Penerbitan Lain-lain

juriyati binti jalil;kamisah binti yusof.  (2023).  anti-inflammatory effect of phytochemicals from selected alphonsea species (annonaceae) through inhibition of pge2, cox-2 and cytokines production .  -

rajasegar anamalley, muhammad haffiz jauri, kamisah yusof, nurhanan murni yunos, satirah zainalabidin.  (2022).  the effects of 17bh-neriifolin on cardiac na+/k+-atpase expression, cardiac structure and function in heart failure rat model.  - 13th international symposium of health sciences.  1. 

kamisah yusof, nur hidayah mustafa, siti hawa nordin, juriyati jalil.  (2022).  patutkah petai dimakan?.  - impak edisi khas kluster kesihatan & perubatan termaju.  33-34. 

nor hidayah mustafa, yusof kamisah, satirah zainalabidin, juriyati jalil.  (2021).  title effects of selected phytochemicals from parkia speciosa pods on angiotensin ii-induced hypertrophied cardiomyocytes in vitro.  - pharmacy research day 2021.  22. 

norliana masbah, siti norain azahar, saperi sulong, wan asyraf wan zaidi, kamisah yusof, norliza muhammad.  (2021).  direct medical cost of stroke and the cost-effectiveness of direct oral anticoagulants among atrial fibrillation-related stroke patients in malaysia.  - 8th usim national health seminar.  94. 

fitri fareez ramli, normala ibrahim, kamisah yusof.  (2021).  a protocol of systematic review: clinical factors associated with metabolic syndrome in patients receiving clozapine.  - 22nd national public health colloquium 2021, covid-19 pandemic: impact on public health.  58. 

azizah ugusman, nuntika wangpradit, supattra prom-in, jasadee kaewsrichan, paweena wongwitwichot, kamisah yusof, chua kien hui, jaya kumar murthy.  (2020).  effects of okra peel, okra seed and germinated sangyod rice powder on atherogenesis in high-fat diet-induced mice.  - 1-7. 

satirah binti zainalabidin;jalifah binti latip;kamisah binti yusof.  (2020).  the cardioprotective effect of roselle against apoptosis in rat model of myocardial infarction..  - -. 

mohammed s. m. saleh, juriyati jalil, yusof kamisah.  (2020).  characterization of phenolic compounds using lc/q-tof ms and the evaluation of alpha glucosidase of parkia speciosa.  - international conference of pharmacy and health sciences 2020.  1. 

qodriyah binti haji mohd saad, muhammad faiz abdullah omar, ng shi chian, anna sofea muhammad satar, iven chin su kai, farhana syahirah salihhuddin, azman bin abdullah, kamisah binti yusof, nur azlina binti mohd fahami, norliana binti masbah.  (2020).  effects of virgin coconut oil and palm tocotrienol on renal oxidative stress in postmenopausal rat model fed with heated palm oil diet.  - 1-6. 

kamisah binti yusof;kamsiah bt. jaarin;juriyati binti jalil;qodriyah binti haji mohd saad;satirah binti zainalabidin.  (2020).  effects of parkia speciosa ethanolic standardized extract on angiotensin ii-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.  -

muhamad faiz bin abdullah omar, iven chin su kai, farhana syahirah binti salihhuddin, anna sofea binti muhammad satar, ng shi chian, qodriyah haji mohd saad, kamisah yusof, azman abdullah, norliana masbah, nur azlina mohd fahami.  (2019).  effects of virgin coconut oil and palm tocotrienol on renal oxidative stress in postmenopausal rat model fed with heated palm oil diet.  - 11th medical undergraduates' annual scientific research meeting.  17. 

kamisah yusof, siti hawa nordin, ahmad asmadi yusof, juriyati jalil.  (2019).  cardiomyocyte hypertrophy induction by angiotensin ii in h9c2 cells.  - the 4th international conference on advances in medical science.  88. 

kamisah binti yusof;kamsiah bt. jaarin;zaiton binti zakaria;faizah bt. othman;juriyati binti jalil;qodriyah binti haji mohd saad;zakiah binti jubri @ mohd zufri;satirah binti zainalabidin;azizah binti ugusman;srijit das;sahema @ zar chi thent.  (2018).  potential role of phenolic-rich fraction of parkia speciosa as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents in reducing cardiovascular risk: an in vitro study.  - web problem-based learning. 

