Adib Samuri, Nurhafilah Musa, Farah Nini Dasuki.  (2022).  Pembangunan Dan Pemerkasaan Wanita : Kesejahteraan Kesihatan, Ekonomi Dan Sosial.  - 7. 

Bab Dalam Buku

Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz,zarina Abdul Latiff, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh,suzaily Wahab, Harlina Halizah Siraj,norlaila Mustafa,aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz,ani Amelia Zainuddin,siti Farhan Moh Fauzi,mohd Al Adib Samuri,nurhafilah Musa,farah Nini Dusuki, Azad.  (2022).  Pembangunan Dan Pemerkasaan Wanita: Kesejahteraan Kesihatan, Ekonomi Dan Sosial.  - 7. 
Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz, Zarina Abdul Latif, Sharifah Ezat Wan Puteh, Suzaily Wahab, Harlina Haliza Siraj, Norlaila Mustafa, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Ani Amelia Zainuddin, Siti Farhan Mohd Pauzi, Mohd Al Adib Samuri, Nurhafilah Musa, Farah Nini Dasuki.  (2022).  Pembangunan Dan Pemerkasaan Wanita : Kesejahteraan Kesihatan, Ekonomi Dan Sosial.  - 7. 
Hizlinda Tohid, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz & Mohd Fairuz Al.  (2021).  Pearls In Family Medicine Case Study Series On Mental Health Issues In Primary Care.  - 5. 
Mohd Fairuz Ali, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Hizlinda Tohid.  (2021).  Pearls In Family Medicine Case Study Series On Mental Health Issues In Primary Care.  - 9. 
Radhiyah Hussin & Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Pearls In Family Medicine: Medical Diseases In Primary Care.  - 11. 

Penulisan Dalam Bahasa Melayu

Hizlinda Tohid, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali.  (2021).  Pearls In Family Medicine: Case Study Series On Mental Health Issues In Primary Care.  - 1-92. 

