Penerbitan Lain-lain

asma` binti abu samah;ahmad aldrie bin amir;rosdiadee bin nordin;nor fadzilah binti abdullah.  (2024).  internet of mangroves with open science approaches for sustainable mangrove ecosystem and tourism attractions.  -

muhammad faiz bukhori, aida baharuddin, mohd huzairi johari, ahmad yunus misdi, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma' abu samah, hilmi sanusi, mohd. nazmi abd razak.  (2023).  buletin jkees 2022.  - 1-30. 

nor fadzilah binti abdullah;mahamod bin ismail;fazida hanim binti hashim;rosdiadee bin nordin.  (2023).  multi-tiered radio access technologies for an intelligent transportation system.  -

muhammad faiz bukhori, aida baharuddin, mohd huzairi johari, ahmad yunus misdi, norhana arsad, nor fadzilah abdullah, kalaivani chellappan, muhammad ammirrul atiqi mohd zainuri, syahirah abd halim, noraishikin zulkarnain, siti salasiah mokri, seri mastura.  (2023).  buletin jkees 2023.  - 1-47. 

fazida hanim hashim, aqilah baseri huddin, nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2023).  using generative ai to enhance chess learning.  - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran 2023 (knovasi).  1-13. 

rosdiadee bin nordin;faizal bin k.p. kunchi mohamed;nor fadzilah binti abdullah.  (2022).  unmanned radiation monitoring system via the internet of drone.  -

nor fadzilah binti abdullah;mahamod bin ismail;rosdiadee bin nordin.  (2019).  smart campus: roadmap towards the internet of things.  -

muhammad faiz bukhori, ahmad ashrif a. bakar, aida baharuddin, ahmad yunus misdi, hidayah azeman, nor fadzilah abdullah, norhana arsad, rosdiadee nordin, siti zaida md yasir.  (2018).  bulletin pke edisi 2018 bil. 3.  - bulletin pke edisi 2018 bil. 3. 

norbahiah misran, muhammad faiz bukhori, aida baharuddin, ahmad yunus misdi, mohd faisal ibrahim, aqilah baseri hudin, mandeep singh, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, gan kok beng.  (2018).  bulletin jkees 2017 edisi okt-dis.  - bulletin jkees 2017 edisi okt-dis.  1-7. 

nor fadzilah binti abdullah.  (2018).  millimeter wave gigabit communication at 60ghz.  -

mothana l. attiah, mahamod ismail, rosdiadee nordin and nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2015).  dynamic multi-state ultra-wideband mm-wave frequency selection for 5g communication.  - 2015 ieee 12th malaysia international conference on communications (micc2015). 

razimah abdul rahim, rosdiadee nordin, mahamod ismail, nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2015).  evaluation of contiguous and non-contiguous channel bonding schemes based on tvws spectrum occupancy in malaysia.  - 2015 ieee 12th malaysia international conference on communications (micc2015). 

ayman hajjawi, mahamod ismail, nor fadzilah abdullah, nordin ramli.  (2015).  a novel scheduling algorithm based class-service using game theory for lte network.  - 2015 ieee 12th malaysia international conference on communications (micc2015). 

seri mastura mustaza, farizah ansarudin, aida baharuddin, mohd syuhaimi abd. rahman, azah mohamed, norbahiah misran, muhd. fauzi aminuddin shazi, norfadzilah abdullah, junaidah damri.  (2008).  buletin jkees sept 2008.  -