Penerbitan Terkini

choong-yeun liong, nor azura md. ghani, saadi ahmad kamaruddin, abdul aziz jemain.  (2020).  conceptual design of firearm identification mobile application (fima).  - proceedings of the 27th national symposium on mathematical sciences (sksm27).  1-7. 

mohd aftar abu bakar, noratiqah mohd ariff, abdul aziz jemain, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir.  (2020).  cluster analysis of hourly rainfalls using storm indices in peninsular malaysia.  - journal of hydrologic engineering.  1-11. 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2019).  statistical comparison of decision rules in pls2-da prediction model for classification of blue gel pen inks according to pen brand and pen model.  - chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems. 

siti nurlydia sazali, izfa riza hazmi, faszly rahim, fatimah abang & abdul aziz jemain.  (2018).  morphometric assessment of the red stripe weevils, rhynchophorus vulneratus coleoptera: curculionidae) from several localities in malaysia.  - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong and abdul aziz jemain.  (2018).  partial least squares-discriminant analysis (pls-da) for classification of high-dimensional (hd) data: a review of contemporary practice strategies and knowledge gaps.  - analyst. 

abdul aziz bin jemain.  (2018).  .  -

choong yeun liong, nor azura md ghani, saadi ahmad kamaruddin & abdul aziz jemain.  (2018).  numbers for firearm recognition.  -

nor azura md ghani, choong-yeun liong and abdul aziz jemain.  (2018).  neurocomputing approach for firearm identification.  - pertanika j. sci. & technol..  341-352. 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2018).  validity of the best practice in splitting data for hold-out validation strategy as performed on the ink strokes in the context of forensic science.  - microchemical journal. 

siti mariam saad, abdul aziz jemain, noriszura ismail.  (2018).  temporal rainfall disaggregation by a simple random cascade model.  - jurnal teknologi. 

siti mariam saad, abdul aziz jemain & noriszura ismail.  (2018).  fractal analysis of temporal rainfall structure in peninsular malaysia.  - aip conference proceeding of the 25th national symposium on mathematical sciences (sksm25). 

wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain, sayang mohd deni & shariffah suhaila syed jamaludin.  (2018).  model statistik taburan hujan di semenanjung malaysia.  - 266. 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2018).  effects of data pre-processing methods on classification of atr-ftir spectra of pen inks using partial least squares-discriminant analysis (pls-da).  - chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems. 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2018).  iterative random vs. kennard-stone sampling for ir spectrum-based classification task using pls2-da.  - aip conference proceedings. 

s.f.fam, n.ismail, a.l.maukar, h.yanto, d.d.prastyo, a.a.jemain, z.l.chuan.  (2018).  weighting methods in the construction of area deprivation indices.  - journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 

wan zawiah binti wan zin @ wan ibrahim;abdul aziz bin jemain;kamarulzaman ibrahim;mohd talib bin latif;marina binti zahari;mazrura binti sahani;fatimah binti abdul razak.  (2018).  statistical analysis on health risks of pollution and haze on morbidity in kalng valley.  -

shaadan, w., deni, s. m., jemain a. a..  (2018).  investigating the randomness and duration of pm10 pollution using functional data analysis.  - pertanika journal of science and technology. 

siti nurlydia sazali, izfa riza hazmi, fatimah abang, faszly rahim and abdul aziz jemain.  (2018).  morphometric study of the palm weevils, rhynchophorus vulneratus and r. ferrugineus (coleoptera: curculionidae) in view of insular and mainland populations of malaysia.  - pertanika journal of tropical agricultural science. 

siti nurlydia sazali, izfa riza hazmi, fatimah abang, faszly rahim, abdul aziz jemain.  (2018).  morphometric study of the palm weevils, rhynchophorus vulnerotus and r. ferruginous (coleptera: curculionidae) in view of insular and mainland population of malaysia.  - pertanika journal of tropical agricultural science. 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2017).  the effects of column-wise manipulations on accuracy of classical classifiers with high-dimensional spectral data.  - the 4th international conference on mathematical sciences, aip conference proceeding.  1-6. 

noratiqah mohd ariff, abdul aziz jemain, mohd aftar abu bakar.  (2017).  multi-criteria decision-making analysis in selecting suitable plotting positions for idf curves of storm events.  - environmental earth sciences.  1-11. 

nurfarahin harun, kamarulzaman ibrahim & abdul aziz jemain.  (2017).  siri penyelidikan sains matematik 2017.  - 4. 

rado yendra, anofrizen, wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain, ahmad fudholi.  (2017).  long-term daily rainfall pattern in peninsular malaysia.  - journal of engineering and applied sciences.  7640-7648. 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2017).  a contemporary review on data preprocessing (dp) practice strategy in atr-ftir spectrum.  - chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems.  64-75. 

norazlina abd razak, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain, nor azura md ghani, shahrudin zakaria, hanissah mohamad@sulaiman.  (2017).  firing pin impression segmentation using canny edge detection operator and hough transform.  - journal of telecommunication, electronic and computer engineering.  23-26. 

lee loong chuen, liong choong-yeun, abdul aziz jemain.  (2017).  an empirical assessment of n-fold cv for pls-da modeling.  - seminar kebangsaan institut statistik malaysia ke-11 (skism-xi). 

fam soo fen, noriszura ismail, abdul aziz jemain.  (2017).  geographical and socio-economic analysis in peninsular malaysia.  - the social sciences.  1695-1704. 

lee loong chuen, liong choong-yeun, abdul aziz jemain.  (2017).  iterative random vs. kennard-stone sampling for ir spectrum-based classification task using pls2-da.  - the 17th postgraduate colloquium 2017. 

lee, l. c., liong, c-y., khairul, o., jemain, a. a..  (2017).  effects of baseline correction algorithms on forensic classification of paper based on atr-ftir spectrum and principal component analysis (pca).  - pertanika science and technology.  767-774. 

lee loong chuen, liong choong-yeun, abdul aziz jemain.  (2017).  discrimination of pen inks differed at tip sizes using atr-ftir spectroscopy and statistical techniques.  - national forensic science symposium (nfss) 2017. 

z l chuan, a a jemain, c-y liong, n a m ghani, l k tan.  (2017).  a robust firearm identification algorithm of forensic ballistics specimens.  - 1st international conference on applied and industrial mathematics and statistics 2017 (iop: journal of physics).  1-10. 

noratiqah mohd ariff, abdul aziz jemain, mohd aftar abu bakar.  (2017).  potential of plotting positions for intensity-duration-frequency curves with short rainfall records.  - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences.  394-399. 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, and abdul aziz jemain.  (2017).  q-mode versus r-mode principal component analysis for linear discriminant analysis (lda).  - the 3rd ism international statistical conference 2016 (ism-iii), aip conference proceedings.  1-6. 

rado yendra, anofrizen, wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain, ahmad fudholi.  (2017).  neyman scott rectangular pulse (nsrp) modeling and spatial analysis of storm behaviorin peninsular malaysia.  - journal of engineering and applied sciences.  7604-7611. 