faizah bt. othman;kamisah binti yusof;syarul nataqain binti baharum;norwahidah binti abdul karim;teoh seong lin.  (2018).  effect of polygonum minus leaf (daun kesum) extract on cisplatin-induced liver injury in male sprague dawley rats.  -

faizah binti othman, kamsiah jaarin, zaiton zakaria, srijit das, kamisah yusof, qodriyah hj mohd saad, dr zakiah jufri, farida hussan, sahema zar chi thent.  (2018).  effects of morinda citrifolia leaf ethanolic extract on exercise endurance and cardiovascular changes in ovariectomized sprague dawley rats fed with high oxidised diet.  -

faizah bt. othman;kamsiah bt. jaarin;zaiton binti zakaria;qodriyah binti haji mohd saad;kamisah binti yusof;zakiah binti jubri @ mohd zufri;srijit das;khin pa pa hlaing @ farida hussan;sahema @ zar chi thent.  (2018).  effects of morinda citrifolia extract on exercise endurance and cardiovascular changes in ovariectomized sprague dawley rats fed with high oxidised diet.  -

shafreena shaukat ali, kamisah yusof, satirah zainalabidin.  (2018).  roselle limits early cardiac remodelling in rat model of myocardial infarction.  - 32nd scientific meeting mspp 2018: translating medical science into sustainable health care. 

hawa n siti, juriyati jalil, ahmad yusof asmadi, yusof kamisah.  (2018).  the effects of quercetin on cardiac function in post-ischemic-reperfusion cardiac injury and pressure overload in animal models: a systematic review.  - 32nd scientific meeting malaysian society of pharmacology & physiology 2018. 

shafreena shaukat ali, kamisah yusof, satirah zainalabidin.  (2018).  action of roselle on early cardiac remodelling in post myocardial infarction.  - the 5th joint symposium of thammasat university, bk21 plus of cuk and national defense medical center. 

sura maan salim, nurhanan murni yunos, muhamad haffiz jauri, yusof kamisah.  (2018).  the effect of compound sna209 on angiotensin ii-induced cardiac hypertrophy in h9c2 cardiomyocytes.  - international conference of molecular medicine in nutrition, health and disease. 

derick tan zee yang, nur amalina mohamed azhar, nur izzatul afiqah mohd shakri, chong jie lei, nurul ilmi ismail, mohamad husnal al-haqeem abdullahisham, kamisah yusof, qodriyah mohd saad, norliana masbah.  (2018).  effects of citrus leaf extract on renal vasoactive substance in rats fed heated palm oil diet.  - 10th medical undergraduate annual scientific research meeting 2018. 

muhamad nurul akmal, yusof kamisah, hj mohd saad qodriyah, mohd fahami nur azlina.  (2017).  the preventive effect of piper sarmentosum on stress-induced gastric lesions in rats.  - international conference on advances in medical science. 

azman abdullah, tan chung phern, nur fatihah hanis mohamad rahim, nur izzati zaharuddin, nurdayana maulat salihin, ahmad hilmi yusof, harizz miszard radman, kamsiah jaarin, kamisah yusof, qodriyah haji mohd saad and nur azlina mohd fahami..  (2017).  the effects of cosmos caudatus (ulam raja) on the levels of expression of nrf2 target genes in mice liver..  - 3rd international conference on advances in medical science (icams). 

nur azlina mohd fahami, kamisah yusof, chua kien hui, qodriyah hj mohd saad.  (2017).  effects of evnol on stress-induced gastric mucosal lesions and its relation to oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers.  - international conference on advances in medical science. 

mohd mustazil mn, tan cp, nur fatihah hmr, nur izzati z, nurdayana ms, ahmad hilmi y, harizz miszard r, kamsiah j, kamisah y, qodriyah hms, nur azlina mf, azman a.  (2017).  the effects of cosmos caudatus (ulam raja) on the expression of detoxifying enzymes and antioxidant genes in mice liver.  - minggu penyelidikan perubatan & kesihatan ke 19. 

muhammad zaid zainuddin, kamisah yusof, farida hussan, faizah othman.  (2017).  effects of morinda citrifolia (noni) leaf ethanolic extract on exercise endurance in female sprague-dawley rats.  - 3rd international conference on advances in medical science 2017. 

