Penerbitan Lain-lain

ng boon hau, low hsueh jing, nik nuratiqah nik abeed, mohamed faisal abdul hamid, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman, muhammad ishamuddin ismail, hairulfaizi haron, nur ayub md ali, rose azzlinda osman, azira ahmad kamil, nur amani aris, norita idris, andrea ban.  (2022).  triple approach in simultaneous bilateral spontaneous pneumothorax in lymphangioleiomyomatosis.  - malaysian thoracic society annual congress 2022.  1-2. 

nik nuratiqah nik abeed, ng boon hau, radly abdul rani, muhammad ishamuddin, hairulfaizi haron, nur ayub md ali, rose azzlinda osman, azira ahmad kamil, nur amani aris, norita idris, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman, andrea ban yu-lin, mohamed faisal.  (2022).  successful use of intrapleural alteplase in a case of complicated haemopneumothorax.  - malaysian thoracic society annual congress 2022.  1-2. 

koh pf, hairulfaizi.  (2022).  comparison of one versus two lungs ventilation in endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy for primary hyperhidrosis.  - assessment of dissertation defense day.  15. 

th chong , nur ayub ma , katijjahbe ma , muhammad ishamuddin i , mohd ramzisham ar, hairulfaizi h , mohd rizal am , mohammad arif mn , ramesh rt.  (2022).  efficacy of early incremental supervised resistance training following cardiac surgery via median sternotomy - a pilot safety and feasibility randomized controlled trial.  - assessment of dissertation defense day.  14. 

da jun than , hairulfaizi haron , azlanudin azman , siti zubaidah sharif.  (2022).  assessment of pompp score in predicting 30-day perforated peptic ulcer mortality : a prospective cohort study.  - assessment of dissertation defense day.  20. 

nur ayub ma, doe ea, chong th, mohamad arif mn, suriah a, zati iwani z, muhammad ishamuddin i, hairulfaizi h, mohd ramzisham ar, mohd rizal am, suriati ms, colin r, alistair r, katijjahbe m.  (2021).  unsupported upper limbs test is safe and feasible as a functional outcome measure following cardiac surgery via median sternotomy.  - 23rd medical & health research week.  42. 

katijjahbe ma, nur ayub ma, nurdiyana i, zamsuril l, aimi munirah ar, zati iwani z, suriah a, muhammad ishamuddin i, hairulfaizi h, mohd ramzisham ar, hasanol basri h, mohd rizal am, doe ea.  (2021).  exercise prescription following cardiac surgery performed via a median sternotomy in malaysia: a web survey.  - 23rd reserach & medical health week.  44-45. 

muhammad ishamuddin i, suriati ms, mohd yazid b, hani atiqah s, norliyana mazli, hairulfaizi h, nur ayub ma, mohd ramzisham ar, farrah-hani im, katijjahbe ma.  (2021).  wound outcomes following ionic silver and chlorhexidine spray compared to conventional dressing in split skin grat donor site wounds: a randomised-control trial.  - 23rd medicine & health research week.  59-60. 

nur ayub ma, katijjahbe ma, muhammad ishamuddin, hairulfaizi h, mohd rizal am, mohd ramzisham ar.  (2020).  validation of the euroscore ii following coronary artery bypass graft in a single teaching hospital in malaysia.  - minggu penyelidikan perubatan & kesihatan ke-22.  38. 

nur ayub ma, suriati ms, muhammad ishamuddin, hairulfaizi h, fahmi pramadittor a, mohamad arif mn, mohd ramzisham ar, mohd rizal am, katijjahbe ma.  (2020).  trajectory of change in erectile dysfunction symptoms following coronary artery bypass surgery in malaysia population.  - minggu penyelidikan perubatan & kesihatan ke-22.  36. 

hafez pezhman, chowdhury sr, hairulfaizi h, ng mh, ruszymah bhi, ramzisham arm.  (2014).  in-vitro cardiomyogenic induction of human sternal bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells using bfgf and hydrocortisone.  - termis-ap 2015. 

hafez pezhman, chowdhury sr, hairulfaizi h, ng mh, ruszymah bhi, ramzisham.  (2013).  in-vitro cardiomyogenic induction of human sternal bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells using bfgf and hydrocortisone.  - termis-ap 2013 annual conference. 

hafez pezhman, hairulfaizi, ng min mh, ruszymah bhi, ramzisham arm.  (2012).  cardiomyogenic differentiation of human sternal bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell with safer induction factors for future cardiac stem cell therapy.  - 22nd annual congress of the association of thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon of asia. 

mg khairul izan, im ishamuddin, h hairulfaizi, arm ramzisham, osm joanna, dm zamrin.  (2010).  sternalock application in osteoporotic sternum for sternotomy closure: initial ukm heart and lung centre experience..  - 13th annual scientific meeting of malaysian association for thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 

mg khairul izan, im ishamuddin, h hairulfaizi, arm ramzisham, osm joanna, dm zamrin.  (2010).  combined kryptonite - stainless wire for median sternotomy closure: initial ukm heart and lung centre experience.  - 13th annual scientific meeting of malaysian association for thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 

norly salleh, arm ramzisham, h.hairulfaizi, im ishamuddin, osm joanna, dm zamrin..  (2010).  control of hypercholesterolaemia in coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients.  - malaysia association for thoracic and cardiovascular surgery annual scientific meeting 2010. 

a nor safariny, a r m ramzisham, h hairulfaizi, s khaleed, osm joanna, dm zamrin.  (2009).  prevalence of prolonged mechanical ventilation after coronary artery bypass graft surgery in patients with poor preoperative lung function.  - 12th annual scientific meeting, malaysian association for thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 

s norly, arm ramzisham, h hairulfaizi, s khaleed, joanna sm ooi, dm zamrin.  (2009).  control of hypercholesterolaemia in coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients.  - 5-year review of the use.