Penerbitan Terkini

ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;.  (2023).  reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset).  -

nor kamaliana binti khamis;mohamad hanif bin md saad;rizauddin bin ramli;mohd faizal bin mat tahir.  (2023).  development of safety index related to occupational environmental stress among industrial workers.  -

karrar h. al-waeli, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zuliani binti zulkoffli.  (2023).  development of gait rehabilitation devices: a review of the literature.  - mechanical engineering journal.  1-14. 

dzuraidah binti abd wahab;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;rizauddin bin ramli;hawa binti hishamuddin;abdul hadi bin azman.  (2023).  analysis of geometric complexities and design configuration for restoration of remanufacturable components using additive manufacturing..  -

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli and ahmad barari.  (2023).  optimally initialized model reference adaptive controller of wearable lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton.  - mathematics.  1-14. 

rina tasia johari, rizauddin ramli, zuliani zulkoffli, nizaroyani saibani.  (2023).  mywsl: malaysian words sign language dataset.  - data in brief.  1-7. 

jaharah a ghani, yan guoliang, nurul nadia nor hamran, pin han yap, haniff abdul rahman, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, rizauddin ramli, jing ni, u.mohammed iqbal.  (2023).  simulation study of the parameters that affecting the droplets size produced in a minimum quantity lubrication (mql) system using a computational fluid dynamic (cfd).  - jurnal tribologi.  116-126. 

rina tasia johari, rizauddin ramli, zuliani zulkoffli & nizaroyani saibani.  (2023).  a systematic literature review on vision-based hand gesture for sign language translation.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  287-302. 

zambri harun, zulkhairi zainol abidin, abdul hadi azman, rizauddin ramli, hashimah hashim, firdaus mohamad hamzah.  (2023).  cabaran dalam pembelajaran universiti di malaysia semasa tempoh peralihan covid-19.  - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2023.  82-85. 

meor iqram meor ahmad, zainuddin sajuri, zambri harun, rizauddin ramli, wan fathul hakim wan zamri, abdul hadi azman, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, mohd anas mohd sabri, norhidayah mat taib.  (2023).  pemantauan prestasi akademik pelajar bagi jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal dan pembuatan (jkmp) ukm berdasarkan sistem ihpp.  - persidangan penyelidikan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2023 (peka 2023).  143-146. 

wan fathul hakim w zamri, mariyam jameelah ghazali, zambri harun, rizauddin ramli, nuryazmin ahmat zainuri.  (2023).  transformasi rubrik penilaian pembentangan pelajar melalui pengenalan sistem pengesanan emosi.  - persidangan penyelidikan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2023 (peka 2023).  1-18. 

wan fathul hakim w zamri, mariyam jameelah ghazali, zambri harun, rizauddin ramli, nuryazmin ahmat zainuri.  (2023).  transformasi rubrik penilaian pembentangan pelajar melalui pengenalan sistem pengesanan emosi.  - persidangan penyelidikan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2023 (peka 2023).  150-153. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli and aiman hakimi faizal.  (2023).  simultaneous localization and mapping and tag-based navigation for unmanned aerial vehicles.  - the international journal of integrated engineering.  225-232. 

nurul nadia nor hamran, jaharah a ghani, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, rizauddin ramli, u. mohammed iqbal.  (2023).  utilization of taguchi method in screening significant factors affecting spray droplets in minimum quantity lubricant using computational fluid dynamic.  - jurnal tribologi.  19-28. 

meor iqram meor ahmad*, zainuddin sajuri, zambri harun, rizauddin ramli, wan fathul hakim wan zamri, abdul hadi azman, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir dan mohd anas mohd sabri.  (2023).  pemantauan prestasi akademik pelajar bagi jkmp ukm berdasarkan sistem ihpp.  - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka) 2023.  1-13. 

dzuraidah binti abd wahab;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;rizauddin bin ramli;abdul hadi bin azman.  (2022).  designing remanufacturable cores for repair and restoration using additive manufacturing technology.  -

salehen nur qomari, muhammad haris mohd nazarudin, siti nabiha saanon, aina mardhiah khairul lizam, kai yan kwa, yin sheng ng, jun kit chaw, mohamad hanif md saad, rizauddin ramli, zulfadli saifun.  (2022).  visualization of time-series data by using the wise-paas cloud platform.  - interaksi 2022 proceeding.  76-81. 

dzuraidah binti abd. wahab;rizauddin bin ramli.  (2022).  kelestarian hayat komponen automotif: strategi untuk penaiktarafan.  -

rizauddin bin ramli;mohd faisal bin ibrahim.  (2022).  autonomous uav with simultaneous localization and mapping(slam) for oil and gas industry.  -

k. danesh narooei and r. ramli.  (2022).  optimal selection of cutting parameters for surface roughness in milling machining of aa6061-t6.  - international journal of engineering.  1170-1177. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli.  (2022).  offline tuning mechanism of joint angular controller for lower-limb exoskeletonwith adaptive biogeographical-based optimization.  - turkish journal of electrical engineering and computer sciences.  1654-1676. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli, norazam aliman.  (2022).  adaptive swarm fuzzy logic controller of multi-joint lower limb assistive robot.  - machines.  1-20. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli.  (2022).  utilisation of initialised observation scheme for multi-joint robotic arm in lyapunov-based adaptive control strategy.  - mathematics.  1-14. 

meor iqram meor ahmad, zainuddin sajuri, zambri harun, rizauddin ramli, wan fathul hakim wan zamri, abdul hadi azman, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, mohd anas mohd sabri.  (2022).  pelaksanaan sistem ihpp sebagai kaedah pengukuran dan penilaian hasil pembelajaran: jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal dan pembuatan ukm.  - knovasi 2022 ukm.  116-119. 

meor iqram meor ahmad, zainuddin sajuri , zambri harun, rizauddin ramli, wan fathul hakim wan zamri , abdul hadi azman, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, mohd anas mohd sabri.  (2022).  pelaksanaan sistem ihpp sebagai kaedah pengukuran dan penilaian hasil pembelajaran: jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal dan pembuatan ukm.  - knovasi 2022 ukm.  116-119. 