nur hani suhaimi, yusof kamisah, satirah zainalabidin, kamsiah jaarin.  (2017).  effects of add-x addition into frying oil on heated oil-induced hyoertension in rats.  - 3rd international conference on advances in medical science 2017. 

yusof kamisah, japar sidik fadhlullah zuhair, abdul hamid juliana, kamsiah jaarin.  (2017).  phytochemical profile of parkia speciosa empty pods methanolic extract.  - 3rd international conference on advances in medical science 2017. 

jiann sheng gui, zakiah jubri, juriyati jalil, yusof kamisah.  (2017).  effects of parkia speciosa extract on tnf-a-induced inflammation in h9c2 cardiomyocytes.  - 3rd international conference on advances in medical science 2017. 

nor-hidayah mustafa, azizah ugusman, juriyati jalil, yusof kamisah.  (2017).  protective effects of parkia speciosa empty pod extract on h2o2-induced oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (huvecs).  - 3rd international conference on advances in medical science 2017. 

nor-hidayah mustafa, azizah ugusman, juriyati jalil, yusof kamisah.  (2016).  polyphenol-rich parkia speciosa empty pod extract attenuates inflammation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.  - minggu penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan ke-18. 

chung phern t, nur fatihah hmr, nur izzati z, nurdayana ms, ahmad hilmi y, jaarin k, kamisah y, qodriyah hms, nur azlina mf, harizz miszard r, abdullah a..  (2016).  the effects of caudatus (ulam raja) on the levels of expression of nrf2 target genes in mice liver.  - 8th medical undergraduates annual scientific research meeting 2016: infinite vision, execution empowerment. 

mohd fahami nur azlina, hj mohd saad qodriyah, muhamad nurul akmal, & yusof kamisah.  (2016).  in vivo effect of piper sarmentosum methanolic extract on stress-induced gastric ulcers in rats.  - 30th scientific meeting of malaysian society for physiology and pharmacology conference 2016. 

yusof kamisah, nurhanan murni yunos, muhd haffiz jauri.  (2016).  heart mechanical performance of glycoside compound sna209 in langendorff perfused isolated rat heart.  - 3rd pan-asian biomedical science conference 2016. 

nurul akmal muhamad, kamisah yusof, qodriyah hj mohd saad, nur azlina mohd fahami..  (2016).  effect of piper sarmentosum on stress-induced gastric lesions in rats exposed to water-immersion restraint.  - international scientific conference 2016. 

muhammad zaid zainuddin, kamisah yusof, farida hussan, faizah othman.  (2016).  effects of morinda citrifolia (noni) leaf ethanolic extract on exercise endurance in female sprague-dawley rats.  - 3rd pan-asian biomedical science conference. 

kamsiah jaarin, wai die foong, zaman yusoff nik kamarul, mohd saad qoddriyah, abdullah azman, japar sidik fadhlullah, abdul hamid, kamisah yusof.  (2015).  effects of nigella sativa oil on blood pressure regulating enzymes and oxidative stress in l-name induced hypertensive rats.  - 2nd international conference on advances in medical science (icams). 

siti hawa n, kamisah y, kamsiah j.  (2015).  effect of add-x a novel frying additive on heated oil induced hypertension in a rat model.  - 2nd international conference on advances in medical science (icams). 

yusof kamisah, hj mohd saad qodriyah, japar sidik fadhlullah zuhair, adbul hamid juliana, kamsiah jaarin.  (2015).  protective effect of parkia speciosa empty pods against hypertension and cardiac damage in nitric oxide deficient hypertensive rats.  - 2nd international conference on advances in medical sciences.. 

tan pii vin, muhammad firdaus mat sedik, lim su chern, wan syuhada wan pakhzi, mumtazah ahmad, siti zulaikha mat husin, kamsiah jaarin, qodriyah hj mohd saad, azman abdullah, yusof kamisah.  (2015).  effects of parkia speciosa empty pod extract on blood pressure and its related parameters in kidney of l-name admionistered rats.  - 7th medical undergraduates annual scientific research meeting. 

kamsiah jaarin, kamisah yusof, faizah othman and qodriyah hj mohd saad.  (2015).  does repeatedly heated oil increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.  - research impact number 2 (crim). 