Penerbitan Lain-lain

Mohd Fairuz Bin Ali;aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz.  (2024).  Cardiovascular Risk Score And Cognitive Impairment Among Elderly Patients With Chronic Illness Attending Klinik Primer Ppukm.  -
Aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz;mohd Fairuz Bin Ali.  (2024).  Perception And Views Of Primary Care Doctors Regarding Screening Of Depression Among Elderly Patients Attending Public Healthcare Clinics In Kuching District: A Qualitative Study.  -
Aniza Binti Ismail;aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz.  (2024).  Cost-benefit Analysis Of Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccination Among The Elderly In Malaysia.  -
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2024).  Peranan Penjaga/ahli Keluarga Dalam Menangani Demensia.  - 1-12. 
Aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz;mohd Fairuz Bin Ali.  (2023).  Dementia Detection Among Primary Care Practitioners: A Cross-sectional Study In Hulu Langat District, Selangor.  -
Sivaniswary Morhan, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2023).  Massive Hike Of Stroke Cases In Next 15 Years: Expert.  - The Sun.  4. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2023).  Optimising Healthcare Delivery In Post Pandemic Era.  - 17th Postgraduate Forum On Health Systems & Policies: Post Covid Health Equity.  29. 
Aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz.  (2023).  Cost-effectiveness Of Introducing Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (tdap) Vaccination During Pregnancy To Prevent Childhood Infections In Malaysia.  -
Capucine Barcellona, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Khairol Asmiee Pg Hj Sabtu, Theepakorn Jithitikulchai, Nguyen Thu Ha, Ryan Rachmad Nugraha, Maximillan Ventura, Gugma Vidal, Swee Kheng Khor, Jeremy Lim Fung Yen..  (2023).  Strengthening Strategic Health Purchasing In Southeast Asia: Progress, Opportunities And Recommendations.  - 1-120. 
Saidatul Najibah Muhd Zamzuri, Ezzah Omar, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Haslina Rani, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali.  (2023).  Oral Care Of Stroke Patients: Caregiver's Viewpoints.  - Iium National Oral Health Research Initiatives (nohri) Conference 2023.  39-40. 
Aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz.  (2023).  Benefits And Challenges Of Teleconsultation Service For Non-communicable Disease (ncd) Follow Up During Covid-19 Pandemic In Malaysia: A Qualitative Study.  -
Mohd Naqiuddin Johar, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz2.  (2023).  Game-based Circuit Exercise Enhances Function And Self Efficacy Of Stroke Survivors: Preliminary Findings Of A Randomised Controlled Trial.  - Malaysia Stroke Conference 2023.  11. 
Azimatun Noor Binti Aizuddin;aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz;wan Asyraf Bin Wan Zaidi.  (2023).  Budget Impact Analysis Of Edoxaban (lixiana).  -
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2023).  Integrated Care For Post Stroke (icapps©).  - Malaysian Stroke Conference: Say No To Stroke! United Forces To Save Valuable Lives..  1. 
Mohd Redhuan Abdul Muin, Saharuddin Ahmad, Mohd Hafidzul Jasman, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Zulkifli Md Zainuddin.  (2023).  The Impact Of Knowledge Translation Tools On Ed Discussion And Medication Prescription Among Diabetes Men In Primary Care.  - Men's Health World Congress 2023.  8. 
Teh Rohaila Jamil, Saharuddin Ahmad, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Ezura Madiana Md Monoto, Noor Azimah Muhammad, Zuhra Hamzah, Noor Azah Abdul Aziz, Noorlaili Mohd Tauhid, Rashidi Mohamed Pakri Mohamad.  (2023).  Sensible: Case Management Series Tool For Hybrid Clinical Teaching.  - Eduinnovation 2023.  1. 
Norlaila Mustafa, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nik Ritza Kosai Nik Mahmood,norasyikin A Wahab,zahara Abdul Manaf, Arimi Fitri Mat Ludin, Joyce Hong Soo Synn, Mohd Helmy Mokhtar.  (2023).  Cpg Management Of Obesity (2nd Edition).  - 1-122. 
Mohd Naqiuddin Johar, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Game-based Circuit Exercise Enhances Functions And Quality Of Life Of Stroke Survivors: A Preliminary Study Findings.  - 6th Moh Physiotherapy Conference 2022.  24. 
Chong Pui Kei, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  The Feasibility And Effectiveness Of Home-based Therapy As An Approach To Continued Stroke Rehabilitation.  - 6th Moh Physiotherapy Conference 2022.  24. 
N.a. Mohd Norwir, S. Mohd-said, T.n. Mohd-dom, A.f. Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Identification Of Diabetes Risks In Periodontitis Patients And Their Compliance To Referral For Shared Care Interventions - Preliminary Findings From The Ukm-driptm Trial.  - Europerio10.  1. 
Chong Pui Kei, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Gait Speed, Falls Risk, And Self-efficacy Among Community-dwelling Stroke Survivors Discharged From Physiotherapy Services: A Prospective Cross-sectional Study.  - 13th International Symposium Of Health Sciences.  22. 
Mohd Naqiuddin Johar, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Game-based Circuit Exercise Enhances Function, Motivation Level And Self-efficacy Of Stroke Survivors: Preliminary Findings Of A Randomised Controlled Trial.  - 13th International Symposium Of Health Sciences.  8-9. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Haslina Rani, Sarah Liyana M Abdul Rani, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Teh Rohaila Jamil, Nur Syeefa Zulkifli, Lean Cheong Loo.  (2022).  The Impact Of Covid19 Movement Control Order On Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: Attending A University-based Primary Care Clinic..  - The 16th Virtual Postgraduate Forum On Health System & Policy.  53. 
Azera Hasra Ismail, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2022).  Comparison On Quality Of Life Of Malaysian Post-stroke Patients In The Home Care And Primary Clinic And Their Caregivers In Teaching Hospital.  - 3rd Global Virtual Summit On Nursing Education.  60. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali.  (2022).  Elak Nyayuk Sebelum Waktu.  - Berita Harian.  46. 
Shahida Binti Mohd Said;afendi Bin Hamat;tuti Ningseh Binti Mohd Dom;aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz;mohd Fairuz Bin Ali;haslina Binti Rani.  (2022).  Strategic Engagement Of Health Care Professionals Through Application Of A Teledentistry Model For Detection And Early Intervention Of Periodontal Disease.  -
Nur Syazana Md Tahir, Aniza Ismail, Aznida Filzah Abdul Aziz, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2021).  Cost Benefit Analysis Of Uadrivalent Influenza Vaccine Among Elderly In Malaysia : A Conceptual Framework.  - 22nd National Public Health Colloquium 2021, Covid 19 Pandemic: Impact On Public Health.  88. 
Che Man Zuraidah, Ewald Ben, Abdul Aziz Aznida Firzah, Ali Mohd Fairuz, Nasir Nazrila Hairizan, Hubbard Isobel..  (2021).  Are There Missed Opportunities In Reducing Risk Of Recurrent Cardiovascular Events Among Stroke Survivors?.  - Malaysian Stroke Conference 2021.  12. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Stroke Prevention In Malaysia: Where Are We Now? Evidence Vs Reality.  - 3rd Malaysian Stroke Conference (virtual).  10. 
Nor Azlin Binti Mohd Nordin;siti Norfadilah Binti Abu Zarim;aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  The Effectiveness Of Home-based Therapy Oj Foundation Outcome, Self- Efficacy Ang Anxiety Among Discharged Stroke Survivors.  -
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Asriah Ishak, Noor Harzana Harrun, Sally Suriyani Ahip, Ho Bee Kiau, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom.  (2021).  Primary Care Based Longer-term Stroke Care Services During Pandemic..  - 3rd Malaysian Stroke Conference (virtual).  1. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Haslina Rani.  (2021).  Manisnya Sehingga Ke Gusi: Diabetes Dan Periodontitis.  - Malaysia Gazette.  1. 
Syed Mohamed Aljunid Bin Syed Junid, Aniza Binti Ismail, Aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz, Amirah Binti Azzeri, Siti Athirah Zafirah Abdul Rashid, Nur Syazana Mad Tahir.  (2021).  Cost Effectiveness Analysis Of Influenza Vaccine Among Elderly In Malaysia: Quadrivalent Vaccination Vs Non Vaccination.  - 1-68. 
Chee Mun Chan, Marjorie Jia Yi Ong, Adam Aiman Zakaria, Monikha Maria Visusasam, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Teh Rohaila Jamil, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Evaluation Of Dementia Knowledge Among Final Year Medical Undergraduates And Its Associated Factors: A Cross-sectional Study Among Selected Universities In Malaysia.  - 13th Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Research Meeting (muasrm).  17. 
Nur Iman Suraiya Jaafar, Thayaletchumy Gophala Krishnan, Mohamad Azizi Mohamad Zulkifle, Nur Khairunnisa Khaidzir, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali.  (2021).  Dementia Awareness Among Elderly At Risk Of Developing Mild Cognitive Impairment Attending A Primary Care Center In Malaysia: A Cross Sectional Study.  - 13th Medical Undergraduates Annual Scientific Meeting (muasrm).  29. 
Zarina Dato' Abdul Latiff, Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz, Mawaddah Azman.  (2021).  Buku Panduan Etika Ikhtisas Dan Tatacara Pelajar Siswazah Fakulti Perubatan Ukm.  - 1-31. 
Mohamed Rusli Abdullah, Jamaludin Abdul Rahman, Maznah Dahlui, Denny Ks Ng, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Aniza Ismail, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Oi Boon Hong, Aidalina Mahmud, Kew Si Na, Muhammad Firdaus Abdul Aziz, Mohd Hafiz Jaafar Dll.  (2021).  Position Paper On Covid19.  - 1-119. 
Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz, Zarina Abdul Latiff, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Norlaila Mustafa, Harlina Halizah Siraj, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Suzaily Wahab, Ani Amelia Zainuddin, Mohd Al Adib Samuri, Nurhafilah Musa, Farah Nini Dusuki..  (2021).  Video Advokasi Impak Kesihatan Female Genital Mutilation (fgm).  - 1-50. 
Nur Adila Mohd Norwir, Shahida Mohd Said, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2021).  Oral Health-related Quality Of Life And Dental Problems During The Malaysian Movement Control Order (mmco).  - The 15th Virtual Postgraduate Forum On Health Systems And Policies.  1-35. 
Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz. Zarina Abdul Latiff, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Suzaily Wahab, Harlina Halizah Siraj, Norlaila Mustafa, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Ani Amelia Zainuddin, Mohd Al Adib Samuri, Norhafilah Musa, Farah Nini Dusuki, Zakiah Mohd Said, Fadhli.  (2020).  Kajian Rintis Kap (knowledge, Attitude And Practice) Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Amalan Ibubapa Dan Golongan Profesional Terhadap Impak Kesihatan Female Genital Mutilation (fgm).  - Kajian Rintis Kap (knowledge, Attitude And Practice) Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Amalan Ibubapa Dan Golongan Profesional Terhadap Impak Kesihatan Female Genital Mutilation (fgm).  1-51. 