jaharah bt. a ghani;che hassan bin che haron;manal binti ismail;rizauddin bin ramli;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri.  (2022).  development of a nano-scale mql system to enhance the performance of cutting fluids in machining process.  -

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli.  (2022).  visual navigation system for autonomous drone using fiducial marker detection.  - international journal of advanced computer science and applications.  683-690. 

norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohammad soleimani amiri, mien van.  (2022).  a robust adaptive-fuzzy-proportional-derivative controller for a rehabilitation lower limb exoskeleton.  - engineering science and technology, an international journal.  1-14. 

muhamad alias md. jedi, dzuraidah abd wahab, rizauddin ramli, mohd faizal mat tahir, azhari shamsudeen.  (2022).  recar 2022.  - 6th international conference on recent advances in automotive engineering & mobility research 2022 (recar 2022), book of abstracts.  1-40. 

mohammad nor fadly amar, dzuraidah abd. wahab, shahrum abdullah, rizauddin ramli.  (2022).  investigation into magnetic flux density effect on stator-rotor arrangement of neodymium magnet in cylindrical configuration.  - international journal of mechanical engineering.  548-554. 

chang chen, jiteng sun, long wang, guojin chen, ming xu, jing ni, rizauddin ramli, shaohui su, changyong chu.  (2022).  pneumatic bionic hand with rigid-flexible coupling structure.  - materials.  1-17. 

norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris.  (2021).  conceptual design of mechatronic products using pds-triz.  - international journal of product development.  303-326. 

muhammad akmal ahmad, seri mastura mustaza, siti salasiah mokri, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, rizauddin ramli, wan nordiana w abd rahman, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni.  (2021).  development of a 3d printed motion mechanism for a 4d respiratory motion phantom.  - 2020 ieee-embs conference on biomedical engineering and sciences (iecbes).  132-135. 

norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed hris.  (2021).  teknologi logik kabur dalam robotik rehabilitasi.  - 236. 

a. a. abd. rahni, s. m. mustaza, s. s. mokri, n. a. azmi, r. ahmad, r. ramli, w. n. wan abdul rahman.  (2021).  design of a 3d printed respiratory motion thoracic phantom.  - ieee nuclear science symposium/medical imaging conference.  -. 

mohd faisal ibrahim, noor azuddin yakob, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, noorfazila kamal, aqilah baseri huddin, seri mastura mustaza, iskandar yahya, nasharuddin zainal, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, rizauddin ramli, akmal sabarudin, & norngainy mohd tawil.  (2021).  technomation: bengkel keusahawanan teknologi automasi dan pementoran digital dalam talian.  - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2021 evolusi ke arah pembelajaran tanpa sempadan: langkah kehadapan.  123-126. 

hawa binti hishamuddin;nizaroyani binti saibani;dzuraidah binti abd. wahab;rizauddin bin ramli.  (2021).  real-time decision support system for the remanufacturing supply chain in the presence of disruption risks.  -

karrar h. al-waeli, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zuliani binti zulkoffli, mohammad soleimani amiri.  (2021).  offline ann-pid controller tuning on a multi-joints lower limb exoskeleton for gait rehabilitation.  - ieee access.  7360-7374. 

k. jafri, rizauddin ramli, abdul hadi azman.  (2021).  development of evaluation method for geometrical tolerance value of positional characteristic in rotational shaft.  - journal of engineering science and technology.  2464-2486. 

nor afandi sharif, rizauddin ramli, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad soleimani amiri, abdullah zawawi mohamed, khairulbadri ahmad.  (2021).  magnetic flux leakage (mfl) defect characterization using i-kaz statistical analysis for non-destructive test (ndt) application.  - journal of engineering science and technology.  3015-3024. 

norazam aliman, rizauddinramli, and sallehuddin mohamed haris.  (2021).  hybrid design of model reference adaptive controller and pid controller for lower limb exoskeleton application.  - 3rd symposium on intelligent manufacturing and mechatronics (symposimm 2020).  539-553. 

nurhasyimah abd aziz, dzuraidah abd wahab, rizauddin ramli.  (2021).  kelestarian hayat komponen automotif: strategi penaiktarafan.  - 225. 

mohammad soleimani amiri and rizauddin ramli.  (2021).  intelligent trajectory tracking behavior of a multi-joint robotic arm via genetic-swarm optimization for the inverse kinematic solution.  - sensors.  1-18. 

k. jafri, r. ramli, a. h. azman.  (2020).  optimisation and reliability for geometrical tolerance value against positional characteristic in rotational shaft system.  - international journal of recent technology and engineering.  3713-3722. 

n.n. nor hamran, j.a. ghani, r. ramli, c.h. che haron.  (2020).  a review on recent development of minimum quantity lubrication for sustainable machining.  - journal of cleaner production.  1-18. 

zainuddin bin sajuri;mastor bin surat;mazlan bin mohd tahir;rizauddin bin ramli;nor haslina binti ja`afar.  (2020).  mereka bentuk dan membina purwarupa kediaman bagi tujuan mendapatkan tajaan dana untuk pembinaan kediaman sementara bagi mangsa banjir.  -

mohd. zaidi bin omar;che hassan bin che haron;rizauddin bin ramli;wan aizon bin w ghopa.  (2020).  mechanical integrity and machinability of cast and thixoformed al-si-mg novel aluminium alloys.  -

mohamad hanif bin md saad;aini bt. hussain;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;rizauddin bin ramli;mohd asyraf bin zulkifley.  (2020).  design and implementation of a parallelized complex event processing platform for internet of things application.  -

rizauddin bin ramli;nordin bin jamaludin;abdullah zawawi bin mohamed.  (2020).  development of inspection mobile robot for storage tank floor in oil and gas industry.  -

k.jafri, rizauddin ramli, abdul hadi azman.  (2020).  comparison of geometrical characteristics against rotating shaft vibration.  - jurnal teknologi.  121-130. 

k. jafri, r. rizauddin, a. h. azman.  (2020).  geometric tolerance applications and analysis method in rotational mechanical components.  - international journal of recent technology and engineering.  1366-1379. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, mohd faisal ibrahim, rizauddin ramli.  (2020).  optimal parameter estimation for a dc motor using genetic algorithm.  - international journal of power electronics and drive systems.  1047-1054. 