kamsiah jaarin, yusof kamisah, faizah othman, nurul akmal muhammad, zakiah jubri, qodriyah mohd saad and srijit das.  (2014).  effect of nigella sativa on blood pressure, vascular reactivity, nitric oxide and inflammatory biomakers in l-name treated rats.  - x1 international science conference. 

nadia salem alrawaiq, qodriyah hj mohd saad, kamisah yusof, zakiah jubri, azman abdullah.  (2014).  the effects of equal doses of sulforaphane, curcumin and quercetin on nadph-quinone oxidoreductase (nqo1) gene expression in mice livers.  - 3rd international postgraduate conference on pharmaceutical sciences. 

azman abdullah, kamisah yusof, qodriyah haji mohd saad, wan zurinah wan ngah, harizz miszard radman.  (2014).  cosmos caudatus protects mice liver mainly through inhibition of lipid peroxidation and lactate dehydrogene.  - international conference on natural products 2014. 

foong wd, yeoh mh,nik kz, kamisah yusof,qodriyah ms, azman a, and kamsiah jaarin.  (2014).  effects of nigella sativa on bloood pressure regulating enzymes and oxidative stress satus in hypertensive rats.  - the 6th medical undergraduate annual scientific research meeting 2014. 

harizz miszard r, kamisah y, qodriyah ms, wan zurinah wn and azman a.  (2013).  the effect of ulam raja (cosmos caudatus) on drug metabolizing enzymes,lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in mice liver.  - minggu penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan ke-15. 

a azman, j kamsiah, y kamisah, hms qodriyah, mr harizz, hl chai, k murali, r nur nabillah fahana, d kezreen kaur.  (2013).  the effects of `ulam raja` (cosmos caudatus) on detoxyfying enzymes in mice extrahepatic organs.  - minggu penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan ke-15. 

mohammad afiq hamsi, kamsiah jaarin, faizah othman, yusof kamisah, zar chi thent, haji mohd saad qodriyah, zaiton zakaria, adel emran, srijit das.  (2013).  consumption of repeatedly hated corn oil on blood pressure and impairs vascular reactivity of spraque dawley rats.  - 8th malaysian indonesian brunei medical science conference. 

azman abdullah, kamsiah jaarin, kamisah yusof, qodriyah hj. mohd saad, harizz miszard radman, chai hui lee, murali a/l kalaiselvam, nur nabillah fahana roslan, kezreen kaur dhaliwal.  (2013).  the effects of ulam raja (cosmos caudatus) on detoxyfying enzymes in mice extrahepatic organs.  - 27th scientific meeting of malaysian society of pharmacology and physiology. 

kezreen kaur d., nur nabillah fahana r., chai hl., murali k., kamsiah j., kamisah y., qodriyah hj. ms., harizz miszard r, azman a.  (2013).  the effects of `ulam raja` (cosmos caudatus) on detoxifying enxymes in extrahepatic organs in mice.  - 5th medical undergraduates` annual scientific research meeting. 

chun-yi-ng,yusof kamisah,othman faizah, zakiah jubri, kamsiah jaarin.  (2013).  increased inflammation in the blood pressure raising mechanism of recycled deep-frying oil in experimental rats.  - international conference on advances in medical science. 

mohammad afiq hamsi, kamsiah jaarin, faizah othman, yusof kamisah, zar chi thent, haji mohd saad qodriyah, zaiton zakaria, adel emran, srijit das.  (2013).  consumption of repeatedly heated corn oil increases blood pressure and impairs vascular reactivity of sprague rats.  - 8th malaysia indonesia brunei medical sciences conference. 

mohammad afiq hamsi, faizah othman, kamisah yusof, kamsiah jaarin, zar chi thent, haji mohd saad qodriyah, zaiton zakaria, adel emran, srijit das.  (2013).  microscopic changes in cardiovascular tissues following prolonged consumption of repeatedly heated virgin coconut oil.  - international conference on advances in medical science. 

harizz miszard radman, kamisah yusof, qodriyah haji mohd saad, wan zurinah wan ngah, azman abdullah.  (2013).  the effect of ulam raja (cosmos caudatus) on drug metabolizing enzymes, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in mice liver.  - 27th scientific meeting of malaysian society of pharmacology and physiology. 

