Penerbitan Terkini

tamat bin sarmidi;norlin binti khalid.  (2024).  interactive dashboard on non-tariff measures for palm oil sector.  -

mohamat sabri bin hassan;norlin binti khalid;shifa binti mohd nor;rafidah binti abdul aziz.  (2024).  pembentukan kerangka kerja konseptual modul nilai diri graduan: menangani isu kebolehpasaran graduan fep..  -

azura binti ishak;norlin binti khalid;noor faridatul ainun binti zainal;masura binti rahmat;shahrina binti shahrani;rohizah binti abd. rahman.  (2024).  aplikasi mudah alih pembajaan sawit (baja sawit) berasaskan infografik.  -

mahmoud kraim, tamat sarmidi, fathin faizah, norlin khalid.  (2023).  a sectoral specification of okuns law in oil producing countries: evidence from panel ardl model.  - economic change and restructuring.  2385-2404. 

chee loong lee, riayati ahmad, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid.  (2023).  institutional quality, income level, and debt sustainability: new evidence using dynamic panel threshold regression.  - technological and economic development of economy.  1520-1538. 

lovina yogarajan, mohammad masukujjaman, mohd helmi ali, norlin khalid, lokhman hakim osman, syed shah alam.  (2023).  exploring the hype of blockchain adoption in agri-food supply chain: a systematic literature review.  - agriculture.  1-24. 

sharmila thinagar, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim.  (2023).  kadar pulangan dan kemeruapan saham amanah pelaburan hartanah.  - 141. 

nurul hidayah ahamad nawawi, rosiati ramli, norlin khalid, siti fatimah abdul rashid.  (2023).  understanding the present of the gig economy in malaysia.  - malaysian journal of consumer and family economics.  274-293. 

norlin binti khalid;zulkefly bin abdul karim.  (2023).  kadar pulangan dan kemeruapan saham amanah pelaburan hartanah (reits).  -

norlin binti khalid;rubayah binti yakob;mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah.  (2023).  the role of food and energy market structure, political risk and macroeconomic factors within brics in forecasting palm oil demand..  -

zulkefly bin abdul karim;aminudin bin mokhtar;norlin binti khalid.  (2023).  penentu daya saing dan potensi eksport minyak sawit malaysia dan indonesia.  -

zulkefly bin abdul karim;mohd azlan shah bin zaidi;azmafazilah binti jauhari;mohd adib bin ismail;norlin binti khalid.  (2023).  china outward direct investment (codi), spill-over effect, and foreign shocks on asean+10 economies.  -

mohd helmi bin ali;norlin binti khalid;lokhman hakim osman.  (2023).  the malaysia palm oil industry industrial 4.0 challenges in achieving circular economy.  -

malik cahyadin, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid, siong hook law.  (2023).  the effectiveness of debt rule on fiscal sustainability:do macroeconomic data matter?.  - international journal of business and society.  677-689. 

hafizuddin-syah, b.a.m, norlin khalid, kadir arifin, kadaruddin aiyub.  (2023).  the effect of occupational safety and health indicators on the gross domestic products: the case of malaysia.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke-16.  1-10. 

norlin khalid, mohd helmi ali, nur hilfa awatif mohamad ridzuan, minglang tseng, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, shifa md nor.  (2023).  symmetric and asymmetric impacts of the palm oil industry on carbon dioxide emissions in malaysia based on linear and nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag models.  - clean technologies and environmental policy.  173-194. 

nurul atiqah mohd suib, norlida hanim mohd salleh, noradiva hamzah, md shafiin shukor, khairuman hashim, kamalrudin mohamed salleh, norlin khalid.  (2023).  sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia.  - 21. 

noradiva hamzah, norlida hanim mohd salleh, norlin khalid, kamalrudin mohamed salleh.  (2023).  sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia.  - 12. 

noradiva hamzah, norlida hanim mohd salleh, norlin khalid, kamalrudin mohamed salleh.  (2023).  sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia.  - 225. 

