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Dr. Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed holds the esteemed position of Senior Lecturer at the Department of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He has dedicated himself to academic and scientific research pursuits, earning accolades and recognition both nationally and internationally. Dr. Mohamed`s academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry in 2010, followed by a Master of Engineering (Gas) in 2015 with the Best Student Award and Pro-Chancellor Award from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. His quest for knowledge led him to obtain a Ph.D. in Hydrogen Energy from UKM in 2019, solidifying his expertise in the field. He was honored with the Doctorate Golden Award during the 48th UKM Convocation in 2021 and received the Tan Sri Datuk Ong Kee Hui Postgraduate Chemistry Medal 2021 from the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM). Notably, he has been recognized among the World Top 2% Scientists for four consecutive years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) by Elsevier BV, Stanford University. His scholarly pursuits have taken him across borders, including being awarded the prestigious Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowship by the Australian government in 2018. His dedication to scholarly excellence was further recognized when he received the UKM Bitara Awards in 2019 and the UKM Excellent Service Award in 2023. Continuing his trajectory of success, Dr. Mohamad Azuwa was honored with the Malaysia Young Scientist Award 2023 (Physical Science) by the Ministry of Science, Technology, & Innovations (MOSTI), highlighting his significant contributions to scientific research and development. Presently, his research interests center on developing cost-effective semiconductor-based functional catalytic materials to address challenges in renewable energy and environmental sustainability.
Tenaga Hidrogen , Doktor Falsafah , UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA , 2019 |
Kejuruteraan Gas , Sarjana , UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA , 2015 |
Kimia Industri , Sarjana Muda , UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA , 2010 |
PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCES - MATERIALS SCIENCE (Cellullose nanocrystal and application) |
Nurul Atikah Nordin, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohd Sufri Mastuli, Siti Fairus Mohd Yusoff, Takashi Sugiura, Kazuhiro Manseki. (2024). Revealing The Impact Of Different Precursors And Solvents For Supramolecular Complex Formation And In-situ C-doping In G-c3n4 With Enhanced Photocatalytic H2o2 Production. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 197-212. |
Nur Nabihah Sazali, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Siti Fairus Mohd Yusoff, Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Nurul Atikah Nordin, Nornastasha Azida Anuar, Siti Nurul Falaein Moridon. (2024). Conversion Of Waste Phosphogypsum Into Value-added 1d/2d Homojunction Hydroxyapatite With Enhanced Structural, Morphology, And Photoelectrochemical Performance. - Journal Of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 1-14. |
Nornastasha Azida Anuar, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Wan Nur Aini Wan Mokhtar, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohd Sufri Mastuli, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2024). Porous Architecture Photoelectrode With Boosted Photoelectrochemical Properties For Solar Fuel Production. - International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy. 476-507. |
Siti Nurul Falaein Moridon; Khuzaimah Arifin; Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed; Lorna Jeffery Minggu; Rozan Mohamad Yunus; Mohammad B. Kassim. (2023). Tio2 Nanotubes Decorated With Mo2c For Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water-splitting Properties. - Materials. 1-12. |
Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nurul Atikah Nordin, Wan Nor Roslam Wan Ishak, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2023). Microtubular Cellulose-derived Kapok Fibre As A Solid Electron Donor For Boosting Photocatalytic H2o2 Production Over C-doped G-c3n4 Hybrid Complexation. - Carbohydrate Polymers. 1-14. |
Michelle Mei Xue Lum, Kim Hoong Ng, Sin Yuan Lai, Abdul Rahman Mohamed, Abdulkareem Ghassan Alsultan, Yun Hin Taufiq-yap, Mei Kee Koh, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Dai-viet N. Vo, Manjulla Subramaniam, Kyle Sebastian Mulya, Nathasya Imanuella. (2023). Sulfur Dioxide Catalytic Reduction For Environmental Sustainability And Circular Economy: A Review. - Process Safety And Environmental Protection. 580-604. |
Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nornastasha Azida Anuar, Muhamad Firdaus Abdul Sukur, Siti Fairus Mohd Yusoff, Wan Nur Aini Wan Mokhtar, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir, Norshahidatul Akmar Mohd Shohaimi, Hartini Ahmad. (2022). Emerging Polymeric-based Material With Photocatalytic Functionality For Sustainable Technologies. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 32-71. |
N. Asikin-mijan, G. Abdulkareem-alsultan, M.s. Mastuli, A. Salmiaton, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, H.v. Lee, Y.h. Taufiq-yap. (2022). Single-step Catalytic Deoxygenation-cracking Of Tung Oil To Bio-jet Fuel Over Cow/silica-alumina Catalysts. - Fuel. 1-13. |
Nor Azureen Mohamad Nor, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Juhana Jaafar. (2022). Modified Sulfonated Polyphenylsulfone Proton Exchange Membrane With Enhanced Fuel Cell Performance: A Review. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 32-59. |
Nurul Atikah Nordin, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Siti Fairus Mohd Yusoff. (2022). Photocatalytic Active Metal Organic Framework And Its Derivatives For Solar-driven Environmental Remediation And Renewable Energy. - Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 1-59. |
Mhonishya Krishnamoorthy, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Noor Haida Mohd Kaus, Siti Fairus M.yusoff. (2022). Adsorption And Photocatalytic Degradation Of Cationic Dyes Over Bismuth Ferrite (bfo) Intercalated On Liquid Natural Rubber-based Hydrogel Compound. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 447-464. |
Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir. (2022). Surface Physicochemistry Modification And Structural Nanoarchitectures Of G-c3n4 For Wastewater Remediation And Solar Fuel Generation. - Advanced Materials Technologies. 1-38. |
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Mohd Faizal Md Nasir, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nurul Nabila Rosman, Siti Nurul Falaein Moridon, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Wan Ramli Wan Daud. (2021). Reduced Graphene Oxide As Protective Material On Cuprous Oxide Nanowire; The Challenges And Proposal For Improvement In Photoelectrochemical Application. - Surface & Coatings Technology. 1-12. |
Mhonishya Krishnamoorthy, Nor Hidayatika Ahmad, Hannah Najihah Amran, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Noor Haida Mohd Kaus, Siti Fairus M. Yusoff. (2021). Bifeo3 Immobilized Within Liquid Natural Rubber-based Hydrogel With Enhanced Adsorption-photocatalytic Performance. - International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules. 1495-1506. |
Hazrul Adzfar Shabri, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Tonni Agustiono Kurniawan, Siti Munira Jamil. (2021). Recent Progress In Metal-ceramic Anode Of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell For Direct Hydrocarbon Fuel Utilization: A Review. - Fuel Processing Technology. 1-21. |
Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Mohammad Azuwa Mohamed, Khuzaimah Arifin, Rozan Mohamad Yunus, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2020). A Low Overpotential Photoelectrochemical Reduction Of Carbon Dioxide To Methanol With Highly Photoactive Hierarchical Structured Cuprous Oxide. - Ceramics International. 26004-26016. |
Nurafiqah Rosman, Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Zawati Harun, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Farhana Aziz. (2020). Constructing A Compact Heterojunction Structure Of Ag2co3/ag2o In-situ Intermediate Phase Transformation Decorated On Zno With Superior Photocatalytic Degradation Of Ibuprofen. - Separation And Purification Technology. 1-15. |