juliana ah, fadhlullah zjs, nurul-iman bs, kamisah y & qodriyah hms.  (2012).  antihypertensive effects of virgin coconut oil in male rats fed with heated palm oil.  - the 9th allied health scientific conference malaysia 2012. 

fadhlullah zuhair js , juliana ah , nurul-iman bs, kamisah y & qodriyah hms.  (2012).  effects of virgin coconut oil supplementation on lipid profile in thermoxidized palm oil-fed male rats.  - the 9th allied health scientific conference malaysia 2012. 

othman f, nua aziz, r jusoh, k yusof, q saad, s das, k jaarin.  (2012).  effect of curcumin on the aorta of ovariectomized rats fed with repeatedly heated palm and soy oil : an electron microscopic study.  - 2ndanzaca/aias conference. 

qodriyah hms, nurul-iman bs, fadhlullah zjs, juliana ah & kamisah y.  (2012).  virgin coconut oil improves endothelial function in heated palm oil induced hypertensive rats.  - the 9th allied health scientific conference malaysia 2012. 

kamsiah jaarin, yusof kamisah, othman faizah and chun yi ng.  (2012).  the possible involvement of inflammation in the blood pressure raising effect of repeatedly heated soybean oil in experimental rats.  - the 5th asia-pacific nutrigenomics conference. 

ng chun yi, kamisah yusof, faizah othman and kamsiah jaarin.  (2012).  association of vascular inflammation and blood pressure elevation following prolonged intake of repeatedly heated soybean oil in rats.  - 26th scientific meeting of malaysian society of pharmacology and physiology. 

nurul iman badlishah, qodriyah mohd saad, kamisah yusof.  (2012).  effects of virgin coconut oil supplementation on vascular reactivity in thermoxidized palm oil-fed male rats.  - 17th national conference on medical & health sciences, usm, kelantan. 

ismawi hidayah, hj mohd saad qodriyah, ahmad yusof asmadi, othman faizah, yusof kamisah.  (2011).  effects of palm-tocotrienol rich fraction (trf) on oatp2 protein expression in bilirubin transport in adult rats.  - palm international nutra-cosmeceutical conference (pinc)2011, kuala lumpur, malaysia. 

chun yi ng,xin fang leong,qodriyah mohd saad,kamisah yusof and kamsiah jaarin.  (2011).  consumption of repeatedly hetaed palm and soy oil causes similar effect on blood pressure and aortic morphometry in rats.  - palm international-nutra-cosmeceutical conference (pinc) 2011. 

ng cy, kamisah y, qodriyah ms,faizah o, xin fang l and kamsiah j.  (2011).  consumption of repeatedly heated palm and soy oils causes similar effect on blood pressure and aortic morphometry in rats.  - medicine & health : 7th malaysia indonesia brunai medical science conference. 

ismawi hidayah, hj mohd saad qodriyah, ahmad yusof asmadi, ithman faizah, yusof kamisah.  (2011).  effects of palm-tocotrienol rich fraction (trf) on oatp2 protein expression in bilirubin transport in adult rats.  - palm international nutra - cosmeceutical conference. 

azman abdullah, fadhilah idris, kamisah yusof, qodriyah haji mohd saad, wan zurinah wan ngah, abdul salam babji.  (2011).  daun kesum (persicaria minor) aqueous extract prevents lipid peroxidation and slightly improves antioxidant status in mice livers.  - proceedings of the international conference on traditional medicine (contramed) 2011, pulau pinang, malaysia. 

kamisah y, lim vcl, faizah o, qodriyah hms, asmadi ay.  (2010).  the protective effect of palm vitamin e on hyperbilirubinemia in adult rats.  - 35th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology. 

ismawi hidayah, hj mohd saad qodriyah, ahmad yusof asmadi, othman faizah, yusof kamisah.  (2010).  effects of palm-tocotrienol rich fraction (trf) on mrp2 protein expression in bilirubin transport in adult rats.  - international symposium of health sciences. 

kamisah y, norsidah k, azizi a, faizah o, asmadi ay.  (2010).  hypohomocysteinemic effects of palmvitee in rats fed a high methionine diet.  - 4th asia pacific nutrigenomic conference 2010. 

qodriyah haji mohd saad, muhammad uzair, aina mardiah, siti nor aishah, teing shu jun, lim pei-wen, kamsiah jaarin, azman abdullah, kamisah yusof, nur azlina mohd fahami.  (2010).  the effects of heated palm and soy oils on bone histomorphometry in male rats.  - koleksi laporan penyelidikan ukm. 