azura ishak, ahmad afandi murdi, khairuman hashim, abdullah muhammed, masura rahmat, shahrina shahrani, rohizah abd rahman, noor faridatul ainun zainal, zulkifli hashim, nordiana abd aziz, norliyana zin zawawi, norlin khalid.  (2023).  kertas dasar aplikasi mudah alih baja sawit berasaskan infografik.  - 1-9. 

mahmoud kraim, tamat sarmidi, fathin faizah, norlin khalid.  (2023).  the determinants of okuns coefficients in oil producing countries :new evidence from quantile regression.  - international journal of economics and management.  305-319. 

malik cahyadin, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid, siong hook law.  (2022).  too much debt and budget deficit on fiscal sustainability: do institutions matter?.  - malaysian journal of economic studies.  261-284. 

mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, shahida shahimi, norlin khalid, muhammad faliq abd razak.  (2022).  pengurusan kelestarian minyak sawit malaysia.  - 10. 

norlin khalid, mohd helmi ali, novel lyndon, muhammad faliq abd razak.  (2022).  pengurusan kelestarian minyak sawit malaysia.  - 253. 

intan murnira ramli, sufian jusoh, muhammad faliq abd razak, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid, ahmad rizal mohd yusof, mohd hariszuan jaharudin, ridha aditya nugraha, lalin, donah pinhao, zaw htet..  (2022).  supply and demand of professional services in asean.  - 88. 

aminudin bin mokhtar;siti hajar bt. mohd. idris;azrina abdullah al-hadi;norlin binti khalid;hazrul izuan bin shahiri.  (2022).  matematik untuk ekonomi dan perniagaan.  -

norlin binti khalid;tamat bin sarmidi;zulkefly bin abdul karim.  (2022).  impak covid-19 terhadap ekonomi malaysia menggunakan model makro-ekonometrik malaysia skala kecil (small-scale macroeconometric model of malaysia) .  -

norlin binti khalid;tamat bin sarmidi.  (2022).  the construction of market potential indicator and trade restrictiveness index for malaysian palm oil export to the bri (belt and road initiative) countries.  -

mohd helmi bin ali;norlin binti khalid.  (2022).  exploring supply chain resilience strategy post covid-19– the case of malaysia food smes.  -

aminudin mokhtar, azrina abdullah al-hadi, siti hajar mohd idris, hazrul izuan shahiri, norlin khalid.  (2022).  matematik untuk ekonomi dan perniagaan.  - 265. 

norlin khalid, mohd helmi ali, novel lyndon, muhammmad faliq abd razak.  (2022).  pengurusan kelestarian minyak sawit malaysia.  - 11. 

mohd syafiq sabri, norlin khalid, abdul hafizh mohd azam, tamat sarmidi.  (2022).  impact analysis of the external shocks on the prices of malaysian crude palm oil: evidence from a structural vector autoregressive model.  - mathematics.  1-22. 

nada amer abdulhafedh al-kubati, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid, mohammad kabir hassan.  (2022).  the impact of sub-sector of economic activity and financial development on environmental degradation: new evidence using dynamic heterogeneous panel.  - mathematics.  1-23. 

chee loong lee, riayati ahmad, wing shing lee, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim.  (2022).  the financial sustainability of state-owned enterprises in an emerging economy.  - economies.  1-13. 

mohammed daher alshammary, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim, riayati ahmad.  (2022).  government expenditures and economic growth in the mena region: a dynamic heterogeneous panel estimation.  - international journal of finance and economics.  3287-3299. 

sin yee lee, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid, mohd azlan shah zaidi.  (2022).  the spillover effects of chinese shocks on the belt and road initiative economies: new evidence using panel vector autoregression.  - mathematics.  1-18. 

hakimah nur ahmad hamidi, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim, muhamad rias k. v. zainuddin.  (2022).  technical efficiency and export potential of the world palm oil market.  - agriculture.  1-16. 

ying liu, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid, fathin faizah said.  (2022).  benefit modeling and analysis of wind power generation under social energy economy and public health.  - journal of environmental and public health.  1-9. 

bakri abdul karim, aisyah abdul rahman, syajarul imna mohd amin, norlin khalid.  (2022).  shifting economic, financial and banking paradigm: new systems to encounter covid-19.  - 12. 