rado yendra, anofrizen, wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain, ahmad fudholi.  (2017).  spatial analysis of storm behavior in peninsular malaysia during monsoon seasons.  - international journal of applied engineering research.  2559-2566. 

nur ali amri, abdul aziz jemain and ahmad fudholi.  (2017).  consistency of the semivariogram-fitting error on ordinary kriging prediction.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  990-995. 

mohd aftar abu bakar, noratiqah mohd ariff, abdul aziz jemain.  (2016).  daily probability model of storm events in peninsular malaysia.  - international journal of mathematical, computational, physical, electrical and computer engineering.  207-214. 

noratiqah mohd ariff, abdul aziz jemain, mohd aftar abu bakar.  (2016).  regionalization of idf curves with l-moments for storm events.  - international journal of mathematical, computational, physical, electrical and computer engineering.  217-223. 

rado yendra, ari pani desvina, rahmadeni, kuseiri, abdul aziz jemain and ahmad fudholi.  (2016).  modeling of annual maximum storm intensity with bayesian markov chain monte carlo (mcmc) and l-moment.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  283-294. 

nuryazmin ahmat zainuri, abdul aziz jemain & nora muda.  (2016).  existence of fractal behaviour in ozone time series.  - journal of quality measurement and analysis (jqma).  97-106. 

mohd fadzli mohd fuzi, abdul aziz jemain, noriszura ismail.  (2016).  bayesian quantile regression model for claim count data.  - insurance: mathematics and economics.  124-137. 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2016).  correspondence regarding the article "discrimination of various paper types using diffuse reflectance ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared spectroscopy: [appl.spectrosc. 2015.69(6): 714-720].  - applied spectroscopy.  1598-1601. 

nur ali amri, abdul aziz jemain, and ahmad fudholi.  (2016).  optimization of spatial data sample for gold mineral prediction.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  9065-9068. 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2016).  applying fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and self-organizing maps for forensic classification of white-copy papers.  - international journal on advanced science, engineering and information technology.  1033-1039. 

loong-chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, and abdul aziz jemain.  (2016).  q-mode versus r-mode principal component analysis for linear discriminant analysis (lda).  - the 3rd ism international statistical conference 2016 (ism-iii 2016). 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2016).  applying ftir spectroscopy & som for forensic classification of white-copy papers.  - the 3rd international multi-conference on artificial intelligence technology (m-cait 2016). 

loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2016).  the effects of column-wise manipulations on accuracy of classical classifiers with high-dimensional spectral data.  - the 4th international conference on mathematical sciences (icms4). 

choong-yeun liong, loong-chuen lee, khairul osman, and abdul aziz jemain.  (2016).  genetic algorithms for wavenumber selection in forensic differentiation of paper by linear discriminant analysis.  - aip conference proceedings / johor bahru, malaysia.  1-7. 

loong-chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, khairul osman, and abdul aziz jemain.  (2016).  effects of scatter-correction pre-processing methods and spectral derivative algorithms on forensic classification of paper.  - aip conference proceedings / johor bahru, malaysia.  1-9. 

loong-chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, khairul osman, and abdul aziz jemain.  (2016).  comparison of several variants of principal component analysis (pca) on forensic analysis of paper based on ir spectrum.  - aip conference proceedings / johor bahru, malaysia.  1-7. 

loong-chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, khairul osman, and abdul aziz jemain.  (2016).  forensic differentiation of paper by atr-ftir spectroscopy technique and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (pls-da).  - aip conference proceedings / johor bahru, malaysia.  1-7. 

rado yendra, ari pani desvina, rahmadeni, wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain and ahmad fudholi.  (2015).  neyman scott rectangular pulse modeling for storm rainfall analysis in peninsular malaysia.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  841-846. 

desa n.h.m., jemain a.a., kasim m.m..  (2015).  construction of a composite hospital admission index using the aggregated weights of criteria.  - sains malaysiana.  239-247. 

musani s., jemain a.a..  (2015).  ranking schools' academic performance using a fuzzy vikor.  - journal of physics: conference series. 

sanusi w., jemain a.a., zin w.z.w., zahari m..  (2015).  the drought characteristics using the first-order homogeneous markov chain of monthly rainfall data in peninsular malaysia.  - water resources management.  1523-1539. 

mohd fadzli mohd fuzi, noriszura ismail, abd aziz jemain.  (2015).  quantile regression modeling for malaysian automobile insurance premium data.  - the 2015 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium.  060014(1-7). 

wan zawiah binti wan zin @ wan ibrahim, marina binti zahari, wan zawiah binti wan zin @ wan ibrahim, abdul aziz bin jemain.  (2015).  modelling of local and regional drought in peninsular malaysia.  -

abdul aziz jemain, sayang mohd. deni, sharifah suhailah syed jamaludin & wan zawiah wan zin.  (2015).  penyurihan ikhtisar data hujan.  - 209. 

w. r. wan din, a. s. rambely & a. a. jemain.  (2015).  load carriage analysis for military using functional data analysis technique : registration and permutation test.  - international journal of basic and applied sciences.  1-9. 

nuryazmin ahmat zainuri, abdul aziz jemain, nora muda.  (2015).  exploring the behaviour of ozone concentration in klang valley, malaysia using box counting method.  - aip conference proceedings.  181-185. 

lee loong chuen, liong choong yuen, khairul osman, abdul aziz jemain.  (2015).  forensic classification of white paper based on atr-ftir spectrum and multivariate statistical technique.  - 7th asian forensic science network annual meeting & symposium 2015. 

lee long chuen, liong choong yuen, khairul osman, abdul aziz jemain.  (2015).  mini review: forensic paper analysis.  - 7th asian forensic sciences network : annual meeting & symposium 2015. 

lee long chuen, liong choong yuen, khairul osman, abdul aziz jemain.  (2015).  effects of baseline correction algorithms on forensic classification of paper based on atr-ftir spectrum and pca.  - the 2nd international conference on statistics in science, business and engineering 2015 : empowering data analytics with mathematics, statistics and actuarial science. 

lc lee, cy liong, khairul osman, abdul aziz jemain.  (2015).  effects of preprocessing techniques in studying the variability of paper with ftir-atr spectroscopy and pca.  - national forensic science symposium (nfss) 2015 :. 

long chuen lee, choong yuen liong, khairul osman, abdul aziz jemain.  (2015).  pembezaan forensik kertas menggunakan teknik spektroskopi atr-ftir dan kuasa dua terkecil separa-analisis diskriminan (pls-da).  - simposium kebangsaan sains matematik malaysia ke-23. 

lee long chuen, liong choong yuen, khairul osman, abdul aziz jemain.  (2015).  perbandingan beberapa varian analisis komponen utama (pca) ke atas analisis forensik terhadap kertas berdasarkan spektrum ir.  - simposium kebangsaan sains matematik malaysia ke-23. 