Tew In Meei;shahida Binti Mohd Said;tuti Ningseh Binti Mohd Dom;aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz.  (2020).  Oral Health Related Quality Of Life Of Stroke Survivors In A Collaborative Initiative Oral Health-family Medicine Program.  -
Zuraidah Che Man, Benjamin Ewald, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Nazrila H Nasir Dan Isobel Hubbard.  (2020).  Life After Stroke: Where Happened To The Stroke Survivors In The Malaysian Community?.  - Malaysian Stroke Conference 2020.  1. 
Aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz;tan Chai Eng.  (2020).  Informal Stroke Caregivers : Evaluation Of Caregiving Knowledge, Self-efficacy And Satisfaction With Stroke Care Services In The Malaysian Community..  -
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali.  (2020).  Primary Care Perspectives For Stroke Care Delivery.  - Malaysian Stroke Virtual Conference.  1. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2020).  Caregivers Of Stroke Patients In The Malaysian Community: Provision Of Holistic Care For Unsung Heroes.  - Malaysian Stroke Virtual Conference.  1-28. 
Shahida Mohd Said, Tew In Meei, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2020).  Oral Health Condition Improvement Following Oral Hygiene Intervention For Post-stroke Patients In A Primary Health Care Clinic.  - 1-6. 
Chong Pui Kei, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Syazlin Nor Azmi, Nor Shafiqah Mohd Sharkawi, Siti Norfadilah Abu Zarim.  (2019).  Fall Risk Among Stoke Survivor 20 Months Post Discharge From Hospital Physiotherapy Service.  - Graduate Research Symposium 2019, Taylor University.  65. 
Siti Salmiah Binti Mohd Yunus;roszalina Bt. Ramli;mohd Nazimi Bin Abd Jabar;tzar Mohd Nizam Bin Khaithir;aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz;oteh Bin Maskon;nor Atika Binti Md Ashar;syed Nabil Bin Syed Omar;rifqah Binti Nordin;hamat Hamdi Bin Che Hassan;muhd F.  (2019).  A National Survey On Prophylactic Antibiotics Against Infective Endocarditis Following Invasive Dental Procedures: Professional Opinion From Malaysian Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons, Cardiologists, M.  -
Ismail Ah, Wan Puteh Se, Abdul Aziz Af.  (2019).  Socio-demographic Data And Cost Of Care For Stroke Patients In The Primary Care Clinic, Ukmmc.  - 13th Post Graduate Forum On Health System And Policy.  53. 
Jamal Mh, Aljunid Sm, Abdul Aziz Af.  (2019).  The Role Of Malaysian General Practitioners In Preventive And Health Promotion Activities In Peka B40 Schem.  - 13th Postgraduate Forum On Health System & Policy.  25. 
Mohd Fairuz Ali, Aznida Firzah Abdul , Zuraidah Che Man, Nor Shahrina M Zawawi.  (2018).  Screening For Dysphagia Among Post Stroke Patients, Determining Descriptive Terminology Among Malaysian Patients..  - 2nd International Health Financing Conference. 
Syed Mohamed Al-junid Bin Syed Junid;aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz;sharifa Ezat Binti Wan Puteh;nor Azlin Binti Mohd Nordin.  (2018).  Cost Effectiveness Of Community-based Rehalibitation (cbr) Programme For Disable Children: A Comparison Between Centre-based And Home-based Rehalibitation.  -
Hafizul Izwan Mohd Zahari, Tew Inn Mei, Aznida Filzah Abdul Aziz, Tuti Ningseh Mohd-dom, Shahida Mohd Said.  (2018).  Quality Of Life And Oral Hygiene Improvement Following Oral Hygiene Intervention For Post-stroke Patients In The Primary Health Care Clinic.  - Europerio9. 
Mohd Fairuz Bin Ali;nor Shahrina Binti Mohd Zawawi;aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz;zuraidah Binti Che` Man.  (2018).  Development And Validation Of Self-test For Screning Of Dsyphagia Among Post Acute Stroke Patients In Community.  -
Hafizul Izwan Mohd Zahari, Shahida Mohd Said, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Goo Chui Ling, Tew In Meei.  (2018).  Oral Health Related Quality Of Life After Stroke: A Pilot Study.  - 17th Annual Scientific Meeting And 19th Annual General Meeting Of Malaysian Section Iadr. 
Janice Hew Pei Fang, Lee Jia En, Tew In Meei, Shahida Mohd Said, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom.  (2018).  Patient Preferences For Tooth Loss Replacement And Willingness To Pay.  - 17th Annual Scientific Meeting & 19th Annual General Meeting Of Malaysian Section Iadr. 
Lee Jia En, Janice Hew Pei Fang, Tew In Meei, Shahida Mohd Said, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Natasya Ahmad Tarib, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom.  (2018).  Impacts Of Tooth Loss And Dental Prosthesis On Quality Of Life.  - 17th Annual Scientific Meeting & 19th Annual General Meeting Of Iadr Malaysian Section. 
Noor Amalina Ali, Fatin Athirah Masawi , Goo Chui Ling , Shahida Mohd Said, Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Tew In Meei.  (2018).  Oral Health Related Quality Of Life Of Stroke Survivors In A Collaborative Initiative Oral Health-family Medicine Program.  - 16th Ukm Dental Students Colloquium 2018. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Mohammad Fhaisol Yusof, Zuraidah Che Man, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2018).  Long Term Post Stroke Care At Selected Public Primary Care Health Centres In Peninsular Malaysia: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis.  - Carehab 2018 Abstract Competition. 
Chai Eng Tan, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nur Sarah Aisyah Azmi, May Yin Hi, Nur Khairina Ishak, Fathin Alyaa Mohamad Farid, Mohammad Nazri Zulkafli.  (2018).  Validation Of The Caregiving Knowledge Questionnaire (ckq-myc): A Tool To Measure Malaysian Stroke Caregivers Knowledge Regarding Positioning And Feeding.  - Carehab 2018 Abstract Competition. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2017).  Stroke Rehabilitation: Returning To The Community.  - 20th Family Medicine Scientific Conference. 
Sumitha Chellathuray, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2017).  Caregivers Of Patients Receiving Long Term Outpatient Post Stroke Care In An Urban Setting: An Evaluation Of Caregiving Strain And Its Associated Factors.  - 20th Family Medicine Scientific Conference. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2017).  Systemic Effects And Consequences Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Malaysian Patients` Perspective.  - 24th Malaysian Dental Association Scientific Convention & Trade Exhibition. 
M Fairuz Ali, Aznida Firzah A Aziz, Zuraidah Cm, Asriah I, Zazalina M, Saadiah S, N Azah A Aziz.  (2016).  Kekasih: A Post Stroke Therapy Initiative Through Support Group.  - 19th Family Medicine Scientific Conference 2016. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Fairuz Ali, Zuraidah Che Man.  (2016).  The Screening For Post Stroke Dementia Among Stroke Survivors Residing At Home In The Community: Findings From The Icapps Trial In Peninsular Malaysia.  - Asia Pacific Stroke Conference Combined With Stroke Society Of Australia. 
Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abd Aziz, Devinder Kaur Ajit Singh.  (2016).  Functional And Quality Of Life Outcomes In Chronic Stroke Survivors Following Community-based Rehabilitation : A Malaysian Experience.  - Asia Pacific Stroke Conference Combined With Stroke Society Of Australasia. 
Prof. Madya Dr. Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2016).  Memory Loss-is It Dementia Or Pseudodementia?.  - 3age.  1-2. 
Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Saperi Sulong, Amrizal Muhd Nur, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz,.  (2015).  Cost-effectiveness Of Stroke Care Services In Malaysia.  -
Mohd Fairuz Ali,aznida Firzah Abd Aziz, Noor Azah Aziz, Zuraidah Che Man.  (2015).  Programme Book: Developing Evidence Based Practices In Long Term Stroke Care & Stroke Rehabilitation : United Kingdom And Malaysia Collaboration; Signing Of Mou Between Ukm & Nottingham University.  -
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2015).  Keeping Healthy After A Stroke.  - 3age. 
Lee Teik Gie, Heng Xue Min, Mohd Hafizuddin Bin Mohd Zayadi, Wan Fashniwazi Binti Wan Ismail, Nur Farahain, Musfirah Binti Ibrahim, Syahnaz Mohd Hashim, Aznida Firzah Binti Abdul Aziz, Norfazilah Ahma.  (2015).  Self-care Practices Among Elderly With Diabetes Mellitus: Association With Diabetes Related Distress And A Review Of Cost Analysis.  - 7th Medical Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin.  (2015).  Research Gaps In Long Term Stroke Care In Malaysia.  - Developing Evidence-based Practices In Long-term Stroke Care & Stroke Rehabilitation: United Kingdom And Malaysia Collaboration. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2015).  Diabetes Mellitus In Malaysia: Strategies For Control.  -
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2015).  Integrated Care Pathways For Post Stroke Management.  -
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2014).  Writing Results.  -
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Amrizal Mohd Nur, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2014).  The Integrated Care Pathway For Post Stroke (icapps) Patients In The Community: A Cost Effectiveness Analysis.  - 8th Postgraduate Forum On Health Systems And Policy. 
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz.  (2014).  Writing A Scientific Abstract.  -
Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Noor Azah Abd Aziz, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Saperi Sulong, Syed Mohamed Aljunid.  (2013).  Promoting Seamless Transfer-of-care For Stroke Patients In Primary Care: Development Of An Integrated Care Pathway For Post-stroke (icapps) Services.  - The 7th Postgraduate Forum In Health Systems And Policy. 
Ali Mf, Aziz Na, Aziz Afa.  (2013).  Post Stroke Rehabilitation After Hospital Discharge. A Prospective Cohort Study Looking At Services Received For Recovery.  - 17th Malaysian Family Medicine Scientific Conference. 
Nor Azlin Mn, Noor Azah A, Devinder K A Singh, Aznida Faa, Noraishah Oo, Syed Aljunid.  (2012).  Long Term Stroke Rehabilitation: How Is It Perceived Among Rehabilitation Professionals And People With Stroke?.  - 1st Singapore Rehabilitation Conference. 
Tuti Ningseh Md, Shahida Ms, Aznida Firzah Aa, Sharifah Ezat Wp, Mohd Rizal Am, Syed Mohamed A.  (2011).  Associations Between Periodontal Disease And Systemic Conditions: Implications For Primary Care Physicians.  - Medicine & Health. 
Fadilah Az, Nashrah Hamdan, Zulkarami Amin Nudin, Aznida Faa, Aziz Na.  (2010).  The Role Of Hydrotherapy As An Adjuvant Therapy To Stroke Patients Attending Out-patient Rehabilitation: A Case Series.  - International Journal Of Stroke. 
Af Abdul Aziz, N Sharifuddin, Na Aziz, Ms Hamzah, Ar Radzniwan.  (2009).  Erectile Dysfunction In Hypertensive Men Attending Outpatient Clinics In A Teaching Hospital In Malaysia.  - Wonca 2009 Asia-pacific Regional Conference. 
H Zuhra, Faa Aznida, Sf Tong, N Sukumar, Wp Sharifah..  (2007).  Helicobacter Pylori Related Dyspepsia Treatment Outcomes At Hospital Ukm-primary Care Center.  - World Wonca Conference 2007. 


