Untuk Kegunaan UKM sahaja

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Curriculum Vitae



No.rasmi UKM : 03 8921 5555

Excellent abilities in the areas of analysis, communication, and technical work. There is great interest in research and development in innovative and environmentally friendly product development, particularly in solar thermal, solar energy technology, photovoltaic systems, and industrial engineering processes. Published in Scopus and ISI index journals and won numerous awards in environmental and energy science competitions held locally and internationally.

(Bidang Pengajian),(Peringkat),(Institusi),(Tahun)
Renewable Energy , Doktor Falsafah , UKM , 2012
Integrated Product Development , Sarjana , Univ. of Strathclyde, United Kingdom , 2002
Sarjana Muda , Univ. of Portsmouth, United Kingdom , 2000

Penerbitan Berimpak Tinggi

Ihsan Okta Harmailil, Sakhr M. Sultan, Chih Ping Tso, Ahmad Fudholi, Masita Mohammad And Adnan Ibrahim.  (2024).  The State Of The Art Of Photovoltaic Module Cooling Techniques And Performance Assessment Methods.  - Symmetry.  1-35. 
Sahibzada Imad Ud Din, Adnan Ibrahim, Raheem K. Ajeel, Ahmad Fazlizan, Amir Aziat Ishak, Anwer B. Al-aasam.  (2024).  Thermal Performance Analysis Of A Double-pass Solar Air Heater With Lava Rock As Porous And Sensible Heat Storage Material.  - Journal Of Energy Storage.  1-15. 
Nurul Jannah Yusaidi, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Ahmad Fazlizan Abdullah, Adnan Ibrahim, Amir Aziat Ishak.  (2024).  Theoretical And Experimental Investigations On The Effect Of Double Pass Solar Air Heater With Staggered-diamond Shaped Fins Arrangement.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-15. 
Muhammad Amir Aziat Bin Ishak, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Ahmad Fazlizan, Win Eng Ewe, Hussein A. Kazem.  (2023).  The Effect Of A Reversed Circular Jet Impingement On A Bifacial Module Pvt Collector Energy Performance.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-9. 
Asmail A.m. Abdalkarem, Roaa Ansaf, Wan Khairul Muzammil, Adnan Ibrahim, Zambri Harun, Ahmad Fazlizan.  (2023).  Preliminary Assessment Of The Naca0021 Trailing Edge Wedge For Wind Turbine Application.  - Heliyon.  1-21. 
Abdulsahib M. Bassam, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Anwer B. Al-aasam, Mojtaba Dayer.  (2023).  Experimental Analysis Of Photovoltaic Thermal Collector (pvt) With Nano Pcm And Micro-fins Tube Counterclockwise Twisted Tape Nanofluid.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-11. 
Sakhr M. Sultan, C.p. Tso, K. Sopian, Raheem K. Ajeel, K. Sobayel, A. Ibrahim, M. Z. Abdullah.  (2023).  Development Of Assessment Methods For Photovoltaic Module Enhancing Techniques Using The Lifespan Parameter.  - Heliyon.  2405-8440. 
Abdulsahib M. Bassam, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Anwer B. Al-aasam, Ghaith Yahay Abusaibaa.  (2023).  Experimental Analysis For The Photovoltaic Thermal Collector (pvt) With Nano Pcm And Micro-fins Tube Nanofluid.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-10. 
Siti Nuraisyah Razali, Adnan Ibrahim, Ahmad Fazlizan, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Raheem K. Ajeel, Emy Zairah Ahmad, Win Eng Ewe, Hussein A. Kazem.  (2023).  Performance Enhancement Of Photovoltaic Modules With Passive Cooling Multidirectional Tapered Fin Heat Sinks (mtfhs).  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-8. 
Anwer B. Al-aasam, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Bassam Abdulsahib M, Mojtaba Dayer.  (2023).  Nanofluid-based Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collector With Nanoparticle-enhanced Phase Change Material (nano-pcm) And Twisted Absorber Tubes.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-8. 
Muhammad Amir Aziat Bin Ishak, Adnan Ibrahim, Ahmad Fazlizan, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Aqil Afham Rahmat.  (2023).  Exergy Performance Of A Reversed Circular Flow Jet Impingement Bifacial Photovoltaic Thermal (pvt) Solar Collector.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-11. 
Nurul Jannah Yusaidi, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Adnan Ibrahim, Hasila Jarimi, Ahmad Fazlizan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2023).  Recent Development On Double Pass Solar Thermal Collector.  - Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews.  1-15. 
Faisal Nawab, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Ahmad Fazlizan, Mohd Faizal Fauzan.  (2023).  Solar Irradiation Prediction Using Empirical And Artificial Intelligence Methods: A Comparative Review.  - Heliyon.  1-17. 
Mir Hamed Hakemzadeh, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Hasila Jarimi.  (2023).  Incorporating Theoretical And Practical Approaches To Assess The Amount Of Sunlight Captured By A Tilted Surface In A Tropical Climate.  - Heliyon.  1-20. 
Muhammad Aqil Afham Rahmat, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Yuanshen Lu, Muhammad Amir Aziat Ishak, Shaikh Zishan Suheel, Ahmad Fazlizan, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  An Analysis Of Renewable Energy Technology Integration Investments In Malaysia Using Homer Pro.  - Sustainability.  1-26. 
Mahmoud Jaber, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Ahmad Fazlizan, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Prediction Model For The Performance Of Different Pv Modules Using Artificial Neural Networks.  - Mdpi - Applied Sciences.  1-16. 
Amer Braik, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Hasila Jarimi, Ahmad Fazlizan, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Geospatial Analysis Of Photovoltaic Plants Potential In Palestine Using A Gis-ahp-based Technique.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  480-488. 
Shirin Rostami, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Hasila Jarimi, Anwor Bassim And Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Heat Transfer Analysis Of The Flat Plate Solar Thermal Collectors With Elliptical And Circular Serpentine Tubes.  - Applied Sciences.  1-16. 
Hasila Jarimi, Ali Hussein Abdulzahra Al-waeli, Tajul Rosli Razak, Mohd Nazari Abu Bakar, Ahmad Fazlizan, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2022).  Neural Network Modelling And Performance Estimation Of Dual-fluid Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collectors In Tropical Climate Conditions.  - Renewable Energy.  1009-1019. 
Win Eng Ewe, Ahmad Fudholi, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Refat Moshery, Nilofar Asim, Wahidin Nuriana, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Thermo-electro-hydraulic Analysis Of Jet Impingement Bifacial Photovoltaic Thermal (jibpvt) Solar Air Collector.  - Energy.  1-14. 
E.z.ahmad, K.sopian, A.fazlizan, H.jarimi, A.ibrahim.  (2022).  Outdoor Performance Evaluation Of A Novel Photovoltaic Heat Sinks To Enhance Power Conversion Efficiency And Temperature Uniformity.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-11. 
Faisal Nawab, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Ali Alwaeli, Muhammad Arif, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Evaluation Of Artificial Neural Networks With Satellite Data Inputs For Daily, Monthly, And Yearly Solar Irradiation Prediction For Pakistan.  - Sustainability.  1-20. 
Faisal Nawab, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Muhammad Arif, Tufial A. Khan, Amir Naveed, Muhammad Sadiq, Sahibzada Imad Ud Din, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Solar Biogas Microgrid: A Strategy For The Sustainable Development Of Rural Communities In Pakistan.  - Sustainability.  1-15. 
Hussein A. Kazem, Miqdam T. Chaichan ,ali H. A. Al-waeli ,hasila Jarimi ,adnan Ibrahim, K. Sopian.  (2022).  Effect Of Temperature On The Electrical And Thermal Behaviour Of A Photovoltaic Thermal System Cooled Using Sic Nanofluid: An Experimental And Comparison Study.  - Sustainability.  1-19. 
Norhayati Mat Wajid, Abdul Murad Zainal Abidin, Mirhamed Hakemzadeh, Hasila Jarimi, Ahmad Fazlizan, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Adnan Ibrahim, Ali H. A. Al-waeli, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2021).  Solar Adsorption Air Conditioning System - Recent Advances And Its Potential For Cooling An Office Building In Tropical Climate.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-11. 
E.z. Ahmad, A. Fazlizan, H. Jarimi, K. Sopian, A. Ibrahim.  (2021).  Enhanced Heat Dissipation Of Truncated Multi-level Fin Heat Sink (mlfhs) In Case Of Natural Convection For Photovoltaic Cooling.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-12. 
Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Mohamad Zul Hilmey Makmud, Abu Bakar Abd Rahman, Zuhair Jamain, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2021).  Investigation Of Potential Of Solar Photovoltaic System As An Alternative Electric Supply On The Tropical Island Of Mantanani Sabah Malaysia.  - Sustainability.  1-18. 
A.m.elbreki, F. Muftah, K. Sopian, H. Jarimi, A. Fazlizan, A. Ibrahim.  (2021).  Experimental And Economic Analysis Of Passive Cooling Pv Module Using Fins And Planar Reflector.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-8. 
Raheem K. Ajeel, Rozli Zulkifli, K. Sopian, Saba N. Fayyadh, Ahmad Fazlizan , Adnan Ibrahim.  (2021).  Numerical Investigation Of Binary Hybrid Nanofluid In New Configurations For Curved-corrugated Channel By Thermal-hydraulic Performance Method.  - Powder Technology.  144-159. 
A.m. Elbreki, K. Sopian, A. Fazlizan, A. Ibrahim.  (2020).  An Innovative Technique Of Passive Cooling Pv Module Using Lapping Fins And Planner Reflector.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-8. 
Raheem K. Ajeel, W.s.i. Salim , K. Sopian, M.z. Yusoff, Khalid Hasnan, Adnan Ibrahim Ali, H.a. Alwaeli.  (2019).  Turbulent Convective Heat Transfer Of Silica Oxide Nanofluid Through Corrugated Channels: An Experimental And Numerical Study.  - International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer.  1-15. 
Ahmad Fudholi, Nur Farhana Mohd Razali, Mohammad H.yazdi, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Mohd Yusof Othman, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2019).  Tio2/water-based Photovoltaic Thermal (pvt) Collector: Novel Theoretical Approach.  - Energy.  305-314. 
Ali H.a. Al-waelia, K. Sopian, Hussein A. Kazem, Jabar H. Yousif, Miqdam T. Chaichan, Adnan Ibrahim, Sohif Mat, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan.  (2018).  Comparison Of Prediction Methods Of Pv/t Nanofluid And Nano-pcm System Using A Measured Dataset And Artificial Neural Network.  - Solar Energy.  378-396. 
Ahmad Fudholi, Muhammad Zohri, Goh Li Jin, Adnan Ibrahim, Chan Hoy Yen, Mohd Yusof Othman, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan & Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2018).  Energy And Exergy Analyses Of Photovoltaic Thermal Collector With V-groove.  - Solar Energy.  742-750. 
Nurul Syakirah Nazri, Ahmad Fudholi, Bardia Bakhtyar, Can Hoy Yen, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Sohif Mat, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2018).  Energy Economic Analysis Of Photovoltaic-thermal-thermoelectric (pvt-te) Air Collectors.  - Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews. 
Ali H.a. Al-waeli, K. Sopian, Miqdam T. Chaichan, Hussein A. Kazem, Adnan Ibrahim, Sohif Mat, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan.  (2017).  Evaluation Of The Nanofluid And Nano-pcm Based Photovoltaic Thermal (pvt) System: An Experimental Study.  - Energy Conversion And Management.  693-708. 
Mohd Yusof Othman, Adnan Ibrahim, Goh Li Jin, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2013).  Photovoltaic-thermal (pv/t) Technology - The Future Energy Technology.  - Renewable Energy.  171-174. 
Ronak Daghigh, Adnan Ibrahim, Goh Li Jin, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2011).  Predicting The Performance Of Amorphous And Crystalline Silicon Based Photovoltaic Solar Thermal Collectors.  - Energy Conversion And Management.  1741-1747. 
Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Yusof Othman, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Sohif Mat, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2011).  Recent Advances In Flat Plate Photovoltaic/thermal (pv/t) Solar Collectors.  - Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews.  352-365. 