loong chuen lee, chong yuen liong, khairul osman, abdul aziz jemain.  (2015).  kesan kaedah pra-pemprosesan pembetulan-serakan dan al-khwarizmi terbitan spektrum ke atas pengelasan forensik kertas.  - simposium kebangsaan sains matematik malaysia ke-23. 

choong yeun liong, long chuen lee, khairul osman, abdul aziz jemain.  (2015).  al-khwarizmi genetik untuk pemilihan nombor gelombang dalam pembezaan forensik kertas dengan analisis diskriminan linear.  - siumposium kebangsaan sains matematik ke-23. 

norshahida shaadan, abdul aziz jemain, mohd talib latif, sayang mohd deni.  (2015).  anomaly detection and assessment of pm10 functional data at several locations in the klang valley, malaysia.  - atmospheric pollution research.  365-375 . 

nuryazmin ahmat zainuri, abdul aziz jemain & nora muda.  (2015).  a comparison of various imputation methods for missing values in air quality data.  - sains malaysiana.  449-456. 

noratiqah mohd ariff, abdul aziz jemain & mohd aftar abu bakar.  (2015).  pengitlakan lengkung idf untuk peristiwa ribut ekstrim di semenanjung malaysia.  - journal of quality measurement and analysis.  31-46. 

rado yendra, ari pani desvina, rahmadeni, abdul aziz jemain, wan zawiah wan zin and ahmad fudholi.  (2015).  rainfall storm modeling of neyman-scott rectangular pulse (nsrp) using rainfall cell intensity distributions.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  969-974. 

rika fatimah & abdul aziz jemain.  (2015).  institusi keluarga di malaysia : peranan dan kualiti.  - 233. 

mardhiyyah shaffie, annazirin elli, wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain.  (2014).  the spatial return level of aggregated hourly rainfall in peninsular malaysia.  - theoritical and applied climatology.  1-9. 

rado yendra, wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain.  (2014).  thebest neyman scott rectangular pulse rainfall modelling in peninsular malaysia.  - sains malaysiana.  359-367. 

wendy ling shinyie, noriszura isamil, abdul aziz jemain.  (2014).  semi-parametric estimation based on second order parameter for selecting optimal threshold of extreme rainfall events.  - water resource management.  3489-3514. 

wahida sanusi, abdul aziz jemain, wan zawiah wan zin.  (2014).  fuzzy clustering for regionalization of drought proneness in peninsular malaysia.  - sains malaysiana.  1791-1800. 

zun liang chuan, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain, and nor azura md. ghani.  (2014).  an efficient automatic firearm identification system.  - aip conference proceedings - 3rd international conference on mathematical sciences. 

nurfathiha, a.k., rohaya, m.a.w., sahidan, s., abdul aziz, j., intan zarina, z.a., zaidah, z.a., dan shahrul hisham, z.a..  (2014).  analisis aktiviti enzim dan elisa ke atas penanda biologi pergerakan gigi dalam cecair krevis gingiva manusia semasa rawatan ortodontik.  - malaysian applied biology journal.  43(1):133-139. 

fredolin tangang @ tajudin mahmud, liew ju neng, mohd. alauddin mohd. ali, abdul aziz jemain, sahibin @ sahibini abd rahim, mohammad tariqul islam, wayan suparta, muzzneena ahmad mustapha, et. al..  (2014).  the science od tropical climate change.  -

rado yendra, abdul aziz jemain, wan zawiah wan zin.  (2014).  the best fitting distribution of maximum storm rainfall with long duration with more 48 hours and maximum rainfall annually.  - sains malaysiana.  1451-1460. 

rohaya megat abdul wahab, nurfathiha abu kasim, sahidan senafi, abdul aziz jemain, intan zarina zainol abidin, muhammad ashraf shahidan, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin.  (2014).  enzyme activity profiles and elisa analysis of biomarkers from human saliva and gingival crevicular fluid during orthodontic tooth movement using self-ligating brackets.  - oral health and dental management.  13(2):194-199. 

choon shay wei, chamhuri siwar, joy jacqueline pereira, abdul aziz jemain, halimaton saadiah hashim..  (2014).  pembangunan lestari di malaysia: harapan dan kenyataan.  - 399-425. 

choon shay wei, chamhuri siwar, joy jacqueline pereira, abdul aziz jemain, halimaton saadiah hashim..  (2014).  pembangunan lestari di malaysia: harapan dan kenyataan.  - Bab 20: 425-445. 

abdul aziz bin jemain, ahmad fariz bin mohamed, mohd talib bin latif, liew ju neng, wan zawiah binti wan zin @ wan ibrahim, mazrura binti sahani.  (2014).  air quality modeling application for sustainable and livable urban environment.  -

zin, w.z.w., nahrawi, s.a., jemain, a.a., zahari, m.  (2014).  a preliminary study on drought events in peninsular malaysia.  - aip conference proceedings - 3rd international conference on mathematical sciences.  1217-1225. 

loong chuen lee, abdul aziz jemain.  (2013).  a study to investigate the feasibility of micro-attenuated total reflectance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for nondestructive forensic analysis of writing inks in questioned documents.  - the 11th indo pacific association of law, medicine and science congress 2013. 

nuzlinda abdul rahman, abdul aziz jemain.  (2013).  spatial analysis of infant mortality in peninsular malaysia over three decades using mixture models.  - sains malaysiana.  42(7):1003-1010. 

norela sulaiman, maimon abdullah, muzzena ahmad mustaph, asmah ahmad, aziz jemain, fredolin tagang @ tajudin mahmud, sahibin abdul rahim & hasni jaafar.  (2013).  kesan perubahan iklim terhadap ledakan populasi lepidoptera perosak terpilih di ladang kelapa sawit, alahan dan impak sosial terhadap penduduk terlibat.  - -. 

nurfathiha abu kasim, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, muhammad ashraf shahidan, intan zarina zainol abidin, sahidan senafi, abdul aziz jemain, rohaya megat abdul wahab.  (2013).  stability of lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and tartrate resistant acid phosphatase in human saliva and gingival crevicular fluid in the presence of protease i.  - archives of biological science.  65(3):1131-1140. 

a. shabri, a.a. jemain.  (2013).  regional flood frequency analysis for southwest peninsular malaysia by lq-moments.  - journal of flood risk management.  6:360-371. 

w.r. wan din, a. s. rambely, a. a. jemain.  (2013).  smoothing of grf data using functional data analysis technique.  - international journal of applied mathematics and statistics.  70-77. 

shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, nurfathiha abu kasim, rohaya megat abdul wahab & abdul aziz jemain.  (2013).  lactate dehydrogenase activity during tooth movement under 1.0 n and 1.5 n continuous force applications.  - sains malaysiana.  42(1): 99-105. 

rohaya megat abdul wahab, maryati md dasor, sahidan senafi, asma alhusna abang abdullah, zulham yamamoto, abdul aziz jemain, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin.  (2013).  crevicular alkaline phosphatase activity and rate of tooth movement of female orthodontic subjects under different continuous force applications.  - international journal of dentistry.  Article ID 245818:1-7. 

