mohammad rahim kamaluddin. (2023). buku garis panduan menangani isu kesihatan mental belia malaysia. - . 1-85. |
suzaily wahab, rubini sivarajah, amirul danial azmi, norliza chemi, raynuha mahadevan. (2022). the association between childhood trauma, intimate partner violence and perceived parental competence among women abusing amphetamine type stimulant. - the college on problems of drug dependence 84th annual scientific meeting. 1. |
amirul danial azmi, suzaily wahab, nor ba'yah abdul kadir, norhayati ibrahim. (2022). my dad brought me to a drug joint: a qualitative study on adolescents and amphetamine; factors of initiation. - cpdd 84th annual scientific meeting. 1. |
suzaily wahab. (2022). kesihatan mental pelajar. - . 1. |
dayang anita abdul aziz, zarina abdul latiff, sharifa ezat wan puteh, norlaila mustafa, harlina halizah siraj, aznida firzah abdul aziz, suzaily wahab, ani amelia zainuddin, mohd al adib samuri, nurhafilah musa, farah nini dusuki.. (2021). video advokasi impak kesihatan female genital mutilation (fgm). - . 1-50. |
noor alaudin abdul wahab, nur zulaika ishak, onn wah lee, shahrul nazmi sannusi, suzaily wahab. (2021). case studies on schizophrenia patients with auditory hallucinations: could auditory suppression objectively measure the effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy?. - 4th malaysian international psychology conference. 1-2. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). bicara etika siber: terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak posting' .. kawalan kendiri jadi pegangan. - . 1. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). mental health awareness: pandemic covid 19. - . 0. |
zarina dato' abdul latiff, dayang anita abdul aziz, mawaddah azman. (2021). buku panduan etika ikhtisas dan tatacara pelajar siswazah fakulti perubatan ukm. - . 1-31. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). unesco talk series iii: get rid of the unnecessary (mental health in university students). - . 0. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). buli siber "ada apa dengan kata jelik". - . 0. |
suzaily wahab, nurul sarah adib adham, low nie yen, nur hidayah marhat, athirah nordin, sarithini tangaraju, nurul qiyaam abdullah, cyntiya rahmawati, muhdisin noor, siti mardiyah wirederma, hanafi ahmad damanhuri. (2021). the effect of psychosocial intervention on adolescents' mental health and quality of life post-earthquake in indonesia. - 21st wpa world congress of psychiatry. 1. |
suzaily wahab, norhajar ismail, nora mat zin. (2021). effect of antipsychotics on the dimension of auditory hallucination among patients with schizophreniav. - 21st wpa world congress of psychiatry. 0. |
suzaily wahab, muhamad afiq zulkifly, amirul danial azmi, mohd rizal abdul manaf. (2021). validation of the malay version of the alcohol, smoking and substance involvement screening test (assist-lite). - 21st wpa world congress of psychiatry. 1. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). kesihatan mental dan kesejahteraan pelajar di sekolah: peranan dan tanggungjawab guru. - . 1. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). bekerja dari rumah: nasihat dan amalan penjagaan kesihatan mental dan fizikal. - . 0. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). tekanan kesihatan & mental. - . 1. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). how to publish case reports/ how to turn your dissertation to manuscript. - . 0. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). tiga hingga 4 orang terjebak: struktur fizikal otak berubah akibat ketagihan. - harian metro. 1. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). methamphetamine use disorder: unravelling the psychosocial aspect. - . 1. |
muhamad afiq zulkifly, suzaily wahab, amirul danial azmi. (2021). psychometric properties of the malay-version of peer pressure scale questionnaire. - 3rd world congress on integration and islamicisation 2021: mental health well-being in the 4th industrial revolution. 0. |