Prevalence and Associated Factors of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients , Ketua Projek , 16-05-2024 sehingga 16-11-2025 , Universiti
Perceptions of informal stroke caregivers’ regarding respite care in Kedah, Malaysia: An exploratory qualitative study , Ketua Projek , 21-12-2023 sehingga 20-04-2025 , Universiti
Effectiveness of the Pause© Flipchart Compared To Conventional Method of Premarital HIV Counselling: A Randomized Control Study , Ketua Projek , 13-04-2023 sehingga 12-04-2025 , Universiti
Stakeholder Motivations and Barriers in Public-Private Partnerships to Improve Dental Access for Underserved Communities in Malaysia , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2024 sehingga 31-10-2026 , Kebangsaan
Cognitive Impairment Among Elderly with Diabetes and Its Association with Diabetes Control: A Cross Sectional Study at a University-Based Primary Care Clinic , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-08-2024 sehingga 14-02-2026 , Universiti
Investigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Domiciliary Oral Care for the Older Adults. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Kebangsaan
Unravelling the Causal Factors of Fatigue Following Transient Ischemic Attack in the Context of Movement Efficacy and Psychological State. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Kebangsaan
SEARCH (Southeast Asia Regional Collaborative for Health) – Strategic Purchasing , Penyelidik Bersama , 30-06-2023 sehingga 31-12-2026 , Antarabangsa