yanuar ferra, ibrahim kamarulzaman, jemain abdul aziz.  (2013).  bayesian structural equation modeling for the health index.  - journal of applied statistics.  40(6):1254-1269. 

ibrahim suliman hanaish, kamarulzaman ibrahim, abdul aziz jemain.  (2013).  on the potential of bartlett lewis rectangular pulse models for simulating rainfall in peninsular malaysia.  - hydrological sciences journal.  58(8):1690-1703. 

muzirah musa, abdul aziz jemain, wan zawiah wan zin.  (2013).  scaling and persistence of ozone concentrations in klang valley, malaysia.  - journal quality measurement and analysis.  9(1):9-20. 

wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain, kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2013).  analysis of drought condition and risk in peninsular malaysia using standardised precipitation index.  - theoretical and applied climatology.  111(3-4):559-568. 

zun liang chuan, abdul aziz jemain, choong-yeun liong & nor azura md ghani.  (2013).  keberkesanan pengambangan entropi bersilangan dan entropi tsallis untuk sistem pengecaman balistik forensik automatik.  - journal of quality measurement and analysis.  9(1):33-46. 

shinyie wendy ling, ismail noriszura, jemain abdul aziz.  (2013).  semi-parametric estimation for selecting optimal threshold of extreme rainfall events.  - water resource management.  27(7):2325-2352. 

noratiqah mohd ariff, abdul aziz jemain, wan zawiah wan zin.  (2013).  assessment of the intensity-duration-frequency (idf) curves for storms in peninsular malaysia based on the generalized extreme value distribution.  - aip conference proceeding - 20th national symposium on mathematical sciences.  1185-1194. 

mahdi ebrahimzadeh, noor akma ibrahim, abdul aziz jemain, adem kilicman.  (2013).  claim dependence induced by common effects in hierarchical credibility models.  - communications in statistics: theory and methods.  42:3373-3400. 

kasim maznah mat, jemain abdul aziz.  (2013).  penglibatan panel penilai dengan kewibawaan berbeza dalam mengagregat nilai subjektif asas pangkat=involvement of panel evaluators with different credibility in aggregating subjective rank-based ....  - sains malaysiana.  42(5):667-672. 

rado yendra, abdul aziz jemain, marina zahari and wan zawiah wan zin.  (2013).  methods on handling missing rainfall data with neyman-scott rectangular pulse modeling.  - aip conference proceeding - 20th national symposium on mathematical sciences. 

zun liang chuan, nor azura md. ghani, liong choong yeun, abdul aziz jemain.  (2013).  pendekatan pengesanan titik sauh secara automatik bagi kesan pin peletup senjata api.  - sains malaysiana.  42(9): 1339-1344. 

loong chuen lee, abdul aziz jemainemain.  (2013).  investigating within-group variations of black ballpoint pen inks based on data obtained by micro-attenuated total reflectance / fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.  - problems of forensic sciences.  96:689-701. 

nur zakiah mohd saat, abdul aziz jemain & syed hassan ahmad al-mashoor.  (2012).  anova of functional data among sleep apnea patients.  - international journal of research and reviews in applied sciences.  10(1):53-57. 

mohd wahid samsudin, , laily din, zuriati zakaria, jalifah latip, tukimat lihan, abdul aziz jemain, fazri samsudin.  (2012).  measuring air quality using lichen mapping at universiti kebangsaan malaysia (ukm) campus.  - procedia social and behavioral sciences - ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. 

wan rozita wan din, azmin sham rambely & abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  pelicinan analisis data fungsian terhadap data biomekanik ketepatan tembakan.  - journal of quality measurement and analysis.  8(2):77-87. 

choong-yeun liong, nor azura md ghani, saadi bin ahmad kamaruddin, abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  firearm classification based on numerical features of the firing pin impression.  - procedia computer science - international neural network society winter conference (inns-wc 2012). 

shaadan n., deni s.m., jemain a.a..  (2012).  assessing and comparing pm10 pollutant behaviour using functional data approach.  - sains malaysiana.  41(11):1335-1344. 

n.m. ariff, jemain, a.a., ibrahim, k., wan zin, w.z..  (2012).  idf relationships using bivariate copula for storm events in peninsular malaysia.  - journal of hydrology.  470-417:158-171. 

borhan, m., jemain, a.a..  (2012).  assessing schools` academic performance using a belief structure.  - social indicators research.  106(1):187-197. 

noratiqah mohd. ariff, abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  comparisons between the window-based and storm-event analysis.  - sains malaysiana.  41(11):1377-1387. 

azmin sham rambely , wan rozita wan din & abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  using functional data analysis to investigate significant load increment.  - 30th annual conference of biomechanics in sports. 

n.z.m saat, n. a. rahman, a. a. jemain.  (2012).  the empirical bayes of occurrence of apnea among sleep apnea patients.  - journal of applied sciences.  12(3):279-283. 

norshahidah shaadan, sayang mohd deni, abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  assesing and comparing pm10 poluttant behaviour using functional data approach.  - sains malaysiana.  41(11):1335-1344. 

saadi bin ahmad kamaruddin, nor azura md ghani, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  firearm classification using neural networks on ring of firing pin impression images.  - advances in distributed computing and artificial intelligence journal.  1(3):27-34. 

saroja krishnaswamy, kavitha subramaniam, abdul aziz jemain, wah yun low, padma ramachanran, tishya indran, vikram patel.  (2012).  common mental disorders in malaysia: malaysian mental health survey, 2003-2005.  - asia-pacific psychiatry.  4(3):201-209. 

ratna dewi abdul rahman, norrakiah abdullah sani & abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  penilaian kaedah pengiraan escherichia coli dalam masakan ayam.  - sains malaysiana.  41(3):325-331. 

maznah mat kasim, abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  penglibatan panel penilai dalam mengagregat nilai subjektif asas pangkat bagi menyelesaikan masalah berbilang kriteria. (involvement of panel of evaluators in aggregating subjective rank-based values).  - sains malaysiana.  41(3):353-360. 

wan z.w. zin , abdul a. jemain and kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2012).  bayesian changepoint analysis of the extreme rainfall events.  - journal of mathematics and statistics.  8(1):85-91. 

jamaludin suhaila, abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  spatial analysis of daily rainfall intensity and concentration index in peninsular malaysia.  - theoritical appllied climatology.  108: 235-245. 

mahdi ebrahim zadeh, noor a. ibrahim, abdul a. jemain, adem kilicman.  (2012).  unbiased estimation of structural parameters in credibility models with dependence induced by common effects.  - bulletin of the malaysian mathematical sciences society.  35(4): 829-844. 

sayang mohd. deni, abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  comparison between mixed probability models and markov chain models for weekly dry and wet spells in peninsular malaysia.  - proceeding of the wold congress on engineering 2012 vol 1 wce 2012. united kingdom. 

ibrahim suliman hanaish, kamarulzaman ibrahim, abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  reproduction of the variance scaling structure for rainfall in peninsular malaysia using bartlett lewis model.  - applied mathematical sciences.  6(105-108):5305-5313. 

