Penerbitan WOS

Shaimaa B. Al-Baghdadi,Tays er Sumer Gaaz, Aqeel Al-Adili, Ahmed Abdulamier Hussain Al-Amiery, Mohd Sobri Takriff.  (2021).  Experimental studies on corrosion inhibition performance of acetylthiophene thiosemicarbazone for mild steel in HCl complemented with DFT investigation.  - International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies.  181-188. 

Kamrul Fakir Kamarudin, Nur Farah Mohd Shukuri, Nazlina Haiza Mohd Yasin, Suresh Thanakodi, Azizi Miskon, Mohd Sobri Takriff.  (2021).  Penilaian sistem suntikan gas biohidrogen menerusi tetapan arduino menggunakan kultur mikroalga tempatan melalui kaedah fermentasi fotosintesis dan gelap.  - Sains Malaysiana.  1221-1232. 

Rosiah Rohani, Izzati Izni Yusoff, Nur Fatinah Ainaa Amran, Rosmawati Naim, Mohd Sobri Takriff.  (2021).  Comparison of separation performance of absorption column and membrane contactor system for biohydrogen upgraded from palm oil mill effluent fermentation.  - Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy.  1-8. 

Nusayba A Albadarin, Mohd Sobri Takriff, Sin Tee Tan, Seyed Ahmad Shahahmadi, Lorna Jeffery Minggu, Abdul Amir H Kadhum, WongWai Yin, Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, Ensaf M Alkhalqi, Muhammad Azmi Abdul Hamid, Nowshad Amin.  (2020).  Tunable morphology and band gap alteration of CuO-ZnO nanostructures based photocathode for solar photoelectrochemical cells.  - Materials Research Express.  1-8. 

Ahmed Al-Amiery, Lina M. Shaker, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum and Mohd S. Takrif.  (2020).  Synthesis, characterization and gravimetric studies of novel triazole-based compound.  - International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies.  164-170. 

Ahmed Al-Amiery, Taghried A. Salman, Khalida F. Alazawi, Lina M. Shaker, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum and Mohd S. Takriff.  (2020).  Quantum chemical elucidation on corrosion inhibition efficiency of Schiff base: DFT investigations supported by weight loss and SEM techniques.  - International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies.  202-209. 

Woon Chan Chong, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Ying Tao Chung, Kamrul Fakir Kamarudin, Mohd Sobri Takriff.  (2019).  Nanohybrid membrane in algal-membrane photoreactor: microalgae cultivation and wastewater polishing.  - Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering.  2799-2806. 

Mohd Hafis Irsyad Mohd Faudzi, Jamaliah Md Jahim, Peer Mohamed Abdul, Chen-Yeon Chu, Shu-Yii Wu, Mohd Sobri Takriff, Shuhaida Harun.  (2019).  Kinetic model of thermophilic biohydrogen production from POME.  - The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE).  219-232. 

Azianabiha A Halip Khalid, Zahira Yaakob, Siti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullah, Mohd Sobri Takriff.  (2019).  Assessing the feasibility of microalgae cultivation in agricultural wastewater: the nutrient characteristics.  - Environmental Technology and Innovation.  1-9. 

Harizah Bajunaid Hariz, Mohd Sobri Takriff, Nazlina Haiza Mohd Yasin, Muneer M Ba-Abbad, Noor Irma Nazashida Mohd Hakimi.  (2019).  Potential of the microalgae-based integrated wastewater treatment and CO2 fixation system to treat Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) by indigenous microalgae; Scenedesmus sp. and Chlorella sp..  - Journal of Water Process Engineering.  1-9. 

A. A. Hamzah, A. R. Ruzairi, M.S. Takriff, E.J. Mohamad, J. Pusppanathan, I. N. Azman, M.S. Mohd Ghazali, M.Z. Sabri, K.F. Mohrab, F. Ghafar, M.N. Zahari.  (2019).  Application of electrical resistance tomography in an oscillatory baffled column for gas-liquid two-phase flow.  - International Journal of Integrated Engineering.  119-125. 

Teow Yeit Haan, Wong Zhong Huo, Mohd Sobri Takriff, Abdul Wahab Mohammad.  (2018).  Fouling behaviours of two stages microalgae/membrane filtration system applied to palm oil mill effluent treatment.  - Membrane Water Treatment. 

Nur Anira Syafiqah Hazman, Nazlina Haiza Mohd Yasin, Mohd Sobri Takriff, Hassimi Abu Hasan, Kamrul Fakir Kamarudin, Noor Irma Nazashida Mohd Hakimi.  (2018).  Integrated palm oil mill effluent treatment and CO2 sequestration by microalgae.  - Sains Malaysiana. 

Irvan, Bambang Trisakti, Seri Maulina1, Rivaldi Sidabutar1 , Iriany, Mohd Sobri Takriff.  (2018).  Adsorption - desorption system for co2 removal in biogas using natural zeolite - based adsorbent.  - Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 

N. Mohd, M. S. Takriff and S. F. S. Draman.  (2017).  Nutrients assessment of anaerobic palm oil mill effeluent (AnPOME) as an alternative media for microalgae culture.  - Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences.  981-990. 