alex tan choo kwok, rizauddin ramli,zuliani zulkoffli.  (2020).  study on multi resolution and depth information in partial stereo image registration scene using outer box method.  - solid state technology.  9575-9582. 

lim kang yu, rizauddin ramli and ,zuliani zulkoffli.  (2020).  multiple-object detection using feature-based method in manufacturing line inspection.  - solid state technology.  9562-9574. 

haslina abdullah, rizauddin ramli, dzuraidah abd. wahab.  (2020).  effect of contour interval on minimization of tool path length in pocket milling process.  - journal of engineering science and technology.  3502-3513. 

noraida azura md darom, hawa hishamuddin, rizauddin ramli, zulkifli mohd nopiah, ruhul a sarker.  (2020).  investigation of disruption management practices and environmental impact on malaysian automotive supply chains: a case study approach.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  341-348. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli, mohd faisal ibrahim.  (2020).  genetically optimized parameter estimation of mathematical model for multi-joints hip-knee exoskeleton.  - robotics and autonomous systems.  1-10. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli, mohd aizat ahmad tarmizi, mohd faisal ibrahim & khashayar danesh narooei.  (2020).  simulation and control of a six degree of freedom lower limb exoskeleton.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  197-204. 

nor afandi sharif, rizauddin ramli, mohd zaki nuawi, khairulbadri ahmad.  (2020).  characterization of defect for magnetic flux leakage in non-destructive test using i-kaz.  - international journal of recent technology and engineering.  881-886. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli, mohd faisal ibrahim, dzuraidah abd wahab and norazam aliman.  (2020).  adaptive particle swarm optimization of pid gain tuning for lower-limb human exoskeleton in virtual environment.  - mathematics.  1-16. 

mohammad nor fadly amar, dzuraidah abd wahab, rizauddin ramli, shahrum abdullah.  (2020).  perpetual motion machine as an alternative energy source for environmental sustainability: a review of its past and future outlook.  - solid state technology.  1594-1617. 

nor afandi sharif, rizauddin ramli, mohd zaki nuawi & abdullah zawawi mohamed.  (2020).  theory and development of magnetic flux leakage sensor for flaws detection: a review.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  29-39. 

khairul anuar juhari, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zunaidi ibrahim & abdullah zawawi mohamed.  (2020).  development of floor mapping mobile robot algorithm using enhanced artificial neuro-based slam (anbs).  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  59-64. 

haslina abdullah, sharifah fitri shafia syed lokman, rizauddin ramli, mohamad shukri zakaria.  (2020).  milling optimization based on genetic algorithm and conventional method.  - journal of advanced research in dynamical and control systems.  1179-1186. 

k. jafri, r. ramli, a. h. azman.  (2020).  the effect of vibration against geometrical characteristics for rotation shaft system.  - international journal of recent technology and engineering.  262-266. 

norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, and sallehuddin mohamed haris.  (2019).  design of locomotive lower limb exoskeleton with malaysian anthropometric characteristics.  - international journal of mechanical engineering and robotics research. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli and mohd faisal ibrahim.  (2019).  simulation and control of a six degree of freedom lower limb exoskeleton.  - 6th international conference on advanced processes and systems in manufacturing(apsim2019).  12. 

khairul anuar juhari, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, abdullah zawawi mohamed.  (2019).  development of floor mapping mobile robot algorithm using enhanced artificial neuro-based slam (anbs).  - 6th international conference on advanced processes and systems in manufacturing.  14. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli, mohd faisal ibrahim.  (2019).  initialized model reference adaptive control for lower limb exoskeleton.  - ieee access.  16721-16722. 

mohammad soleimani amiri, rizauddin ramli, mohd faisal ibrahim.  (2019).  hybrid design of pid controller for four dof lower limb exoskeleton.  - applied mathematical modelling.  17-27. 

zambri harun, rizauddin ramli, mohd zaki nuawi, nashrah hani, dzuraidah abd wahab.  (2019).  correlation between soft skill attainments and academic achievements among students of the mechanical engineering programme at ukm.  - prosiding peka 2018.  47-49. 

noraida azura darom, hawa hishamuddin, rizauddin ramli, zulkifli mat nopiah.  (2018).  an inventory model of supply chain disruption recovery with safety stock and carbon emission consideration.  - journal of cleaner production. 

norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris.  (2018).  modeling and co-simulation of actuator control for lower limb exoskeleton.  - 2018 3rd international conference on control and robotics engineering(iccre). 

noraida azura md darom, hawa hishamuddin, rizauddin ramli, zulkifli mat nopiah, ruhul a sarker.  (2018).  an integrated vendor-buyer model subject to supply disruption with transportation cost.  - journal of mechanical engineering. 

nizaroyani binti saibani;dzuraidah binti abd. wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;mohd nizam bin ab rahman.  (2018).  criteria mapping of psychomotor domain and production and operations management (pom) concepts in teaching, learning and industrial training.  -

khashayar danesh narooei, rizauddin ramli, hawa hishamuddin, shahla pasla, salah alden ghasim,i mehran tamjidy.  (2018).  tool path of air time motion in pocket milling by biogeography-based optimization (bbo).  - international journal of engineering & technology. 

jafri kassim, rizauddin ramli, abdul hadi azman.  (2018).  a review on geometrical tolerance applications in the automotive industry.  - jurnal kejuruteraan (journal of engineering). 

n. m. m. rasidi, s.abdullah, d.a.wahab, r.ramli, r.m.yassin.  (2018).  assessing technique applicability towards ideation taxonomy for engineering design concept.  - journal of mechanical engineering. 

norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli and sallehuddin mohamed haris.  (2018).  design of locomotive lower limb exoskeleton with malaysian anthropometric characteristics.  - 2018 international conference on mechanical engineering and design.  141-146. 

rostam salleh, sallehudin mohamed haris, rizauddin ramli.  (2018).  early fire detection and classification using support machines (svm).  - journal of advanced research in dynamical & control systems. 