nor azura md ghani, saadi bin ahmad kamaruddin, choong-yeun liong and abdul aziz jemain.  (2012).  firearm identification using numerical features of centre firing pin impression image.  - 2012 international symposium on computer applications and industrial electronics (iscaie 2012). 

abdul aziz jemain.  (2011).  memperluas jelajahan memperkaya khazanah ilmu statistik.  - 80. 

soo-fen fam, abdul aziz jemain, kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2011).  the association between material deprivation and relative risk of infant mortality in peninsular malaysia.  - international journal of arts and sciences.  4(17): 257-269. 

soo-fen fam, abdul aziz jemain and wan zawiah wan zin.  (2011).  spatial analysis of socioeconomic deprivation in peninsular malaysia.  - international journal of arts & sciences,.  4(17):241-255. 

s. a. hanawi, a. a. jemain & w. z. wan zin.  (2011).  the application of markov chain method in determining the degree of wet-proneness in peninsular malaysia based on standard precipitation index.  - seminar on science of tropical climate change system. 

siti aishah hanawi & abdul aziz jemain.  (2011).  penggunaan indeks kerpasan piawai terhadap hujan mingguan di semenanjung malaysia.  - kolokium siswazah ke-11 fakulti sains dan teknologi, ukm, bangi. 

shabri, a., jemain, a.a..  (2011).  fitting the generalized logistic distribution by lq-moments.  - applied mathematical sciences.  5(53-56):2663-2676. 

choon, s.-w., siwar, c., pereira, j.j., jemain, a.a., hashim, h.s., hadi, a.s..  (2011).  a sustainable city index for malaysia.  - international journal of sustainable development and world ecology.  18(1):28-35. 

y. yassen, m.p. ismail, a.a. jemain, a.r. daud.  (2011).  reliability of ultrasonic measurement of thickness loss caused by corrosion.  - insight.  53(12):658-663. 

mahdi ebrahimzadeh, noor akma ibrahim, abdul aziz jemain, adem kilicman.  (2011).  credibility models with dependence induced by common effects and their applications in bank branch performance prediction.  - j. international business and entrepreneurship development.  5(4): 339-350. 

krishnaswamy, s., subramaniam, k., ramachandran, p., indran, t., abdul aziz, j..  (2011).  delayed fathering and risk of mental disorders in adult offspring.  - early human development.  87(3):171-175. 

s. a. al-subh, k. ibrahim, a. a. jemain.  (2011).  goodness of fit test for logistic distribution involving kullback-leibler information.  - journal of quality measurement and analysis.  7(2):109-121. 

saadi bin ahmad kamaruddin, nor azura md ghani, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2011).  firearm recognition based on whole firing pin impression image via backpropagation neural network.  - 2011 international conference on pattern analysis and intelligent robotics (icpair). 

siti aishah hanawi, wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain & rokiah@rozita ahmad.  (2011).  fenomena kehujanan di semenanjung malaysia berdasarkan indeks kerpasan piawai.  - sains malaysiana.  40(11):1277-1284. 

jamaludin suhaila, abdul aziz jemain, muhammad fauzee hamdan, wan zawiah wan zin.  (2011).  comparing rainfall patterns between regions in peninsular malaysia via a functional data analysis technique.  - journal of hydrology.  411:197-206. 

ibrahim suliman hanaish, kamarulzaman ibrahim, abdul aziz jemain.  (2011).  stochastic modelling of rainfall in peninsular malaysia using bartlett lewis rectangular pulses models.  - modelling and simulation in engineering.  2011, Article ID:253735. 

hanaish, i.s., ibrahim, k., jemain, a.a..  (2011).  daily rainfall disaggregation using hyetos model for peninsular malaysia.  - 5th international conference on applied mathematics, simulation, modelling (asm 11). 

soofen, f; jemain, aa; zin, wzw.  (2011).  the association of material deprivation and rr of infant mortality in peninsular malaysia.  - journal of epidemiology and community health.  65(Supp 1):A161. 

rohaya megat abdul wahab, maryati md dasor, sahidan senafi, asma alhusna abang abdullah, abdul aziz jemain, nurfathiha abu kasim, zulham yamamoto and shahrul hisham zainal ariffin.  (2011).  crevicular tartrate resistant acid phosphatase activity and rate of tooth movement under different continuous force applications.  - african journal of pharmacy and pharmacology.  5(20):2213-2219. 

w. r. wan din; a. s. rambely; a. a. jemain.  (2011).  load carriage analysis for malaysian military using functional data analysis technique: trial experiment.  - 4th international conference on modeling, simulation and applied optimization (icmsao 2011). 

w. r. wan din, a. s. rambely and a. a. jemain.  (2011).  biomechanics of a rifle-firing model: effects of rifle dynamics on target acuracy.  - international journal of applied mathematics & statistics.  23(D11):92-97. 

nuzlinda abdul rahman, abdul aziz jemain, kamarulzaman ibrahim & ahmad mahir razali.  (2011).  pemetaan kes kemortalan bayi di semenanjung malaysia menggunakan kaedah bayes empirik.  - sains malaysiana.  40(5):527-535. 

wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain.  (2010).  statistical distributions of extreme dry spell in peninsular malaysia.  - theoretical and applied climatology.  102:253-264. 

ani shabri & abdul aziz jemain.  (2010).  lq-moments: parameter estimation for kappa distribution.  - sains malaysiana.  39(5):845-850. 

sayang mohd deni, abdul aziz jemain and kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2010).  the best probability models for dry and wet spells in peninsular malaysia during monsoon seasons.  - international journal of climatology.  30:1194-1205. 

w. z. wan zin, k. ibrahim, a. a. jemain.  (2010).  evaluating the dry conditions in peninsular malaysia using bivariate copula.  - anziam journal.  51:C555-C569. 

jamaludin suhaila, s. m. deni, wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain.  (2010).  spatial patterns and trends of daily rainfall regime in peninsular malaysia during the southwest and northeast monsoons: 1975-2004.  - meteorol atmos phys.  110(1-2):1-18. 

mohd faiz, e., shahrul hisham, z.a., rohaya, m.a.w., sahidan, s. dan abdul aziz, j..  (2010).  perbandingan profil enzim bagi rawatan ortodontik dengan ekstraksi dan tanpa ekstraksi.  - simposium persatuan biologi gunaan malaysia ke-11 2010 = 11th symposium of the malaysian society of applied biology 2010: keseimbangan biologi ke arah kelestarian hayat, fakulti sains & teknologi ukm. 

siti zawiyah azmi, mohd talib latif, aida shafawati ismail, liew juneng, abdul aziz jemain.  (2010).  trend and status of air quality at three different monitoring stations in the klang valley, malaysia.  - air quality, atmosphere and health.  3(1):53-64. 

nor azura md ghani, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain.  (2010).  analysis of geometric moments as features for firearm identification.  - forensic science international.  198:143-149. 

