mohamad fairuz yahaya, nellysha namela m.a. kadar, fairus ahmad, teoh seong lin. (2022). an insight towards establishing a faster metabolic syndrome animal model. - 3rd international anatomical and biomedical scientific conference. 45. |
mohamad fairuz yahaya, jaya kumar. (2022). vitamin e sawit & madu kelulut dalam megawal stres dan kegelisahan. - impak. 25. |
mohamad fairuz yahaya. (2020). natural products in neuroscience research: synergistic role of natural products in battling neurodegenerative diseases. - hi-5 retreat 2020: v-symposium. 6-8. |
mohamad fairuz bin yahaya. (2020). effects of kelulut honey on the brain of metabolic syndrome-induced rats. - . . |
nor haliza mohamad najib, srijit das, mohamad fairuz yahaya, teoh seong lin. (2019). effects of metallothionein in paraquat induced parkinson disease model of zebrafish. - malaysian anatomical association conference (maac 2019). 24-25. |
mohamad fairuz yahaya, nurul ain arshad, teoh seong lin. (2019). modified high-carbohydrate high-fat diet at shorter duration induces metabolic and behavioural changes in young rats. - 4th international conference on advances in medical science (icams 2019). 82. |
mohamad fairuz yahaya, fairus ahmad, elvy suhana mohd ramli, teoh seong lin. (2019). digital anatomy are we ready for it. - bangi management review. 13-14. |
nellysha namela m.a. kadar, teoh seong lin, mohd fairuz abdul rashid, nurul iliyana binti rumli, fairus ahmad, mohamad fairuz yahaya. (2019). kelulut honey exhibits comparable result to caffeic acid in mitigating metabolic syndrome components. - malaysian anatomical association conference 2019 (maac 2019). 64-65. |
teoh seong lin, nor haliza mohamad najib, srijit das, mohamad fairuz yahaya, satoshi ogawa, ishwar parhar. (2019). effects of paraquat and mptp in the zebrafish brain. - malaysian anatomical association conference (maac 2019). 35-36. |
mohamad fairuz yahaya, teoh seong lin, fairus ahmad. (2019). effects of kelulut honey on the brain of metabolic syndrome-induced rats. - . 1-19. |
elvy suhana mohd ramli, fairus ahmad, mohamad fairuz yahaya, ima nirwana soelaiman. (2018). tocotrienol provides protection against glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis via regulation of gene expression. - 32nd scientific meeting malaysian society of physiology & pharmacology. . |
nurul ain arshad, mohamad faizul mohamad, noor azlina zulkefli, mohd rafizul mohd yusof, mohamad fairuz yahaya. (2018). kelulut honey improves fasting blood glucose and lipid profile on metabolic syndrome-induced rats. - simposium kebangsaan penyelidikan perubatan dan kesihatan & minggu penyelidikan ke-20. . |
mohamad fairuz bin yahaya, teoh seong lin. (2018). kesan madu kelulut ke atas hipokampus tikus yang terinduksi sindrom metabolik. - . . |
mohamad fairuz yahaya, elvy suhana mohd ramli. (2018). the effect of palm tocotrienol on surface osteoblast and osteoclast in excess glucocorticoid osteoporotic rat model. - . . |
mohamad fairuz yahaya, fairus ahmad, elvy suhana mohd ramli, teoh seong lin. (2018). kelulut honey improves the memory of the metabolic syndrome-induced rats. - regional conference on non-communicable diseases (rcncd) 2018. . |
mohamad fairuz yahaya, nurul ain arshad, fairus ahmad, halim ismail, elvy suhana mohd ramli, teoh seong lin. (2018). sains kajilaku haiwan dan manfaatnya kepada manusia. - impak. . |
mohamad fairuz yahaya, elvy suhana mohd ramli, fairus ahmad, srijit das. (2017). anomalous arrangement of structures deep to flexor retinaculum of foot. - 3rd international conference on advances in medical science 2017. . |
halim ismail, robert, norzailin abu bakar, siti norlia othman, faizal amri hamzah, andrea ban yu-lin, dian nasriana nasuruddin, sharifah azura salleh, zalina ismail, mohamad fairuz yahaya, fairus ahmad, umi kalsom @ satariah ali, fazalina, elvy suhana. (2017). bebaskan diri dari dibelenggu oleh masalah pendengaran. - majalah impak penyelidikan: penyelidikan translasi. 12. |
mohamad fairuz yahaya, karen d. parfitt, stephanie m. hughes, wickliffe c. abraham. (2013). lentivirus-mediated sapp-alpha overexpression in an alzheimer disease mouse model rescues the deficit in long-term potentiation. - 13th australasian winter conference on brain research. . |
nursiati mohamad taridi, mohamad fairuz yahaya, azian abd latiff, wan zurinah wan ngah and musalmah mazlan. (2011). tcotrienol rich fraction supplementation reverses age-related cognitive decline in aged rats. - palm international nutra-cosmeceutical conference (pinc). . |
mohamad fairuz yahaya, nursiati mohd taridi, hamzaini abdul hamid, srijit das, azian abd latiff, musalmah mazlan. (2010). supplementation of tocotrienol rich fraction and palm olein increase antioxidant enzyme activity and reduced dna damage in male wistor rats. - 6th malaysia indonesia & brunei darussalam medical science conference 2010. . |
chan boon teck eugene, azlin muhammad@mohd yassin, kamsiah jaarin, srijit das, suzana makpol, salasawati hussin, nurismah md isa, mohd heikal mohd yunus, ilina ishak, norhayati moktar, noor hayati .... (2010). study guide : gatrointestinal and hepatobiliary system module (ffff2125). - . . |