Nur Hashimah Alias, Juhana Jaafar, Sadaki Samitsu, A.f. Ismail, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, M.h.d. Othman, Mukhlis A. Rahman, Nur Hidayati Othman, N.a.m. Nor, N. Yusof, F. Aziz. (2020). Mechanistic Insight Of The Formation Of Visible-light Responsive Nanosheet Graphitic Carbon Nitride Embedded Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibres For Wastewater Treatment. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-9. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nurashina Abdul Rahman, M.f. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Juhana Jaafar, Shuaiba Samad, Mohd Sufri Mastuli, Roong Jien Wongg. (2020). Hematite Microcube Decorated Tio2 Nanorods As Heterojunction Photocatalyst With In-situ Carbon Doping Derived From Polysaccharides Bio-templates Hydrothermal Carbonization. - Journal Of Alloys And Compounds. 1-13. |
Nor Hidayatika Ahmad, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Siti Fairus M. Yusoff. (2020). Improved Adsorption Performance Of Rubber-based Hydrogel: Optimization Through Response Surface Methodology, Isotherm, And Kinetic Studies. - Journal Of Sol-gel Science And Technology. 322-334. |
Norazlianie Sazali, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh. (2020). Membranes For Hydrogen Separation: A Significant Review. - The International Journal Of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 1859-1881. |
Masood Rezaei Dashtarzhandi, Mohammad Hossein Sarrafzadeh, Pei Sean Goh, Woei Jye Lau, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Kar Chun Wong, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2020). Enhancing The Desalination Performance Of Forward Osmosis Membrane Through The Incorporation Of Green Nanocrystalline Cellulose And Halloysite Dual Nanofillers. - Journal Of Chemical Technology And Biotechnology. 2359-2370. |
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Khuzaimah Arifin, Rozan Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2019). Recent Advances On State-of-the-art Copper (i/ii) Oxide As Photoelectrode For Solar Green Fuel Generation: Challenges And Mitigation Strategies. - Applied Catalysis A: General. 1-28. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, M. F. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Juhana Jaafar, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir, Mohamad Saufi Rosmi. (2019). Enhancement Of Visible Light Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution By Bio-mimetic C-doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride. - International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy. 13098-13105. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, M.f. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Juhana Jaafar, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Mohd Sufri Mastuli, Hao Wu, Roong Jien Wong, Yun Hau Ng. (2019). Bio-inspired Hierarchical Hetero-architectures Of In-situ C-doped G-c 3 N 4 Grafted On C, N Co-doped Zno Micro-flowers With Booming Solar Photocatalytic Activity. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 393-407. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, M.f. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Juhana Jaafar, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Yun Hau Ng. (2019). Revealing The Role Of Kapok Fibre As Bio-template For In-situ Construction Of C-doped G-c3n4@c, N Co-doped Tio2 Core-shell Heterojunction Photocatalyst And Its Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production .... - Applied Surface Science. . |
Siti Nurul Falaein Moridon; Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin; Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed; Khuzaimah Arifin; Lorna Jeffery Minggu; Mohammad B. Kassim. (2019). Cobalt Oxide As Photocatalyst For Water Splitting:temperature-dependent Phase Structures. - International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy. 25495-25504. |
N. Sazali, W.n. W. Salleh, A.f. Ismail, N.h. Ismail, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, N.a.h. M. Nordin, M.n.m. M. Sokri, Y. Iwamoto, S. Honda. (2018). Enhanced Gas Separation Performance Usingcarbon Membranes Containing Nanocrystallinecellulose And Btda-tdi/mdi Polyimide. - Chemical Engineering Research And Design. . |
M. Rezaei-dashtarzhandi, M.h. Sarrafzadeh, P.s. Goh, W.j. Lau, A.f. Ismail, M.a. Mohamed. (2018). Development Of Novel Thin Film Nanocomposite Forward Osmosis Membranes Containing Halloysite/graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanoparticles Towards Enhanced Desalination Performance. - Desalination. . |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, M.f. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, W.n. W. Salleh, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Mohd Faizal Md Nasir, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir. (2018). Constructing Bio-templated 3d Porous Microtubular C-doped G-c3n4 With Tunable Band Structure And Enhanced Charge Carrier Separation. - Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. . |
N. Sazali, W.n.w. Salleh, A.f. Ismail, N.a.h.m Nordin, N.h. Ismail, M. A. Mohamed, F. Aziz, N. Yusuf, J. Jaafar. (2018). Incorporation Of Thermally Labile Additives In Carbon Membrane Development For Superior Gas Permeation Performance. - Journal Of Natural Gas Science And Engineering. . |
Nurafiqah Rosman, W.n.w. Salleh, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, J. Jaafar, A.f. Ismail, Z. Harun. (2018). Hybrid Membrane Filtration-advanced Oxidation Processes For Removal Of Pharmaceutical Residue. - Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science. . |
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Wun Fui Mark Lee, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Khuzaimah Arifin, Mohammad Hafizuddin Hj. Jumali, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2018). Highly Photoactive Cu2o Nanowire Film Prepared With Modified Scalable Synthesis Method For Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance. - Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells. 237-245. |
Nurafiqah Rosman, Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Juhana Jaafar, Zawati Harun, Farhana Aziz, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Bunsho Ohtani, Mai Takashima. (2018). Photocatalytic Degradation Of Phenol Over Visible Light Active Zno/ag2co3/ Ag2o Nanocomposites Heterojunction. - Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology A: Chemistry. . |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Juhana Jaafar, M.f. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Mohamad Saufi Rosmi, Nur Hashimah Alias, Nor Azureen Mohamad Nor, W.n. W. Salleh, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman. (2018). In-depth Understanding Of Core-shell Nanoarchitecture Evolution Of G-c3n4@c, N Co-doped Anatase/rutile: Efficient Charge Separation And Enhanced Visible-light Photocatalytic Performance. - Applied Surface Science. . |
Muhazri Abd Mutalib, Farhana Aziz, Nur Aisyah Jamaludin, Norsyazwani Yahya, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohd Zamri Mohd Yusop, Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh, Juhana Jaafar, Norhaniza Yusof. (2018). Enhancement In Photocatalytic Degradation Of Methylene Blue By Lafeo3 -go Integrated Photocatalyst-adsorbents Under Visible Light Irradiation. - Korean Journal Of Chemical Engineering. . |
Nurul Nabila Rosman, Rozan Mohamad Yunus, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Khuzaimah Arifin, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2018). Photocatalytic Properties Of Two Dimensional Graphene And Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Based Photocatalyst For Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation: An Overview. - International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy. . |
Nur Azlina Adris, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Khuzaimah Arifin, Rozan Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Masliana Muslimin, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2023). Copper Nanoparticles Coating On Fto With Improved Adhesion Using Direct And Pulse Electrodeposition Techniques From A Simple Copper Sulphate Solution. - Sains Malaysiana. 2209-2224. |
