Penerbitan Terkini

norliana yusof, badariah bais & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2023).  sensor tekanan grafin mems: keperluan diagnosis biomedik.  - 193. 

norhana arsad, nur hazliza ariffin dan badariah bais.  (2023).  innoqibla : penentuan arah kiblat berasaskan utara benar.  - 153. 

a.s. najm, vidhya selvanathan, thaar m. aljuwaya, laith s. sabri, m.s. jamal, asla abdullah al-zahrani, araa mebdir holi, israa jaber, ahmed al ghamdi, majdi t. amin, k. sopian, raid a. ismail, hazim moria, badariah bais, hasan sh majdi, shahariar chowdhu.  (2023).  recent progress in performance improvement strategies for quantum dot sensitization methods: challenges, achievements, and future prospects.  - apl materials.  1-23. 

a. s. najm, azza al-ghamdi, majdi t. amin, ahmed al ghamdi, hazim moria, araa mebdir holi, azher m. abed, asla abdullah al-zahrani, k. sopian, badariah bais, abbas j. sultan.  (2023).  towards a promising systematic approach to the synthesis of czts solar cells.  - scientific reports.  1-16. 

mardina bt. abdullah;lilia bt. halim;badariah binti bais;mohd azlan shah bin jaafar;noridawaty binti mat daud;roslinda binti rosli;siti aminah binti bahari;gan kok beng;nurul shazana binti abdul hamid;nurul hajijah binti hair;sabirin bin abdullah;norsuzli.  (2023).  pengembangan profesionalisma guru dalam sains angkasa melalui aktiviti pengalamian sistem ukm-sidπ™.  -

badariah binti bais;norbahiah binti misran;norazreen binti abd aziz;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  pixelated metasurface rectenna based on symmetric resonator for electromagnetic energy harvesting.  -

jahariah binti sampe;burhanuddin bin yeop majlis;badariah binti bais;sawal hamid bin md ali.  (2023).  ultra low power hybrid input energy harvester for self-powered semi-active rfid tag..  -

nazia nasr, kashif shahzad, ishaq ahmad, chang fu dee, badariah bais, tingkai zhao.  (2023).  enhanced carbon based materials and their applications.  - 25. 

md. golam rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, badariah bais, saleh albadran, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  orthogonal centre ring field optimization triple-band metamaterial absorber with sensing application.  - engineering science and technology, an international journal.  1-16. 

mohammad lutful hakim, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, sharul kamal abdul rahim, badariah bais, md. shabiul islam and mohamed s. soliman.  (2023).  triple-band square split-ring resonator metamaterial absorber design with high effective medium ratio for 5g sub-6 ghz applications.  - nanomaterials.  1-15. 

omar raed alobaidi, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, sieh kiong tiong, badariah bais, md. akhtar uzzaman, nowshad amin.  (2022).  transparent antenna for green communication feature: a systematic review on taxonomy analysis, open challenges, motivations, future directions and recommendations.  - ieee access.  12286-12321. 

e.s. hossain, p. chelvanathan, b. bais, n. azmi, s.a. shahahmadi, y. yussof, k.sopian & n. amin.  (2022).  enhancement in structural and optical properties of copper tin sulphide (cts) thin films via sulphurization process.  - materials science in semiconductor processing.  1-5. 

asmaa soheil najm,hasanain salah naeem,duaa abdul rida musa alwarid,abdulwahab aljuhani,siti aishah hasbullah,hiba ali hasan,kamaruzzaman sopian, badariah bais,heidar j. al iessa,hasan sh. majdi,abbas j. sultan,hazim moria.  (2022).  mechanism of chemical bath deposition of cds thin films: influence of sulphur precursor concentration on microstructural and optoelectronic characterizations.  - coatings.  1-22. 

a.s. najm, hasanain salah naeem, hasan sh. majdi, siti aishah hasbullah, hiba ali hasan, k. sopian, badariah bais, heidar iessa, hayder a. dhahad, jamal m. ali, abbas j. sultan.  (2022).  an in depth analysis of nucleation and growth mechanism of cds thin flm synthesized by chemical bath deposition (cbd) technique.  - scientific reports.  1-20. 

muzalifah mohd said, jumril yunas, badariah bais.  (2022).  pembangunan pam mikro elektromagnetik komposit.  - 270. 

ismail hossain, md samsuzzaman,mohd hafiz baharuddin, badariah bais, touhidul alam & mandeep singh jit singh.  (2022).  complementary split square ring resonator-based double negative metamaterial for c, x, and ku bands satellite applications.  - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  244-248. 

mardina abdullah, roslinda rosli, siti aminah bahari, noridawaty mat daud, nor syaidah bahri, sabirin abdullah, badariah bais, gan kok beng, lilia halim, nurul shazana abdul hamid.  (2022).  teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif.  - 167. 

muhammad hanis khairuzzaman, nur indah, badariah bais, and jumril yunas.  (2022).  study on mechanical characteristics of flexible membrane for electromagnetic energy harvesting.  - 1st international conference on mechanical construction, advanced material, and energy conversion.  1-6. 

a. s. najm, hasanain salah naeem, khalid o. alabboodi, siti aishah hasbullah, hiba ali hasan, araa mebdir holi, asla abdullah al-zahrani, k. sopian, badariah bais, hasan sh. majdi, abbas j. sultan.  (2022).  new systematic study approach of green synthesis cds thin flm via salvia dye.  - scientific reports.  1-21. 

aini ayunni mohd raub, jumril yunas, mohd ambri mohamed, badariah bais, azrul azlan hamzah, jaenudin ridwan, jamal kazmi, muhamad azuddin hassan.  (2022).  synthesis and characterization of zno nrs with spray coated go for enhanced photocatalytic activity.  - ceramics international.  18238-18245. 

p susthitha menon, navakanta bhat, badariah bais, tan eu gene, ahmad sabirin zoolfakar, bernard lim, jagadheswan rajendran, azrul azlan hamzah, fernando guarin.  (2022).  ieee electron devices society newsletter.  - ieee eds stem program: electronics in coding and robotics.  39-40. 

badariah bais, rosminazuin ab. rahim, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2022).  piezoresistive microcantilever biosensor: fabrication technology development.  - 242. 

nasharuddin bin zainal;andanastuti muchtar;ishak bin ahmad;badariah binti bais;ashinida binti aladdin;shahida binti shahimi;khadijah binti alavi.  (2022).  kajian melengkapkan pengajian siswazah tepat masa: mengenal pasti punca kegagalan dan strategi intervensi mencapai got.  -

md. rashedul islam, badariah bais, md. samsuzzaman, md. zulfiker mahmud, haslina arshad, norsuzlin mohd sahar & mandeep singh jit singh.  (2022).  g loaded complementary split square ring resonator-based sng metamaterial for wi-fi, iot & satellite applications.  - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  313-317. 

md. rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohamed s. soliman, badariah bais, mandeep jit singh, haitham alsaif, md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  metamaterial sensor based on reflected mirror rectangular split ring resonator for the application of microwave sensing.  - measurement.  1-11. 

md. rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, m. salaheldeen m., badariah bais, sami h. a. almalki, haitham alsaif, md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  metamaterial sensor based on rectangular enclosed adjacent triple circle split ring resonator with good quality factor for microwave sensing application.  - scientific reports.  1-18. 

o.r. alobaidi, p. chelvanathan, b. bais, k. sopian, m.a. alghoul, md. akhtaruzzaman, n. amin.  (2021).  vacuum annealed ga:zno (gzo) thin films for solar cell integrated transparent antenna application.  - materials letters.  1-5. 

norliana yusof, badariah bais, norhayati soin & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2021).  beam parameters optimization of mems piezoresistive accelerometer by using response surface method.  - 2021 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm).  161-164. 

md rakib raihan razu, sultan mahmud, mohammad jalal uddin, sikder sunbeam islam, badariah bais, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  wireless charging of electric vehicle while driving.  - ieee access.  57973-57983. 

nik khaliq zailani nik iskandar, badariah bais & puvaneswaran a/l chelvanathan.  (2021).  simulation of the performance of iron pyrite thin film solar cell by scaps 1-d.  - prosiding penyelidikan prasiswazah 2021.  57-62. 

md. rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque, mohamed s. soliman, badariah bais, norsuzlin mohd sahar, sami h. a. almalk.  (2021).  tri circle split ring resonator shaped metamaterial with mathematical modelling for oil concentration sensing.  - ieee access.  61087-61102. 

md. rashedul islam, badariah bais, md. samsuzzaman, md. zulfiker mahmud, haslina arshad, norsuzlin mohd sahar & mandeep singh jit singh.  (2021).  g loaded complementary split square ring resonator-based sng metamaterial for wi-fi, iot & satellite applications.  - 2021 7th international conference on space science and communication.  313-317. 

badariah binti bais;shahidan bin radiman;norazreen binti abd aziz;md. akhtaruzzaman;puvaneswaran a/l chelvanathan.  (2021).  development of stable and high performance perovskite film for perovskite solar cells using non-halide lead precursor solution for ambient environment.  -

noorfazila binti kamal;lilia bt. halim;hafizah bt. husain;badariah binti bais;kalaivani a/p chellappan;rosmina jaafar.  (2021).  development of energy resources learning kit monitoring for interdisciplinary stem exploration.  -

mardina bt. abdullah;lilia bt. halim;badariah binti bais;rosadah binti abd majid;mohd azlan shah bin jaafar;noridawaty binti mat daud;roslinda binti rosli;gan kok beng;nurul shazana binti abdul hamid;nurul hajijah binti hair;sabirin bin abdullah.  (2021).  program pemantauan suar matahari menggunakan ukm-sidÏ€.  -

norliana yusof, badariah bais, jumril yunas, norhayati soin & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2021).  fabrication of suspended pmma-graphene membrane for high sensitivity lc-mems pressure sensor.  - membranes.  1-12. 

jumril yunas, muzalifah mohd said, roer eka pawinanto, badariah bais, budi mulyanti, ida hamidah, asep bayu dani nandiyanto, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2021).  magnetic polymer based micropumps for microfluidic sample delivery system.  - journal of advanced research in fluid mechanics and thermal sciences.  12-21. 

roslinda rosli, mardina abdullah, nur choiro siregar, siti aminah bahari, nurul shazana abdul hamid, sabirin abdullah, gan kok beng, lilia halim, noridawaty mat daud, badariah bais.  (2021).  raising students' awareness and achievement in space science with solar flare monitoring project-based approach.  - 2021 7th international conference on space science and communication.  1-4. 

roslinda rosli, mardina abdullah, nur choiro siregar, siti aminah bahari, nurul shazana abdul hamid, sabirin abdullah, gan kok beng, lilia halim, noridawaty mat daud, badariah bais.  (2021).  raising students' awareness and achievement in space science with solar flare monitoring project- based approach.  - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  290-293. 

ismail hossain, md samsuzzaman, md moniruzzaman, badariah binti bais, mandeep singh jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  polarization-independent broadband optical regime metamaterial absorber for solar harvesting: a numerical approach.  - chinese journal of physics.  699-715. 

hossain, i., samsuzzaman, m., singh, m. s. j., bais, b. b., mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  numerical investigation of polarization-insensitive multiband metamaterial for terahertz solar absorber.  - digest journal of nanomaterials and biostructures.  593-600. 

md khan sobayel bin rafiqa, afida ayob, badariah bais, md akhtaruzzaman, nowshad amin.  (2020).  investigating the impact of growth temperature on ws2 thin film.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  23-28. 

roslinda rosli, mardina abdullah, nur choiro siregar, nurul shazana abdul hamid, sabirin abdullah, gan kok beng, lilia halim, noridawaty mat daud, siti aminah bahari, rosadah abd majid, badariah bais.  (2020).  student awareness of space science: rasch model analysis for validity and reliability.  - world journal of education.  170-177. 

nurul hajijah hair, badariah bais, mardina abdullah.  (2020).  2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2019).  - earth to space bulletin.  5-7. 

norazreen binti abd aziz;badariah binti bais;norhana binti arsad;siti salasiah binti mokri;muhamad ramdzan bin buyong.  (2020).  acoustic waves separation system for cellular analysis.  -

badariah binti bais;kamaruzzaman sopian;sawal hamid bin md ali;nowshad amin;iskandar bin yahya.  (2020).  development of cost-effective, stable and environmental friendly czts thin film solar cell on flexible substrates for versatile application.  -

jumril yunas, nur indah, hisyamudin m. hanifah, ida hamidah, doni f. ramadhan, iin mustagisin, badariah bais, azrul a. hamzah.  (2020).  mechanical charaterization of mems vibration membrane with planar spring design for energy harvester.  - journal of engineering science and technology.  3178-3188. 

norliana yusof, badariah bais, norhayati soin, muhamad ramdzan buyong, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2020).  fabrication of planar microcoils for lc-mems pressure sensor.  - 2020 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2020).  164-167. 

nurul azzyaty jayah, muhamad ramdzan buyong, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2020).  characterization of microfluidic hollow fibre for urea separation.  - international journal of nanoelectronics and materials.  143-150. 

md. khan sobayel bin rafiq, n. amin, hamad f. alharbi, monis luqman, afida ayob, yahya s. alharthi, nabeel h. alharthi, badariah bais, md. akhtaruzzaman.  (2020).  ws2: a new window layer material for solar cell application.  - scientific reports.  1-11. 

badariah bais, norliana yusof, norhayati soin, jumril yunas & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2020).  development and characterization of freestanding poly (methyl methacrylate)/ monolayer graphene membrane.  - ieee access.  29702-29710. 

norliana yusof, badariah bais, norhayati soin, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2020).  wet transfer process for mems freestanding pmma/graphene membrane development.  - international journal of nanoelectronics and materials.  275-280. 

md.rashedul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, md.moniruzzaman, md.samsuzzaman, badariah bais, haslina arshad, ghulam muhammad.  (2020).  square enclosed circle split ring resonator enabled epsilon negative (eng) near zero index (nzi) metamaterial for gain enhancement of multiband satellite and radar antenna applications.  - results in physics.  1-21. 

