sharifah azlina syed anuar; noradiva hamzah; mohd mohid rahmat; nur laili ab ghani. (2023). directors identifications to multiple identities, social groups, and board oversight roles: a scoping review. - sage open. 1-20. |
mohd mohid rahmat, hamezah md nor, intan maiza abd rahman, amirul hafiz mohd nasir. (2023). auditor-client relationship, audit firm reputation, and trends of key audit matters disclosure. - . 1-5. |
tahani ali hakami, mohd mohid rahmat, hasimi yaacob, norman mohd saleh. (2023). audit quality reputation and fraud detection gap: a moderating role of royal family. - 22nd miicema in conjunction with ecobestha international conference (miicema_ecobestha 2023). 1-25. |
zhang qiong, mohd mohid rahmat. (2023). the effect of the information quantity announcement on modified audit opinion - evidence from chinese-a listed companies. - the 4th symposium of accounting finance and governance (safag 2023). 1-22. |
wang fang, mohd mohid rahmat. (2023). non-audit services, audit quality, and financial statement restatements: evidence from chinese listed companies. - the 4th symposium of accounting finance and governance (safag 2023).. 1-22. |
zheng wei, mohd mohid rahmat. (2023). market competitive strategy, government ownership and audit firm choice: evidence from china. - the 4th symposium of accounting finance and governance (safag 2023).. 1-26. |
nurhidayah waad, mohd mohid rahmat, hamezah md nor. (2022). industry specialisation auditor and related party transaction disclosure: further evidence from reappointment tenure. - symposium of accounting finance and governance (safag) 2022 14-16 october 2022. 1-29. |
nur hidayah waad; hamezah md nor; mohd mohid rahmat; harlina mohamed on. (2022). hubungan antara firma audit pakar industri dan pendedahan urusniaga pihak berkaitan di kalangan syarikat tersenarai di malaysia. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 91-103. |
romlah binti jaffar;mohamat sabri bin hassan;mohd mohid bin rahmat. (2022). corporate governance and investors` reaction-does extended audit report matters?. - . . |
nor suhaila ghazali, mohd mohid rahmat, hamezah md nor. (2022). related party transactions complexity and audit fees: the important of auditor reappointment tenure. - bengkel bedah artikel grace siri 1/2022. 1-17. |
santni vijeyan; mohd mohid rahmat. (2022). effects of internal control towards money laundering prevention: an interrelation perspective. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 14-27. |
nor suhaila ghazali, mohd mohid rahmat, hamezah md nor. (2022). related party transactions complexity and audit fees: influence of auditor reappointment tenure. - . 1-8. |
norazian hussin, mohd fairuz md. salleh, azlina ahmad, mohd mohid rahmat. (2022). the influence of audit firm attributes on kam disclosures in ftse100 in malaysia. - management and accounting review. 239-262. |
nor suhaila ghazali, mohd mohid rahmat, hamezah md nor. (2022). related party transactions complexity and audit fees: influence of auditor reappointment tenure. - the 24th malaysian finance association international (mfaic2022) global finance: evolving and impacting the post-pandemic world. 1-12. |
siti hajar asmah ali, mohd mohid rahmat, maizatulakma abdullah. (2022). skandal korporat urusniaga pihak berkaitan: kesan struktur pegangan sahan dan hubungan juruaudit-klien. - . 134. |
mohd mohid bin rahmat;mohd helmi bin ali. (2021). halal assurance system on halal food integrity, audit integration and firm’s operational performance. - . . |
muhammad iqmal hisham kamaruddin, sofiah md auzair, mohd mohid rahmat, nurul aini muhamed. (2021). the mediating role of financial governance on the relationship between financial management, islamic work ethic and accountability in islamic social enterprise (ise). - social enterprise journal. 419-441. |
mohd mohid rahmat, siti hajar asmah ali , norman mohd saleh. (2021). auditor-client relationship and related party transactions disclosure: the role of family controlling shareholders from a network perspective. - managerial auditing journal. 591-615. |
syaiful baharee jaafar, mohd mohid rahmat. (2021). trends of board diversity: who is sitting in boardroom?. - asia-pacific management accounting journal. 129-158. |
