Penerbitan Lain-lain

zaizuhana shahrim, suzana makpol, geok chin tan, kamariah ibrahim, zafarizal aldrin azizul hasan.  (2023).  inhibition of mir-223-3p by topically applied palm tocotrienol rich fractions (trf) improves angiogenesis in lep ob/ob cutaneous wound healing model.  - international meeting 47th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology.  108. 

choo xiang tan, jia yee tan, azimatun noor aizuddin, wirda indah farouk, nurwardah alfian, yin ping wong, geok chin tan.  (2023).  upregulation of connexin 40 in the endothelial cells of placenta with acute chorioamnionitis.  - international congress of pathology and laboratory medicine (icpalm) 2023.  1. 

tan geok chin, mohd heikal mohd yunus, norliana masbah, hamat hamdi che hassan.  (2023).  pakej problem-based learning: oh my chest.  - 1-32. 

cheah fook choe;tan geok chin;wong yin ping;nurwardah binti alfian;muhammad haziman bin mohamad fauzi;ooi kai shen.  (2023).  the association between subclinical intrauterine infection in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, therapeutic hypothermia and clinical outcomes: an 11-year retrospective study.  -

tan geok chin;haliza binti zakaria;wong yin ping;muaatamarulain bin mustangin.  (2023).  the utility of dog1, a paternally imprinted gene in differentiating between complete and partial hydatidiform mole.  -

tan geok c., nurazilah m. s., siti noorain h., mohamad khaidir h., nur fatin hazwani d., mohd hairul faizal a., mohd firdaus m., azlan m. h., wan nur 'afifah w. y., razif adli r. nurul asyiqin m.n..  (2022).  buletin resmi vol 4 (1).  - buletin resmi.  1-8. 

nabilah hisham, alfizah hanafiah, tan geok chin, nik ritza kosai, muaatamarulain mustangin.  (2022).  detection of expressed pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-32 in gastric cancer patients from ukm medical centre (ukmmc) using immunohistochemistry (ihc).  - gut 2022.  1. 

syahrul sazliyana binti shaharir;a. rahman bin a. jamal;zarina binti abdul latiff;abdul halim bin abdul gafor;mohd shahrir bin mohamed said;nor azian binti abdul murad;tan geok chin;sakthiswary a/p rajalingham;noraidatulakma binti abdullah @ muda;ruslinda.  (2022).  associations of the common susceptibility risk loci of sytemic lupus erythematosus (sle) with disease manifestations and treatment response. .  -

wong yin ping;cheah fook choe;clarence ko ching huat;wong kon ken;lim pei shan;tan geok chin;nor haslinda binti abd aziz;muhamad fakhri bin mohd saleh;chia wai kit.  (2022).  evaluation of the molecular mechanisms of cytokine and growth factor signaling in human placental trophoblast cell lines when co-infected with gardnerella vaginalis.  -

tan geok c., nurazilah m. s., siti noorain h., mohamad khaidir h., nur fatin hazwani d., mohd hairul faizal a., mohd firdaus m., azlan m. h., wan nur 'afifah w. y., razif adli r. nurul asyiqin m.n..  (2022).  buletin resmi.  - buletin resmi.  1-8. 

tan geok c., nurazilah m. s., siti noorain h., mohamad khaidir h., nur fatin hazwani d., mohd hairul faizal a., mohd firdaus m., azlan m. h., wan nur 'afifah w. y., razif adli r. nurul asyiqin m.n..  (2021).  buletin resmi vol 3 (1).  - buletin resmi.  1-12. 

tan geok c., nurazilah m. s., siti noorain h., mohamad khaidir h., nur fatin hazwani d., mohd hairul faizal a., mohd firdaus m., azlan m. h., wan nur 'afifah w. y., razif adli r. nurul asyiqin m.n..  (2021).  buletin resmi vol 3 (2).  - buletin resmi.  1-8. 

wai kit chia, yin ping wong, teck yee khong, kampan nirmala@chandralega, abd aziz nor haslinda, shuib salwati, geok chin tan.  (2021).  expression pattern of the rb transcriptional corepressor 1 (rb1) protein in hydatidiform moles.  - 2021 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm 2021) and 18th annual scientific meeting, college of pathologists.  1. 

