mohd maarof, mrs, govender, nt., ng, cl, azizan, ka, zakaria, s, vadamalai, g.. (2023). characterization of rice husk derived nanosilica and functionalized phenazine nanosilica composite as biostimulant for palm oil. - asian regional conference on systems biology. 64. |
noor hanini che lah, kamalrul azlan azizan, norazlan mohmad misnan, ahmed mediani, normah mohd noor, emelda rosseleena rohani. (2023). utilizing metabolite analysis for understanding recalcitrant behavior of desiccated mangosteen seeds. - 6th international conference on molecular biology and biotechnology 2023 (icmbb2023). 1. |
yashirdisai sampasivam, roohaida othman dan kamalrul azlan azizan. (2023). metabolite profiling and antioxidant activity of the naturally formedand artificially induced agarwood from the critically endangered aquilaria malaccensis. - asian regional conference on systems biology 2023 (arcsb 2023). 1-30. |
maizom binti hassan;nurul wahida binti othman;kamalrul azlan bin azizan;nor azlan bin nor muhammad. (2023). identification and characterization of juvenile hormone genes from oil palm pest, metisa plana walker for potential insecticide discovery via comparative genomic approaches. - . . |
ismanizan bin ismail;normah bt. mohd. noor;zamri bin zainal;roohaida binti othman;zeti azura binti mohamed hussein;maizom binti hassan;syarul nataqain binti baharum;goh hoe han;emelda rosseleena binti rohani;kamalrul azlan bin azizan;wan mohd aizat bin wa. (2022). integrated databases in plant systems biology for societal well being . - . . |
nurul liyana rozali, kamalrul azlan azizan, rajinder singh, sharifah nabihah syed jaafar, abrizah othman, wolfram weckwerth and umi salamah ramli. (2022). geographical origin traceability of crude palm oil using ftir spectroscopy combined with chemometrics. - the 34th international conference of analytical science (skam 34). 143. |
farah adibah abd kadir, afiq adham abd rasib, kamalrul azlan azizan dan roohaida othman. (2022). metabolite profiles for aquilaria malaccensis agarwood are dependant on the induction conditions. - second national seminar on agarwood cum tree growers' mela for agarwood farmers. 10-31. |
noor hanini che lah, kamalrul azlan azizan, wan mohd aizat wan kamaruddin, hazim syahmi elias, tan jen kit, normah mohd noor & emelda rosseleena rohani. (2022). metabolomics profiling on the recalcitrant seed of mangosteen (garcinia mangostana) after exposure to desiccation. - 46th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology 2022. 101. |
noor hanini che lah, kamalrul azlan azizan, wan mohd aizat wan kamaruddin, hazim syahmi elias, tan jen kit, normah mohd noor & emelda rosseleena rohani. (2022). metabolite analysis to understand mangosteen seed as a recalcitrant model after exposure to desiccation. - 5th international conference on molecular biology and biotechnology 2022. 129. |
emelda rosseleena binti rohani;zamri bin zainal;kamalrul azlan bin azizan;hamidun bin bunawan. (2022). papaverine analysis in leaves, stems and fruits of sauropus androgynus. - . . |
hoe han goh , yosmetha mayalvanan , kamalrul azlan azizan , hamidun bunawan , wan mohd aizat , syarul baharum. (2022). omics strategies in infectious fish disease management. - scholarly community encyclopedia 23 may 2022. 1-15. |
hazim syahmi elias, syarul nataqain baharum, kamalrul azlan azizan, wan yaacob wan ahmad, sheela chandrem & norazah basar. (2022). optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction for antioxidant activity in relation to rhoifolin content of fortunella polyandra using response surface methodology (rsm). - international conference on natural products. 40. |
farah adibah abdul kadir, afiq adham abd rasib, kamalrul azlan azizan and roohaida othman. (2021). terpene biosynthesis in aquilaria malaccensis agarwood is dependant on the induction method. - 31st malaysian society of plant physiology conference (msppc 2021). 57. |