amirul danial azmi, suzaily wahab, muhamad afiq zulkifly, rizal abdul manaf. (2021). validation of the smartphone-use questionnaire (suq) into the malay language. - 3rd world congress on integration and islamicisation 2021: mental health well-being in the 4th industrial revolution. 1. |
suzaily wahab. (2021). mental health resilience. - . 1. |
mustafa ahmad, shafrudin ali husin, suzaily wahab. (2020). bicara siber pkp covid 19 when makcik kiah goes digital. - . 1-2. |
wan ibrahim wan ahmad, zainab ismail, suzaily wahab, salasiah hanin hamjah, muhammad adib samsudin, hazlin kadir@shahar, hielda noviyanty. (2020). family as a partner of public health: exploring the roles of the family in health promotion and mental health prevention. - first international webinar on social science. 1. |
suzaily wahab. (2020). publishing your work upon graduation. - . 1. |
dayang anita abdul aziz. zarina abdul latiff, sharifa ezat wan puteh, suzaily wahab, harlina halizah siraj, norlaila mustafa, aznida firzah abdul aziz, ani amelia zainuddin, mohd al adib samuri, norhafilah musa, farah nini dusuki, zakiah mohd said, fadhli. (2020). kajian rintis kap (knowledge, attitude and practice) pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ibubapa dan golongan profesional terhadap impak kesihatan female genital mutilation (fgm). - kajian rintis kap (knowledge, attitude and practice) pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan ibubapa dan golongan profesional terhadap impak kesihatan female genital mutilation (fgm). 1-51. |
suzaily wahab. (2020). cegah bunuh diri. - bernama radio. . |
suzaily wahab. (2020). sexual awareness: good or bad. - . 0. |
suzaily wahab. (2020). webinar membina pemimpin masa depan (topik: kesejahteraan mental). - . 0. |
suzaily wahab, meera muniandy, firdaus abdul gani. (2020). predictors of aggression in methamphetamine-induced psychosis and schizophrenia - a comparative cross-sectional study. - the cpdd 2020 scientific meeting virtual experience. 1. |
suzaily wahab. (2020). jangan ambil mudah kebimbangan melampau. - bernama radio. . |
suzaily wahab, hilwa abdullah. (2020). depression & loneliness: the dark corridors of life. - . 1. |
suzaily wahab. (2020). mental health in relation to body image. - . 0. |
suzaily wahab. (2020). kesihatan mental semasa pandemik covid-19 menurut perspektif islam. - . 0. |
suzaily wahab. (2020). buli mental di tempat kerja. - bernama radio. . |
suzaily wahab. (2019). temubual eksklusif: cyber parenting ke arah kesejahteraan siber. - bernama radio. . |
suzaily wahab. (2019). face to face. - traxxfm. . |
hajira ramlan, norrul izuhan bin shafri, suzaily binti wahab, mohammad arif bin kamarudin, roslee rajikan, noor alaudin abdul wahab, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri. (2019). evaluating the level of depression, anxiety and stress in the first year medical students of universiti kebangsaan malaysia (ukm): a preliminary assessment. - 29th malaysian society of neurosciences annual scientific meeting. 165. |
suzaily wahab, tee chun keat, raynuha mahadevan, eni rahaiza, law kian boon. (2019). psychosocial correlates of depression among patients on methadone maintenance therapy in a malaysian tertiary substance abuse treatment centre. - the 4th international conference on advance in medical sciences (icams 2019). 88. |
suzaily wahab, tien yong chua, rosdinom razali, zanariah mat saher. (2019). suicidal behavior, depression and functional disability among elderly inpatients in a malaysian tertiary centre. - the 4th international conference on advances in medical sciences (icams 2019). 90. |
uma visvalingam, aida farhana suhaimi, aida syarinaz ahmad adlan, firdaus abdul gani, masseni abd aziz, mohd aminuddin mohd yusof, muhammad muhsin ahmad zahar, noor izuana redzuan, noormazita misran , nurul syakilah embok raub , suzaily wahab. (2019). management of major depressive disorder. - . 1-108. |
suzaily wahab. (2019). menangani gejala penyalahgunaan dadah di malaysia: permasalahan dan halatuju pelan perawatan. - addiction medicine association of malaysia. 1-2. |
noor alaudin abdul wahab, suzaily wahab, mohd. normani zakaria. (2019). it is not just the brain ii: click auditory brainstem response with noise as a potential test in schizophrenia patients. - the 4th international conference on advances in medical science (icams 2019). 96-97. |
