farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, hamizah abdul hamid. (2023). the role of compassion in guiding muslim entrepreneurs' opportunity recognition.. - 36th anzam conference: changing management values and practices for a sustainable future. 1-11. |
noor azuan bt hashim, hawati janor, rosmah mat isa, farhana sidek, norazila mat. (2022). adoption of digital technologies for information dissemination on palm oil among smallholders. - . 1-10. |
farhana binti sidek;rosmah bt. mat isa;ratana binti jabir;shifa binti mohd nor. (2022). developing a model on muslim entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial opportunity. - . . |
rosmah bt. mat isa;rasidah binti arshad;nor liza bt. abdullah. (2022). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . . |
zizah binti che senik;rosmah bt. mat isa;rasidah binti arshad;abu hanifah bin ayob;siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;nur sa`adah binti muhamad. (2022). developing a model on brand communication strategy for sustainable malaysian palm oil industry. - . . |
zizah che senik; rosmah mat isa; abdullah sanusi othman; ridzuan md. sham. (2022). sapura energy berhad, 2022: braving the covic-19 pandemic. - . 1-13. |
zizah binti che senik;rosmah bt. mat isa;abdullah sanusi othman. (2022). sapura energy berhad: braving the covic-19 pandemic. - . . |
rosmah mat isa, zizah che senik. rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah, ishak abdul rahman, noor azuan hashim. (2021). a holistic model for wellbeing of b40 retirees. - . 1-9. |
siti faridah abdul jabbar, rosmah mat isa, zizah che senik. (2021). laporan kemajuan 1 - developing a legal framework for the sustainability of social enterprises in malaysia. - . 1-2. |
rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah, wye chung khain. (2021). developing an integrated management model for harnessing innovative work behavior among digital natives in the workforce. - . 1-8. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2021). ambidexterity psychometrics assessment to measure individual's exploration and exploitation capabilities. - the 1st international business and management virtual innovation & invention of ideas competition (viic2021). 1-33. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). principles of islamic economy. - . 1-21. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). main sources of islamic law. - . 1-26. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). secondary sources of islamic law. - . 1-19. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). islamic economic system. - . 1-30. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). conventional economic systems. - . 1-29. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). investment in islamic. - . 1-53. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). riba in muamalat. - . 1-48. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). business contract in islam. - . 1-35. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). khiyar in business contract. - . 1-18. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). kegembiraan pencetus kesejahteraan di tempat kerja. - majalah insan. 18-19. |
zizah che senik, ridzuan md sham, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, abu hanifah ayob, siti ngayesah ab. hamid, nur sa`adah muhamad, fauziah arshad. (2021). laporan kemajuan 1 ep-2019-051: developing a model on brand communication strategy for sustainable malaysian palm oil industry. - . 1-13. |
siti faridah abdul jabbar, rosmah mat isa, zizah che senik. (2021). developing a legal framework for the sustainability of social enterprises in malaysia. - . 1-2. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). principles of islam. - . 1-30. |
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, abu hanifah ayob. (2020). spirituality and entrepreneurship: a muslim viewpoint. - . 0. |
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, noor azuan hashim, hamizah abdul hamid, khairul akmaliah adham. (2019). communal obligation: manifestation of spiritual values in entrepreneurial activities.. - 33rd annual australian and new zealand academy of management conference. wicked solutions to wicked problems. the challenges facing management research and practice.. 1257. |
zizah che senik, hamizah abdul hamid, rosmah mat isa & rasidah arshad. (2018). chrest buku program. - the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. . |
zaleha binti yazid;rosmah bt. mat isa;aisyah binti abdul rahman;shifa binti mohd nor;khairul akmaliah bt. adham. (2018). developing a framewrok of organising self-managed team: the role of leadership. - . . |
zizah che senik, hamizah abd hamid, rosmah mat isa & rasidah arshad. (2018). buku chrest. - the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. . |
khairul akmaliah adham, rosmah mat isa, nik mutasim nik ab rahman, mohd ezani mat hassan, low soo wah, mohmad adnan alias, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, nur laili ab ghani. (2015). pengukuhan penerbitan ukm-gsb. - reforming the grey areas. . |
khairul akmaliah bt. adham, roshayati binti abdul hamid, wan mohd hirwani bin wan hussain, mohd. ezani bin mat hassan, nik mutasim bin haji nik ab. rahman, rosmah bt. mat isa, et. al.. (2015). exploring islamic perspective on transformative service for societal well-being. - . . |
rosmah mat isa. (2015). modal sosial efektif tingkat daya saing organisasi. - berita harian. . |
mohd ezani mat hassan, rosmah mat isa, khairul akmaliah adham, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, low soo wah, nik mutasim nik ab. rahman. (2015). pengukuhan penerbitan bahan bacaan umum ukm-gsb. - . . |
khairul akmaliah adham,mohd ezani mat hassan,nik mutasim nik ab rahman,low soo wah, rosmat mat isa,zizah che senik,nur atiqah abdullah,zaleha yazid,adlin masood. (2015). doctoral program in management: research process, industry relations and socialization within the research communities. - producing global workface. . |
khairul akmaliah adham,mohd fuaad said,adriana mohd rizal,mohd iqbal abdul wahab,hasmiah kasimin,mohd ezani mat hassan,nik mutasim nik ab rahman,rosmah mat isa,aini aman,adlin masood, et al. (2015). exploring islamic perspective on transformative service for societal well-being. - reforming the grey areas. . |
wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, rosmah mat isa, khairul akmaliah adham, khairul anuar mohd ali, low soo wah, nasuha nordin, nur laili ab. ghani. (2015). pengukuhan penerbitan bahan pengajaran ukm-gsb. - reforming the grey areas. . |
khairul akmaliah bt. adham, low soo wah, rosmah bt. mat isa, noreha bt. halid, adlin binti masood, zaleha binti yazid, zizah binti che senik, norazila bt. mat, mohd fuaad said. (2014). business sustainability and strategies for growth. - . . |
low soo wah, noreha halid, rosmah mat isa, khairul akmaliah adham, adlin masood. (2014). aligning mba programme to meet graduates and industries expectations without sacrificing quality an exploratory study. - case-based learning in is. . |
rosmah mat isa dan john a.a sillince. (2010). the impact of understanding the sequence of social capital dimension for tacit knowledge sharing in an organizational project context. - eurasia business and economics society (ebes) 2010 conference. . |
nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, rohayu abd ghani. (2010). relational psychological contract and knowledge sharing: the mediating role of social capital. - eurasia business and economics society (ebes) 2010 conference. . |
rosmah mat isa |
noradiva hamzah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah, rohayu abdul ghani. (2008). the changing nature of employment relationship: its? effect on social capital, commitment, turnover intention and knowledge sharing. - 4th eiasm workshop on "visualising, measuring and managing intangible and intellectual capital. . |
rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rohayu abdul ghani. (2008). the changing nature of employment relationship: its effect on social capital, commitment, turnover intention and knowledge sharing. - pertandingan poster fakulti ekonomi dan perniagaan. . |
nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, noradiva hamzah. (2008). pertandingan poster. - the typology of intellectual capital and knowledge management in malaysian hotel industry. . |