Mohd Faizal Md Nasir, Wan Ramli Wan Daud, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohamad Hafiz Mamat, Saifollah Abdullah, Mohamad Rusop Mahmood. (2020). Effect Of Precursors On The Growth And Physiochemical Properties Of Bio-mimetic Znfe2o4 Nanocomposites For Photoelectrochemical Application (kesan Prekursor Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Sifat Fisiokimia). - Sains Malaysiana. 3165-3174. |
Nurafiqah Rosman, Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nor Hafiza Ismail, Nor Asikin Awang, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Juhana Jaafar, Zawati Harun. (2019). Phenol Degradation Behavior Via Photocatalytic Of Zno/ag2co3/ag2o Nanoparticles. - Malaysian Journal Of Fundamental And Applied Sciences. 851-856. |
Nurul Atikah Nordin, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohd Sufri Mastuli, Siti Fairus Mohd Yusoff, Takashi Sugiura, Kazuhiro Manseki. (2024). Revealing The Impact Of Different Precursors And Solvents For Supramolecular Complex Formation And In-situ C-doping In G-c3n4 With Enhanced Photocatalytic H2o2 Production. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 197-212. |
Nur Nabihah Sazali, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Siti Fairus Mohd Yusoff, Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Nurul Atikah Nordin, Nornastasha Azida Anuar, Siti Nurul Falaein Moridon. (2024). Conversion Of Waste Phosphogypsum Into Value-added 1d/2d Homojunction Hydroxyapatite With Enhanced Structural, Morphology, And Photoelectrochemical Performance. - Journal Of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 1-14. |
Nornastasha Azida Anuar, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Wan Nur Aini Wan Mokhtar, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohd Sufri Mastuli, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2024). Porous Architecture Photoelectrode With Boosted Photoelectrochemical Properties For Solar Fuel Production. - International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy. 476-507. |
Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nurul Atikah Nordin, Wan Nor Roslam Wan Ishak, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2023). Microtubular Cellulose-derived Kapok Fibre As A Solid Electron Donor For Boosting Photocatalytic H2o2 Production Over C-doped G-c3n4 Hybrid Complexation. - Carbohydrate Polymers. 1-14. |
Nur Azlina Adris, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Khuzaimah Arifin, Rozan Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Masliana Muslimin, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2023). Copper Nanoparticles Coating On Fto With Improved Adhesion Using Direct And Pulse Electrodeposition Techniques From A Simple Copper Sulphate Solution. - Sains Malaysiana. 2209-2224. |
Siti Nurul Falaein Moridon; Khuzaimah Arifin; Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed; Lorna Jeffery Minggu; Rozan Mohamad Yunus; Mohammad B. Kassim. (2023). Tio2 Nanotubes Decorated With Mo2c For Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water-splitting Properties. - Materials. 1-12. |
Michelle Mei Xue Lum, Kim Hoong Ng, Sin Yuan Lai, Abdul Rahman Mohamed, Abdulkareem Ghassan Alsultan, Yun Hin Taufiq-yap, Mei Kee Koh, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Dai-viet N. Vo, Manjulla Subramaniam, Kyle Sebastian Mulya, Nathasya Imanuella. (2023). Sulfur Dioxide Catalytic Reduction For Environmental Sustainability And Circular Economy: A Review. - Process Safety And Environmental Protection. 580-604. |
Nurul Atikah Nordin, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Siti Fairus Mohd Yusoff. (2022). Photocatalytic Active Metal Organic Framework And Its Derivatives For Solar-driven Environmental Remediation And Renewable Energy. - Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 1-59. |
Mhonishya Krishnamoorthy, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Noor Haida Mohd Kaus, Siti Fairus M.yusoff. (2022). Adsorption And Photocatalytic Degradation Of Cationic Dyes Over Bismuth Ferrite (bfo) Intercalated On Liquid Natural Rubber-based Hydrogel Compound. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 447-464. |
Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nornastasha Azida Anuar, Muhamad Firdaus Abdul Sukur, Siti Fairus Mohd Yusoff, Wan Nur Aini Wan Mokhtar, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir, Norshahidatul Akmar Mohd Shohaimi, Hartini Ahmad. (2022). Emerging Polymeric-based Material With Photocatalytic Functionality For Sustainable Technologies. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 32-71. |
Nor Azureen Mohamad Nor, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Juhana Jaafar. (2022). Modified Sulfonated Polyphenylsulfone Proton Exchange Membrane With Enhanced Fuel Cell Performance: A Review. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 32-59. |
N. Asikin-mijan, G. Abdulkareem-alsultan, M.s. Mastuli, A. Salmiaton, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, H.v. Lee, Y.h. Taufiq-yap. (2022). Single-step Catalytic Deoxygenation-cracking Of Tung Oil To Bio-jet Fuel Over Cow/silica-alumina Catalysts. - Fuel. 1-13. |
Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir. (2022). Surface Physicochemistry Modification And Structural Nanoarchitectures Of G-c3n4 For Wastewater Remediation And Solar Fuel Generation. - Advanced Materials Technologies. 1-38. |
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Mohd Faizal Md Nasir, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nurul Nabila Rosman, Siti Nurul Falaein Moridon, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Wan Ramli Wan Daud. (2021). Reduced Graphene Oxide As Protective Material On Cuprous Oxide Nanowire; The Challenges And Proposal For Improvement In Photoelectrochemical Application. - Surface & Coatings Technology. 1-12. |
Mhonishya Krishnamoorthy, Nor Hidayatika Ahmad, Hannah Najihah Amran, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Noor Haida Mohd Kaus, Siti Fairus M. Yusoff. (2021). Bifeo3 Immobilized Within Liquid Natural Rubber-based Hydrogel With Enhanced Adsorption-photocatalytic Performance. - International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules. 1495-1506. |
Hazrul Adzfar Shabri, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Tonni Agustiono Kurniawan, Siti Munira Jamil. (2021). Recent Progress In Metal-ceramic Anode Of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell For Direct Hydrocarbon Fuel Utilization: A Review. - Fuel Processing Technology. 1-21. |
Nor Hidayatika Ahmad, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Siti Fairus M. Yusoff. (2020). Improved Adsorption Performance Of Rubber-based Hydrogel: Optimization Through Response Surface Methodology, Isotherm, And Kinetic Studies. - Journal Of Sol-gel Science And Technology. 322-334. |
Mohd Faizal Md Nasir, Wan Ramli Wan Daud, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohamad Hafiz Mamat, Saifollah Abdullah, Mohamad Rusop Mahmood. (2020). Effect Of Precursors On The Growth And Physiochemical Properties Of Bio-mimetic Znfe2o4 Nanocomposites For Photoelectrochemical Application (kesan Prekursor Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Sifat Fisiokimia). - Sains Malaysiana. 3165-3174. |
Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Mohammad Azuwa Mohamed, Khuzaimah Arifin, Rozan Mohamad Yunus, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2020). A Low Overpotential Photoelectrochemical Reduction Of Carbon Dioxide To Methanol With Highly Photoactive Hierarchical Structured Cuprous Oxide. - Ceramics International. 26004-26016. |
Nur Hashimah Alias, Juhana Jaafar, Sadaki Samitsu, A.f. Ismail, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, M.h.d. Othman, Mukhlis A. Rahman, Nur Hidayati Othman, N.a.m. Nor, N. Yusof, F. Aziz. (2020). Mechanistic Insight Of The Formation Of Visible-light Responsive Nanosheet Graphitic Carbon Nitride Embedded Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibres For Wastewater Treatment. - Journal Of Water Process Engineering. 1-9. |
Masood Rezaei Dashtarzhandi, Mohammad Hossein Sarrafzadeh, Pei Sean Goh, Woei Jye Lau, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Kar Chun Wong, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2020). Enhancing The Desalination Performance Of Forward Osmosis Membrane Through The Incorporation Of Green Nanocrystalline Cellulose And Halloysite Dual Nanofillers. - Journal Of Chemical Technology And Biotechnology. 2359-2370. |