rostam salleh, sallehudin mohamed haris, rizauddin ramli.  (2018).  approach fire size classification using artificial neural network (ann).  - journal of advanced research in dynamical & control systems. 

salah alden ghasimi, rizauddin ramli, nizaroyani saibani, khashayar danesh narooei.  (2018).  an uncertain mathematical model to maximize profit of the defective goods supply chain by selecting appropriate suppliers.  - journal of intelligent manufacturing. 

nor mahani md rasidi, shahrum abdullah, dzuraidah abd wahab, rizzauddin ramli dan ruhizan mohammad yasin.  (2017).  pemilihan teknik penjanaan idea konsep bagi kursus reka bentuk kejuruteraan.  - prosiding k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina) 2017.  251-278. 

hafizah husain, nasharuddin zainal, rizauddin ramli, noorfazila kamal, iskandar yahya & mohd faisal ibrahim.  (2017).  inovasi melalui arduino.  - 167. 

haslina abdullah, rizauddin ramli, dzuraidah abd wahab, jaber abu qudeiri.  (2017).  comparative study of non-productive tool path length for contour parallel machining.  - journal of mechanical engineering.  211-220. 

noraida azura md darom, hawa hishamuddin ,rizauddin ramli & zulkifli mat nopiah.  (2017).  an inventory recovery model of a two stage supply chain system subject to supply disruption with safety stock consideration.  - recar 2017 international conference on recent advances in automotive engineering and mobility research. 

norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris.  (2017).  design and development of lower limb exoskeletons: a survey.  - robotics and autonomous systems.  102-116. 

nurhasyimah abd aziz, dzuraidah abd wahab & rizauddin ramli.  (2017).  sustainable design and manufacturing 2017.  - 11. 

haslina abdullah, rizauddin ramli, dzuraidah abd wahab.  (2017).  tool path length optimisation of contour parallel milling based on modified ant colony optimisation.  - the international journal of advanced manufacturing technology.  1-14. 

haris jamaluddin, jaharah a. ghani, baba md deros, mohd nizam ab rahman and rizauddin ramli.  (2016).  quality improvement using taguchi method in shot blasting process.  - journal of mechanical engineering and sciences.  2201-2214. 

ibrahim, m. z., ab rahman, m. n., mohammad yasin, r., ramli, r. and awheda, a..  (2016).  customer focus practice among skills training institutions in malaysia and the performance of organisations.  - pertanika journal of social sciences & humanities.  205-218. 

haslina abdullah, rizauddin ramli, dzuraidah abd wahab, jaber abu qudeiri.  (2016).  tool part generation of contour parallel based on ant colony optimisation.  - jurnal teknologi.  31-36. 

mohd aizat ahmad tarmizi, rizauddin ramli and sallehuddin mohamed haris.  (2016).  trajectory planning and simulation of 4-dof reciprocating gait orthosis.  - contemporary engineering sciences.  1297-1304. 

nurhasyimah abd aziz, dzuraidah abd wahab, rizauddin ramli.  (2016).  evaluating design for upgradability at the conceptual design stage.  - jurnal teknologi.  37-43. 

n.a. aziz, d.a. wahab, r. ramli, c.h. azhari.  (2016).  modelling and optimisation of upgradability in the design of multiple life cycle products: a critical review.  - journal of cleaner production.  282-290. 

haslina abdullah, rizauddin ramli, dzuraidah abd wahab and jaber abu qudeiri.  (2016).  minimizing machining airtime motion with an ant colony algorithm.  - icic express letters.  161-165. 

abdulghadar awheda mohd nizam ab rahman rizauddin ramli haslina arshad.  (2016).  factors related to supply chain network members in smes.  - journal of manufacturing technology management.  312 - 335. 

n. m. m. rasidi, s. abdullah, d. a. wahab, r. ramli, m. r. a. mansor and r. m. yasin.  (2016).  generation of idea for product innovation in design course.  - man in india.  411-418. 

muhammad idham sabtu, nizaroyani saibani, rizauddin ramli, mohd nizam ab rahman.  (2015).  multi-criteria decision making for reverse logistic contractor selection in e-waste recycling industry using polytomous rasch model.  - jurnal teknologi.  119-125. 

rizauddin ramli, haslina abdullah, dzuraidah abd wahab and jaber abu qudeiri.  (2015).  simulation of complex pocket shape using ant colony optimization.  - 3rd international conference on recent advances in automotive engineering & mobility research (recar 2015). 

zairulazha zainal, rizauddin ramli, mohd marzuki mustafa.  (2015).  angle discrete interval selection technique (adist) on optical flowvectors in estimating orientation of vision system.  - icic express letters.  817-822. 

jafri kassim, rizauddin ramli and shahrum abdullah.  (2015).  review on geometrical tolerance applications and contribution in automotive industry.  - 3rd international conference on recent advances in automotive engineering & mobility research (recar 2015). 

rizauddin bin ramli, mohd. marzuki bin mustafa, hafizah bt. husain, sallehuddin bin mohamed haris, dzuraidah binti abd. wahab, abdul yazid bin mohd kassim.  (2015).  stability control of active lower extremity orthotic manipulator for neurorehabilitation.  -

haslina abdullah, rizauddin ramli, dzuraidah abd wahab and jaber abu qudeiri.  (2015).  tool path generation of contour parallel based on ant colony optimization.  - 3rd international conference on recent advances in automotive engineering & mobility research (recar 2015). 

rizauddin ramli, haslina abdullah, dzuraidah abd wahab and jaber abu qudeiri.  (2015).  optimization of airtime motion for contour parallel machining.  - malaysia japan joint international conference 2015. 

haslina abdullah, rizauddin ramli, dzuraidah abd wahab, jaber abu qudeiri.  (2015).  simulation approach of cutting tool movement using artificial intelligence method.  - journal of engineering science and technology.  35-44. 

wan fathul hakim w. zamri, dzuraidah abd wahab, rizauddin ramli & shahrum abdullah.  (2015).  penglibatan pelajar jabatan kejuruteraan mekanik dan bahan (jkmb) dalam program perkhemahan reka bentuk pelbagai disiplin.  - karnival inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran (k-novasi) ukm - pingat perak. 