nahzatush simaa jantan, mohd mohid rahmat. (2021). jawatankuasa audit berkesan, jawatankuasa audit wanita dan pengurusan perolehan di firma milikan kerajaan. - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia (perkem) -15. 95-110. |
siti hajar asmah ali, mohd mohid rahmat, noor idayu ismail, norman mohd saleh. (2021). controlling shareholder ownership structure and conflict-related party transactions. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 65-75. |
nurul nasyuha hashim, intan maiza abd rahman, mohd mohid rahmat. (2021). persepsi klien terhadap hubungan antara ciri kualiti audit dan jenama firma audit. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 9-21. |
siti hajar asmah ali, mohd mohid rahmat. (2021). pyramidal and indirect controlling shareholders and conflict-related party transactions. - international management & accounting conference (imac) 10. 139-140. |
mohd mohid rahmat, siti hajar asmah ali, nur idayu ismail. (2021). pyramidal and indirect controlling shareholders and conflict-related party transactions (rpt-conflict). - . 1-12. |
sharifah azlina syed anuar, puan yatim, mohd mohid rahmat. (2021). director multiple identities, identifications and oversight board tasks a scoping review on the antecedents. - international management & accounting conference (imac) 10. 146-147. |
nurshahirah abd majid, mohd mohid rahmat, kamran ahmed. (2021). independent directors attributes and related party transactions. - . 1-13. |
nahzatush simaa jantan, mohd mohid rahmat. (2021). jawatankuasa audit berkesan (jka-b), jawatan audit wanita dan amalan pengurusan perolehan di firma milikan kerajaan (glc). - . 1-12. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2021). cash, frauds & internal control. - . 1-28. |
nur hidayah waad, hamezah md nor, mohd mohid rahmat, harlina mohamed on. (2021). firma audit pakar industri dan pendedahan urusniaga pihak berkaitan. - 21st malaysia-indonesia international conference on economics, management and accounting. 220. |
nor asyiqin abu, romlah jaffar, mohd mohid rahmat, mohamat sabri hassan. (2021). key audit matters and investors reaction. - management and accounting review. 1-33. |
nur hidayah waad, nurul nasyuha hashim, mohd mohid rahmat. (2021). reputable audit quality attributes and related party transactions disclosure. - international journal of economics and management. 33-49. |
nurshahirah abd majid, mohd mohid rahmat, kamran ahmed. (2021). individual independent directors attributes and related party transactions. - malaysia indonesia international conference on economics, management and accounting (miicema). 1-25. |
mohd mohid rahmat, kamran ahmed, balachandran muniandy. (2020). do related party transactions affect earnings quality? evidence from east asia. - international journal of accounting and information management. 147-166. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). topic 8 - fraud and investigation. - . 1-17. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). topic 11 - audit market & pricing. - . 1-13. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). audit committee. - . 1-10. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). topic 10 - internal audit role in corporate governance. - . 1-16. |
nor suhaila mohd ghazali, hamezah md nor, nur hidayah waad, mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). hubungan antara urus niaga pihak berkaitan dan yuran audit: bukti syarikat tersenarai di malaysia. - symposium of accounting finance and governance (safag) 2020. 1-20. |
henny hazliza mohd tahir, romlah jaffar, mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). corporate governance efficiency, financial performance and the roles of shariah board and shariah audit in islamic financial institutions (ifis): evidence from malaysian. - bengkel bedah artikel grace 2020 siri 1. 1-17. |
mohd mohid rahmat, kamran ahmed, gerald j. lobo. (2020). related party transactions, value relevance and informativeness of earnings: evidence from four economies in east asia. - review of pacific basin financial markets and policies. 1-42. |
tahani hakami, mohd mohid rahmat, mohd hasimi yaacob, norman mohd saleh. (2020). fraud detection gap between auditor and fraud detection models: evidence from gulf cooperation council. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-13. |