COmmunity geRiaTrIcs CAre teLemedicine in Malaysia (CORTICAL©): A Modified Delphi Approach To Identify Shared Care Initiatives , Ketua Projek , 30-03-2023 sehingga 29-09-2024 , Universiti
Cost-Effectiveness Of Introducing Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (TDaP) Vaccination During Pregnancy To Prevent Childhood Infections In Malaysia , Ketua Projek , 24-03-2022 sehingga 23-09-2023 , Antarabangsa
Dementia Detection Among Primary Care Practitioners: A Cross-Sectional Study In Hulu Langat District, Selangor , Ketua Projek , 25-11-2021 sehingga 24-07-2023 , Universiti
Perception and Views of Primary Care Doctors Regarding Screening of Depression Among Elderly Patients Attending Public Healthcare Clinics in Kuching District: A Qualitative Study , Ketua Projek , 12-08-2021 sehingga 11-08-2023 , Universiti
Benefits And Challenges Of Teleconsultation Service For Non-Communicable Disease (Ncd) Follow Up During Covid-19 Pandemic In Malaysia: A Qualitative Study , Ketua Projek , 12-08-2021 sehingga 11-08-2023 , Universiti
Assessment of Dementia Knowledge among Final Year Medical Students in Malaysia , Ketua Projek , 27-05-2021 sehingga 26-05-2022 , Kebangsaan
Development Of HIV Pre-Test Counselling Educational Material For Pre-Marital Screening In Primary Care Setting , Ketua Projek , 16-04-2020 sehingga 15-04-2022 , Universiti
Colorectal Carcinoma Screening for Average Risk Population at Klinik Kesihatan Mahmoodiah: Outcome Analysis from 2016-2018 Retrospective Study , Ketua Projek , 22-08-2019 sehingga 21-10-2020 , Universiti
Informal Stroke Caregivers: Evaluation of Caregiving Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Satisfaction With Stroke Care Services In The Malaysian Community , Ketua Projek , 27-06-2019 sehingga 26-05-2020 , Kebangsaan
Influence of Stroke Riskometer on Making Lifestyle Changes among Urban Dwelling Malaysian Stroke Caregivers : A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial , Ketua Projek , 29-03-2018 sehingga 28-09-2019 , Universiti
Informal stroke caregivers : Evaluation of caregiving knowledge, self-efficacy and satisfaction with stroke care services in the Malaysian community. , Ketua Projek , 15-12-2017 sehingga 14-12-2019 , Universiti
Barriers to Help Seeking in Elderly Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) Attending a Primary Care Clinic , Ketua Projek , 11-07-2017 sehingga 30-04-2018 , Universiti
Mapping of Electroencephalogram Signals among Post Stroke Patient in Classifying those with Suspected Vascular Dementia : A Pilot Study using Portable EEG Device , Ketua Projek , 02-10-2016 sehingga 01-10-2017 , Universiti
Classification of Electroencephalogram Signal among Post Stroke Patients : A Pilot Study using Portable EEG Device , Ketua Projek , 25-08-2016 sehingga 24-08-2017 , Universiti
Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Stress : And Its Associated Factors among Caregivers of Stroke Patients Residing at Home in the Urban Community , Ketua Projek , 01-07-2016 sehingga 30-04-2019 , Universiti
Caregivers of Post Stroke Patients in an Urban Setting : An Evaluation of Caregiving Strain and Factors Related to Quality of Life , Ketua Projek , 17-03-2016 sehingga 16-11-2017 , Universiti
A Cross-Sectional Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Parents of Adolescents Aged Between 11 to 19 years old Attending to Klinik Kesihatan Greentown Towards Vaping. , Penyelidik Bersama , 24-08-2023 sehingga 23-02-2025 , Universiti
Determinants of Healthcare Utilization among Post-COVID Syndrome Patients in Selangor , Penyelidik Bersama , 24-08-2023 sehingga 23-08-2024 , Universiti
Development Of An Instructional Oral Care Module For Familial Caregivers Of Stroke Patients , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2023 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Universiti
The Impact of Post-Covid Syndrome on Healthcare Utilization and Economic Burden Among COVID-19 Survivors In the Urban and Rural Setting in Malaysia. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-09-2022 sehingga 28-02-2025 , Kebangsaan
SEARCH (Southeast Asia Regional Collaborative for Health) – Strategic Purchasing , Penyelidik Bersama , 30-06-2022 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Antarabangsa
Budget Impact Analysis of Edoxaban (LIXIANA) , Penyelidik Bersama , 18-04-2022 sehingga 17-10-2022 , Kebangsaan
Polypharmacy and Cognitive Impairment with Its Association in Elderly Patient Attending Primer Clinic Hospital Canselor Tuanku Mukhriz (HCTM): A Cross Sectional Study , Penyelidik Bersama , 24-03-2022 sehingga 23-03-2024 , Universiti
Cardiovascular Risk Score And Cognitive Impairment Among Elderly Patients With Chronic Illness Attending Klinik Primer PPUKM , Penyelidik Bersama , 23-12-2021 sehingga 22-12-2023 , Universiti
Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccination Among The Elderly In Malaysia , Penyelidik Bersama , 18-08-2021 sehingga 11-11-2023 , Universiti
Dementia Awareness Among Elderly with Risk of Developing Cognitive Impairment Attending a Primary Care Center in Malaysia: A Cross Sectional Study , Penyelidik Bersama , 20-05-2021 sehingga 19-09-2021 , Universiti
Market Research on the Supplementation of Hexaxim Vaccine in Malaysia`s Health Immunization Programme , Penyelidik Bersama , 07-01-2021 sehingga 06-01-2022 , Kebangsaan
Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Influenza Vaccine among The Elderly in Malaysia: Quadrivalent Vaccination vs. No Vaccination , Penyelidik Bersama , 10-12-2020 sehingga 09-06-2022 , Kebangsaan
An Interventional Study On the Outcome of Knowledge Translation Tools in The Management of Erectile Dysfunction (Lasted) Among Diabetes Men in The Primary Care Setting , Penyelidik Bersama , 18-09-2020 sehingga 17-03-2023 , Universiti
Knowledge, Attitude, Practices and Participation of General Practitioners in Peka B40 and Their Role as Gatekeeper in The Health Financing Scheme , Penyelidik Bersama , 27-08-2020 sehingga 26-02-2023 , Kebangsaan
Identification of Diabetes Risks In Periodontitis Patients and Their Compliance to Referal for Shared Care Interventions , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2020 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Universiti
Reducing Premature Coronary Artery Disease in Malaysia by Early Identification of Familial Hypercholeteroalemia (FH) Using FAMCAT Primary Care Screening Tool , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2020 sehingga 30-06-2022 , Antarabangsa
An Efficient Generalized Features and Estimation Approach for A Photoplethysmogram-based Noninvasive Blood Glucose Measurement System , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Universiti
Kajian Rintis KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice) Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Amalan Ibubapa dan golongan profesional terhadap Impak Kesihatan Female Genitalia Mutilation (FGM) , Penyelidik Bersama , 03-12-2019 sehingga 02-03-2021 , Kebangsaan
The Effectiveness of home-based Therapy oj Foundation Outcome, self- Efficacy ang Anxiety Among Discharged Stroke Survivors , Penyelidik Bersama , 04-10-2019 sehingga 03-10-2021 , Universiti
Impact of health literacy and clinical intervention on periodontal status of patients with and at risk of diabetes mellitus. Tajuk Program: Reducingthe burden of diabetis mellitus complications through early detection of chronic periodontitis and synergis , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-02-2019 sehingga 14-11-2022 , Kebangsaan
Strategic Engagement of Health Care Professionals through Application of A Teledentistry Model for Detection and Early Intervention of Periodontal Disease , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-11-2018 sehingga 14-05-2021 , Universiti
Wearable Inertial Sensors For Upper Limb Movement Measurement Among Stroke Survivors , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-08-2018 sehingga 14-11-2021 , Universiti
Reducing Risk of Recurrent Cardiovascular Event (R3CVE) in Community-Dwelling Stroke Survivors: Missed Opportunities , Penyelidik Bersama , 07-06-2018 sehingga 06-06-2020 , Universiti
Cost Analysis and Quality of Life for Caregivers and Stroke Patients Managed in Community : Comparing Primary Care and Home Care in a Teaching Hospital , Penyelidik Bersama , 10-12-2017 sehingga 09-06-2020 , Universiti
The Level of Caregiving Knowledge and Self-Efficacy of Stroke Caregivers in UKMMC , Penyelidik Bersama , 27-04-2017 sehingga 26-04-2018 , Universiti
CABARAN KENAIKAN KOS SARA HIDUP DAN PEMERKASAAN ISI RUMAH B40 , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-09-2016 sehingga 31-08-2017 , Kebangsaan
Detecting Suspicious Glaucomatous Optic Disc from Fundus Photography for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Program , Penyelidik Bersama , 02-06-2016 sehingga 01-06-2017 , Universiti
A National Survey on Prophylactic Antibiotics Against Infective Endocarditis following Invasive Dental Procedures: Professional Opinion from Malaysian Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Cardiologists, Microbiologists and Forensic Pathologists , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-05-2016 sehingga 30-04-2019 , Kebangsaan
Oral health related quality of life of stroke survivors in a collaborative initiative oral health-family medicine program , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-05-2016 sehingga 31-10-2018 , Universiti
Level of Spasticity, Sensory Deficit and challenges in Activities of Daily Living Among Community-Dwelling Stroke Survivors with Upper Limb Dysfunction , Penyelidik Bersama , 30-07-2015 sehingga 29-01-2017 , Universiti
Level Of Knowledge On Hypertension And Drug Adherence Among Hypertensive Patients In Primary Health Clinic Of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) , Penyelidik Bersama , 16-04-2015 sehingga 15-03-2016 , Universiti
Self Care Practices In Elderly With Diabetes : Association With Stress & A Review Of Cost Analysis , Penyelidik Bersama , 26-03-2015 sehingga 25-06-2016 , Universiti
Cost Effectiveness of Community-Based Rehalibitation (CBR) Programme for Disable Children: A Comparison Between Centre-Based and Home-Based Rehalibitation , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-12-2014 sehingga 30-11-2017 , Kebangsaan
Upper limb dysfunction following stroke: Profiling pattern of motor impairment, sensory deficit and functional limitation in community-dwelling stroke survivors , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2014 sehingga 31-01-2017 , Kebangsaan
Cognitive Impairment Among Stroke Patients Attending The Long Term Stroke Clinic At PPUKM – A Cross Sectional Study , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-06-2014 sehingga 14-02-2015 , Universiti
Development And Validation Of Self-Test For Screning Of Dsyphagia Among Post Acute Stroke Patients in Community , Penyelidik Bersama , 16-05-2013 sehingga 16-11-2015 , Universiti
Supportive Care For Unrecognised Diabetes In Periodontitis Cases: 1 Year Follow-Up Of Collaborative Management Between Periodontal And Family Medicine Specialist , Penyelidik Bersama , 16-05-2013 sehingga 16-05-2015 , Universiti
Enhancing Community-based Rehabilitation Services for People with Stroke towards Achievement of Function and Quality of Life , Penyelidik Bersama , 10-05-2013 sehingga 09-11-2015 , Kebangsaan
The Stroke Community Project: Evaluation of Long Term Problems Affecting Stroke Patients in the Malaysian Community. A Comparison Between Needs and Help Received , Penyelidik Bersama , 03-12-2012 sehingga 28-11-2014 , Kebangsaan
The Stroke Community Project Evaluation of Long Term Problems Affecting Stroke Patients in the Malaysian Community A Comparison Between Needs and Help received , Penyelidik Bersama , 03-12-2012 sehingga 28-11-2014 , Universiti
Evaluation of post discharge stroke care services and the development of a novel integrated care pathway model for stroke patient living in the malaysian community , Penyelidik Bersama , 08-08-2011 sehingga 08-02-2013 , Universiti
An Observational Study to Evaluate the Responder Rates for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Treated with Glucovance in Asia , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2010 sehingga 30-06-2011 , Antarabangsa
early outcomes of ischaemic stroke patients aftyer 3 monts of transfer of care from hospital to the community: a Prospective observational study , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-12-2009 sehingga 31-10-2010 , Universiti
the impact of dysphagia on health related quality of life and carer stress in long term stroke patients attending follow up clinics in UKMMC , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2009 sehingga 31-08-2010 , Universiti
Adherence To The Scheduled Clinic Appointments: Does It Improve Diabetes Care Among Type 2 Diabetic Patient , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-04-2008 sehingga 30-04-2009 , Universiti
(Nama Anugerah/Pentadbiran),(Institusi Penganugerahan),(Tahun)

