Penerbitan Berimpak Tinggi

naif h m al-hardan, muhammad azmi abdul hamid, azman jalar, mohd firdaus-raih.  (2023).  unleashing the potential of gallium oxide: a paradigm shift in optoelectronic applications for image sensing and neuromorphic computing applications.  - materials today physics.  1-24. 

naif h. al-hardan, mohd firdaus-raih, muhammad azmi abdul hamid, azman jalar.  (2023).  real-time viral detection through electrolyte-gated field effect transistors: possibility of rapid covid-19 detection.  - critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences.  194-220. 

nur afiqah shalihin muhamad ismail, su hui yap, mohamad ariff mohamad yussoff, nor azlan nor muhammad, mohd firdaus-raih, doris huai xia quay.  (2023).  modeling and computational characterization of a xanthomonas sp. hypothetical protein identifies a remote ortholog of burkholderia lethal factor 1.  - journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics.  1-14. 

nisa syakila a. rahman, syazalina zahari, saiful effendi syafruddin, mohd firdaus-raih, teck yew low, m. aiman mohtar.  (2022).  functions and mechanisms of protein disulfide isomerase family in cancer emergence.  - cell & bioscience.  1-19. 

george w. mobbs, adli a. aziz, samuel r. dix, g. m. blackburn, sveta e. sedelnikova, thomas c. minshull, mark j. dickman, patrick j. baker, sheila nathan, mohd firdaus raih, david w. rice.  (2022).  molecular basis of specificity and deamidation of eif4a by burkholderia lethal factor 1.  - communications biology.  1-11. 

nur syatila ab ghani, reeki emrizal, sabrina mohamed moffit, hazrina yusof hamdani, effirul ikhwan ramlan, mohd firdaus-raih.  (2022).  grafss: a webserver for substructure similarity searching and comparisons in the structures of proteins and rna.  - nucleic acids research.  375-383. 

reeki emrizal, hazrina yusof hamdani, mohd firdaus-raih.  (2021).  graph theoretical methods and workflows for searching and annotation of rna tertiary base motifs and substructures.  - international journal of molecular sciences.  1-19. 

naif h. al-hardan, muhammad azmi abdul hamid, mohd firdaus-raih, lim kar keng, ensaf mohammed al-khalqi, azman jalar.  (2021).  calcium ion-selective electrode based on the facile synthesis of cuo over cu wires.  - journal of materials science: materials in electronics.  1-12. 

nur syatila ab ghani, reeki emrizal, haslina makmur, mohd firdaus raih.  (2020).  side chain similarity comparisons for integrated drug repositioning and potential toxicity assessments in epidemic response scenarios: the case for covid-19.  - computational and structural biotechnology journal.  2931-2944. 

hazrina yusof hamdani, mohd firdaus-raih.  (2019).  identification of structural motifs using networks of hydrogen-bonded base interactions in rna crystallographic structures.  - crystals.  1-14. 

shuhaila mat-sharani, and mohd firdaus-raih.  (2019).  computational discovery and annotation of conserved small open reading frames in fungal genomes.  - bmc bioinformatics. 

nur syatila ab ghani effirul ikhwan ramlan mohd firdaus-raih.  (2019).  drug reposer: a web server for predicting similar amino acid arrangements to known drug binding interfaces for potential drug repositioning.  - nucleic acids research.  350-356. 

mohd firdaus-raih, noor haza fazlin hashim, izwan bharudin, mohd faizal abu bakar, kie kyon huang, halimah alias, bernard k. b. lee, mohd noor mat isa, shuhaila mat-sharani, suhaila sulaiman, lih jinq tay, radziah zolkefli,yusuf muhammad noor, douglas sie.  (2018).  the glaciozyma antarctica genome reveals an array of systems that provide sustained responses towards temperature variations in a persistently cold habitat.  - plos one.  1-18. 

siuk-mun ng, xin-wei lee, mohd-noor mat-isa, mohd afiq aizat-juhari, jumaat haji adam, rahmah mohamed, kiew-lian wan, mohd firdaus-raih.  (2018).  comparative analysis of nucleus-encoded plastid-targeting proteins in rafflesia cantleyi against photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic representatives reveals orthologous systems with potentially ....  - scientific reports. 

izwan bharudin, mohd faizal abu bakar, noor haza fazlin hashim, mohd noor mat isa, halimah alias, mohd firdaus-raih, rosli md illias, nazalan najimudin, nor muhammad mahadi, farah diba abu bakar & abdul munir abdul murad.  (2018).  unravelling the adaptation strategies employed by glaciozyma antarctica pi12 on antarctic sea ice.  - marine environmental research. 

hirzahida mohd-padil, nadzirah damiri, suhaila sulaiman, shiao-fei chai, sheila nathan & mohd firdaus-raih.  (2017).  identification of srna mediated responses to nutrient depletion in burkholderia pseudomallei.  - scientific reports.  1-11. 

kuang-lim chan, tatiana v. tatarinova, rozana rosli, nadzirah amiruddin, norazah azizi, mohd amin ab halim, nik shazana nik mohd sanusi, nagappan jayanthi, petr ponomarenko, martin triska, victor solovyev, mohd firdaus-raih, et al..  (2017).  evidence-based gene models for structural and functional annotations of the oil palm genome.  - biology direct.  1-23. 

