Penerbitan Lain-lain

hawa hishamuddin.  (2023).  uncertainty management and optimal inventory policies for resilient remanufacturing systems.  - webinar series, industrial engineering doctoral program, universitas sebelas maret, indonesia.  1-45. 

nizaroyani binti saibani;mohd nizam bin ab rahman;hawa binti hishamuddin.  (2023).  the impact of adversarial tactics as negotiation concepts on supply chain value of smes..  -

nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, hawa hishamuddin.  (2022).  penggunaan aplikasi mudah alih sebagai alat bantuan mengajar dalam perkongsian teori dan amali serentak.  - knovasi 2022.  1-10. 

nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, abdul hadi azman & hawa hishamuddin.  (2021).  cabaran projek berkumpulan kursus kejuruteraan dalam fasa pandemik covid-19 di institusi pengajian tinggi: satu kajian kes.  - knovasi 2021.  1-16. 

hawa binti hishamuddin;nizaroyani binti saibani;dzuraidah binti abd. wahab;rizauddin bin ramli.  (2021).  real-time decision support system for the remanufacturing supply chain in the presence of disruption risks.  -

fatin amrina a.rashid, hawa hishamuddin, mohd radzi abu mansor, nizaroyani saibani.  (2021).  supply chain optimization for end-of-life vehicle recycling: a preliminary review.  - 11th annual international conference on industrial engineering and operations management.  6807-6814. 

muhammad idham sabtu, hawa hishamuddin, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman.  (2020).  a review of environmental assessment on different levels of manufacturer-retailer relationship for integrated supply chain models.  - the 7th mechanical engineering research day (merd'20).  1. 

abdul hadi azman, salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, wan aizon w ghopa, hawa hishamuddin, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, dzuraidah abd wahab, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan.  (2020).  safety index mapping system for express bus, international science technology and engineering expo 2020.  - safety index mapping system for express bus, international science technology and engineering expo 2020.  1. 

hawa hishamuddin dzuraidah abd wahab mohd nizam ab rahman ruhul amin sarker.  (2020).  analysis of supply disruption effects on greenhouse gas emission levels from transportation activities in supply chain systems.  - 1-7. 

nor kamaliana binti khamis;azmin sham binti rambely;baba bin md deros;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohd faizal bin mat tahir;mohd anas bin mohd sabri.  (2020).  fatigue index in car controls operation.  -

hawa binti hishamuddin;dzuraidah binti abd. wahab;mohd nizam bin ab rahman.  (2020).  analysis of supply disruption effects on greenhouse gas emission levels from transportation activities in supply chain systems.  -

hawa hishamuddin.  (2020).  supply chain disruptions affect the environment.  - new straits times.  -. 

abdul hadi azman, wan aizon w ghopa, hawa hishamuddin, salvinder singh karam singh, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, dzuraidah abd. wahab, shahrum abdullah, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan.  (2019).  community awareness & education on express bus safety based on ir 4.0 technologies.  - 1. 

abdul hadi azman, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, wan aizon w ghopa, hawa hishamuddin, salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, dzuraidah abd. wahab.  (2019).  human behaviour characterisation towards safety index development for express bus safety.  - 1. 

salvinder singh karam singh, abdul hadi azman, wan aizon w ghopa, hawa hishamuddin, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, shahrum abdullah, dzuraidah abd. wahab, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, mohd syazwan solah, azhar hamzah.  (2019).  smart safety index mapping system for express bus.  - 1. 

hawa hishamuddin, mohamad faisal m. sobri, nur fatihah a. ghafar & noraida m. darom.  (2018).  an inventory recovery model subject to supply disruption with consideration of safety stock.  - twentieth international working seminar on production economics. 

noraida azura md darom, hawa hishamuddin ,rizauddin ramli & zulkifli mat nopiah.  (2017).  an inventory recovery model of a two stage supply chain system subject to supply disruption with safety stock consideration.  - recar 2017 international conference on recent advances in automotive engineering and mobility research. 

hawa hishamuddin, ruhul sarker & daryl essam.  (2015).  a simulation model of a three echelon supply chain system with multiple suppliers subject to supply and transportation disruptions.  - 15th ifac symposium on information control problems in manufacturing, incom 2015; ottawa; canada. 

wan fathul hakim w. zamri, abu bakar sulong,rizauddin ramli, nor kamaliana khamis, hawa hishamuddin, shahrum abdullah.  (2014).  maklumbalas alumni terhadap keberkesanan program kejuruteraan pembuatan di ukm.  - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka 2013).