suzaily wahab. (2019). risiko kesihatan di pejabat. - harian metro. 1-3. |
noor alaudin abdul wahab, suzaily wahab. (2019). back to the future: the contralateral suppression of otoacoustic emissions as a potential clinical tool to detect active auditory hallucinations among schizophrenia patients. - 12th international symposium of health sciences (i-sihat 2019). 31. |
noor alaudin abdul wahab, suzaily wahab, mohd. normani zakaria. (2019). it is not just the brain: abnormal auditory-brainstem processing in patients with schizophrenia. - the 4th international conference on advances in medical science (icams 2019). 95-96. |
suzaily wahab. (2018). substance use in the young population. - . . |
lei hum wee, ching sin siau, norhayati ibrahim, uma visvalingam & suzaily wahab. (2017). healthcare personnels interpretation of patient suicide intention and factors leading to it. - the 9th international qualitative research conference 2017. . |
ching sin siau & lei hum wee. (2017). hospital healthcare workers who ideated, planned and attempted suicide: risk factors and attitude towards suicide. - the isihat 2017 symposium in kuala lumpur. . |
suzaily wahab, wee lei hum, siau ching sin, norhayati ibrahim, uma visvalingam. (2017). a qualitative analysis of verbal interactions between health care workers and suicidal patients. - 29th world congress of the international association of suicide prevention. . |
suzaily wahab, lei hum wee, ching sin siau, norhayati ibrahim, uma visvalingam, seen heng yeoh. (2017). predictors of burnout, psychological distress and suicidality among malaysian hospital health-care workers. - 29th world congress of the international association for suicide prevention (iasp). . |
siau ching sin, wee lei hum, sapini yacob, yeoh seen heng, tassha hilda adnan, jamaiyah haniff, komathi perialathan, abu bakar rahman, aziman mahdi, eu choon leng, suzaily wahab. (2016). attitudes towards suicide among nurses in a malaysian public hospital. - asia pacific social sciences conference. . |
wee lei hum, norhayati ibrahim, uma visvalingam, suzaily wahab, siau ching sin. (2016). program pencegahan bunuh diri. - . . |
lh wee, cs siau, s yacob, sh yeoh, j haniff, s wahab, th adnan, cl eu, a mahdi, k perialathan, ab rahman, a salleh. (2016). attitude towards suicide and education level of healthcare workers: a nationwide study in five selected hospitals in malaysia. - 7th asia pacific international congress of anatomists. . |
cs siau, lh wee, s yacob, sh yeoh, j haniff, s wahab, th adnan, cl eu, a mahdi, k perialathan, a azman, ab rahman, a salleh. (2016). 7th asia pacific international congress of anatomists. - perceived need for training by healthcare workers in suicide management: a cross-sectional study in five selected hospitals in malaysia. . |
fairuz nazri abd rahman, siti zaheera ahmad zam zam, suzaily wahab. (2015). depression among mothers of special school students in klang, malaysia. - 6th world congress on women`s mental health. . |
wee lh, siau cs, yacob s, yeoh sh, haniff j, wahab s, adnan th, eu cl, mahdi a, perialathan k, azman a, rahman ab & salleh a. (2015). differences in attitudes of health care workers towards suicidal patients: a comparison between psychiatric and non-psychiatric workers in malaysia. - international symposium of health sciences i-sihat 2015. . |
y sapini, wee lh, siau cs, yeoh sh, w suzaily, a norhayati, eu cl,m aziman, perialathan k, a zman, r abu bakar, s aminah. (2015). attitude towards suicide among different occupations within health care setting. - 19th malaysian conference of psychological medicine. . |
siau cs, wee lh, yacob s, yeoh sh, haniff j, wahab s, adnan th, eu cl, mahdi a, perialathan k, azman a, rahman ab & salleh a. (2015). occupational differences in attitude of health care workers towards suicidal patients: a comparison between doctors and non-doctors. - international symposium of health sciences i-sihat 2015. . |
suzaily wahab, siti zaheera ahmad zam zam, fairuz nazri abd rahman. (2015). anxiety and its associated factors among mothers of disabled children. - 6th world congress on women`s mental health. . |