wan zin w.z., jamaludin s., deni s.m., jemain a.a..  (2010).  recent changes in extreme rainfall events in peninsular malaysia: 1971-2005.  - theoretical and applied climatology.  99(3-4):303-314. 

aida shafawati ismail, mohd talib latif, siti zawiyah azmi, liew juneng and abdul aziz jemain.  (2010).  variation of surface ozone recorded at the eastern coastal region of the malaysian peninsula.  - american journal of environmental sciences.  6(6):560-569. 

shabri, a.b. , jemain, a.a..  (2010).  application of lq-moment ratio diagram in selecting the best distribution.  - sains malaysiana.  39(4):647-653. 

nur zakiah mohd saat, abdul aziz jemain dan kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2010).  statistical model of the occurrence of sleep apnea.  - journal of applied science.  10(9):752-758. 

yanuar, f., ibrahim, k., jemain, a.a..  (2010).  on the application of structural equation modeling for the construction of a health index.  - environmental health and preventive medicine.  15(5):285-291. 

sameer al-subh, kamarulzaman ibrahim & abdul aziz jemain.  (2010).  gof test for logistic distribution involving kullback-leibler information based on entropy characterization.  - proceedings of the 2nd international conference on mathematical sciences (icms2 2010), 30 nov. 3 dec 2010, pwtc kuala lumpur. 

mahdi ebrahimzadeh,noor akma ibrahim, abdul aziz jemain & adem kilicman.  (2010).  the influence of the third common effect on credibility models with dependence induced by common effects.  - proceedings of the 2nd international conference on mathematical sciences (icms2 2010), 30 nov. 3 dec 2010, pwtc kuala lumpur. 

wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain, kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2010).  analisis titik perubahan bayes bagi peristiwa hujan ekstrim di semenanjung malaysia.  - proceedings of the 2nd international conference on mathematical sciences (icms2 2010), 30 nov. 3 dec 2010, pwtc kuala lumpur. 

siti aishah hanawi, wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain & rokiah @ rozita ahmad.  (2010).  pola taburan kehujanan mingguan di semenanjung malaysia menggunakan indeks kerpasan piawai.  - proceedings of the 2nd international conference on mathematical sciences (icms2 2010), 30 nov. 3 dec 2010, pwtc kuala lumpur. 

j. suhaila, a.a. jemain & m.f. hamdan.  (2010).  analysis of rainfall patterns between regions in peninsular malaysia using the functional data analysis technique.  - proceedings of the 2nd international conference on mathematical sciences (icms2 2010), 30 nov. 3 dec 2010, pwtc kuala lumpur. 

suhaila, j., deni, s.m., zawiah zin, w.a.n., jemain, a.a..  (2010).  trends in peninsular malaysia rainfall data during the southwest monsoon and northeast monsoon seasons: 1975-2004.  - sains malaysiana.  39(4):533-542. 

deni s.m., suhaila j., wan zin w.z., jemain a.a..  (2010).  spatial trends of dry spells over peninsular malaysia during monsoon seasons.  - theoretical and applied climatology.  99(3-4):357-371. 

nur zakiah mohd saat, kamarulzaman ibrahim, abdul aziz jemain.  (2010).  bayesian methods for ranking the severity of apnea among patients.  - american journal of applied sciences.  7(2):167-170. 

fatimah, plr; jemain, aa.  (2009).  status keluarga malaysia dalam perspektif kualiti [family status in quality perspective].  - sains malaysiana.  38(5):735-743. 

al-subh sa, alodat mt, ibrahim k, jemain aa.  (2009).  edf goodness of fit tests of logistic distribution under selective order statistic.  - pakistan journal of statistics.  25(3):265-274. 

shahabuddin, faa; ibrahim, k; jemain, aa
.  (2009).  on the comparison of several goodness of fit tests: with application to wind speed data.  - energy problems and environmental engineering. 

ismail n., jemain a.a..  (2009).  profit analysis and simulation in motor insurance.  - international research journal of finance and economics.  30:45-57. 

suhaila, j; jemain, aa.  (2009).  a comparison of the rainfall patterns between stations on the east and the west coasts of peninsular malaysia using the smoothing model of rainfall amounts.  - meteorological applications.  16(3):391-401. 

wan zawiah wan zin, abdul aziz jemain, kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2009).  the best fitting distribution of annual maximum rainfall in peninsular malaysia based on methods of l-moment and lq- moment.  - theoretical and applied climatology.  96(3-4):337-344. 

sayang mohd deni, abdul aziz jemain, kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2009).  fitting optimum order of markov chain models for daily rainfall occurrences in peninsular malaysia.  - theoretical and applied climatology.  97(1-2):109-121. 

saroja krishnaswamy, kavitha subramaniam, wah yun low, jemain abdul aziz, tishya indran, padma ramachandran, abdul rahman abdul hamid, and vikram patel.  (2009).  factors contributing to utilization of health care services in malaysia: a population-based study.  - asia-pacific journal of public health.  21(4):442-450. 

noriszura ismail & abdul aziz jemain.  (2009).  comparison of minimum bias and maximum likelihood methods for claim severity.  - casualty actuarial society e-forum.  Winter:243-275. 

nor azura md ghani, liong choong-yeun & abdul aziz jemain.  (2009).  penyaringan dan pemilihan fitur statistik asas untuk pengecaman spesimen forensik balistik.  - sains malaysiana.  38(2):249-260. 

p. l. rika fatimah, a. a. jemain, k. ibrahim, s. mohammad nasir, m. a. khairul anuar.  (2009).  quality_family deployment: a new perspective in determining priority importance for improving work performance in organization.  - social indicators research.  92(1):131-149. 

p.l. rika fatimah, jemain abdul aziz, m. a. khairul anuar, saludin mohd. nasir.  (2009).  quality_marriage deployment in determining priority needs for initiating marriage loyalty.  - quality and quantity.  43(3):401-416. 

deni s.m., suhaila j., zin w.z.w., jemain a.a..  (2009).  trends of wet spells over peninsular malaysia during monsoon seasons.  - sains malaysiana.  38(2):133-142. 

deni s.m., jemain a.a..  (2009).  mixed log series geometric distribution for sequences of dry days.  - atmospheric research.  92(2):236-243. 

suhaila j., jemain a.a..  (2009).  investigating the impacts of adjoining wet days on the distribution of daily rainfall amounts in peninsular malaysia.  - journal of hydrology.  368(1-4):17-25. 

nur zakiah mohd saat , abdul aziz jemain & kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2009).  model rantaian markov untuk kejadian apnea.  - prosiding kolokium siswazah ke-9, fakulti sains dan teknologi, ukm.. 

nur zakiah mohd saat, abdul aziz jemain, syed hassan ahmad al-mashoor, kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2009).  statistical model of the occurrence of the rapid eye movement(rem) among sleep apnea patients.  - procedings of the 5th asian mathematical conference. 

k. ibrahim, m. t. alodat, a. a. jemain, s. a. al-subh.  (2009).  modified edf goodness of fit tests for logistic distribution under srs and erss.  - applied mathematical sciences.  3(44):2175-2194. 