Penerbitan WOS

Ali. F. Muftah, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Abdulnasser Elbreki, Azher M Abed.  (2023).  Design And Evaluation Of A Modified Basin- Type Stepped Solar- Still Under Malaysia Climate Conditions.  - Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, And Environmental Effects.  6756-6771. 
Amar Fahmi Ismail, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Adnan Ibrahim , Hasila Jarimi, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2022).  Performance Analysis Of A Double Pass Solar Air Thermal Collector With Porous Media Using Lava Rock.  - Energies.  1-19. 
Hasila Jarimi, Devrim Aydin, Mohd Nazari Abu Bakar, Adnan Ibrahim, Ahmad Fazlizan, Ahmad Afif Safwan And Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2021).  Exergy Based Sustainability Analysis Of A Dual Fluid Hybrid Photovoltaic/thermal (pv/t) Solar Collector.  - International Journal Of Exergy.  358-373. 
Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Adnan Ibrahim, Sohif Mat, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2019).  Experimental Evaluation On Large Scale Solar Dryer For Drying Natural Fiber In Malaysia.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  598-604. 
Ammar M. Abdulateef, Jasim Abdulateef, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Sohif Mat, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2019).  Optimal Fin Parameters Used For Enhancing The Melting And Solidification Of Phase-change Material In A Heat Exchanger Unite.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-12. 
Cheku Nurul Aisyah, Ahmad Fudholi, Mohd Yusof Othman, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2018).  Kecekapan Pengumpul Pv/t Menggunakan Pengumpul Terma Reka Bentuk Pilin (efficiency Of Pv/t Collector Using Spiral Thermal Absorber Design).  - Sains Malaysiana. 
Ali H. A. Alwaeli, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Sohif Mat, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan.  (2018).  Concepts And Challenges Of Nanofluids And Phase Change Material (pcm) In Photovoltaic Thermal (pv/t) Collectors: A Review.  - Jurnal Kejuruteraan. 