sallehuddin bin mohamed haris, mohd. zaki bin nuawi, rizauddin bin ramli.  (2015).  development of a multiple adaptive control design framework using algebraic polynomial spectral factorization for vehicles under variable loading conditions.  -

wan fathul hakim w. zamri, abu bakar sulong,rizauddin ramli, nor kamaliana khamis, hawa hishamuddin, shahrum abdullah.  (2014).  maklumbalas alumni terhadap keberkesanan program kejuruteraan pembuatan di ukm.  - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka 2013). 

j. johari, d.a. wahab, r. ramli.  (2014).  an integrated approach in designing modularity for end-of life vehicle recovery.  - asian journal of applied sciences.  546-553. 

salah alden ghasimi, rizauddin ramli and nizaroyani saibani.  (2014).  a genetic algorithm for optimizing defective goods supply chain costs using jit logistics and each-cycle lengths.  - applied mathematical modelling.  38(2014):1534-1547. 

khashayar danesh narooei and rizauddin ramli.  (2014).  new approaches in tool path optimization of cnc machining: a review.  - applied mechanics and materials.  657-661. 

khashayar danesh narooei, rizauddin ramli, mohd nizam abd rahman, fathiyyah iberahim and jaber abu qudeiri.  (2014).  tool routing path optimization for multi-hole drilling based on ant colony optimization.  - world applied sciences journal.  1894-1898. 

khashayar danesh narooei and rizauddin ramli.  (2014).  application of artificial intelligence methods of tool path optimization in cnc machines: a review.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  746-754. 

wan fathul hakim w. zamri, abu bakar sulong, rizauddinramli, nor kamaliana khamis, hawa hishamuddin, zaliha wahid, shahrum abdullah.  (2014).  pengukuran keberkesanan program kejuruteraan pembuatan di ukm menggunakan model rasch.  - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka 2013) / pusat penyelidikan kejuruteraan, fkab, ukm.. 

suhartini mohd jainury, rizauddin ramli, mohd nizam ab rahman, azhari omar.  (2014).  integrated set parts supply system in a mixed-model assembly line.  - computers & industrial engineering.  266-273. 

zairulazha zainal, rizauddin ramli and mohd marzuki mustafa.  (2013).  grey-level cooccurrence matrix performance evaluation for heading angle estimation of moveable vision system in static environment.  - journal of sensors.  2013:Article ID 624670. 

salah alden ghasimi, rizauddin ramli and nizaroyani saibani.  (2013).  improvement of inventory control for defective goods supply chain by available time limitation of the production facilities.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  5(21):5090-5096. 

r.zulkifli, m.m.mustafa, s.abdullah, w.m.f. w.mahmood, a. ariffin, z. harun, n. jamaluddin, m. j. ghazali, n. saibani, r. ramli, z. z. abidin, f.m. tahir, m. a. m. sobri, a. shamsuddeen, z. m. nopiah.  (2013).  benefits of participating in national and international automotive challenge for ukm engineering students.  - international conference on engineering education (icee) 2013. 

salah alden ghasimi, rizauddin ramli and nizaroyani saibani.  (2013).  improvement of inventory control for defective goods supply chain with imperfect quality of commodity components in uncertain state.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  6(11):1920-1927. 

suhartini mohd jainury, rizauddin ramli, mohd nizam ab rahman and azhari omar.  (2013).  design concepts in set parts supply implementation.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  6(19):3682-3685. 

nazirah ramli, daud mohamad, rizauddin ramli.  (2013).  fuzzy risk analysis based on ochiai ranking index with hurwicz criterion for generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.  - applied mathematical science.  7(134):6669-6682. 

mohd aizat ahmad tarmizi, rizauddin ramli,mohd faizol abdullah, phun li teng & sallehuddin mohamed haris.  (2013).  control system development for one-side hip-knee joint of reciprocating gait orthosis.  - intelligent robotics systems: inspiring the next. 

zairulazha zainal, rizauddin ramli and mohd marzuki mustafa.  (2013).  optical flow vectors thresholding in assisting heading direction estimation.  - applied mechanics and materials. 

zairulazha zainal, rizauddin ramli and mohd marzuki mustafa.  (2012).  heading direction anticipation using visual feedback system.  - 2012 ieee control and system graduate research colloquium, uitm, shah alam, malaysia. 

suhartini mohd jainury, rizauddin ramli,mohd nizam abd rahman,jaharah abd ghani, dzuraidah abd wahab and azhari omar.  (2012).  implementation of set parts system in malaysian automotive industry.  - proceedings of the 2012 international conference on industrial engineering and operations management istanbul, turkey,. 

salah alden ghasimi, rizauddin ramli, jaharah abd ghani and nizaroyani saibani.  (2012).  inventory control for defective goods supply chain by determination of production period length.  - proceedings of the 2012 international conference on industrial engineering and operations management. istanbul, turkey,. 

jaharah a. ghani, haris jamaluddin, rizauddin ramli, mohd nizam ab rahman, baba md deros and che hassan che haron.  (2012).  doe insolving industrial problem: case study of the application of taguchi method in riveting process.  - proceedings of the 2012 international conference on industrial engineering and operations management,istanbul turkey. 

rizauddin ramli and mohammad nizam arffin.  (2012).  reliability centered maintenance in schedule improvement of automotive assembly industry.  - american journal of applied sciences.  9(8):1232-1236. 

rizauddin ramli, dzuraidah abd wahab, jaharah abd ghani and raime m. zain.  (2012).  a comparison of lifted lead defect inspection system for surface mount technology.  - journal of scientific and industrial research.  71(5):330-333. 

t.f. go, d.a. wahab, m.n.ab. rahman r. ramli, a. hussain.  (2012).  genetically optimised disassembly sequence for automotive component reuse.  - expert systems with applications.  39(5):5409-5417. 

zairulazha zainal, rizauddin ramli and mohd marzuki mustafa.  (2012).  improved heading direction interpretion via optical flow using selected region of interest.  - procedia engineering.  41(2012):1298-1306. 

