Penerbitan Lain-lain

cheah fook choe, ainoon othman, azlin ithnin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, norunaluwar jalil, goon jo aan, tan jen kit, armindo salvador.  (2023).  characterization of the biochemical and enzymatic properties of two novel g6pd mutations..  - 1-7. 

fc cheah, s merasa, jk tan, ja goon, n jalil, a ithnin, rz azma, a othman, a salvador.  (2023).  discovery and identification of novel glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase mutations in malaysia.  - 14th international congress of human genetics (ichg2023).  443. 

goon jo aan;suzana binti makpol;neoh hui min.  (2021).  identifying targetable molecules that regulate healthspan in caenorhabditis elegans.  -

goon jo aan;wan zurinah bt. wan ngah;maniam a/l thambu;a. rahman bin a. jamal;nor azian binti abdul murad;chan lai fong;suriati binti mohamed saini;mohd hanafi bin ahmad damanhuri;shalisah binti sharip;mohd shazrul fazry bin sa`ariwijaya.  (2018).  the expression of oxidative stress biomarkers as the predictive measures for suicide attempts among bipolar disorder patients: interaction with cognitive impulsivity and clinical factors..  -

chan l.f., sulaiman s.a., abdullah n., mohamad kamal n.a., loo j.l., abdul murad n.a., goon j.a., damanhuri h., mohd rani z.z., tan j.a.c., abdul rahman n.a., wan ngah w.z., jamal r..  (2018).  discovery phase of oxidative stress gene expression and suicidal ideation in bipolar disorder.  - european symposium on suicide & suicidal behaviour. 

palika wetchakul, jo aan goon, sasitorn chusri.  (2018).  a thai traditional polyherbal tonic, jatu-phala-tiga, exerts antioxidants activities and extends lifespan in caenorhabditis elegans.  - international conference on antioxidants and degenerative diseases 2018 'new frontiers in omics and redox medicine'. 

siti bazilah zulkefli, dr goon jo aan.  (2018).  effects of insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 signaling pathway genes on lifespan of caenorhabditis elegans: a systematic review.  - international conference on antioxidants and degenerative diseases (icadd).  75. 

n.a mohamad kamal, j. l. loo, j.a goon, h. damanhuri, j. a. c. tan, n. a. abdul murad, s. a. sulaiman, m. s. fazry sa`ariwijaya, s. sharip, s. mohd saini, g. gunasekaran, t. maniam, a. r. a. jamal, w. z wan ngah, c. y. tan, s. ooi, l. f. chan.  (2017).  the role of oxidative stress biomarker in suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder: a systematic review.  - the 29th world congress of the international association for suicide prevention (iasp) & the 21st malaysian conference on psychological medicine (mcpm) 2017. 

noor akmal shareela ismail, khaizurin tajul arifin, tan jen kit, goon jo aan, ekram alias, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri, norwahidah abd karim, zakiah jubri, suzana makpol, yasmin anum mohd yusof.  (2017).  gamification as a formative assessment in measuring learning outcomes in practical session among medical students in universiti kebangsaan malaysia.  - icgpa international conference 2017. 

noor akmal shareela ismail, khaizurin tajul arifin, ekram alias, tan jen kit, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri, norwahidah abdul karim, goon jo aan, zakiah jubri @ mohd zubri, suzana makpol, yasmin anum mohd yusof.  (2017).  medical biochemistry.  - redesigning assessment for holistic learning (rahole) 2017. 

raishan s, hajar almanina ab, nurul faiznani z, muhamad fitri ca, chandrashegkar s, noor akmal si, jo aan g.  (2016).  effects of gelam honey on oxidative stress of a549 lung cancer cells.  - 8th muasrm 2016. 

nor azman nhe, goon ja, a shukor mf, wan ngah wz.  (2015).  comparing palm oil tocotrienol-rich fraction (trf) with a-tocopherol supplementation on oxidative stress in healthy older adults.  - international conference on antioxidants and degenerative diseases (icadd 2015). 

adbul ghani sm, goon ja, wan ngah wz.  (2015).  comparing supplementation of palm tocotrienol-rich fraction with alpha-tocopherol in healthy older adults: a preliminary study.  - 1st international conference on antioxidants and degenerative diseases. 