Penerbitan SCOPUS/ERA

Ihsan Okta Harmailil, Sakhr M. Sultan, C.p. Tso, Ahmad Fudholi, Masita Mohammad, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2024).  A Review On Recent Photovoltaic Module Cooling Techniques: Types And Assessment Methods.  - Results In Engineering.  1-27. 
Ihsan Okta Harmailil, Sakhr M. Sultan, Chih Ping Tso, Ahmad Fudholi, Masita Mohammad And Adnan Ibrahim.  (2024).  The State Of The Art Of Photovoltaic Module Cooling Techniques And Performance Assessment Methods.  - Symmetry.  1-35. 
Sahibzada Imad Ud Din, Adnan Ibrahim, Raheem K. Ajeel, Ahmad Fazlizan, Amir Aziat Ishak, Anwer B. Al-aasam.  (2024).  Thermal Performance Analysis Of A Double-pass Solar Air Heater With Lava Rock As Porous And Sensible Heat Storage Material.  - Journal Of Energy Storage.  1-15. 
Raheem K. Ajeel, Saba N. Fayyadh, Adnan Ibrahim, Sakhr M. Sultan, Taoufik Najeh.  (2024).  Comprehensive Analysis Of Heat Transfer And Pressure Drop In Square Multiple Impingement Jets Employing Innovative Hybrid Nanofluids.  - Results In Engineering.  1-18. 
Nurul Jannah Yusaidi, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Ahmad Fazlizan Abdullah, Adnan Ibrahim, Amir Aziat Ishak.  (2024).  Theoretical And Experimental Investigations On The Effect Of Double Pass Solar Air Heater With Staggered-diamond Shaped Fins Arrangement.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-15. 
Muhammad Syazwan Aziz, Adnan Ibrahim, Muhammad Amir Aziat Bin Ishak, Anwer. B. Al-aasam, Ahmad Fazlizan, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid.  (2023).  Performance Comparison Of The Standard Photovoltaic Thermal Collector (pvt) And Photovoltaic Thermal Collector With Phase Change Materials (pvt-pcm).  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  1547-1555. 
Muhammad Amir Aziat Bin Ishak, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Ahmad Fazlizan, Win Eng Ewe, Hussein A. Kazem.  (2023).  The Effect Of A Reversed Circular Jet Impingement On A Bifacial Module Pvt Collector Energy Performance.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-9. 
Asmail A.m. Abdalkarem, Roaa Ansaf, Wan Khairul Muzammil, Adnan Ibrahim, Zambri Harun, Ahmad Fazlizan.  (2023).  Preliminary Assessment Of The Naca0021 Trailing Edge Wedge For Wind Turbine Application.  - Heliyon.  1-21. 
Sakhr M. Sultan, C.p. Tso, K. Sopian, Raheem K. Ajeel, K. Sobayel, A. Ibrahim, M. Z. Abdullah.  (2023).  Development Of Assessment Methods For Photovoltaic Module Enhancing Techniques Using The Lifespan Parameter.  - Heliyon.  2405-8440. 
Sahibzada Imad Ud Din, Adnan Ibrahim, Ahmad Fazlizan, Amir Aziat Ishak,faisal Nawab, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid.  (2023).  Performance Analysis Of A Novel Photovoltaic Thermal Pvt Double Pass Solar Air Heater With Cylindrical Pcm Capsules Using Cfd.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  1418-1430. 
Anwer. B. Al-aasam, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Bassam M. Abdulsahib, Mojtaba Dayer.  (2023).  Enhancing The Performance Of Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collectors Using Twisted Absorber Tubes And Nanofluids With Optimal Design Parameters.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  1277-1284. 
Siti Nuraisyah Razali, Adnan Ibrahim, Ahmad Fazlizan, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Raheem K. Ajeel, Emy Zairah Ahmad, Win Eng Ewe, Hussein A. Kazem.  (2023).  Performance Enhancement Of Photovoltaic Modules With Passive Cooling Multidirectional Tapered Fin Heat Sinks (mtfhs).  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-8. 
Abdulsahib M. Bassam, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Anwer B. Al-aasam, Mojtaba Dayer.  (2023).  Experimental Analysis Of Photovoltaic Thermal Collector (pvt) With Nano Pcm And Micro-fins Tube Counterclockwise Twisted Tape Nanofluid.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-11. 
Muhammad Syazwan Bin Aziz, Adnan Ibrahim, Muhammad Amir Aziat Bin Ishak.  (2023).  Energy Performance Evaluation Of A Photovoltaic Thermal Phase Change Material (pvt-pcm) Using A Spiral Flow Configuration.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Development.  952-958. 
Abdulsahib M. Bassam, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Anwer B. Al-aasam, Ghaith Yahay Abusaibaa.  (2023).  Experimental Analysis For The Photovoltaic Thermal Collector (pvt) With Nano Pcm And Micro-fins Tube Nanofluid.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-10. 
Anwer B. Al-aasama, Adnan Ibrahim, Ubaidah Syafiq, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Bassam M. Abdulsahib, Mojtaba Dayer.  (2023).  Enhancing The Performance Of Water-based Pvt Collectors With Nano-pcm And Twisted Absorber Tubes.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Development.  891-901. 
Anwer B. Al-aasam, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Bassam Abdulsahib M, Mojtaba Dayer.  (2023).  Nanofluid-based Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collector With Nanoparticle-enhanced Phase Change Material (nano-pcm) And Twisted Absorber Tubes.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-8. 
Muhammad Amir Aziat Bin Ishak, Adnan Ibrahim, Ahmad Fazlizan, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Aqil Afham Rahmat.  (2023).  Exergy Performance Of A Reversed Circular Flow Jet Impingement Bifacial Photovoltaic Thermal (pvt) Solar Collector.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-11. 
Nurul Jannah Yusaidi, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Adnan Ibrahim, Hasila Jarimi, Ahmad Fazlizan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2023).  Recent Development On Double Pass Solar Thermal Collector.  - Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews.  1-15. 
Muhammad Amir Aziat Bin Ishak, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamarruzaman Sopian, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Aqil Afham Rahman, Nurul Jannah Yusaidi.  (2023).  Performance And Economic Analysis Of A Reversed Circular Flow Jet Impingement Bifacial Pvt Solar Collector.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Development.  780-788. 
Muhammad Amir Aziat Bin Ishak, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Muhammad Aqil Afham Rahmat, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid.  (2023).  Heat Transfer Performance Of A Novel Circular Flow Jet Impingement Bifacial Photovoltaic Thermal Pvt Solar Collector.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  818-830. 
Mojtaba Dayer, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Anwer B. Al-aasam, Bassam Abdulsahib M., Saeed Rahmanian, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid.  (2023).  Performance Of Combined Pcm/metal Foam-based Photovoltaic Thermal (pvt) Collector.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  551-559. 
Muhammad Amir Aziat Bin Ishak, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Muhammad Aqil Afham Rahmat, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid.  (2023).  Classification Of Jet Impingement Solar Collectors - A Recent Development In Solar Energy Techno.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  802-817. 
Faisal Nawab, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Ahmad Fazlizan, Mohd Faizal Fauzan.  (2023).  Solar Irradiation Prediction Using Empirical And Artificial Intelligence Methods: A Comparative Review.  - Heliyon.  1-17. 
Ali. F. Muftah, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Abdulnasser Elbreki, Azher M Abed.  (2023).  Design And Evaluation Of A Modified Basin- Type Stepped Solar- Still Under Malaysia Climate Conditions.  - Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, And Environmental Effects.  6756-6771. 
Ghaith Yahya Abusaiba, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Hasila Jarimi, Adnan Ibrahim, Saffa Riffat.  (2023).  Photovoltaic Vapor Compression Air Conditioning System With Phase Change Material (pcm) Storage Tank.  - Frontiers In Heat And Mass Transfer.  1-6. 
Jalal Assadeg, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Ahmad Fudholi, Ali H. A. Alwaeli, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid.  (2023).  Thermal And Thermo-hydraulic Performance Of Finned Double-pass Solar Air Collector Utilizing Cylindrical Capsules Nano-enhanced Pcm.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  1-11. 
Mir Hamed Hakemzadeh, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Hasila Jarimi.  (2023).  Incorporating Theoretical And Practical Approaches To Assess The Amount Of Sunlight Captured By A Tilted Surface In A Tropical Climate.  - Heliyon.  1-20. 
Muhammad Aqil Afham Rahmat, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Yuanshen Lu, Muhammad Amir Aziat Ishak, Shaikh Zishan Suheel, Ahmad Fazlizan, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  An Analysis Of Renewable Energy Technology Integration Investments In Malaysia Using Homer Pro.  - Sustainability.  1-26. 
Ghaith Abusaibaa, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Rohaimi Abdullah, Hasila Jarimi, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Performance Analysis Of Solar Assisted Heat Pump Drying System With Dual Condensers.  - Journal Of Advanced Research In Fluid Mechanics And Thermal Sciences.  134-148. 
Amar Fahmi Ismail, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Adnan Ibrahim , Hasila Jarimi, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2022).  Performance Analysis Of A Double Pass Solar Air Thermal Collector With Porous Media Using Lava Rock.  - Energies.  1-19. 
Norshahidatul Shahida Mohamed Suhaime, Shaikh Zishan Suheel, Ahmad Afif Safwan, Hasila Jarimi, Mohd Faizal, Adnan Ibrahim, Sohif Mat, Ahmad Fazlizan.  (2022).  Energy Distribution And Economic Analysis Of A Residential House With The Net-energy Metering Scheme In Malaysia.  - International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering.  2313-2322. 
Emy Zairah Ahmad, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Chin Kim Gan, Mohd Suffian Ab Razak.  (2022).  Experimental Investigation Of Passively Cooled Photovoltaic Modules On The Power Output Performance.  - International Journal Of Power Electronics And Drive Systems.  520-527. 
Mahmoud Jaber, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Ahmad Fazlizan, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Prediction Model For The Performance Of Different Pv Modules Using Artificial Neural Networks.  - Mdpi - Applied Sciences.  1-16. 
Amer Braik, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Hasila Jarimi, Ahmad Fazlizan, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Geospatial Analysis Of Photovoltaic Plants Potential In Palestine Using A Gis-ahp-based Technique.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  480-488. 
Hasila Jarimi, Ali Hussein Abdulzahra Al-waeli, Tajul Rosli Razak, Mohd Nazari Abu Bakar, Ahmad Fazlizan, Adnan Ibrahim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2022).  Neural Network Modelling And Performance Estimation Of Dual-fluid Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collectors In Tropical Climate Conditions.  - Renewable Energy.  1009-1019. 
Amer Braik, Asaad Makhalfih, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Impact Of Photovoltaic Grid-tied Systems On National Grid Power Factor In Palestine.  - Aims Energy.  236-253. 
