farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, hamizah abdul hamid. (2023). the role of compassion in guiding muslim entrepreneurs' opportunity recognition.. - 36th anzam conference: changing management values and practices for a sustainable future. 1-11. |
noor azuan hashim, rosmah mat isa, hawati janor, norazila mat, farhana sidek. (2023). adoption of digital technologies for information dissemination on palm oil among smallholders. - . 1-10. |
mohd hizam-hanafiah , mohd faizal abdul ghani, rosmah mat isa, hamizah abd hamid. (2023). critical success factors of franchising firms: a study on franchisors and franchisees. - administrative sciences. 1-16. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor liza abdullah, nur aqilah hazirah mohd anim, norlaile salleh hudin, rosmah mat isa, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2023). the role of absorptive capacity as a driver of improving smes performance: a preliminary study. - proceedings of international symposium of business and accounting 2023. 81-86. |
zuliana zulkifli, norazila mat, rosmah mat isa. (2023). human resource management in retention of older workers psychology: synthesis of conclusions. - journal for re attach therapy and developmental diversities. 80-100. |
zizah binti che senik;rosmah bt. mat isa;abdullah sanusi othman. (2022). sapura energy berhad: braving the covic-19 pandemic. - . . |
farhana binti sidek;rosmah bt. mat isa;ratana binti jabir;shifa binti mohd nor. (2022). developing a model on muslim entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial opportunity. - . . |
rosmah bt. mat isa;rasidah binti arshad;nor liza bt. abdullah. (2022). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . . |
fatimah othman, rosmah mat isa, rohayu abdul ghani, norhafizah abu hasan. (2022). meneroka proses paling kritikal dalam pelaksanaan pelan pewarisan. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-16. |
zizah che senik, nurul atasha jamaludin, rosmah mat isa. (2022). exploring social capital influencing entrepreneurial process among immigrant entrepreneurs in malaysia. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-13. |
zizah binti che senik;rosmah bt. mat isa;rasidah binti arshad;abu hanifah bin ayob;siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;nur sa`adah binti muhamad. (2022). developing a model on brand communication strategy for sustainable malaysian palm oil industry. - . . |
zizah che senik; rosmah mat isa; abdullah sanusi othman; ridzuan md. sham. (2022). sapura energy berhad, 2022: braving the covic-19 pandemic. - . 1-13. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, norulhuda tajuddin, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa. (2022). green human resource management. - . 12. |
sabrinah adam; nursyazwani mohd fuzi; mohamad rohieszan ramdan; rosmah mat isa; albert feisal muhd feisal ismail; mohd yussni hashim; sharon yong yee ong; shah iskandar fahmie ramlee. (2022). entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance of online business in malaysia: the mediating role of the knowledge management process. - sustainability. 1-19. |
rusliza yahaya, mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor lela ahmad, rosmini ismail, khalizul khalid, mohd abdullah jusoh, rosmah mat isa. (2022). educators' motivation and intention within the utaut model to adopt the flipped classroom: a scoping review. - international journal of learning, teaching and educational research. 285-302. |
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, abu hanifah ayob. (2022). world scientific encyclopedia of business sustainability, ethics and entrepreneurship. volume3: spirituality, entrepreneurship and social change. - . 18. |
aishah tamby omar, nurul athirah jamlin, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, sarip adul. (2022). a study on zakat education assistance for poor asnaf student in sabah. - international journal of academic research in business & social science. 1435-1445. |
noor azuan bt hashim, hawati janor, rosmah mat isa, farhana sidek, norazila mat. (2022). adoption of digital technologies for information dissemination on palm oil among smallholders. - . 1-10. |
mohd faizal abdul ghani, mohd hizam-hanafiah, rosmah mat isa, hamizah abd hamid. (2022). a preliminary study: exploring franchising growth factors of franchisor and franchisee. - journal of open innovation: technology, market, and complexity. 1-20. |
anita ismail, rosmah mat isa, farah laili muda@ismail, ainulashikin marzuki, nurzi juana mohd zaizi, nur fatin nabila moh rafei heng, sakinah ahmad. (2021). covid-19 decision making intelligence during disasters management. - 'ulum islamiyyah. 41-49. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2021). peranan kedwicekatan kontekstual kepada prestasi perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (pks) ketika mendepani revolusi perindustrian 4.0: tinjauan awal kajian. - 8th international conference on management and muamalah 2021 (icomm 2021). 517-524. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2021). organizational ambidexterity within supply chain management: a scoping review. - logforum scientific journal of logistics. 531-546. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2021). ambidexterity psychometrics assessment to measure individual's exploration and exploitation capabilities. - the 1st international business and management virtual innovation & invention of ideas competition (viic2021). 1-33. |