rizauddin ramli, roazam ahmad, jaharah abd ghani.  (2012).  kerf width optimization in wire-cut electrical discharge machine by using taguchi method.  - jurnal teknologi (sciences & engineering).  59:207-211. 

salah alden ghasimi, rizauddin ramli, nizaroyani saibani.  (2012).  modeling of supply chain for defective goods using jit-logistics.  - jurnal teknologi (sciences and engineering).  59(2):41-45. 

rozli zulkifli, mohd marzuki mustafa, shahrum abdullah, w.m.f. wan mahmood, a. ariffin, z. harun, m. j. ghazali, n. saibani, r. ramli, z.z. abidin, f.m. tahir, m.a. mohd sabri & a. shamsuddeen.  (2012).  persepsi pelajar fakulti kejuruteraan dan alam bina terhadap manfaat menyertai pertandingan automotif peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa.  - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran 2012 - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2012. 

suhartini mohd jainury, rizauddin ramli, mohd nizam ab rahman, azhari omar.  (2012).  an implementation of set parts supply system in the malaysian automotive industry.  - jurnal teknologi (sciences & engineering).  59(2):19-24. 

wan mohd faizal w.m., mohd anas m.s., mohd faizal m.t., azli a., rozli z., nordin j., sallehuddin m.h., rizauddin r., shahrum a., shahrir a. and azhari s..  (2012).  car body and chassis development of ukm carevo for perodua eco-challenge 2011.  - regional conference on automotive research, recar 2011;kuala lumpur (applied mechanics and materials). 

nasharuddin zainal, khairul anuar ishak, rizauddin ramli, hafizah husain, mohd marzuki mustafa.  (2011).  nurturing innovative culture among mentors and school students through "microcontroller school mentoring project".  - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka. 

t.f. go, d.a. wahab, m.n. ab. rahman, r. ramli, c.h. azhari.  (2011).  disassemblability of end-of-life vehicle: a critical review of evaluation methods.  - journal of cleaner production.  19(13):1536-1546. 

z. effendi, r. ramli and j.a. ghani.  (2011).  application of back propagation diagnostic model for fruit maturity classification: case jatropha curcas.  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  5(3):134-140. 

d.a. wahab, t.f. go, r. ramli and m.n. ab. rahman.  (2011).  optimisation of disassembly sequence for end-of-life automotive components.  - 21st international conference on flexible automation and intelligent manufacturing. 

rosadah abd majid, siti fatimah mohd yassin, nurakmal goh abdullah, rizauddin ramli, siti aishah hassan, mohd nor bin latiff and noriah mohd ishak.  (2011).  project-based learning for academically talented students at a math and science camp.  - world applied sciences journal.  14:1-5. 

jaharah a. ghani, muhammad rizal, ahmad sayuti, mohd zaki nuawi, rizauddin ramli, baba deros, che hassan che haron.  (2011).  online tool wear monitoring using portable digital assistant (pda).  - international journal of the physical sciences.  6(16):3952-3957. 

johari j., wahab d.a., sahari j., abdullah s., ramli r., yassin r.m., muhamad n..  (2011).  systematic infusion of creativity in engineering design courses.  - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka. 

suhartini mohd jainury, rizauddin ramli, mohd nizam ab rahman, azhari omar.  (2011).  set parts supply system in the malaysian automotive industry.  - 2011 advanced processes and systems in manufacturing (apsim2011). 

rizauddin ramli, roazam ahmad.  (2011).  optimization of kerf width in wire-cut electro discharge machine with taguchi method.  - 2011 advanced processes and systems in manufacturing (apsim2011). 

salah alden ghasimi , rizauddin ramli , nizaroyani saibani and isa nakhai kamalabadi.  (2011).  modeling of supply chain for defective goods using jit- logistic.  - 2011 advanced processes and systems in manufacturing (apsim2011). 

rizauddin ramli, melor md yunus and noriah mohd ishak.  (2011).  robotic teaching for malaysian gifted enrichment program.  - 3rd world conference on educational sciences, wces-2011;istanbul- (procedia social and behavioral sciences). 

junaidi syarif, yan pratama detak and rizauddin ramli.  (2010).  modeling of correlation between heat treatment and mechanical properties of ti-6al-4v alloy using feed forward back propagation neural network.  - isij international.  50(11):1689-1694. 

go, t.f., wahab, d.a., ab. rahman, m.n, ramli, r..  (2010).  optimisation of disassembly sequence for reuse using genetic algorithms.  - international conference on design and concurrent engineering (idecon 2010). 

nasharuddin zainal, khairul anuar ishak, rizauddin ramli,
hafizah husain dan mohd. marzuki mustafa.  (2010).  penerapan budaya inovasi mentor dan pelajar sekolah menengah melalui ?microcontroller school mentoring project?.  - prosiding seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2010 (peka2010) sempena kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2010. 

abu bakar sulong, muhammad ilman hakimi, mohd fazuri abdullah, san wei koon, nor hamdan nor yahya, rizauddin ramli.  (2010).  design approach for jig in computer assisted total knee replacement surgery.  - key engineering materials. 

z. effendi, r. ramli and j.a. ghani.  (2010).  a back propagation neural networks for grading jatropha curcas fruits maturity.  - american journal of applied sciences.  7(3):390-394. 

y.p detak, j. syarif and r. ramli.  (2010).  prediction of mechanical properties of ti-6al-4v using neural network.  - proceeding of international conference on processing and manufacturing of advanced materials 2009. 

rizauddin ramli, melor md. yunus and noriah mohd ishak.  (2010).  experience of robotic teaching for malaysian gifted enrichment program at permatapintar.  - 9th wseas international conference on education and educational technology(edu'10). 

jaharah a. ghani, muhammad rizal, mohd zaki nuawi, che hasan che haron, and rizauddin ramlia.  (2010).  iaeng transactions on engineering technologies volume 5.  - 249-260. 

go, t.f., wahab, d.a., ab. rahman, m.n., ramli, r. and azhari, c.h..  (2010).  disassembly for reuse: implementation in the malaysian automotive industry.  - australian journal of basic and applied sciences.  4(10):4569-4575. 