Norazlianie Sazali, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh. (2020). Membranes For Hydrogen Separation: A Significant Review. - The International Journal Of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 1859-1881. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nurashina Abdul Rahman, M.f. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Juhana Jaafar, Shuaiba Samad, Mohd Sufri Mastuli, Roong Jien Wongg. (2020). Hematite Microcube Decorated Tio2 Nanorods As Heterojunction Photocatalyst With In-situ Carbon Doping Derived From Polysaccharides Bio-templates Hydrothermal Carbonization. - Journal Of Alloys And Compounds. 1-13. |
Nurafiqah Rosman, Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Zawati Harun, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Farhana Aziz. (2020). Constructing A Compact Heterojunction Structure Of Ag2co3/ag2o In-situ Intermediate Phase Transformation Decorated On Zno With Superior Photocatalytic Degradation Of Ibuprofen. - Separation And Purification Technology. 1-15. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, M.f. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Juhana Jaafar, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Mohd Sufri Mastuli, Hao Wu, Roong Jien Wong, Yun Hau Ng. (2019). Bio-inspired Hierarchical Hetero-architectures Of In-situ C-doped G-c 3 N 4 Grafted On C, N Co-doped Zno Micro-flowers With Booming Solar Photocatalytic Activity. - Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry. 393-407. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, M. F. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Juhana Jaafar, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir, Mohamad Saufi Rosmi. (2019). Enhancement Of Visible Light Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution By Bio-mimetic C-doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride. - International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy. 13098-13105. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, M.f. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Juhana Jaafar, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Yun Hau Ng. (2019). Revealing The Role Of Kapok Fibre As Bio-template For In-situ Construction Of C-doped G-c3n4@c, N Co-doped Tio2 Core-shell Heterojunction Photocatalyst And Its Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production .... - Applied Surface Science. . |
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Khuzaimah Arifin, Rozan Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2019). Recent Advances On State-of-the-art Copper (i/ii) Oxide As Photoelectrode For Solar Green Fuel Generation: Challenges And Mitigation Strategies. - Applied Catalysis A: General. 1-28. |
Siti Nurul Falaein Moridon; Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin; Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed; Khuzaimah Arifin; Lorna Jeffery Minggu; Mohammad B. Kassim. (2019). Cobalt Oxide As Photocatalyst For Water Splitting:temperature-dependent Phase Structures. - International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy. 25495-25504. |
Nurafiqah Rosman, W.n.w. Salleh, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, J. Jaafar, A.f. Ismail, Z. Harun. (2018). Hybrid Membrane Filtration-advanced Oxidation Processes For Removal Of Pharmaceutical Residue. - Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science. . |
Muhazri Abd Mutalib, Farhana Aziz, Nur Aisyah Jamaludin, Norsyazwani Yahya, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohd Zamri Mohd Yusop, Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh, Juhana Jaafar, Norhaniza Yusof. (2018). Enhancement In Photocatalytic Degradation Of Methylene Blue By Lafeo3 -go Integrated Photocatalyst-adsorbents Under Visible Light Irradiation. - Korean Journal Of Chemical Engineering. . |
Nurafiqah Rosman, Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Juhana Jaafar, Zawati Harun, Farhana Aziz, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Bunsho Ohtani, Mai Takashima. (2018). Photocatalytic Degradation Of Phenol Over Visible Light Active Zno/ag2co3/ Ag2o Nanocomposites Heterojunction. - Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology A: Chemistry. . |
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Wun Fui Mark Lee, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Khuzaimah Arifin, Mohammad Hafizuddin Hj. Jumali, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2018). Highly Photoactive Cu2o Nanowire Film Prepared With Modified Scalable Synthesis Method For Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance. - Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells. 237-245. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Juhana Jaafar, M.f. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Mohamad Saufi Rosmi, Nur Hashimah Alias, Nor Azureen Mohamad Nor, W.n. W. Salleh, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman. (2018). In-depth Understanding Of Core-shell Nanoarchitecture Evolution Of G-c3n4@c, N Co-doped Anatase/rutile: Efficient Charge Separation And Enhanced Visible-light Photocatalytic Performance. - Applied Surface Science. . |
N. Sazali, W.n.w. Salleh, A.f. Ismail, N.a.h.m Nordin, N.h. Ismail, M. A. Mohamed, F. Aziz, N. Yusuf, J. Jaafar. (2018). Incorporation Of Thermally Labile Additives In Carbon Membrane Development For Superior Gas Permeation Performance. - Journal Of Natural Gas Science And Engineering. . |
N. Sazali, W.n. W. Salleh, A.f. Ismail, N.h. Ismail, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, N.a.h. M. Nordin, M.n.m. M. Sokri, Y. Iwamoto, S. Honda. (2018). Enhanced Gas Separation Performance Usingcarbon Membranes Containing Nanocrystallinecellulose And Btda-tdi/mdi Polyimide. - Chemical Engineering Research And Design. . |
M. Rezaei-dashtarzhandi, M.h. Sarrafzadeh, P.s. Goh, W.j. Lau, A.f. Ismail, M.a. Mohamed. (2018). Development Of Novel Thin Film Nanocomposite Forward Osmosis Membranes Containing Halloysite/graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanoparticles Towards Enhanced Desalination Performance. - Desalination. . |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, M.f. M. Zain, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohammad B. Kassim, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, W.n. W. Salleh, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Mohd Faizal Md Nasir, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir. (2018). Constructing Bio-templated 3d Porous Microtubular C-doped G-c3n4 With Tunable Band Structure And Enhanced Charge Carrier Separation. - Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. . |
Nurul Nabila Rosman, Rozan Mohamad Yunus, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Khuzaimah Arifin, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2018). Photocatalytic Properties Of Two Dimensional Graphene And Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Based Photocatalyst For Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation: An Overview. - International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy. . |
N. Sazali, H. Ibrahim, A. S. Jamaludin, M. A. Mohamed, W. N. W. Salleh, M. N. Z. Abidin. (2020). Degradation And Stability Of Polymer: A Mini Review. - 5th International Conference On Mechanical Engineering Research 2019 (icmer 2019). 1-15. |
N. Sazali, H. Ibrahim, A. S. Jamaludin, M. A. Mohamed, W. N. W. Salleh, M. N. Z. Abidin. (2020). A Short Review On Polymeric Materials Concerning Degradable Polymers. - 5th International Conference On Mechanical Engineering Research 2019 (icmer 2019). 1-14. |
Muhammad Farhan Hil Me, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Hau Seung Jeremy Wong, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2023). Materials For Hydrogen Production, Conversion, And Storage. - . 707. |
Nor Azureen Mohamad Nor, Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Nurul Atikah Nordin, Nornastasha Azida Anuar, Muhamad Firdaus Abdul Sukur, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2023). Materials For Hydrogen Production, Conversion, And Storage. - . 707. |
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Ibdal Satar, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2023). Materials For Hydrogen Production, Conversion, And Storage. - . 707. |
Nor Azureen Mohamad Nor, Nur Shamimie Nadzwin Hasnan, Nurul Atikah Nordin, Nornastasha Azida Anuar, Muhamad Firdaus Abdul Sukur, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2023). Materials For Hydrogen Production, Conversion, And Storage. - . 707. |