Anugerah UKM

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 2007
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang / Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 2021

Anugerah-anugerah Lain

Eduinnovation 2023 , 2023
Best Oral Presentation Award , 2020
Best Poster Award 2nd place , 2020

Pelajar Sarjana

Polypharmacy and Cognitive Impairment with Its Association in Elderly Patients Attending, DR. NURZIILAL BINTI MAZLAN, Sarjana
Benefits and Challenges Of Teleconsultation Service For Non-Communicable Disease (NCD), DR. RAHMAH BINTI RAMBLI, Sarjana
A-Cross Sectional Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Parents of Aldolescent Aged, DR. PATRICK RAJ A/L JAYABALAN, Sarjana
Effectiveness of the Pause© Flipchart Compared To Conventional Method of Premarital HIV, DR. MAGALETCHUMI A/P CHELLADORAI, Sarjana
Community Geriatrics Care Telemedicine in Malaysia (CORTICAL©): A Modified Delphi, DR. SARINAH BINTI TAMRING, Sarjana
Perceptions of Informal Stroke Caregivers' Regarding Respite Care in Kedah, Malaysia:, DR. AHMAD HAZRI BIN ILYAS, Sarjana
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Chronic, DR. HII CHING CHING, Sarjana
Cognitive Impairment Among Elderly With Diabetes and It's Association with Diabetes, DR. KAMINI ALIGENDRAN, Sarjana
Perception and Views of Primary Care Doctors Regarding Screening of Depression Among, DR. BENJAMIN TEH WEE CHUAN, Sarjana
Dementia Detection among Primary Care Pratitioners: A Cross-Sectional Study in Hulu Langat, DR. NORHAYATI AZIZ, Sarjana
Keberkesanan Terapi di Rumah Terhadap Keberhasilan Fungsi, Efikasi Kendiri dan Tahap Kerisauan dalam Kalangan Pemandiri Strok Selepas Discaj, CHONG PUI KEI, Sarjana
Cardiovascular Risk Score and Cognititve Impairment among Elderly Patients with Chronic, DR. NIMELESH A/L BALANTHIREN, Sarjana

Pelajar Doktor Falsafah

The effectiveness of game-based in comparison to conventional circuit exercise in improving physical functions, self efficacy and quality of life among stroke survivors, MOHD NAQIUDDIN BIN JOHAR, Doktor Falsafah