norliana yusof, badariah bais, norhayati soin, jumril yunas, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2019).  optimization of koh etching process for mems square diaphragm using response surface method.  - indonesian journal of electrical engineering and computer science.  113-121. 

mardina abdullah, badariah bais, nurul hajijah hair, siti aminah bahari, muhamad roszaini roslan..  (2019).  laporan selepas mengadakan persidangan 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2019).  - 1-22. 

ejarder sabbir hossain, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, seyed ahmad shahahmadi, badariah bais, md. akhtaruzzaman, sieh kiong tiong, kamaruzzaman sopian, nowshad amin.  (2019).  fabrication of cu2sns3 thin film solar cells by sulphurization of sequentially sputtered sn/cusn metallic stacked precursors.  - solar energy. 

t. swetha, mohammad rezaul karim, hamad f. alharbi, nabeel h. alharthi, b. bais, nowshad amin, md. akhtaruzzaman.  (2019).  synthesis of new simple hole-transport materials bearing benzodithiazole based core for perovskite solar cells.  - solar energy.  431-435. 

roslinda rosli,mardina abdullah, nur choiro siregar, nurul shazana abdul hamid, sabirin abdullah, gan kok beng, lilia halim,noridawaty mat daud, siti aminah bahari, rosadah abd majid, badariah bais.  (2019).  exploring space science through the ukm-sid pi outreach program.  - proceeding of the 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  253-256. 

h. heriche, p. chelvanathan, s. a. shahahmadi, y. yusoff, b. bais, z. rouabah, s. k. tiong, k. sopian, n. amin.  (2019).  impact of dc-sputtered mo interlayer on the structural and compositional properties of cu2 znsns4 (czts) thin films on flexible mo substrates.  - chalcogenide letters.  595-602. 

mardina abdullah, badariah bais, mohd hezri mokhtar, alina marie hasbi.  (2019).  sistem penderiaan suar matahari dan cuaca angkasa.  - 126. 

nur hazliza ariffin, norhana arsad, azri hariz ahmad, badariah bais, noorfazila kamal ,norazreen ab aziz, siti salasiah mokri and raihanah mohd mydin.  (2019).  self-leveling laser for direction marking system.  - international journal of engineering and technology. 

norliana yusof, badariah bais, norhayati soin, jumril yunas, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2019).  simulation of planar micro coil design for mems bladder pressure sensor.  - asm science journal.  71-75. 

noorfazila kamal, nangkula utaberta, badariah bais, azrilah abdul aziz.  (2019).  pengukuran rasch dalam penilaian hasil pembelajaran pendidikan kejuruteraan.  - 275. 

n.a. jayah, b. bais, b.y. majlis.  (2019).  effects of concentration and microchannel size towards microfluidic hollow fiber separation.  - the 4th malaysia-japan joint symposium on nanoelectronics 2019.  1-3. 

norliana yusof, badariah bais, norhayati soin, muhamad ramdzan buyong and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2019).  microfabrication of planar coils for lc-mems pressure sensor.  - the 4th malaysia-japan joint symposium on nanoelectronics 2019.  1-3. 

kamarul azrul aris, kazi sajedur rahman, ameen m. ali, badariah bais, iskandar bin yahya, md. akhtaruzzaman, halina misran, siti fazlili abdullah, mohammad a. alghoul, nowshad amin.  (2018).  a comparative study on thermally and laser annealed copper and silver doped cdte thin film solar cells.  - solar energy. 

muzalifah mohd said, jumril yunas, badariah bais, azrul azlan hamzah and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2018).  the design fabrication and testing of an electromagnetic micropump with a matrix patterned magnetic polymer composite actuator membrane.  - micromachines.  2-10. 

muzalifah mohd said, jumril yunas, badariah bais & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2018).  development of electromagnetic micropump with magnetic polymer composite membrane for biomedical application.  - imen postgraduate colloqium. 

nur mas ayu jamaludin, muhamad ramdzan buyong, badariah bais, muhammad khairulanwar abdul rahim, azrul azlan hamzah & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2018).  dielectrophoresis : characterization of triple-negative breast cancer using clausius-mossotti factor.  - 2018 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse). 

rosadah abd majid, mardina abdullah, badariah bais, nor syaidah bahri, mohd hezri mokhtar, siti aminah bahari.  (2018).  relationship between students' attitudes in space science with their achievements in the field.  - creative education. 

norazreen abd aziz, badariah bais, muhamad ramdzan buyong, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2018).  sensor dan aktuator mems perkembangan & kegunaan.  - 23. 

nur hazliza ariffin, norhana arsad, mohd fikri mohd jumat, mohd saiful dzulkefly zain, badariah bais.  (2018).  vector algebra qibla detection in an indoor, semi-open and outdoor environment.  - journal of engineering science and technology. 

badariah binti bais;ahmad ashrif bin a bakar;muhammad faiz bin bukhori;nowshad amin;iskandar bin yahya.  (2018).  surface modification with nano-structures and nano-scale thin film coating for enhanced opto-electronic conversion by increased activation area.  -

mohsen shayestegan, mohammad shakeri, hamza abunima, s.m. salim reza, m. akhtaruzzaman, badariah bais, sohif mat, kamaruzzaman sopian, nowshad amin.  (2018).  an overview on prospects of new generation single-phase transformerless inverters for grid-connected photovoltaic (pv) systems.  - renewable & sustainable energy reviews.  515-530. 

m. abdullah, r.a. majid, b. bais, n.s. bahri, m.f. asillam.  (2018).  fostering research aptitude among high school students through space weather competition.  - advances in space research.  478-486. 

nur hazliza ariffin, iza rozwan iskandar zakaria, norhana arsad, ahmad ashrif abu bakar, badariah bais, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan.  (2018).  autonomous mems gyroscope and accelerometer for north finding system.  - journal of telecommunication, electronic and computer engineering.  13-17. 

mohammad shakeri, mohsen shayestegan, s.m. salim reza, iskandar yahya, badariah bais, md akhtaruzzaman, kamaruzzaman sopian, nowshad amin.  (2018).  implementation of a novel home energy management system (hems) architecture with solar photovoltaic system as supplementary source.  - renewable energy.  108-120. 

mardina abdullah, rosadah abd majid, badariah bais, nor syaidah bahri & mohd hezri mokhtar.  (2018).  space weather monitoring system competition for secondary school students in malaysia.  - international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017). 

norliana yusof, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis & norhayati soin,.  (2018).  sensitivity and q-factor trade-off analysis of mems pressure sensor for bladder implants.  - 2018 ieee 8th international nanoelectronics conferences (inec). 

badariah bais.  (2018).  sensor dan aktuator mems perkembangan & kegunaan.  - 25. 

badariah bais, rosadah abd majid, mardina abdullah, nor syaidah bahri.  (2018).  validity and reliability of students perception and attitude towards space science instrument.  - prosiding peka2017. 

nurul azzyaty jayah, badariah bais & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2018).  effect of flow rate towards microfluidic hollow fibre extraction efficiency.  - 13th ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics 2018 (icse2018). 

nurul azzyaty jayah, badariah bais & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2018).  simple fabrication of microfluidic hollow fiber extractor.  - imen postgraduate colloquium. 