sin yee lee, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid, mohd azlan shah zaidi.  (2022).  the push and pull factors of china's outward foreign direct investment in bri countries.  - technological and economic development of economy.  611-637. 

muhamad rias kv zainuddin, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid.  (2021).  perkongsian ekonomi komprehensif serantau: halangan dan potensi perdagangan.  - 108. 

zulkefly bin abdul karim;hawati binti janor;norlida hanim binti mohd salleh;mohd azlan shah bin zaidi;norlin binti khalid.  (2021).  pergerakan harga kelapa sawit berdasarkan faktor kejutan luaran dan dalaman serta kesannya ke atas firma berorientasikan sawit dan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara.  -

lee chee loong, riayati ahmad, zulkefly abdul karim and norlin khalid.  (2021).  testing threshold relationship between budget balance and institutional quality.  - malaysia indonesia international conference on management, economics and accounting (miicema) 2021.  1. 

zafir khan mohamed makhbul, norlin khalid, tamat sarmidi.  (2021).  management of sustainable palm oil: policies and environmental considerations.  - 219. 

zafir mohd makhbul, norlin khalid, tamat sarmidi.  (2021).  management of sustainable palm oil: policies and environmental considerations.  - 11. 

andrew kam jia yi, andika ab. wahab, norlin khalid, muhammad faliq abd razak.  (2021).  policy paper for regional economic integration and improving the narrative of trade & investment.  - 33. 

andrew kam jia yi, andika ab. wahab, norlin khalid, muhammad faliq abd razak.  (2021).  priority area 1 regional economic integration and improving the narrative of trade and investment.  - 10. 

mohd helmi ali, norhidayah suleiman, norlin khalid, kim hua tan, ming-lang tseng, mukesh kumar.  (2021).  supply chain resilience reactive strategies for food smes in coping to covid-19 crisis.  - trends in food science & technology.  94-102. 

farrah dina abd razak, norlin khalid, mohd helmi ali.  (2021).  asymmetric impact of institutional quality on environmental degradation: evidence of the environmental kuznets curve.  - sustainability.  1-24. 

tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid, muhamad rias k. v. zainuddin, sufian jusoh.  (2021).  the covid-19 pandemic, air transport perturbation, and sector impacts in asean plus five: a multiregional input-output inoperability analysis.  - eria discussion paper series.  1-72. 

basem ertimi, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid, mohd helmi ali.  (2021).  the policy framework of natural resource management in oil-dependence countries.  - economies.  1-17. 

nada amer abdulhafedh al-kubati, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid.  (2021).  the impact of sub-sector of economic activity and financial development on environmental degradation: new evidence using dynamic heterogeneous panel.  - prosiding kolokium siswazah fep (2021) volume 1.  85-106. 

tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid, muhamad rias k v zainuddin.  (2021).  management of sustainable palm oil: policies and environmental considerations.  - 12. 

hakimah nur ahmad hamidi, muhamad rias k v zainuddin, norlin khalid.  (2021).  management of sustainable palm oil: policies and environmental considerations.  - 11. 

zulkefly abdul karim, nurul aqila mohd nuruddin, bakri abdul karim, norlin khalid.  (2021).  the impact of aging and fertility rate on economic growth in malaysia: new evidence using ardl model.  - persidangan kependudukan kebangsaan 2021 (perkks 21).  43-53. 

mohammed daher alshammary, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid, riayati ahmad.  (2020).  debt-growth nexus in the mena region: evidence from a panel threshold analysis.  - economies.  1-12. 

muhammad rias k. v. zainuddin, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid.  (2020).  sustainable production, non-tariff measures and trade performance in rcep countries.  - sustainability.  1-12. 

norlin khalid.  (2020).  pengeluaran kwsp boleh dipertimbang secara bersasar.  - berita harian.  10. 

norlin khalid.  (2020).  pastikan belanjawan 2021 tidak hanya 'gah' di atas kertas.  - bernama.  1-3. 