farah farhana wahab, kamalrul azlan azizan. (2021). characterization and phytotoxicity assessment of wedelia trilobata essential oil grown in different conditions. - international conference on agriculture, animal science & food technology (icaft) 2021. 1-4. |
noor hanini che lah, siti nursyazwani maadon, kamalrul azlan azizan, wan mohd aizat, normah mohd noor & emelda rosseleena rohani. (2021). pemuliharaan biji benih rekalsitran, khazanah berharga negara. - eon (epitome of nature), majalah pusat pengajian biologi uitmcns. 1-6. |
kamalrul azlan bin azizan;low chen fei. (2021). unraveling the role of soil microbial community in wedelia trilobata allelopathy. - . . |
syarul nataqain binti baharum;kamalrul azlan bin azizan;low chen fei. (2021). potential role of omega 9 (ω-9) as metabolic modulator to enhance innate immunity of e. fuscoguttatus against vibriosis towards aquaculture drug development. - . . |
norhan nh, rasli sram, yazid rm, azizan ka, rohani er. (2021). papaverine extraction from sauropus androgynous leaves. - 5th international symposium on phytochemicals in medicine and food (5-ispmf). 427. |
wan mohd aizat bin wan kamaruddin;goh hoe han;kamalrul azlan bin azizan;sarahani harun. (2021). genome-scale metabolic modelling of mangosteen xanthone biosynthetic pathway through transcriptomics and proteomics data integration. - . . |
zainatul`asyiqin samsu, kamalrul azlan azizan, sharifah soplah syed abdullah. (2021). metabolic pathway of rhamnolipid biosynthesis by a non-pathogenic burkholderia thailandensis e264: the metabolomics approach. - afob 2021- malaysia chapter international symposium. 1-2. |
azizan, k. a., abdul ghani, n. h., nawawi, m. f.. (2020). assessing metabolite phytotoxic activity of wedelia trilobata using pls regression method. - asian regional conference on systems biology 2020 (arcsb2020). 93. |
syarul nataqain binti baharum;rafidah binti ahmad;kamalrul azlan bin azizan. (2020). metabolite profiling of mycoparasitic fungus. - . . |
farah adibah abd kadir, kamalrul azlan azizan, roohaida othman. (2020). profiling of terpene synthase genes in aquilaria malaccensis agarwood induced using different conditions. - 30th malaysian society of plant physiology conference (msppc 2020). 40-41. |
ahmad, r., choon, k. l., marzuki, n. f., yit, k. g., azizan, k. a., you, k. g., kah, j. g, baharum, s. n.. (2020). chemical profiles of mycoparasitic scytalidium parasiticum grown in difference substrates by using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir). - asian regional conference on systems biology 2020 (arcsb2020). 108. |
nur nabilah alias, kamalrul azlan azizan, norlia basherudin, nor hasnida hassan, nazirah abdullah. (2020). study of metabolite variations in eurycoma longifolia roots harvested at different age. - 30th malaysian society of plant physiology conference (msppc 2020). 1. |
rasli, s. r. a. m., mat-yazid, m., azizan, k. a., rohani, e. r.. (2020). optimization of papaverine extraction method from sauropus androgynous. - asian regional conference on systems biology 2020 (arcsb2020). 94. |
mazlan, o., aizat, w.m., baharum, s.n., azizan, k.a., normah, m.n.. (2020). mangosteen seed gets in shape: metabolic to earmark seed development and germination. - asian regional conference on systems biology 2020 (arcsb2020). 39. |
kamalrul azlan azizan, sarah ibrahim. (2020). contribution of mass spectrometry (ms) in the understanding of covid-19 outbreak. - system biology insider vol 2(1) 2020. 7. |
siti farah mamat, syarul nataqain baharum, kamalrul azlan azizan, normah mohd noor, wan mohd aizat. (2019). analysis of the metabolite changes during garcinia mangostana linn. (mangosteen) ripening using metabolomics approach. - 3rd international conference on molecular biology and biotechnology 2019 (icmbb2019). 23. |