s m ktan, s.haidah mi, adam b, lee vy, norazlin kn, lf chan, norazura aw, e zakuan k, w suzaily, mi noriah. (2014). is teenage pregnancy in malaysia associated with depression and knowledge of risky sexual behaviour?. - european conference on youth mental health: from continuity of psychopathology to continuity of care. . |
s,m.k.tan, l.f. chan, s. haida m. i., adam b., leev. y., azura a.w., e. zakuan k., noriah m. i., suzaily w., norazlin k.n. (2014). teenage pregnancy in malaysia, its association with knowledge, attitude and practice of risky sexual behavior and adverse childhood experiences. - xvi world congress of psychiatry. . |
siti mohd ij, susan moon kt, bujang a, voon yl, norazura aw, engku kalil z, noriah mi, suzaily w, norazlin kn, hizlinda t, norlaili mt, khairani o, harlina hs, lai fc. (2014). is the family environment associated with teenage pregnancy?. - 18th malaysian conference on psychological medicine. . |
suriati mohamed saini, susan tan mooi koon, mohd. adam bujang, gerard lim chin chye, shalisah sharip, maniam thambu, suzaily wahab, azlin baharudin, nik ruzyanei nik jaafar, khadijah hasanah abang abd. (2014). effect of anxiety and depressive symptoms towards survival of cancer patients within a year and at 13-years outcome. - 18th malaysian conference on psychological medicine & 1st federation of psychiatric associations regional meeting. . |
noor alaudin abdul wahab, suzaily wahab, abdul hamid abdul rahman, dinsuhaimi sidek, shamsul azhar shah, mohd normani zakaria. (2014). listening with two ears: revealing the hidden challenge in patients with schizophrenia. - 3rd malaysian audiology scientific conference. . |
susan tan mooi koon, noriah mohd. ishak, khairani omar, noorlaili mohd tohit @ mohd tauhid, ek zakuan bin kalil, harlina halizah siraj @ ramli, norazlin kamal nor, siti haidah mohd ijam, et. al.. (2014). teenage pregnancies: exploring the issues in the light of prevention. - . . |
siti haidah, susan mooi , bujang adam, voon yee lee, abdul wahab norazura, kalil ek zakuan, mohd ishak noriah, wahab suzaily, kamal nor norazlin, hizlinda tohid, norlaili mohd tauhid, khairani etc. (2014). exposure to pornography and its association with teenage prenancy. - 9th kuala lumpur mental health conference 2014. . |
noor alaudin abdul wahab, suzaily wahab, dinsuhaimi sidek, abdul hamid abdul rahman, shamsul azhar shah, mohd normani zakaria. (2014). an increased asymmetrical suppresive effect of efferent auditory pathway in patients with schizophrenia. - nas international conference on audiology 2014. . |
suzaily wahab, hizlinda tohid, noriah mohd ishak, khairani omar, noorlaili mohd tohit@tauhid, harlina halizah siraj, norazlin kamal nor & susan tan mooi koon. (2013). misconception of induced abortion among teenage pregnant mothers. - 8th international conference on child and adolescent psychopathology. . |
suzaily wahab, mahmud mazlan, nor asiah muhamad, ahmad faizal shamsuddi. (2013). validity and reliability of the malay version of amphetamine withdrawal questionnaire (awq) among a group of substance abusers in kuala lumpur. - special congress on addiction and mental health. . |
norsiah ali, suzaily abd wahab, mahmud mazlan, muhammad alif jamaluddin. (2013). factors associated with non-recidivism among opiate dependent patients on community based methadone maintenance therapy program. - special congress on addiction and mental health. . |
suzaily wahab, noriah ishak, hizlinda tohid, khairani omar, norlali mohd tauhid, harlina halizah siraj, susan mooi koon tan, norazlin kamal nor, ek zakuan kalil, siti haidar mohd ijam. (2013). personal factors leading to teenage pregnancy. - special congress on addiction and mental health. . |
hizlinda tohid, noriah ishak, suzaily wahab, norlaili mohd tauhid, khairani omar, harlina siraj. (2013). factors of teenage pregnancy: exploring parental influence on teenagers. - 17th malaysian family medicine scientific conference. . |