rosmah mat isa, kannaki s. narayansany, mohamad nizam asmuni, mohamad roshieszan ramdan. (2021). leadership in a wave of change. - . 16. |
rosmah mat isa, siti faridah abdul jabbar. (2021). caveat emptor: islamic commercial law perspective. - company lawyer. 319-321. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 19. |
rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 159. |
siti faridah abdul jabbar, rosmah mat isa, zizah che senik. (2021). developing a legal framework for the sustainability of social enterprises in malaysia. - . 1-2. |
zizah che senik, ridzuan md sham, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, abu hanifah ayob, siti ngayesah ab. hamid, nur sa`adah muhamad, fauziah arshad. (2021). laporan kemajuan 1 ep-2019-051: developing a model on brand communication strategy for sustainable malaysian palm oil industry. - . 1-13. |
siti faridah abdul jabbar, rosmah mat isa, zizah che senik. (2021). laporan kemajuan 1 - developing a legal framework for the sustainability of social enterprises in malaysia. - . 1-2. |
mohd faizal abdul ghani, mohd hizam hanafiah, rosmah mat isa, hamizah abd hamid. (2021). systematic literature review: the trend on franchising strategy. - international journal of entrepreneurship. 1-19. |
rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 12. |
kannaki narayansany, rosmah mat isa. (2021). the relationship between onboarding program and newcomer's turnover intention: the role of organizational identification as mediator. - jurnal pengurusan. 3-17. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). khiyar in business contract. - . 1-18. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). business contract in islam. - . 1-35. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). riba in muamalat. - . 1-48. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). investment in islamic. - . 1-53. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). conventional economic systems. - . 1-29. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). islamic economic system. - . 1-30. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). secondary sources of islamic law. - . 1-19. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). main sources of islamic law. - . 1-26. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). principles of islamic economy. - . 1-21. |
fatimah othman, rosmah mat isa, rohayu abdul ghani, norhafizah abu hasan. (2021). meneroka proses paling kritikal dalam pelaksanaan pelan pewarisan. - international management and accounting conference (imac) 10. 70-71. |
rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah, wye chung khain. (2021). developing an integrated management model for harnessing innovative work behavior among digital natives in the workforce. - . 1-8. |
rosmah mat isa, zizah che senik. rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah, ishak abdul rahman, noor azuan hashim. (2021). a holistic model for wellbeing of b40 retirees. - . 1-9. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). principles of islam. - . 1-30. |
rosmah mat isa. (2021). kegembiraan pencetus kesejahteraan di tempat kerja. - majalah insan. 18-19. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2021). kedwicekatan kontekstual dan prestasi pks: peranan kapasiti penyerapan sebagai penyederhanaan. - international management & accounting conference (imac) 10. 127-128. |
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, abu hanifah ayob. (2020). spirituality and entrepreneurship: a muslim viewpoint. - . 0. |
sahudin saat@ma'anam, aisyah abdul rahman, rosmah mat isa. (2020). analisis swot bagi perjanjian komprehensif dan progresif perkongsian trans-pasifik (cptppa): kes syarikat unit amanah di malaysia. - geografia. 239-255. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2020). pengaruh budaya inovasi terhadap prestasi perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (pks) di malaysia. - e-seminar penyelidikan kebangsaan ke-7 2020 (spk 2020). 50-58. |
nurul ashykin abd aziz, mohd hizam hanafiah, hamizah abd hamid, rosmah mat isa. (2020). the barriers of international franchise expansion: a study on malaysian education and learning centre franchisors. - systematics reviews in pharmacy. 888-895. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2020). meneroka faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan platform digital oleh perusahaan mikro dan kecil. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-17. |