wai kit chia, yin ping wong, teck yee khong, kampan nirmala@chandralega, abd aziz nor haslinda, shuib salwati, geok chin tan.  (2021).  expression pattern of the rb transcriptional corepressor 1 (rb1) protein in hydatidiform moles.  - 2021 international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm 2021).  1. 

yin ping w, ka wen l, shahrun niza as, tan geok chin.  (2021).  spindle cell metaplasia in papillary thyroid carcinoma: a rare encounter.  - 23rd medical and health research week.  48. 

alfizah hanafiah, nabilah hisham, tan geok chin, muaatamarulain mustangin, nik ritza kosai nik mahmood.  (2021).  expression of interleukin-32 in gastric cancer patients in ukm medical centre (ukmmc).  - 1-5. 

fazarina mohammed, yin ping wong, kan n hor, michael arnold, tan geok chin.  (2020).  an unusual case of cardiac rhabdomyoma with left ventricular outlet obstruction.  - international academy of pathology malaysian division 6th annual scientific meeting 2019.  18. 

wong yin ping;cheah fook choe;clarence ko ching huat;wong kon ken;tan geok chin;chia wai kit.  (2019).  a study on the effects of gardnerella vaginalis infection on various growth factor receptors in human trophoblast cell lines.  - 1-5. 

elena aisha binti azizan;nor azmi bin kamaruddin;a. rahman bin a. jamal;rohaizak bin muhammad;norfilza binti mohd mokhtar;norlela binti sukor;tan geok chin;isa b mohamed rose.  (2019).  genetic study on aldosterone-producing adenomas (apas) in the multiethnic population of malaysia.  - 1-9. 

mianxin chew, yin ping wong, norain karim, muaatamarulain mustangin, nurwardah alfian, geok chin tan.  (2019).  programmed death ligand 1, a poor prognostic marker in endometrial carcinoma.  - 11th malaysia indonesia brunei medical science conference 2019.  1. 

elena aisha binti azizan;nor azmi bin kamaruddin;a. rahman bin a. jamal;norlela binti sukor;tan geok chin.  (2019).  pilot genome wide association study (gwas) of primary aldosteronism.  - 1-7. 

geok chin tan.  (2019).  medulloblastoma.  - neoplasia by makna national cancer council.  13-15. 

geok chin tan, anushia swaminathan, abd fuaat azliana, beng kwang ng, pei shan lim, yin ping wong, fook choe cheah.  (2018).  increased syncytial knots in the placentae of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.  - 25th regional congress of the perinatal society of malaysia. 

tan geok chin, nur maya sabrina tizen laim.  (2018).  mikrorna dan isomirs: kecil tetapi berperanan besar.  - majalah patologi. 

mingtze kong, nadia farhana md ghazali, ummi izzati roslan, don shakir sufian, amithra vanavaramban, tan geok chin, mohd rohaizat hassan, nordashima shukor.  (2018).  endometrial pathology in abnormal uterine bleeding : a clinicopathological study.  - 10th medical undergraduates' annual scientific meeting 2018. 

anushia swaminathan, geok chin tan, chee hoe lai, yin ping wong, kon ken wong, fook choe cheah.  (2018).  the effects of gardnerella vaginalis intrauterine infection on rabbit foetal lung.  - international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine 2018. 

piao piao ang, karim norain, geok chin tan, yin ping wong.  (2018).  diagnostic value of ezh2 immunomarker in malignant effusion cytology.  - 5th annual scientific meeting: breast and mediastinal pathology. 

pei yeing teoh, geok chin tan, mahsin hakimah, yin ping wong.  (2018).  androgen receptor expression in triple negative breast carcinoma.  - 5th annual scientific meeting: breast and mediastinal pathology. 

melissa stalling, geok chin tan, vinay prasad.  (2017).  the conundrum of vascular lesions with prominent fibrofatty components: diagnostic pitfalls & a review of 4 cases with phost-like features.  - spring meeting 2017. 

chew bee see, razmin ghazali, hanita othman, nor azlin mohamed ismail, tan geok chin.  (2017).  an immunohistochemical study of endocan expression in placenta in patients with hypertension in pregnancy.  - 4th annual scientific meeting international academy of pathology malaysian division (iapmd) 2017. 