ahmad bazli bin ramzi;rafidah binti ahmad;syarul nataqain binti baharum;kamalrul azlan bin azizan;wan mohd aizat bin wan kamaruddin. (2019). the development of potential biocontrol agent for ganoderma disease in oil palm by elucidating plant-pathogen interaction biosynthetic pathways. - . 1-7. |
basar, n., elias, h.s., othman, a., baharum, s.n., azizan, k.a.. (2019). isolation, structure elucidation of lupeol, sterol group and chemical profiling of fortunella polyandra leaves using uplc q-tof/ms. - the 32nd international conference of analytical sciences 2019. 133. |
wan mohd aizat, siti farah mamat, kamalrul azlan azizan,syarul nataqain baharum, normah mohd noor. (2019). metabolomics of mangosteen (garcinia mangostana) ripening revealed modulation of primary and secondary metabolism. - 27th faobmb & 44th annual msbmb conference 2019. 110. |
norhafiza yaakob, azierah azemin, kamalrul azlan azizan, nornasuha yusoff. (2019). phytotoxic effect and identification of potential ellelochemicals from turnera subulata. - 27th asian-pacific weed science society conference 2019. 236. |
yosmetha mayalvanan, kamalrul a. azizan, chong c. min, low c. fei, kenneth f. rodrigues, syarul n. baharum. (2019). reconstruction of the metabolic biosynthetic pathway of e. fuscoguttatus in response to v. vulnificus using metabolomics approach. - 6th international biotechnology symposium. 10. |
baharum, s.n., ahmad, r., marzuki, n.f., goh, y.k., azizan, k.a., goh, y.k. & goh, k.j.. (2019). untargeted metabolite profiling of mycoparasitic scytalidium parasiticum, an antifungus agent using lc-tof-ms. - asia-oceania metabolomics forum/merlion metabolomics symposium. 18. |
syarul nataqain binti baharum;zeti azura binti mohamed hussein;goh hoe han;kamalrul azlan bin azizan;wan mohd aizat bin wan kamaruddin;muhammad mukram bin mohamed mackeen;low chen fei. (2019). pathway-based biomarker search by high-throughput metabolomics and proteomics profiling of epinephelus fuscoguttatus spleen tolerance to vibriosis. - . 1-7. |
farah adibah abd kadir, kamalrul azlan azizan, roohaida othman. (2019). metabolite profiling of aquilaria malaccensis agarwood induced using different conditions. - malaysian society of plant physiology conference 2019. 16. |
wan mohd aizat, siti farah mamat, kamalrul azlan azizan, syarul nataqain baharum & normah mohd noor. (2018). metabolite profiling of mangosteen (garcinia mangostana linn.) pericarp, aril and seed tissues using gc-ms based metabolomics approach. - 3rd amdi international biohealth sciences conference (ibsc) 2018. . |
kamalrul azlan azizan. (2018). metabolite profiling of scyralidium parasiticum (sp) fractions against ganoderma boninense. - australian and new zealand metabolomics conference 2018. . |
rafidah ahmad, choon kiat lim, nurul fadhilah marzuki, yit kheng goh, kamalrul azlan azizan, you keng goh, kah joo goh & syarul nataqain baharum. (2018). fourier transform infrared spectroscopy fingerprint (ftir) of mycoparasitic scytalidium parasiticum : differentiation in difference substrates by using tristep infrared spectroscopy. - australian and new zealand metabolomics conference 2018. . |
muhammad mu'izzudin zulkapli, aqil fitri rosli, faris 'imadi mohd salleh, kamarul azlan azizan, syarul nataqain baharum, wan mohd aizat & hoe han goh. (2018). multi-omics approach to understand plant carnivory. - symposium on evolutionary genetics and omics. . |
sharifah nabihah binti syed jaafar;sharifah mastura bt. syed abdullah;sarani bt. zakaria;chia chin hua;kamalrul azlan bin azizan;wan mohd aizat bin wan kamaruddin. (2018). carbon dioxide reduction through bio-polymer synthesis and multi-omics studies of oil palm trunk waste . - . . |