norlin khalid.  (2020).  suntik perbelanjaan rakyat sokong pertumbuhan ekonomi, negara.  - berita harian.  1-4. 

norlin khalid.  (2020).  bersatu landaikan keluk penularan wabak, elak pkp kedua.  - berita harian.  10. 

nur fatin syahida mohamad hisham, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid.  (2020).  the movement of palm oil price and stock return of plantation firm in malaysia: a panel study.  - prosiding kolokium siswazah fep (2020) volume 1.  190-204. 

nur hilfa awatif mohamad ridzuan, nur fakhzan marwan, norlin khalid, mohd helmi ali, ming-lang tseng.  (2020).  effects of agriculture, renewable energy, and economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions: evidence of the environmental kuznets curve.  - resources, conservation & recycling.  1-12. 

mohammed daher alshammary, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim, riayati ahmad.  (2020).  twin deficits and the feldstein-horioka hypothesis in the mena region: new evidence using panel var analysis.  - international journal of economics and management.  311-329. 

mohammed daher alshammary, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid, riayati ahmad.  (2020).  debt-growth nexus in jordan: new evidence using dynamic threshold analysis.  - journal of economic cooperation and development.  85-105. 

norlin khalid.  (2020).  impact of pandemic on economy and recovery policy.  - rencana.  1. 

sufian jusoh, muhammad faliq abd razak, norlin khalid.  (2020).  the asean non-tariff measures, services and investment restrictiveness tracker.  - 18. 

norlin khalid.  (2020).  segerakan usaha tanggani impak covid-19.  - berita harian.  1. 

nur sabrina mohd palel, rahmah ismail, norlin khalid.  (2020).  kemahiran dan upah dalam pasaran buruh malaysia.  - 133. 

norlin khalid.  (2020).  normal baharu berbelanja sambut aidilfitri.  - berita harian.  1. 

norlin khalid.  (2020).  the sun daily.  - sharp drop in spending on non-essentials.  1. 

norlin khalid.  (2020).  impak covid-19 pada ekonomi dan dasar pemulihan.  - media permata.  1. 

ilya shiratim mustakim, norlin khalid.  (2020).  hubungan asimetri antara hutang luar negara dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di malaysia.  - national conference on the sciences and social sciences v 2020 proceedings.  54-69. 

norlin khalid.  (2020).  siaran berita radio rtm.  - wabak covid-19 dan kesannya kepada ekonomi malaysia. 

hawati binti janor;norlida hanim binti mohd salleh;zulkefly bin abdul karim;norlin binti khalid.  (2020).  impak inisiatif ‘belt and road’ terhadap dagangan agrikultur di kalangan negara asia: peranan integrasi kewangan.  -

sharmila trinagar, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim.  (2019).  the causal directions of equity return volatility: evidence from selected developed and emerging market's economies.  - international journal of economics and management.  249-261. 

muhammad rias k v zainuddin, norlin khalid, tamat sarmidi.  (2019).  estimating augmented trade restrictiveness indices to evaluate impacts of non-tariff barrier for asean countries and their major trading partners.  - international journal of economics and management.  393-406. 

afza asyura mohd hisham, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid.  (2019).  determinants of capital expenditure spending in malaysian palm oil industries: a dynamic panel data analysis.  - economic journal of emerging markets.  223-233. 

wan farisan wan sulaiman, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid.  (2019).  research in applied economics.  - 25. 

zulkefly abdul karim, mohd azlan shah zaidi, azmafazilah jauhari, norlin khalid, mohd adib ismail, lee sin yee, wan farisan wan sulaiman, muhammad harunurashid thelatha.  (2019).  the determinants of china outward direct investment in bri countries : preliminary findings.  - roundtable discussion china outward direct investment: some policy response and future challenges to malaysia.  1-23. 

atif awad, ishak yussof, norlin khalid.  (2018).  output growth of the malaysia's manufacturing sector - do foreign workers matter?.  - journal of economic studies. 

nur adila wahida md isa & norlin khalid.  (2018).  trade competitiveness in palm oil industry in malaysia: an empirical analysis.  - 2nd asia international multidisciplinary conference 2018. 