chew bee see, razmin ghazali, hanita othman, nor azlin mohamed ismail, tan geok chin.  (2017).  endocan expression in placenta in patients with and without hypertension in pregnancy.  - international academy of pathology, malaysian division, 4th annual scientific meeting. 

melissa stalling, geok chin tan, vinay prasad.  (2017).  the utility of ttg immunostain as a surrogate marker to identify, potential, celiac disease: a review of nine cases; valuable marker or deceptive hype?.  - spp spring meeting 2017. 

fazarina mohammed, boekhren karyostyko borhanuddin, tan geok chin.  (2017).  autopsy findings of newborns with complex cyanotic congenital heart disease: a report of two cases..  - international conference in medicine 2017. 

geok chin tan, sabrina florence chandramaya.  (2017).  plasenta: teman si bayi.  - majalah patologi.  1-3. 

khairunnisa ramli, ifasha gasim, amir ahmad, ohnmar htwe, law zhe kang, azmi baharudin, mohd hisam muhamad ariffin, hazla mohammad haflah, tan geok chin, amaramalar selvi naicker, shariful hassan, ruszymah hj idrus, shalimar abdullah and min hwei ng.  (2016).  the role of neural-differentiated bone marrow stem cells in the re-myelination of regenerated axon.  - 14th meeting of the asian-pacific society for neurochemistry (apsn 2016). 

min-hwei ng, jezamine lim, geok chin tan, jia xian law, mohammed nawi azmawati, bt hj idrus ruszymah, mohd razi zainul rashid.  (2016).  wharton`s jelly stem cell as an allogenic cell source for bone tissue engineering-an in vivo safety study.  - 2016 termis-ap. 

lim ps, ng bk, tan gc, aruku naidu.  (2016).  urethral masson`s tumour: a rare and puzzling entity.  - 24th congress of the obstetric & gynaecological society of malaysia. 

geok chin tan, melissa stalling, gretchen dennis, maria nunez, samir b kahwash.  (2016).  pseudothrombocytopenia due to platelet clumping: a case report and brief review of literature.  - 11th annual international scholar research exposition. 

chuah joo ngor, ng beng kwang, nirmala @ chandralega a/p kampan, cheah fook choe, tan geok chin, lim pei shan.  (2016).  evaluation of pregnancy outcome of women with symptomatic bacteria vaginosis and the prevalence of gardnerella vaginalis.  - 24th congress of the obstetric & gynaecological society of malaysia. 

geok chin tan, chee hoe lai, farihah suhaimi, kon ken wong, salasawati hussin, fook choe cheah.  (2015).  the effects of intrauterine infection by gardnerella vaginalis in a fetal rabbit model.  - 2015 annual scientific meeting of the college of pathologists, academy of medicine malaysia & 40th anniversary celebration of the pathology advocates. 

rima a dasrilsyah, ng bk, hashim o, shuhaila a, tan gc, lim ps.  (2015).  congenital leukemia: a case report.  - 24th asian & oceanic congress of obstetrics & gynaecology. 

chian ling tang, bee see goh, geok chin tan.  (2015).  myeloid sarcoma of temporal bone: a rare manifestation of relapse acute myeloid leukemia.  - 16th asean orl-hns congress. 

lai ch, wong kk, salasawati h, tan gc, cheah fc.  (2015).  the effects of intrauterine infection with gardnerella vaginalis in a fetal rabbit model.  - the 7th national paediatric research conference. 

maryam entezarian, chandramaya sabrina florence, geok chin tan, noraidah masir.  (2014).  immunohistochemistry study of er, pr, c-erbb2 and endocan protein expressions in ovarian neoplasm.  - international academy of pathology malaysian division inaugural conference & scientific meeting. 

farizan g , dayang a.a, , chia wy, geok chin t , zulfiqar ma, rahmah r.  (2014).  46 xx sry negative ovotesticular disorder of sexual development.  - mems annual congress 2014 -mac 2014. 

tan gc, chan e, sarkar r, robinson s, molnar a, cui w, meister g, baulcombe d, dibb nj.  (2013).  canonical micrornas and their isomirs have different target genes.  - biogenesis and turnover of small rnas, royal society, edinburgh, uk. 