rosiati ramli, helmy mohd daud, romlah jaffar, mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). faktor-faktor kelewatan tempoh penyelesaian kes siasatan cukai di malaysia: persepsi ejen cukai. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-12. |
nor suhaila mohd ghazali, hamezah md nor, nur hidayah waad, mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). hubungan antara urus niaga pihak berkaitan dan yuran audit: bukti syarikat tersenarai di malaysia (relationship between related party transactions and audit fees: evidence from malaysian listed firms. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-15. |
siti asmah hajar ali, mohd mohid rahmat, nor idayu ismail. (2020). concentrated ownership structure, ownerships level and conflict-related party transactions. - . 1-27. |
siti hajar asmah ali, mohd mohid rahmat, noor idayu ismail, norman mohd saleh. (2020). auditor-client relationship, controlling shareholders and related party transactions. - symposium of accounting finance and governance (safag 2020). 1-33. |
siti hajar asmah ali, noor idayu abdullah, mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). auditor-client relationship (acr), controlling shareholders & related party transactions (rpts). - . 1-17. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). falsafah pengauditan. - . 1-12. |
tahani ali hakami, mohd mohid rahmat, mohd hasimi yaacob, norman mohd-saleh,. (2020). auditor experience with client and fraud detection: the moderating role of the royal family in the gulf cooperation council (gcc) context. - international journal of innovation, creativity and change. 436-449. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). topic 2 - audit quality. - . 1-10. |
romlah binti jaffar;mohamat sabri bin hassan;zaleha binti abdul shukor;mara ridhuan bin che abdul rahman;mohd mohid bin rahmat. (2020). pembangunan kerangkakerja tadbir urus risiko berdasarkan teori pihak berkepentingan dan implikasinya terhadap prestasi syarikat. - . . |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). topic 3 - auditor independence. - . 1-10. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). topic 4 - auditor liability & litigation risk. - . 1-11. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). materiality & audit judgment. - . 1-10. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). audit report and issies. - . 1-14. |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2020). audit expectation gap & client satisfaction. - . 1-10. |
helmy mohd daud, rosiati ramli, romlah jaffar, mohd mohid rahmat. (2019). faktor-faktor mempengaruhi tempoh penyelesaian kes siasatan cukai di malaysia: perspektif pegawai pengurusan atasan lhdnm. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-16. |
tahani ali hakami, mohd mohid rahmat. (2019). fraud prevention strategies: the perception of saudi arabian banks employees. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-15. |
mohd mohid rahmat, nor suhaila mohd ghazali, nurhidayah nordin. (2019). are executive directors paid enough? evidence from conflicting related-party transactions. - international journal of economics and management. 111-124. |
hafizuddin-syah, b.a.m., rubayah yakob, mohd hasimi yaacob, hawati janor, roshayati abd hamid, noor hasni juhdi, hendon redzuan, mohd mohid rahmat dan sajiah yakob. (2019). risk management & your organization. - . 1-51. |
mohd mohid bin rahmat. (2019). executive director's remunerations and related party transactions (rpts). - . 1-7. |
syajarul imna mohd amin, mohd mohid rahmat, abdullah khairi mohd asri. (2019). board diversity, industry specificity and firm performance. - journal of nusantara studies (jonus). 1-27. |
mohd mohid rahmat*, fathyah hashim, amama shaukat, nurhidayah nordin. (2019). audit committee characteristics and conflicting related party transactions disclosure: evidence from malaysia. - . 1-14. |
mohd mohid rahmat, fathyah hashim, amama shaukat, nurhidayah nordin. (2019). audit committee characteristics and conflicting related party transactions disclosure: evidence from malaysia. - 2019 irish academy management (aim) annual conference. 1-14. |