norliana yusof, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis & norhayati soin.  (2018).  monolithic planar micro coil design for mems bladder pressure sensor.  - imen postgraduate colloquium. 

e. s. hossain, p. chelvanathan, s. a. shahahmadi, m. t. ferdaous, b. bais, s.k. tiong, n. amin.  (2018).  effects of sulfurization temperature on structural, morphological, and optoelectronic properties of cts thin films solar cells.  - chalcogenide letters. 

mardina abdullah, rosadah abd majid, nor syaidah bahri, badariah bais.  (2017).  pemupukan kemahiran abad ke-21 melalui aktiviti pemantauan cuaca angkasa.  - prosiding seminar pendidikan transdisiplin (sted 2017). 

badariah bais & siti noorjannah ibrahim.  (2017).  eds malaysia kuala lumpur chapter.  - ieee electron devices society newsletter.  50-51. 

badariah bais, noorjannah ibrahim & rhonira latiff.  (2017).  eds malaysia kuala lumpur chapter.  - ieee electron devices society newsletter.  38. 

norliana yusof, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis & norhayati soin.  (2017).  mechanical analysis of mems diaphragm for bladder pressure monitoring.  - 2017 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm). 

mardina abdullah, rosadah abd majid, nor syaidah bahri, badariah bais.  (2017).  pemupukan kemahiran abad ke-21 melalui aktiviti pemantauan cuaca angkasa.  - seminar pendidikan transdisiplin (sted2017). 

ejarder sabbir hossain, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, seyed ahmad shahahmadi, kamaruzzaman sopian, badariah bais, nowshad amin.  (2017).  performance assessment of cu2sns3 (cts) based thin film solar cells by amps-1d.  - current applied physics.  79-89. 

mardina abdullah, badariah bais, nurul hajijah hair, noor hayati ahmad rasol & noridawaty mat daud.  (2017).  laporan 2017 international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017).  -

f.m.t. enam, k.s. rahman, m.i. kamaruzzaman, k. sobayel, p. chelvanathan, b. bais, m. akhtaruzzaman, a.r.m. alamoud, n. amin.  (2017).  design prospects of cadmium telluride/silicon (cdte/si) tandem solar cells from numerical simulation.  - international journal for light and electron optics.  397-406. 

puvaneswaran chelvanathan, kazi s. rahman, mohammad i. hossain, c, haroon rashid, norazlynda samsudin, siti nurlieza mustafa, badariah bais, md akhtaruzzaman, nowshad amin.  (2017).  growth of moox nanobelts from molybdenum bi-layer thin films for thin film solar cell application.  - thin solid films.  240-246. 

muzalifah mohd said, jumril yunas, badariah bais, azrul azlan hamzah and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2017).  hybrid polymer composite membrane for an electromagnetic (em) valveless micropump.  - journal of micromechanics and microengineering.  1-5. 

hafizah, h., norhana, a., badariah, b. & noorfazila, k.  (2016).  self-regulated learning in ukm.  - pertanika journal of social sciences and humanities.  77-86. 

mardina abdullah, kok beng gan, sabirin abdullah, badariah bais, rosadah abd majid.  (2016).  ionospheric flare detection using raspberry pi.  - iswi newsletter. 

abdullah h., wan jalal w.n., zulfakar m.s., islam m.t., bais b., saari s., idris s..  (2016).  fabrication and characterization of tio2-doped znal2o4nanocrystals via sol-gel method for gps antenna.  - materials science forum.  331-344. 

roszilah hamid, norhana arshad, badariah bais, firdaus mohd hamzah, nizaroyani saibani, shahrom md zain, et al..  (2016).  memikir semula pengajaran dan mereka bentuk semula pembelajaran.  - prosiding peka2015 k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina).  1-301. 

rosmina jaafar, badariah bais, w mimi diyana w zaki, muhammad faiz bukhori, muhd. fauzi aminuddin shazi shaarani, aqilah baseri huddin.  (2016).  correlation study of student achievement at pre-university level and their corresponding achievement in the year-one undergraduate course of circuit theory at ukm.  - pertanika journal of social science & humanities.  87-96. 

mardina abdullah,badariah bais,nurul hajijah hair,noridawaty mat daud,noor hayati ahmad rasol.  (2016).  laporan selepas persidangan iconspace 2015.  -

norbahiah misran, roszilah hamid, badariah bais et al..  (2016).  pertanika journal of social sciences and humanities.  - pertanika journal of social sciences and humanities.  1-282. 

nur hazliza ariffin, norhana arsad & b. bais.  (2016).  low cost mems gyroscope and accelerometer implementation without kalman filter for angle estimation.  - ieee international conference on advances in electrical, electronic and systems engineering (icaeese2016).  77-81. 

nurul jannah mukhtar, norazreen abd aziz, badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2016).  circuit modeling of surface acoustic wave (saw) resonator with circular geometry.  - proc. 2016 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2016), 17-19 aug. 2016 kuala lumpur.  57-60. 

muzalifah mohd. said, jumril yunas, roer eka pawinanto, burhanuddin yeop majlis, badariah bais.  (2016).  pdms based electromagnetic actuator membrane with embeddedmagnetic particles in polymer composite.  - sensors and actuators a: physical.  85-96. 

arsad, n., bais, b., kamal, n., hashim, f. h., wan, w. m. z. and husain, h..  (2016).  study on the impact of team teaching using the rasch measurement model: perception of students and lecturers.  - pertanika journal of social science and humanities.  197-204. 

mardina abdullah, badariah bais, rosadah abd majid, gan kok beng, sabirin abdullah, noridawaty mat daud, siti aminah bahari, nor syaidah bahri.  (2016).  raspberry pi: green technology for space weather monitoring.  - impact. 

s. a. shahahmadi, a. aizan zulkefle, a. k. m. hasan, s. m. rana, b. bais, m. akhtaruzzaman, a. r. m. alamoud, n. amin.  (2016).  ge-rich sige thin film deposition by co-sputtering in in-situ and ex-situ solid phase crystallization for photovoltaic applications.  - materials science in semiconductor processing.  160-165. 

rosadah abd majid, mardina abdullah, badariah bais, gan kok beng, sabirin abdullah, nor syaidah bahri.  (2016).  pengayaan pembelajaran sains angkasa menggunakan raspberry pi.  - kongres knovasi pnp ukm 2016. 

badariah bais & siti noorjannah ibrahim.  (2016).  report on eds-etc program in terengganu, malaysia.  - ieee electron devices society newsletter.  28. 

badariah bais & zubaida yusoff.  (2016).  report on eds-etc program at national university of malaysia (ukm).  - ieee electron devices society newsletter.  30-31. 

mohd nizar hamidon & badariah bais.  (2016).  report on ieee-rsm2015 conference.  - ieee electron devices society newsletter.  39. 

badariah bais & zubaida yusoff.  (2016).  eds malaysia kuala lumpur chapter.  - ieee electron devices society newsletter.  44-45. 

badariah bais.  (2016).  reflections from eds malaysia chapter.  - ieee electron devices society newsletter.  28-29. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar & badariah bais.  (2016).  fabrikasi gps antena menggunakan bahan zink aluminat berstruktur nano didopkan dengan kobalt.  - sains malaysiana.  1243-1252. 

