nasharuddin bin zainal;andanastuti muchtar;ishak bin ahmad;badariah binti bais;ashinida binti aladdin;shahida binti shahimi;khadijah binti alavi. (2022). kajian melengkapkan pengajian siswazah tepat masa: mengenal pasti punca kegagalan dan strategi intervensi mencapai got. - . . |
nik khaliq zailani nik iskandar, badariah bais & puvaneswaran a/l chelvanathan. (2021). simulation of the performance of iron pyrite thin film solar cell by scaps 1-d. - prosiding penyelidikan prasiswazah 2021. 57-62. |
mardina bt. abdullah;lilia bt. halim;badariah binti bais;rosadah binti abd majid;mohd azlan shah bin jaafar;noridawaty binti mat daud;roslinda binti rosli;gan kok beng;nurul shazana binti abdul hamid;nurul hajijah binti hair;sabirin bin abdullah. (2021). program pemantauan suar matahari menggunakan ukm-sidĪ. - . . |
roslinda rosli, mardina abdullah, nur choiro siregar, siti aminah bahari, nurul shazana abdul hamid, sabirin abdullah, gan kok beng, lilia halim, noridawaty mat daud, badariah bais. (2021). raising students' awareness and achievement in space science with solar flare monitoring project-based approach. - 2021 7th international conference on space science and communication. 1-4. |
badariah binti bais;shahidan bin radiman;norazreen binti abd aziz;md. akhtaruzzaman;puvaneswaran a/l chelvanathan. (2021). development of stable and high performance perovskite film for perovskite solar cells using non-halide lead precursor solution for ambient environment. - . . |
md. rashedul islam, badariah bais, md. samsuzzaman, md. zulfiker mahmud, haslina arshad, norsuzlin mohd sahar & mandeep singh jit singh. (2021). g loaded complementary split square ring resonator-based sng metamaterial for wi-fi, iot & satellite applications. - 2021 7th international conference on space science and communication. 313-317. |
noorfazila binti kamal;lilia bt. halim;hafizah bt. husain;badariah binti bais;kalaivani a/p chellappan;rosmina jaafar. (2021). development of energy resources learning kit monitoring for interdisciplinary stem exploration. - . . |
nurul hajijah hair, badariah bais, mardina abdullah. (2020). 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2019). - earth to space bulletin. 5-7. |
norazreen binti abd aziz;badariah binti bais;norhana binti arsad;siti salasiah binti mokri;muhamad ramdzan bin buyong. (2020). acoustic waves separation system for cellular analysis. - . . |
badariah binti bais;kamaruzzaman sopian;sawal hamid bin md ali;nowshad amin;iskandar bin yahya. (2020). development of cost-effective, stable and environmental friendly czts thin film solar cell on flexible substrates for versatile application. - . . |
mardina abdullah, badariah bais, nurul hajijah hair, siti aminah bahari, muhamad roszaini roslan.. (2019). laporan selepas mengadakan persidangan 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2019). - . 1-22. |
n.a. jayah, b. bais, b.y. majlis. (2019). effects of concentration and microchannel size towards microfluidic hollow fiber separation. - the 4th malaysia-japan joint symposium on nanoelectronics 2019. 1-3. |
norliana yusof, badariah bais, norhayati soin, muhamad ramdzan buyong and burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2019). microfabrication of planar coils for lc-mems pressure sensor. - the 4th malaysia-japan joint symposium on nanoelectronics 2019. 1-3. |
nurul azzyaty jayah, badariah bais & burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2018). simple fabrication of microfluidic hollow fiber extractor. - imen postgraduate colloquium. . |
badariah binti bais;ahmad ashrif bin a bakar;muhammad faiz bin bukhori;nowshad amin;iskandar bin yahya. (2018). surface modification with nano-structures and nano-scale thin film coating for enhanced opto-electronic conversion by increased activation area. - . . |
norliana yusof, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis & norhayati soin. (2018). monolithic planar micro coil design for mems bladder pressure sensor. - imen postgraduate colloquium. . |
muzalifah mohd said, jumril yunas, badariah bais & burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2018). development of electromagnetic micropump with magnetic polymer composite membrane for biomedical application. - imen postgraduate colloqium. . |
mardina abdullah, rosadah abd majid, nor syaidah bahri, badariah bais. (2017). pemupukan kemahiran abad ke-21 melalui aktiviti pemantauan cuaca angkasa. - seminar pendidikan transdisiplin (sted2017). . |
badariah bais & siti noorjannah ibrahim. (2017). eds malaysia kuala lumpur chapter. - ieee electron devices society newsletter. 50-51. |
mardina abdullah, badariah bais, nurul hajijah hair, noor hayati ahmad rasol & noridawaty mat daud. (2017). laporan 2017 international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017). - . . |
badariah bais, noorjannah ibrahim & rhonira latiff. (2017). eds malaysia kuala lumpur chapter. - ieee electron devices society newsletter. 38. |
badariah bais & zubaida yusoff. (2016). eds malaysia kuala lumpur chapter. - ieee electron devices society newsletter. 44-45. |