sharizin abdul sarhadat, khairul akmaliah adham, rosmah mat isa. (2020). dimensi interaksi penyedia-penerima dalam perkhidmatan sokongan sosial untuk pembangunan syarikat pks: kajian kes majlis amanah rakyat (mara). - jurnal pengurusan. 60-65. |
mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2020). keberkesanan dalam pembangunan teknologi : penyelidikan dan aplikasi. - . 9. |
sh usman yousaf, mohd hizam hanafiah, rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah, zizah che senik, bushra usman. (2020). mediating effects of entrepreneurs work performance on the relationship between their psychological capital and growth intentions a study on malaysian entrepreneurs. - the south east asian journal of management. 63-78. |
nurul ashykin abd aziz, mohd hizam hanafiah, rosmah mat isa, hamizah abd hamid. (2019). factors of malaysian home-grown franchise expansion into international market: a case of education and learning centre. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1077-1084. |
mohammad ahmed mohammad al dweiri, rosmah mat isa. (2019). supply chain integration and supply chain performance: the role of knowledge sharing as a mediator. - international journal of management studies. 21-51. |
aisyah abdul rahman, abu hanifah ayob, mohd helmi ali, nor asiah omar, rasidah arshad, azlina ahmad, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, sofiah md. auzair, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, arif mohd sham muhamad asri abd ghani. (2019). jurnal pengurusan. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-190. |
aisyah abdul rahman, abu hanifah ayob, mohd helmi ali, nor asiah omar, rasidah arshad, azlina ahmad, norliza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, sofiah md auzair, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, arif mohd sham, muhammad asri abd ghani. (2019). jurnal pengurusan. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-169. |
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, noor azuan hashim, hamizah abdul hamid, khairul akmaliah adham. (2019). communal obligation: manifestation of spiritual values in entrepreneurial activities.. - 33rd annual australian and new zealand academy of management conference. wicked solutions to wicked problems. the challenges facing management research and practice.. 1257. |
aisyah abdul rahman, abu hanifah ayob, mohd helmi ali, nor asiah omar, rasidah arshad, azlina ahmad, norliza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, sofiah md auzair, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, arif mohd sham, muhammad asri abd ghani. (2019). jurnal pengurusan. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-181. |
nurul ashykin abd aziz, mohd hizam hanafiah, hamizah abd hamid, rosmah mat isa. (2019). survival of franchising firm: a study of self-service laundry franchisor. - international journal of entrepreneurship. 1-6. |
khawar naheed and rosmah mat isa. (2019). the role of autonomous motivation in the relationship between social capital dimensions and tacit knowledge sharing among academics. - international journal of economics and management. 165-177. |
zizah che senik, hamizah abd hamid, rosmah mat isa & rasidah arshad. (2018). buku chrest. - the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. . |
zizah che senik, hamizah abdul hamid, rosmah mat isa & rasidah arshad. (2018). chrest buku program. - the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. . |
rosmah mat isa. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 21. |
zafir mohd makhbul, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 17. |
zafir mohd makhbul, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 200. |
zafir mohd makhbul, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 4. |
rosmah mat isa, mohd zabri yusoff. (2018). kesejahteraan insan seimbang dalam organisasi berdaya saing. - . 21. |
zaleha binti yazid;rosmah bt. mat isa;aisyah binti abdul rahman;shifa binti mohd nor;khairul akmaliah bt. adham. (2018). developing a framewrok of organising self-managed team: the role of leadership. - . . |
zafir mohd makhbul, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa. (2018). kesejahteraan insan seimbang dalam organisasi berdaya saing. - . 17. |
zafir mohd makhbul, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa. (2018). kesejahteraan insan seimbang dalam organisasi berdaya saing. - . 126. |
khawar naheed & rosmah mat isa. (2018). islamic work ethics and tacit knowledge sharing: autonomous motivation as mediator. - the european proceedings of social & behavioural sciences epsbs. . |
siti khadijah mohd ghanie, khairul akmaliah adham, rosmah mat isa. (2018). organizational socialization process of mba graduates. - jurnal pengurusan. . |
fauziah k.p. dawood sultan & rosmah mat isa. (2018). situational factors influence on informal workplace learning in sustaining employability. - the 3rd chrest international conference. . |