E.z.ahmad, K.sopian, A.fazlizan, H.jarimi, A.ibrahim.  (2022).  Outdoor Performance Evaluation Of A Novel Photovoltaic Heat Sinks To Enhance Power Conversion Efficiency And Temperature Uniformity.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-11. 
Shirin Rostami, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Hasila Jarimi, Anwor Bassim And Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Heat Transfer Analysis Of The Flat Plate Solar Thermal Collectors With Elliptical And Circular Serpentine Tubes.  - Applied Sciences.  1-16. 
Win Eng Ewe, Ahmad Fudholi, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Refat Moshery, Nilofar Asim, Wahidin Nuriana, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Thermo-electro-hydraulic Analysis Of Jet Impingement Bifacial Photovoltaic Thermal (jibpvt) Solar Air Collector.  - Energy.  1-14. 
Faisal Nawab, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Ali Alwaeli, Muhammad Arif, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Evaluation Of Artificial Neural Networks With Satellite Data Inputs For Daily, Monthly, And Yearly Solar Irradiation Prediction For Pakistan.  - Sustainability.  1-20. 
Faisal Nawab, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Muhammad Arif, Tufial A. Khan, Amir Naveed, Muhammad Sadiq, Sahibzada Imad Ud Din, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Solar Biogas Microgrid: A Strategy For The Sustainable Development Of Rural Communities In Pakistan.  - Sustainability.  1-15. 
Hussein A. Kazem, Miqdam T. Chaichan ,ali H. A. Al-waeli ,hasila Jarimi ,adnan Ibrahim, K. Sopian.  (2022).  Effect Of Temperature On The Electrical And Thermal Behaviour Of A Photovoltaic Thermal System Cooled Using Sic Nanofluid: An Experimental And Comparison Study.  - Sustainability.  1-19. 
Mir Hamed Hakemzadeh, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Ahmad Fazlizan Abdullah, Hasila Jarimi, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Technoeconomics Of Solar Thermal Assisted Sorption Cooling Systems Under Tropical Climate Condition A Case Of Malaysia.  - Energy Conversion And Management: X.  1-14. 
Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Mohamad Zul Hilmey Makmud, Abu Bakar Abd Rahman, Zuhair Jamain, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2021).  Investigation Of Potential Of Solar Photovoltaic System As An Alternative Electric Supply On The Tropical Island Of Mantanani Sabah Malaysia.  - Sustainability.  1-18. 
E.z. Ahmad, A. Fazlizan, H. Jarimi, K. Sopian, A. Ibrahim.  (2021).  Enhanced Heat Dissipation Of Truncated Multi-level Fin Heat Sink (mlfhs) In Case Of Natural Convection For Photovoltaic Cooling.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-12. 
Norhayati Mat Wajid, Abdul Murad Zainal Abidin, Mirhamed Hakemzadeh, Hasila Jarimi, Ahmad Fazlizan, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Adnan Ibrahim, Ali H. A. Al-waeli, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2021).  Solar Adsorption Air Conditioning System - Recent Advances And Its Potential For Cooling An Office Building In Tropical Climate.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-11. 
Abshir Ashour, Taib Iskandar Mohamad, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Norasikin Ahmad Ludin, Khaled Alzahrani , Adnan Ibrahim.  (2021).  Performance Optimization Of A Photovoltaic-diesel Hybrid Power System For Yanbu, Saudi Arabia.  - Aims Energy.  1260-1273. 
Abshir M. Ashour, Taib Iskandar Mohamad, Syed Mohammad Azeem, Selvin P. Thomas, Yusuf A. Aina, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2021).  Deployment Of Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Electrification For Residential Buildings In An Industrial City: A Study On Public Perception And Acceptance.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  945-951. 
Muhammad Safwan Asyraf Ramli, Suhaimi Misha, Nor Faizah Haminudin, Mohd Afzanizam Mohd Rosli, Ahmad Anas Yusof, Mohd Farriz Md Basar, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Ahmad Fazlizan Abdullah.  (2021).  Review Of Desiccant In The Drying And Air-conditioning Application.  - International Journal Of Heat And Technology.  1475-1482. 
M. Bassam Abdulsahib, K. Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2021).  Photovoltaic Thermal (pvt) With Advanced Tube Design And Working Fluid - A Review.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  600-617. 
Emy Zairah Ahmad, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Hasila Jarimi, Ahmad Fazlizan, Abdelnaser Elbreki, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Shirin Rostami, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2021).  Recent Advances In Passive Cooling Methods For Photovoltaic (pv) Performance Enhancement.  - International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering.  146-154. 
Ali Sotoodeh, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2021).  Experimental Studies Of Drying Pineapple With An Active Indirect Solar Tunnel Dryer In Malaysia.  - Journal Of Advanced Research In Fluid Mechanics And Thermal Sciences.  105-117. 
Hasila Jarimi, Devrim Aydin, Mohd Nazari Abu Bakar, Adnan Ibrahim, Ahmad Fazlizan, Ahmad Afif Safwan And Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2021).  Exergy Based Sustainability Analysis Of A Dual Fluid Hybrid Photovoltaic/thermal (pv/t) Solar Collector.  - International Journal Of Exergy.  358-373. 
Raheem K. Ajeel, Rozli Zulkifli, K. Sopian, Saba N. Fayyadh, Ahmad Fazlizan , Adnan Ibrahim.  (2021).  Numerical Investigation Of Binary Hybrid Nanofluid In New Configurations For Curved-corrugated Channel By Thermal-hydraulic Performance Method.  - Powder Technology.  144-159. 
A.m.elbreki, F. Muftah, K. Sopian, H. Jarimi, A. Fazlizan, A. Ibrahim.  (2021).  Experimental And Economic Analysis Of Passive Cooling Pv Module Using Fins And Planar Reflector.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-8. 
A. S. A. Hamid, A. Ibrahim, J. Assadeg, E. Z. Ahmad, K. Sopian.  (2020).  Techno-economic Analysis Of A Hybrid Solar Dryer With A Vacuum Tube Collector For Hibiscus Cannabinus L Fiber.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  1608-1613. 
A.m. Elbreki, K. Sopian, A. Fazlizan, A. Ibrahim.  (2020).  An Innovative Technique Of Passive Cooling Pv Module Using Lapping Fins And Planner Reflector.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-8. 
Raheem K. Ajeel, W.s.i. Salim , K. Sopian, M.z. Yusoff, Khalid Hasnan, Adnan Ibrahim Ali, H.a. Alwaeli.  (2019).  Turbulent Convective Heat Transfer Of Silica Oxide Nanofluid Through Corrugated Channels: An Experimental And Numerical Study.  - International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer.  1-15. 
Arina Mohd Noh, Sohif Mat, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2019).  Analysis And Simulation Of Sericite Mica Drying.  - Journal Of Advanced Research In Fluid Mechanics And Thermal Sciences.  237-246. 
Ahmad Fazlizan, Wan Khairul Muzammil, Mohd Azlan Ismail, Mohd Fadhli Ramlee, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2019).  Skewed Wind Flows Energy Exploitation In Built Environment.  - Alam Cipta: International Journal Of Sustainable Tropical Design Research And Practice.  53-60. 
Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Adnan Ibrahim, Sohif Mat, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2019).  Experimental Evaluation On Large Scale Solar Dryer For Drying Natural Fiber In Malaysia.  - International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research.  598-604. 
Ammar M. Abdulateef, Jasim Abdulateef, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Sohif Mat, Adnan Ibrahim.  (2019).  Optimal Fin Parameters Used For Enhancing The Melting And Solidification Of Phase-change Material In A Heat Exchanger Unite.  - Case Studies In Thermal Engineering.  1-12. 
Ahmad Fudholi, Nur Farhana Mohd Razali, Mohammad H.yazdi, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Mohd Yusof Othman, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2019).  Tio2/water-based Photovoltaic Thermal (pvt) Collector: Novel Theoretical Approach.  - Energy.  305-314. 
Adnan Ibrahim, Sohif Mat, Ahmad Fazlizan Abdullah, Ahmad Fudholi, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2018).  Outdoor Performance Evaluation Of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal (bipvt) Solar Collector With Spiral Flow Absorber Configurations.  - International Journal Of Power Electronics And Drive Systems (ijpeds). 
Nurul Syakirah Nazri, Ahmad Fudholi, Bardia Bakhtyar, Can Hoy Yen, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Sohif Mat, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2018).  Energy Economic Analysis Of Photovoltaic-thermal-thermoelectric (pvt-te) Air Collectors.  - Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews. 
Cheku Nurul Aisyah, Ahmad Fudholi, Mohd Yusof Othman, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2018).  Kecekapan Pengumpul Pv/t Menggunakan Pengumpul Terma Reka Bentuk Pilin (efficiency Of Pv/t Collector Using Spiral Thermal Absorber Design).  - Sains Malaysiana. 
Ali H.a. Al-waelia, K. Sopian, Hussein A. Kazem, Jabar H. Yousif, Miqdam T. Chaichan, Adnan Ibrahim, Sohif Mat, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan.  (2018).  Comparison Of Prediction Methods Of Pv/t Nanofluid And Nano-pcm System Using A Measured Dataset And Artificial Neural Network.  - Solar Energy.  378-396. 
Ahmad Fudholi, Muhammad Zohri, Goh Li Jin, Adnan Ibrahim, Chan Hoy Yen, Mohd Yusof Othman, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan & Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2018).  Energy And Exergy Analyses Of Photovoltaic Thermal Collector With V-groove.  - Solar Energy.  742-750. 
Ali H.a. Al-waeli, K. Sopian, Miqdam T. Chaichan, Hussein A. Kazem, Adnan Ibrahim, Sohif Mat, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan.  (2017).  Evaluation Of The Nanofluid And Nano-pcm Based Photovoltaic Thermal (pvt) System: An Experimental Study.  - Energy Conversion And Management.  693-708. 
Mohd Yusof Othman, Adnan Ibrahim, Goh Li Jin, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2013).  Photovoltaic-thermal (pv/t) Technology - The Future Energy Technology.  - Renewable Energy.  171-174. 
Ronak Daghigh, Adnan Ibrahim, Goh Li Jin, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2011).  Predicting The Performance Of Amorphous And Crystalline Silicon Based Photovoltaic Solar Thermal Collectors.  - Energy Conversion And Management.  1741-1747. 
Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Yusof Othman, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Sohif Mat, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2011).  Recent Advances In Flat Plate Photovoltaic/thermal (pv/t) Solar Collectors.  - Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews.  352-365. 
Adnan Ibrahim, Goh Li Jin, Roonak Daghigh, Mohd Huzmin Mohamed Salleh, Mohd Yusof Othman, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Sohif Mat, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2009).  Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (pv/t) Air And Water Based Solar Collectors Suitable For Building Integrated Applications.  - American Journal Of Environmental Sciences.  618-624. 