norlin khalid, mohd alim safwan & hakimah nur ahmad hamidi.  (2018).  nonlinear monetary policy reaction function in malaysia: evidence using a markov switching vector autoregression.  - international jounal of economics and management. 

hakimah nur ahmad hamidi, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim.  (2018).  revisiting relationship between malaysian stock market index and selected macroeconomic variables using asymmetric cointegration.  - jurnal ekonomi malaysia. 

fatin syarmimi hasan & norlin khalid.  (2018).  faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jumlah pinjaman isi rumah di malaysia.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke 13 (perkem xiii). 

muhammad aminuddin abdul majid & norlin khalid.  (2018).  malaysia sebagai negara oic dalam industri pelancongan islam : satu kajian empirikal.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke 13 (perkem xiii). 

riayati ahmad & norlin khalid.  (2018).  the government revenue and expenditure causal nexus a bootstrap rolling window approach.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke 13 (perkem xiii). 

wan farisan wan sulaiman, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid & riayati ahmad.  (2018).  the fiscal policy reaction function in malaysia: the asymmetric impact of debt and output gap to primary balance.  - prosiding persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke13. 

sharmila thinagar, norlin khalid & zulkefly abdul karim.  (2018).  the causal direction of volatility: evidence from selected developed and emerging market economies.  - proceedings of the 9th international management and accounting conference 2018 (imac9)0. 

lee chee loong, riayati ahmad, norlin khalid & zulkefly abdul karim.  (2018).  fiscal discipline in the asean-3: new evidence from nonlinear ardl approach.  - prosiding persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia. 

norlin khalid, hakimah nur ahmad hamidi, sharmila thinagar, nur fakhzan marwan.  (2018).  crude palm oil price forecasting in malaysia: an econometric approach.  - jurnal ekonomi malaysia. 

wan farisan wan sulaiman, zulkefly abd karim, norlin khalid & riayati ahmad.  (2018).  temporal causality between public debt and growth in asean-3: a bootstraps rolling window approach.  - proceedings of the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. 

ishak bin yussof;rahmah bt. ismail;abd. hair bin awang;norlin binti khalid.  (2018).  dynamic comparative modeling on factors affecting fdi inflows between malaysia and selected asean+3 countries.  -

norlin khalid, rahmah ismail, wye chung khain, suhaili almaamun & hakimah nur ahmad hamidi.  (2018).  addressing endogeneity problem in estimating economic returns to schooling in malaysia.  - proceedings of the 3rd chrest international conference 2018. 

norlin khalid, rahmah ismail, wye chung khain, suhaili almaamu, hakimah nur ahmad hamidi.  (2018).  addressing endogeneity problem in estimating economic returns to schooling in malaysia.  - international journal of economics and management.  537-549. 

norlin khalid.  (2018).  monetary and fiscal regimes policy rules in a discrete time model.  - jurnal ekonomi malaysia. 

afza asyura bte mohd hisham, zulkefly abdul karim & norlin binti khalid.  (2018).  determinants of capital expenditure (capex) in malaysian palm oil industries: panel data analysis.  - prosiding perkem ke-13 (2018). 

norlin khalid, nur fakhzan marwan, hakimah nur ahmad hamidi, sharmila thinagar.  (2017).  investigating the future prices of crude palm oil for malaysia : an empirical approach.  - malaysia indonesia international conference on economics, management and accounting (miicema) 2017. 

norlin khalid, muhammad harunnashid thelata, nur fakhzan marwan and zulkefly abdul karim.  (2017).  forecasting of money demand in malaysia using neural networks and econometric model.  - international conference on economics (ice). 

abdul rahman nizamani, zulkefly abdul karim, mohd azlan shah zaidi, norlin khalid.  (2017).  trade balance response to shocks in monetary policy and exchange rate: evidence from pakistan using svecm approach.  - international journal of business and society.  579-594. 

norlin khalid, rahmah ismail, wye chung khain, hakimah nur ahmad hamidi & nur fakhzan marwan.  (2017).  economic returns to schooling in malaysia: a gender analysis.  - prosiding persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke 12, 2017..  799-806. 