kannaki s. narayansany & rosmah mat isa. (2018). the relationships among onboarding and retention: the role of organizational identification as mediator. - the 3rd chrest international conference. . |
rasidaharshad, rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah. (2017). pemenuhankontrak psikologi dan perkongsian pengetahuan: peranan kepercayaan, timbal balas dan iklim kolaboratif. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-13. |
rasidah arshad & rosmah mat isa. (2017). pemerkasaan modal insan di malaysia. - . 80. |
zizah che senik, rosmah mat isa, khairul akmaliah adha & ridzuan md sham. (2017). value creation in international business: an sme perspective. - . 24. |
sahudin ma`anam@saat, aisyah abdul-rahman & rosmah mat isa. (2017). perjanjian perkongsian trans-pasifik (tppa): peluang dan cabaran ke atas syarikat unit amanah di malaysia. - prosiding persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke-12, 2017.(perkem 12). . |
khawar naheed and rosmah mat isa. (2016). the relationship among social capital dimensions, autonomous motivation and tacit knowledge sharing. - australian and new zealand academy of management conference 2016. 1-19. |
nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, noor azuan hashim, hazrul izuan shahiri, liew chei siang. (2016). understanding brain gain from knowledge sharing perspective: challenges and opportunities. - 8th international management and accounting conference (imac8). 101-111. |
rosmah mat isa and khawar naheed. (2016). the relationships of social capital and autonomous motivation on tacit knowledge sharing. - the 8th international management & accounting conference (imac8) -. 886-904. |
zizah che senik, rosmah mat isa, ridzuan md sham, ratana jabir. (2016). strategi dan corak pengantarabangsaan perniagaan agro di malaysia. - jurnal pengurusan. 161-171. |
noor azuan hashim, nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, hawati janor. (2015). whatsapp messenger application among business students in malaysia an exploration. - jurnal personalia pelajar. 130. |
mohd zabri yusoff, rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah. (2015). pemahaman hubungan antara modal sosial dan perkongsian pengetahuan dalam community of practice di sektor awam malaysia: kesan ke atas prestasi kerja individu. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-19. |
khairul akmaliah bt. adham, roshayati binti abdul hamid, wan mohd hirwani bin wan hussain, mohd. ezani bin mat hassan, nik mutasim bin haji nik ab. rahman, rosmah bt. mat isa, et. al.. (2015). exploring islamic perspective on transformative service for societal well-being. - . . |
nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, noradiva hamzah, noor azuan hashim, hazrul izuan shahiri, liew chei siang. (2015). brain gain vs. brain drain: rebalancing human capital mobility from the macro and micro perspectives. - malaysia indonesia international conference on economics, management and accounting (miicema 2015). 235-246. |
khairul akmaliah adham,mohd ezani mat hassan,nik mutasim nik ab rahman,low soo wah, rosmat mat isa,zizah che senik,nur atiqah abdullah,zaleha yazid,adlin masood. (2015). doctoral program in management: research process, industry relations and socialization within the research communities. - producing global workface. . |
abbas alizadeh dan rosmah mat isa. (2015). the use of social media in destination marketing: an exploratory study. - tourism. 175-192. |
rosmah mat isa. (2015). modal sosial efektif tingkat daya saing organisasi. - berita harian. . |
khairul akmaliah adham,mohd fuaad said,adriana mohd rizal,mohd iqbal abdul wahab,hasmiah kasimin,mohd ezani mat hassan,nik mutasim nik ab rahman,rosmah mat isa,aini aman,adlin masood, et al. (2015). exploring islamic perspective on transformative service for societal well-being. - reforming the grey areas. . |
wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, rosmah mat isa, khairul akmaliah adham, khairul anuar mohd ali, low soo wah, nasuha nordin, nur laili ab. ghani. (2015). pengukuhan penerbitan bahan pengajaran ukm-gsb. - reforming the grey areas. . |
khairul akmaliah adham, rosmah mat isa, nik mutasim nik ab rahman, mohd ezani mat hassan, low soo wah, mohmad adnan alias, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, nur laili ab ghani. (2015). pengukuhan penerbitan ukm-gsb. - reforming the grey areas. . |
mohd ezani mat hassan, rosmah mat isa, khairul akmaliah adham, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, low soo wah, nik mutasim nik ab. rahman. (2015). pengukuhan penerbitan bahan bacaan umum ukm-gsb. - . . |
normazaini saleh, rasidah arshad, rohayu abdul ghani, rosmah mat isa. (2015). kualiti hubungan penyelia-pekerja dengan konflik kerja-keluarga: peranan tanggapan sokongan penyelia sebangai pengantara. - jurnal pengurusan. 3-11. |
khairul akmaliah adham, hasmiah kasimin, rosmah mat isa, fatimah othman, faizah ahmad. (2015). developing a framework for a viable research university. - systematic practice and action research. 503-525. |