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Ibdal Satar, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2023). Materials For Hydrogen Production, Conversion, And Storage. - . 707. |
Muhammad Farhan Hil Me, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Hau Seung Jeremy Wong, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2023). Materials For Hydrogen Production, Conversion, And Storage. - . 707. |
Nazwa Jon, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Rizafizah Othaman. (2022). Biorenewable Nanocomposite Materials: Vol 2: Desalination And Wastewater Remediation. - . 20. |
Hartini Ahmad Rafaie, Norshahidatul Akmar Mohd Shohaimi, Nurul Infaza Talalah Ramli, Zati Ismah Ishak, Mohamad Saufi Rosmi, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir. (2022). Polymer Technology In Dye-containing Wastewater Volume 1. - . 254. |
Muhammad Hilman Mustapha, Akhsan Kamil Azizi, Wan Nur Aini Wan Mokhtar, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2021). Biodiesel Technology And Applications. - . 17. |
Nadhratun Naiim Mobarak, Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2021). Polysaccharides: Properties And Applications. - . 15. |
Norazlianie Sazali, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir. (2021). Self-healing Smart Materials And Allied Applications. - . 24. |
Azira Abdul Razak, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Darfizzi Derawi. (2021). Biodiesel Technology And Applications. - . 488. |
Zul Adlan Mohd Hir, Shaari Daud, Hartini Ahmad Rafaie, Nurul Infaza Talalah Ramli, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2021). Flexible Supercapacitor Nanoarchitectonics. - . 36. |
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Rosmahani Mohd Shah, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Ibdal Satar, Siti Mariam Daud. (2021). Biofuel Cells: Materials And Challenges. - . 528. |
Mohamad Saufi Rosmi, Ong Suu Wan, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir, Wan Nur Aini Wan Mokhtar. (2021). Fundamentals Of Solar Cell Design. - . 537. |
Nur Hashimah Alias, Nor Azureen Mohammad Nor, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Juhana Jaafar, Nur Hidayati Othman. (2020). Handbook Of Smart Photocatalytic Materials: Fundamentals, Fabrications, And Water Resources Applications. - . 376. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir, Wan Nur Aini Wan Mokthar, Nur Syazwani Osman. (2020). Colloidal Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization And Applications. - . 40. |
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Rosmahani Mohd Shah, Rozan Mohamad Yunus, Zul Adlan Mohd Hir. (2020). Self-standing Substrates Materials And Applications. - . 26. |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Nadhratun Naiim Mobarak. (2019). Conducting Polymers-based Energy Storage Materials. - . 19. |
Mohamad Azuwa Bin Mohamed;mohammad Bin Kassim;azizan Bin Ahmad;muhammad Rahimi Bin Yusop;mohamad Saufi Rosmi. (2025). Polymer Phase-inversion Mediated Porous C-doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride-based Heterojunction Photoelectrode For Photoelectrocatalytic Hydrogen Generation. - . . |
Siti Fairus Binti Mohd Yusoff;yang Farina Abdul Aziz;sharifah Nabihah Binti Syed Jaafar;mohamad Azuwa Bin Mohamed. (2024). Kinetics And Mechanism Of Photocatalytic Degradation Of Persistent Organic Pollutants (pops) Over Hybrid Hydrogel Of Bismuth Ferrite/montmorillonite/liquid Natural Rubber (bfo/mmt/lnr). - . . |
Darfizzi Bin Derawi;wan Nor Roslam Bin Wan Isahak;mohamad Azuwa Bin Mohamed. (2023). Revealing The Role Of Organosilane-functionalized On Metal-supported Mesoporous Silica (sba-15) Catalysts For Green Diesel Production From Waste Cooking Oil.. - . . |
Siti Fairus Binti Mohd Yusoff;ishak Bin Ahmad;mohamad Azuwa Bin Mohamed. (2023). Synergistic Interaction Between Bismuth Ferrite And Rubber/pani Hydrogel For High Efficiency Integrated Reusable Photocatalyst-adsorbent System. - . . |
Mohamad Azuwa Bin Mohamed;mohammad Bin Kassim;siti Fairus Binti Mohd Yusoff. (2023). Exploiting Physicochemistry Of Metal-organic-framework For Enhancing Solar Fuel Generation Over Graphitic Carbon Nitride Photocatalyst. - . . |
Siti Nurul Falaein Moridon1,khuzaimah Arifin, Lorna Jeffery Minggu,mohamad Azuwa Mohamed,ahmad Zaki Zaini, Mohammad Kassim. (2022). A Coral-like Mo2c/tio2composite Heterojunctionphotoelectrode For Photoelectrochemicalwater Splitting Application. - 31st Regional Conference On Solid State Science And Technology (rcssst2022). 1-12. |
Nur Azlina Adris, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Mohammad B. Kassim. (2022). Photoelectrochemical Activity Of Direct And Pulse Electrodeposition Method Of Copper Metal On Fto. - 31st Regional Conference On Solid-state Science & Technology (rcssst 2022). 113. |
Nur Azlina Adris, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Khuzaimah Arifin, Rozan Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed. (2022). Enhanced Cu2o Photoelectrode For Green Hydrogen Generation Via Solar Water Splitting. - International Research And Symposium And Exposition (rise) 2022. 1-17. |
Nazwa Jon, Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed, Rizafizah Othaman.. (2021). Green Synthesis Of Tio2 Nanoparticles Using Plant Extracts.. - Malaysia Polymer International Conference (mpic 2021). 67. |
CO2 Reduction via Round-the-Clock Artificial Photosynthetic System: Greenhouse Gases Mitigation Strategy , Ketua Projek , 12-11-2024 sehingga 11-11-2026 , Kebangsaan |
Ion-exchange Oligoether/Zwitterion Diblock Copolymers Membrane for Advanced Membrane Capacitive Deionization in Water Desalination , Penyelidik Bersama , 22-01-2025 sehingga 21-01-2026 , Universiti |
Structural, Electronic, and Electrical Characteristics of Engineered DNA Aptamers at the Electron Level for Biosensor Applications , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2024 sehingga 31-10-2026 , Universiti |
Optimizing (Fe-Co)-N-C Bimetal Electrocatalysts from ZIFs for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Activity in PEMFCs , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2024 sehingga 31-10-2026 , Universiti |
RESEARCH OF HOT SPRINGS VERIFICATION (SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE MANIFESTATION) AT LOT 1909 & 1150, SEMENYIH, SELANGOR. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2024 sehingga 31-10-2026 , Kebangsaan |
Synergetic Fouling Analysis of UF Membrane during Nutrient Separation Process: Utilization of Resistance-in-Series Model and Mass Balance Analysis , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2024 sehingga 31-10-2026 , Universiti |
Exploring the Potential of Polygonum Minus for Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles: Characterization and Evaluation of Stability, Antioxidant, and Photocatalytic Activities , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2023 sehingga 30-09-2025 , Universiti |
Tandem WO3/FeOOH photoanode and CuO/NiOOH photocathode for improvement of solar hydrogen production from seawater in hybrid photoelectrochemical desalination and wastewater degradation , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2022 sehingga 31-03-2025 , Universiti |
Advancing photoelectrocatalytic properties of metal-organic framework derived BiVO4-based photoelectrode by nanoarchitecture, heterostructure, and defective modulation strategy , Ketua Projek , 19-01-2024 sehingga 18-01-2025 , Universiti |
Chia seed derived elemental-doped graphitic carbon nitride by thermal carbonization with enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen generation , Ketua Projek , 01-10-2022 sehingga 30-09-2024 , Universiti |
Conversion of waste phosphogypsum (PPG) into low cost and high-performance modified heterojunction photocatalyst mediated by supramolecular self-assembly chemistry , Ketua Projek , 30-04-2022 sehingga 29-04-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Polymer phase-inversion mediated porous C-doped graphitic carbon nitride-based heterojunction photoelectrode for photoelectrocatalytic hydrogen generation , Ketua Projek , 01-09-2021 sehingga 31-08-2023 , Universiti |
Mechanistic insight on interaction between conducting polymer and functionalized 3-D hierarchical ordered porous kapok-derived C-doped graphitic carbon nitride for solar fuel generation , Ketua Projek , 01-11-2020 sehingga 30-04-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Exploiting physicochemistry of metal-organic-framework for enhancing solar fuel generation over graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst , Ketua Projek , 01-08-2020 sehingga 31-01-2023 , Universiti |