mohd nizar hamidon & badariah bais. (2016). report on ieee-rsm2015 conference. - ieee electron devices society newsletter. 39. |
badariah bais & zubaida yusoff. (2016). report on eds-etc program at national university of malaysia (ukm). - ieee electron devices society newsletter. 30-31. |
mardina abdullah, badariah bais, rosadah abd majid, gan kok beng, sabirin abdullah, noridawaty mat daud, siti aminah bahari, nor syaidah bahri. (2016). raspberry pi: green technology for space weather monitoring. - impact. . |
mardina abdullah,badariah bais,nurul hajijah hair,noridawaty mat daud,noor hayati ahmad rasol. (2016). laporan selepas persidangan iconspace 2015. - . . |
badariah bais & siti noorjannah ibrahim. (2016). report on eds-etc program in terengganu, malaysia. - ieee electron devices society newsletter. 28. |
mardina abdullah, kok beng gan, sabirin abdullah, badariah bais, rosadah abd majid. (2016). ionospheric flare detection using raspberry pi. - iswi newsletter. . |
rosadah abd majid, mardina abdullah, badariah bais, gan kok beng, sabirin abdullah, nor syaidah bahri. (2016). pengayaan pembelajaran sains angkasa menggunakan raspberry pi. - kongres knovasi pnp ukm 2016. . |
badariah bais. (2016). reflections from eds malaysia chapter. - ieee electron devices society newsletter. 28-29. |
jumril yunas, badariah binti bais, burhanuddin bin yeop majlis, azrul azlan bin hamzah. (2015). magnetic and light sensitive polymer membrane based on embedded magnetic nanoparticles for mems actuators. - . . |
mardina abdullah, rosadah abd majid, badariah bais, alina marie hasbi, nor syaidah bahri. (2015). fostering research aptitude to high school students through space weather competition. - . . |
badariah bais & zubaida yusoff. (2015). ed kuala lumpur, malaysia. - ieee electron devices society newsletter. 44-45. |
badariah bais & zubaida yusoff. (2015). eds malaysia kuala lumpur chapter - dl mini-colloquium (mq) at ukm. - ieee electron devices society newsletter. 29-30. |
w mimi diyana w zaki, badariah bais, muhammad faiz bukhori, rosmina jaafar, muhd. fauzi aminuddin shazi shaarani & aqilah baseri huddin. (2015). kajian hubung kait pencapaian pelajar di peringkat pra-universiti dengan pencapaian pelajar dalam subjek teori litar di tahun satu, jkees. - k-novasi pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm 2015. . |
mardina bt. abdullah, badariah binti bais, baharudin bin yatim, mohd. alauddin bin mohd. ali, rosadah binti abd majid, siti aminah binti bahari, alina marie binti hasbi, noridawaty binti mat daud. (2014). pemantapan pembelajaran sains angkasa kepada pelajar sekolah melalui pemantauan cuaca angkasa dengan alat penerima vlf. - . . |
mardina abdullah, alina marie hasbi and badariah bais. (2014). space weather innovation competition. - iswi newsletter. . |
w.wan jalal, h. abdullah, m. zulfakar, s. shaari, t. mohammad, b. bais. (2014). effect of mg contents on znal2o4 thin films by sol gel method and its application. - conference program : 38th international conference and exposition on advanced ceramics and composites. . |
mardina abdullah, siti aminah bahari, badariah bais, alina marie hasbi, rosadah abd majid, mohd hezri mokhtar, norsyaidah bahri. (2014). space weather innovation competition for school students in malaysia. - multidisciplinary innovation for sustainability and growth (misg-2014). . |
wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, sahbudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam, badariah bais. (2013). characterization of znal2o4:ca2+ nanostructure based microwave dielectric ceramics for gps patch antennas. - book of abstracts - 4th international conference on functional materials and devices (icfmd). . |
wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, badariah bais, shabudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam. (2013). characterization of tixzn(1-x)al2o4 thin films by sol-gel method for gps patch antenna. - the 8th international conference on advanced materials and devices (icamd 2013). . |
wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, sahbudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam, badariah bais. (2012). characteristics of nanostructure caxzn(1-x)al2o4 thin films prepared by sol-gel method for gps patch antennas. - 4th international conference on solid state science and technology 2012 (icssst). . |
mardina abdullah, badariah bais, alina marie hasbi, rosadah abd majid, baharudin yatim, mohd alauddin mohd ali, siti aminah bahari, noridawaty mat daud, mohd hezri mokhtar and mhd fairos asillam.. (2012). development of ukm-sid teaching module for space science education. - international forum on engineering education 2012 (ifee 2012). . |
hafizah husain, badariah bais, aini huassain & salina abdul samad. (2011). penggubalan soalan terbuka (open-ended) untuk memupuk kemahiran profesional pelajar. - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan & alam bina (peka2011) universiti kebangsaan malaysia teaching and learning congress 2011, vol ii(347-356).. . |
seri mastura mustaza, farizah ansaruddin, aida baharuddin, azah mohamed, badariah bais, faisal ibrahim, suliana sulaiman. (2008). buletin jkees jun 2008. - . . |