kamalrul azlan azizan, syahmi afiq mustaza. (2018). gc-ms based metabolomics workshop workbook 2018. - . . |
edison eukun sage, norfarah shahirah nordin, nur maisarah sarizan, hussein mahmood ahmed al-bajalan, norsuhadah sujangin, noorliana mat yajit, dharshini elangovan, dominic alonzi, kamalrul azlan azizan, mukram mohamed mackeen. (2018). ccmparison of labelling reactions for monosaccharide composition analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography. - international conference of analytical sciences (skam31) and persatuan sains analisis malaysia. . |
muhammad muizzuddin zulkapli, aqil fitri rosli, faris imadi mohd salleh, kamarul azlan azizan, syarul nataqain baharum, wan mohd aizat & hoe han goh. (2018). insights into plant carnivory through multi-omics approach. - seminar: multi-omics approach in plant system biology. . |
kamalrul azlan bin azizan. (2018). biomarker discovery to probe allelopathy interactions of wedelia trilobata. - . . |
syarul nataqain baharum , rafidah ahmad, choon kiat lim, nurul fadhilah marzuki, yit kheng goh, kamalrul azlan azizan, you keng goh & kah joo goh. (2018). metabolite profiling of scytalidium parasiticum, an antifungus agent using lc-tof-ms. - the australian & new zealand metabolomics conference 2018. . |
syarul nataqain baharum, ng chyan leong, wan mohd aizat wan kamaruddin, kamalrul azlan azizan & goh hoe han. (2017). ketum: merawat atau memudaratkan?. - majalah impak penyelidikan: penyelidikan translasi, ogos 2017. 26. |
siti farah mamat, othman mazlan, syarul nataqain baharum, kamalrul azlan azizan, normah mohd noor & wan mohd aizat wan kamaruddin. (2017). manggis: bukan hanya sekadar buah!. - majalah impak penyelidikan: penyelidikan translasi, ogos 2017. 30. |
syarul nataqain baharum, ng chyan leong, wan mohd aizat wan kamaruddin, kamalrul azlan azizan & goh hoe han. (2017). ketum: menace or medicine?. - malaysian research university network bulletin (mrun). 60. |
kamalrul azlan azizan, nurul haizun abdul ghani & mohammad firdaus nawawi. (2017). understanding allelopathy for bio-herbicide applications.. - impact: advancing knowledge and technology: towards national transformation 2050 (tn50), november 2017. 44. |
wan mohd aizat wan kamaruddin, othman mazlan, azhani abdul rahman, salahuddin sanusi, siti farah mamat, kamalrul azlan azizan, goh hoe han, syarul nataqain baharum & normah mohd noor. (2017). unraveling mangosteen mystery. - impact: advancing knowledge and technology: towards national transformation 2050 (tn50), november 2017. 46. |
siti farah mamat, othman mazlan, syarul nataqain baharum, kamalrul azlan azizan, normah mohd noor & wan mohd aizat wan kamaruddin. (2017). the many wonders of mangosteens. - malaysian research university network bulletin (mrun) issn 2600-7118. 57. |
sharifah nabihah syed jaafar, wan mohd aizat wan kamaruddin, kamalrul azlan azizan, chia chin hua, sarani zakaria & sharifah mastura syed abdullah. (2017). bahan sisa kepada bahan beharga. - majalah impak penyelidikan: penyelidikan translasi, ogos 2017. 27. |
muhammad aqil fitri rosli, kamalrul azlan azizan, syarul nataqain baharum & goh hoe han. (2016). metabolic profiling of nepenthes ampullaria, nepenthes rafflesiana and nephentes x hookeriana. - international conference on molecular biology and biotechnology in conjunction with the 23rd msmbb scientific meeting. . |
kamalrul azlan azizan, syami afiq mustaza, nurul haizun abdul ghani, mohamad firdaus nawawi. (2016). metabolite profiling reveals impact of metabolites in wedelia trilobata allelopathy. - 16th asia pacific international symposium on microscale separations and analysis, johor bahru, johor, malaysia. . |
