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Curriculum Vitae



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Dr Nor Azian Abdul Murad graduated with Bachelor Science (Biomedical Science) from UPM in 1999, MSc (Medical Sciences) from UKM in 2004 and PhD (Clinical Medicine) from the University of Queensland, Australia in 2011. Currently, she is a Research fellow and Head of Quality Assurance in UMBI since October 2016. Her research interests include non-communicable diseases (NCD) such as diabetes and hypercholesterolemia, rare diseases and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. Currently, her work focuses on identification of mutations or variants involved in these diseases using whole exome sequencing, targeted sequencing and genotyping using mass spectrometry. In addition, she also studied the genetic-environmental association related to NCD and rare diseases. Her previous PhD work focuses on mitochondrial functions and also oxidative stress in a very rare ataxia case known as Ataxia Oculomotor Apraxia type 3 (AOA3). She is approved signatory for HLA-B:1502 and β-thalassemia testing under MS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (scope: acid nucleic) in UMBI since 2011. She received several grants namely FRGS, GGPM, GUP from the MOSTI and UKM from 2011 - 2015.

(Bidang Pengajian),(Peringkat),(Institusi),(Tahun)
Medicine Clinical , Doktor Falsafah , UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND , 2011
Sarjana Muda , UNIV. PUTRA MALAYSIA , 1999
CLINICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES - BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES (Non communicable diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, rare diseases)
CLINICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES - BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES (Gene-gene interaction, gene-environment interaction, Genome wide association study)

Penerbitan Berimpak Tinggi

Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Goh Ying Xian, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Jalal, Rahman Jamal.  (2023).  Sub Phenotyping Of Type 2 Diabetes Using Data-driven Cluster Analysis.  - Metabolism.  517. 
Ooi Ting Kee, Harmiza Harun, Norlaila Mustafa, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Siok Fong Chin, Rosmina Jaafar And Noraidatulakma Abdullah.  (2023).  Cardiovascular Complications In A Diabetes Prediction Model Using Machine Learning: A Systematic Review.  - Cardiovascular Diabetology.  1-10. 
Anis Amirah Alim, Roharsyafinaz Roslan, Sh. Nadzirah, Lina Khalida Saidi, P. Susthitha Menon, Ismail Aziah, Dee Chang Fu, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Azrul Azlan Hamzah.  (2023).  Geometrical Characterisation Of Tio2-rgo Field-effect Transistor As A Platform For Biosensing Applications.  - Micromachines, Mdpi.  1-18. 
Jennifer Carter, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Fiona Bragg, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Hannah Taylor, Chin Siok Fong, Ben Lacey, Paul Sherliker, Fredrik Karpe, Norlaila Mustafa, Sarah Lewington, And Rahman Jamal..  (2023).  Body Composition And Risk Factors For Cardiovascular Disease In Global Multi-ethnic Populations.  - International Journal Of Obesity.  855-864. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Yusuf Mohammad Noor, Zam Zureena Mohd. Rani, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Yock Ping Chow, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Norfazilah Ahmad, Norliza Ismail, Nazihah Abdul Jalal , Mohd. Arman Kamaruddin, Amalia Afzan, Rahman Jamal.  (2023).  Hypercholesterolemia In The Malaysian Cohort Participants: Genetic And Non-genetic Risk Factors.  - Genes.  1-15. 
Kha Chin Long, Norlela Sukor, Geok Chin Tan, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Morris Jonathan Brown, Elena Aisha Azizan.  (2023).  Elucidating Effect Of Inhibiting Aldosterone Synthesis On Human Adrenocortical Cells.  - Journal Of Hypertension.  e362. 
Siti Khadijah Syed Mohammed Nazri, Rozman Zakaria, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rohaizak Muhammad, Geok Chin Tan, Norlela Sukor, Elena Aisha Azizan.  (2023).  Identification Of Aldosterone-driver Somatic Mutations In Cell-free Dna From Adrenal Vein Samples Of Primary Aldosteronism Patients.  - Journal Of Hypertension.  e487. 
Khairul Anwar Zarkasi, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Norfazilah Ahmad, Rahman Jamal.  (2022).  Genetic Factors For Coronary Heart Disease And Their Mechanisms: A Meta-analysis And Comprehensive Review Of Common Variants From Genome-wide Association Studies.  - Diagnostics.  1-35. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Azlina Ahmad-annuar, Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim, Wael Mohamed, Shahrul Azmin Md Rani, Kin Ying Mok.  (2022).  Editorial: Genetic And Molecular Diversity In Parkinson's Disease.  - Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience.  1-4. 
Abdul Khalif Adha Abd Talib, Syahrul Sazliyana Shaharir, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Elena Aisha Azizan, Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor, Ruslinda Mustafar, Mohd Shahrir Mohamed Said, Sakthiswary Rajalingham, Abdul Rahmaa. Jamal, Zarina Abdul.  (2022).  Validation Of The Sle Susceptible Gene Loci In The Multi-ethnic Malaysian Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (sle) Cohort And Their Associations With Clinical Manifestation.  - Annals Of The Rheumatic Diseases.  453. 
Khairul Anwar Zarkasi, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Norfazilah Ahmad, Rahman Jamal, Noraidatulakma Abdullah.  (2022).  Coronary Heart Disease In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Genetic Factors And Their Mechanisms, Gene-gene, And Gene-environment Interactions In The Asian Populations.  - International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health.  1-48. 
Vicneswarry Dorairaj, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nadiah Abu And Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2021).  Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (nafld): Pathogenesis And Noninvasive Diagnosis.  - Biomedicines.  1-25. 
Jiann Ll, Nurul Ain Mk, Jo Aan G, Hanafi Ad, Jaclyn Ai Ct, Nor Azian Am, Shamsul Azhar S, Siti Aishah S, Shazrul F, Shalisah Sp, Suriati Ms, Geetha G, Thambu M, A. Rahman Aj, Wan Zurinah Wn, Fatimatul Syahirah Mbs And Lai Fong C.  (2021).  The Role Of Oxidative Stress In Suicidal Behaviour Among Bipolar Patients: A Cross-sectional-study In A Malaysian Sample.  - Frontiers In Psychiatry.  1-10. 
Nurruzanna Ismail, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rahman Jamal, Siti Aishah Sulaiman.  (2021).  Long Non-coding Rnas (lncrnas) In Cardiovascular Disease Complication Of Type 2 Diabetes.  - Diagnostics.  1-27. 
Kin Y Mok, East Asian Parkinson Disease Genomics Consortium.  (2021).  The East Asian Parkinson Disease Genomics Consortium.  - The Lancet Neurology.  982. 
Tamil Selvi Loganathan, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor, Rahman Jamal, Noraidatulakma Abdullah.  (2020).  Interactions Among Non-coding Rnas In Diabetic Nephropathy.  - Frontiers In Pharmacology.  1-19. 
N. Ahmad, S. A. Shah, A. H. Abdul Gafor, N. A. Abdul Murad, M. A. Kamaruddin, N. Abd Jalal, N. Ismail , M. R. Alias And R. Jamal.  (2020).  Gene-environment Interaction In Chronic Kidney Disease Among People With Type 2 Diabetes From The Malaysian Cohort Project: A Case-control Study.  - Diabetic Medicine.  1890-1901. 
Kok Beng Gan, Kim Soon Chong, Anusha Devi Nawoor, Sue-mian Then, Nor Azian Abdul Murad And A. Rahman A. Jamal.  (2020).  Development Of A Hla-b*58:01 Allele Screening System For Allopurinol-induced Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions Detection.  - Ieee Access.  25306-25323. 
Vicneswarry Dorairaj, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nadiah Abu, Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2020).  Extracellular Vesicles In The Development Of The Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Update.  - Biomolecules.  1-24. 
Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, John Attia, Christopher Oldmeadow, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Abd Jalal, Norliza Ismail, Rahman Jamal, Rodney J. Scott And Elizabeth G. Holliday.  (2018).  Differing Contributions Of Classical Risk Factors To Type 2 Diabetes In Multi-ethnic Malaysian Populations.  - International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health. 
Nor Aslina Samat, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Khairiyah Mohamad, Mohd Ridhwan Abdul Razak And Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim.  (2017).  Apolipoprotein E4 A Biomarker For Executive Dysfunction Among Parkinsons Disease Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment.  - Frontiers In Neuroscience.  1-8. 
Ahmad R. Arshad, Siti A. Sulaiman, Amalia A. Saperi , Rahman Jamal, Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim And Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2017).  Micrornas And Target Genes As Biomarkers For The Diagnosis Of Early Onset Of Parkinson Disease.  - Frontiers Of Molecular Neuroscience.  1-20. 
Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Ezanee Azlina Mohd Haniff, Saiful Effendi Syafruddin, John Attia, Christopher Oldmeadow, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Abd Jalal, Norliza Ismail, Muhiddin Ishak, Rahman Jamal, Rodney J. Scott, Elizabeth Gh.  (2017).  Predicting Type 2 Diabetes Using Genetic And Environmental Risk Factors In A Multi-ethnic Malaysian Cohort.  - Public Health.  31-38. 
Yock-ping Chow, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Zamzureena Mohd Rani, Jia-shiun Khoo, Pei-sin Chong, Loo-ling Wu, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Exome Sequencing Identifies Slc26a4, Gjb2, Scarb2 And Duox2 Mutations In 2 Siblings With Pendred Syndrome In A Malaysian Family.  - Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases.  40-48. 
Bee Hong Soon, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Sue Mian Then, Azizi Abu Bakar, Farizal Fadzilb, Jegan Thanabalan, Mohd Saffari Mohd Haspanic, Toh Charng Jeng, Azmi Mohd Tamil, Roslan Harun, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Mitochondrial Dna Mutations In Grade Ii And Iii Glioma Cell Lines Are Associated With Significant Mitochondrial Dysfunction And Higher Oxidative Stress.  - Frontiers In Physiology.  1-14. 
Nor Idayu A. Rahman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Mohammad Manir Hossain Mollah, Rahman Jamal And Roslan Harun.  (2017).  Nfix As A Master Regulator For Lung Cancer Progression.  - Frontiers In Pharmacology.  1-12. 
Jason K Cullen,norazian Abdul Murad,abreyyeo, Matthewmckenzie,michealward, Kok Leongchong,nicolelschieber,robert G Parton,yi Chieh Lim,ernstwolvetang, Ghassan J Maghzal, Roland Stocker, Martin Lavin.  (2016).  Aarf Domain Containing Kinase 3 (adck3) Mutant Cells Display Signs Of Oxidative Stress, Defects In Mitochondrial Homeostasis And Lysosomal Accumulation.  - Plos One.  e0148213. 
Mohd Firdaus Che Mat, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Kamariah Ibrahim, Norfilza Mohd Mokhtar, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Roslan Harun, Rahman Jamal.  (2016).  Silencing Of Pros1 Induces Apoptosis And Inhibits Migration And Invation Of Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells.  - International Journal Of Oncology.  2359-2366. 
Adeel Masood Butt, Mohd Cairul Iqbal Mohd Amin, Haliza Katas, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rahman Jamal, Prashant Kesharwani.  (2016).  Doxorubicin And Sirna Codelivery Via Chitosan-coated Phresponsive Mixed Micellar Polyplexes For Enhanced Cancer Therapy In Multidrug-resistant Tumors.  - Molecular Pharmaceutics.  4179-4190. 
Nf Mohamad Pakarul Razy, Na Abdul Murad, Se Syafruddin, A Ahmad-annuar, Sy Lim, Nm Ibrahim, R Jamal.  (2015).  Glucocerebrosidase Mutations In Malay Parkinson`s Disease Patients.  - Public Health Genomics.  23. 
Zainal Abidin S, Tan El, Chan Sc, Jaafar , Lee Ax, Abd Hamid M, Abdul Murad Na, Pakarul Razy Nf, Azmin S, Ahmad Annuar A, Lim S, Cheah Ps, Ling Kh, Mohamed Ibrahim N.  (2015).  Drd And Grin2b Polymorphisms And Their Association With The Development Of Impulse Control Behaviour Among Malaysian Parkinson`s Disease Patients.  - Bmc Neurology.  1-10. 
N Abdullah, Na Abdul Murad, J Attia, C Oldmeadow, Ea Mohd Haniff, Se Syafruddin, N Abd Jalal, N Ismail, M Ishak, R Jamal, Rj Scott And Eg Holliday.  (2015).  Characterizing The Genetic Risk For Type 2 Diabetes In A Malaysian Multi-ethnic Cohort.  - Diabetic Medicine.  1377-1384. 
Zz Mohd Rani, Na Abdul Murad, Sm Then, Sp Bernam, A Abdullah, S Saimun, Sn Othman, Aa Raymond, R Jamal.  (2015).  Hla-b*1502 Screening In Epileptic Patients Using A High Resolution Melting-real Tme Pcr (hrm-qpcr) Method.  - Public Health Genomics.  21. 
Murad Na, Cullen Jk, Mckenzie M, Ryan Mt, Thorburn D, Gueven N, Kobayashi J, Birrell G, Yang J, Dork T, Becherel O, Grattan-smith P, Lavin Mf..  (2013).  Mitochondrial Dysfunction In A Novel Form Of Autosomal Recessive Ataxia.  - Mitochondrion.  13(3):235-245. 
Abdul Murad Na, Othman Z, Khalid M, Abdul Razak Z, Hussain R, Nadesan S, Sagap I, Mohamed Rose I, Wan Ngah Wz, Jamal R..  (2012).  Missense Mutations In Mlh1, Msh2, Kras, And Apc Genes In Colorectal Cancer Patients In Malaysia.  - Digestive Diseases And Sciences.  57(11) : 2863-2872. 