kuang-lim chan, rozana rosli, tatiana v. tatarinova, michael hogan, mohd firdaus-raih and eng-ti leslie low.  (2017).  seqping: gene prediction pipeline for plant genomes using self-training gene models and transcriptomic data.  - bmc bioinformatics.  1-7. 

sri devan appasamy, hazrina yusof hamdani, effirul ikhwan ramlan and mohd firdaus-raih.  (2016).  interrna: a database of base interactions in rna structuires.  - nucleic acids research.  266-271. 

xin-wei lee, mohd-noor mat-isa, nur-atiqah mohd-elias, mohd afiq aizat-juhari, hoe-han goh, paul h. dear, keng-see chow, jumaat haji adam, rahmah mohamed, mohd firdaus-raih & kiew-lian wan.  (2016).  perigone lobe transcriptome analysis provides insights into rafflesia cantleyi flower development.  - plos one.  1-18. 

mei-perng lim, mohd firdaus-raih and sheila nathan.  (2016).  nematode peptides with host-directed anti-inflammatory activity rescue caenorhabditis elegans from a burkholderia pseudomallei infection.  - frontiers in microbiology.  1-14. 

hui san ong, mohd syafiq rahim, noor hayaty abu kasim, mohd firdaus raih, effirul ikhwan ramlan.  (2016).  self assembly programming of dna polyominoes.  - journal of biotechnology.  141-151. 

yiling lee, rozieffa roslan, shariza azizan, mohd firdaus raih and effirul i. ramlan.  (2016).  an analysis of simple computational strategies to facilitate the design of functional molecular information processors.  - bmc bioinformatics.  1-13. 

hui san ong, mohd syafiq rahim, mohd firdaus raih, effirul ikhwan ramlan.  (2015).  dna tetrominoes: the construction of dna nanostructures using self-organised heterogeneous deoxyribonucleic acids shapes.  - plos one.  1-16. 

faridah hani mohamed salleh, shereena mohd arif, suhaila zainudin, mohd firdaus-raih.  (2015).  reconstructing gene regulatory networks from knock-out data using gaussian noise model and pearson correlation coefficient.  - computational biology and chemistry.  3-14. 

laziana ahmad, teng loong hung, nor azurah mat akhir, rahmah mohamed, sheila nathan and mohd firdaus-raih.  (2015).  characterization of burkholderia pseudomallei protein bpsl1375 validates the putative hemolytic activity of the cog3176 n-acyltransferase family.  - bmc microbiology.  270-281. 

hyy yap, yh chooi, m firdaus-raih, sy fung, st ng, cs tan, nh tan.  (2014).  the genome of the tiger milk mushroom, lignosus rhinocerotis, provides insights into the genetic basis of its medicinal properties.  - bmc genomics.  15:1-12. 

mohd firdaus raih, hazrina yusof hamdani, nurul nadzirin, effirul ikhwan ramlan, peter willett, peter j. artymiuk.  (2014).  cognac: a webserver for searching and annotating hydrogen bonded base interactions in rna 3-dimensional structures.  - nucleic acids research.  1-7. 

sri d. appasamy, effirul ikhwan ramlan, mohd firdaus raih.  (2013).  comparative sequence and structure analysis reveals the conservation and diversity of nucleotide positions and their associated tertiary interactions in the riboswitches.  - plos one.  8(9):e73984. 

nurul nadzirin, peter willett, peter j. artymiuk, mohd firdaus raih.  (2013).  imaaagine: a webserver for the searching of hypothetical 3d amino acid side chain arrangements in the protein data bank.  - nucleic acids research.  41(Web Server):W432-W440. 

nurul nadzirin, mohd firdaus-raih.  (2012).  proteins of unknown function in the protein data bank (pdb): an inventory of true uncharacterized proteins and computational tools for their analysis.  - international journal of molecular sciences.  13(10):12761-12772. 

jia-shiun khoo, shiao-fei chai, rahmah mohamed, sheila nathan, mohd firdaus-raih.  (2012).  computational discovery and rt-pcr validation of novel burkholderia conserved and burkholderia pseudomallei unique srnas.  - bmc genomics.  13(S8),S13. 

nurul nadzirin, eleanor j. gardiner, peter willett, peter j. artymiuk, mohd firdaus raih.  (2012).  sprite and assam: web servers for side chain 3d-motif searching in protein structures.  - nucleic acids research.  40:W380-386. 

hazrina yusof hamdani, sri d. appasamy, peter willett, peter j. artymiuk, mohd firdaus raih.  (2012).  nassam: a server to search for and annotate tertiary interactions and motifs in three-dimensional structures of complex rna molecules.  - nucleic acids research.  40:W35-W40. 

mohd firdaus-raih, anne-marie harrison, peter willett, peter j artymiuk.  (2011).  novel base triples in rna structures revealed by graph theoretical searching methods.  - bmc bioinformatics.  12(S13):S2. 

abimael cruz-migoni, guillaume m. hautbergue, peter j. artymiuk, nor muhammad mahadi, rahmah mohamed, sheila nathan, mohd firdaus raih, david rice  (2011).  a burkholderia pseudomallei toxin inhibits helicase activity of translation factor eif4a.  - science.  334(6057):821-824.