hakimah nur ahmad hamidi & norlin khalid.  (2017).  revisiting relationship between malaysian stock market index and selected macroeconomic variables using asymmetric cointegration.  - tuanku jaafar conference & workshop 2017. 

ruziana mohd ghazi, norlin khalid, ishak yussof.  (2017).  kesan pelaburan langsung asing terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi: perbandingan antara negara berpendapatan tinggi dengan sederhana menggunakan pendekatan kointegrasi asimetri.  - jurnal ekonomi malaysia.  179-193. 

sharmila trinagar, norlin khalid & zulkefly abdul karim.  (2017).  the causality direction of volatility: evidence from selected developed and emerging market economies.  - the international conference on economics (ice) 2017. 

chan weng, zulkefly abdul karim & norlin khalid.  (2017).  the effects of oil prices and us factors volatility on metal market volatility.  - prosiding persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke-12 2017.  1035-1047. 

sarimah surianshah, zulkefly abdul karim dan norlin khalid.  (2017).  krisis subprima dan kemeruapan harga saham mengikut sektor ekonomi di bursa malaysia.  - jurnal pengurusan.  1-17. 

wan farisan wan sulaiman, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid & riayati ahmad.  (2017).  military spending, economic growth and structural instability: case study for malaysia.  - defence s and t technical bulletin.  88-100. 

wan farisan wan sulaiman, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid & riayati ahmad.  (2017).  military spending and fiscal sustainability indicator: case study for malaysia.  - defence s and t technical bulletin.  75-87. 

muhammad abdullah azzhar, ishak yussof & norlin khalid.  (2016).  analisis terhadap faktor kemasukan pelaburan langsung asing ke malaysia - pendekatan bootstrap rolling-window..  - 4th international conference on accounting, business and economics (icabec 2016). 

ukasya shakena akbar, rahmah ismail, norlin khalid.  (2016).  inflasi pendidikan dalam sektor pembuatan di malaysia.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia, fakulti ekonomi dan pengurusan, ukm (prosiding perkem ke-11).  690-700. 

abdul rahman nizamani, zulkefly abdul karim, mohd azlan shah zaidi, norlin khalid.  (2016).  the effects of monetary policy shocks and exchange rate on the trade balance of pakistan.  - prosiding persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia, ke-11 2016.  606-615. 

wan farissan wan sulaiman, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid, riayati ahmad.  (2016).  fiscal sustainability in malaysia: an empirical assessment.  - prosiding persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke11, 2016.  595-605. 

abdul rahman nizamani, zulkefly abdul karim, mohd azlan shah zaidi, norlin khalid.  (2016).  the effectiveness of monetary policy in small open-economy: an svar study for pakistan.  - international journal of economics and management.  279-296. 

ruziana mohd ghazi, norlin khalid, ishak yussof.  (2016).  kesan pelaburan langsung asing terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. perbandingan di antara negara berpendapatan tinggi dan rendah menggunakan pendekatan kointegrasi asimetri..  - prosiding perkem ke-11.  265-274. 

puteri amirah omar, norlin khalid & ishak yussof.  (2016).  kesan pelaburan langsung asing terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi ke atas lima negara asean: ujian kointegrasi asimetri.  - prosiding perkem ke-11.  639-647. 

norlin khalid.  (2016).  dealing with cost of living.  - radio traxx fm. 

amirul afiq kamaruddin, norlin khalid.  (2016).  fungsi permintaan wang di malaysia menggunakan pendekatan simetri dan asimetri: perbandingan indeks penjumlahan mudah dan divisia.  - jurnal ekonomi malaysia.  1-12. 

zulkefly abdul karim, nur hidayah ramli, norlin khalid.  (2016).  penentu aliran pelaburan portfolio asing di malaysia: suatu kajian panel ardl.  - jurnal ekonomi malaysia.  3-14. 

noor zeehan kamsani, hairunnizam wahid, norlin khalid.  (2016).  anomali kutipan zakat bulanan oleh institusi zakat di malaysia.  - prosiding persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke 11 2016. bangi: pusat pengajian ekonomi.  730-740. 