Khidmat Luar

International Primary Care Conference and Exhibition (IPCCE) 2015 , 26-08-2014 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa
European Pathway Association , 23-09-2014 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa
Malaysian Health Economics Association (MAHEA) , 02-02-2015 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Patient Experiences with Designated Service Provider Delivery in a rural general practice in KwaZulu Natal , 17-01-2016 sehingga 08-02-2016 , Antarabangsa
HIV-Related Knowledge And Practices Among Older Adults (50 Years And Over) In Botswana , 22-01-2016 sehingga 15-02-2016 , Antarabangsa
Old Age Patients with Depression and Suicidal Ideas , 11-03-2011 sehingga 05-04-2011 , Antarabangsa
Caregiving for people with dementia in a rural context in South Africa , 11-11-2013 sehingga 15-12-2013 , Antarabangsa
Perception of hypertension management by patients and doctors in Asia: potential to improve blood pressure control , 19-11-2014 sehingga 07-12-2014 , Antarabangsa
Persatuan Perubatan Keluarga UKM , 11-06-2015 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
MADPHS Expert Workshop: Periodontal Management Toolkit , 27-03-2016 sehingga 27-03-2016 , Kebangsaan
ntegrating the pieces of a complex puzzle to achieve a comprehensive approach towards optimal care of the diabetic patient , 13-06-2016 sehingga 08-07-2016 , Antarabangsa
Factors associated with osteoporosis among older patients at the Geriatric centre in Nigeria , 25-09-2016 sehingga 05-10-2016 , Antarabangsa
Is the provision of maternity services equitable across rural and remote Australia? , 24-08-2016 sehingga 24-09-2016 , Antarabangsa
Characteristics of patients admitted to an emergency treatment unit of a private sector hospital - A descriptive study using a sector specific modified approach. , 05-12-2016 sehingga 18-12-2016 , Antarabangsa
Persatuan Perubatan Keluarga UKM Selangor , 16-08-2016 sehingga 16-08-2017 , Negeri
Penilai Luar Bagi Urusan Kenaikan Pangkat Staf Akademik ke Jawatan Profesor Maya Red DU54 , 13-02-2017 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Costs of health care across primary care models in Ontario , 28-05-2017 sehingga 21-06-2017 , Antarabangsa
Menstrual Abnormalities amongst Female South African Hajj Pilgrims , 17-08-2017 sehingga 04-09-2017 , Antarabangsa
Juruaudit Persatuan , 29-03-2017 sehingga 29-03-2019 , Kebangsaan
Motor Coordination Performance Differences Between School Children with and Without Developmental Coordination Disorder Attending Integrative Special Education in Klang Valley , 22-12-2017 sehingga 26-12-2017 , Kebangsaan
Jawatankuasa Project Penulisan Kurikulum Nasional Sarjana Perubatan Klinikal (Perubatan Keluarga) , 01-09-2016 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Malaysian Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research , 27-08-2018 sehingga 27-08-2020 , Kebangsaan
Persatuan Perubatan Keluarga UKM Selangor , 16-08-2016 sehingga 20-07-2018 , Kebangsaan
Dr Al Abed Ali Ahmed Al Abed , 10-07-2018 sehingga 07-09-2018 , Kebangsaan
Persatuan Perubatan Keluarga UKM Selangor , 20-07-2018 sehingga 20-07-2020 , Kebangsaan
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University , 24-08-2018 sehingga 24-08-2020 , Antarabangsa
Direct and indirect costs of Caregivers' of children with Disability residing at home undergoing Community Based Rehabilitation Programs in East coast region of Peninsular Malaysia , 23-09-2019 sehingga 26-10-2019 , Antarabangsa
National Council of Women's Organisations Malaysia (NCWO) , 01-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Kebangsaan
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Of Breast Cancer Among Health Science Students In Shahrekord City, Iran , 02-06-2020 sehingga 03-06-2020 , Kebangsaan
Stroke follow up in primary care: a discourse study on the discharge summary as a tool for knowledge transfer and collaboration , 03-08-2020 sehingga 24-08-2020 , Antarabangsa
Malaysia Stroke Virtual Conference 2020 , 14-08-2020 sehingga 14-09-2020 , Antarabangsa
Malaysian Health Economics Association (MAHEA) , 02-02-2015 sehingga 02-02-2018 , Kebangsaan
Best Poster Award 2nd place , 14-09-2020 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Best Oral Presentation Award , 23-12-2020 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa
POST-PANDEMIC ANALYSIS FOR THE ASM SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP ON COVID-19 FOR THE TERM 2020-2021 , 20-11-2020 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Kebangsaan
Penemu duga bagi Cuti Belajar bergaji Penuh dan HLP kepada Pegawai Kumpulan P&P (Bukan Gunasama) KKM bagi sesi akademik 2021/2022 , 16-02-2021 sehingga 23-02-2021 , Kebangsaan
Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan untuk Pendaftaran Sementara Majlis Perubatan Malaysia , 01-03-2021 sehingga 28-02-2023 , Kebangsaan
3rd Malaysian Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (PEOR) Conference 2021 , 14-06-2021 sehingga 23-09-2021 , Kebangsaan
The Prevalence of Burnout and its Predictors among Pharmacists Working in the Government Hospitals in Selangor , 28-08-2021 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Galen Centre for Health & Social Policy Expert Meeting- Strengthening Ischaemic Stroke Care and Outcomes in Malaysia , 17-09-2021 sehingga 17-09-2021 , Kebangsaan
Jawatankuasa Kesihatan Majlis Kebangsaan Pertubuhan-pertubuhan Wanita Malaysia (NCWO) , 09-05-2021 sehingga 09-05-2022 , Kebangsaan
Jawatankuasa Kesihatan Majlis Kebangsaan Pertubuhan-pertubuhan Wanita Malaysia (NCWO) , 09-05-2021 sehingga 09-05-2022 , Kebangsaan
Webinar Keluarga Sihat dan Harmoni , 20-11-2021 sehingga 20-11-2021 , Kebangsaan
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) , 22-11-2021 sehingga 25-11-2021 , Kebangsaan
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UiTM) , 15-11-2021 sehingga 17-11-2021 , Kebangsaan
Development and Evaluation of The Empower-Sustain e-Health Self-Management Applications for Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome in Primary Care , 09-03-2022 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
World Stroke Congress 2022 , 26-10-2022 sehingga 29-10-2022 , Antarabangsa
Malaysian Health Economic Association , 25-03-2021 sehingga 30-03-2023 , Kebangsaan
17th Postgraduate Forum on Health Systems and Policies , 17-07-2023 sehingga 18-07-2023 , Antarabangsa
Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan untuk Pendaftaran dengan Majlis Perubatan Malaysia (JPP MPM) , 16-02-2023 sehingga 15-02-2025 , Kebangsaan
Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan untuk Pendaftaran dengan Majlis Perubatan Malaysia (JPP MPM) , 16-02-2023 sehingga 15-02-2025 , Kebangsaan
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore , 01-06-2022 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Antarabangsa
Family Medicine Speciality Committee Part III Examination for Dr/Master of Family Medicine Program , 08-05-2023 sehingga 12-05-2023 , Kebangsaan
Factors associated with usability of the EMPOWER-SUSTAIN Global Cardiovascular Risks self management booklet among individuals with Metabolic Syndrome in Primary Care , 01-08-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Factors associated with usability of the EMPOWER-SUSTAIN self management mobile App(C) among individuals with cardiovascular risk factors in primary care , 01-08-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Malaysian Stroke Conference , 27-07-2023 sehingga 29-07-2023 , Kebangsaan
Eduinnovation 2023 , 24-04-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
South East Asian Regional Collaboration on Health (SEARCH): Strategic Purchasing for Primary healthcare and Universal Health Coverage , 04-02-2024 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Antarabangsa
Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khan Kesihatan Parlimen ke 15 , 23-04-2024 sehingga 23-04-2024 , Kebangsaan
Universiti Putra Malaysia , 14-11-2023 sehingga 17-11-2023 , Kebangsaan
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) , 07-05-2024 sehingga 08-05-2024 , Kebangsaan
Fakulti Perubatan UiTM , 20-05-2024 sehingga 23-05-2024 , Kebangsaan
Mesyuarat Peperiksaan Bhg 1 Sarjana Perubatan Keluarga UM-UKM-USM-UiTM-UPM-IIUM (Okt-Nov 2024) , 12-08-2024 sehingga 15-08-2024 , Kebangsaan
ICD Clinical Coding for Casemix Training Workshop , 03-01-2024 sehingga 04-09-2024 , Kebangsaan
ICD11 Clinical Coding and Casemix Training Workshop , 09-05-2024 sehingga 10-05-2024 , Kebangsaan
Peperiksaan Klinikal Bhg II Sarjana Perubatan Keluarga , 11-11-2024 sehingga 12-11-2024 , Kebangsaan
Mesyuarat Blueprinting bagi Peperiksaan Sarjana Perubatan Keluarga Bhg II 2025 , 03-12-2024 sehingga 05-12-2024 , Kebangsaan
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) , 16-01-2025 sehingga 29-04-2025 , Kebangsaan