siti fatimah s, chua kh, hayati ar, tan ae, tan gc.  (2011).  epidermal growth factor promote the growth of human amnion epithelial cells but reduce its differentiate phenotype.  - abstracts: tissue engineerieng research group: progress update. 

nur fariha mm chua kh, tan gc, tan ae, hayati ar.  (2011).  the stemness characteristic of human chorion-derived stem cells after serial passage.  - abstracts: tissue engineerieng research group: progress update. 

hayati a rahman, nur fariha m manzor, tan geok chin, lim yun hsuen, and chua kien hui.  (2010).  potential clinical use of stem cells from human placental and umbilical cord matrix for tissue repair through angiogenesis.  - national biotechnology seminar 2010. 

tan geok chin, siti fatimah simat, hayati abd rahman, tan ay eeng, chua kien hui.  (2010).  the isolation of amnion stem cells and characterization of its potential in skin regeneration.  - national biotechnology seminar 2010. 

ng sook luan, siti fatimah simat, chua kien hui, hayati abd rahman, tan ay eeng, tan geok chin.  (2009).  neurogenic potential of human amniotic epithelial cells in two different media.  - placental expression of t. 

geok chin tan, yen piow yap, mohd sidik shiran, abdul rahman sabariah, rajadurai pathmanathan.  (2009).  cutaneous mycobacterial spindle cell pseudotumour.  - bmj case reports. 

siti fatimah simat, ghua kien hui, hayati abd rahman, tan ay eeng, tan geok chin.  (2009).  effects of keratinocyte growth factor on the epithelial gene expression of cultured human amniotic epithelial cells.  - 23rd mspp scientific meeting. 

dr azlin ithnin, dr tan geok chin, prof dr kamsiah jaarin, prof. madya dr faridah mohd nor, dr hamat hamdi che hassan.  (2009).  walking in pain.  -

nurul saadah ahmad, cuan kien hui, nur fariha m manzor, tan geok chin, tan ay eeng, hayati abd rahman.  (2009).  human chorionic-villi-derived placental stem cells sustained stemness cd marker expression with low senescence evidence in extensive expansion.  - 23rd scientific meeting. 

geok ct, siti fatimah s, kien hc, ay et, hayati ar.  (2009).  immunophenotyping and quantitative assessment of epithelial gene expression of human amnion stem-like cells.  - journal of health management (supplement). 

sharifah na, norizah i, diana-kueh pl, mk azaham, tan gc, nurismah mi, nafisah adeed, hatta az, ho ng, m farouk, wahidah a, rushdan mn, mz meor kamal, wan anna, n raihan, zubaidah z, muhammad amir.  (2009).  prevalence of hpv genotypes in cervical samples among malaysian women: a multi centre study.  - 8th annual scientific & general meeting. 

simat siti salmah, kien hui chua, abd rahman hayati, ay eeng tan, geok chin tan.  (2009).  effects of epidermal growth factors on the proliferation and differentiation of human amnion epithelial cells.  - termis 2nd world congress. 

siti fatimah simat, chua kien hui, hayati abd rahman, tan ay eeng, tan geok chin.  (2008).  the effects of serum reduction on gene expression profiles of cultured human amniotic epithelial cells.  - 22nd malaysian society of pharmacology & physiology scientific meeting 2008. 

nur fariha m mansor, chua kien hui, tan geok chin, tan ay eeng, hayati a rahman..  (2008).  stemness gene expression profile of serial passage human placenta chorion-derived stem cells.  - 22nd malaysian society of pharmacology & physiology scientific meeting 2008. 

mohd-mansor n. fariha, kien-hui chua, geok-chin tan, ay-eeng tan and abdul-rahman hayati.  (2008).  chorionic villi cells from human placenta retained stemness potency after serial passages.  - tissue engineering and regenarative medicine international society asia-pacific chpater meeting. 

siti fatimah simat, chua kien hui, hayati abd rahman and tan geok chin.  (2008).  epithelial and stemness gene expression of cultured human amniotic epithelial cells in serum free medium.  - 5th world congress on tissue banking. 

y nurasyikin, c f leong, s a w fadilah, azma r z, g c tan, u noraini.  (2006).  lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma in early transformation to multiple myeloma?.  - the 6th malaysian national haematology scientific meeting.