nurdiyana yaccob, zulkefly abdul karim & norlin khalid.  (2015).  performance and persistency of islamic and conventional unit trust: a case study of cimb-principal asset management.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia perkem ke-10 2015. bangi : penerbit ukm..  569-580. 

wan farisan wan sulaiman, zulkefly abdul karim & norlin khalid.  (2015).  assessing fiscal sustainability for malaysia: fiscal sustainability indicators.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia perkem ke-10 2015. bangi : penerbit ukm..  44-56. 

hue sin yi, norlin khalid & zulkefly abdul karim.  (2015).  penentu faktor makroekonomi dan kedalaman kewangan kepada gelagat tabungan negara kasar malaysia.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia perkem ke-10 2015. bangi : penerbit ukm..  20-29. 

abdul rahman nizamani, zulkefly abdul karim, mohd azlan shah zaidi & norlin khalid.  (2015).  the relative strength of monetary policy transmission channels in the small open-economy: evidence from svar analysis for pakistan.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia perkem ke-10 2015. bangi: penerbit ukm..  30-43. 

siti rohayu norsi`ee, rahmah ismail, norlin khalid.  (2014).  impak pekerja asing terhadap upah firma perusahaan kecil sederhana sektor pembuatan di malaysia.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke-9 (perkem ke-9): urus tadbir ekonomi yang adil : ke arah ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi / fakulti ekonomi & pengurusan, ukm.  104-116. 

nur hidayah ramli, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid.  (2014).  penentu aliran pelaburan portfolio asing di malaysia : suatu kajian data panel ardl.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke-9 (perkem ke-9): urus tadbir ekonomi yang adil : ke arah ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi / fakulti ekonomi & pengurusan, ukm.  589-600. 

norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim, izzuddin yussof.  (2014).  testing monetary policy reaction function: non linear evidence from malaysia.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke-9.  257-268. 

norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim, izzuddin yussof.  (2014).  testing a non linear model of monetary policy reaction function: evidence from malaysia.  - jurnal ekonomi malaysia.  19-27. 

tam-swee lian, norlin khalid and riayati ahmad.  (2014).  assessing fiscal sustainability regime changes to selected asean countries.  - the 6th international borneo business conference 2014.  380-388. 

sarimah surianshah, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid.  (2014).  krisis subprima dan kemeruapan harga saham mengikut sektor ekonomi di bursa malaysia.  - seminar antarabangsa pendidikan global ii / fakulti pendidikan ukm. 

norlin khalid, nur fakhzan.  (2013).  the effect of regime switching policy rules on economic growth.  - jurnal ekonomi malaysia.  47(2):93-110. 

mansor jusoh, norlin khalid.  (2013).  a model of demand for islamic banks` debt-based financing instruments.  - jurnal pengurusan.  31-36. 

norlin khalid.  (2013).  active and passive policy rules in a new keynesian framework with an exogenous labour supply.  - proceedings of the 1st chrest international conference on labour market transformation & human resource development / centre for human resource studies (chrest), fep ukm. 

mansor jusoh, norlin khalid.  (2013).  a model of the demand for islamic banks debt-based financing instrument.  - proceedings of the 20th national symposium on mathematical sciences : research in mathematical sciences : a catalyst for creativity and innovation (aip conference proceeding). 

norlin khalid, suhaili alma`amun & shahida shahimi.  (2012).  development of a latex thesis template based on ukm`s thesis style.  - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2012. 

norlin khalid, nur fakhzan marwan.  (2012).  regime switching policy rules and economic growth.  - persidangan kebangsaan ekonomi malaysia ke vii. 

zulkefly abdul karim, mansor jusoh, norlin khalid.  (2010).  halaju wang di malaysia : bukti empirik.  - international journal of management studies.  17(1):149-170. 

norlin khalid, mansor jusoh, antoni.  (2007).  indeks kewangan divisia dan penjumlahan mudah: halaju, kestabilan fungsi permintaan wang dan inflasi.  - media ekonomi.  13(1):49-74.