malina zulkifli, ahmad mahir razali, noriszura ismail & abdul aziz jemain.  (2009).  penentuan indeks bagi kes kecurian kenderaan di semenanjung malaysia.  - kolokium siswazah ke-9, fakulti sains dan teknologi, ukm, bangi. 

sayang mohd deni, abdul aziz jemain.  (2009).  fitting the distribution of dry and wet spells with alternative probability models.  - meteorology and atmospheric physics.  104(1-2):13-27. 

nur zakiah mohd saat and abdul aziz jemain.  (2009).  modelling the duration of hypopnea.  - journal of applied sciences.  9(11):2162-2167. 

jemain, a.a., al-omari, a, ibrahim, k..  (2009).  balanced groups ranked set samples for estimating the population median.  - journal of applied statistical science.  17(1):39-46. 

krishnaswamy, s; subramaniam, k; indran, h; ramachandran, p; indran, t; indran, r; aziz, ja.  (2009).  paternal age and common mental disorders.  - world journal of biological psychiatry.  10(2):518-523. 

deni s.m., jemain a.a., ibrahim k..  (2009).  mixed probability models for dry and wet spells.  - statistical methodology.  6(3):290-303. 

sayang mohd deni, abdul aziz jemain and kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2009).  the best probability models for dry and wet spells in peninsular malaysia during monsoon seasons.  - international journal of climatology.  30(8):1194-1205. 

amer ibrahim al-omari, abdul aziz jemain, kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2009).  new ratio estimators of the mean using simple random sampling and ranked set sampling methods.  - revista investigacion operacional.  30(2): 97-108. 

nor azura md. ghani, liong choong yeun & abdul aziz jemain.  (2009).  pengekstrakan dan pemilihan fitur momen geometri untuk pengecaman spesimen forensik balistik (extraction and selection of geometric moment features for forensic ballistic specimen identification).  - matematika.  25(1): 15-30. 

ani shabri & abdul aziz jemain.  (2009).  pengujian kesahihan pemadanan untuk taburan nilai ekstrim jenis i (goodness-of-fit test for extreme value type i distribution).  - matematika.  25(1): 53-66. 

ani shabri, abdul aziz jemain.  (2009).  l-momen peringkat tinggi : penggunaan bagi memodelkan taburan logistik teritlak.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  21: 43-52. 

nor azura md ghani, choong-yeun liong & abdul aziz jemain.  (2009).  analysis of geometric moments as features for identification of forensic ballistics specimen.  - 10th international work-conference on artificial neural networks, iwann 2009; salamanca. 

zawiah, wzw; jemain, aa; ibrahim, k; suhaila, j; sayang, md.  (2009).  a comparative study of extreme rainfall in peninsular malaysia: with reference to partial duration and annual extreme series.  - sains malaysiana.  38(5):751-760. 

ismail, n; jemain, aa.  (2008).  profit analysis and simulation in motor insuarance.  - applied and computational mathematics, 2nd edition. 

noriszura ismail & abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  comparison of maximum likelihood methods for claim severity risk classification.  - prosiding simposium kebangsaan sains matematik ke-16, reinassance hotel, kota bharu. 

abdul aziz jemain & noriszura ismail.  (2008).  scoring technique in non-life insurance pricing.  - prosiding seminar unri-ukm ke-5, 19-21 agustus 208 pekan baru, indonesia. 

noriszura ismail & abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  a comparison of maximum likelihood methods for claim severity data.  - pravartak, journal of insurance and risk management.  3(4): 20-29. 

nor azura md ghani, liong choong yeun & abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  statistik asas sebagai fitur untuk pengecaman spesimen forensik balistik.  - prosiding simposium kebangsaan sains matematik ke-16, kuala terengganu. 

choong-yeun liong, nor azura md ghani, abdul aziz jemain & chris thompson.  (2008).  momen ortogon legendre sebagai suatu fitur untuk pengecaman kedudukan penumpang.  - jurnal teknologi.  48(D):41-58. 

noriszura ismail & abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  profit analysis and simulation in motor insurance.  - proceedings of the 13th wseas international conference on applied mathematics (math`08), canary islands, spain. 

pan wei cheong, abdul aziz jemain & noriszura ismail.  (2008).  practice and pricing in non-life insurance: the malaysian experience.  - journal of quality measurement and analysis.  4(1):11-24. 

jemain a.a., al-omari a., ibrahim k..  (2008).  modified ratio estimator for the population mean using double median ranked set sampling.  - pakistan journal of statistics.  24(3):217-226. 

choon shay wei, chamhuri siwar, j. joy pereira dan abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  linking rural poverty and environment : governance and sustainable development policies.  - Bab 28 : 494-510. 

wan zawiah wan zin & abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  trend dalam corak hujan tahunan ekstrim di semenanjung malaysia dari 1975-2004.  - journal of quality measurement and analysis.  4(1):219-230. 

faisal g. khamis, abdul aziz jemain and kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2008).  on studying spatial patterns and association between these patterns of mortality and prosperity in malaysia.  - american journal of applied sciences.  5(7):881-890. 

sayang mohd deni, jamaludin suhaila & abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  probability models for wet spells in peninsular malaysia during the periods of 1940s-1976 & 1977-2004.  - journal of quality measurement and analysis.  4(1): 167-178. 

p. l. rika fatimah, a.a.jemain, k.ibrahim, s.mohamad nasir, m.a.khairul anuar.  (2008).  quality_family deployment: a new perspective in determining priority importance for improving work performance in organization.  - social indicator research.  92(1):131-149. 

noriszura ismail, abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  construction of insurance scoring system using regression models.  - journal of modern applied statistical methods.  37(4):413-420. 

nur zakiah mohd saat and abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  moment generating functions of observed gaps between hypopnea using saddlepoint approximations.  - international journal of mathematical, physical and engineering sciences.  2(3):155-160. 

dr.norela sulaiman, prof. dr. maimon abdullah, prof. datin dr. asmah ahmad, prof dr.aziz jemain, prof dr. fredolin tagang @ tajudin mahmud, prof. madya dr.sahibin abdul rahim, dr. hasni jaafar.  (2008).  kesan perubahan iklim terhadap ledakan populasi lepidoptera perosak terpilih di ladang kelapa sawit, alahan dan impak sosial alahan terhadap penduduk terlibat..  - seminar pemantauan projek penyelidikan (gup) 2007. 

nur zakiah mohd saat, abdul aziz jemain and syed hassan ahmad al-mashoor.  (2008).  a comparison of weibull and gamma distribution in application of sleep apnea.  - asian journal of mathematics and statistics.  1(3):132-138. 

sayang mohd deni, suhaila jamaludin, wan zawiah wan zin and abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  tracing trends in the sequences of dry and wet days over peninsular malaysia.  - journal of environmental science and technology.  1(3):97-110. 

sayang mohd deni and abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  mixed geometric truncated poisson model for sequences of wet days.  - journal of applied sciences.  8(21):3975-3980. 