In-situ Hydrogenation of Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) Latex , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-05-2022 sehingga 31-10-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Prototype Development of Membrane Plate Filter Press System - A Simultaneous Solution for Semiconductor-industry Wastewater Treatment and Silicon Recovery , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2021 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Universiti |
MODIFICATION OF POLYPROPYLENE FOR IMPROVED BARRIER AND ADHESIVE PROPERTIES , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-10-2021 sehingga 30-09-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Mekanistik Fotodegradasi Ciprofloxacin Menerusi Interaksi Sinergistik di antara Ag@TiO2 dan Membran Poliakrilonitril di bawah Cahaya Nampak , Penyelidik Bersama , 07-09-2021 sehingga 06-09-2024 , Kebangsaan |
Biodegradable Superoleophilic Polycaprolactone/Poly(L-lactic acid)/Modified Eggshell Powder Composite Membrane for Oil/Water Separation , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-09-2021 sehingga 29-02-2024 , Universiti |
Kinetics and Mechanism of Photocatalytic Degradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) over Hybrid Hydrogel of Bismuth Ferrite/Montmorillonite/Liquid Natural Rubber (BFO/MMT/LNR) , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-09-2021 sehingga 31-08-2023 , Universiti |
Mechanism of core-shell formation of Cu2O/NiO/NiFeOOH nanowire photoelectrode through facile electrodeposition method for enhanced solar water splitting , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2020 sehingga 31-07-2023 , Kebangsaan |
Revealing the role of organosilane-functionalized on metal-supported mesoporous silica (SBA-15) catalysts for green diesel production from waste cooking oil. , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2020 sehingga 31-10-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Synergistic Interaction between Bismuth Ferrite and Rubber/PANI Hydrogel for High Efficiency Integrated Reusable Photocatalyst-adsorbent System , Penyelidik Bersama , 01-11-2020 sehingga 31-10-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Artificial Photosynthetic Systems in Concrete Using Kapok Fiber for Hydrogen Production. , Penyelidik Bersama , 15-08-2017 sehingga 14-08-2019 , Kebangsaan |
Sijil Penghargaan , 2024 |
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2022 (Pendanaan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2023 |
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2022 (Keseluruhan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2023 |
Anugerah Pembentang Oral Terbaik , 2023 |
Anugerah Penyelidik Muda , 2023 |
PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Research Grant In Green Chemistry , 2023 |
Penghargaan , 2023 |
Sijil Penghargaan , 2023 |
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2020 (Pendanaan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2022 |
MyRA - Anugerah Kecemerlangan MyRA Prestasi 2020 (Keseluruhan) - Sijil Penghargaan , 2022 |
Best Oral Presenter , 2021 |
Anugerah Bitara Penerbitan (Makalah) , 2019 |
NAZWA BINTI JON, Doktor Falsafah |
Interaksi kimia antara polimer konduktif dan grafitik karbon nitrida terdop karbon terbitan bio-templat berliang susunan hierarki untuk penghasilan bahan api solar, NUR SHAMIMIE NADZWIN BINTI HASNAN, Doktor Falsafah |
Hydrogen photocatalytic production from the self-assembled films of PAH/PAA/TiO2 supported on bacterial cellulose membranes , 14-05-2018 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
High conductivity of novel Ti0.9Ir0.1O2 support for Pt as a promising catalyst for low-temperature fuel cell applications , 28-05-2018 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity and antibacterial activity of an Ag modified g-C3N4 composite-photocatalyst , 15-05-2018 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Junior Visiting Research Fellow , 27-07-2018 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
A Review on the progress of nanostructure materials for energy harnessing and environmental remediation , 14-07-2018 sehingga 02-01-2380 , Antarabangsa |
Synergistic effect of Hybrid Ce3+/Ce4+ Doped Bi2O3 Nanosphere Photocatalyst for Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation of Alizarin Red Dye-its Optical and Antibacterial Evaluation , 18-07-2018 sehingga 31-07-2018 , Antarabangsa |
Energies of Cu2O photoelectrode dopped with various metals for water splitting application , 04-07-2018 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
One-Pot Template-Free Synthesis of Carbon-doped Boron Nitride Nanosheets for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution , 16-07-2018 sehingga 06-08-2018 , Antarabangsa |
Coupling of Ag2CO3 to an optimized ZnO photocatalyst: advantages vs. disadvantages , 01-09-2018 sehingga 20-09-2018 , Antarabangsa |
Enhance adsorption of Congo red dye by bacterial cellulose/polyvinyl alcohol composite reinforced with graphene oxide and attapulgite , 10-09-2018 sehingga 20-09-2018 , Antarabangsa |
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose nanoplatelets as a source of sugars with the concomitant production of cellulose nanofibrils , 30-10-2018 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Kinetics and thermodynamics of dispersed oil sorption by kapok fiber , 23-11-2018 sehingga 11-01-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Enhanced Photodegradation of 3D g-C3N4/TiO2 free-separation photocatalyst via adsorption/photocatalysis synergy , 24-12-2018 sehingga 11-01-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Alkyl-capped copper oxide nanospheres and nanoprolates for sustainability: water treatment and improved lubricating performance , 29-12-2018 sehingga 10-01-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Cellulose nanocrystals: Promising biocompounds for the synthesis of nanocomposite hydrogels , 18-01-2019 sehingga 01-02-2019 , Antarabangsa |
An efficient metal-free phosphorus and oxygen co-doped g-C3N4 photocatalyst with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity for the degradation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics , 06-02-2019 sehingga 25-02-2019 , Antarabangsa |
The effects of Eu(III) doping and heterojunction construction with g-C3N4 on the visible-light photocatalytic perfomance of Bi24O31Cl10 , 15-04-2019 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Photocatalytic degradation mechanism of the visible-light responsive BiVO4/TiO2 coreshell heterojunction photocatalyst , 01-05-2019 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
A hierarchical Ag2O-nanoparticle/TiO2-nanotube composite derived from natural cellulose substance with enhanced photocatalytic performance , 01-05-2019 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Optimization of Sonosynthesis Conditions of ZrO2/TiO2/ZnO Ternary Nanocomposite for photodegradation of Azo dye by Taguchi method , 06-05-2019 sehingga 26-01-2380 , Antarabangsa |
Novel synthesis without separation and purification processes of carbon dots and silver/carbon hybrid nanoparticles , 12-06-2019 sehingga 26-06-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Metal-free carbon nitride with boosting photo-redox ability realized by the controlled carbon dopants , 10-06-2019 sehingga 30-06-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Highly Efficient Photodegradation of Various Organic Pollutants in Water: Rational Structural Design of Photocatalyst via Thiol-ene Click Reaction , 12-07-2019 sehingga 02-07-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Influence of C,N,S,Fe-multidoping on the surface area, energy gap, crystallite growth of TiO2 nanoparticles and on the photocatalytic performance , 20-06-2019 sehingga 04-07-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Aldehyde-conjugated chitosan-graphene oxide glucodynamers: ternary cooperative assembly and controlled chemical release , 03-07-2019 sehingga 11-07-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Compositional Analysis and Characterization of Lignocellulosic Biomass from Selected Agricultural Wastes , 21-07-2019 sehingga 24-07-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Biological and environmental applications of silver nanoparticles synthesized using the aqueous extract of Ginkgo biloba leaf , 06-07-2019 sehingga 29-07-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Preparation and photocatalytic properties of biomorphic hierarchical WO3 based on bionic rice hull , 07-07-2019 sehingga 29-07-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Preparation and Photocatalytic Performance of Dumbbell Ag2CO3-ZnO Heterojunction , 26-09-2019 sehingga 09-10-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Preparation of Aerogel with Superior Mechanical and Photocatalytic Properties through In Situ Designated Formation of TiO2 nanoparticles on Cellulose Nanofibers , 04-10-2019 sehingga 19-10-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Characterization and application of C-TiO2 doped cellulose acetate nanocomposite film for removal of Reactive Red-195 , 27-09-2019 sehingga 13-11-2019 , Antarabangsa |