Penerbitan WOS

Bee Hong Soon, Nadiah A, Nor Azian Am, Sue-mian Then, Azizi Ab, Farizal F, Jegan T, Mohd Saffari Mh, Charng Jeng Toh, Ramesh K, Ainul Sj, Anis Nabillah Ma, Mohd Syakir Ma, Sanmugarajah P, Kamalanathan P, Azmi Mt, Rahman J.  (2022).  Somatic Mitochondrial Dna Mutations In Different Grades Of Glioma.  - Personalized Medicine.  25-39. 
M. Mohamed Said, T. Sue Mian, N. Devi, N. Abdul Murad, K. Nee Ting.  (2021).  Development Of The High Resolution Melt (hrm) Method To Detect The Hla-b*58:01 Allele In Order To Prevent Allopurinol- Associated Drug Hypersensitivity.  - International Journal Of Rheumatic Diseases.  68. 
Noor Syazwani Izyan A, Abdul Khalif Adha, Elena Aisha Azizan, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Mohd Shahrir Mohamed Said, Ruslinda Mustafar, Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor, Zarina Abdul Latiff, Syahrul Sazliyana.  (2021).  Associations Of The Malaysian Susceptibility Gene Loci Of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (sle) With Lupus Nephritis And Treatment Response.  - International Journal Of Rheumatic Diseases.  308-309. 
Nor Azila Ma, Nor Azian Am, Azmawati Mn, Sharifah Azura S, Petrick P, Najma K, Mohd Rohaizat H, Norfazilah A, Anita S, Hanita O, Tuti Ningseh Md, Nurul Syakima Am, Ezanee Azlina, Siti Aishah, Nurul Syeefa', Abdul Rashid, Abdul Halim, Hanafiah Hr, Rahman J.  (2021).  Covid-19 In Malaysia: Exposure Assessment And Prevention Practices Among Healthcare Workers At A Teaching Hospital.  - Journal Of Infection In Developing Countries.  1816-1824. 
Mohd. Firdaus Che Mat, Ezanee Azlina Mohamad Hanif, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Kamariah Ibrahim, Roslan Harun, Rahman Jamal.  (2021).  Silencing Of Zfp36l2 Increases Sensitivity To Temozolomide Through G2/m Cell Cycle Arrest And Bax Mediated Apoptosis In Gbm Cells.  - Molecular Biology Reports.  1493-1503. 
Asrul Abdul Wahab, Nor Adzimah Johdi, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Farah Dayana Zahedi, Hamidah Alias, Lokman Mohd. Noh.  (2021).  Defect In Gene Encoding Card14 Protein As The Cause Of Combined Immunodeficiency In A Malay Girl.  - Malaysian Journal Of Pathology.  188. 
Siti Aishah Sulaiman,nor Ilham Ainaa Muhsin,ahmad Rasyadan Arshad, Wan Fahmi Wan Mohamad Nazarie,rahman Jamal,norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim,nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2020).  Differential Expression Of Circulating Mirnas In Parkinsons Disease Patients: Potential Early Biomarker?.  - Neurology Asia.  319-329. 
Kamariah Ibrahim, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Roslan Harun, Rahman Jamal.  (2020).  Knockdown Of Tousled-like Kinase 1 Inhibits Survival Of Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells.  - International Journal Of Molecular Medicine.  685-699. 
Nur Fadhlina Mohamad Pakarulrazy, Saiful Effendi Syafruddin, Nurul Syakima Ab Mutalib, Azlina Ahmad Annuar, Shen Yang Lim, Rahman Jamal, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim.  (2020).  Glucocerebrosidase Genetic Variants In Malays With Early And Late-onset Parkinson's Disease.  - Neurology Asia.  39-46. 
Tze Sean Khoo, Rahman Jamal, Nur Azurah Abdul Ghani, Hafiza Alauddin, Noor Hamidah Hussin, Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2020).  Retention Of Somatic Memory Associated With Cell Identity, Age And Metabolism In Induced Pluripotent Stem (ips) Cells Reprogramming.  - Stem Cell Review And Reports.  251-261. 
Shazrul Fazry, Malina Kumaran, Nahid Khalili, Ibrahim Mahmood, Herryawan Ryadi Eziwar Dyari, Nur Hidayah Jamar, Douglas Law, Nik Marzuki Sidik, Nor Azizan Abdul Murad And Yi Chieh Lim.  (2019).  Mrn Complex And Atm Kinase Inhibitors Impacts Towards Uvc-treated Zebrafish Embryonic Development.  - Pertanika Journal Of Science & Technology.  1615-1624. 
Norfazilah Ahmad, Rahman Jamal, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor And Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2019).  Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone System Gene Polymorphisms And Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy In Asian Populations: An Updated Meta-analysis.  - Current Diabetes Reviews.  263-276. 
S.a.a. Razak, N.a.a. Murad, F. Masra, D.l.s. Chong, N. Abdullah, N. Jalil, H. Alauddin, R.z.a.r. Sabudin, A. Ithnin, L.c. Khai, N.a. Aziz, Z. Muda, H. Ibrahim And Z.a. Latiff.  (2018).  Genetic Modifiers Of Fetal Haemoglobin (hbf) And Phenotypic Severity In Beta Thalassemia Patients.  - Current Molecular Medicine. 
Boekhtiar Borhanuddina, Norfazilah Ahmada, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Syed Zulkifli Syed Zakaria, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Abd Jalal, Nurul Ain Mhd Yusuf, Afzan Effiza Abdul Patah, Andri Dauni, Wan Ahmad Faisal Wan Sallam, Rahman Jam.  (2018).  Association Of Job Sectors With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Hypercholesterolemia And Obesity: A Cross-sectional Study From The Malaysian Cohort (tmc) Project..  - International Health. 
Zam Zureena Mohd Rani, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Sue-mian Then, Suthashini Panja Bernam,asmaa Abdullah, Saberi Saimun, Sri Noraima Othman, Raymond Azman Ali, Rahman Jamal.  (2018).  Hla-b*15:02 Screening In Epileptic Patients Using A High Resolution Melting-real Time Pcr (hrm-qpcr) Method.  - Neurology Asia. 
Ri Buji, Na Abdul Murad, Lf Chan, T Maniam, Ms Mohd Shahrir, M Rozita, As Shamsul, R Mohamad Hussain, N Abdullah, R Jamal, Nr Nik Jaafar.  (2018).  Suicidal Ideation In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Nr2a Gene Polymorphism, Clinical And Psychosocial Factors.  - Lupus. 
Ling Fei Tee, Hui-min Neoh, Sue Mian Then, Nor Azian Murad, Mohd Fairos Asillam, Mohd Helmy Hashim, Sheila Nathan, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Effects Of Simulated Microgravity On Gene Expression And Biological Phenotypes Of A Single Generation Caenorhabditis Elegans Cultured On 2 Different Media.  - Life Sciences In Space Research. 
Azmin S, Tan El,nik Jaafar Nik,zakaria Hazli,azmawati Mohammed Nawi,zhe Kang Law, Remli Rabani, Wan Yahya Nafisah,ramesh Sahathevan, Hui Jan Tan,pakarul Razynf, Abdul Murad Na, Hwa-ling K, Norl.  (2016).  Impulse Control Behaviors In A Malaysian Parkinson`s Disease Population.  - Neurology Asia.  137-143. 
Tang Yee Loong, Doris Lau Sie Chong, A. Rahman A. Jamal, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Raja Zahratul Azma Raja Sabudin, Leong Chooi Fun.  (2016).  First Reported Case Of Haemoglobin-m Hyde Park In A Malay Family Living In Malaysia.  - Experimental And Clinical Sciences International Online Journal For Advances In Science.  630-635. 
Maisarah Mohamad, Norhazlina Abdul Wahab, Rosna Yunus, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Zulkifli Md Zainuddin, Murali Sundaram, Norfilza Mohd Mokhtar.  (2016).  Roles Of Microrna-21 And Microrna-29a In Regulating Cell Adhesion Related Nenes In Bone Metastasis Secondary To Prostate Cancer.  - Asia Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention.  3437-3445. 
Hafiza Alauddin, Suziana Mohamad Nasir, Madzlifah Ahadon, Raja Zahratul Azma Raja Sabudin, Azlin Ithnin, Noor Hamidah Hussin, Hamidah Alias, Loh C-khai, Zarina Abdul Latiff, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Ain.  (2015).  Hb Lepore/b0-thalassaemia With A+-thalassaemia Interactions, A Potential Diagnostic Pitfall.  - Malaysian Journal Of Pathology.  287-292. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Zuraini Abdul Razak, Rosniza Muhammmad Hussain, Sharifah Noor Akmal, Clarence Ko Ching Huat, Siti Aishah Che Md Ali, Norlia Abdullah, Rohaizak Muhammad, Naqiyah I, Rahman Jamal.  (2013).  Quantification Of Her-2/neu Gene In Breast Cancer Patients Using Real Time-polymerase Chain Reaction (q-pcr) And Correlation With Immunohistochemistry Findings.  - Asian Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention.  14(3):1655-1659. 