tahani ali hakami, mohd mohid rahmat, mohd hasimi yaacob, norman mohd saleh. (2019). auditor experience with client and fraud detection: the moderating role of the royal family in the gulf cooperation council (gcc) context. - international conference on accounting & management 2019. 1-15. |
mohd mohid rahmat, nurhidayah nordin, syaima adznan. (2019). audit committee financial expertise and rpt-conflict disclosure: insight evidence frommalaysia. - international journal of accounting, auditing and performance evaluation. 355-377. |
mohd mohid rahmat, hanis amera mohd amin, norman mohd saleh. (2018). controlling shareholders networks and related party transactions: moderating role of director remuneration in malaysia. - jurnal pengurusan. . |
mohd mohid bin rahmat. (2018). audit committee, related party transactions and firm valuation: evidence from malaysia. - . . |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2018). accountability policy and practice in hybrid organisation. primary source evidence from indigenous markets in indonesia by denny andriana and julia a. smith. - . . |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2018). controlled companies and auditor-client relationship (acr): insight evidence from related party transactions (rpt) disclosure in malaysia. - . . |
mohd mohid rahmat, siti hajar asmah ali & norman mohd saleh. (2018). controlled companies and auditor-client relationship: insight evidence from conflicting related party transactions disclosure in malaysia. - accounting & accountability in emerging economies conference & emerging scholars colloquium 2018. . |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2018). pelaporan dan jurang maklumat korporat di malaysia. - . 36. |
helmy mohd daud, rosiati ramli, romlah jaffar, mohd mohid rahmat. (2018). siasatan cukai di malaysia: kajian penerokaan ke atas kes syarikat. - asian journal of accounting and governance. . |
mohd mohid rahmat, hanis amera mohd amin, norman mohd saleh. (2018). controlling shareholders proxy and multiple directorship insight evidence from related party transactions. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 37-50. |
mohd mohid rahmat, syaiful baharee jaafar. (2018). executive director remuneration and related party transactions (rpts): evidence from malaysia. - international journal of business and management science. . |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2018). are executive directors paid enough? insight evidence from conflicting related-party transactions. - the 9th international management and accounting conference. . |
syajarul imna mohd amin mohd mohid rahmat abdullah khairi mohd asri. (2018). board diversity, industry specificity and firm performance. - sintok international conference on social science and management (siconsem) 2018. . |
mohd mohid rahmat. (2017). grounded theory. - . 1-15. |
henny hazliza mohd tahir, romlah jaffar, zaleha abd shukor & mohd mohid rahmat. (2017). corporate governance efficiency, financial performance and the moderating roles of shariah board and shariah audit in islamic financial institutions (ifis): evidence from malaysian. - 5th asean international conference on islamic finance: issues, challenges, and future prospect of islamic banking & finance. . |
nooranita dain, mohd mohid rahmat. (2017). factors influencing public sector auditees on implementing audit recommendations. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-17. |
mohd mohid rahmat, nurhidayah nordin, syaima adznan. (2017). audit committee financial expertise (acfe) and rpt-conflict disclosure insight evidence from malaysia. - . 1-16. |
mohd mohid rahmat, nurhidayah nordin & syaima adznan. (2017). audit committee financial expertise and rpt-conflict disclosure: insight evidence from malaysia. - aib-anz research symposium & pdw workshop. . |
hanis amera mohd amin, mohd mohid rahmat & norman mohd saleh. (2017). controlling shareholders` network and related party transactions: moderating role of director remuneration in malaysia. - malaysia-indonesia international conference on economics, management and accounting 2017 (miicema 2017). . |
maizatulakma abdullah, zaleha abdul shukor, mohd mohid rahmat. (2017). the influences of risk management committee and audit committee towards voluntary risk management disclosure. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-20. |