Prosiding Terindeks

Muhamad Fadhli Ramlee, Adnan Ibrahim, Hasila Jarimi, Noorliyana Ramlee, Ahmad Fazlizan.  (2023).  Numerical Evaluation Of Thermal Performance Of Two-phased Closed Thermosyphon For Solar Applications.  - International Conference On Sustainable, Renewable & Energy Efficiency 2022.  1-9. 
Faisal Nawab, Adnan Ibrahim, Shaikh Zeeshan Suheel, Adamu Ahmed Goje.  (2023).  Comparison Of Ann Global Horizontal Irradiation Predictions With Satellite Global Horizontal Irradiation Using Statistical Evaluation.  - 4th International Conference On Computing, Mathematics And Engineering Technologies (icomet).  1-5. 
Muhammad Safwan Asyraf Ramli, Suhaimi Misha, Nor Faizah Haminudin, Mohd Afzanizam Mohd Rosli, Ahmad Anas Yusof, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Adnan Ibrahim, Ahmad Fazlizan Abdullah.  (2022).  Dehumidification Of Recirculation Air From Solar Dryer Using Silica Gel For Food Product Drying.  - Proceedings Of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2022.  170-171. 
K. Sopian, G. Y. Abusaibaa, R. Abdullah, H. Jarimi, A. Ibrahim, A. F. Abdullah, And A. B. Al-aasam.  (2022).  Performance Of Solar Assisted Dual Condenser Heat Pump Drying System.  - Proceedings Of The 7th International Conference And Exhibition On Sustainable Energy And Advanced Materials (ice-seam 2021).  254-258. 
A. Braik, A. Makhalfih, K. Sopian, H. Jarimi, A. Ibrahim.  (2021).  Review Of Agrivoltaics Systems Potential In Palestine.  - 2021 Ieee Jordan International Joint Conference On Electrical Engineering And Information Technology (jeeit).  176-180. 
A. Braik, A. Makhalfih, A. Ibrahim, H. Jarimi, K. Sopian.  (2021).  Grid Impact Study Of A 1mwp Photovoltaic Power Plant Connected To The National Electricity Grid In Deir Alghusun, Palestine.  - 2021 Ieee Jordan International Joint Conference On Electrical Engineering And Information Technology (jeeit).  158-163. 
Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Ali H.a. Alwaeli, Adnan Ibrahim, Hussein A. Kazem.  (2019).  Evaluation And Design Criteria Of Photovoltaic Thermal (pv/t).  - Materials Today: Proceedings.  1111-1119. 
Ahmad Fudholi, Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Yusof Othman, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Hussein A. Kazem, Azami Zaharim, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2013).  Energy And Exergy Analyses On Water Based Photovoltaic Thermal(pvt) Collector With Spiral Flow Absorber.  - Recent Advances In Energy, Environment And Geology : 2nd International Conference On Energy Systems, Environment, Entrepreneurship And Innovation (iceseei `13).  70-74. 
A Ibrahim, My Othman, Mh Ruslan, S Mat, A Zaharim, K Sopian.  (2011).  A Pilot Study Of The Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal (bipvt) Collector For Commercial Applications In Malaysia.  - Recent Researches In Geography, Geology, Energy, Environment And Biomedicine.  139-142. 
Adnan Ibrahim, Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, Sohif Mat, Mohd Yusof Othman, Azami Zaharim, K. Sopian.  (2009).  Predicting The Characteristics Of A Special Designed Photovoltaic Thermal Collector Absorber (pvt).  - Proceedings Of The 3rd Wseas Int. Conf. On Renewable Energy Sources.  336-341. 

Bab Dalam Buku

Adnan Ibrahim, Abdul Sahib M Hussein.  (2024).  Renewable Energy System And Technology.  - 194. 
Adnan Ibrahim, Muhammad Amir Aziat Ishak.  (2024).  Renewable Energy System And Technology.  - 194. 