Penerbitan SCOPUS/ERA

Muhammad-redha Abdullah-zawawi, Mira-farzana Mohamad-mokhtar, Saiful Effendi Syafruddin, Fateen Farhana Ibrahim, Isa Mohamed Rose, Roslan Harun, Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2023).  Mir-99a-5p And Mir-148a-3p As Candidate Molecular Biomarkers For The Survival Of Lung Cancer Patients.  - Malaysian Applied Biology.  87-100. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Yusuf Mohammad Noor, Zam Zureena Mohd. Rani, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Yock Ping Chow, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Norfazilah Ahmad, Norliza Ismail, Nazihah Abdul Jalal , Mohd. Arman Kamaruddin, Amalia Afzan, Rahman Jamal.  (2023).  Hypercholesterolemia In The Malaysian Cohort Participants: Genetic And Non-genetic Risk Factors.  - Genes.  1-15. 
Anis Amirah Alim, Roharsyafinaz Roslan, Sh. Nadzirah, Lina Khalida Saidi, P. Susthitha Menon, Ismail Aziah, Dee Chang Fu, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Azrul Azlan Hamzah.  (2023).  Geometrical Characterisation Of Tio2-rgo Field-effect Transistor As A Platform For Biosensing Applications.  - Micromachines, Mdpi.  1-18. 
Ooi Ting Kee, Harmiza Harun, Norlaila Mustafa, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Siok Fong Chin, Rosmina Jaafar And Noraidatulakma Abdullah.  (2023).  Cardiovascular Complications In A Diabetes Prediction Model Using Machine Learning: A Systematic Review.  - Cardiovascular Diabetology.  1-10. 
Kha Chin Long, Norlela Sukor, Geok Chin Tan, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Morris Jonathan Brown, Elena Aisha Azizan.  (2023).  Elucidating Effect Of Inhibiting Aldosterone Synthesis On Human Adrenocortical Cells.  - Journal Of Hypertension.  e362. 
Jennifer Carter, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Fiona Bragg, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Hannah Taylor, Chin Siok Fong, Ben Lacey, Paul Sherliker, Fredrik Karpe, Norlaila Mustafa, Sarah Lewington, And Rahman Jamal..  (2023).  Body Composition And Risk Factors For Cardiovascular Disease In Global Multi-ethnic Populations.  - International Journal Of Obesity.  855-864. 
Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Goh Ying Xian, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Jalal, Rahman Jamal.  (2023).  Sub Phenotyping Of Type 2 Diabetes Using Data-driven Cluster Analysis.  - Metabolism.  517. 
Siti Khadijah Syed Mohammed Nazri, Rozman Zakaria, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rohaizak Muhammad, Geok Chin Tan, Norlela Sukor, Elena Aisha Azizan.  (2023).  Identification Of Aldosterone-driver Somatic Mutations In Cell-free Dna From Adrenal Vein Samples Of Primary Aldosteronism Patients.  - Journal Of Hypertension.  e487. 
Abdul Khalif Adha Abd Talib, Syahrul Sazliyana Shaharir, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Elena Aisha Azizan, Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor, Ruslinda Mustafar, Mohd Shahrir Mohamed Said, Sakthiswary Rajalingham, Abdul Rahmaa. Jamal, Zarina Abdul.  (2022).  Validation Of The Sle Susceptible Gene Loci In The Multi-ethnic Malaysian Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (sle) Cohort And Their Associations With Clinical Manifestation.  - Annals Of The Rheumatic Diseases.  453. 
Khairul Anwar Zarkasi, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Norfazilah Ahmad, Rahman Jamal, Noraidatulakma Abdullah.  (2022).  Coronary Heart Disease In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Genetic Factors And Their Mechanisms, Gene-gene, And Gene-environment Interactions In The Asian Populations.  - International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health.  1-48. 
Jesminder Kaur, Nurain Salehen, Anwar Norazit, Amirah Abdul Rahman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Nik Mohd Afizan Nik Abd. Rahman And Kamariah Ibrahim.  (2022).  Tumor Suppressive Effects Of Gas5 In Cancer Cells.  - Non-coding Rna.  1-15. 
Kha Chin Long, Norlela Sukor, Geok Chin Tan, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Morris Jonathan Brown, Elena Aisha Azizan.  (2022).  Elucidating The Effects Of Mutations In Q209 Of Gna11 On Cell Apoptosis In Human Adrenocortical Cells.  - Journal Of The Asean Federation Of Endocrine Societies.  21. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Azlina Ahmad-annuar, Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim, Wael Mohamed, Shahrul Azmin Md Rani, Kin Ying Mok.  (2022).  Editorial: Genetic And Molecular Diversity In Parkinson's Disease.  - Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience.  1-4. 
Khairul Anwar Zarkasi, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Norfazilah Ahmad, Rahman Jamal.  (2022).  Genetic Factors For Coronary Heart Disease And Their Mechanisms: A Meta-analysis And Comprehensive Review Of Common Variants From Genome-wide Association Studies.  - Diagnostics.  1-35. 
Bee Hong Soon, Nadiah A, Nor Azian Am, Sue-mian Then, Azizi Ab, Farizal F, Jegan T, Mohd Saffari Mh, Charng Jeng Toh, Ramesh K, Ainul Sj, Anis Nabillah Ma, Mohd Syakir Ma, Sanmugarajah P, Kamalanathan P, Azmi Mt, Rahman J.  (2022).  Somatic Mitochondrial Dna Mutations In Different Grades Of Glioma.  - Personalized Medicine.  25-39. 
Asrul Abdul Wahab, Nor Adzimah Johdi, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Farah Dayana Zahedi, Hamidah Alias, Lokman Mohd. Noh.  (2021).  Defect In Gene Encoding Card14 Protein As The Cause Of Combined Immunodeficiency In A Malay Girl.  - Malaysian Journal Of Pathology.  188. 
Jiann Ll, Nurul Ain Mk, Jo Aan G, Hanafi Ad, Jaclyn Ai Ct, Nor Azian Am, Shamsul Azhar S, Siti Aishah S, Shazrul F, Shalisah Sp, Suriati Ms, Geetha G, Thambu M, A. Rahman Aj, Wan Zurinah Wn, Fatimatul Syahirah Mbs And Lai Fong C.  (2021).  The Role Of Oxidative Stress In Suicidal Behaviour Among Bipolar Patients: A Cross-sectional-study In A Malaysian Sample.  - Frontiers In Psychiatry.  1-10. 
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Abdul Khalif Adha Abd Talib, Shing Cheng Tan, Rahman Jamal, Elena Aisha Azizan, Syahrul Sazliyana Shaharir, Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2021).  Associated Genetic Polymorphisms And Clinical Manifestations In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus In Asian Populations - A Systematic Literature Review.  - Medical Journal Of Malaysia.  541-550. 
Mohd. Firdaus Che Mat, Ezanee Azlina Mohamad Hanif, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Kamariah Ibrahim, Roslan Harun, Rahman Jamal.  (2021).  Silencing Of Zfp36l2 Increases Sensitivity To Temozolomide Through G2/m Cell Cycle Arrest And Bax Mediated Apoptosis In Gbm Cells.  - Molecular Biology Reports.  1493-1503. 
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Kha Chin Long, Norlela Sukor, Nor Azmi Kamaruddin, Geok Chin Tan, A. Rahman A. Jamal, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Morris Jonathan Brown, Elena Aisha Azizan.  (2021).  Effect Of Silencing Aldosterone Synthase On Cell Apoptosis In Hac15 Human Adrenocortical Cells.  - Journal Of The Asean Federation Of Endocrine Societies.  11. 
Nurruzanna Ismail, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rahman Jamal, Siti Aishah Sulaiman.  (2021).  Long Non-coding Rnas (lncrnas) In Cardiovascular Disease Complication Of Type 2 Diabetes.  - Diagnostics.  1-27. 
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Vicneswarry Dorairaj, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nadiah Abu And Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2021).  Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (nafld): Pathogenesis And Noninvasive Diagnosis.  - Biomedicines.  1-25. 
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Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Abd Jalal, Norliza Ismail, Nurul Ain Mhd Yusof, Norlaila Mustafa, Rahman Jamal.  (2021).  Discordance Between Fasting Plasma Glucose (fpg) And Hba1c In Diagnosing Diabetes And Pre-diabetes In The Malaysian Cohort.  - Journal Of The Asean Federation Of Endocrine Societies.  1-6. 
Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nurruzanna Ismail, Vicneswarry Dorairaj, Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2021).  Analysis Of Blood Lncrna Expression Profiles In Type 2 Diabetes Individuals With Dyslipidemia.  - Journal Of The Asean Federation Of Endocrine Societies.  14. 
Kok Beng Gan, Kim Soon Chong, Anusha Devi Nawoor, Sue-mian Then, Nor Azian Abdul Murad And A. Rahman A. Jamal.  (2020).  Development Of A Hla-b*58:01 Allele Screening System For Allopurinol-induced Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions Detection.  - Ieee Access.  25306-25323. 
Siti Aishah Sulaiman,nor Ilham Ainaa Muhsin,ahmad Rasyadan Arshad, Wan Fahmi Wan Mohamad Nazarie,rahman Jamal,norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim,nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2020).  Differential Expression Of Circulating Mirnas In Parkinsons Disease Patients: Potential Early Biomarker?.  - Neurology Asia.  319-329. 
Tze Sean Khoo, Rahman Jamal, Nur Azurah Abdul Ghani, Hafiza Alauddin, Noor Hamidah Hussin, Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2020).  Retention Of Somatic Memory Associated With Cell Identity, Age And Metabolism In Induced Pluripotent Stem (ips) Cells Reprogramming.  - Stem Cell Review And Reports.  251-261. 
Tamil Selvi Loganathan, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor, Rahman Jamal, Noraidatulakma Abdullah.  (2020).  Interactions Among Non-coding Rnas In Diabetic Nephropathy.  - Frontiers In Pharmacology.  1-19. 
N. Ahmad, S. A. Shah, A. H. Abdul Gafor, N. A. Abdul Murad, M. A. Kamaruddin, N. Abd Jalal, N. Ismail , M. R. Alias And R. Jamal.  (2020).  Gene-environment Interaction In Chronic Kidney Disease Among People With Type 2 Diabetes From The Malaysian Cohort Project: A Case-control Study.  - Diabetic Medicine.  1890-1901. 
Nur Fadhlina Mohamad Pakarulrazy, Saiful Effendi Syafruddin, Nurul Syakima Ab Mutalib, Azlina Ahmad Annuar, Shen Yang Lim, Rahman Jamal, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim.  (2020).  Glucocerebrosidase Genetic Variants In Malays With Early And Late-onset Parkinson's Disease.  - Neurology Asia.  39-46. 
Vicneswarry Dorairaj, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nadiah Abu, Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2020).  Extracellular Vesicles In The Development Of The Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Update.  - Biomolecules.  1-24. 
Kamariah Ibrahim, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Roslan Harun, Rahman Jamal.  (2020).  Knockdown Of Tousled-like Kinase 1 Inhibits Survival Of Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells.  - International Journal Of Molecular Medicine.  685-699. 
Norfazilah Ahmad, Rahman Jamal, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor And Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2019).  Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone System Gene Polymorphisms And Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy In Asian Populations: An Updated Meta-analysis.  - Current Diabetes Reviews.  263-276. 
Shazrul Fazry, Malina Kumaran, Nahid Khalili, Ibrahim Mahmood, Herryawan Ryadi Eziwar Dyari, Nur Hidayah Jamar, Douglas Law, Nik Marzuki Sidik, Nor Azizan Abdul Murad And Yi Chieh Lim.  (2019).  Mrn Complex And Atm Kinase Inhibitors Impacts Towards Uvc-treated Zebrafish Embryonic Development.  - Pertanika Journal Of Science & Technology.  1615-1624. 
S.a.a. Razak, N.a.a. Murad, F. Masra, D.l.s. Chong, N. Abdullah, N. Jalil, H. Alauddin, R.z.a.r. Sabudin, A. Ithnin, L.c. Khai, N.a. Aziz, Z. Muda, H. Ibrahim And Z.a. Latiff.  (2018).  Genetic Modifiers Of Fetal Haemoglobin (hbf) And Phenotypic Severity In Beta Thalassemia Patients.  - Current Molecular Medicine. 
Ri Buji, Na Abdul Murad, Lf Chan, T Maniam, Ms Mohd Shahrir, M Rozita, As Shamsul, R Mohamad Hussain, N Abdullah, R Jamal, Nr Nik Jaafar.  (2018).  Suicidal Ideation In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Nr2a Gene Polymorphism, Clinical And Psychosocial Factors.  - Lupus. 
Boekhtiar Borhanuddina, Norfazilah Ahmada, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Syed Zulkifli Syed Zakaria, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Abd Jalal, Nurul Ain Mhd Yusuf, Afzan Effiza Abdul Patah, Andri Dauni, Wan Ahmad Faisal Wan Sallam, Rahman Jam.  (2018).  Association Of Job Sectors With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Hypercholesterolemia And Obesity: A Cross-sectional Study From The Malaysian Cohort (tmc) Project..  - International Health. 
Zam Zureena Mohd Rani, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Sue-mian Then, Suthashini Panja Bernam,asmaa Abdullah, Saberi Saimun, Sri Noraima Othman, Raymond Azman Ali, Rahman Jamal.  (2018).  Hla-b*15:02 Screening In Epileptic Patients Using A High Resolution Melting-real Time Pcr (hrm-qpcr) Method.  - Neurology Asia. 
Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, John Attia, Christopher Oldmeadow, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Abd Jalal, Norliza Ismail, Rahman Jamal, Rodney J. Scott And Elizabeth G. Holliday.  (2018).  Differing Contributions Of Classical Risk Factors To Type 2 Diabetes In Multi-ethnic Malaysian Populations.  - International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health. 
Ling Fei Tee, Hui-min Neoh, Sue Mian Then, Nor Azian Murad, Mohd Fairos Asillam, Mohd Helmy Hashim, Sheila Nathan, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Effects Of Simulated Microgravity On Gene Expression And Biological Phenotypes Of A Single Generation Caenorhabditis Elegans Cultured On 2 Different Media.  - Life Sciences In Space Research. 
Bee Hong Soon, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Sue Mian Then, Azizi Abu Bakar, Farizal Fadzilb, Jegan Thanabalan, Mohd Saffari Mohd Haspanic, Toh Charng Jeng, Azmi Mohd Tamil, Roslan Harun, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Mitochondrial Dna Mutations In Grade Ii And Iii Glioma Cell Lines Are Associated With Significant Mitochondrial Dysfunction And Higher Oxidative Stress.  - Frontiers In Physiology.  1-14. 
Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Ezanee Azlina Mohd Haniff, Saiful Effendi Syafruddin, John Attia, Christopher Oldmeadow, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Abd Jalal, Norliza Ismail, Muhiddin Ishak, Rahman Jamal, Rodney J. Scott, Elizabeth Gh.  (2017).  Predicting Type 2 Diabetes Using Genetic And Environmental Risk Factors In A Multi-ethnic Malaysian Cohort.  - Public Health.  31-38. 
Nor Idayu A. Rahman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Mohammad Manir Hossain Mollah, Rahman Jamal And Roslan Harun.  (2017).  Nfix As A Master Regulator For Lung Cancer Progression.  - Frontiers In Pharmacology.  1-12. 
Yock-ping Chow, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Zamzureena Mohd Rani, Jia-shiun Khoo, Pei-sin Chong, Loo-ling Wu, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Exome Sequencing Identifies Slc26a4, Gjb2, Scarb2 And Duox2 Mutations In 2 Siblings With Pendred Syndrome In A Malaysian Family.  - Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases.  40-48. 
Nor Aslina Samat, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Khairiyah Mohamad, Mohd Ridhwan Abdul Razak And Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim.  (2017).  Apolipoprotein E4 A Biomarker For Executive Dysfunction Among Parkinsons Disease Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment.  - Frontiers In Neuroscience.  1-8. 
Ahmad R. Arshad, Siti A. Sulaiman, Amalia A. Saperi , Rahman Jamal, Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim And Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2017).  Micrornas And Target Genes As Biomarkers For The Diagnosis Of Early Onset Of Parkinson Disease.  - Frontiers Of Molecular Neuroscience.  1-20. 
Mohd Firdaus Che Mat, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Kamariah Ibrahim, Norfilza Mohd Mokhtar, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Roslan Harun, Rahman Jamal.  (2016).  Silencing Of Pros1 Induces Apoptosis And Inhibits Migration And Invation Of Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells.  - International Journal Of Oncology.  2359-2366. 
Azmin S, Tan El,nik Jaafar Nik,zakaria Hazli,azmawati Mohammed Nawi,zhe Kang Law, Remli Rabani, Wan Yahya Nafisah,ramesh Sahathevan, Hui Jan Tan,pakarul Razynf, Abdul Murad Na, Hwa-ling K, Norl.  (2016).  Impulse Control Behaviors In A Malaysian Parkinson`s Disease Population.  - Neurology Asia.  137-143. 
Jason K Cullen,norazian Abdul Murad,abreyyeo, Matthewmckenzie,michealward, Kok Leongchong,nicolelschieber,robert G Parton,yi Chieh Lim,ernstwolvetang, Ghassan J Maghzal, Roland Stocker, Martin Lavin.  (2016).  Aarf Domain Containing Kinase 3 (adck3) Mutant Cells Display Signs Of Oxidative Stress, Defects In Mitochondrial Homeostasis And Lysosomal Accumulation.  - Plos One.  e0148213. 
Tang Yee Loong, Doris Lau Sie Chong, A. Rahman A. Jamal, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Raja Zahratul Azma Raja Sabudin, Leong Chooi Fun.  (2016).  First Reported Case Of Haemoglobin-m Hyde Park In A Malay Family Living In Malaysia.  - Experimental And Clinical Sciences International Online Journal For Advances In Science.  630-635. 
Adeel Masood Butt, Mohd Cairul Iqbal Mohd Amin, Haliza Katas, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rahman Jamal, Prashant Kesharwani.  (2016).  Doxorubicin And Sirna Codelivery Via Chitosan-coated Phresponsive Mixed Micellar Polyplexes For Enhanced Cancer Therapy In Multidrug-resistant Tumors.  - Molecular Pharmaceutics.  4179-4190. 
Maisarah Mohamad, Norhazlina Abdul Wahab, Rosna Yunus, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Zulkifli Md Zainuddin, Murali Sundaram, Norfilza Mohd Mokhtar.  (2016).  Roles Of Microrna-21 And Microrna-29a In Regulating Cell Adhesion Related Nenes In Bone Metastasis Secondary To Prostate Cancer.  - Asia Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention.  3437-3445. 
N Abdullah, Na Abdul Murad, J Attia, C Oldmeadow, Ea Mohd Haniff, Se Syafruddin, N Abd Jalal, N Ismail, M Ishak, R Jamal, Rj Scott And Eg Holliday.  (2015).  Characterizing The Genetic Risk For Type 2 Diabetes In A Malaysian Multi-ethnic Cohort.  - Diabetic Medicine.  1377-1384. 
Nf Mohamad Pakarul Razy, Na Abdul Murad, Se Syafruddin, A Ahmad-annuar, Sy Lim, Nm Ibrahim, R Jamal.  (2015).  Glucocerebrosidase Mutations In Malay Parkinson`s Disease Patients.  - Public Health Genomics.  23. 
Zainal Abidin S, Tan El, Chan Sc, Jaafar , Lee Ax, Abd Hamid M, Abdul Murad Na, Pakarul Razy Nf, Azmin S, Ahmad Annuar A, Lim S, Cheah Ps, Ling Kh, Mohamed Ibrahim N.  (2015).  Drd And Grin2b Polymorphisms And Their Association With The Development Of Impulse Control Behaviour Among Malaysian Parkinson`s Disease Patients.  - Bmc Neurology.  1-10. 
Hafiza Alauddin, Suziana Mohamad Nasir, Madzlifah Ahadon, Raja Zahratul Azma Raja Sabudin, Azlin Ithnin, Noor Hamidah Hussin, Hamidah Alias, Loh C-khai, Zarina Abdul Latiff, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Ain.  (2015).  Hb Lepore/b0-thalassaemia With A+-thalassaemia Interactions, A Potential Diagnostic Pitfall.  - Malaysian Journal Of Pathology.  287-292. 
Zz Mohd Rani, Na Abdul Murad, Sm Then, Sp Bernam, A Abdullah, S Saimun, Sn Othman, Aa Raymond, R Jamal.  (2015).  Hla-b*1502 Screening In Epileptic Patients Using A High Resolution Melting-real Tme Pcr (hrm-qpcr) Method.  - Public Health Genomics.  21. 
Hafiza Alauddin, Suziana Mohamad Nasir, Madzlifah Ahadon, Raja Zahratul Azma Raja Sabudin, Azlin Ithnin, Noor Hamidah Hussin, Hamidah Alias, Loh C-khai, Zarina Abdul Latiff, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Ai.  (2015).  Hb Lepore/b Thalassaemia With A+- Thalassaemia Interactions, A Potential Diagnostic Pitfall.  - Malaysian Journal Of Pathology.  287-292. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Zuraini Abdul Razak, Rosniza Muhammmad Hussain, Sharifah Noor Akmal, Clarence Ko Ching Huat, Siti Aishah Che Md Ali, Norlia Abdullah, Rohaizak Muhammad, Naqiyah I, Rahman Jamal.  (2013).  Quantification Of Her-2/neu Gene In Breast Cancer Patients Using Real Time-polymerase Chain Reaction (q-pcr) And Correlation With Immunohistochemistry Findings.  - Asian Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention.  14(3):1655-1659. 
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Prosiding Terindeks