zizah che senik*, rosmah mat isa, ratana jabir, ahmad khairy ahmad domil, ridzuan md sham. (2014). intelligence creation of internationalization: evidence from small high-tech firms in an emerging market. - proceedings of the management issues workshop 2014 / fakulti ekonomi dan pengurusan ukm. 122-139. |
zizah che senik, rosmah mat isa, ridzuan md sham, abu h ayob. (2014). a model for understanding smes internationalization in emerging economies. - jurnal pengurusan. 25-42. |
zizah che senik, rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah, ridzuan md sham, wan fauziah wan yusoff. (2014). usahawan kecil melayu: isu dan penyelesaian. - . 116 - 134. |
mohd zabri yusoff, rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah. (2014). hubungan antara modal sosial dan perkongsian pengetahuan dalam community of practice di sektor awam malaysia: kesan ke atas prestasi kerja individu. - the 2nd international conference on business and economics 2014: entrepreneurship and creative economy in global competitiveness / universiti andalas. . |
abbas alizadeh and rosmah mat isa. (2014). an examination of use of social media in destination marketing. - proceeding of the first asia pacific conference on global business, economics, finance and social science (api4singapore conference). 1-26. |
rosmah mat isa, khairul akmaliah adham, hasimah kasimin, fatimah othman, faizah ahmad. (2014). developing a framework for a viable research university. - the 2nd international conference on business and economics 2014: entrepreneurship and creative economy in global competitiveness / universiti andalas. . |
khairul akmaliah bt. adham, low soo wah, rosmah bt. mat isa, noreha bt. halid, adlin binti masood, zaleha binti yazid, zizah binti che senik, norazila bt. mat, mohd fuaad said. (2014). business sustainability and strategies for growth. - . . |
low soo wah, noreha halid, rosmah mat isa, khairul akmaliah adham, adlin masood. (2014). aligning mba programme to meet graduates and industries expectations without sacrificing quality an exploratory study. - case-based learning in is. . |
khairul akmaliah adham, rosmah mat isa, noreha halid, norrana khidil, adlin masood, zizah che senik. (2013). umw holdings: sustaining a centennial corporation. - emerald emerging markets case studies. 3(4):1-13. |
nor liza abdullah, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa, noradiva hamzah, rohayu abdul ghani. (2013). social capital as a mediator in psychological contract: knowledge sharing relationship. - proceedings of the 1st chrest international conference on labour market transformation & human resource development / centre for human resource studies (chrest), fep ukm. . |
rosmah mat isa, nor liza abdullah, noradiva hamzah, rasidah arshad. (2013). developing a typology of human capital management practices in malaysian hotel industry. - proceedings of the 1st chrest international conference on labour market transformation & human resource development / centre for human resource studies (chrest), fep ukm. . |
nor liza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, noradiva hamzah, noor azuan hashim. (2013). knowledge management strategy and human capital management in hotel industry. - jurnal pengurusan. 38:3-14. |
nor liza abdullah, amin gharooni, rosmah mat isa. (2013). contextual ambidexterity and performance: importance and implications. - proceedings of the 1st chrest international conference on labour market transformation & human resource development / centre for human resource studies (chrest), fep ukm. . |
khairul akmaliah adham, rosmah mat isa, zizah che senik & norjaya m. yasin. (2013). granulab: positioning granumas in the bone graft substitute industry. - emerald emerging markets case studies. 3(4):1-10. |
zizah che senik, rosmah mat isa, noreha halid, adlin masood, soo-wah low, khairul akmaliah adham. (2013). kpj healthcare: the first 30 years. - emerald emerging markets case studies. 3(4):1-9. |
zizah che senik, khairul akmaliah adham, rosmah mat isa, noreha halid & adlin masood. (2013). kpj healthcare: service internationalization. - emerald emerging markets case studies. 3(4):1-6. |
khairul akmaliah adham, mohd fuaad said, nur saadah muhamad, saida far2hanah sarkam, zizah che senik & rosmah mat isa. (2012). granulab (c) : internationalizing granumas. - proceedings of the seminar on researching and publishing teaching cases 2012. . |
zizah che senik, ridzuan md sham, nik mu`tasim nik abdul rahman, rosmah mat isa, md daud ismail, mohd dzul azzwan mohd nor, noor azuan hashim, ahmad khairy ahmad domil. (2012). academics as decision makers: what style do they adopt?. - asean journal of teaching & learning in higher education. 4(1):69-81. |
rosmah mat isa, zizah che senik & noor azuan hashim. (2012). social capital and work outcomes: the moderating effects of islamic work ethics. - conference proceedings of the 3rd global islamic marketing conference / cairo, egypt.. . |
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