Penerbitan Lain-lain

Adnan Ibrahim.  (2023).  Photovoltaic-thermal Panel Based On Reversed Circular Flow Jet Impingement.  - Pv Magazine.  1-2. 
Adnan Ibrahim.  (2023).  Photovoltaic-thermal System Based On Pcm Cooling.  - Pv Magazine.  1-2. 
Adnan Bin Ibrahim;kamaruzzaman Bin Sopian;ahmad Fazlizan Bin Abdullah;hasila Binti Jarimi.  (2023).  Passively Cool High Performance Photovoltaic Panel.  -
Adnan Ibrahim.  (2023).  Photovoltaic-thermal Panel Based On Twisted Absorber Tubes, Nanoparticle-enhanced Pcm.  - Pv Magazine.  1-6. 
Adnan Bin Ibrahim;kamaruzzaman Bin Sopian;ahmad Fudholi Bin Jurlius;ahmad Fazlizan Bin Abdullah;hasila Binti Jarimi.  (2023).  Heat Transfer Augmentation In Spiral Flow Absorber Enclosure Incorporating Phase Change Material (pcm) And Nanofluid.  -
Ahmad Fazlizan Bin Abdullah;kamaruzzaman Bin Sopian;sohif Bin Mat;lim Chin Haw;noorashikin Binti Md Saleh;adnan Bin Ibrahim.  (2023).  Aerodynamics Of Internal Spiral Flow Through Multiple Stages Of Rotating And Stator Blades.  -
Hasila Binti Jarimi;kamaruzzaman Bin Sopian;ahmad Fazlizan Bin Abdullah;adnan Bin Ibrahim.  (2023).  Asymmetric Compound Parabolic Concentrator (acpc) Photovoltaic /thermal (pv/t) Air Solar Collector With And Without Phase Change Materials (pcm) Thermal Storage..  -
Adnan Ibrahim.  (2022).  Multi-level Fin Heat Sinks For Solar Module Cooling.  - Pv Magazine.  1-2. 
Kamaruzzaman Sopian;ahmad Fazlizan Bin Abdullah;adnan Bin Ibrahim.  (2022).  Heat Transfer And Fluid Flow In Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collector With Nanofluid And Nano-enhanced Pcm Magnetic Nanoparticles.  -
Adnan Bin Ibrahim;kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2021).  High Performance Multi-pass Solar Air Collector With Integrated Fins Pcm Absorber.  -
Kamaruzzaman Sopian;nilofar Asim;ahmad Fazlizan Bin Abdullah;adnan Bin Ibrahim.  (2021).  Jet Impingement Photovoltaic-thermal (pvt) Solar Air Collector For Higher Electricity Production.  -
A.m.elbreki, A.f.muftah, K.sopian, H.jarimi, A.fazlizan, A.ibrahim.  (2020).  Solar Module Passive Cooling With Lapping Fins.  - Pv Magazine.  1-2. 
Adnan Ibrahim.  (2020).  Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collectors: Principles, Design And The Applications.  - International Conference On Electrical Engineering And Information Technology.  1-153. 
A. S. A. Hamid, A. B. A. Rahman, J. Dayou, A. Ibrahim And K. Sopian.  (2020).  Variation Of Solar Energy Resources Throughout The Year In The City Of Kota Kinabalu Malaysia.  - E-international Conference On Earth Sciences And Environment Icemen2020.  1-12. 
Kamaruzzaman Sopian;mohd Hafidz Bin Haji Ruslan;mohd Adib Bin Ibrahim;sohif Bin Mat;chan Hoy Yen;mohd Asri Bin Mat Teridi;suhaila Binti Sepeai;lim Chin Haw;saleem Hussain Zaidi;nilofar Asim;md. Akhtaruzzaman;masita Binti Mohammad;ahmad Fudholi;halim Bin H.  (2019).  Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Thermal (pvt) System With Nano Fluids And Nano Pcm.  -
Adnan Bin Ibrahim;sohif Bin Mat;ahmad Afif Safwan Bin Mohd Radzi.  (2019).  Projek Pengeringan Keropok Keping Ppk Kijal Kemaman.  -
Adnan Bin Ibrahim.  (2019).  Performance Evaluation On The Integrated Direct Flow Absorber Collector For Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal (bipvt) Applications.  -


Photovoltaic Thermal-Thermoelectric Systems with Staggered Fin and Binary Nanofluid: Mathematical and experimental study. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2024 sehingga 31-10-2026 , Universiti
Innovative Thermal Management of Photovoltaic-Thermal Systems Using Thermoelectric Modules , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2024 sehingga 31-10-2026 , Universiti
Aerodynamics characteristics of a vertical axis wind turbine with the interior flow diversion at low Reynolds number , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2024 sehingga 31-07-2027 , Kebangsaan
A new cooling technique for enhancing the photovoltaic performance using different fin configurations: Analytical, experimental and economic study , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Antarabangsa
Aerodynamic performance of a straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine with various flap configuration of airfoil trailing edge , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Universiti
An analysis of the flow and heat transfer performance of supercritical CO2 fuel in a novel internal trapezoidal expansion channel , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Universiti
Low uncertainty mixed convective heat transfer correlations and flow regime maps for medium-Prandtl-number fluids in horizontal circular tubes , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Kebangsaan
Double Pass Solar Air Collector with Staggered-Fins and PCM-Porous Media Composite , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2022 sehingga 31-03-2025 , Universiti
Design and Optimization of Photovoltaic-Thermal-Thermoelectric (PVTTE) Hybrid System , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2022 sehingga 31-03-2025 , Universiti


Compact Green Heat Pump Drying System (GreenHP) , Ketua Projek , 01-02-2023 sehingga 31-01-2024 , Universiti
Passively Cool High Performance Photovoltaic Panel , Ketua Projek , 01-04-2021 sehingga 30-09-2022 , Universiti
Convective Heat Transfer Properties and Thermal Performance of Photovoltaic Thermal Collector Heat Pipe System with Organic Nanofluids and Phase Change Materials , Ketua Projek , 01-01-2021 sehingga 30-11-2023 , Universiti
Heat Transfer Augmentation in Spiral Flow Absorber Enclosure Incorporating Phase Change Material (PCM) and Nanofluid , Ketua Projek , 01-09-2019 sehingga 30-11-2022 , Kebangsaan
High Performance Multi-Pass Solar Air Collector with Integrated Fins PCM Absorber , Ketua Projek , 03-06-2019 sehingga 02-09-2020 , Universiti
Projek Pengeringan Keropok Keping PPK Kijal Kemaman , Ketua Projek , 28-03-2019 sehingga 02-09-2019 , Kebangsaan
Double-pass PV/T solar assisted drying systems with fins and greenhouse dryer for drying of high valued agricultural and marine products[ Community Based High Performance Cost Competitive Portable Solar Assisted Drying Systems For High Valued Agricultural , Ketua Projek , 15-02-2019 sehingga 14-11-2022 , Universiti
Performance evaluation on the Integrated Direct flow absorber collector for Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal (BIPVT) applications , Ketua Projek , 15-12-2017 sehingga 14-12-2018 , Universiti
A novel PCM Cooling System for buildings (PCM-Cool) , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-12-2020 sehingga 30-11-2024 , Antarabangsa
Asymmetric compound parabolic concentrator (ACPC) photovoltaic /thermal (PV/T) air solar collector with and without phase change materials (PCM) thermal storage. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-08-2020 sehingga 31-01-2023 , Universiti
Heat transfer and Fluid Flow in Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collector with Nanofluid and Nano-Enhanced PCM Magnetic Nanoparticles , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2019 sehingga 31-03-2022 , Universiti
Aerodynamics of internal spiral flow through multiple stages of rotating and stator blades , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-09-2019 sehingga 30-11-2022 , Kebangsaan
Solar assisted drying systems with the double pass matrix type collector for fish. [Tajuk Program: Community Based High Performance Cost Competitive Portable Solar Assisted Drying Systems For High Valued Agricultural And Marine Products] , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-02-2019 sehingga 14-11-2022 , Kebangsaan
Solar assisted photovoltaic thermal heat pump drying system for medicinal herbs [Tajuk Program: Community Based High Performance Cost Competitive Portable Solar Assisted Drying Systems For High Valued Agricultural And Marine Products] , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-02-2019 sehingga 14-11-2022 , Universiti
Solar assisted dehumidification for drying food product [Tajuk Program: Community Based High Performance Cost Competitive Portable Solar Assisted Drying Systems For High Valued Agricultural And Marine Products] , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-02-2019 sehingga 14-11-2022 , Universiti
Jet Impingement Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) Solar Air Collector for Higher Electricity Production , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-11-2018 sehingga 14-05-2021 , Universiti
Smart & Sustainable Energy Efficient Buildings. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-02-2018 sehingga 11-11-2019 , Universiti
Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) System with Nano Fluids and Nano PCM , Penyelidik Bersama , 10-01-2018 sehingga 09-07-2019 , Universiti
Integration of Renewable Energy into Building Envelope , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-09-2017 sehingga 31-08-2019 , Universiti
Applications of Renewable Energy in Kenaf Industry using Solar Thermal for Drying Process of Kenaf Fibre and Core , Penyelidik Bersama , 10-12-2014 sehingga 09-12-2017 , Kebangsaan
(Nama Anugerah/Pentadbiran),(Institusi Penganugerahan),(Tahun)

Anugerah UKM

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang / Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang , 2022

Anugerah-anugerah Lain

MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2023 (Penerbitan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2024
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2023 (Penyeliaan) - Sijil Kecemerlangan , 2024
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2023 (Inovasi) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2024
Anugerah kecemarlangan Myra UKM , 2024
Anugerah World Top 2% Scientist , 2024
Karnival Inovasi UTeMEX Virtual 2021 , 2021
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2019 (Keseluruhan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2021
Anugerah kecemarlangan Myra UKM , 2021
PECIPTA , 2019