Ooi Ting Kee, Harmiza Harun, Norlaila Mustafa, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Siok Fong Chin, Rosmina Jaafar, Hamat Hamdi Che Hassan, Mohd Zubir Suboh, Noraidatulakma Abdullah.  (2023).  Cardiovascular Disease Risk In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Prediction Model Development Using Machine Learning.  - Ieee International Conference On Artificial Intelligence In Engineering And Technology (iicaiet).  61-65. 

Buku Penyelidikan

Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Syahrul Sazliyana Shaharir, Abdul Khalif Adha Abd Talib.  (2023).  Faktor Genetik Dan Manifestasi Organ Dalam Sistemik Lupus Eritematosus (sle).  - 167. 
Norfazilah Ahmad, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rahman Jamal.  (2021).  Penyakit Buah Pinggang Kronik: Interaksi Genetik Dan Persekitaran.  - 250. 
Norfilza M. Mokhtar, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Then Sue Mian And Rahman Jamal.  (2013).  Oncogenomics And Cancer Proteomics - Novel Approaches In Biomarkers Discovery And Therapeutic Targets In Cancer.  - 1-48. 

Bab Dalam Buku

Saiful Effendi Syafruddin, Mohamad Aimanuddin Mohtar, Tan Shing Cheng, Nadiah Abu, Nor Aidatulakma Abdullah@muda, Nurul Syakima Ab Mutalib, Chin Siok Fong, Neoh Hui Min, Rahman Jamal, Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2019).  Malaysian Higher Institution Centres Of Excellence (hicoe) Official Compendium.  - 244. 
Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Ezanee Azlina Mohamad Hanif, Nadiah Abu, And Rahman Jamal.  (2018).  Circular Rna: Biogenesis And Function.  - 370. 
Norfilza M. Mokhtar, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Then Sue Mian And Rahman Jamal.  (2013).  Oncogenomics And Cancer Proteomics - Novel Approaches In Biomarkers Discovery And Therapeutic Targets In Cancer.  - 1-48. 

Penulisan Dalam Bahasa Melayu

Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Syahrul Sazliyana Shaharir, Abdul Khalif Adha Abd Talib.  (2023).  Faktor Genetik Dan Manifestasi Organ Dalam Sistemik Lupus Eritematosus (sle).  - 167. 
Norfazilah Ahmad, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rahman Jamal.  (2021).  Penyakit Buah Pinggang Kronik: Interaksi Genetik Dan Persekitaran.  - 250. 