Ahli Jawatankuasa Saintifik & Penerbitan , 30-10-2019 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Ahli Jawatankuasa Promosi Dan Website (Pusat Bahan Termaju & Sumber Keterbaharuan) , 28-08-2019 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
Novel triptycene-based microporous polymers decorated with Cd0.5Zn0.5S quantum dots to form 0D/3D heterojunction for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution , 04-03-2020 sehingga 19-03-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Photocatalytic performance and mechanism research of g-C3N4/ HSA-TiO2 composite on degradation of methyl orange , 07-02-2020 sehingga 20-02-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Mesoporous TiO2/g-C3N4 composites with O-Ti-N bridge for improved visible-light photodegradation of enrofloxacin , 24-01-2020 sehingga 13-02-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of Green TiO2-Carbon Nanocomposite , 22-01-2020 sehingga 11-02-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Synthesis and characterization of silica mesoporous materials from barley bran for removal of methylene blue , 14-03-2020 sehingga 03-04-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Green synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using Salvadora persica leaves extract: Applications for photocatalytic degradation of Methylene blue dye , 14-03-2020 sehingga 03-04-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Nickel and Sulfur Codoped TiO2 Nanoparticles for Efficient Visible Light Degradation of Photocatalytic Dye , 14-03-2020 sehingga 09-04-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Integration of C-Dots with g-C3N4 nanosheet/Ag2CO3 nanocomposites as effective Z-scheme visible-light photocatalysts for removal of hazardous organic and inorganic contaminates , 31-03-2020 sehingga 21-04-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Tailoring a cellulose-based nanofiltration membrane with a unique three-layer structure for the advanced treatment of drinking water". We greatly appreciate your assistance. , 18-03-2020 sehingga 22-04-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Synthesis and new design into enhanced photocatalytic activity of porphyrin Immobilization on the surface of bismuth oxyhalides modified with polyaniline , 04-04-2020 sehingga 25-04-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Preparation of Carbonized Kapok Fiber/Reduced Graphene Oxide Aerogel for Oil-Water Separation , 20-04-2020 sehingga 20-05-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Engineering of g-C3N4 nanoparticles/WO3 hollow microspheres photocatalyst with Z-scheme heterostructure for boosting tetracycline hydrochloride degradation , 24-04-2020 sehingga 22-05-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Mesoporous black TiO2 phase junction@Ni nanosheets: a highly integrated photocatalyst system , 03-06-2020 sehingga 23-06-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Synthesis and electrochemical investigations of ABPBI grafted montmorillonite based polymer electrolyte membranes for PEMFC application , 28-05-2020 sehingga 10-07-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Spherical bimetallic NiCu phyllosilicates photo-catalysts for hydrogen generation , 16-07-2020 sehingga 18-08-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Solar-light-driven photocatalyst based on bismuth molybdate (Bi4MoO9) for detoxification of anionic azo dyes in wastewater , 27-07-2020 sehingga 18-08-2020 , Antarabangsa |
Facile Synthesis of Porous Carbon Self-doped g-C3N4: Fast Charge Separation and Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution , 02-09-2020 sehingga 13-09-2020 , Antarabangsa |
In-situ Synthesis of Carbon Dot at Cellulose Nanofiber for Durable Water Treatment Membrane with High Selectivity , 18-08-2020 sehingga 01-09-2020 , Antarabangsa |
WEBCAST @ FSG: RESEARCH VISIBILTY SERIES How Do I Ensure My Research Work is Publishable in High Impact Journal? , 24-09-2020 sehingga 24-09-2020 , Kebangsaan |
RESEARCH PROJECT II & FINAL YEAR PROJECT II TALK , 11-11-2020 sehingga 11-11-2020 , Kebangsaan |
Synthesis of nanocrystalline cellulose composite membrane and its properties for direct methanol fuel cell , 24-12-2020 sehingga 07-01-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Low Cost Synthesis of Cauliflower Shaped ZnO with MWCNT/rGO Nanocomposites and their Photocatalytic Activity , 15-12-2020 sehingga 07-01-2021 , Antarabangsa |
On-surface Bottom-up Construction of COF Nanoshells towards Photocatalytic H2 Production , 10-04-2021 sehingga 24-04-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Insight into the activity of hollow TiO2@N-HCS nano-species supported on g-C3N4 for robust photocatalytic performance , 09-05-2021 sehingga 02-06-2021 , Antarabangsa |
In-situ growth of TiO2@B-doped g-C3N4 core-shell nanospheres for boosts the photocatalytic detoxification of emerging pollutants with mechanistic insight , 30-05-2021 sehingga 20-06-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Hollow urchin-like nanocomposite of SnS2@TiO2 as bifunctional photocatalyst for removal of high concentration Cr(VI) and methyl orange , 19-08-2021 sehingga 01-09-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Scientific and Technical Committee , 04-07-2021 sehingga 10-11-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Special Issue on Recent Advances in Photocatalysis for Wastewater Treatment: Synthesis of the Materials and Photocatalytic Reactors of Catalysts. , 14-04-2021 sehingga 10-11-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Synthesis of graphene-based hybrid nanocomposite for photodegradation of dye and hydrogen , 17-12-2020 sehingga 17-12-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Institut Kimia Malaysia , 31-05-2021 sehingga 31-05-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed , 25-06-2021 sehingga 25-06-2021 , Kebangsaan |
Eco-friendly thermally insulating cellulose aerogels with exceptional flame retardancy, mechanical property and thermal stability , 25-08-2021 sehingga 15-09-2021 , Antarabangsa |
The World Class Professor (WCP) Meeting Series , 07-11-2021 sehingga 07-11-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Best Oral Presenter , 23-11-2021 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution over Cu3Mo2O9/TiO2 p-n heterojunction , 01-12-2021 sehingga 16-12-2021 , Antarabangsa |
Construction of chlorine doped graphitic carbon nitride nanodisc for enhanced photocatalytic activity and mechanism insight , 07-12-2021 sehingga 22-12-2021 , Antarabangsa |
TiO2/g-C3N4 Binary Composite as an Efficient Photocatalyst for Biodiesel Production from Jatropha Oil , 21-12-2021 sehingga 04-01-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Photocatalytic Performance of Alkali Metal Doped Graphitic Carbon Nitrides and Pd-Alkali Metal Doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride Composites , 02-01-2022 sehingga 22-01-2022 , Antarabangsa |
A novel hierarchical heterostructure of hollow La2Ti2O7/In2O3 with strong interface interaction for photocatalytic antibiotic degradation , 23-01-2022 sehingga 13-02-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Co-assembly strategy for organic/inorganic heterojunctions with intimate interfaces and effective charges separation , 20-02-2022 sehingga 07-03-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Synthesis of Monolayer Carbon-coated TiO2 as Visible-light-responsive Photocatalysts , 01-03-2022 sehingga 15-03-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs) characterized by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) , 21-04-2022 sehingga 28-05-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Bengkel Strategi Penulisan Ulasan Artikel , 19-05-2022 sehingga 19-05-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Webinar Penulisan Kertas Cadangan Geran Penyelidikan , 12-05-2022 sehingga 12-05-2022 , Kebangsaan |