Pelajar Sarjana

Kajian Prestasi Sistem Pengumpul Suria Udara Laluan Berganda Menggunakan Batu Lava Sebagai Media Berliang, MUHAMMAD AMAR FAHMI BIN ISMAIL, Sarjana
Model Ramalan Bagi Prestasi Modul Fotovoltaik Yang Berbeza Melalui Rangkaian Neural Buatan, MAHMOUD KHALED JABER, Sarjana
Analisis Prestasi Pengumpul Terma Fotovolta dengan Bahan Perubahan Fasa dan Peeram, MOJTABA DAYER, Sarjana
Pemilihan Tanah Optimal Bagi Loji Suria Fotovoltaik Menggunakan Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) dan Proses Hierarki Analitik (AHP) di Nablus, Palestin, AMER HISHAM ABDELWAHAB BRAIK, Sarjana
Ramalan Sinaran Global Suria Purata Menggunakan Rangkaian Neural Buatan untuk Wilayah Selatan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, FAISAL NAWAB, Sarjana
Perbandingan Prestasi Pengumpul Suria Fotovoltan Terma Jenis PVT dan PVT-PCM Berdasarkan Konfigurasi Aliran Spiral, MUHAMMAD SYAZWAN BIN AZIZ, Sarjana
Mitigating Errors in Satellite Solar Irradiation Data Using Sequential Empirical Models and, SHAQEEB AHMED, Sarjana
Performance Analysis of Double-Pass Solar Air Collectors for Fins Progressive Distributed, ZHANG LITIAN, Sarjana
Cellulose-derived Carbon aerogel (CDCA) from Viscose wet wipes (industrial waste) for high-performance insulator, OMER MURTADHA NAWZAD OMER, Sarjana
A Comprehensive Analysis of a Novel Design of a Photovoltaic Thermal Collector Featuring, BANW OMER AHMED, Sarjana
Effect of Inlet Number and Position on Monofacial Solar Panel Cooling via Reversed Circular Air Flow Jet Impingement, MOHAMMED ABDULRAHMAN ABDULQADIR JUMMAH, Sarjana

Pelajar Doktor Falsafah

Pengumpul Terma Fotovolta Bersama Nano-PCM Tertutup Dalam Tiub Penyerap Bendalir Nano Alir Masuk Sirip Mikro Dan Pita Terpiuh, BASSAM ABDULSAHIB M. HUSSEIN, Doktor Falsafah
Thermal Collector with Nanofluid Flowing into a Twisted Tape and Tube Absorber Enclosed, ABDALRAHMAN MOHAMMED OBEAD, Doktor Falsafah
Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collector with Microfin Twisted Tape Absorber Tubes and, RADHI FIRAS ABDULAMIR RADHI, Doktor Falsafah
Efektivitas Bio-Oli Berbasis Biner AL2O3-TiO3/PKO Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Thermal Kolector Surya Parabolik, IBRAHIM MAGAJI KOTORKOSHI, Doktor Falsafah
Performance of a Solar-Assisted Heat Pump Drying System by Using Refrigerant Heating, ROHAIMI BIN ABDULLAH, Doktor Falsafah
Prestasi Konveksi Semulajadi Sistem Penyejukan Pasif Baharu untuk Modul Fotolvolta Menggunakan Sirip Taper Berperingkat Pelbagai Arah, SITI NURAISYAH RAZALI, Doktor Falsafah
Prestasi Pengumpul Suria Bifasial Fotovolta Terma Dengan Jet Pensantakan Aliran Bulatan Terbalik, MUHAMMAD AMIR AZIAT BIN ISHAK, Doktor Falsafah
Performance Analysis of a Novel PVT Double Pass Solar Air Heater with Cylindrical PCM, SAHIBZADA IMAD UD DIN, Doktor Falsafah
PV Panel Efficiency Enhancement Using Multi Level Truncated Wavy Fins for Passive, ALI ABDULRAZZAK JASIM AL-MAWEE, Doktor Falsafah
Thermal-Hydraulic Performance Factor Enhancement of Double-Pass Solar Air Heater with, EBRAHEIM SALEM SALEH SULAIMAN ALKAABI, Doktor Falsafah
Advanced Photovoltaic Thermal (PV/T) Modules with Swirling Reversed Circular Flow Jet, ALZOUBI MORAD AHMAD ABDULRAHMAN, Doktor Falsafah
Enhancement of a Double-Pass Solar Thermal Air Collector with Semi-Stadium Shape Fins for, MUHAMMAD AQIL AFHAM BIN RAHMAT, Doktor Falsafah
Enhancement Performance of Photovoltaic Thermal Collector Using Circular Tube and Ring, RASHA ABDULRAZZAK JASIM AL-MAAWI, Doktor Falsafah
Meningkatkan Ciri-Ciri Prestasi Modul Fotovoltan Menggunakan Penenggelam Haba Novel Bersisip, EMY ZAIRAH AHMAD, Doktor Falsafah
Evaluating the Performance of a New Collector Design Feature Dimples, Petal Array, and, AZEEZ HARIAM LUQMAN AZEEZ, Doktor Falsafah
Analytical Study on Thermal Performance of Elliptical and Circular Cross-Sectional PV/T, SHIRIN ROSTAMI, Doktor Falsafah
A Novel Design PVT System Incorporating Micro Fins with a Special Twisted Tape, MAHMOUD JABER, Doktor Falsafah
Design and comprehensive performance analysis of a heat sink with hollow-finned recycled cylindrical cans for photovoltaic cooling applications, ABDULMAJID TALIB KHATIB, Doktor Falsafah
The Effect of SCLS System on Solar Tunnel Dryer Performance, ALI SOTOODEH, Doktor Falsafah
Pembangunan dan Analisa Prestasi Pengering Terbantu Suria untuk Sericite Mica, ARINA BINTI MOHD NOH, Doktor Falsafah
Pembangunan dan Pengujian Sistem Pengering Terbantu Suria Berskala Besar Untuk Serat Kenaf di Chuping Perlis, AG SUFIYAN BIN ABD HAMID, Doktor Falsafah
Prestasi Pengumpul Suria Fotovolta Terma (PVT) Nano Bendalir dan Nano PCM, ALI HUSSEIN ABDULZAHRA AL-WAELI, Doktor Falsafah
Pemanas Udara Suria Dua Laluan Dengan Penyerap Sirip Berperingkat Dan Sistem Storan Bersepadu Nano-PCM, JALAL ABDUELGADER ALMABROUK A. ASSADEG, Doktor Falsafah
Pembangunan Proses Pembuatan Alternatif Penghalang Pengasingan Bebas Sel Suria IBC Berdasarkan Monofacial Konvensional, AHMAD RUJHAN BIN MOHD RAIS, Doktor Falsafah
Towards More Coherent and Sustainable Energy Storage Policy Case Study - Oman, AHMED ZAYID ALSHAQSI, Doktor Falsafah
Pendekatan "Deep Learning" untuk Memodel dan Mengoptimumkan Sistem Hibrid Solar PV-Diesel: Satu Kajian Kes Yanbu, Arab Saudi, ABSHIR ASHOUR, Doktor Falsafah
Sistem Penyejukan Mampatan Wap Fotovolta Suria Dengan Penyimpanan Terma Menggunakan Gel Ais, GHAITH YAHYA AHMED ABUSAIBAA, Doktor Falsafah
Peningkatan Pengumpul Termal Fotovoltan Menggunakan Nanocecair Mengalir Melalui Tiub Penyerap Terbelit yang Terkandung Dalam Bahan Perubahan Fasa Bertambahbaik Nanopartikel, ANWER BASIM MOHAMMED ALI, Doktor Falsafah