Azima Syafaini Japar, Mohd Sobri Takriff, Nazlina Haiza Mohd Yasin.  (2017).  Harvesting microalgal biomass and lipid extraction for potential biofuel production: A review.  - Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering.  555-563. 

Manoj Pudukudy, Zahira Yaakob, Nursyifaa` Dahani, Mohd Sobri Takriff & Nik Suhaimi Mat Hassan.  (2017).  Production of COx Free Hydrogen and Nanocarbon via Methane Decomposition Over Unsupported Porous Nickel and Iron Catalysts.  - Journal of Cluster Science.  1579-1594. 

Afrasyab Khan, Khairuddin Sanaullah, M. Sobri Takriff, Hushairi Zen, Andrew Ragai Henry Rigit, Ajmal Shah, Imran Rafiq Chughtai.  (2016).  Numerical and experimental investigations on the physical characteristics of supersonic steam jet induced hydrodynamic instabilities.  - Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering.  271-283. 

Bilal Wasmi, Ahmed A Al Amiery, Abdul Amir H Kadhum, Mohd S Takfiff and Abu bakar Mohamad.  (2016).  Synthesis of Vanadium Pentoxide nanoparticles as catalyst for the ozonation of palm oil.  - Ozone: Science & Engineering.  36-41. 

Wasmi, B.A., Kadhum, A.A.H., Takriff, M.S., Al miery, A.A., Mohamad, A.B..  (2015).  Chemical and Physical Properties Investigation as Indicators for the Ozonation Reaction Completion of Palm Olein.  - Ozone: Science and Engineering.  503-508. 

Zuraifah Minhat, Muhammad Syukri Abd Rahaman, Mohd Sobri Takriff and Norhisham Tan Kofli.  (2015).  Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Locally Isolated and Commercial Strain of Microalgae.  - JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY.  539-543. 

Zahira Yaakob, Ehsan Ali, Afifi Zainal, Masita Mohammad, Mohd Sobri Takriff.  (2014).  An overview: biomolecules from microalgae for animal feed and aquaculture.  - Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki.  1-10. 

Sami D. Salman, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum, Mohd S. Takriff, Abu Bakar Mohamad.  (2013).  Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Characteristics in a Circular Tube Fitted with V-Cut Twisted Tape Inserts.  - The Scientific World Journal.  2013. 

Muneer M. Ba-Abbad, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum, Abu Bakar Mohamad, Mohd S. Takriff, Kamaruzzaman Sopian.  (2013).  Photocatalytic degradation of chlorophenols under direct solar radiation in the presence of ZnO catalyst.  - Research on Chemical Intermediate.  1981-1996. 

Afifi Zainal, Zahira Yaakob, Mohd Sobri Takriff, Renganathan Rajkumar, and Jaharah Abdul Ghani.  (2012).  Phycoremediation in Anaerobically Digested Palm Oil Mill Effluent Using Cyanobacterium, Spirulina platensis.  - Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy.  6:1-6. 

Ahmed Y. Musa, Anees A. Khadom, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum, Mohd Sobri Takriff and Abu Bakar Mohamad.  (2012).  The role of 4-amino-5-phenyl-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol in the inhibition of nickel-aluminium bronze alloy corrosion: electrochemical and DFT studies.  - Research on Chemical Intermediates.  91-103. 

Abdul Amir H. Kadhum, Bilal A. Wasmi, Abu Bakar Mohamad, Ahmed A. Al-Amiery and Mohd S. Takriff.  (2012).  Preparation, characterization, and theoretical studies of azelaic acid derived from oleic acid by use of a novel ozonolysis method.  - Research on Chemical Intermediates.  659-668. 

Ahmed Y. Musa, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum, Mohd Sobri Takriff and Abu Bakar Mohamad.  (2011).  Inhibition of galvanic corrosion by 4-amino-5-phenyl-4H-1, 2, 4-trizole-3-thiol.  - International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering.  5(2):226-231. 

Shamsudin, R., Daud, W.R.W., Takriff, M.S., Hassan, O..  (2011).  Chemical compositions and thermal properties of the josapine variety of pineapple fruit (Ananas comosus L.) in different storage systems.  - Journal of Food Process Engineering.  34(5):1558-1572. 

A. Y. Musa, A. A. H. Kadhum, A. B. Mohamad, M. S. Takriff, A. R. Daud, S. K. Kamarudin.  (2010).  Adsorption isotherm mechanism of amino organic compounds as mild steel corrosion inhibitors by electrochemical measurement method.  - Journal of Central South University of Technology.  17(1):34-39. 

Musa, A.Y., Khadom, A.A., Kadhum, A.A.H., Mohamad, A.B., Takriff, M.S..  (2010).  Kinetic behavior of mild steel corrosion inhibition by 4-amino-5-phenyl-4H-1,2,4-trizole-3-thiol.  - Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers.  41(1):126-128. 

A.Y. Musa, A. A. H. Kadhum, M. S. Takriff, A. R. Daud, S. K. Kamarudin and N. Muhamad.  (2010).  Corrosion inhibitive property of 4-amino-5-phenyl-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol for mild steel corrosion in 1.0M hydrochloric acid.  - Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology.  45(2):163-168.