Pyridazine doped g-C3N4 with Nitrogen defects and Spongy structure for efficient tetracycline photodegradation and photocatalytic H2 evolution , 18-06-2022 sehingga 15-07-2022 , Antarabangsa |
Projek Pertandingan Young Innvators Fair Peringkat Kebangsaan 2022 , 11-10-2022 sehingga 11-11-2022 , Kebangsaan |
In-situ synthesis of floating ZnIn2S4@cellulose aerogel for facile photocatalysis , 02-01-2023 sehingga 16-01-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Facile one-pot synthesis of defective (001)-TiO2-x/BN photocatalyst for environmental applications , 04-01-2023 sehingga 23-01-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Novel in-situ fabrication of Fe-doped zinc oxide/tin sulfide heterostructures for visible-light-driven photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue , 18-01-2023 sehingga 13-02-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Ag nanofilm enhanced S-type Ag@AgCl/tubular g-C3N4/Ti photoanode visible light response photocatalytic fuel cell degradation of rhodamine B and electricity production , 16-09-2023 sehingga 08-10-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Unraveling the Potential of Heteroanionic Titanium Oxycarbide Photocatalysts for Detoxifying SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test Kit Reagent Solution in Water Sources , 25-08-2023 sehingga 08-10-2023 , Antarabangsa |
Anugerah Pembentang Oral Terbaik , 10-12-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Research Grant In Green Chemistry , 02-11-2023 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Antarabangsa |
Photocatalytic Degradation Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon By Using Biochar-Based Graphitic Carbon Nitride , 20-10-2021 sehingga 01-01-1970 , Kebangsaan |
Sunlight active novel rice husk biochar loaded with metal ferrite for efficient removal of endocrine disruptor pesticides: green synthesis, kinetics, and photoactivity , 31-01-2024 sehingga 17-02-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Yeast-templated in situ hydrothermal synthesis of carbon doped Bi2MoO6/Bi2S3 microspheres with efficient photocatalytic performance , 07-04-2024 sehingga 18-05-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Constructing novel metal-free g-C3N4@HCOF-Ph heterojunctions through molecular expansion to enhance photogenerated carrier involved molecular oxygen activation and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution , 16-04-2024 sehingga 18-05-2024 , Antarabangsa |
Construction of strong internal electric field type Ag2CO3/WO3 photocatalyst and photocatalytic removal of harmfulalgae: performance and mechanism , 14-10-2024 sehingga 17-11-2024 , Antarabangsa |
1st INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOLAR HYDROGEN 2024 , 09-09-2024 sehingga 10-09-2024 , Universiti |
Ahli Jawatankuasa Semakan Program Pengajian Prasiswazah (Kimia) FST , 16-08-2022 sehingga 15-07-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Ahli Penyelidik PORCE 2020/2023 , 01-09-2020 sehingga 31-08-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
JAWATANKUASA FITTER THAN YESTERDAY CHALLENGE , 01-12-2019 sehingga 31-03-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
JAWATANKUASA KARNIVAL KIMIA UKM 2020 (KKUKM2020) , 01-12-2019 sehingga 30-06-2020 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
JAWATANKUASA PENAKSIRAN KERTAS PENILAIAN BERTERUSAN SEMESTER II SESI AKADEMIK 2020/2021 - PROGRAM KIMIA , 09-07-2021 sehingga 09-07-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
JAWATANKUASA PENAKSIRAN KERTAS SOALAN PEPERIKSAAN SEM 1 SESI 2022/2023 - PROGRAM KIMIA & PROGRAM TEKNOLOGI , 30-11-2022 sehingga 31-01-2023 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
JAWATANKUASA PENERBITAN JSK , 15-07-2020 sehingga 30-06-2023 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
JAWATANKUASA PENGAJIAN SISWAZAH JABATAN SAINS KIMIA , 01-09-2022 sehingga 31-08-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
JAWATANKUASA PROMOSI DAN WEBSITE PUSAT BAHAN TERMAJU & SUMBER KETERBAHARUAN , 01-07-2020 sehingga 30-06-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
JAWATANKUASA SEMAKAN PROGRAM PENGAJIAN PRASISWAZAH (KIMIA), FST , 16-07-2020 sehingga 15-07-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
JAWATANKUASA SEMAKAN PROGRAM PENGAJIAN SARJANA SAINS (KIMIA), FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI , 01-02-2021 sehingga 31-01-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
JAWATANKUASA TAKLIMAT PELAJAR BAHARU PASCASISWAZAH SEMESTER 2, SESI AKADEMIK 2023/2024, FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI , 08-03-2024 sehingga 08-03-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Bengkel Hala Tuju JSK 2021-2025 , 01-11-2021 sehingga 31-03-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Jawatankuasa Bicara Umum , 01-08-2021 sehingga 30-09-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Jawatankuasa ICFCHT-SFCHT2023 , 30-08-2022 sehingga 06-09-2023 , Universiti |
Jawatankuasa Naik Taraf (Kulat) Bangunan Kimia , 30-03-2021 sehingga 30-03-2024 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Jawatankuasa Penaksiran Kertas Soalan Peperiksaan Semester 2, Sesi Akademik 2020/2021 , 27-05-2021 sehingga 27-05-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Pengukuhan Pasukan Jabatan Sains Kimia , 02-05-2024 sehingga 30-04-2026 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan Lisan dan Pemeriksaan Tesis , 02-02-2023 sehingga 31-12-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan Lisan dan Pemeriksaan Tesis , 01-01-2024 sehingga 31-12-2024 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Semakan Program Pengajian Prasiswazah (Kimia) , 16-07-2020 sehingga 15-07-2021 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Jawatankuasa Simposium Kimia Analisis Malaysia ke 36 (SKAM36) , 01-11-2023 sehingga 31-10-2024 , Universiti |
Jawatankuasa Website, JSK , 01-11-2021 sehingga 31-10-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
KETUA KLUSTER PEMANGKINAN UNTUK TENAGA DIPERBAHARUI & KELESTARIAN ALAM SEKITAR, JABATAN SAINS KIMIA , 01-08-2020 sehingga 31-07-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
KETUA KLUSTER PEMANGKINAN UNTUK TENAGA DIPERBAHARUI DAN KELESTARIAN ALAM SEKITAR , 01-08-2022 sehingga 31-07-2024 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
KETUA PENGURUS PENYELIDIKAN DAN PENERBITAN PUSAT PENYELIDIKAN POLIMER , 01-08-2024 sehingga 31-07-2026 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
MENTOR MENTI PROGRAM KIMIA , 25-03-2021 sehingga 24-03-2024 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Majlis Makan Malam Alumni Sains Kimia , 15-07-2022 sehingga 31-12-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Malaysia Polymer International Conference (MPIC 2021) , 16-03-2021 sehingga 16-03-2022 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Malaysia Polymer International Conference 2023 (MPIC 2023) , 20-09-2022 sehingga 30-10-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Malaysia Polymer International Conference 2025 (MPIC 2025) , 01-01-2024 sehingga 31-12-2025 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
PANEL PENILAI JK PATEN 2023 , 27-06-2023 sehingga 27-06-2023 , Universiti |
PANEL PENILAI JK PATEN 2023 , 12-07-2023 sehingga 12-07-2023 , Universiti |
PENILAI SEMINAR SISWAZAH DAN PEMBENTANGAN RARA6014 SEMESTER 1 SESI AKADEMIK 2021/2022 , 15-02-2022 sehingga 16-02-2022 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
PROGRAM PENGUKUHAN PASUKAN BANGUNAN KIMIA , 07-01-2020 sehingga 21-03-2021 , Pusat Pengajian / Jabatan / Pusat Penyelidikan / Unit |
Panel Penilai Proposal RARA6014/RARA8014 , 03-07-2023 sehingga 09-08-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Penaksiran Kertas Soalan Peperiksaan Semester 1 Sesi Akademik 2019/2020 Program Kimia , 29-10-2019 sehingga 29-10-2019 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |
Penilai Kolokium Siswazah 2023 , 03-07-2023 sehingga 09-08-2023 , Fakulti / Institut / Pusat Perkhidmatan |