Khidmat Luar

Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia , 01-10-2015 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
The Institution of Engineers Malaysia , 19-10-2015 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Adnan Bin Ibrahim , 22-03-2018 sehingga 22-03-2018 , Kebangsaan
International Conference on Resilient Smart Technology, Environment and Design 2018 (ReSTED 2018) , 14-11-2018 sehingga 15-11-2018 , Antarabangsa
International Conference on Resilient Smart Technology, Environment and Design 2018 (ReSTED 2018) , 14-11-2018 sehingga 15-11-2018 , Antarabangsa
Co-Supervisor , 01-10-2018 sehingga 31-12-2018 , Kebangsaan
Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja Luar Bagi Seminar Antarabangsa , 28-03-2019 sehingga 28-03-2019 , Antarabangsa
Kerja Lapangan dan Penyediaan Lapuran Pengeringan Kerupuk Keping di Kemaman , 28-03-2019 sehingga 02-09-2019 , Kebangsaan
DEFENCE, SECURITY AND SUSTAINABILITY (DSS) 2019 , 25-04-2019 sehingga 25-04-2019 , Kebangsaan
Persatuan Seri Student Association (SERISA) , 08-05-2019 sehingga 07-05-2021 , Kebangsaan
MUHAMMAD AMAR FAHMI BIN ISMAIL , 01-03-2019 sehingga 01-07-2019 , Kebangsaan
PECIPTA , 23-09-2019 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa
International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology , 03-03-2020 sehingga 05-01-1996 , Antarabangsa
Persatuan Seri Student Association (SERISA) , 08-05-2020 sehingga 07-05-2021 , Kebangsaan
Persatuan Tenaga Hijau dan Alam Sekitar Malaysia UKM , 19-01-2022 sehingga 18-01-2024 , Kebangsaan
Karnival Inovasi UTeMEX Virtual 2021 , 08-12-2021 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Kampus Cawangan Malaysia France Institute , 31-01-2023 sehingga 30-01-2028 , Kebangsaan
Applied Energy , 09-08-2023 sehingga 21-08-2023 , Antarabangsa
Energy , 01-08-2023 sehingga 21-08-2023 , Antarabangsa
international Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer , 01-01-2023 sehingga 31-01-2023 , Antarabangsa
Renewable Energy , 03-07-2023 sehingga 31-07-2023 , Antarabangsa
Solar Energy , 03-07-2023 sehingga 31-07-2023 , Antarabangsa
Ain Shams Engineering Journal , 01-08-2023 sehingga 31-08-2023 , Antarabangsa
Egyptian Journal of Petroleum , 01-08-2023 sehingga 31-08-2023 , Antarabangsa
Co-Supervisor for Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) (Structure A) Full Time , 07-03-2023 sehingga 07-03-2030 , Antarabangsa
Non-Graduating Program Semester 2023-2024 , 23-10-2023 sehingga 21-12-1995 , Antarabangsa
Non-Graduating Program Semester 2023-2024 , 23-10-2023 sehingga 21-12-1995 , Antarabangsa
Non-Graduating Program Semester 2023-2024 , 23-10-2023 sehingga 21-12-1995 , Antarabangsa
Panel Penilai Geran Penyelidikan , 01-05-2023 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Kebangsaan
Letter of Appreciation , 27-08-2024 sehingga 05-07-2028 , Antarabangsa
Letter of Appreciation , 27-08-2024 sehingga 05-07-2028 , Antarabangsa
Technical Committee , 25-10-2024 sehingga 28-10-2024 , Antarabangsa
Anugerah World Top 2% Scientist , 18-09-2024 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa
ANUGERAH APRESIASI TEKNOUSAHAWAN , 19-12-2022 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
ANUGERAH APRESIASI TEKNOUSAHAWAN , 19-12-2022 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Anugerah kecemarlangan Myra UKM , 25-05-2021 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Applied Thermal Engineering , 01-09-2023 sehingga 01-04-2024 , Antarabangsa
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering , 01-07-2022 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Antarabangsa
Device , 01-05-2024 sehingga 31-05-2024 , Antarabangsa
Energy , 01-08-2023 sehingga 30-06-2024 , Antarabangsa
Energy Reports , 09-12-2024 sehingga 31-05-2024 , Antarabangsa
Journal of Energy Storage , 01-11-2023 sehingga 30-06-2024 , Antarabangsa
Heliyon , 01-04-2024 sehingga 30-09-2024 , Antarabangsa
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer , 01-01-2023 sehingga 30-04-2024 , Antarabangsa
International Journal of Thermofluids , 01-09-2024 sehingga 30-09-2024 , Antarabangsa
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers , 01-07-2024 sehingga 31-07-2024 , Antarabangsa
Next Energy , 01-06-2024 sehingga 30-06-2024 , Antarabangsa
Renewable Energy , 01-07-2023 sehingga 30-11-2024 , Antarabangsa
Results in Engineering , 01-04-2024 sehingga 30-05-2024 , Antarabangsa
Solar Energy , 01-11-2018 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Antarabangsa
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells , 01-07-2024 sehingga 30-09-2024 , Antarabangsa
Anugerah kecemarlangan Myra UKM , 10-12-2024 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan
Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia , 26-12-2024 sehingga 31-12-2025 , Kebangsaan
Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia , 26-12-2024 sehingga 31-12-2025 , Kebangsaan
Improving the Performance of Photovoltaic Thermoelectric Generation (PVTeg) Systems using Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet (PGS) as a Thermal Interface Material (TIM) , 07-02-2025 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan

Khidmat Dalam

5th SERI Publication Workshop 2024 , 10-06-2024 sehingga 11-06-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
8th SERI Colloquium 2020 , 01-12-2020 sehingga 02-12-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
9th SERI Colloquium 2021 , 13-12-2021 sehingga 15-12-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Bengkel Kumpulan Fokus - Jawatankuasa Pasukan Pemikir Budaya Berprestasi Tinggi Siri 1/2020 , 18-08-2020 sehingga 19-08-2020 , Universiti
Bengkel Pemurnian Kolokium Siswazah , 24-03-2022 sehingga 24-03-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
International Conference on Sustainable, Renewable & Energy Efficiency (ICSREE 2022) , 07-11-2022 sehingga 08-11-2022 , Universiti
International Conference on Sustainable, Renewable & Energy Efficiency (ICSREE 2024) , 18-01-2024 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Universiti
International Workshop on Renewable Energy: Affordable & Clean Energy for All , 29-07-2019 sehingga 31-07-2019 , Universiti
Jawatankuasa Alumni SERI , 01-12-2023 sehingga 30-11-2026 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Bengkel Perisian TRNSYS Anjuran Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) , 07-04-2021 sehingga 09-04-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Lawatan Tapak HICoE ke SERI , 16-12-2021 sehingga 16-12-2021 , Universiti
Jawatankuasa Penyediaan Dokumen COPPA SERI , 27-08-2020 sehingga 27-08-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa SERI Coffee Talk Series 2023 , 03-01-2023 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Sebut Harga SERI , 01-02-2021 sehingga 31-01-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Siswazah SERI , 01-01-2021 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Siswazah SERI , 01-01-2023 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Siswazah SERI 2019 , 01-01-2019 sehingga 31-12-2019 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Jawatankuasa Siswazah SERI 2020 , 01-01-2020 sehingga 31-12-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Ketua Kumpulan Penyelidikan UKM (KPU UKM) , 21-06-2023 sehingga 21-06-2025 , Universiti
Kolokium Khas SERI 2022 , 22-03-2022 sehingga 22-03-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Panel Penilai Geran Penyelidikan di bawah Dana UP Tahun 2023 , 01-05-2023 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Universiti
Panel Penilai Geran Penyelidikan di bawah Dana UP Tahun 2024 , 30-07-2024 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Universiti
Program Memasak Bubur Lambuk dan Majlis Berbuka Puasa SERI , 15-05-2019 sehingga 15-05-2019 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
SERI Student Association , 08-05-2019 sehingga 07-05-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Semakan Program Doktor Falsafah (Tenaga Keterbaharuan) , 10-05-2022 sehingga 09-05-2026 , Universiti
Semakan Program Sarjana Sains (Tenaga Keterbaharuan) , 10-05-2022 sehingga 09-05-2026 , Universiti
The Kuala Lumpur Engineering Science Fair (KLESF 2018) , 02-11-2018 sehingga 04-11-2018 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
Virtual Workshop on Writing and Publishing High Impact Research Papers 2020 , 16-12-2020 sehingga 17-12-2020 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan
World Renewable Energy Congress 2023 (WREC2023) , 23-08-2022 sehingga 01-09-2023 , Universiti