Penerbitan Lain-lain

Noraidatulakma Binti Abdullah @ Muda;norlaila Binti Mustafa;nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;chin Siok Fong;rosmina Jaafar.  (2024).  Establishment Of Cardiovascular-diabetes Prediction Model By Lipid Peroxidation Markers.  -
Asrul Bin Abdul Wahab;hamidah Binti Alias;nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;farah Dayana Binti Zahedi;nor Adzimah Binti Johdi;lokman Mohd. Noh.  (2023).  Status Of Combined Immunodeficiency In Malaysia: Exploring Expression And Correlation Of Clinical Phenotypes, Genotypes And Immunological Phenotypes Focusing On Not Yet Described Entity.  -
Nor Azian Abdul Murad Dan A Rahman A Jamal.  (2023).  The Roadmap To Establishing The National Biorepository Policy For Malaysia : A Technical Report.  - 1-11. 
Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nurul Humaira Mohd Redzuan, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Norlaila Mustafa,jemaima Che Hamzah, Alexander Doney, Sundar Srinivasan, Colin Palmer, Ewan Pearson, Emanuele Trucco, Stephen Hogg4, M.  (2023).  Precision Medicine For Diabetic Individuals: A Joint Malaysia-uk Effort (prime) Cohort.  - Diabetes Asia Conference 2023.  1. 
Nor Azian, Siti Aishah, Nurul Humaira,noraidatulakma, Mohd Arman,norlaila, Jemaima, Alexander Doney,stephen Hogg, Sundar Srinivasan, Colin Palmer, Ewan Pearson, Ify Mordy, Emanuel Trucco, Muthu Rama, Aizai Azan Abdul Rahim, Chim C. Lang, Rahman Jamal.  (2023).  Prevalence Of Suspected Asymptomatic Stage-b Cardiomyopathy In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Based On Cardiac Biomarkers In The Prime Malaysian Cohort Study.  - Diabetes Asia Conference.  18. 
Azrul Azlan Bin Hamzah;a. Rahman Bin A. Jamal;norlaila Binti Mustafa;nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;jumril Yunas;siti Aishah Binti Sulaiman.  (2023).  Development Of Mems-based Lateral Flow Assay For Detection Of Ldlr Gene Mutations For Familial Hypercholesterolemia (fh).  -
Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2023).  Biobanking In Medical Research: Our Experiences In Setting And Managing The Umbi-hctm Biobank.  - Iinternational Congress Of Pathology And Laboratory Medicine 2023.  42. 
Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Chow Yock Ping, Muhammad-redha Abdullah Zawawi, Zam Zureena Mohd Rani, Siti Nurmi Nasir, Salwati Shuib, Dayang Anita Aziz, Hana Azhari, Sharifah Azween Syed Omar, Zarina Abdul Latiff, Rahman Jamal, Nor Azian Abdul Murad11.  (2023).  Whole Exome Sequencing (wes) In Mullerian Agenesis And Anorectal Anomaly : A Case Study.  - Rcmm & Nccr 2023.  49. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad. Rahman Jamal.  (2023).  Diagnosis Molekular Kearah Perubatan Jitu Di Dalam Penjagaan Kesihatan.  - Inspirasi Ekonomi Dan Sihat.  6-7. 
Nurul Humaira Mohd Redzuan, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Norlaila Mustafa, J Che Hamzah, A Doney, S Srinivasan, C Palmer, E Pearson, E Trucco, Aizai Azan Abdul Rahim, C C. Lang, Rahman Jamal.  (2023).  Genome Wide Association Study Of Low-density Lipoprotein (ldl) In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Individuals From The Prime Malaysia Cohort.  - Diabetes Asia Conference (dac) 2023.  16. 
Sa Sulaiman, Nh Mohd Redzuan, Na Abdul Murad, N Abdullah, Ma Kamaruddin, J Che Hamzah, S Srinivasan, C Palmer, E Pearson, I Mordi, E Trucco, S Hogg, Mrk Mookiah, N Mustafa, Aa Abdul Rahim, A Doney, Cc Lang, & R Jamal.  (2023).  Genome-wide Association Study Of High-density Lipoprotein In Type 2 Diabetes Individuals From The Prime Malaysian Cohort.  - Diabetes Asia Conference (dac) 2023.  22. 
Sa Sulaiman, J Che Hamzah, I Kaur, S Hogg, E Trucco, Nh Mohd Redzuan, Na Abdul Murad, N Abdullah, Ma Kamaruddin, S Srinivasan, C Palmer, E Pearson, I Mordi, Mrk Mookiah, N Mustafa, Aa Abdul Rahim, A Doney, Cc Lang & R Jamal.  (2023).  Retinal Vascular Feature Measures And Cardiac Biomarkers In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes In The Prime Malaysian Cohort Sub-study..  - Diabetes Asia Conference 2023 (dac).  25. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2023).  Penyakit Hiperkolesterolemia Menjadi Pembunuh Senyap.  - Akhbar Kosmo.  22-23. 
Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Goh Ying Xian, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Jalal, Rahman Jamal..  (2022).  Sub Phenotyping Of Type 2 Diabetes Using Data-driven Cluster Analysis In The Malaysian Cohort Data.  - 20th Annual World Congress Insulin Resistance, Diabetes And Cardiovascular Disease Conference.  0052-0133. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Chin Siok Fong, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Rahman Jamal.  (2022).  Colorectal Cancer (crc) Screening Using Immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Testing (ifobt) In A Malaysian Population Aged 40 To 65 Years.  - 1-10. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Ezanee Azlina Mohamad Hanif, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, & Razinah Sharif.  (2022).  Gamifikasi Kaedah Genotiping 1.0: Prinsip Teknologi Dan Analisis Asas.  - Knovasi 2022.  1. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Nor Azila Muhammad Azami, Saiful Effendi Syafruddin, & Razinah Sharif.  (2022).  Corona Id 1.0 - Pemerkasaan Literasi Kesihatan Terhadap Pelajar Sekolah Semasa Era Pandemik Covid19.  - Knovasi Kongres Dan Pertandingan Inovasi Dalam Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran.  1. 
Nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;noor Hamidah Bt. Hussin;a. Rahman Bin A. Jamal;hafiza Binti Alauddin;khoo Tze Sean.  (2022).  Elucidating The Methylation And Functional Changes Resulting From Hyperglycemic Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (ipsc) Reprogramming.  -
Syahrul Sazliyana Binti Shaharir;a. Rahman Bin A. Jamal;zarina Binti Abdul Latiff;abdul Halim Bin Abdul Gafor;mohd Shahrir Bin Mohamed Said;nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;tan Geok Chin;sakthiswary A/p Rajalingham;noraidatulakma Binti Abdullah @ Muda;ruslinda.  (2022).  Associations Of The Common Susceptibility Risk Loci Of Sytemic Lupus Erythematosus (sle) With Disease Manifestations And Treatment Response. .  -
Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2022).  Genotyping Using Mass Spectrometry: Our Experiences.  - 1. 
Siti Aishah Binti Sulaiman;a. Rahman Bin A. Jamal;nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;shamsul Azhar Bin Shah;noraidatulakma Binti Abdullah @ Muda.  (2021).  Circulating Long Noncoding Rnas As Early Biomarkers For Cardiovascular Progression Among Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus Patients.  -
Rahman Jamal, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Norfazilah Ahmad, Azmawati Mohammed Nawi, Chin Siok Fong, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Ying-xian Goh, Mohd Arman Bin Kamaruddin.  (2021).  Tmc Biomarker Research Discoveries.  - The Malaysian Cohort.  1. 
Nor Azila Muhammad Azami, Mohd Raziff Alias, Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2021).  Performance Test-summary Report Top Rapid Covid-19 Antigen Test Kit.  - 1-6. 
Nurul Syakima Ab Mutalib, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Muhammad Irfan Abdul Jalal, Su-boon Chua, Ching-yee Lau, Wei-kang Lee, Low Teck Yew Et. Al.  (2021).  Webinar: Molecular Medicine In The Era Of Digitalization And Data Analytics.  - 1. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2021).  Dxa Body Composition: A Preliminary Result From The Uk-malaysia Health Research Partnership.  - Adiposity & Disease Risk: Global Insights.  1-20. 
Sarah Lewington, Norlaila Mustapha, Jennifer Carter, Carmen Piernas, Fredrik Karpe, Zahara Abdul Manaf, A Rahman A Jamal, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Chin Siok-fong Et. Al.  (2021).  Webinar: Adiposity & Disease Risk - Global Insights.  - 1. 
Norlaila Mustafa, Aizai Azan Abdul Rahim, A Rahman A Jamal, Colin Palmer, Emanuele Truco, Alexander Doney, Chim C Lang, Nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad Et. Al.  (2021).  Webinar: Precision Medicine In Malaysia- Ready For Prime Time.  - 1. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Wan Fahmi Wan Mohamad Nazarie, Norazlin Kamal Nor, Rahman Jamal, Juriza Ismail.  (2020).  An Integrative Bioinformatics Meta-analysis Of Microarray Data For Identifying Hub Genes As Biomarkers For Autism Spectrum Disorder (asd).  - 1st Gulf Autism Conference.  1. 
Noraidatulakma Binti Abdullah @ Muda;a. Rahman Bin A. Jamal;abdul Halim Bin Abdul Gafor;nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;shamsul Azhar Bin Shah;siti Aishah Binti Sulaiman.  (2020).  Urinary Lncrnas In Diabetic Nephropathy Patients As Potential Early Biomarkers.  -
Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Raihannah Othman, Azwa Shazwani Kamalul Arifin, Mohd Raziff Alias, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Rahman Jamal.  (2020).  Cardiovascular Mortality Risk In The Malaysian Cohort Study.  - The 4th Heart In Diabetes (hid).  1. 
Tamil Selvi Loganathan, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rahman Jamal, Noraidatulakma Abdullah.  (2020).  Urinary Long Noncoding Rnas (lncrnas) As Biomarkers For Diabetic Nephropathy In Malaysian Type 2 Diabetes Patients.  - 4th Annual Heart In Diabetes Conference 2020.  NA. 
Nurruzanna Ismail, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rahman Jamal.  (2020).  Circulating Expression Of The Myocardial Infarction (mi)-related Long Noncoding Rnas (lncrnas) In Type 2 Diabetes (t2d).  - 4th Annual Heart In Diabetes Conference 2020.  NA. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2020).  Project Action Plan: Strenghtening Research And Publications Via Alumni Engagement@umbi.  - International Deans' Course Malaysian Chapter (myidc) 2019-2020 Part 3.  1. 
Profesor Madya Dr. Norazian Murad, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Mohd Razif Alias.  (2020).  Video: Makmal Saringan Covid-19, Umbi.  - 1. 
Nor Azila Muhammad Azami; Nor Azian Abdul Murad; A Rahman A Jamal.  (2020).  Laporan Teknikal: Ujian Covid-19 Makmal Institut Perubatan Molekul Ukm.  - 1-12. 
Hanafiah Bin Haruna Rashid, Norlaila Binti Mustafa, Nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad, A. Rahman Bin A. Jamal, Jemaima Bt Che Hamzah, Mohamad Azim Bin Md Idris, Tuti Ningseh Bt Mohd Dom, Suzana Bt. Shahar, Norfazilah Bt Ahmad, Azmawati Bt Mohammed Nawi Et. Al.  (2020).  Webinar: Perang Melawan Diabetes- Inisiatif Ukm.  - 1. 
Tamil Selvi Loganathan, Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Rahman Jamal, Noraidatulakma Abdullah.  (2019).  Urinary Long Non-coding Rnas Expression As The Potential Early Biomarkers For Diabetic Nephropathy.  - Diabetes Asia Conference 2019.  25. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad & Zam Zureena Mohd Rani.  (2019).  Penyaringan Polimorfisme Hla-b*15:02 Untuk Pesakit Epilepsi Di Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz, Ukm Oleh Umbi.  -
Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Tengku Mohd Ikhwan Tengku Abu Bakar Sidik, Norlaila Mustafa, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Rahman Jamal.  (2019).  Comparison Of Fasting Plasma Glucose And A1c In Diagnosing Diabetes And Pre-diabetes Among The Malaysian Cohort Participants.  - Diabetes Asia Conference 2019.  15. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad & Zam Zureena Mohd Rani.  (2019).  Hiperkolesterolemia Di Malaysia: Frekuansi, Faktor Genetik Dan Impak Farmakogenetik.  -
Nor Azian Murad, Siti Aishah, Mohd Arman, Muhidin Ishak,.  (2019).  Video Perasmian Sambutan Hari Dna Umbi 2019.  - 1. 
Mohd Firdaus Che Mat, Ezanee Azlina Mohamad Hanif, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Kamariah Ibrahim, Roslan Harun*, Rahman Jamal*.  (2019).  Zfp36l2 Silencing Increases Sensitivity To Temolozomide Via G2m Cell Cycle Arrest And Bax Mediated Apoptosis.  - International Health And Medical Sciences Conference 2019.  1-54. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad & Rahman Jamal.  (2019).  Hypercholesterolemia In Malaysia: An Update From Genetic Risk Factors To Pharmacogenetics Impact.  - Seminar Human Genetics In Conjunction With Agm Of Malaysian Society Of Human Genetics.  1. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2019).  Video Campaign On Familial Hypercholesterolemia.  - 1. 
Zarina Binti Abdul Latiff;a. Rahman Bin A. Jamal;hamidah Binti Alias;azlin Binti Ithnin;hafiza Binti Alauddin;nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;raja Zahratul Azma Raja Sabudin;doris Lau Sie Chong.  (2018).  Genetic Modifiers Of Hbf And Phenotypic Severity In Malaysian Beta-thalassaemia Patients.  -
Chan Lai Fong;maniam A/l Thambu;a. Rahman Bin A. Jamal;nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;tuti Iryani Binti Mohd Daud;suriati Binti Mohamed Saini;shalisah Binti Sharip;liu Chian Yong;chin Siok Fong.  (2018).  The Role Of Bdnf Biomarkers In The Management Of Suicidal Ideation With Ketamine Versus Electroconvulsive Therapy In Treatment Resistant Depression.  -
Chan L.f., Sulaiman S.a., Abdullah N., Mohamad Kamal N.a., Loo J.l., Abdul Murad N.a., Goon J.a., Damanhuri H., Mohd Rani Z.z., Tan J.a.c., Abdul Rahman N.a., Wan Ngah W.z., Jamal R..  (2018).  Discovery Phase Of Oxidative Stress Gene Expression And Suicidal Ideation In Bipolar Disorder.  - European Symposium On Suicide & Suicidal Behaviour. 
Nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;a. Rahman Bin A. Jamal;mohd Shazrul Fazry Bin Sa`ariwijaya.  (2018).  Mechanism Of Ldlr And Pcsk9 Gene Mutations In Hypercholestrolemia Using Crispr-cas9 System.  -
Goon Jo Aan;wan Zurinah Bt. Wan Ngah;maniam A/l Thambu;a. Rahman Bin A. Jamal;nor Azian Binti Abdul Murad;chan Lai Fong;suriati Binti Mohamed Saini;mohd Hanafi Bin Ahmad Damanhuri;shalisah Binti Sharip;mohd Shazrul Fazry Bin Sa`ariwijaya.  (2018).  The Expression Of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers As The Predictive Measures For Suicide Attempts Among Bipolar Disorder Patients: Interaction With Cognitive Impulsivity And Clinical Factors..  -
Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2017).  Genotype And Phenotype Determinants Among Malaysian Malays With Hypercholesterolemia.  - The 7th Regional Conference On Molecular Medicine (rcmm) In Conjunction With 3rd National Conference For Cancer Research (nccr). 
Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Chow Yock Ping, Zam Zureena Mohd Rani, Salwati Shuib, Dayang Anita A. Aziz, Hana Azhari, Sharifah Azween Syed Omar, Zarina Abdul Latiff, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Mutations In Kif27, Gnas And Ift140 Genes Are Associated With Vacterl Association.  - 7th Regional Conference On Molecular Medicine (rcmm) In Conjunction With 3rd National Conference For Cancer Research. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Chow Yock Ping, Zam Zureena Mohd Rani, Siti Nurmi Nasir, Salwati Shuib, Dayang Anita, Hana Azhari, Syarifah Azween, Zarina Abdul Latif, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Identification Of Novel Mutations In Vacterl-h Patient Via Exome Sequencing.  - 7th Regional Conference On Molecular Medicine (rcmm) In Conjunction With 3rd National Conference For Cancer Research. 
Siti Aisyah Abdul Razak, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Doris Lau Sie Chong, Farin Masra, Raja Zahratul Azma Raja Sabudin, Hafiza Alauddin, Azlin Ithnin, Hamidah Alias, Zarina Abdul Latif, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Genetic Modifiers Of Hbf And Phenotypic Severity Among Malaysian Beta-thalassemia Patients.  - Global Globin 2020 Challenge (gg2020) Conference. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Chow Yock Ping, Zam Zureena Mohd Rani, Siti Nurmi Nasir, Salwati Shuib, Dayang Anita, Hana Azhari, Syarifah Azween, Zarina Abdul Latif, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Digenic Inheritance Of Heterozygous Fanca And Brca2 Mutations In A Vacterl-h Patient.  - 7th Regional Conference On Molecular Medicine (rcmm) In Conjunction With 3rd National Conference For Cancer Research 2017. 
Ahmad Rasydan Arshad, Rahman Jamal, Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim & Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2017).  Identification Of Micrornas In Early And Late Onset Of Parkinson Disease Patient.  - International Conference On Parkinson`s Disease And Movement Disorder 2017. 
Noraidatulakma Abdullah, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Ezanee Azlina Mohd Haniff, Saiful Effendi Syafruddin, John Attia, Christopher Oldmeadow, Mohd Arman Kamaruddin, Nazihah Abd Jalal, Norliza Ismail, Muhiddin Ishak, Rodney J. Scott & Elizabeth Holliday.  (2017).  Genetic And Non-genetic Studies Of Type 2 Diabetes In The Multi-ethnic Malaysian Cohort.  - 7th Regional Conference On Molecular Medicine In Conjuction With 3rd National Conference For Cancer Research. 10th-12th November 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.. 
Siti Aishah Abdul Razak, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Doris Lau Sie Chong, Farin Masra, Raja Zahratul Azma, Hafiza Alauddin, Azlin Ithnin, Hamidah Alias, Zarina Abdul Latiff, Rahman Jamal.  (2017).  Detection Of Genetic Modifiers Of Hbf Among Malaysian Beta-thalassemia Patients.  - Malaysian Society Of Haematology 14th Annual Scientific Meeting. 
Nor Syazana, Norunaluwar J, Azma Rz, Hafiza A, Azlin I, Noor Farisah Ar, Siti Hawa, Malisa My, Zarina Al, Hamidah A, Loh Ck, Azian M, Ainoon O.  (2017).  Concomitant Inheritance Of Alpha-thalassaemia In Beta Thalassaemia Major: A Case Report.  - Global Globin 2020 Challence Conference 2017. 
N.a Mohamad Kamal, J. L. Loo, J.a Goon, H. Damanhuri, J. A. C. Tan, N. A. Abdul Murad, S. A. Sulaiman, M. S. Fazry Sa`ariwijaya, S. Sharip, S. Mohd Saini, G. Gunasekaran, T. Maniam, A. R. A. Jamal, W. Z Wan Ngah, C. Y. Tan, S. Ooi, L. F. Chan.  (2017).  The Role Of Oxidative Stress Biomarker In Suicidal Behavior In Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review.  - The 29th World Congress Of The International Association For Suicide Prevention (iasp) & The 21st Malaysian Conference On Psychological Medicine (mcpm) 2017. 
Ryna I. Buji, Abdul Murad N.a, Chan L.f, Thambu Maniam, Mohd Shahrir M.s, Rozita M., Shamsul A.s, Mohamad Hussain R., Abdullah N., Jamal R., Nik Jaafar N.r..  (2017).  Gene-environment Interaction And Suicidal Ideation In Systemic Lupus Erythematous: Potential Role Of Glutamate Receptor Gene Polymorphism (nr2a).  - The 29th World Congress Of The International Association For Suicide Prevention (iasp) & The 21st Malaysian Conference On Psychological Medicine (mcpm) 2017. 
Nor Azian Abdul Murad.  (2017).  Molecular Characterisation Of Gliomas: A Local Experience.  - Paediatric Brain Tumours, 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting. 
Norunaluwar J, Azma Rz, Hafiza A, Azlin I, Khairiliah Ak, Rusilawaty A, Emida M, Zarina Al, Hamidah A, Rafeah T, Farisah Nar, Malisa My, Rahimah A, Azian Nam And Ainoon O.  (2016).  Detection Of Beta Thalassaemia Alleles: Multiplex Amplification Refractory Mutation System Versus Flow Through Hybridization Kit.  - The 13th Msh Annual Scientific Meeting Malaysian Society Of Haematology. 
Ryna Imma Buji, Chan Lai Fong, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Mohd Shahrir Mohamed Said, Rozita Mohd, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Rosniza Mohamad Hussain, Rahman Jamal.  (2016).  The Association Between Clinical, Psychosocial Factors And Glutamatergic Receptor Genetic Polymorphisms In Suicidal Behaviour Among Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.  - 20th Malaysian Conference Of Psychological Medicine (mcpm), Memenangi Tempat Kedua Dalam Sesi Free Paper.. 
Ling-fei Tee, Hui-min Neoh, Sue Mian Then, Nor Azian Murad, Mohd Fairos Asillam, Mohd Helmy Hashim, Sheila Nathan, Rahman Jamal.  (2016).  Effects Of Simulated Microgravity On Gene Expression Profile And Biological Phenotype Of Caenorhabditis Elegans.  - 7th Asia-pacific C. Elegans Meeting. 
Tang Yee Loong, Doris Lau Sie Chong, A Rahman A Jamal, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Raja Zahratul Azma Raja Sabudin, Leong Chooi Fun.  (2016).  First Reported Case Of Hereditary Haemoglobin-m Hyde Park In Malaysia.  - The 13th Msh Annual Scientific Meeting Malaysian Society Of Haematology. 
Rahman Jamal, Sheila Nathan, Then Sue Mian, Nor Azian Murad, Hui-min Neoh, Fairos Asillam & Mohd Helmy Hashim.  (2015).  Rna Interference-mediated Silencing Effects Of Genes Involved In Longevity, Dna Repair, And Locomotion Of Caenorhabditis Elegans Exposed To Microgravity And Orbital Forces.  - Assesment Of Pharmaceutic. 
Bee Hong Soon, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Azizi Abu Bakar, Faridzal Fadzil, Jegan Thanabalan, Mohd Saffari Mohd Haspani, Charng Jeng Toh, Azmi Mohd Tamil, Roslan Harun, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Rahman Jamal.  (2013).  Somatic Mitochondrial Dna Mutations Across Different Grades Of Gliomas: A Whole Genome Sequencing Comparisonwith Protein Pathogenicity Analysis.  - 15th World Congress Of Neurosurgery. 
S Azmin, El Tan, H Zakaria, Nj Nik Ruzyanei, A Mohd Nawi, Nf Pakarulrazy, Nz Abdul Murad, Kh Ling, Mi Norlinah.  (2013).  Impulse Control Behaviours In Patients With Parkinson`s Disease In The Malaysian Population.  - 20th World Congress On Parkinson`s Disease And Related Disorders. 
Beehong Soon, Norazian Murad, Sue-mian Then, Azizi Abu Bakar, Farizal Fadzil, Jegan Thanabalan, Mohd Saffari Mohd Haspani, Toh Charng Jeng, Azmi Mohd Tamil, Roslan Harun, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Rahmanj.  (2013).  The Mitochondrial Function And Glycolytic Shift In Different Grades Of Glioma Cell Lines.  - 13th Neurosurgical Association Malaysia. 
Tan Eng Liang, Law Zhe Kang, Rabani Remli, Sharul Azmin, Wan Nur Nafisah, Tan Hui Jan, Norlinah Mohd Ibrahim, Ramesh Sahathevan, Nik Ruziyanei, Hazli Zakaria, Nor Azian Abd Murad, Ling King Hwa, Azmaw.  (2013).  Impulse-control Behaviours In Patients With Parkinson`s Disease: Genetic Correlations.  - 24th Annual Scientific Meeting Of Malaysian Society Of Neurosciences. 
Bh Soon, Na Abdul Wahab, A Abu Bakar, Cj Toh, F Fadzil, J Thanabalan, Ms Mohd Haspani, R Kumar, A Mohd Tamil, N Mohd Mokhtar, R Harun, Wz Wan Ngah, R Jamal.  (2013).  Somatic Mitochondrial Dna Mutations Across Different Grades Of Gliomas: A Whole Genome Resequencing Approach.  - 1st National Conference For Cancer Research In Conjuction With 5th Regional Conference On Molecular Medicine (rcmm). 
Mohd Firdaus Che Mat, Kamariah Ibrahim, Nor Azian Abdul Murad , Norfilza Mohd Mokhtar, Nuraziah Mohammad Zain, Nurismah Md Isa, A Rahman A Jamal And Roslan Harun.  (2013).  Silencing Of Pros1 Induces Apoptosis And Inhibits Migration And Invasion Of Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells.  - 1st National Conference For Cancer Research & 5th Regional Conference On Molecular Medicine. 
Sharifah Na, Nurismah Mi, Lee Hc, Clarence-ko Ch, Rohaizak M, Naqiyah I, Fuad I, Rahman Aj, Azian M, Noraina E, Hisham An.  (2008).  Novel Large Genomic Rearrangements On The Brca1 Gene Detected In Malaysian Patients With Breast Cancer.  - Uicc World Cancer Congress: Towards True Cancer Control. 
Sharifah Na, Nurismah Mi, Lee Hc, Clarence-ko Ch, Rohaizak M, Naqiyah I, Fuad I, Rahman Aj, Azian M, Noraina E, Hisham An.  (2008).  Detection Of Large Genomic Rearrangements In The Brca1 Gene In Malaysian Patients With Breast Cancer.  - Sydney Cancer Conference 2008 - Research Translation: Innovation To Practice. 


Menangani obesiti – Intervensi dan Penggunaan Wearables Kearah Komuniti Sihat Sejahtera dan MADANI , Ketua Projek , 07-08-2024 sehingga 30-07-2025 , Kebangsaan
Delineating the Immunogenic Roles of FOLFOX-induced Extracellular Vesicles via the Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) Pathway in Colorectal Cancer , Ketua Projek , 01-09-2022 sehingga 31-08-2025 , Kebangsaan
Comparison between Measured LDL-C with Calculated LDL-C Using Different Ldl Formulas In Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz , Penyelidik Bersama , 26-12-2024 sehingga 25-12-2026 , Universiti
Elucidating the hepatocyte profile of individuals with low LDL cholesterol via induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) donor-derived model in Familial Hypercholesterolemia. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2024 sehingga 31-07-2027 , Kebangsaan
Pembangunan kemudahan inklusif-mesra akustik dalam bilik darjah untuk murid kurang upaya pendengaran yang memakai alat bantuan pendengaran. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-07-2024 sehingga 31-12-2025 , Universiti
Establishing Direct Reference Interval for Lipoprotein (A) Analyte , Penyelidik Bersama , 13-06-2024 sehingga 12-06-2026 , Universiti
The Relationship between Serum Lipoprotein (a) and Dyslipidaemia in Adult , Penyelidik Bersama , 30-05-2024 sehingga 29-01-2027 , Universiti
Deciphering the Cardiometabolic Risk in Obesity: Linking genome variants with metabolic biomarkers , Penyelidik Bersama , 02-05-2024 sehingga 01-05-2025 , Universiti
Gene Expression Profiling Associated With Cognitive Recovery Following Ischaemic Stroke. , Penyelidik Bersama , 27-11-2023 sehingga 26-11-2025 , Universiti
Life exposures to infections and microbiome profiles: Elucidating the link and impact on chronic diseases via a population-based study (MySero-Biome) , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-07-2023 sehingga 30-06-2025 , Kebangsaan
Unlocking Functional Hubs and Bottlenecks Associated with Pathogenesis of Diabetic Nephropathy by Modular Gene Co-Expression Analysis (mGCEA) , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2022 sehingga 31-03-2025 , Universiti
A Phase 3, Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Covariate-Adjusted Response-Adaptive Randomised Trial To Determine Optimal Early Mobility Training After Stroke (AVERT DOSE) , Penyelidik Bersama , 09-12-2019 sehingga 31-12-2025 , Antarabangsa


Colorectal cancer screening using immunochemical fecal occult blood testing (iFOBT) in a Malaysian population aged 40 to 65 years: Community Intervention Approach , Ketua Projek , 01-07-2021 sehingga 30-06-2024 , Universiti
Obesity and non-communicable disease in Malaysia: an imaging study of 6000 adults in the Malaysian Cohort Study , Ketua Projek , 01-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Antarabangsa
Elucidating The Methylation and Functional Changes Resulting from Hyperglycemic Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) Reprogramming , Ketua Projek , 16-10-2017 sehingga 30-04-2021 , Kebangsaan
Mechanism of LDLR and PCSK9 gene mutations in hypercholestrolemia using CRISPR-Cas9 System , Ketua Projek , 02-11-2015 sehingga 02-05-2018 , Kebangsaan
Serum miRNA profiling in Malay Early Onset-Parkinson’s Disease , Ketua Projek , 01-06-2015 sehingga 31-05-2017 , Kebangsaan
The Role of microRNA in Predicting Survival of Lung Cancer Patients , Ketua Projek , 06-06-2011 sehingga 05-12-2013 , Kebangsaan
The Role of STAT1-Targeting miRNA in Endometrial Cancer , Ketua Projek , 01-03-2011 sehingga 28-02-2013 , Universiti
Elucidating the roles of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) from lipotoxic hepatocyte-extracellular vesicles (hepatocyte-EVs) in the liver fibrosis formation , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-09-2021 sehingga 29-02-2024 , Universiti
The International Parkinson’s Disease Genomics Consortium Study (East Asia) (Michael J Fox Foundation GP2 Project) , Penyelidik Bersama , 04-05-2021 sehingga 30-06-2024 , Antarabangsa
Genes expression profiling associated with functional and cognitive recovery following stroke. , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-12-2020 sehingga 14-06-2023 , Universiti
Unravelling the potential role of lipid peroxidation markers in the early pathogenesis of cardiovascular-diabetes patients. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2020 sehingga 28-02-2025 , Kebangsaan
Deciphering Genetic Make-up of Overactive Parathyroid Glands in Accelerated Secondary Hyperparathyroidism and Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism in End Stage Renal Failure Patients by Whole Exome Sequencing , Penyelidik Bersama , 22-10-2020 sehingga 21-04-2022 , Universiti
Establishment of cardiovascular-diabetes prediction model by lipid peroxidation markers , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2020 sehingga 31-01-2024 , Universiti
Determination of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) subtypes among The Malaysian Cohort T2D participants , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2020 sehingga 31-07-2023 , Universiti
Associations Of The Malaysian Susceptibility Gene Loci Of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) With Lupus Nephritis And Treatment Response , Penyelidik Bersama , 11-06-2020 sehingga 10-12-2021 , Universiti
PRecision medicine for diabetic Individuals: a joint Malaysia-UK Effort (PRIME) project , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Antarabangsa
Elucidating the Role of Aldosterone Production on Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis , Penyelidik Bersama , 28-11-2019 sehingga 27-11-2023 , Universiti
Development of MEMS-based lateral flow assay for detection of LDLR gene mutations for Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2019 sehingga 30-09-2022 , Universiti
Determination of the Adipocytes Exosomal Long Non-Coding RNAs (LncRNAs) Roles In The Formation of Hepatic Fibrosis In Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-09-2019 sehingga 30-11-2023 , Kebangsaan
Discerning a biomarker for complete cure of hypertension post-adrenalectomy among primary aldosteronism patients , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-09-2019 sehingga 31-10-2023 , Kebangsaan
Associations of the common susceptibility risk loci of Sytemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with disease manifestations and treatment response. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2019 sehingga 31-03-2022 , Kebangsaan
Circulating Long Noncoding RNAs As Early Biomarkers For Cardiovascular Progression Among Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-08-2018 sehingga 14-02-2021 , Universiti
Pre-symptomatic germline gene mutations as biomarkers for cancer prediction , Penyelidik Bersama , 10-01-2018 sehingga 09-07-2019 , Universiti
Urinary lncRNAs in diabetic nephropathy patients as potential early biomarkers , Penyelidik Bersama , 16-10-2017 sehingga 15-01-2020 , Universiti
Candidate Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and Predictors for Development of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Type 2 Diabetic Malaysian , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2016 sehingga 31-12-2018 , Kebangsaan
A Study On Genotype-Phenotype Correlation And Response To Pamidronate Treatment Among Patients With Osteogenesis Imperfecta In Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , Penyelidik Bersama , 02-11-2015 sehingga 30-04-2018 , Kebangsaan
The Role Of Clinical, Psychosocial Factors And Glutamatergic Receptor Genetic Polymorphisms As Risk Factors For Depressive Symptomatology Among Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus , Penyelidik Bersama , 28-02-2015 sehingga 27-08-2016 , Universiti
The role of BDNF biomarkers in the management of suicidal ideation with ketamine versus electroconvulsive therapy in treatment resistant depression , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-12-2014 sehingga 31-05-2018 , Kebangsaan
Genetic modifiers of HbF and phenotypic severity in Malaysian beta-thalassaemia patients , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-12-2014 sehingga 31-10-2017 , Kebangsaan
The expression of oxidative stress biomarkers as the predictive measures for suicide attempts among bipolar disorder patients: interaction with cognitive impulsivity and clinical factors. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2014 sehingga 31-01-2017 , Universiti
Serial Intravenous Ketamine Versus Electroconvulsive Therapy As Adjunctive Intervention In Treatment Resistant Depression : A Randomized Controlled Trial Of Treatment Effectiveness, BDNF Val66Met Genetic Polymorphism, Serum BDNF And Functional Brain Netwo , Penyelidik Bersama , 07-05-2014 sehingga 30-11-2018 , Universiti
Aras hs_CRP Pada Pesakit Arteri Koronari Pramatang , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-04-2014 sehingga 31-03-2015 , Universiti
A Study On Genotype – Phenotype Correlation Among Patients With Osteogenesis Imperfecta In Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2013 sehingga 01-11-2015 , Universiti
MOLECULAR CHARACTERISATION OF RECURRENT ENDOMETRIAL CANCER , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2013 sehingga 31-03-2014 , Universiti
CHARACTERISATION OF MOLECULAR ARCHITECTURE OF HUMAN SEROUS OVARIAN CANCER , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2013 sehingga 31-03-2014 , Universiti
CHARACTERISATION OF MOLECULAR POTRAITS OF HUMAN SEROUS OVARIAN CANCER , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2013 sehingga 31-03-2014 , Universiti
Elucidation of Signal Transduction Pathway Involved in Molecular Subtypes of Endometrial Cancer , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2012 sehingga 31-07-2015 , Universiti
Exploring The Relationship between Micromas and Their Targeted mRNA in Metastatic Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Genes , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-06-2012 sehingga 31-05-2015 , Kebangsaan
exploring the relationship between microRNAS and their targeted mRNA in common metastatic cancer genes , Penyelidik Bersama , 08-08-2011 sehingga 07-08-2012 , Universiti
Allelic Distribition of TGF-B1 and COL1A1 Polymorphism and Its Role in Osteoorosis-Osteopaenia Transfusion Dependent Thalassaemia Patients , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-07-2011 sehingga 31-12-2013 , Universiti
Roles of MicroRNAs in Regulation the Cell Adhesion Associated Genes (VCL and CX3CL1) in the Development of Prostate Cancer and Bone Metastases Prostate Cancer , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-07-2011 sehingga 30-06-2012 , Universiti
The Role of MicroRNA in Regulating SCL16A1, TBX3 and AXIN2 Genes in Endometrial Cancer , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-07-2011 sehingga 30-06-2012 , Universiti
Identification of Genes That Sensitise Glioblastoma Multiforme Cell Lines to Chemotherapy , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2010 sehingga 31-12-2016 , Kebangsaan
Characterisation of Common Transcription Factor Binding Sites for Colorectal Cancer-Related Genes , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2010 sehingga 31-12-2016 , Kebangsaan
(Nama Anugerah/Pentadbiran),(Institusi Penganugerahan),(Tahun)

Anugerah UKM

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 2005
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang / Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 2017

Anugerah-anugerah Lain

Karnival Inovasi Pengajaran & Pembelajaran (K-NOVASI) UKM , 2022
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2020 (Pendanaan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2022
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2019 (Pendanaan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2021

Pelajar Sarjana

TAN KAI XIM, Sarjana
Identifikasi Gen Yang Memeka Sel Barah Glioblastoma Multiforme Kepada Kemoterapi, MOHD FIRDAUS BIN CHE MAT, Sarjana
Rangkaian Pengawalaturan Transkripsi Untuk Transformasi Metastatik Kanser Paru-Paru, NOR IDAYU BINTI A. RAHMAN, Sarjana
Mutasi Gen Glukoserebrosidase (GBA1) pada Pesakit Penyakit Parkinson Berbangsa Melayu, NUR FADHLINA BINTI MOHAMAD PAKARULRAZY, Sarjana
Pembolehubah Genetik HbF dan Keterukan Penyakit di Kalangan Pesakit Beta-Talasemia, SITI AISYAH BINTI ABDUL RAZAK, Sarjana
Identifikasi MicroRNA Dalam Darah Terhadap Parkinson Awal berbanding, AHMAD RASYADAN BIN ARSHAD, Sarjana
Perhubungan Genotip dan Fenotip pada Pesakit dengan Osteogenesis Imperfekta, NADIAH BINTI MOHD NAWAWI, Sarjana
the effects of p.Y511X LDLR Mutation in Hypercholesterolemia In-Vitro Cell Lines Models Through CRISPR-Cas9 Technology, MUHAMMAD ASYAARI BIN ZAKARIA, Sarjana

Pelajar Doktor Falsafah

Determination of the adipocytes exosomal long non-coding RNAs (IncRNAs) roles in the formation of hepatic fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), VICNESWARRY A/P DORAIRAJ, Doktor Falsafah
Biosensor transistor kesan medan berasaskan grafin (GFET) bagi aplikasi pengesnan awal, ANIS AMIRAH BINTI ALIM, Doktor Falsafah
HARMIZA BTE HARUN, Doktor Falsafah
Penentuan perubahan metilasi dan fungsi sel hasil daripada pengaturcaraan semula sel stem pluripoten teraruh (iPSC) secara hiperglikemik, KHOO TZE SEAN, Doktor Falsafah
LIM CHAI LING, Doktor Falsafah
Mutasi Somatik DNA Mitokondria, Tekanan Oksidatif dan Fungsi Glikolis di dalam Glioma Yang Pelbagai Gred, SOON BEE HONG, Doktor Falsafah
Penyasaran Tapak Jalan Tousled Like Kinase 1 Untuk Terapi Glioblastoma Multiform Therapy, KAMARIAH BINTI IBRAHIM, Doktor Falsafah
Pencirian Molekular Pesakit Hiperkolesterolemia Melayu Menggunakan Penjujukan Exom, YUSUF MUHAMMAD NOOR, Doktor Falsafah
Hubung Kait Interaksi Di Antara Faktor Genetik Dan Persekitaran Dengan Penyakit Renal Kronik Dalam Kalangan Pesakit Diabetes Mellitus Jenis 2, NORFAZILAH BINTI AHMAD, Doktor Falsafah

Khidmat Luar

Sains Malaysiana , 23-01-2017 sehingga 24-01-2017 , Kebangsaan
Sains Malaysiana , 02-11-2016 sehingga 04-11-2016 , Kebangsaan
Nor Azian Abdul Murad , 14-08-2017 sehingga 15-08-2017 , Kebangsaan
Saliva sampling of alcoholic participants using three saliva collection methods , 26-04-2017 sehingga 30-05-2017 , Kebangsaan
The frequency of SF3B1 mutations in Thai patients with myelodysplastic syndrome , 07-12-2017 sehingga 07-12-2017 , Antarabangsa
GSTM1 and GSTT1 Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Prostate Cancer: a Case-Control Study of the Algerian Population , 30-03-2018 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa
Higher intensity of survivin expression in prostate cancer than benign prostatic hyperplasia: a subcellular localizations study. , 09-07-2018 sehingga 09-07-3249 , Antarabangsa
Hadiah Buku Inovasi MTDC iaitu sumbangan daripada Malaysian Technology Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd. , 13-08-2018 sehingga 01-01-3249 , Kebangsaan
Orthopaedic Phenotyping of NGLY1 Deficiency using an International, Family-led Disease Registry , 14-04-2019 sehingga 14-01-3249 , Antarabangsa
SERPINE1 promotes cellular proliferative capacities and malignant behaviors in glioblastoma through upregulating HES1 , 01-11-2018 sehingga 01-11-2018 , Antarabangsa
Meisoindigo inhibits cell proliferation and induces cell apoptosis via down-regulation of PI3K/AKT pathway in glioblastomaU87 cells , 16-01-2019 sehingga 16-01-2019 , Antarabangsa
Knockdown of Neuron specific enolase (NSE) suppresses the proliferation and migration of NCI-H209 cells , 22-04-2019 sehingga 22-04-2019 , Antarabangsa
Invention, innovation & design exposition 2019 , 12-09-2019 sehingga 12-09-2019 , Kebangsaan
Invention, innovation & design exposition 2019 , 12-09-2019 sehingga 12-09-2019 , Kebangsaan
Invention, innovation & design exposition 2019 , 12-09-2019 sehingga 12-09-2019 , Kebangsaan
Invention, innovation & design exposition 2019 , 12-09-2019 sehingga 12-09-2019 , Kebangsaan
Invention, innovation & design exposition 2019 , 12-09-2019 sehingga 12-09-2019 , Kebangsaan
Invention, innovation & design exposition 2019 , 12-09-2019 sehingga 12-09-2019 , Kebangsaan
15th Dies Natalis FK UNISMA: Progress in Pharmacogenetics: Research & future application , 05-09-2020 sehingga 05-09-2020 , Antarabangsa
Invention, innovation & design exposition 2020, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UiTM) , 22-10-2020 sehingga 24-10-2020 , Kebangsaan
Testing criteria for 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: preliminary results of a low cost strategy for public health , 12-05-2020 sehingga 12-05-2020 , Antarabangsa
Validation of diagnostic codes and epidemiologic trends of Huntington disease: population-based study in Navarre, Spain , 01-09-2020 sehingga 01-09-2020 , Antarabangsa
Orthopaedic Phenotyping of NGLY1 Deficiency using an International, Family-led Disease Registry Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases , 10-06-2020 sehingga 10-06-2020 , Antarabangsa
Neurological manifestations and neuroimaging findings of acute intermittent porphyria patients Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases , 28-09-2020 sehingga 28-09-2020 , Antarabangsa
Quality of life data for individuals affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A baseline dataset from the Cure SMA Community Update Survey , 15-05-2020 sehingga 15-05-2020 , Antarabangsa
Associate editor , 01-08-2020 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Antarabangsa
Anti-oxidant vitamins promote anti-cancer effects on low-concentration methotrexate-treated glioblastoma cells via enhancing the caspase-3 death pathway , 23-09-2020 sehingga 23-09-2020 , Antarabangsa
Everolimus versus sirolimus for angiomyolipoma with tuberous sclerosis complex: Institutional retrospective study in China , 01-04-2021 sehingga 01-04-2021 , Antarabangsa
Calcium channelopathies and intellectual disability: A systematic review , 12-04-2021 sehingga 13-04-2021 , Antarabangsa
Downregulation of LncRNA MALAT1 in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of type 2 diabetes patients with hypertension: a case-control study , 21-04-2021 sehingga 21-01-3249 , Antarabangsa
Committee Member for Cancer Genomics and Haematological Disorder Conference and Workshop , 08-06-2021 sehingga 11-06-2021 , Antarabangsa
Effect of circRNA in diabetic retinopathy based on preclinical studies: a systematic review , 09-06-2021 sehingga 09-06-2021 , Antarabangsa
Characterization of epidemiological distribution and outcome of COVID-19 in Patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: a Nationwide Retrospective Multi-Centre Study during first wave in Italy , 09-06-2021 sehingga 09-06-2021 , Antarabangsa
Manuskrip yang dihantar ke Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases , 01-01-2021 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Antarabangsa
Up-regulation of EphA2 in microglia induced M1-like polarization and attenuated glioma metastasis and invasion , 28-06-2021 sehingga 28-06-2021 , Antarabangsa
F-box protein 17 promotes glioma progression by regulating glycolysis pathway , 06-07-2021 sehingga 06-07-2021 , Antarabangsa
Mutational analysis of a novel mutation (p.H232R) in the SRD5A2 causing 46,XY disorder of sex development , 02-09-2021 sehingga 03-09-2021 , Antarabangsa
Mutational analysis of a novel mutation (p.H232R) in the SRD5A2 causing 46,XY disorder of sex development , 02-09-2021 sehingga 03-09-2021 , Antarabangsa
The role of the mtDNA haplogroups on metabolic features in narcolepsy type 1 , 07-09-2021 sehingga 07-09-2021 , Antarabangsa
Patient-reported Outcomes in a Chinese Cohort of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Unveil Psycho-physical Stratifications Associated with Clinical Manifestations , 13-01-2022 sehingga 13-01-3249 , Antarabangsa
MicroRNAs Expression Profile in Young Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction , 04-02-2022 sehingga 04-02-2022 , Kebangsaan
The Association of LEPR Q223R Polymorphism with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in The Malaysian Population , 04-02-2022 sehingga 04-02-2022 , Antarabangsa
The Association of LEPR Q223R Polymorphism with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in The Malaysian Population , 04-02-2022 sehingga 04-02-2022 , Antarabangsa
Manuskrip yang dihantar ke Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases , 01-01-2022 sehingga 30-11-2022 , Antarabangsa
Regulation of mitochondrial network homeostasis by O-GlcNAcylation , 04-02-2022 sehingga 04-02-2022 , Antarabangsa
A New Case of de novo Variant c.1357G>T (p.E453X) inTLK2: A Case Report , 08-04-2022 sehingga 08-04-2022 , Antarabangsa
Analysis of proliferation and metastatic activity of squamous cell carcinoma cell line following CRISPR-CAS9 transfection of SGRNA targeting on MMP9 , 23-03-2022 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Mutation identification and prediction for severe cardiomyopathy in Alström syndrome, and review of the literature for cardiomyopathy , 18-04-2022 sehingga 18-04-2022 , Antarabangsa
Latihan industri , 25-07-2022 sehingga 19-08-2022 , Antarabangsa
Technical Assessor Standards Malaysia MS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 , 18-07-2022 sehingga 18-07-2022 , Kebangsaan
AJK Kerja Penubuhan Polisi Biorepositori Kebangsaan , 19-12-2022 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Kebangsaan
Epidemiology of hypercholesterolemia in Malaysiia: Clinical and Molecular aspects of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) among hypercholesteroleamic individuals in the community , 23-12-2022 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Phyochemical analysis of Eleuterine Americana ethanol extract and its anti-cancer properties against breast cancer spheroids , 30-03-2022 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Fakulti Perubatan, Universiti Malaya , 03-01-2023 sehingga 03-01-2023 , Kebangsaan
Molekular Genomic Workshop For Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia , 22-06-2023 sehingga 23-06-2023 , Kebangsaan
International Conference on Green Sustainable Technology and Management 2023 , 08-06-2023 sehingga 09-06-2023 , Antarabangsa
Penilai geran antarabangsa: 'Research Südtirol/Alto Adige 2022'. , 20-10-2023 sehingga 07-11-2023 , Antarabangsa
Early Onset High Myopia in a Child with Stickler Syndrome Type II: A Case Report , 19-01-2024 sehingga 19-01-2024 , Kebangsaan
Lack of mitochondrial complex I assembly factor NDUFAF2 results in a distinctive infantile-onset brainstem neurodegenerative disease with early lethalit , 03-01-2024 sehingga 13-02-2024 , Antarabangsa
The Working Committee for the Establishment of The National Biorepository Policy , 19-12-2023 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Kebangsaan
AJK Majlis Pusat Kecemerlangan Pendiidikan Tinggi (HICoE Council), MOHE , 25-02-2022 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Kebangsaan
The Working Committee for the Establishment of The National Biorepository Policy , 19-12-2022 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Kebangsaan
IARS2 mutations lead to Leigh syndrome with a combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency , 29-03-2024 sehingga 29-01-2024 , Antarabangsa

Khidmat Dalam

AHLI JAWATANKUASA PENGURUSAN RUANG KAMPUS KL , 01-08-2020 sehingga 31-07-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
AHLI JAWATANKUASA SISWAZAH , 06-05-2020 sehingga 05-05-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Ahli Senat Universiti , 01-01-2019 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Universiti
Duta Harta Intelek , 01-02-2016 sehingga 31-01-2018 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA 9TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOLECULAR MEDICINE (RCMM) , 02-01-2023 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA HIPERKOLESTEROLEMIA FAMILI (FH): FAHAMI FAKTOR, RISIKO & PENCEGAHAN AWAL , 25-09-2021 sehingga 25-09-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA INDUK MAJLIS SAMBUTAN HARI RAYA AIDILFITI KAMPUS KUALA LUMPUR (ZON CHERAS) TAHUN 2022 , 12-04-2022 sehingga 10-06-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA INDUK MAJLIS SAMBUTAN HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI KAMPUS KUALA LUMPUR UKM (ZON CHERAS) TAHUN 2023 , 23-03-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA MESYUARAT PENYELARASAN TENDER KAMPUS KUALA LUMPUR , 01-01-2019 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA PASUKAN PEMIKIR KHAS (THINK TANK) TINDAKAN SELEPAS COVID , 19-11-2020 sehingga 18-11-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA PENYEDIAAN SEBUTHARGA/ TENDER - Microplate Reader , 12-03-2024 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA SEMINAR PENGURUSAN KUALITI MS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 TAHUN 2022 , 19-07-2022 sehingga 20-07-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JAWATANKUASA UTAMA MAJLIS ANUGERAH KECEMERLANGAN UMBI , 01-06-2021 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
JUALAN GERAI KUIH RAYA UMBI , 11-04-2022 sehingga 29-04-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Bengkel Pemurnian Perancangan Strategik UMBI 2022 , 20-01-2022 sehingga 20-01-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Bengkel Semakan Kurikulum Program Siswazah UMBI , 16-07-2021 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Cabaran Maya UKM , 01-01-2021 sehingga 31-08-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Induk dan Pelaksana Minggu Risiko, Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerjaan (MRKKP) UKM 2024 , 21-10-2024 sehingga 25-10-2024 , Universiti
Jawatankuasa Kerja Kajian Penilaian Outcome (KPO) Program Dana Pemerkasaan Bidang NIC Pusat Kecemerlangan Pendidikan Tinggi (HICoE) , 01-12-2019 sehingga 30-11-2020 , Universiti
Jawatankuasa Pemilih Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Pensyarah Perubatan/ Pergigian/ Farmasi ke Gred Khas C (VK7) dan Gred 54 Berasaskan Laluan Kerjaya , 12-09-2022 sehingga 12-09-2022 , Universiti
Jawatankuasa Penerbitan, Website & Jurnal UMBI , 01-01-2019 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Ketua Kumpulan Penyelidikan UKM (KPU UKM) , 21-06-2023 sehingga 21-06-2025 , Universiti
MODUL FFGK 6222 CLINICAL GENETIC II, SEMESTER 2 TAHUN 1 SESI AKADEMIK 2019/2020 , 10-02-2020 sehingga 31-08-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
MODUL FFGK 6222 CLINICAL GENETICS II PROGRAM SARJANA SAINS PERUBATAN (KAUNSELING GENETIK) SEMESTER 2 TAHUN 1 SESI AKADEMIK 2022/2023 , 29-03-2023 sehingga 28-07-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
MODUL FFGK 6222 CLINICAL GENETICS II PROGRAM SARJANA SAINS PERUBATAN (KAUNSELING GENETIK) SEMESTER 2 TAHUN 1 SESI AKADEMIK 2023/2024 , 11-03-2024 sehingga 23-06-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
NETWORK BIOLOGY - APPLICATIONS TOWARDS MEDICAL RESEARCH , 18-01-2023 sehingga 19-01-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
PEMERIKSA DALAM TESIS CALON IJAZAH SARJANA SAINS PERUBATAN (PERUBATAN) SYAHIRAH BINTI KAJA MOHIDEEN P85934 , 21-01-2020 sehingga 19-05-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
PROGRAM KESEDARAN KANSER KOLOREKTAL (PENDEKATAN INTERVENSI KOMUNITI MELALUI PROJEK HICOE) , 20-10-2024 sehingga 20-10-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Panel Penilai Geran Penyelidikan di bawah Dana UP Tahun 2022 , 01-06-2022 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Universiti
Panel Penilai Geran Penyelidikan di bawah Dana UP Tahun 2023 , 26-07-2023 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Universiti
Pasukan Khas Ujian Saringan Covid-19 , 26-03-2020 sehingga 05-06-2020 , Universiti
Pemeriksa Dalam Siswazah & Peperiksaan Lisan Calon Ijazah Sarjana Sains Perubatan (Biokimia) - Wan Nur Zulaikha Wan Nasir P83977 , 24-01-2019 sehingga 15-02-2019 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Rampai Penyelidik Siri 7-Malaysia Sihat Sejahtera , 17-12-2018 sehingga 17-12-2018 , Universiti
Sambutan Hari DNA 2015 UMBI , 23-04-2015 sehingga 23-04-2015 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
TRAINEE TECHNICAL ASSESSOR SKIM AKREDETASI MAKMAL MALAYSIA , 16-01-2019 sehingga 15-01-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
WACANA HADHARI 1/2024 "KESEDARAN DAN PENCEGAHAN HIPERKOLESTEROLEMIA & OBESITI" , 08-05-2024 sehingga 08-05-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Webinar Perang Melawan Diabetes , 14-11-2020 sehingga 14-11-2020 , Universiti