Penerbitan WOS

Amutha Selvaraj, Adyani Md Redzuan, Ernieda Hatah.  (2020).  Community pharmacists' perceptions, attitudes and barriers towards pharmacist-led minor ailment services in Malaysia.  - International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.  777-785. 

Ernieda Hatah, Phylicia Gan Yin Hui, Endang Kumolosasi.  (2019).  Annexin A1 and leukemia: A systematic review.  - Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.  2653-2668. 

Naeem Mubarak, Ernieda Hatah, Tahir Mehmood Khan, Che Suraya Zin.  (2019).  A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of collaborative practice between community pharmacist and general practitioner on asthma management.  - Journal of Asthma and Allergy.  109-153. 

Hamiza Aziz, Ernieda Hatah, Mohd Makmor Bakry, Farida Islahudin, Najwa Ahmad Hamdi, Ivy Mok Pok Wan.  (2018).  Qualitative exploration of factors for medication adherence among subsidized and self-paying patients in Malaysia.  - BMC Health Service Research. 

Lim M. Chiang, Ernieda Hatah, Ahmad Fuad Shamsuddin.  (2018).  The readiness of community pharmacists as counsellors for athletes in addressing issues of the use and misuse of drugs in sports.  - Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 

Noraida Mohamed Shah, Billy Lim Tzyy Nan, Nies Yong Hui, Farida Hanim Islahudin, Ernieda Mhd Hatah.  (2017).  Knowledge and perception of breast cancer and its treatment among Malaysian women: Role of religion.  - Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.  955-962. 

Tan Sin Yee & Ernieda Hatah.  (2017).  Knowledge, attitudes, practices, and barriers related to research utilization: a survey among pharmacists in Malaysia.  - International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.  450-458. 

Ngadimon IW, Islahudin F, Mohamed Shah N, Md Hatah E, Makmor-Bakry M.  (2017).  Improving shared decision-making in adolescents through antibiotic education.  - International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.  120-125. 

Ernieda Hatah, June Tordoff, Stephen B. Duffull, Rhiannon Braund.  (2014).  Pharmacists` performance of clinical interventions during adherence support medication reviews.  - Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy.  10(1):185-194. 

Ernieda Hatah, June Tordoff, Stephen B. Duffull, Claire Cameron & Rhiannon Braund.  (2014).  Retrospective examination of selected outcomes of medicines use review (MUR) services in New Zealand.  - International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.  36(3):503-512.