jamaludin suhaila, sayang mohd deni and abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  detecting inhomogeneity of rainfall series in peninsular malaysia.  - asia-pacific journal of atmospheric sciences.  44(4):369-380. 

p.l rika fatimah, a.a jemain.  (2008).  family status in quality perspective.  - international conference on social, development and environmental studies. 

s. mohd. deni, a. a. jemain, k. ibrahim.  (2008).  the spatial distributions of wet and dry spells over peninsular malaysia.  - theoretical and applied climatology.  94(3-4):163-173. 

abdul aziz jemain, amer al-omari & kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2008).  two stage ranked set sampling for estimating the population median.  - sains malaysiana.  37(1):95-99. 

abdul aziz jemain, amer al-omari and kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2008).  modified ratio estimator for the poulation mean using double median ranked set sampling.  - pakistan journal of statistics.  24(3):217-226. 

abdul aziz jemain, amer al-omari and kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2008).  some variations of ranked set sampling.  - electronic journal of applied statistical analysis.  1:1-18. 

ani shabri & abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  pengujian statistik anderson darling bagi taburan nilai ekstrim teritlak.  - matematika.  24(1):85-97. 

p. l. rika fatimah, j. abdul aziz, k. ibrahim.  (2008).  women-family in quality perspective.  - social indicators research.  88(2):355-364. 

jamaludin suhaila, mohd deni sayang and abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  revised spatial weighting methods for estimation of missing rainfall data.  - asia-pacific journal of atmospheric sciences.  44(2):93-104. 

sayang mohd deni and abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  probability models for dry spells in peninsular malaysia.  - journal of the korean meteorological society.  44(1):1-11. 

noriszura ismai & abdul aziz jemain.  (2008).  construction of an insurance scoring system using regression models.  - sains malaysiana.  37(4):412-419. 

prof. dr. fredolin tangang @ tajudin mahmud, dr lie ju neng, prof dr. aziz jemain.  (2008).  assessment of high-resolution climate change scenarios in malaysia.  - seminar pemantauan projek penyelidikan (gup) 2007. 

noriszura ismail, abdul aziz jemain.  (2007).  handling overdispersion with negative binomial and generalized poisson regression models.  - casualty actuarial society forum.  Winter:103-158. 

abdul aziz jemain, marina zahari & wan zawiah wan zin.  (2007).  penganggar teguh parameter skala bagi taburan normal-separuh.  - matematika.  23(1):41-50. 

abdul aziz jemain and amer ibrahim al-omari.  (2007).  multistage percentile ranked set samples.  - advances and applications in statistics.  7(1):116-127. 

abdul aziz jemain and amer ibrahim al-omari.  (2007).  multistage quartile ranked set samples.  - pakistan journal of statistics.  23(1):11-22. 

said ali abdullah al-hadhrami, abdul aziz jemain, kamarulzaman ibrahim & ahmad mahir razali.  (2007).  on chain ratio type estimator based on simple random sampling and ranked set sampling.  - prosiding kolokium siswazah ke-7 fakulti sains dan teknologi. 

abdul aziz jemain, amer ibrahim al-omari and kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2007).  multistage median ranked set sampling for estimating the population median.  - journal of mathematics and statistics.  3(2):58-64. 

khairul anuar mohd ali, abdul aziz jemain, rushami zien yusoff & zakaria abas.  (2007).  efficient cost management through excellence quality management practices among local authorities in malaysia.  - total quality management & business excellence.  99-108. 

faisal g. khamis, abdul aziz bin jemain and kamarulzaman ibrahim.  (2007).  the relationship between mortality, amenities and labour force participation in malaysia: a structural equation modeling approach.  - international journal of statistics and systems.  2(1):1-14. 

p.l. rika fatimah, jemain abdul aziz , m.a. khairul anuar, saludin mohd nasir.  (2007).  quality_marriage deployment in determining priority needs for initiating marriage loyalty.  - quality and quantity.  on line. 

jamaludin suhaila and abdul aziz jemain.  (2007).  fitting daily rainfall amount in peninsular malaysia using several types of exponential distributions.  - journal of applied sciences research.  3(10):1027-1036. 

ani bin shabri & abdul aziz jemain.  (2007).  pengujian kesesuaian taburan normal berdasarkan statistik cramer-von_miser.  - sains malaysiana.  36(2):201-206. 

jamaludin suhaila, abdul aziz jemain.  (2007).  fitting daily rainfall amount in malaysia using the normal transform distribution.  - journal of applied sciences.  7(14):1880-1886. 

ani shabri, abdul aziz jemain.  (2007).  lq-moments for statistical analysis of extreme events.  - journal of modern applied statistical methods.  6(1):228-238. 

jefferelli s.b, rampal k.g., abdul a. j. and agus salim m.b.  (2007).  societal risk perception of death due to activities and technology among workers in security company in malaysia.  - journal of occupational safety and health.  4: 1-4. 

faisal g.khamis, abdul aziz bin jemain and kamaruzaman ibrahim.  (2006).  the relationship between mortality, prosperity and amenities in malaysia using hybrid models.  - research journal of applied sciences.  1(1-4): 84-91. 

abdul aziz jemain and amer ibrahim al-omari.  (2006).  double quartile ranked set samples.  - pakistan journal of statistics.  22(3): 217-228. 

kavitha subramanium, saroja krishnaswamy, abdul aziz jemain, abdul hamid, vikram patel.  (2006).  the clinical interview schedule-revised (cis-r)-malay version clinical validation.  - the malaysian journal of medical sciences.  13(1):58-62. 

ani shabri and abdul aziz jemain.  (2006).  lq-moments: application to the extreme value type i distribution.  - journal of applied sciences.  6(5): 993-997. 

ani shabri and abdul aziz jemain.  (2006).  application of multi criteria method to identify the best-fit statistical distribution.  - journal of applied sciences.  6(4): 926-932. 

abdul aziz jemain and amer ibrahim al-omari.  (2006).  double percentile ranked set samples for estimating the population mean.  - advance and application in statistics.  6(3): 261-276. 

ani shabri and abdul aziz jemain.  (2006).  lq-moments: application to the log-normal distribution.  - journal of mathematics and statistics.  2(3): 414-421. 

abdul aziz jemain and amer ibrahim al-omari.  (2006).  multistage median ranked set samples for estimating the population mean.  - pakistan journal of statistics.  22(3): 195-207. 

zakaria stapa, wan abd. kader wan ahmad, aziz jemain, siti rahayah ariffin, zainab ismail, faudzinaim badaruddin, ahmad sunawari long, mohd zamro muda, roziah sidik & wan norhayati wan othman.  (2005).  kajian keberkesanan program pemulihan dadah ke arah penyediaan modul pendidikan islam di pusat-pusat serenti.  - prosiding seminar irpa rmk-8 kategori ear 2005, pusat pengurusan penyelidikan, ukm. 

noriszura ismail and abdul aziz jemain.  (2005).  bridging minimum bias and maximum likelihood methods through weighted equation.  - casualty acturial society forum.  367-394. 

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