t.f. go, d.a. wahab, m.n. ab. rahman and r. ramli.  (2010).  a design framework for end-of-life vehicles recovery: optimization of disassembly sequence using genetic algorithms.  - american journal of environmental sciences.  6(4):350-356. 

detak yan pratama, syari junaidi and ramli r..  (2010).  prediction of mechanical properties of ti-6al-4v using neural network.  - advanced materials research. 

jaharah a. ghani, muhammad rizal, mohd zaki nuawi, che hassan che haron, rizauddin ramli.  (2010).  statistical analysis for detection cutting tool wear based on regression model.  - proceedings of the international multiconference of engineers and computer scientists imecs 2010. 

melor md. yunus, chua pei lin, maimun aqsha lubis, rizauddin ramli.  (2010).  evaluation of ict usage for general or english learning purposes.  - 9th wseas international conference on education and educational technology (edu '10). 

ramli r., yamamoto h..  (2010).  real-time control of parts input in flexible production systems by the pattern classification and analogy process.  - international journal of product development.  10(3-Jan):3-25. 

juridah johari, dzuraidah abd wahab, jaafar sahari, shahrum abdullah, rizauddin ramli, ruhizan mohd yassin dan norhamidi muhamad.  (2010).  penerapan daya cipta secara sistematik dalam kursus berteraskan reka bentuk.  - prosiding seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2010 (peka2010) sempena kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2010. 

rizauddin ramli, hidehiko yamamoto and jaber abu qudeiri.  (2009).  hypothetical reasoning approach for automated guided vehicle action decision in autonomous decentralised flexible manufacturing systems.  - int. journal of intelligent systems technologies and applications(ijista).  7(2): 171-187. 

zulham effendi, rizauddin ramli, jaharah a. ghani and zahira yaakob.  (2009).  jatropha curcas fruits recognition system by using neural networks.  - seminar iii advanced manufacturing research group 2009 (amreg 09), uniten kajang, 29 july 2009. 

zulham effendi, rizauddin ramli and jaharah abdul ghani.  (2009).  matched pattern system of jatropha curcas fruits by using back propagation (bp).  - 2nd asia pasific conference on manufacturing system (apcoms 2009). 

effendi z., ramli r., ghani j.a., yaakob z..  (2009).  development of jatropha curcas color grading system for ripeness evaluation.  - european journal of scientific research.  30(4):662-669. 

ramli r., yamamoto h., qudeiri j.a..  (2009).  tool path of lathe machine in flexible transfer lines by using genetic algorithms.  - international journal of production economics.  121(1):72-80. 

sulong a.b., muhamad n., sahari j., ramli r., deros b.m., park j..  (2009).  electrical conductivity behaviour of chemical functionalized mwcnts epoxy nanocomposites.  - european journal of scientific research.  29(1):13-21. 

d.a. wahab, lily amelia, a.r. ismail, r. ramli, n. muhamad and c.h. che haron.  (2009).  reusability enhancement of automotive components through disassembly study.  - 19th international conference on flexible automation and intelligent manufacturing (faim 2009). 

jaber abu qudeiri, hidehiko yamamoto, rizauddin ramli.  (2009).  ftl with feed-forward optimal design by discrete event production simulator with ga.  - international journal of adaptive and innovative systems (ijais).  1(1):60-76. 

rizauddin ramli, hidehiko yamamoto, abu bakar sulong, dzuraidah abdul wahab, jaber abu qudeiri.  (2009).  real-time agv action decision in ad-fms by hypothetical reasoning.  - european journal of scientific research.  25(2):310-324. 

z. effendi, r. ramli, j.a.ghani, and m. n. a. rahman.  (2009).  pattern recognition system of jatropha curcas fruits using back propagation.  - 2009 ieee international conference on signal and image processing applications (icsipa). 

rizauddin ramli, hidehiko yamamoto, dzuraidah abd wahab.  (2009).  real-time control of parts input in flexible production systems by analogy process.  - 19th international conference on flexible automation and intelligent manufacturing (faim 2009). 

y.p detak, j. syarif and r. ramli..  (2009).  comparison of neural network training algorithm for predicting mechanical properties of ti-6al-4v.  - 4th international conference on recent advances in materials, minerals & environment and 2nd asian on matreials & processing. 

jaber abu qudeiri, hidehiko yamamoto, rizauddin ramli, anouar jamali.  (2008).  genetic algorithm for buffer size and work station capacity in serial-parallel production lines.  - artificial life and robotics.  12(1-2):102-106. 

d.a. wahab, k.e. ching, t.a. boay, r. ramli and a. hussain.  (2008).  product redesign for ease of maintenance: a case study.  - international journal of mechanical and materials engineering.  3(2):153-159. 

abu qudeiri jaber, yamamoto hidehiko and rizauddin ramli.  (2008).  machine learning in production systems design using genetic algorithms.  - international journal of computational intelligence (ijci).  4(1):72-79. 

jaharah, ag; sayuti, a; nuawi, mz; che, hch; ramli, r; yaakob, z.  (2008).  tool wear monitoring by detecting the cutting force signal using c plus plus and vb languages.  - proceedings of the 7th wseas international conference on computational intelligence, man-machine systems and cybernetics (cimmacs `08) - recent advances in computational intelligence, man-machine syst. 

rizauddin ramli and hidehiko yamamoto.  (2008).  tool path generation technique of nc lathe machines in ftl development by ga.  - international journal of innovative computing, information and control.  4(3):489-500. 

zulham effendi, rizauddin ramli and jaharah abdul ghani.  (2008).  development of grading system jatropha by using color histogram.  - proceedings of seminar 2 advanced manufacturing research group, goumann resort, port dickson, negeri sembilan, 16-17 december 2008. 

jaharah a.g., hendri y., che hassan c.h., ramli r., yaakob z..  (2008).  simulation of turning process of aisi 1045 and carbide tool using finite element method.  - 7th wseas international conference on computational intelligent, man-machine systems and cybernetics(cimmacs08), cairo, egypt. 

rizauddin ramli, hidehiko yamamoto and jaber abu qudeiri.  (2008).  real-time parts input control in flexible production system by analogy.  - proceedings of international conference on mechanical & manufacturing engineering (icme2008), 21-23 may 2008, johor bahru, malaysia. 

j. abu qudeiri, h. yamamoto and r. rizauddin.  (2008).  production layout design system by ga with one by one encoding method.  - proceedings of the 13th international symposium on artificial life and robotics 2008(arob 08), january 31-february 2, 2008, oita japan. 

hidehiko yamamoto and rizauddin ramli.  (2008).  real-time agv actions control by dialogue to realize autonomous decentralized fms.  - international journal of innovative computing, information and control.  4(3):501-511. 

h. yamamoto, j. abu qudeiri, t. yamada , r. rizauddin.  (2008).  production layout design system by ga with one by one encoding method.  - artificial life and robotics.  13(1):234-237. 

rizauddin ramli, hidehiko yamamoto and jaber abu qudeiri.  (2007).  real time part input control of a pull production system by finding if-then rules.  - journal of advanced mechanical design, systems, and manufacturing,(special issue on advance production scheduling) (jamdsm).  1(2):227-237. 

abu qudeiri jaber, rizauddin ramli , yamamoto hidehiko.  (2007).  selecting machines and buffer size in complex production system using genetic algorithms.  - the 5th international symposium on management of technology (ismot`07), hangzhou, china. 

jaber abu qudeiri, hidehiko yamamoto and rizauddin ramli.  (2007).  optimization of operations sequence in cnc machine tools using genetic algorithms.  - journal of advanced mechanical design, systems, and manufacturing (jamdsm).  1(2):272-282. 

rizauddin ramli, jaber abu qudeiri and hidehiko yamamoto.  (2007).  anticipating action decisions of automated guided vehicle in an autonomous decentralized flexible manufacturing system.  - international journal of intelligent systems and technologies.  2(1):21-27. 

jaber abu qudeiri, rizauddin ramli & hidehiko yamamoto.  (2007).  ftl layout design optimization in an asymmetrical and restricted plant using q-learning.  - international conference on industrial engineering and system management (iesm 07), beijing, china. 

jaber abu qudeiri, rizauddin ramli, hidehiko yamamoto , mohamed jamali.  (2007).  deciding buffer size in a complex production system using a ga - production simulation based method.  - international conference on industrial engineering and system management (iesm 07), beijing, china. 

rizauddin ramli, jaber abu qudeiri, hidehiko yamamoto.  (2007).  planning framework for autonomous decentralized flexible manufacturing system.  - the 5th international symposium on management of technology (ismot`07), hangzhou, china. 

hidehiko yamamoto and rizauddin ramli.  (2007).  real-time control of decentralised autonomous flexible manufacturing systems by using memory and oblivion.  - international journal of intelligent information and database systems.  1(3-4):346-355. 

rizauddin ramli, jaber abu qudeiri, hidehikoyamamoto.  (2007).  tool path of lathe machine in flexible transfer line by using genetic algorithm.  - international conference on industrial engineering and system management (iesm 07), beijing, china. 

rizauddin ramli, jaber abu qudeiri, hidehikoyamamoto.  (2007).  future anticipative reasoning of automated guided vehicle decisions in autonomous decentralized flexible manufacturing system.  - international conference on industrial engineering and system management (iesm 07), beijing, china. 

jaber abu qudeiri, hidehiko yamamoto, rizauddin ramli and khalid r. al-momani.  (2007).  development of production simulator for buffer size decisions in complex production systems using genetic algorithm.  - journal of advanced mechanical design, systems, and manufacturing (jamdsm).  1(3): 418-429. 

jaber abu qudeiri, hidehiko yamamoto and rizauddin bin ramli.  (2007).  model of flexible production systems with sub-lines and their ga expressions.  - ijcsns international journal of computer science and network security,.  7(4):223-231. 

abu qudeiri jaber, rizauddin ramli and yamamoto hidehiko.  (2007).  genetic algorithms for buffer size and work stations capacity in serial-parallel production lines.  - proc. of the 12th international symposium on artificial life and robotics(arob 12th `07), beppu, oita, japan. 

hidehiko yamamoto , rizauddin bin ramli.  (2006).  nc tool path generation system based on genetic approach of absolute and incremental type individual.  - 2006 international symposium on flexible automation, (isfa2006), osaka, japan. 

rizauddin ramli and h. yamamoto (gifu university).  (2006).  real time control of part input to production line based on jit.  - sice 6th annual conference on control systems(ccs2006), nagoya, japan. 

hidehiko yamamoto and rizauddin bin ramli.  (2006).  real time decision making of agents to realize decentralized autonomous fms by anticipation.  - international journal of computer science and network security(ijcsns).  6(12):7-17. 

rizauddin ramli, hidehiko yamamoto and mohamed anouar jamali.  (2006).  real time parts control of ftl by finding if-then rules.  - 2006 international conference on service systems and service management, troyes, france. 

haruhisa kawasaki, rizauddin bin ramli, and satoshi ueki.  (2006).  decentralized adaptive coordinated control of multiple robot arms for constrained tasks.  - journal of robotics and mechatronics.  18(5):580-588. 

h.yamamoto , rizauddin bin ramli.  (2006).  development of nc tool path generation system by absolute and incremental type individual.  - the 11th international symposium on artificial life and robotics 2008, beppu oita japan. 

haruhisa kawasaki, rizauddin bin ramli and satoshi ito.  (2005).  decentralized adaptive coordinated control of multiple robot arms handling one object.  - japan society of mechanical engineers(jsme) international journal, series c.  48:4:632-639. 

haruhisa kawasaki, rizauddin bin ramli, satoshi ueki and satoshi ito.  (2004).  decentralized adaptive coordinated control of multiple robot arms for constrained task.  - proc. of complex intelligence and modern technology applications international conference(csimta`04), cherboug, france. 

haruhisa kawasaki, satoshi ito and rizauddin bin ramli.  (2003).  adaptive decentralized coordinated control of multiple robot arms.  - preprints of the 7th ifac symposium on robot control(syroco2003), wroclaw, poland. 

rizauddin bin ramli?haruhisa kawasaki and satoshi ito.  (2003).  decentralized coordinated adaptive control of multiple robots.  - 8th intelligent mechatronics workshop, kusatsu, japan.