badariah bais & zubaida yusoff.  (2015).  ed kuala lumpur, malaysia.  - ieee electron devices society newsletter.  44-45. 

n. misran, s.a.osman, r. hamid, n.t. kofli, n. saibani, n. arsad, m.s. mastar@masdar, z.m. nopiah, b. bais, h. husain, d. nordin, a.a. mutalib, z. harun, w.m.z.w. mahmood, s. johar, k. jafar et al..  (2015).  prosiding k-novasi pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan & alam bina) peka 2014.  - k-novasi pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan & alam bina) peka 2014, dectar, ukm, 11-12 februari 2015.  383. 

badariah bais & zubaida yusoff.  (2015).  eds malaysia kuala lumpur chapter - dl mini-colloquium (mq) at ukm.  - ieee electron devices society newsletter.  29-30. 

rosminazuin ab rahim, anis nurashikin nordin and noreha abd malik, badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2015).  fabrication of monolithic wheatstone bridge circuit for piezoresistive microcantilever sensor.  - 2015 symposium on design, test, integration and packaging of mems/moems (dtip2015).  1-5. 

b. bais, m. abdullah, a. mohamed.  (2015).  development of online project registration and management system (eprm) for masters by coursework.  - journal of engineering science and technology.  18-27. 

norazreen abd aziz, badariah bais, muhamad ramdzan buyong and burhanuddin yeop majlis & anis nurashikin nordin.  (2015).  optimization of focusing saw propagation in piezoelectric medium for microfluidic applications.  - 2015 symposium on design, test, integration and packaging of mems/moems (dtip2015).  1 - 5. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, mohammad tariqul islam, sahbudin shaari & badariah bais.  (2015).  synthesis and fabrication of gps patch antennas by using znti x al2o4 thin films.  - journal of sol-gel science and technology.  566-574. 

rosadah abd majid, mardina abdullah, badariah bais, alina marie hasbi, nor syaidah bahri, siti aminah bahari, mohd hezri mokhtar.  (2015).  malaysian students` perception and attitude towards space science: a pilot study.  - proceeding of the 2015 international conference on space science and communication (iconspace), 10-12 august 2015, langkawi, malaysia.  297-301. 

wan mimi diyana wan zaki, badariah bais, muhammad faiz bukhori, rosmina jaafar, muhd. fauzi aminuddin shazi shaarani & aqilah baseri huddin.  (2015).  kajian hubung kait pencapaian pelajar di peringkat pra- universiti dengan pencapaian pelajar dalam subjek teori litar di tahun satu, jkees.  - prosiding k-novasi pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina), ukm 11-12 februari 2015.  216-221. 

norhana arsad, badariah bais, wan mimi diyana wan zaki, fazida hanim hashim, noorfazila kamal & hafizah husain.  (2015).  analisis pengajaran berpasukan menggunakan model pengukuran rasch: persepsi pensyarah dan pelajar.  - prosiding k-novasi pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina), ukm, 11-13 februari 2015.  185-189. 

huda abdullah, wan nasarudin wan jalal, mohd syafiq zulfakar, mohammad tariqul islam, badariah bais, sahbudin shaari.  (2015).  characterization of tixznal2o4thin films by sol-gel method for gps patch antennae.  - journal of the korean physical society.  41-45. 

w mimi diyana w zaki, badariah bais, muhammad faiz bukhori, rosmina jaafar, muhd. fauzi aminuddin shazi shaarani & aqilah baseri huddin.  (2015).  kajian hubung kait pencapaian pelajar di peringkat pra-universiti dengan pencapaian pelajar dalam subjek teori litar di tahun satu, jkees.  - k-novasi pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm 2015. 

mardina abdullah, siti aminah bahari, badariah bais, alina marie hasbi, rosadah abd majid, mohd hezri mokhtar, nor syaidah.  (2015).  space weather innovation competition for school stedents in malaysia.  - international journal of humanities, arts and social sciences.  70-74. 

mardina abdullah, rosadah abd majid, badariah bais, alina marie hasbi, nor syaidah bahri.  (2015).  fostering research aptitude to high school students through space weather competition.  -

jumril yunas, badariah binti bais, burhanuddin bin yeop majlis, azrul azlan bin hamzah.  (2015).  magnetic and light sensitive polymer membrane based on embedded magnetic nanoparticles for mems actuators.  -

norihan abdul hamid, j. yunas, b. yeop majlis, a.a hamzah, b. bais.  (2015).  microfabrication of si3n4-polyimide membrane for thermo-pneumatic actuator.  - microelectronics international.  18 - 24. 

j. yunas, b. y. majlis, a. a. hamzah, b. bais, n. sulaiman.  (2015).  voltage transfer analysis of sandwich coupled inductors for mems planar magnetic sensor.  - microsystem technologies.  809-814. 

r.e. pawinanto, j. yunas, b.y. majlis, b. bais and muzalifah mohd said.  (2015).  fabrication and testing of electromagnetic mems micro-actuator utilizing pcb based planar micro-coil.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  8399-8403. 

muzalifah mohd. said, jumril yunas, burhanuddin yeop majlis, badariah bais.  (2015).  synthesis and characterization of neodymium and nickel particles in polymer base actuator.  - 2015 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm) terengganu malaysia.  4. 

rahim r.a., abubakkar s.f.o., bais b., majlis b.y..  (2015).  analysis of electrical responses of mems piezoresistive microcantilever.  - proceedings - 5th international conference on computer and communication engineering: emerging technologies via comp-unication convergence, iccce 2014.  123-126. 

rahim r.a., bais b., majlis b.y..  (2015).  fabrication of dual- and single-layer piezoresistive microcantilever sensor.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  6274-6278. 

rosminazuin ab. rahim, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2014).  simple microcantilever release process of silicon piezoresistive microcantilever sensor using wet etching.  - applied mechanics and materials.  894-898. 

norazreen abd aziz; badariah bais; muhamad ramdzan buyong; burhanuddin yeop majlis; anis nurashikin nordin.  (2014).  fem analysis of wavelength effects in piezoelectric substrate.  - 2014 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse 2014).  259-262. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, mohammad tariqul islam, badariah bais & sahbudin shaari.  (2014).  gps patch antenna performance by modification of zn(1-x)caxal2o4-based microwave dielectric ceramics.  - journal of sol-gel science and technology.  477-489. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, sahbudin shaari, mohammad tariqul islam & badariah bais.  (2014).  characteristics of nanostructured caxzn(1-x)al2o4 thin films prepared by sol-gel method for gps patch antennas.  - sains malaysiana.  833-842. 

badariah bais, w mimi diyana w zaki, muhammad faiz bukhori, muhd. fauzi aminuddin shazi shaarani dan asraf mohamed moubark.  (2014).  pembangunan platform kajian hubungkait latarbelakang pelajar dengan pencapaian di dalam kursus tahun 1 di jkees..  - prosiding seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2013 (peka 2013) : kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm / pusat penyelidikan pendidikan kejuruteraan, fakulti kejuruteraan dan alam bina ukm.  230-237. 