kamalrul azlan azizan, habtom w. ressom, syarul nataqain baharum. (2015). metabolomics driven analysis of l.lactis intracellular and chemometrics. - bioeng `15 ii. international bioengineering conference proceedings. . |
shuhaila sharif, kamalrul azlan azizan, azira muhamad & syarul nataqain baharum. (2015). application of nmr-based metabolomics for intracellular amino acids production in lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris mg1363. - international congress of the malaysia society for microbiology 2015 (icmsm2015). . |
ku nurul aqmar ku bahaudin, kamalrul azlan azizan & syarul nataqain baharum. (2015). cloning and functional characterisation of chalcone isomerase gene from polygonum minus (huds). - international congress of the malaysian society for microbiology 2015 (icmsm2015). . |
shuhaila sharif, kamalrul azlan azizan & syarul nataqain baharum. (2014). metabolomics approach for the production of proteinogenic amino acids in lactococcus lactis. - 32nd symposium of the malaysian society for microbiology. . |
kamalrul azlan azizan, normah mohd noor, habtom w. ressom & syarul nataqain baharum. (2014). metabolic flux analysis (mfa) of l. lactis grown at different conditions using 13c-labelling experiments and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (gc-ms). - the 13th symposium malaysian society of applied biology. . |
siti athirah mohamad jamali, syarul nataqain baharum, normah mohd noor, kamalrul azlan azizan & marian taib. (2014). metabolomics approach to elucidate cadmium response mechanism in mangrove fungus trichoderma atroviride: a preliminary study. - 32nd symposium of the malaysian society for microbiology. . |
kamalrul azlan azizan, normah mohd noor, habtom w. ressom & syarul nataqain baharum. (2014). metabolomics and 13c labeling fluxomics for systematic analysis of lactococcus lactis at different growth conditions. - 10th european symposium on biochemical engineering sciences and 6th international forum on industrial bioprocess in collaboration with acs, lille. . |
syarul nataqain baharum, kamalrul azlan azizan, habtom w. ressom & normah mohd noor. (2013). metabolic flux analysis of lactococcus lactis grown at different conditions revealed increased flux ratio towards pentose phosphate pathway. - international conference on environmental, industrial and applied microbiology - biomicroworld2013. . |
syarul nataqain baharum, kamalrul azlan azizan, habtom w. ressom & normah mohd noor. (2013). metabolic flux of lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris at different growth conditions. - 2nd asian regional conference on systems biology (arcsb) 2013. . |
kamalrul azlan azizan, habtom w. ressom, & syarul nataqain baharum. (2013). amino acid profiles of lactococcus lactis grown under different conditions using 13c-fluxomics analysis. - international congress of the malaysian society for microbiology 2013. . |
syarul nataqain baharum, kamalrul azlan azizan & normah mohd noor. (2012). principle component analysis of l. lactis metabolites derivatives by tms. - bit`s 1st annual conference and expo of analytix-2012. . |
kamalrul azlan azizan, syarul nataqain baharum & normah mohd noor. (2012). footprinting profiling of l. lactis in response to derivatisation techniques. - 4th australasian metabolomics symposium 2012. . |
kamalrul azlan azizan, normah mohd noor & syarul nataqain baharum. (2011). retrobiosynthetic analysis approach for metabolic pathway construction of l.lactis grown in various conditions. - international congress of the malaysian society for microbiology programme book. . |
kamalrul azlan azizan, normah mohd. noor, syarul nataqain baharum, sillas villas-boas,. (2010). metabolite profiling of lactococcus lactis subspecies lactis strain mg1363 using gas chromatography mass spectrometry approach. - asian regional conference on systems biology 2010. . |