siti hajar asmah ali, mohd mohid rahmat. (2016). controlling shareholders ownership and auditor-client relationship - evidence from related party transactions in malaysia. - academy of international business southeast asia regional conference. . |
mohd mohid rahmat, siti hajar asmah ali. (2016). do managers reappoint auditor for related party transactions - evidence from selected east asian countries. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-21. |
mohd mohid rahmat, siti hajar asmah ali, norman mohd saleh, zakiah muhammadum mohammed. (2016). auditor-client relationship (acr) in relation to controlled companies and conflicting related party transactions (rpt). - 8th international management and accounting conference (imac8), langkawi. 20-36. |
shabnam fazli aghghaleh, zakiah muhammadun mohamed & mohd mohid rahmat. (2016). detecting financial statement frauds in malaysia: comparing the abilities of beneish and dechow models. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 57-65. |
mohd mohid rahmat, siti hajar asmah ali & kamran ahmed. (2015). auditor reappointment and related party transactions: crosscountry evidence from east asia. - 27th asian-pacific conference on international accounting issues. 89. |
nadiah mohd hasan, mohd mohid rahmat, zakiah muhammadun mohamed. (2015). keberkesanan sistem kawalan dalaman, sokongan pengurusan atasan dan keberkesanan audit dalaman dalam sektor awam di malaysia. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-15. |
jaafar s.b., rahmat m.m., james k.. (2015). an empirical examination of the role of the remuneration committee in the relationship between board of directors and remuneration. - international journal of monetary economics and finance. 126-142. |
takiah mohd iskandar, mohd mohid rahmat. (2012). issues in audit quality : behavioural and market perspectives. - . Chapter 9 : 140-160. |
takiah mohd iskandar, mohd mohid rahmat, norazura mohd noor, norman mohd saleh, muhammad jahangir ali. (2011). corporate governance and going concern problems: evidence from malaysia. - international journal of corporate governance. 2(2):119-139. |
takiah mohd iskandar, norman mohd saleh & mohd mohid rahmat. (2010). jawatankuasa audit di malaysia: peranan dan cabaran. - . 232. |
mohd-mohid rahmat, takiah mohd iskandar, mohammad noor hisham osman. (2010). an analysis of audit fee premiums of the merged audit firm in malaysia. - american journal of finance and accounting. 2(2): 95-118. |
takiah mohd iskandar, mohd mohid rahmat, and hashanah ismail. (2010). the relationship between audit client satisfaction and audit quality attributes: case of malaysian listed companies. - international journal of economics and management. 4(1):155-180. |
takiah mohd iskandar dan mohd mohid rahmat. (2009). services management and marketing: studies in malaysia.. - . 251-273. |
takiah mohd iskandar, mohd mohid bin rahmat. (2009). the impact of smes audit exemption on audit service market in malaysia. - the 5th international management accounting conference. . |
rahmat m.m., iskandar t.m., saleh n.m.. (2009). audit committee characteristics in financially distressed and non-distressed companies. - managerial auditing journal. 24(7):624-638. |
hashanah ismail, takiah mohd. iskandar, mohd. mohid rahmat. (2008). corporate reporting quality, audit committee and quality of audit. - malaysian accounting review. 7(1):21-42. |
norman mohd saleh, takiah mohd iskandar and mohd mohid rahmat. (2007). audit committee characteristics and earnings management: evidence from malaysia. - asian review of accounting. 15(2):147-163. |
mohd-mohid rahmat, takiah mohd iskandar dan mohd noorhisham osman. (2007). an analysis of audit fee premiums of the merged audit firm. - 2007 afaanz conference, gold coast, quensland australia.. . |
norman mohd saleh, takiah mohd iskandar, mohd mohid rahmat. (2005). avoidance of reported earnings decreases and losses: evidence from malaysia. - malaysian accounting review. 4(1):25-37. |
mohd mohid rahmat and takiah mohd iskandar. (2004). audit fee premiums from brand name, industry specialization and industry leadership: a study of the post big 6 merger in malaysia. - asian review of accounting. 12(2): 1-24. |