mardina abdullah, siti aminah bahari, badariah bais, alina marie hasbi, rosadah abd majid, mohd hezri mokhtar, norsyaidah bahri.  (2014).  space weather innovation competition for school students in malaysia.  - multidisciplinary innovation for sustainability and growth (misg-2014). 

norhana arsad, badariah bais, mimi diyana w zaki, fazida hanim hashim, noorfazila kamal dan hafizah husain.  (2014).  kajian pendekatan pengajaran berpasukan bagi penambahbaikan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran.  - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2013 / pusat penyelidikan pendidikan kejuruteraan, fakulti kejuruteraan dan alam bina ukm. 

m.m. said, j. yunas, b. bais, and b.y. majlis.  (2014).  a photosensitive nanomagnetic polymer based actuator membrane fabricated using sol-gel technique.  - actuator 2014 : the 14th international conference on new actuator / messe bremen.  564-567. 

w.wan jalal, h. abdullah, m. zulfakar, s. shaari, t. mohammad, b. bais.  (2014).  effect of mg contents on znal2o4 thin films by sol gel method and its application.  - conference program : 38th international conference and exposition on advanced ceramics and composites. 

s.a. osman, h. husain, a.i. che ani, z.m. nopiah, b. bais, r. hamid, n.m. tawil, n. saibani, m.s. mastar@masdar, n. arsad, d. nordin, n.t. kofli, a.a. mutalib, s.m. zain, a.a.a bakar, z. harun et al..  (2014).  inovasi pendidikan ke arah pemantapan sahsiah & profesionalisme.  - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2013 (peka 2013), sama-sama hotel, klia. 

nor adhila muhammad, badariah bais and ibrahim ahmad.  (2014).  reflow soldering process for sn3.5ag solder on enig using rapid thermal processing system.  - sains malaysiana.  43(1): 117-122. 

mardina abdullah, alina marie hasbi and badariah bais.  (2014).  space weather innovation competition.  - iswi newsletter. 

jumril yunas, burhanuddin yeop majlis, azrul azlan hamzah, badariah bais.  (2014).  spin-on-glass (sog) based insulator of stack coupled microcoils for mems sensors and actuators application.  - sains malaysiana.  43(2):289-293. 

muzalifah mohd said, jumril yunas, roer eka pawinanto, burhanuddin yeop majlis, badariah bais.  (2014).  synthesization of nickel nanoparticles embedded in su8 polymer for electromagnetic actuator membrane.  - ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics, proceedings, icse.  213-216. 

jumril yunas, muzalifah mohd said, burhanuddin yeop majlis and badariah bais.  (2014).  finite element analysis and preliminary fabrication of flexible membrane with embedded magnetic nanoparticles.  - advanced materials research.  147-150. 

mardina bt. abdullah, badariah binti bais, baharudin bin yatim, mohd. alauddin bin mohd. ali, rosadah binti abd majid, siti aminah binti bahari, alina marie binti hasbi, noridawaty binti mat daud.  (2014).  pemantapan pembelajaran sains angkasa kepada pelajar sekolah melalui pemantauan cuaca angkasa dengan alat penerima vlf.  -

j. abdulateef, w. kader, m. mohammed, kh.humood and badariah bais.  (2013).  design and simulation of a stand-alone pv system for a single residential household.  - 7th wseas intl conf on energy planning, energy saving, environmental education (epese`13): recent advances in energy planning and environment. 

ab rahim, rosminazuin; bais, badariah; majlis, burhanuddin yeop; sugandi, gandi.  (2013).  protek psb coating as an alternative polymeric protection mask for koh bulk etching of silicon.  - microsystem technologies.  19(6):905-914. 

wan jalal, w.n., abdullah, h., zulfakar, m.s., bais, b., shaari, s., islam, m.t..  (2013).  znal2o4-based microwave dielectric ceramics as gps patch antenna: a review.  - transactions of the indian ceramic society.  72(4):215-224. 

muzalifah mohd said, jumril yunas, burhanuddin yeop majlis, badariah bais, azrul azlan hamzah.  (2013).  design and optimization of magnetic particles embedded in pdms membrane.  - regional symposium on microelectronics (rsm) 2013. 

jumril yunas, burhanuddin yeop majlis, azrul azlan hamzah and badariah bais.  (2013).  si monolithic planar coreless inductors for high frequency signal transmission.  - 2013 ieee international rf and microwave conference (rfm2013). 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, badariah bais, shabudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam.  (2013).  characterization of tixzn(1-x)al2o4 thin films by sol-gel method for gps patch antenna.  - the 8th international conference on advanced materials and devices (icamd 2013). 

arsad. n., mastang, bais. b., husain. h., kamal. n., saibani. n., hanafi. m., riza atiq abdullah o. k..  (2013).  impact of fiber to the home (ftth) animation on student learning and motivation in electrical engineering.  - 2013 12th international conference on information technology based higher education and training (ithet). 

rosminazuin ab rahim, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis, and sheik fareed.  (2013).  design optimization of mems dual-leg shaped piezoresistive microcantilever.  - ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm2013). 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, sahbudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam, badariah bais.  (2013).  characterization of znal2o4:ca2+ nanostructure based microwave dielectric ceramics for gps patch antennas.  - book of abstracts - 4th international conference on functional materials and devices (icfmd). 

abdullah m., bais b., hasbi a. m., abd m. r., yatim b., mohd a. m. a, bahari s.a., mat d. n., mokhtar m. h., mohd z. a. f., asillam m.f..  (2013).  development of ukm-sid teaching module for space science education.  - procedia social and behavioral sciences - 6th international forum on engineering education (ifee 2012).  80-85. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, sahbudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam & badariah bais.  (2012).  characteristics of nanostructure caxzn(1-x)al2o4 thin films prepared by sol-gel method for gps patch antennas.  - 4th international conference on solid state science and technology (icssst 2012), malacca, malaysia. 

p. s. menon, b. bais, aimi azri mohd jhi, s. shaari.  (2012).  optical crosstalk in interdigitated lateral pin photodiodes.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials-rapid communications.  6(5-6):535-538. 

yunas, j; majlis, by; hamzah, aa; bais, b.  (2012).  design, fabrication and testing of sandwich coupled inductors.  - microsystem technologies.  18(6):739-744. 

habib ullah, m., bais, b., misran, n., yatim, b.b., islam, m..  (2012).  design of a microwave amplifier for wireless application.  - american journal of applied sciences.  9(1):32-39. 

hamzah, aa; abd aziz, n; majlis, by; yunas, j; dee, cf; bais, b.  (2012).  optimization of hna etching parameters to produce high aspect ratio solid silicon microneedles.  - journal of micromechanics and microengineering.  22(9):Art no.095017. 

mardina abdullah, badariah bais, azah mohamed.  (2012).  pembangunan sistem pengurusan dan penilaian projek sarjana kerja kursus secara atas talian.  - kongres pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm2012 15-18 disember 2012, awana, genting, penerbit ukm. 

mardina abdullah, badariah bais, alina marie hasbi, rosadah abd majid, baharudin yatim, mohd alauddin mohd ali, siti aminah bahari, noridawaty mat daud, mohd hezri mokhtar and mhd fairos asillam..  (2012).  development of ukm-sid teaching module for space science education.  - international forum on engineering education 2012 (ifee 2012). 

badariah bais, mardina abdullah, azah mohamed.  (2012).  initial development of project monitoring system for masters coursework.  - procedia - social and behavioral sciences. 

mohammadmahdi vakilian, maryam mousavi, badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2012).  optimization of cantilever-based mems switch.  - proc. ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2012). 

mardhiah mohd nor, badariah bais, norazreen abd aziz, rosminazuin ab. rahim and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2012).  induced mass change technique for glucose detection in microcantilever-based sensors.  - proc. ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2012). 

mohd hazrul zakaria, badariah bais rosminazuin ab. rahim and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2012).  geometrical characterization of single layer silicon based piezoresistive microcantilever using ansys.  - proc. ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2012). 

rosminazuin ab rahim, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis and gandi sugandi.  (2012).  an alternative polymeric protection mask for bulk koh etching of silicon.  - symposium on design, integration and packaging of mems/moems (dtip2012). 

hafizah husain, badariah bais, aini hussain, salina abdul samad.  (2012).  how to construct open ended questions.  - procedia social and behavioral sciences - ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. 

wan nasarudin wan jalal, huda abdullah, mohd syafiq zulfakar, sahbudin shaari, mohammad thariqul islam, badariah bais.  (2012).  characteristics of nanostructure caxzn(1-x)al2o4 thin films prepared by sol-gel method for gps patch antennas.  - 4th international conference on solid state science and technology 2012 (icssst). 

abrar ismardi, chang fu dee, a. a. hamzah, b. bais, m. m. salleh, b. y. majlis and ille c. gebeshuber.  (2012).  co-synthesis and characterization of in2o3 and zno nanowires.  - sains malaysiana.  41(4):459-463. 

habib ullah, m., m.t. islam, mandeep sing, rosdiadee nordin and badariah bais.  (2012).  design of transmitter for cdm based 2x2 multiple input multiple output channel sounder for multipath delay measurement.  - american journal of applied sciences.  9(1):117-122. 

rosminazuin ab. rahim, badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2011).  microcantilever release process using micromachining technology.  - journal of science and technology in the tropics.  7(2):105-108. 

mamun bin ibne reaz, jubayer jalil, hafizah husain and badariah bais.  (2011).  subway train braking system: a fuzzy based hardware approach.  - american journal of applied sciences.  8(7):740-747. 

badariah bais, norazreen abd. aziz and norbahiah misran.  (2011).  curriculum restructuring of bachelor of engineering program.  - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka. 

n. a. muhammad, b. bais, i. ahmad and a. isnin.  (2011).  effect of reflow soldering process on metallurgical bonding between sn3.5ag solder and enig substrates.  - materials research innovations. 

badariah bais, rosminazuin ab rahim and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2011).  finite element and system level analyses of piezoresistive microcantilever for biosensing applications.  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  5(12): 1038-1046. 

hafizah husain, badariah bais, aini hussain & salina abdul samad.  (2011).  penggubalan soalan terbuka (open-ended) untuk memupuk kemahiran profesional pelajar.  - kongres pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm 2011. 

wedianti shualdi, badariah bais, ibrahim ahmad, ghazali omar, aishah isnin.  (2011).  nanoindentation characterization of sn-ag-sb/cu substrate imc layer subject to thermal aging.  - 2011 ieee regional symposium on micro and nano electronics, rsm 2011; kota kinabalu, sabah. 

hafizah husain, badariah bais, aini huassain & salina abdul samad.  (2011).  penggubalan soalan terbuka (open-ended) untuk memupuk kemahiran profesional pelajar.  - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan & alam bina (peka2011) universiti kebangsaan malaysia teaching and learning congress 2011, vol ii(347-356).. 

afida ayob, badariah bais, norazreen abd aziz, norhana arsad and hafizah husain.  (2011).  use of rasch analysis in engineering students psychometric evaluation.  - 2011 3rd international congress on engineering education (iceed), 7-8 december 2011, malaysia. 

badariah bais, liang wen loh, rosminazuin ab rahim, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2011).  optimization of on-chip interface circuit for mems sensor based on micro-cantilever.  - international conference on materials for advanced technologies, icmat2011 - symposium g: nems/mems and microtas; suntec(advanced materials research). 

badariah bais, shamsul rahimi a. subki, chi chin yap, chang fu dee and burhanuddin yeop majlis,.  (2011).  process development on synthesizing zinc oxide nanorods and fabrication of idt finger electrodes for surface acoustic wave devices.  - 2011 ieee regional symposium on micro and nano electronics, rsm 2011; kota kinabalu, sabah. 

norazreen abd aziz, norhana arsad, badariah bais, afida ayob dan hafizah husain.  (2011).  teaching methodology evaluation using rasch analysis.  - 10th wseas international conference on system science and simulation in engineering (icossse `11). 

mardina abdullah, badariah bais & azah mohamed.  (2011).  pembangunan awal sistem pemantauan projek kerja kursus sarjana.  - prosiding kongres pengajaran & pembelajaran ukm 2011 / ukm. 

rosminazuin ab rahim, badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2011).  double-step plasma etching for sio2 microcantilever release.  - international conference on materials for advanced technologies, icmat2011 - symposium g: nems/mems and microtas; suntec (advanced materials research). 

faruque m.r.i., misran n., islam m.t., yatim b., bias b..  (2011).  new low specific absorption rate (sar) antenna design for mobile handset.  - international journal of physical sciences.  6(24):5706-5715. 

p. s. menon, k. kumarajah, b. bais, h. abdullah, majlis, b. y. and apte, p. r..  (2010).  peak power and wavelength optimization of a double-fused lw-vcsel.  - proceedings of the 2010 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics, icse2010 (melaka). 

ahmed toaha mobashsher, badariah bais, norbahiah misran and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2010).  compact wideband microstrip antenna for universal 5ghz wlan applications.  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  4(8):3411-3417. 

mohd raihan taha, zahira yaacob, shahrom abdullah, amiruddin ismail, zuhairuse md. darus, siti kartom kamaruddin, baba mohd deros, badariah bais, zamri chik, muhammad farihan irfan mohd nor, mardina abdullah, aida baharuddin & arif mohd sham.  (2010).  jurnal kejuruteraan.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  1-113. 

badariah bais, norazreen abd. aziz dan norbahiah misran.  (2010).  penstrukturan semula kurikulum program sarjanamuda kejuruteraan di jkees.  - prosiding seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2010 (peka2010) sempena kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2010. 

badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2010).  bulk micromachined in-plane mems area-changed capacitive accelerometer with feedback electrodes.  - journal of microengineering and nanoelectronics.  1(2):95-102. 

badariah bais, ille c. gebeshuber & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2010).  encyclopedia of nanoscience and society.  - 466-470. 

mohammad tariqul islam, rezaul azim, norbahiah misran, kamarulzaman mat and badariah bais.  (2010).  design and optimization of a printed rectangular antenna for ultra-wideband applications.  - world applied sciences journal.  10(11):1379-1386. 

w. shualdi, i. ahmad, b. bais, g. omar, a. isnin.  (2010).  a comparison of intermetallic growth in sn-ag-sb/cu substrate and sn-ag-sb/ni plated cu substrate aged at 175 c.  - regional engineering postgraduate conference (epc) 2010, universiti kebangsaan malaysia. 

m. nor adhila, b. badariah, a. ibrahim and i. aishah.  (2010).  defects mechanism of sn3.5ag solder and enig substrates during reflow soldering process.  - regional engineering postgraduate conference (epc) 2010, universiti kebangsaan malaysia. 

yulindon, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, badariah bais.  (2009).  reconfigurable dual-band rectangular patch microstrip.  - regional engineering postgraduate conference (epc) 2009 / faculty of engineering and build environment. 

masoomeh tehranirokh, burhanuddin yeop majlis, badariah bais.  (2009).  design and simulation of a normally closed glucose sensitive hydrogel based microvalve.  - microsystem technologies.  15(5):753-762. 

yulindon, norbahiah misran, badariah bais, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2009).  a modified rectangular patch microstrip antenna with mems switch for wlan application.  - regional engineering postgraduate conference (epc) 2009 / faculty of engineering and build environment. 

c. f. dee; p. s. menon; b. bais; h. abdullah; b. y. majlis; s. shaari.  (2009).  simulation of i-v property of a boron-doped single silicon nanowire.  - nanotech malaysia 2009, kuala lumpur. 

yulindon, norbahiah misran, badariah bais, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2009).  investigation of reconfigurability of dual-band microstrip patch antenna by utilizing mems switch.  - proceeding of the 2009 international conference on space science and communication. 26-27 october 2009, port dickson, negeri sembilan, malaysia. 

rosminazwin, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2009).  hybrid simulations approach on mems piezoresistive microcantiliver sensor for biosensing applications.  - advanced materials research.  74:283-286. 

rosminazuin ab rahim, burhanuddin yeop majlis, badariah bais.  (2009).  bottom up verification for system-level simulation of mems piezoresistive microcantilever sensor.  - nanotech malaysia 2009, kuala lumpur. 

nor illiani ramzi, burhanuddin yeop majlis and badariah bais.  (2009).  fabrication study of fine-pitched microprobes for wafer testing application.  - nanotech malaysia 2009, kuala lumpur. 

abu bakar mohamad, zahira yaacob, shahrom abdullah, mardina abdullah, amiruddin ismail, zuhairuse md. darus, siti kartom kamaruddin, baba mohd deros, badariah bais, zamri chik, muhammad farihan irfan mohd nor, aida baharuddin.  (2009).  jurnal kejuruteraan.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  1-116. 

nur azrina dzulkefli, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2009).  fabrication of glucose sensitive actuator for dds micro valve.  - advanced materials research.  74:287-290. 

yulindon, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran and badariah bais.  (2008).  reconfigurable dual-band antenna using mems for wireless application.  - proceedings of 2008 student conference on research and development (scored 2008), 26-27 nov. 2008, johor, malaysia. 

mariyam jameelah ghazali, baba md deros, badariah bais, dzuraidah abd wahab, fatihah suja`, huda abdullah, jamaliah md jahim.  (2008).  proceedings of engineering postgraduate conference 2008.  - 74. 

badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2008).  low-g area-changed mems accelerometer using bulk silicon technique.  - american journal of applied sciences.  5(6):626-632. 

prof. dr.burhanuddin yeup majlis, prof. dr. wan zurinah wan ngah, prof. madya dr.shahrir abdullah, dr. badariah bais, dr. dee chang fu, dr. azrul azlan hamzah.  (2008).  biomems untuk aplikasi penghantaran ubatan.  - seminar pemantauan projek penyelidikan (gup) 2007. 

a. hussain, b. bais, s. a. samad and s. farshad hendi.  (2008).  novel data fusion approach for drowsiness detection.  - information technology journal.  7(1):48-55. 

mohd hairi mohd zaman, badariah bais, norbahiah misran, salina abdul samad dan aini hussain.  (2008).  penilaian hasil kursus melalui kaedah penilaian langsung dan tak langsung.  - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2008, ukm. 

rosminazuin ab. rahman, badariah bais, burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2008).  design and analysis of mems piezoresistive sio2 cantilever-based sensor with stress concentration region for biosensing applications.  - ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2008), johor bahru, malaysia. 

norazreen abd aziz, badariah bais, azrul azlan hamzah and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2008).  characterization of hna etchant for silicon microneedles array fabrication.  - proc. 2008 ieee int`l conf. on semiconductor electronics (icse2008), johor bahru, malaysia. 

masoomeh tehranirokh, burhanuddin yeop majlis and badariah bais.  (2008).  design of a micromechanical system utilizing hydrogel force for controlling a microvalve.  - proceeding international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2008), johor bahru, malaysia. 

mohd syuhaimi ab.rahman, nowshad amin, badariah bais, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, norazreen abd aziz dan mohd alaudin mohd ali.  (2008).  penambaikan kurikumlum program kejuruteraan mikroelektronik mengikut keperluan eac & washington accord.  - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka 08). 

seri mastura mustaza, farizah ansaruddin, aida baharuddin, azah mohamed, badariah bais, faisal ibrahim, suliana sulaiman.  (2008).  buletin jkees jun 2008.  -

abu bakar mohamad, zahira yaacob, shahrum abullah, mardina abdullah, amiruddin ismail, zuhairuse md. darus, siti kartom kamarudin, baba md deros, badariah bais, zamri chik, muhammad farihan irfan mohd nor, jaharah nordin.  (2008).  jurnal kejuruteraan.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  1-234. 

badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2007).  design and testing of in-plane mems area-changed accelerometer with feedback electrodes.  - 2007 ieee regional symposium in microelectronics (rsm2007), penang. 

masoomeh tehranirokh, badariah bais & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2006).  a hydrogel-based microvalve for insulin delivery application.  - 2006 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2006). 

badariah bais & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2006).  structure design and fabrication of an area-changed bulk micromachined capacitive accelerometer.  - proceedings of ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2006). 

ahmad alabqari ma` radzi, badariah bais & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2005).  design consideration of force-balanced non-crossing differential capacitive mems accelerometer.  - proc. 2005 ieee national symposium on microelectronics (nsm2005). 

badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2005).  mechanical sensitivity enhancement of an area-changed capacitive accelerometer by optimization of the device geometry.  - analog integrated circuits and signal processing.  44:175-183. 

badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2004).  mechanical sensitivity enhancement of an area-changed capacitive accelerometer by optimization of the device geometry.  - symposium on design, test, integration and packaging of mems/moems (dtip2004), montreux, switzerland. 

badariah bais & burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2004).  suspension design analysis on the performance of mems area-changed lateral capacitive accelerometer.  - proc. 2004 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2004), kuala lumpur. 

azrif manut, badariah bais and burhanuddin yeop majlis.  (2004).  mechanical behaviour of a 10g mems non-crossing differential capacitive accelerometer.  - proc. 2004 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse2004), kuala lumpur. 

rosilah hj. hassan & badariah bais.  (2000).  asas elektronik.  - 176.