wan zurinah wan ngah, suzana makpol, yasmin anum mohd yusof, zakiah jubri, nor wahidah abdul karim, goon jo aan, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri, . noor akmal shareela ismail, khaizurin tajul arifin, ekram alias.  (2015).  laporan penambahbaikan kursus biokimia untuk program sarjana sains perubatan secara kerja kursus (biokimia).  - 1-4. 

goon jo aan, mohd shahril aszrin zainudin, mardiyanna mohd adi.  (2013).  modulation of protein expression in signalling cascades by tocotrienol rich fraction (trf) using oxidative stress-induced c.elegans.  - 1st national conference for cancer research & 5th regional conference on molecular medicine (rcmm). 

siti madiani abdul ghani, goon jo aan and wan zurinah wan ngah.  (2013).  comparing supplementation of palm tocotrienol-rich fraction with alpha-tocopherol in human: a preliminary study.  - 1st national conference for cancer research & 5th regional conference on molecular medicine (rcmm). 

goon jo aan, mohd shahril aszrin zainudian, noralisa abdul karim and wan zurinah wan ngah.  (2012).  effect of tocotrienol rich fractions on the lifespan and oxidative biomarkers of oxidative stress-induced caenorhabditis elegans.  - 37th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology. 

associate professor dr. hamidah hassan, puan ruth packiavathy rajen durai, associate professor dr. farihah hj suhaimi, dr. goon jo aan, puan noor wahidah mohd nasri, puan roshaya zakaria.  (2011).  thyroid gland.  -

haryati ahmad hairi, goon jo aan, saiful anuar karsani & suzana makpol.  (2011).  tocotrienol rich fraction (trf) contributed to beneficial effect on cell proliferation and viability to young and senescent human skin fibroblast cells.  - palm international nutra-cosmeseutical conference 2011. 

haryati ahmad hairi, goon jo aan, mariati abdul rahman, saiful anuar karsani, suzana makpol and wan zurinah wan ngah.  (2011).  validation of proteome results by real time rt pcr in senescent fibroblast cells and "stress-induced premature senescence" (sips) model.  - 36th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry & molecular biology. 

noralisa abdul karim, goon jo ann and then sue mian.  (2011).  preliminary microarray analysis for identification of genes and signaling pathways modulated by tocotrienols rich fraction (trf) in oxidative stress-induced caenorhabditis elegans.  - 36th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology. 

mohd shahril aszrin zainuddin, goon jo ann & noralisa abdul karim.  (2011).  modulation of lifespan and antioxidant enzymes by tocotrienol rich fraction in oxidative stress-induced caenorhabditis elegans.  - palm international nutra-cosmeceutical conference 2011. 

noralisa abdul karim, goon jo aan & then sue mian.  (2011).  preliminary microarray analysis for identification of genes and signaling pathways modulated by tocotrienols rich fraction (trf) in oxidative stress-induced aging c.elegans.  - palm international nutra-cosmeceutical conference (pinc). 

goon jo ann, chin kai ling and mohd shahril aszrin zainudin.  (2010).  modulation of antioxidant enzyme activities by tocotrienol rich fraction (trf) in oxidative stress induced caenorhabditis elegans.  - 35th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry & molecular biology. 

mariati abdil rahman, haryati ahmad hairi, goon jo aan, saiful anuar karsani, suzana makpol and wan zurinah wan ngah.  (2010).  identifying differential protein expressions in senescent human skin fibrolast and stress induced premature senescence (sips) fibrolast by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and tandem mass...  - 35th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry & molecular biology. 

dr. goon jo aan, prof. madya dr. zaleha md. isa, dr. heikal mohd. yunus.  (2010).  i want to look beautiful.  -

haryati ahmad hairi, goon jo aan, suzana makpol, mariati abdul rahman, saiful anuar karsani and wan zurinah wan ngah.  (2009).  proteomic analysis of human dermal fibroblast cells : young, natural senescent and stress induced premature senescence (sips) model.  - 7th costam/sfrr (asia/malaysia) international workshop 2009 and 4th biennial meeting of sfrr asia. 

goon jo aan, noor aini abd. hamid, nurismah md. isa, ting chih kuan.  (2008).  leakage from a blocked pipe.  -