Khidmat Dalam

AHLI JAWATANKUASA KUALITI PROGRAM PASCASISWAZAH DIPERINGKAT JABATAN , 19-06-2024 sehingga 18-06-2027 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
AHLI JAWATANKUASA MEMBANGUNKAN MODUL FFFF3115 JABATAN PERUBATAN KELUARGA , 01-01-2017 sehingga 31-01-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
AHLI JAWATANKUASA MEMBANGUNKAN MODUL FFFF5522 JABATAN PERUBATAN KELUARGA , 01-01-2019 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
AJK Ceramah Jemputan Prof Dimity Pond Jawatankuasa Kepakaran Perubatan Keluarga , 17-11-2023 sehingga 17-11-2023 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
AJK Pelaksanaan Temuduga Ambilan Pascasiswazah 2020/21 , 06-01-2020 sehingga 07-01-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Ahli Jawatankuasa Bagi 18th Post Graduate Forum On Health System And Policies , 06-08-2024 sehingga 07-08-2024 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Ahli Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan Klinikal Part 1 Konjoin Perubatan Keluarga , 20-11-2024 sehingga 21-11-2024 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
BENGKEL SEMAKAN KANDUNGAN BAHAN PENGAJARAN & PEMBELAJARAN MODUL FFFF5522 , 01-09-2021 sehingga 01-09-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Bengkel PD Examiners Calibration , 06-11-2020 sehingga 06-11-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Bengkel Penulisan Popular Bahasa Melayu , 15-06-2022 sehingga 16-06-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Bengkel Semakan Kurikulum Ijazah Doktor Pakar Perubatan Keluarga , 04-01-2021 sehingga 06-01-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Forum Memacu Kelestarian Perubatan Keluarga , 22-07-2022 sehingga 22-07-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
IKHTISAS PENGAJIAN SISWAZAH FAKULTI PERUBATAN , 05-08-2020 sehingga 04-08-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Introductory course in Family Medicine , 01-01-2020 sehingga 17-11-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
JAWATANKUASA DAN FASILITATOR KEM PPD 2 SESI 2020/2021 (BAGI PELAJAR PERUBATAN TAHUN 3) , 14-09-2020 sehingga 15-10-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA MODUL PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT (PPA) TAHUN 5 SESI 2020/2021 , 07-09-2020 sehingga 07-09-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA PATIENT SAFETY PELAJAR PERUBATAN TAHUN 3 SESI 2020/2021 , 14-09-2020 sehingga 12-09-2021 , Universiti
JURI MUASRM KE-16 2024 , 10-10-2024 sehingga 10-10-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Kerja Pemilihan Pelajar Program Doktor Perubatan FPUKM , 22-03-2023 sehingga 31-12-2025 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Minggu Kesedaran Diabetes dan Penyakit Gusi , 07-10-2022 sehingga 11-11-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa Peperiksaan Akhir Modul PPA Tahun 3 Blok 1 Sesi 2022/2023 , 25-11-2022 sehingga 25-11-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan Viva Manuskrip Jabatan Perubatan Keluarga , 09-02-2023 sehingga 10-02-2023 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Jawatankuasa Perhimpunan PPUKM Bil 6/2017 , 06-11-2017 sehingga 06-11-2017 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Kursus Mengendalikan Peperiksaan Percubaan Bahagian 2 Doktor Pakar Perubatan UKM (Mock Exam Part 2) , 10-03-2022 sehingga 10-03-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Kursus Rawatan Terapi Gantian Methadone , 04-12-2021 sehingga 05-12-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
LANTIKAN JAWATANKUASA PENILAI PAKAR BIDANG BAGI PEMBENTANGAN CADANGAN PENYELIDIKAN SEMESTER 1 SESI 2022/2023 , 01-03-2023 sehingga 14-03-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
MODUL PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT (PPA) TAHUN 3 2021/2022 , 23-08-2021 sehingga 01-09-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
MODUL PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT (PPA) TAHUN 3 SESI 2020/2021 , 21-09-2020 sehingga 12-09-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
MODUL PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT (PPA) TAHUN 4 2021/2022 , 13-09-2021 sehingga 09-09-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
MODUL PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT (PPA) TAHUN 4 SESI 2020/2021 , 07-09-2020 sehingga 05-09-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
MODUL PPA TAHUN 4 SESI 2021/2022 , 23-08-2021 sehingga 14-08-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Majlis Sambutan Jubli Mutiara 30 Tahun Jabatan Perubatan Keluarga UKM , 30-09-2022 sehingga 30-09-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
PEMERIKSA PEPERIKSAAN IKHTISAS AKHIR (KLINIKAL) SESI 2019-2020 , 07-12-2020 sehingga 10-12-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
PEMERIKSA PEPERIKSAN IKHTISAS AKHIR TAHUN 5 SESI 20202021 , 06-12-2021 sehingga 09-12-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
PEMERIKSA PEPERIKSAN IKHTISAS AKHIR TAHUN 5 SESI 20212022 , 29-08-2022 sehingga 02-09-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
PENAKSIR SOALAN KONJOIN PEPERIKSAAN IJAZAH DOKTOR PAKAR PERUBATAN KELUARGA BAHAGIAN II , 01-03-2022 sehingga 16-03-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
PENYELARAS PATIENT SAFETY TAHUN 4 , 19-09-2022 sehingga 18-09-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT (PPA) PROGRAM DOKTOR PERUBATAN FAKULTI PERUBATAN UKM , 09-08-2021 sehingga 01-10-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
PROGRAM KESIHATAN MULUT WARGA EMAS , 09-11-2024 sehingga 30-11-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Pelantikan Sebagai Pemeriksa Family Case Study Bahagian III , 20-01-2022 sehingga 14-02-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Pembentangan Proposal Siswazah Pusat Kajian Rehabilitasi & Keperluan Khas (IcaRehab) Semester 1 Sesi 2022/2023 , 05-01-2023 sehingga 05-01-2023 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Pemeriksa Family Case Study Bhg 3 , 01-10-2020 sehingga 30-11-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Pemeriksa Konjoin Peperiksaan Bahagian 3 , 01-10-2020 sehingga 30-11-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Pemeriksa Konjoin Peperiksaan Bahagian II , 01-10-2020 sehingga 30-11-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Pemeriksa Manuskrip Bahagian 3 , 01-10-2020 sehingga 23-11-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Pemeriksa Peperiksaan Ikhtisas Akhir Sesi 20242025 , 09-09-2024 sehingga 12-09-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Pemeriksa Peperiksaan Ikhtisas Akhir Tahun 5 , 07-12-2020 sehingga 10-12-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Pemeriksa Peperiksaan Konjoin Doktor Pakar Perubatan Keluarga Bhg 1 , 01-10-2020 sehingga 30-11-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Pemilihan Pelajar Program Ijazah Doktor Perubatan UKM Bagi Sesi Akademik 2020/2021 Secara Video Resume , 15-06-2020 sehingga 24-06-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Penemuduga Pelajar Perubatan , 01-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Pengendalian Peperiksaan Viva Penyelidikan , 23-02-2022 sehingga 24-02-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Penyelia Modul Kajian Khusus (SSM) FF5816 Doktor Perubatan Tahun 4 sesi 2021/2022 , 13-09-2021 sehingga 31-10-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN PRIMARY CARE WORKSHOP 2021 , 12-01-2021 sehingga 14-01-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
SOAL JAWAB DIABETES , 25-11-2021 sehingga 25-11-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Sesi Temuduga Ambilan Pascasiswazah 2020/21 , 06-01-2020 sehingga 07-01-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Specialised Skill In Primary Care 2021 , 19-02-2021 sehingga 19-02-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
TASK FORCE BUKU PANDUAN ETIKA DAN TATACARA PELAJAR SISWAZAH FAKULTI PERUBATAN UKM , 05-08-2020 sehingga 04-05-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
TASK FORCE SEMAKAN SEMULA BUKU PERATURAN SISWAZAH , 08-09-2020 sehingga 08-09-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Temuduga Pelajar Baru Sesi 2017/2018 , 06-06-2017 sehingga 06-06-2017 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
The 15th Virtual Postgraduate Forum on Health Systems and Policies , 27-07-2021 sehingga 28-07-2021 , Universiti
Unit Penyelidikan Jabatan Perubatan Keluarga , 01-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
Vetting Peringkat Jabatan Perubatan Keluarga Bhg 2 , 01-01-2020 sehingga 30-11-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit
jawatankuasa kecil modul tahun 5 modul ffff5115 , 29-08-2016 sehingga 25-08-2017 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan