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Kamalrul Azlan Azizan telah menerima ijazah kedoktoran dalam bidang metabolomik mikrobiologi daripada UKM. Beliau sedang berkhidmat sebagai felo penyelidik/pensyarah kanan di Institut Biologi Sistem (INBIOSIS) UKM. Bidang penyelidikan beliau merangkumi analisis metabolomik, SCFA dan minyak pati mengunakan GC-MS dan LC-MS.
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan completed his PhD degree at UKM, specializing in the area of microbial metabolomics. He is currently working as a research fellow/senior lecturer at the Institute of Systems Biology (INBIOSIS), UKM. His research interests include metabolomics, SCFA and essential oil analyses using GC-MS and LC-MS
Systems Biology , Doktor Falsafah , UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA , 2014 |
Sarjana Muda , HANYANG UNIVERSITY , 2008 |
Muhd Arif Shaffiq Sahrir, Nornasuha Yusoff, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, And Nor Atirah Mohd Aridi. (2024). Assessing The Allelopathic Effect Of Chrysopogon Zizanioides (l.) Roberty Root Methanolic Extract On Brassica Rapa Var. Parachinensis Using An Untargeted Metabolomic Approach. - Chilean Journal Of Agricultural Research. 154-165. |
Rubashiny Veeramohan, Arief Izzairy Zamani, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Hoe-han Goh, Wan Mohd Aizat, Mohd Fauzi Abd Razak, Nur Sabrina Mohd Yusof, Sharif Mahsufi Mansor, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Chyan Leong Ng. (2023). Comparative Metabolomics Analysis Reveals Alkaloid Repertoires In Young And Mature Mitragyna Speciosa (korth.) Havil. Leaves. - Plos One. 1-24. |
Noor Hanini Che Lah, Hesham Ali El Enshasy, Ahmed Mediani, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Wan Mohd Aizat, Jen Kit Tan, Adlin Afzan, Normah Mohd Noor, Emelda Rosseleena Rohani. (2023). An Insight Into The Behaviour Of Recalcitrant Seeds By Understanding Their Molecular Changes Upon Desiccation And Low Temperature. - Agronomy. 1-18. |
Nurul Liyana Rozali, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Rajinder Singh, Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar, Abrizah Othman, Wolfram Weckwerth, Umi Salamah Ramli. (2023). Fourier Transform Infrared (ftir) Spectroscopy Approach Combined With Discriminant Analysis And Prediction Model For Crude Palm Oil Authentication Of Different Geographical And Temporal Origins. - Food Control. 1-11. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani, Mohamad Firdaus Nawawi. (2022). Discrimination And Prediction Of The Chemical Composition And The Phytotoxic Activity Of Wedelia Trilobata Essential Oil (eo) Using Metabolomics And Chemometrics. - Plant Biosystems. 217-231. |
Nur Fadlin Saifulazmi, Emelda Rosseleena Rohani, Sarahani Harun, Hamidun Bunawan, Hamizah Shahirah Hamezah, Nor Azlan Nor Muhammad, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Qamar Uddin Ahmed, Sharida Fakurazi, Ahmed Mediani, Murni Nazira Sarian. (2022). A Review With Updated Perspectives On The Antiviral Potentials Of Traditional Medicinal Plants And Their Prospects In Antiviral Therapy. - Life. 1-38. |
Zubaidah Hasain, Raja Affendi Raja Ali, Shairah Abdul Razak, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Emad El-omar, Nurul Huda Razalli, Norfilza Mohd Mokhtar. (2021). Gut Microbiota Signature Among Asian Post-gestational Diabetes Women Linked With Macronutrient Intakes And Metabolic Phenotypes. - Frontiers In Microbiology. 1559-1574. |
Maya Erna Natnan, Yosmetha Mayalvanan, Fahmeeda Mohd Jazamuddin, Wan Mohd Aizat, Chen-fei Low, Hoe-han Goh, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Hamidun Bunawan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2021). Omics Strategies In Current Advancements Of Infectious Fish Disease Management. - Biology. 1-23. |
Cu Ean Ong, Rafidah Ahmad, You Keng Goh, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kah Joo Goh. (2021). Growth Modulation And Metabolic Responses Of Ganoderma Boninense To Salicylic Acid Stress. - Plos One. 1-21. |
Muhammad Aqil Fitri Rosli, Ahmed Mediani, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Hoe Han Goh. (2021). Uplc-tof-ms/ms-based Metabolomics Analysis Reveals Species-specific Metabolite Compositions In Pitchers Of Nepenthes Ampullaria, Nepenthes Rafflesiana, And Their Hybrid Nepenthes X Hookeriana. - Frontiers In Plant Science. 1-13. |
Siti Farah Mamat, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Normah Mohd Noor, Wan Mohd Aizat. (2020). Gc-ms And Lc-ms Analyses Reveal The Distribution Of Primary And Secondary Metabolites In Mangosteen (garcinia Mangostana Linn.) Fruit During Ripening. - Scientia Horticulturae. 1-11. |
Rafidah Ahmad, Choon Kiat Lim, Nurul Fadhilah Marzuki, Yit-kheng Goh, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, You Keng Goh, Kah Joo Goh, Ahmad Bazli Ramzi, Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2020). Metabolic Profile Of Scytalidium Parasiticum - Ganoderma Boninense Co-cultures Revealed The Alkaloids, Flavonoids And Fatty Acids That Contribute To Anti-ganoderma Activity. - Molecules. 1-23. |
Ili Nadhirah Jamil, Juwairiah Remali, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nor Azlan Nor Muhammad, Masanori Arita, Hoe-han Goh, Wan Mohd Aizat. (2020). Systematic Multi-omics Integration (moi) Approach In Plant Systems Biology. - Frontiers In Plant Science. 1-16. |
Othman Mazlan, Wan Mohd Aizat, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan & Normah Mohd Noor. (2018). Metabolomics Analysis Of Developing Garcinia Mangostana Seed Reveals Modulated Levels Of Sugars, Organic Acids And Phenylpropanoid Compounds. - Scientia Horticulturae. . |
Lina Wati Durani, Hamizah Shahirah Hamezah, Nor Faeizah Ibrahim, Daijiro Yanagisawa, Muhammad Luqman Nasaruddin, Masaki Mori, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Hanafi Ahmad Damanhuri, Suzana Makpol, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah And Ikuo Tooyama. (2018). Tocotrienol-rich Fraction Of Palm Oil Improves Behavioral Impairments And Regulates Metabolic Pathways In Abpp/ps1 Mice. - Journal Of Alzheimer's Disease. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Habtom W. Ressom, Eduardo R. Mendoza & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2017). 13c Based Proteinogenic Amino Acid (paa) And Metabolic Flux Ratio Analysis Of L. Lactis Reveals Changes In Pentose Phosphate (pp) Pathway In Response To Agitation And Temperature Related Stresses. - Peerj. 1-24. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum And Normah Mohd Noor. (2012). Metabolic Profiling Of Lactococcus Lactis Under Different Culture Conditions. - Molecules. 8022-8036. |
Hazim Syahmi Elias, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Wan Yaacob Wan Ahmad, Sheela Chandren, Norazah Basar. (2023). Optimization Of Ultrasound-assisted Extraction For Antioxidant Activity In Relation To Rhoifolin Content Of Fortunella Polyandra Using Response Surface Methodology (rsm). - Sains Malaysiana. 153-164. |
Nur Nabilah Alias, Norlia Basherudin, Nazirah Abdullah, Nor Hasnida Hassan, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2022). Differentiation Of Eurycoma Longifolia Using High-performance Liquid Chromatography-quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomic Approach. - Journal Of Analytical Chemistry. 1325-1332. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Arief Izzairy Zamani, Nor Azlan Nor Muhammad, Khairunisa Khairudin, Nornasuha Yusoff, Mohamad Firdaus Nawawi. (2022). Dose-dependent Effect Of Wedelia Trilobata Essential Oil (eo) On Lettuce (lactuca Sativa L.) With Multivariate Analysis. - Chemistry & Biodiversity. 1-10. |
Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Yosmetha Mayalvanan, Maya Erna Natnan, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Hamidun Bunawan, Nik Raikhan Nik Him, Chen Fei Low, Chou Min Chong. (2022). Lc-qtof-ms Analysis Of Fish Immune Organs Reveals The Distribution Of Amino Acids In Response To Metabolic Adaptation Of The Survival Phenotype In Grouper Against Vibrio Infection. - 3 Biotech. 1-16. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Arief Izzairy Zamani, Sarah Ibrahim, Nornasuha Yusoff, Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani, Mohamad Firdaus Nawawi. (2021). The Dynamic Linkage Between Phytotoxicity And Metabolites In Wedelia Trilobata Soils. - Weed Biology And Management. 68-85. |
Iqbal Jalaludin, Amirul Husna Sudin, Dharshini Elangovan, Hussein M. Al-bajalan, Nur Maisarah Sarizan, Noor Liana Mat Yajit, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Abdul Munir Abdul Murad, Farah Diba Abu Bakar, Dominic S. Alonzi And Mukram Mohamad Mackeen. (2020). Analysis Of Free Oligosaccharides (fos) Wild Type Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (bakers Yeast) Using Two Different Extraction Methods. - Sains Malaysiana. 85-92. |
Mamat, S. F., Azizan, K. A., Baharum, S.n., Mohd Noor, N., Aizat, W. M. (2019). The Influence Of Two Solvent Extraction Ratios In Gc-ms-based Metabolomics Of Different Garcinia Mangostana Linn. Fruit Tissues. - International Food Research Journal. 1447-1457. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Sarah Ibrahim, Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani And Mohammad Firdaus Nawawi. (2019). Metabolomics Approach To Investigate Phytotoxic Effects Of Wedelia Trilobata Leaves, Litter And Soil. - Plant Biosystems. 691-699. |
Choon Kiat Lim, Rafidah Ahmad, Nurul Fadhilah Marzuki, Yit Kheng Goh, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, You Keng Goh, Kah Joo Goh. (2018). Optimization Of Metabolite Extraction Protocols For Untargeted Metabolite Profiling Of Mycoparasitic Scytalidium Parasiticum Using Lc-tof-ms. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Muhammad Aqil Fitri Rosli, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Hoe-han Goh. (2018). Antioxidant Activity Of Pitcher Extracts From Three Nepenthes Species. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Marhaini Mostapha, Noorhasmiera Abu Jahar, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Sarani Zakaria, Wan Mohd Aizat & Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar. (2018). Proteomic Analysis Of Stored Core Oil Palm Trunk (copt) Sap Identifying Proteins Related To Stress, Disease Resistance And Differential Gene/protein Expression. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Marhaini Mostapha, Noorhasmiera Abu Jahar, Sarani Zakaria, Wan Mohd Aizat, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan And Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar. (2018). Metabolite Profiling Of Core Oil Palm Trunk (copt) Sap: The Effects Of Different Storage Durations, Conditions And Temperatures. - Journal Of Oil Palm Research. . |
Shuhaila Sharif, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2017). Gc-ms Based Metabolomics Analysis Reveals The Effects Of Different Agitation Speeds On The Level Of Proteinogenic Amino Acids In Lactococcus Lactis Subsp. Cremoris Mg1363. - Annals Of Microbiology. 1-7. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Sarah Ibrahim , Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani And Mohammad Firdaus Nawawi. (2016). Lc-ms Based Metabolomics Analysis To Identify Potential Allelochemicals In Wedelia Trilobata. - Records Of Natural Products. 788-793. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani, Mohammad Firdaus Nawawi. (2015). Gc-ms Based Metabolomics And Multivariate Statistical Analysis Of Wedelia Trilobata Extracts For The Identification Of Potential Phytochemical Properties. - Plant Omics. 537-543. |
Iqmal Asyraf Ilias, Alina Wagiran, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Ismanizan Ismail, Abdul Fatah A. Samad. (2024). Irreversibility Of The Cell Wall Modification Acts As A Limiting Factor In Desiccation Tolerance Of Oryza Sativa Ssp. Indica Cv Mr303. - Plant Stress. 1-13. |
Tuan Ashraf Faiz Tuan Anuar, Suria Ramli, Chamroon Laosinwattana, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2024). Univariate And Multivariate Approaches For Identifying Key Differential Volatile Compounds In Wedelia Trilobata Essential Oils From Four Different Locations. - Makara Journal Of Science. 83-92. |
Muhd Arif Shaffiq Sahrir, Nornasuha Yusoff, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, And Nor Atirah Mohd Aridi. (2024). Assessing The Allelopathic Effect Of Chrysopogon Zizanioides (l.) Roberty Root Methanolic Extract On Brassica Rapa Var. Parachinensis Using An Untargeted Metabolomic Approach. - Chilean Journal Of Agricultural Research. 154-165. |
Muhd Arif Shaffiq Sahrir, Nornasuha Yusoff, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2023). Allelopathy Activity Under Laboratory, Greenhouse And Field Conditions: A Review. - Aims Agriculture And Food. 78-104. |
Noor Hanini Che Lah, Hesham Ali El Enshasy, Ahmed Mediani, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Wan Mohd Aizat, Jen Kit Tan, Adlin Afzan, Normah Mohd Noor, Emelda Rosseleena Rohani. (2023). An Insight Into The Behaviour Of Recalcitrant Seeds By Understanding Their Molecular Changes Upon Desiccation And Low Temperature. - Agronomy. 1-18. |
Nurul Liyana Rozali, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Rajinder Singh, Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar, Abrizah Othman, Wolfram Weckwerth, Umi Salamah Ramli. (2023). Fourier Transform Infrared (ftir) Spectroscopy Approach Combined With Discriminant Analysis And Prediction Model For Crude Palm Oil Authentication Of Different Geographical And Temporal Origins. - Food Control. 1-11. |
Rubashiny Veeramohan, Arief Izzairy Zamani, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Hoe-han Goh, Wan Mohd Aizat, Mohd Fauzi Abd Razak, Nur Sabrina Mohd Yusof, Sharif Mahsufi Mansor, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Chyan Leong Ng. (2023). Comparative Metabolomics Analysis Reveals Alkaloid Repertoires In Young And Mature Mitragyna Speciosa (korth.) Havil. Leaves. - Plos One. 1-24. |
Hazim Syahmi Elias, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Wan Yaacob Wan Ahmad, Sheela Chandren, Norazah Basar. (2023). Optimization Of Ultrasound-assisted Extraction For Antioxidant Activity In Relation To Rhoifolin Content Of Fortunella Polyandra Using Response Surface Methodology (rsm). - Sains Malaysiana. 153-164. |
Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Yosmetha Mayalvanan, Maya Erna Natnan, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Hamidun Bunawan, Nik Raikhan Nik Him, Chen Fei Low, Chou Min Chong. (2022). Lc-qtof-ms Analysis Of Fish Immune Organs Reveals The Distribution Of Amino Acids In Response To Metabolic Adaptation Of The Survival Phenotype In Grouper Against Vibrio Infection. - 3 Biotech. 1-16. |
Nur Nabilah Alias, Norlia Basherudin, Nazirah Abdullah, Nor Hasnida Hassan, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2022). Differentiation Of Eurycoma Longifolia Using High-performance Liquid Chromatography-quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomic Approach. - Journal Of Analytical Chemistry. 1325-1332. |
Nur Fadlin Saifulazmi, Emelda Rosseleena Rohani, Sarahani Harun, Hamidun Bunawan, Hamizah Shahirah Hamezah, Nor Azlan Nor Muhammad, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Qamar Uddin Ahmed, Sharida Fakurazi, Ahmed Mediani, Murni Nazira Sarian. (2022). A Review With Updated Perspectives On The Antiviral Potentials Of Traditional Medicinal Plants And Their Prospects In Antiviral Therapy. - Life. 1-38. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Arief Izzairy Zamani, Nor Azlan Nor Muhammad, Khairunisa Khairudin, Nornasuha Yusoff, Mohamad Firdaus Nawawi. (2022). Dose-dependent Effect Of Wedelia Trilobata Essential Oil (eo) On Lettuce (lactuca Sativa L.) With Multivariate Analysis. - Chemistry & Biodiversity. 1-10. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani, Mohamad Firdaus Nawawi. (2022). Discrimination And Prediction Of The Chemical Composition And The Phytotoxic Activity Of Wedelia Trilobata Essential Oil (eo) Using Metabolomics And Chemometrics. - Plant Biosystems. 217-231. |
Khairunnisa Mohd Kamal,mohd Hafidz Mahamad Maifiah, Nusaibah Abdul Rahim, Yumi Zuhanis Has-yun Hashim, Muhamad Shirwan Abdullah Sani, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2022). Bacterial Metabolomics: Sample Preparation Methods. - Biochemistry Research International. 1-14. |
Zubaidah Hasain, Raja Affendi Raja Ali, Shairah Abdul Razak, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Emad El-omar, Nurul Huda Razalli, Norfilza Mohd Mokhtar. (2021). Gut Microbiota Signature Among Asian Post-gestational Diabetes Women Linked With Macronutrient Intakes And Metabolic Phenotypes. - Frontiers In Microbiology. 1559-1574. |
Maya Erna Natnan, Yosmetha Mayalvanan, Fahmeeda Mohd Jazamuddin, Wan Mohd Aizat, Chen-fei Low, Hoe-han Goh, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Hamidun Bunawan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2021). Omics Strategies In Current Advancements Of Infectious Fish Disease Management. - Biology. 1-23. |
Farah Adibah Abdul Kadir, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Roohaida Othman. (2021). Transcriptome Of Aquilaria Malaccensis Containing Agarwood Formed Naturally And Induced Artifcially. - Bmc Research Notes. 1-4. |
Muhammad Aqil Fitri Rosli, Ahmed Mediani, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Hoe Han Goh. (2021). Uplc-tof-ms/ms-based Metabolomics Analysis Reveals Species-specific Metabolite Compositions In Pitchers Of Nepenthes Ampullaria, Nepenthes Rafflesiana, And Their Hybrid Nepenthes X Hookeriana. - Frontiers In Plant Science. 1-13. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Arief Izzairy Zamani, Sarah Ibrahim, Nornasuha Yusoff, Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani, Mohamad Firdaus Nawawi. (2021). The Dynamic Linkage Between Phytotoxicity And Metabolites In Wedelia Trilobata Soils. - Weed Biology And Management. 68-85. |
Cu Ean Ong, Rafidah Ahmad, You Keng Goh, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kah Joo Goh. (2021). Growth Modulation And Metabolic Responses Of Ganoderma Boninense To Salicylic Acid Stress. - Plos One. 1-21. |
Ili Nadhirah Jamil, Juwairiah Remali, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nor Azlan Nor Muhammad, Masanori Arita, Hoe-han Goh, Wan Mohd Aizat. (2020). Systematic Multi-omics Integration (moi) Approach In Plant Systems Biology. - Frontiers In Plant Science. 1-16. |
Norhafiza Yaakob, Nornasuha Yusoff, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Azierah Azemin, Khairil Mahmud, Mohd Khairi Che Lah. (2020). Assessment On Allelopathic Activity And Potential Allelochemicals Of Turnera Subulata Sm.. - Bioscience Research. 189-198. |
Siti Farah Mamat, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Normah Mohd Noor, Wan Mohd Aizat. (2020). Gc-ms And Lc-ms Analyses Reveal The Distribution Of Primary And Secondary Metabolites In Mangosteen (garcinia Mangostana Linn.) Fruit During Ripening. - Scientia Horticulturae. 1-11. |
Rafidah Ahmad, Choon Kiat Lim, Nurul Fadhilah Marzuki, Yit-kheng Goh, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, You Keng Goh, Kah Joo Goh, Ahmad Bazli Ramzi, Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2020). Metabolic Profile Of Scytalidium Parasiticum - Ganoderma Boninense Co-cultures Revealed The Alkaloids, Flavonoids And Fatty Acids That Contribute To Anti-ganoderma Activity. - Molecules. 1-23. |
Farah Adibah Abdul Kadir, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Roohaida Othman. (2020). Datasets Of Essential Oils From Naturally Formed And Synthetically Induced Aquilaria Malaccensis Agarwoods. - Data In Brief. 10498. |
Iqbal Jalaludin, Amirul Husna Sudin, Dharshini Elangovan, Hussein M. Al-bajalan, Nur Maisarah Sarizan, Noor Liana Mat Yajit, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Abdul Munir Abdul Murad, Farah Diba Abu Bakar, Dominic S. Alonzi And Mukram Mohamad Mackeen. (2020). Analysis Of Free Oligosaccharides (fos) Wild Type Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (bakers Yeast) Using Two Different Extraction Methods. - Sains Malaysiana. 85-92. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Sarah Ibrahim, Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani And Mohammad Firdaus Nawawi. (2019). Metabolomics Approach To Investigate Phytotoxic Effects Of Wedelia Trilobata Leaves, Litter And Soil. - Plant Biosystems. 691-699. |
Mamat, S. F., Azizan, K. A., Baharum, S.n., Mohd Noor, N., Aizat, W. M. (2019). The Influence Of Two Solvent Extraction Ratios In Gc-ms-based Metabolomics Of Different Garcinia Mangostana Linn. Fruit Tissues. - International Food Research Journal. 1447-1457. |
Choon Kiat Lim, Rafidah Ahmad, Nurul Fadhilah Marzuki, Yit Kheng Goh, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, You Keng Goh, Kah Joo Goh. (2018). Optimization Of Metabolite Extraction Protocols For Untargeted Metabolite Profiling Of Mycoparasitic Scytalidium Parasiticum Using Lc-tof-ms. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Siti Farah Mamat, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Normah Mohd Noor & Wan Mohd Aizat. (2018). Metabolomics Analysis Of Mangosteen (garcinia Mangostana Linn.) Fruit Pericarp Using Different Extraction Methods And Gc-ms. - Plant Omics Journal. . |
Muhammad Aqil Fitri Rosli, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Hoe-han Goh. (2018). Antioxidant Activity Of Pitcher Extracts From Three Nepenthes Species. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Rubashiny Veeramohan, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Wan Mohd Aizat, Hoe-han Goh, Sharif Mahsufi Mansor, Nur Sabrina Mohd Yusof, Syarul Nataqain Baharum & Ng Chyan Leong. (2018). Metabolomics Data Of Mitragyna Speciosa Leaf Using Lc-esi-tof-ms. - Data In Brief. . |
Marhaini Mostapha, Noorhasmiera Abu Jahar, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Sarani Zakaria, Wan Mohd Aizat & Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar. (2018). Proteomic Analysis Of Stored Core Oil Palm Trunk (copt) Sap Identifying Proteins Related To Stress, Disease Resistance And Differential Gene/protein Expression. - Sains Malaysiana. . |
Marhaini Mostapha, Noorhasmiera Abu Jahar, Sarani Zakaria, Wan Mohd Aizat, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan And Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar. (2018). Metabolite Profiling Of Core Oil Palm Trunk (copt) Sap: The Effects Of Different Storage Durations, Conditions And Temperatures. - Journal Of Oil Palm Research. . |
Siti Farah Mamat, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Normah Mohd Noor & Wan Mohd Aizat. (2018). Esi-lc-ms Based-metabolomics Data Of Manosteen (garcinia Mangostana Linn.) Fruit Pericarp, Aril And Seed At Different Ripening Stage. - Data In Brief. 1074-1077. |
Othman Mazlan, Wan Mohd Aizat, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Normah Mohd Noor. (2018). Mass Spectrometry Dataset For Lc-ms Metabolomics Analysis Of Garcinia Mangostana L. Seed Development. - Data In Brief. . |
Othman Mazlan, Wan Mohd Aizat, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan & Normah Mohd Noor. (2018). Metabolomics Analysis Of Developing Garcinia Mangostana Seed Reveals Modulated Levels Of Sugars, Organic Acids And Phenylpropanoid Compounds. - Scientia Horticulturae. . |
Lina Wati Durani, Hamizah Shahirah Hamezah, Nor Faeizah Ibrahim, Daijiro Yanagisawa, Muhammad Luqman Nasaruddin, Masaki Mori, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Hanafi Ahmad Damanhuri, Suzana Makpol, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah And Ikuo Tooyama. (2018). Tocotrienol-rich Fraction Of Palm Oil Improves Behavioral Impairments And Regulates Metabolic Pathways In Abpp/ps1 Mice. - Journal Of Alzheimer's Disease. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Habtom W. Ressom, Eduardo R. Mendoza & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2017). 13c Based Proteinogenic Amino Acid (paa) And Metabolic Flux Ratio Analysis Of L. Lactis Reveals Changes In Pentose Phosphate (pp) Pathway In Response To Agitation And Temperature Related Stresses. - Peerj. 1-24. |
Shuhaila Sharif, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2017). Gc-ms Based Metabolomics Analysis Reveals The Effects Of Different Agitation Speeds On The Level Of Proteinogenic Amino Acids In Lactococcus Lactis Subsp. Cremoris Mg1363. - Annals Of Microbiology. 1-7. |
Iqbal Jalaludin, Amirul Husna Sudin, Ikram Mohd Said, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Abdul Munir Abdul Murad, Farah Diba Abu Bakar, Nor Muhammad Mahadi, Mark R. Wormald, Dominic S. Alonzi, Mukram Mohamed Mackeen. (2017). Fluorescence And Evaporative Light Scattering Hplc Profiling Of Intracellular Asparagine (n)-linked Oligosaccharides From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Using The Alg8 Mutan. - Malaysian Journal Of Analytical Sciences. 1210-1218. |
Muhammad Aqil Fitri Rosli, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum & Hoe Han Goh. (2017). Mass Spectrometry Data Of Metabolomics Analysis Of Nepenthes Pitchers. - Data In Brief. 295-297. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Sarah Ibrahim , Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani And Mohammad Firdaus Nawawi. (2016). Lc-ms Based Metabolomics Analysis To Identify Potential Allelochemicals In Wedelia Trilobata. - Records Of Natural Products. 788-793. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani, Mohammad Firdaus Nawawi. (2015). Gc-ms Based Metabolomics And Multivariate Statistical Analysis Of Wedelia Trilobata Extracts For The Identification Of Potential Phytochemical Properties. - Plant Omics. 537-543. |
Mohammad Firdaus Nawawi, Fathul Karim Sahrani, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Masni Mohd Ali, Asmat Ahmad & Gires Usup. (2014). Sulfate-reducing Bacteria Metabolite Detection Using Gc-ms. - Malaysian Applied Biology. 41-51. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Habtom W. Ressom, Normah Mohd. Noor. (2012). Gc-ms Analysis And Pls-da Validation Of The Trimethyl Silyl-derivatization Techniques. - American Journal Of Applied Sciences. 1124-1136. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum And Normah Mohd Noor. (2012). Metabolic Profiling Of Lactococcus Lactis Under Different Culture Conditions. - Molecules. 8022-8036. |
Marhaini Mostapha, Noorhasmiera Abu Jahar, Siew Xian Chin, Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar, Sarani Zakaria, Wan M. Aizat, And Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2016). Effect Of Zeolite Catalyst On Sugar Dehydration For 5 Hydroxymethylfurfural Synthesis. - The 2016 Ukm Fst Postgraduate Colloquium, Aip Conference Proceedings, Selangor Malaysia. 1-5. |
Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nurul Shuhadah Mahadi. (2021). Sisa Berharga Kelapa Sawit. - . 83. |
Siti Farah Mamat, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Normah Mohd Noor, Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin. (2019). Buah Manggis Proses Pemasakan Dan Taburan Sebatian Kompleks. - . 163. |
Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2018). Omics Applications For Systems Biology - Advances In Experimental Medicine And Biology 1102. - . 17. |
Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2018). Omics Applications For Systems Biology - Advances In Experimental Medicine And Biology 1102. - . 17. |
Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nurul Shuhadah Mahadi. (2021). Sisa Berharga Kelapa Sawit. - . 83. |
Siti Farah Mamat, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Normah Mohd Noor, Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin. (2019). Buah Manggis Proses Pemasakan Dan Taburan Sebatian Kompleks. - . 163. |
Syarul Nataqain Binti Baharum;mohd Hanafi Bin Ahmad Damanhuri;neoh Hui Min;kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan. (2025). Evaluation Of Neuro Protective Effects Of Polygonum Minus Ethanolic Extract Using Caenorhabditis Elegans Model. - . . |
Nurul Liyana Rozali, Umi Salamah Ramli, Noor Idayu Tahir, Rajinder Singh, Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar, Wolfram Weckwerth, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Abrizah Othman. (2024). Authentication Of Geographical Origin Of Crude Palm Oil (cpo) By Spectroscopic Fingerprinting, Fatty Acid Profile And Physicochemical Properties Combined With Chemometrics. - National Agricultural And Food Engineering Convention (nafec) 2024. 42-43. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Sarah Ibrahim, Nornasuha Yusoff. (2023). Allelopathic Potential And Active Substances From Wedelia Trilobata. - The 3rd Virtual International Symposium On Science 2023 ( Visos ). 122. |
Yashirdisai Sampasivam, Roohaida Othman, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2023). Whole-tree Rapid Chemometric Analysis Of Agarwood From The Critically Endangered Aquilaria Malaccensis Using Spme-gcms. - Malaysian Society Of Plant Physiology Conference 2023 (msppc 2023). 1-33. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nornasuha Yusoff. (2023). Metabolomics Approach To Determine The Phytotoxicityof Essential Oil (eo) Of Wedeliatrilobata. - International Conference On Agriculture, Animal Science & Food Technology. 129. |
Mohd Maarof, Mrs, Govender, Nt., Ng, Cl, Azizan, Ka, Zakaria, S, Vadamalai, G.. (2023). Characterization Of Rice Husk Derived Nanosilica And Functionalized Phenazine Nanosilica Composite As Biostimulant For Palm Oil. - Asian Regional Conference On Systems Biology. 64. |
Noor Hanini Che Lah, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Norazlan Mohmad Misnan, Ahmed Mediani, Normah Mohd Noor, Emelda Rosseleena Rohani. (2023). Utilizing Metabolite Analysis For Understanding Recalcitrant Behavior Of Desiccated Mangosteen Seeds. - 6th International Conference On Molecular Biology And Biotechnology 2023 (icmbb2023). 1. |
Yashirdisai Sampasivam, Roohaida Othman Dan Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2023). Metabolite Profiling And Antioxidant Activity Of The Naturally Formedand Artificially Induced Agarwood From The Critically Endangered Aquilaria Malaccensis. - Asian Regional Conference On Systems Biology 2023 (arcsb 2023). 1-30. |
Maizom Binti Hassan;nurul Wahida Binti Othman;kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan;nor Azlan Bin Nor Muhammad. (2023). Identification And Characterization Of Juvenile Hormone Genes From Oil Palm Pest, Metisa Plana Walker For Potential Insecticide Discovery Via Comparative Genomic Approaches. - . . |
Ismanizan Bin Ismail;normah Bt. Mohd. Noor;zamri Bin Zainal;roohaida Binti Othman;zeti Azura Binti Mohamed Hussein;maizom Binti Hassan;syarul Nataqain Binti Baharum;goh Hoe Han;emelda Rosseleena Binti Rohani;kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan;wan Mohd Aizat Bin Wa. (2022). Integrated Databases In Plant Systems Biology For Societal Well Being . - . . |
Nurul Liyana Rozali, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Rajinder Singh, Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar, Abrizah Othman, Wolfram Weckwerth And Umi Salamah Ramli. (2022). Geographical Origin Traceability Of Crude Palm Oil Using Ftir Spectroscopy Combined With Chemometrics. - The 34th International Conference Of Analytical Science (skam 34). 143. |
Farah Adibah Abd Kadir, Afiq Adham Abd Rasib, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan Dan Roohaida Othman. (2022). Metabolite Profiles For Aquilaria Malaccensis Agarwood Are Dependant On The Induction Conditions. - Second National Seminar On Agarwood Cum Tree Growers' Mela For Agarwood Farmers. 10-31. |
Noor Hanini Che Lah, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin, Hazim Syahmi Elias, Tan Jen Kit, Normah Mohd Noor & Emelda Rosseleena Rohani. (2022). Metabolomics Profiling On The Recalcitrant Seed Of Mangosteen (garcinia Mangostana) After Exposure To Desiccation. - 46th Annual Conference Of The Malaysian Society For Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 2022. 101. |
Noor Hanini Che Lah, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin, Hazim Syahmi Elias, Tan Jen Kit, Normah Mohd Noor & Emelda Rosseleena Rohani. (2022). Metabolite Analysis To Understand Mangosteen Seed As A Recalcitrant Model After Exposure To Desiccation. - 5th International Conference On Molecular Biology And Biotechnology 2022. 129. |
Emelda Rosseleena Binti Rohani;zamri Bin Zainal;kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan;hamidun Bin Bunawan. (2022). Papaverine Analysis In Leaves, Stems And Fruits Of Sauropus Androgynus. - . . |
Hoe Han Goh , Yosmetha Mayalvanan , Kamalrul Azlan Azizan , Hamidun Bunawan , Wan Mohd Aizat , Syarul Baharum. (2022). Omics Strategies In Infectious Fish Disease Management. - Scholarly Community Encyclopedia 23 May 2022. 1-15. |
Hazim Syahmi Elias, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Wan Yaacob Wan Ahmad, Sheela Chandrem & Norazah Basar. (2022). Optimization Of Ultrasound-assisted Extraction For Antioxidant Activity In Relation To Rhoifolin Content Of Fortunella Polyandra Using Response Surface Methodology (rsm). - International Conference On Natural Products. 40. |
Farah Adibah Abdul Kadir, Afiq Adham Abd Rasib, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan And Roohaida Othman. (2021). Terpene Biosynthesis In Aquilaria Malaccensis Agarwood Is Dependant On The Induction Method. - 31st Malaysian Society Of Plant Physiology Conference (msppc 2021). 57. |
Farah Farhana Wahab, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2021). Characterization And Phytotoxicity Assessment Of Wedelia Trilobata Essential Oil Grown In Different Conditions. - International Conference On Agriculture, Animal Science & Food Technology (icaft) 2021. 1-4. |
Noor Hanini Che Lah, Siti Nursyazwani Maadon, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Wan Mohd Aizat, Normah Mohd Noor & Emelda Rosseleena Rohani. (2021). Pemuliharaan Biji Benih Rekalsitran, Khazanah Berharga Negara. - Eon (epitome Of Nature), Majalah Pusat Pengajian Biologi Uitmcns. 1-6. |
Kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan;low Chen Fei. (2021). Unraveling The Role Of Soil Microbial Community In Wedelia Trilobata Allelopathy. - . . |
Syarul Nataqain Binti Baharum;kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan;low Chen Fei. (2021). Potential Role Of Omega 9 (ω-9) As Metabolic Modulator To Enhance Innate Immunity Of E. Fuscoguttatus Against Vibriosis Towards Aquaculture Drug Development. - . . |
Norhan Nh, Rasli Sram, Yazid Rm, Azizan Ka, Rohani Er. (2021). Papaverine Extraction From Sauropus Androgynous Leaves. - 5th International Symposium On Phytochemicals In Medicine And Food (5-ispmf). 427. |
Wan Mohd Aizat Bin Wan Kamaruddin;goh Hoe Han;kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan;sarahani Harun. (2021). Genome-scale Metabolic Modelling Of Mangosteen Xanthone Biosynthetic Pathway Through Transcriptomics And Proteomics Data Integration. - . . |
Zainatul`asyiqin Samsu, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Sharifah Soplah Syed Abdullah. (2021). Metabolic Pathway Of Rhamnolipid Biosynthesis By A Non-pathogenic Burkholderia Thailandensis E264: The Metabolomics Approach. - Afob 2021- Malaysia Chapter International Symposium. 1-2. |
Azizan, K. A., Abdul Ghani, N. H., Nawawi, M. F.. (2020). Assessing Metabolite Phytotoxic Activity Of Wedelia Trilobata Using Pls Regression Method. - Asian Regional Conference On Systems Biology 2020 (arcsb2020). 93. |
Syarul Nataqain Binti Baharum;rafidah Binti Ahmad;kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan. (2020). Metabolite Profiling Of Mycoparasitic Fungus. - . . |
Farah Adibah Abd Kadir, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Roohaida Othman. (2020). Profiling Of Terpene Synthase Genes In Aquilaria Malaccensis Agarwood Induced Using Different Conditions. - 30th Malaysian Society Of Plant Physiology Conference (msppc 2020). 40-41. |
Ahmad, R., Choon, K. L., Marzuki, N. F., Yit, K. G., Azizan, K. A., You, K. G., Kah, J. G, Baharum, S. N.. (2020). Chemical Profiles Of Mycoparasitic Scytalidium Parasiticum Grown In Difference Substrates By Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ftir). - Asian Regional Conference On Systems Biology 2020 (arcsb2020). 108. |
Nur Nabilah Alias, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Norlia Basherudin, Nor Hasnida Hassan, Nazirah Abdullah. (2020). Study Of Metabolite Variations In Eurycoma Longifolia Roots Harvested At Different Age. - 30th Malaysian Society Of Plant Physiology Conference (msppc 2020). 1. |
Rasli, S. R. A. M., Mat-yazid, M., Azizan, K. A., Rohani, E. R.. (2020). Optimization Of Papaverine Extraction Method From Sauropus Androgynous. - Asian Regional Conference On Systems Biology 2020 (arcsb2020). 94. |
Mazlan, O., Aizat, W.m., Baharum, S.n., Azizan, K.a., Normah, M.n.. (2020). Mangosteen Seed Gets In Shape: Metabolic To Earmark Seed Development And Germination. - Asian Regional Conference On Systems Biology 2020 (arcsb2020). 39. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Sarah Ibrahim. (2020). Contribution Of Mass Spectrometry (ms) In The Understanding Of Covid-19 Outbreak. - System Biology Insider Vol 2(1) 2020. 7. |
Siti Farah Mamat, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Normah Mohd Noor, Wan Mohd Aizat. (2019). Analysis Of The Metabolite Changes During Garcinia Mangostana Linn. (mangosteen) Ripening Using Metabolomics Approach. - 3rd International Conference On Molecular Biology And Biotechnology 2019 (icmbb2019). 23. |
Ahmad Bazli Bin Ramzi;rafidah Binti Ahmad;syarul Nataqain Binti Baharum;kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan;wan Mohd Aizat Bin Wan Kamaruddin. (2019). The Development Of Potential Biocontrol Agent For Ganoderma Disease In Oil Palm By Elucidating Plant-pathogen Interaction Biosynthetic Pathways. - . 1-7. |
Basar, N., Elias, H.s., Othman, A., Baharum, S.n., Azizan, K.a.. (2019). Isolation, Structure Elucidation Of Lupeol, Sterol Group And Chemical Profiling Of Fortunella Polyandra Leaves Using Uplc Q-tof/ms. - The 32nd International Conference Of Analytical Sciences 2019. 133. |
Wan Mohd Aizat, Siti Farah Mamat, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan,syarul Nataqain Baharum, Normah Mohd Noor. (2019). Metabolomics Of Mangosteen (garcinia Mangostana) Ripening Revealed Modulation Of Primary And Secondary Metabolism. - 27th Faobmb & 44th Annual Msbmb Conference 2019. 110. |
Norhafiza Yaakob, Azierah Azemin, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nornasuha Yusoff. (2019). Phytotoxic Effect And Identification Of Potential Ellelochemicals From Turnera Subulata. - 27th Asian-pacific Weed Science Society Conference 2019. 236. |
Yosmetha Mayalvanan, Kamalrul A. Azizan, Chong C. Min, Low C. Fei, Kenneth F. Rodrigues, Syarul N. Baharum. (2019). Reconstruction Of The Metabolic Biosynthetic Pathway Of E. Fuscoguttatus In Response To V. Vulnificus Using Metabolomics Approach. - 6th International Biotechnology Symposium. 10. |
Baharum, S.n., Ahmad, R., Marzuki, N.f., Goh, Y.k., Azizan, K.a., Goh, Y.k. & Goh, K.j.. (2019). Untargeted Metabolite Profiling Of Mycoparasitic Scytalidium Parasiticum, An Antifungus Agent Using Lc-tof-ms. - Asia-oceania Metabolomics Forum/merlion Metabolomics Symposium. 18. |
Syarul Nataqain Binti Baharum;zeti Azura Binti Mohamed Hussein;goh Hoe Han;kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan;wan Mohd Aizat Bin Wan Kamaruddin;muhammad Mukram Bin Mohamed Mackeen;low Chen Fei. (2019). Pathway-based Biomarker Search By High-throughput Metabolomics And Proteomics Profiling Of Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus Spleen Tolerance To Vibriosis. - . 1-7. |
Farah Adibah Abd Kadir, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Roohaida Othman. (2019). Metabolite Profiling Of Aquilaria Malaccensis Agarwood Induced Using Different Conditions. - Malaysian Society Of Plant Physiology Conference 2019. 16. |
Wan Mohd Aizat, Siti Farah Mamat, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum & Normah Mohd Noor. (2018). Metabolite Profiling Of Mangosteen (garcinia Mangostana Linn.) Pericarp, Aril And Seed Tissues Using Gc-ms Based Metabolomics Approach. - 3rd Amdi International Biohealth Sciences Conference (ibsc) 2018. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan. (2018). Metabolite Profiling Of Scyralidium Parasiticum (sp) Fractions Against Ganoderma Boninense. - Australian And New Zealand Metabolomics Conference 2018. . |
Rafidah Ahmad, Choon Kiat Lim, Nurul Fadhilah Marzuki, Yit Kheng Goh, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, You Keng Goh, Kah Joo Goh & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2018). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Fingerprint (ftir) Of Mycoparasitic Scytalidium Parasiticum : Differentiation In Difference Substrates By Using Tristep Infrared Spectroscopy. - Australian And New Zealand Metabolomics Conference 2018. . |
Muhammad Mu'izzudin Zulkapli, Aqil Fitri Rosli, Faris 'imadi Mohd Salleh, Kamarul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Wan Mohd Aizat & Hoe Han Goh. (2018). Multi-omics Approach To Understand Plant Carnivory. - Symposium On Evolutionary Genetics And Omics. . |
Sharifah Nabihah Binti Syed Jaafar;sharifah Mastura Bt. Syed Abdullah;sarani Bt. Zakaria;chia Chin Hua;kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan;wan Mohd Aizat Bin Wan Kamaruddin. (2018). Carbon Dioxide Reduction Through Bio-polymer Synthesis And Multi-omics Studies Of Oil Palm Trunk Waste . - . . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syahmi Afiq Mustaza. (2018). Gc-ms Based Metabolomics Workshop Workbook 2018. - . . |
Edison Eukun Sage, Norfarah Shahirah Nordin, Nur Maisarah Sarizan, Hussein Mahmood Ahmed Al-bajalan, Norsuhadah Sujangin, Noorliana Mat Yajit, Dharshini Elangovan, Dominic Alonzi, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Mukram Mohamed Mackeen. (2018). Ccmparison Of Labelling Reactions For Monosaccharide Composition Analysis Using High-performance Liquid Chromatography. - International Conference Of Analytical Sciences (skam31) And Persatuan Sains Analisis Malaysia. . |
Muhammad Muizzuddin Zulkapli, Aqil Fitri Rosli, Faris Imadi Mohd Salleh, Kamarul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Wan Mohd Aizat & Hoe Han Goh. (2018). Insights Into Plant Carnivory Through Multi-omics Approach. - Seminar: Multi-omics Approach In Plant System Biology. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Bin Azizan. (2018). Biomarker Discovery To Probe Allelopathy Interactions Of Wedelia Trilobata. - . . |
Syarul Nataqain Baharum , Rafidah Ahmad, Choon Kiat Lim, Nurul Fadhilah Marzuki, Yit Kheng Goh, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, You Keng Goh & Kah Joo Goh. (2018). Metabolite Profiling Of Scytalidium Parasiticum, An Antifungus Agent Using Lc-tof-ms. - The Australian & New Zealand Metabolomics Conference 2018. . |
Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Ng Chyan Leong, Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan & Goh Hoe Han. (2017). Ketum: Merawat Atau Memudaratkan?. - Majalah Impak Penyelidikan: Penyelidikan Translasi, Ogos 2017. 26. |
Siti Farah Mamat, Othman Mazlan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Normah Mohd Noor & Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin. (2017). Manggis: Bukan Hanya Sekadar Buah!. - Majalah Impak Penyelidikan: Penyelidikan Translasi, Ogos 2017. 30. |
Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Ng Chyan Leong, Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan & Goh Hoe Han. (2017). Ketum: Menace Or Medicine?. - Malaysian Research University Network Bulletin (mrun). 60. |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani & Mohammad Firdaus Nawawi. (2017). Understanding Allelopathy For Bio-herbicide Applications.. - Impact: Advancing Knowledge And Technology: Towards National Transformation 2050 (tn50), November 2017. 44. |
Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin, Othman Mazlan, Azhani Abdul Rahman, Salahuddin Sanusi, Siti Farah Mamat, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Goh Hoe Han, Syarul Nataqain Baharum & Normah Mohd Noor. (2017). Unraveling Mangosteen Mystery. - Impact: Advancing Knowledge And Technology: Towards National Transformation 2050 (tn50), November 2017. 46. |
Siti Farah Mamat, Othman Mazlan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Normah Mohd Noor & Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin. (2017). The Many Wonders Of Mangosteens. - Malaysian Research University Network Bulletin (mrun) Issn 2600-7118. 57. |
Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar, Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Chia Chin Hua, Sarani Zakaria & Sharifah Mastura Syed Abdullah. (2017). Bahan Sisa Kepada Bahan Beharga. - Majalah Impak Penyelidikan: Penyelidikan Translasi, Ogos 2017. 27. |
Muhammad Aqil Fitri Rosli, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum & Goh Hoe Han. (2016). Metabolic Profiling Of Nepenthes Ampullaria, Nepenthes Rafflesiana And Nephentes X Hookeriana. - International Conference On Molecular Biology And Biotechnology In Conjunction With The 23rd Msmbb Scientific Meeting. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syami Afiq Mustaza, Nurul Haizun Abdul Ghani, Mohamad Firdaus Nawawi. (2016). Metabolite Profiling Reveals Impact Of Metabolites In Wedelia Trilobata Allelopathy. - 16th Asia Pacific International Symposium On Microscale Separations And Analysis, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Habtom W. Ressom, Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2015). Metabolomics Driven Analysis Of L.lactis Intracellular And Chemometrics. - Bioeng `15 Ii. International Bioengineering Conference Proceedings. . |
Shuhaila Sharif, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Azira Muhamad & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2015). Application Of Nmr-based Metabolomics For Intracellular Amino Acids Production In Lactococcus Lactis Subsp. Cremoris Mg1363. - International Congress Of The Malaysia Society For Microbiology 2015 (icmsm2015). . |
Ku Nurul Aqmar Ku Bahaudin, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2015). Cloning And Functional Characterisation Of Chalcone Isomerase Gene From Polygonum Minus (huds). - International Congress Of The Malaysian Society For Microbiology 2015 (icmsm2015). . |
Shuhaila Sharif, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2014). Metabolomics Approach For The Production Of Proteinogenic Amino Acids In Lactococcus Lactis. - 32nd Symposium Of The Malaysian Society For Microbiology. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Normah Mohd Noor, Habtom W. Ressom & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2014). Metabolic Flux Analysis (mfa) Of L. Lactis Grown At Different Conditions Using 13c-labelling Experiments And Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry (gc-ms). - The 13th Symposium Malaysian Society Of Applied Biology. . |
Siti Athirah Mohamad Jamali, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Normah Mohd Noor, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan & Marian Taib. (2014). Metabolomics Approach To Elucidate Cadmium Response Mechanism In Mangrove Fungus Trichoderma Atroviride: A Preliminary Study. - 32nd Symposium Of The Malaysian Society For Microbiology. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Normah Mohd Noor, Habtom W. Ressom & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2014). Metabolomics And 13c Labeling Fluxomics For Systematic Analysis Of Lactococcus Lactis At Different Growth Conditions. - 10th European Symposium On Biochemical Engineering Sciences And 6th International Forum On Industrial Bioprocess In Collaboration With Acs, Lille. . |
Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Habtom W. Ressom & Normah Mohd Noor. (2013). Metabolic Flux Analysis Of Lactococcus Lactis Grown At Different Conditions Revealed Increased Flux Ratio Towards Pentose Phosphate Pathway. - International Conference On Environmental, Industrial And Applied Microbiology - Biomicroworld2013. . |
Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Habtom W. Ressom & Normah Mohd Noor. (2013). Metabolic Flux Of Lactococcus Lactis Subsp. Cremoris At Different Growth Conditions. - 2nd Asian Regional Conference On Systems Biology (arcsb) 2013. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Habtom W. Ressom, & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2013). Amino Acid Profiles Of Lactococcus Lactis Grown Under Different Conditions Using 13c-fluxomics Analysis. - International Congress Of The Malaysian Society For Microbiology 2013. . |
Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Kamalrul Azlan Azizan & Normah Mohd Noor. (2012). Principle Component Analysis Of L. Lactis Metabolites Derivatives By Tms. - Bit`s 1st Annual Conference And Expo Of Analytix-2012. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Syarul Nataqain Baharum & Normah Mohd Noor. (2012). Footprinting Profiling Of L. Lactis In Response To Derivatisation Techniques. - 4th Australasian Metabolomics Symposium 2012. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Normah Mohd Noor & Syarul Nataqain Baharum. (2011). Retrobiosynthetic Analysis Approach For Metabolic Pathway Construction Of L.lactis Grown In Various Conditions. - International Congress Of The Malaysian Society For Microbiology Programme Book. . |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan, Normah Mohd. Noor, Syarul Nataqain Baharum, Sillas Villas-boas,. (2010). Metabolite Profiling Of Lactococcus Lactis Subspecies Lactis Strain Mg1363 Using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Approach. - Asian Regional Conference On Systems Biology 2010. . |
Unravel the properties, phytotoxic potential and mechanism of action (MOA) of Wedelia trilobata essential oil (EO) through micro-emulsions (MEs) encapsulation for weed management application , Ketua Projek , 01-08-2024 sehingga 31-07-2027 , Kebangsaan |
Unraveling lipid production enhancers through metabolomic and fluxomic profiling in microalgae , Ketua Projek , 15-06-2024 sehingga 30-10-2025 , Kebangsaan |
Assessing Gut Microbiota, Mucosal Healing Markers, and Metabolites in Mild to Moderate Ulcerative Colitis Treated with Multi-Strain Probiotics , Penyelidik Bersama , 20-01-2025 sehingga 19-01-2027 , Universiti |
Exploring the dynamics of gut microbiome during intermittent fasting and Ramadan fasting , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-12-2024 sehingga 30-11-2026 , Universiti |
The Anaplerotic Role of GABA Shunt Pathway in Conferring Salinity Stress Tolerance in Oryza sativa. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2024 sehingga 31-07-2027 , Kebangsaan |
Tracking the microbial metabolism of carbon in mangrove sediments: A metabolomics study with implications for climate change , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2024 sehingga 31-07-2025 , Universiti |
Fermentation of tempeh with Rhizopus oligosporus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Clitoria ternatea flower to boost phenolic metabolites for anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic effects , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Universiti |
Effects of microplastics exposure on gut microenvironment in inflammatory bowel disease , Penyelidik Bersama , 16-06-2022 sehingga 14-06-2025 , Antarabangsa |
Detection and quantification of targeted oil palm metabolomics and quantification of nitrogen fixing activity in oil palm tissue culture , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2015 sehingga 31-10-2026 , Kebangsaan |
Assessing the phytotoxic terpenes in Wedelia trilobata essential oil (EO) for potential sustainable weed management strategy , Ketua Projek , 01-11-2020 sehingga 31-10-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Unraveling the role of soil microbial community in Wedelia trilobata allelopathy , Ketua Projek , 15-11-2018 sehingga 14-05-2021 , Universiti |
Biomarker discovery to probe allelopathy interactions of Wedelia trilobata , Ketua Projek , 01-05-2016 sehingga 30-04-2017 , Universiti |
Molecular Mechanism of Terpene Biosynthesis in Aquilaria malaccensis for Improved Agarwood Production , Penyelidik Bersama , 07-09-2021 sehingga 06-03-2025 , Kebangsaan |
Metabolic modeling of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) fruit ripening , Penyelidik Bersama , 09-03-2021 sehingga 31-03-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Evaluation of Neuro Protective Effects of Polygonum minus Ethanolic Extract Using Caenorhabditis elegans Model , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-12-2020 sehingga 14-06-2023 , Universiti |
Applying cyto-histology and metabolomics approaches to understand the effects of desiccation and low temperature on mangosteen as a recalcitrant seed model , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2020 sehingga 30-04-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Encapsulation of kesum essential oil containing β-caryophyllene into carbon microsphere for stability enhancement against whitefly pests , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2020 sehingga 31-10-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Identification and Characterization of juvenile hormone genes from oil palm pest, Metisa plana Walker for potential insecticide discovery via comparative genomic approaches , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2020 sehingga 31-01-2023 , Universiti |
Genome-scale metabolic modelling of mangosteen xanthone biosynthetic pathway through transcriptomics and proteomics data integration , Penyelidik Bersama , 14-12-2018 sehingga 13-06-2021 , Universiti |
Papaverine analysis in leaves, stems and fruits of Sauropus androgynus , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-08-2018 sehingga 14-11-2021 , Universiti |
Discovery of Metabolomics Biomarkers in Pregnant Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome , Penyelidik Bersama , 10-05-2018 sehingga 09-11-2018 , Universiti |
Integrated Databases in Plant Systems Biology for Societal Well Being , Penyelidik Bersama , 10-01-2018 sehingga 09-01-2020 , Universiti |
Potential role of omega 9 (ω-9) as metabolic modulator to enhance innate immunity of E. fuscoguttatus against vibriosis towards aquaculture drug development , Penyelidik Bersama , 16-10-2017 sehingga 15-10-2020 , Kebangsaan |
PENERBITAN BUKU SISA BUANGAN SIFAR KELAPA SAWIT DAN KESAN KEPADA PERUBAHAN IKLIM (Waste to Wealth) , Penyelidik Bersama , 03-04-2017 sehingga 30-09-2019 , Universiti |
The microbial biodiscovery of secondary metabolites as potential bioactive compound against pests and diseases , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-04-2017 sehingga 30-09-2019 , Kebangsaan |
The development of potential biocontrol agent for Ganoderma disease in oil palm by elucidating plant-pathogen interaction biosynthetic pathways , Penyelidik Bersama , 19-12-2016 sehingga 18-06-2018 , Universiti |
Pathway-based biomarker search by high-throughput metabolomics and proteomics profiling of Epinephelus fuscoguttatus spleen tolerance to vibriosis , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-01-2016 sehingga 30-06-2018 , Universiti |
Metabolite profiling of mycoparasitic fungus , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2015 sehingga 30-04-2020 , Kebangsaan |
Penghasilan Penerbitan Berimpak Tinggi di INBIOSIS , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-06-2015 sehingga 30-09-2016 , Universiti |
fluxomics: understanding the metabolic network and pathway biosynthesis in lactococcus lactis , Penyelidik Bersama , 08-08-2011 sehingga 07-08-2012 , Universiti |
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang / Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 2019 |
EMBO Travel Grant , 2024 |
First Prize Winner for Oral Presentation (Professional Category) , 2024 |
Anugerah Penerbitan Terindeks , 2023 |
Pendekatan Sito-histologi dan Metabolomik untuk Memahami Biji Benih Manggis sebagai Model Rekalsitran selepas Pendedahan Terhadap Pengeringan dan Suhu Rendah, NOOR HANINI CHE LAH, Sarjana |
Pengenalpastian Penyakit Berkaitan Dengan Sindrom Ovari Berpolisistik (PCOS) Menggunakan Maklumat Jaringan Interaksi Protein-Protein (IPP), BALQIS BINTI RAMLY, Sarjana |
Kejuruteraan Laluan Metabolik dalam Corynebacterium glutamicum untuk Meningkatkan Penghasilan Bio-monomer Berasaskan Furan Menggunakan CRISPR-nCas9, NORAIN ZUHAIDA BINTI ADNAN NGAN, Sarjana |
PEMPROFILAN METABOLOMIK Nepenthes ampullaria, Nepenthes rafflesiana DAN Nepenthes x hookeriana, MUHAMMAD AQIL FITRI BIN ROSLI, Sarjana |
PEMPROFILAN METABOLIT -Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forsskal1775) YANG, YOSMETHA A/P MAYALVANAN, Sarjana |
Penghasilan 5-Hidroksimetilfurfural daripada Teras Batang Kelapa Sawit melalui, MARHAINI BINTI MOSTAPHA, Doktor Falsafah |
Kamalrul Azlan Azizan , 03-11-2015 sehingga 03-11-2015 , Negeri |
Institut Kimia Malaysia , 01-03-2014 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
PLOS ONE , 31-10-2016 sehingga 07-11-2016 , Antarabangsa |
Forum on the impact of haze on human health in Malaysia , 15-04-2017 sehingga 15-04-2017 , Kebangsaan |
Metabolite profiling of Mycoparasitic Fungus , 01-10-2015 sehingga 31-10-2020 , Kebangsaan |
Internal audit for transition to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 , 09-04-2019 sehingga 09-04-2019 , Kebangsaan |
Metabolomics workshop: Multivariate data analysis (NMR and LCMS) , 27-08-2019 sehingga 29-08-2019 , Kebangsaan |
A comparative study of phytotoxic effects of metal oxide (CuO, ZnO and NiO) nanoparticles on the in vitro grown Abelmoschus esculentus , 17-09-2019 sehingga 24-09-2019 , Antarabangsa |
The roles of metabolic pathways in maintaining primary dormancy of Pinus koraiensis seeds , 23-08-2019 sehingga 04-09-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Metabolomics investigation into variations of endogenous metabolites of female adolescent volleyball athletes within strength-endurance training , 29-03-2020 sehingga 29-04-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Omics - Translating oil palm discoveries , 20-03-2020 sehingga 23-03-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Comparative evaluation of metabolic perturbations in Carica papaya Linn due to different ripening practices/agents using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolomics , 01-04-2020 sehingga 01-04-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Metabolomics investigation into variations of endogenous metabolites of female adolescent volleyball athletes within strength-endurance training , 20-05-2020 sehingga 22-05-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Comprehensive metabolite profiling and free radical scavenging activity of Trillium govanianum Wall. ex D. Don , 02-07-2020 sehingga 07-07-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Surveillance cum Extension of Scope (EOS) Assessment for Makmal Kimia Analisis, Institute of Systems Biology (INBIOSIS), UKM , 14-07-2020 sehingga 14-07-2020 , Kebangsaan |
GC-MS Metabolomics Reveals Dysregulated Lipid Metabolic Pathways and Metabolites in Diabetic Testicular Toxicity: Therapeutic Potentials of Raffia Palm (Raphia hookeri) Wine , 07-09-2020 sehingga 09-09-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Signatory Makmal Kimia Analisis Akreditasi MS ISO/IEC 17025 INBIOSIS, UKM , 22-07-2019 sehingga 03-05-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Audit Dalaman MS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 , 30-10-2020 sehingga 30-10-2020 , Kebangsaan |
Phytochemical profiles of palm oils and extra virgin olive oil , 18-11-2020 sehingga 03-12-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Audit dalaman MS/IEC 17025:2017 Makmal Kimia Analisis 2 , 13-11-2020 sehingga 13-11-2020 , Kebangsaan |
Untargeted metabolomics analysis of Ralstonia eutropha during plant oil cultivations reveals the presence of a fucose salvage pathway , 17-02-2021 sehingga 21-02-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Malaysian Journal of Science, Health & Technology (MJoSHT) , 16-02-2021 sehingga 17-02-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Institut Kimia Malaysia , 11-11-2020 sehingga 31-12-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Penyelia Bersama , 08-02-2021 sehingga 08-02-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Determination of the composition of Copaifera (Fabaceae) leaf extracts with potential antioxidant activity by metabolomics approach , 10-06-2021 sehingga 10-06-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Metabolomics Study of Different Germplasm Resources for Three Polygonatum Species using UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS , 02-01-2022 sehingga 06-01-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Institut Kimia Malaysia , 01-01-2022 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Piperine, reserpine and b-sitosterol attenuate stem rot (Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.) of groundnut by inducing the secretion of defense enzymes and phenolic acids , 13-01-2022 sehingga 14-01-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Antibacterial activity of bioactive compound in Salvadora persica (chewing stick) against Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. , 21-01-2022 sehingga 21-01-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Antibacterial activity of bioactive compound in Salvadora persica (chewing stick) against Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. , 21-01-2022 sehingga 21-01-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Malaysian Young Chemists Network (MYCN) , 02-01-2022 sehingga 01-01-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Institut Kimia Malaysia , 20-09-2022 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Metabolomic strategies to improve chemical information from OSMAC studies of endophytic fungi , 10-01-2023 sehingga 11-01-2023 , Antarabangsa |
International Postgraduate Symposium in Biology, Biotechnology and Bioengineering , 11-01-2023 sehingga 11-01-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Co-supervisor , 26-09-2021 sehingga 26-09-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Metabolomic Analysis of Children with A High Risk of Digestive Diseases Based on TCM Constitution Theory , 16-02-2023 sehingga 21-02-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Chemometrics ofComposition and Antioxidant Capacity of Hyptis crenata Essential Oils from Brazil , 29-03-2023 sehingga 04-04-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Malaysian Young Chemists Network , 02-01-2022 sehingga 01-01-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Practical Workshop on Sample Derivatization and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) Analysis , 12-09-2023 sehingga 13-09-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Anugerah Penerbitan Terindeks , 15-06-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
Evaluation of quality, volatile organic compounds and metabolic pathways in different stages of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) based on electronic nose and GC-MS , 22-12-2023 sehingga 02-01-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM) , 01-01-2024 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Pharmacological Approach of Ganoderma oerstedii from Son-oran Desert Grown in Liquid Culture with Vineyard Pruning Extract , 12-01-2024 sehingga 26-01-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Differences in The Chemical Composition of the leaves, fruits, and branches of Mulberry Distinguished Based on A Plant Metabolomics Approach , 16-01-2024 sehingga 29-01-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Institut Kimia Malaysia , 01-01-2024 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Isu Dalaman & Luaran SPK3P UKM , 01-11-2022 sehingga 31-10-2025 , Kebangsaan |
First Prize Winner for Oral Presentation (Professional Category) , 27-06-2024 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
KURSUS LATIHAN GC-MS AND NMR BASED METABOLOMICS DATA MINING , 02-06-2024 sehingga 04-07-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Supervisory Committee , 08-07-2024 sehingga 07-05-2027 , Kebangsaan |
EMBO Travel Grant , 13-08-2024 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Ahli Jawatankuasa ARCSB 2024-2025 , 01-07-2024 sehingga 31-12-2025 , Universiti |
Ahli Jawatankuasa Panel Penilai ARCSB 2023 , 17-01-2023 sehingga 21-12-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
International Symposium on Synthetic Biology and CRISPR Technology , 23-07-2024 sehingga 24-07-2024 , Universiti |
JAWATAN KUASA PENGURUSAN KUALITI INBIOSIS , 01-08-2018 sehingga 31-07-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Ad Hoc Asian Regional Conference in Systems Biology (ARCSB) 2017 , 01-01-2016 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Ad Hoc Massive Open Online , 20-06-2016 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Asian Regional Conference on Systems Biology (ARCSB) 2020 , 01-02-2019 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Universiti |
Jawatankuasa Brosur dan Risalah INBIOSIS , 01-07-2016 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Kursus Latihan INBIOSIS 2024 , 01-01-2024 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Mesyuarat Pengurusan INBIOSIS , 01-08-2022 sehingga 31-07-2025 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Modul Pengenalan dan Aplikasi Metabolomik , 01-01-2022 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Promosi Penyelidikan INBIOSIS bersama Pelajar Universiti Terpilih , 13-04-2015 sehingga 16-06-2015 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Pusat Analisis Data Omik (CODA), INBIOSIS , 01-03-2018 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Universiti |
Jawatankuasa Pusat Analisis Data Omik (CODA), INBIOSIS , 04-09-2020 sehingga 31-07-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Semakan Semula Program Pengajian Siswazah, INBIOSIS , 01-11-2019 sehingga 31-07-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Sidang Redaksi Buletin, INBIOSIS UKM , 30-09-2020 sehingga 31-07-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Moderator :Application of Dereplication and Metabolomics in Fungal Natural Product Research by Dr. Nurkhalida Kamal , 22-10-2021 sehingga 22-10-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Moderator Webinar INBIOSIS 2021/2022 , 01-01-2021 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Universiti |
PELANTIKAN SEBAGAI FELO BERSEKUTU DI PUSAT PENGURUSAN MAKMAL ALAMI DAN FIZIKAL UKM (ALAF-UKM) , 01-08-2024 sehingga 31-07-2026 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Penyelaras ISO, INBIOSIS , 01-09-2020 sehingga 31-08-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Penyelia Bersama Pelajar Siswazah UnisZa , 08-02-2021 sehingga 08-02-2022 , Universiti |
Pewasit Gaya UKM di Institut Biologi Sistem (INBIOSIS) , 01-11-2021 sehingga 31-10-2023 , Universiti |
Technical Manager Makmal Akreditasi MS ISO/IEC 17025 INBIOSIS, UKM , 01-09-2020 sehingga 01-09-2029 , Universiti |