s wahab, m mazlan, b vicknasingam, mc chawarski, rs schottenfeld. (2013). overcoming barriers to abstinence in methamphetamine dependence in malaysia: a behavioral counseling approach. - nida international forum. . |
suzaily wahab, azizah saei, abdul hamid abdul rahman. (2013). sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of metabolic syndrome among schizophrenia patients in a tertiary hospital in sarawak. - 17th malaysian family medicine scientific conference. . |
shalisah sharip, suriati mohamed saini, maniam thambu, gerald lim chin chye, mohamad adam bujang, azlin baharuddin, nik ruzyanei nik jaafar, suzaily wahab, khadijah hasanah, chan lai fong, susan. (2013). anxiety and depression in cancer survival in 13 years outcome: malaysian perspective. - 8th malaysia indonesia brunei medical sciences conference. . |
noor alaudin abdul wahab, suzaily wahab, abdul hamid abdul rahman, shamsul azhar shah, dinsuhaimi sidek, mohd normani zakaria. (2013). reliability and validity measures on auditory hallucination domain of the malay version of psychotic symptom rating scales (mypsyrats). - proceeding of the international symposium of health sciences 2013. . |
suzaily wahab, hizlinda tohid, noriah mohd ishak, khairani omar, noorlaili mohd tohit @ tauhid, harlina halizah siraj & susan tan moi koon. (2013). factors leading to teenage pregnancy: the malaysian case study. - 8th international conference on child and adolescent psychopathology. . |
w suzaily, tan m.k. susan, m sheila, m nor asiah. (2012). sociodemographic factors and determinants for depression among sexually abused female adolescents. - 1st asia pacific clinical epidemiology & evidence-based medicine conference. . |
r. rosdinom, m. zabidi n.z, m.saher z, m. marhani, w suzaily. (2012). relationship between cognitive impairment, behavioral and psychological symptomw od dementia (bpsd) and burden of care in patients with dementia. - 1st asia pacific clinical epidemiology & evidence-based medicine conference. . |
a wahab na, zakaria mn, sidek d, a rahman ah, wahab s. (2012). translation and validation of the malay version of psychotic symptom rating scales for auditory hallucinations. - 9th allied health science conference malaysia 2012. . |
n kamal nor, s tan, lf chan, n mohd ishak, s wahab, f loh sit, n mohd tohit, z kalil, na ab wahab, h siraj. (2012). teenage pregnancies: exploring the issue in the light of prevention. - 20th world congress. . |
wan muhamad hafiz wh, intan zulaikha z, nabilah ca, khor sl, fairuz nazri ar, azmawati mn, suzaily w. (2012). stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms and coping strategies among students in secondary boarding school. - the 4th medical undergraduates` annual scientific research meeting. . |
ramli ali, suzaily wahab, abdul hamid abdul rahman.. (2012). neuropsychological assessment 3 months after head injury. - 17th malaysian conference on psychological medicine and 6th asian society against dementia international congress. . |
yuen wc, kerk ls, ummi nazihah r, siti hajar r, suzaily w, norazlin kn, fairuz nar. (2012). school absenteeism among paediatric clinic patients in universiti kebangsaan malaysia medical center. - the 4th medical undergraduates` annual scientific research meeting 2012. . |
suzaily wahab, susan tan mooi koon, sheila marimuthu, nor asiah muhammad. (2011). depression and coping in sexually abused female adolescents attending scan (suspected child abuse and neglect) in a tertiary centre, kuala lumpur. - world congress of the world federation for mental health. . |
suzaily wahab, sheila marimuthu, nor asiah muhammad, susan tan mooi koon. (2011). characteristics of abuse and depression among sexually abused adolescents. - 16th malaysian conference on psychological medicine. . |
suzaily wahab. (2011). coping mechanism among sexually abused adolescents. - 13th johor mental health convention. . |
abdul hamid abd rahman, suzaily wahab, soo tze hui, siti juliana hussin, mond fekri ahmat nazri, izzatul izzaniz abdul hamid, shamsul azhar shah. (2011). anxiety and depression symptoms among ischaemic heart disease patients admitted to universiti kebangsaan malaysia medical centre (ukmmc). - 16th malaysian conference on psychological medicine. . |