safaa h ganduh, hj mohd saad qodriyah, ahmad asmadi yusof, othman faizah, yusof kamisah.  (2010).  effects of palmvitee on hepatic organic anion transporting polypeptide (oatp2) expression in hyperbilirubinemic rat neonates.  - the 1st ukm-mu joint scientific conference 2010. 

kamsiah jaarin, xin-fang leong, kamisah yosuf, qodriyah hj mohd saada, zakiah jubrib, faizah othman, mohd nadzri mohd najib, mohd rais mustafad.  (2010).  effect of heated soy oil on blood pressure , nitric oxide and vascular reactivity in rats.  - 4th asia pasific nutrogenomic conference. 

y kamisah, k norsidah, a azizi, ay asmadi.  (2009).  beneficial effects of palmvitee on aortic oxidative stress in hyperhomocysteinemic rats.  - palm international nutra-cosmeceutical 2009. 

kamisah yusof, alini marzuki, farihah hj suhaimi.  (2009).  kesan pemberian fraksi kaya tokotrienol ke atas status tekanan oksidatif pada mencit sindrom down ts65dn.  -

ku-zaifah norsidah, ahmad asmadi yusof, ayob azizi, yusof kamisah.  (2009).  the effects of palm tocotrienol rich fraction (trf) on proatherosclerotic changes in aorta of rats fed high methionine diet.  - `joanna-briggs institute - international convention - ripples to revolution. 

abdullah a, shahrul s, chan sx, noorhazliza ap, khairunnisak m, rasyadan a, qodriyah hms, kamisah y, nur azlina mf & kamsiah j..  (2009).  public awareness regarding usage of repeatedly heated cooking oil in kuala lumpur.  - kesan cosmos caudatus ke. 

jaarin k, norshuzila ishak, leon xin fang, kamisah y, qadriyah s, faizah othman, zakiah j, ngah w and jumat s.  (2009).  peroxide content of heated vegetable oils and its effect on blood pressure in rats.  - 7th costam/sfrr (asia/malaysia) international workshop 2009. 

y kamisah, k norsidah, a azizi and ay asmadi.  (2008).  palmvitee suppressed hepatic oxidative stress in rats fed a high methionine diet.  - the australian health and medical research congress. 

kamisah y, ibrahim aai, nafeeza mi and nur-azlina mf.  (2008).  suppression of stress-induced gastric oxidative stress by palmvitee.  - malaysian science and technology congress 2008. 

kamisah y, norsidah k, azizi a, asmadi ay..  (2007).  palmvitee improves plasma nitric oxide in rats fed a high methionine diet.  - malaysian science and technology congress 2007. 

aida fadriah hj. mistiran, kamisah yusof, aishah adam, farihah h. suhaimi, gapor mat top, mizaton hazizul hasan, caroline sunggip and alini marzuki.  (2006).  effects of tocotrienol rich fraction (trf) on antioxidant and oxidative stress status in ts65dn mice, a mouse model for down syndrome.  - programme & abstracts 6th costam/sfrr (asean/malaysia) international workshop. 

a.i. ibrahim, y.kamisah, m.i.nafeeza and m.f. nur azlina.  (2006).  effect of palm vitamin e and alpha-tocopherol on gastric acidity, motility and lesions in rats exposed to water immersion restraint stress.  - 3st annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology. 

i.a.ibrahim, y.kamisah, m.i.nafeeza and m.f.nur azlina.  (2006).  effect of palm vitamin e and alpha-tocopherol on gastric acidity, gastric motilty and gastric lesions in rats exposed to water immersion restraint stress.  - abstract book minggu penyelidikan ke-viii, 15-22 julai. 

a.f. mistiran, kamisah y., a.adam, f.suhaimi, gapor m.t., m.h. hasan and a.marzuki.  (2006).  antioxidant status in ts65-5dn mice supplemented with palm tocotrienol rich fraction (trf).  - 5th anrap international seminar-mnps 22nd annual seminar. 

y.kamisah, j.e.s liew, m.t.gapor and a marzuki.  (2006).  effects of palm phytosterol on blood lipid profile in rats.  - 5th anrap international seminar - mnps 22nd annual seminar.