Penerbitan Terkini

siti khadijah osman @ othman, thayanithi sandragasu, mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2023).  comparison of contrast sensitivity and central corneal thickness in primary open angle glaucoma suspects and visually normal participants.  - malaysian journal of medicine & health sciences.  112-118. 

yong pui theng, zainora mohammed, norliza mohamad fadzil, mohd harimi abd rahman, mohd izzuddin hairol, sumithira narayanasamy.  (2023).  visual comfort scores as a new metric to determine lighting needs of low vision schoolchildren.  - postgraduate colloquium 2023.  25. 

mariah asem, sumithira narayanasamy, mahadir ahmad, masne kadar, mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2023).  association between visual perception and socioeconomic status in malaysian preschool children: results from the test of visual perceptual skills-4.  - children.  1-11. 

bariah mohd ali, mohd izzuddin hairol, bashirah ishak, nur adibah yahaya, mohd norhafizum mohd saman.  (2023).  meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup pesakit anoftalmik dengan i prostetik ukm.  - 1-11. 

nur amalina abdul khalid, bariah mohd ali, mohd norhafizun mohd saman, mohd izzuddin hairol, nur adibah yahaya, bashirah ishak.  (2023).  association between visual status of remaining eye, emotional well being and social functions in a sample of anophthalmic patients in malaysia - a pilot study.  - journal of sustainability science and management.  167-172. 

naufal nordin, kumaresan d murthi, mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2022).  pengaruh persepsi visual dan koordinasi motor terhadap penguasaan kemahiran integrasi visualmotor dalam kalangan kanak-kanak prasekolah tadika kemas.  - jurnal pendidikan awal kanak-kanak kebangsaan.  40-49. 

mohd izzuddin hairol, yun rou lee.  (2022).  accuracy of vertical cup-to-disc ratio discrimination among clinical optometry trainees with different years of clinical experience.  - plos one.  1-11. 

bariah mohd ali, bashirah ishak, mohd izzuddin hairol, nur adibah yahya, mohd norhafizun mohd saman.  (2022).  meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup pesakit anoftalmik dengan i- prostetik ukm.  - 1-11. 

mohd izzuddin bin hairol, sharanjeet kaur a/p malkeet singh, mahadir ahmad, wee lei hum, mohd norhafizun mohd saman, fauziah abdullah.  (2022).  pembangunan dan pemerkasaan wanita: kesejahteraan kesihatan, ekonomi dan sosial.  - 8. 

humairah kamaruddin, naufal nordin, nurlin erlina abdul-manap, sumithira narayanasamy, sharanjeet-kaur & mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2022).  association between socioeconomic status and vision screening outcomes among preschool children in klang valley, malaysia: a cross-sectional study.  - the malaysian journal of medical sciences.  102-113. 

sharanjeet kaur, mohd. zaki awg isa, haliza abd. mutalib, mohd. izzudin hairol, firdaus yusof, md. muziman syah md. mustafa, shah farez othman, muhammad afzam shah abdul rahim, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, sumithira narayanasamy, noor halilah buari, teoh sw.  (2022).  code of practice for programme accreditation undergraduate optometry degree/opticianry diploma version 2.  - 1-232. 

mohd izzuddin hairol, shaari ahmad, sharanjeet kaur, lei hum wee, fauziah abdullah, and mahadir ahmad.  (2021).  incidence and predictors of postpartum depression among postpartum mothers in kuala lumpur, malaysia: a cross-sectional study.  - plos one.  1-12. 

sharanjeet kaur a/p malkeet singh;mahadir bin ahmad;mohd `izzuddin bin hairol;wee lei hum;belina anne william m thomas.  (2021).  behavioural issues and social relationship among secondary schoolchildren with colour vision deficiency.  -

mohd izzuddin hairol, naufal nordin, jacqueline png, sharanjeet-kaur, sumithira narayanasamy, manisah mohd-ali, mahadir ahmad & masne kadar.  (2021).  association between reduced visual-motor integration performance and socioeconomic factors among preschool children in malaysia: a cross-sectional study.  - plos one.  1-16. 

mohd izzuddin hairol, norlaili arif, pui theng yong, mariah asem shehadeh saleh ali, nik nor adlina nik idris, li ching ng.  (2021).  evaluation of the relationships between corneal parameters, ocular biometry, and myopia magnitude.  - sains malaysiana.  3077-3084. 

zainora mohammed, norliza mohamad fadzil, mohd. izzuddin hairol, sumithira narayanasamy, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, bashirah ishak, norlaila md daud, sharanjeet kaur & noor shahida sukiman.  (2020).  evidence-based practice in optometry: are the knowledge carried forward by students after graduation.  - knovasi 2020.  3. 

sharanjeet kaur a/p malkeet singh;mahadir bin ahmad;mohd `izzuddin bin hairol;wee lei hum.  (2020).  isu-isu tingkah laku dan hubungan sosial dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah yang mempunyai defisiensi penglihatan warna kogenital di sekitar lembah klang.  -

sharanjeet kaur a/p malkeet singh;mahadir bin ahmad;mohd `izzuddin bin hairol.  (2020).  pembentukan soal selidik kualiti hidup dalam bahasa melayu bagi golongan dewasa muda dengan defisiensi penglihatan warna kongenital.  -

mohd `izzuddin bin hairol;sharanjeet kaur a/p malkeet singh;norlaili binti arif.  (2020).  ciri-ciri parameter kornea dan biometri okular pada miopia rendah, sederhana dan tinggi.  -

sharanjeet kaur a/p malkeet singh;mahadir bin ahmad;mohd `izzuddin bin hairol.  (2020).  isu emosi tingkah laku dan hubungan sosial dalam kalangan dewasa muda dengan defisiensi penglihatan warna kongenital.  -

mohd `izzuddin bin hairol;sharanjeet kaur a/p malkeet singh.  (2020).  vision related neurodegenerative biomarkers in diabetes mellitus type ii.  -

xiao hui wee, jemaima che hamzah, sharanjeet kaur, mohd izzuddin hairol, mohd harimi abdul rahman, rona asnida nasaruddin.  (2020).  training eye care providers in glaucoma screening: a qualitative study.  - proceedings of the 4th uum international qualitative research conference (qrc) 2020.  71-80. 

zainora mohammed, norliza mohamad fadzil, mohd 'izzuddin hairol, sumithira narayanasamy, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, bashirah ishak, norlaila mat daud, sharanjeet kaur, noor shahida sukiman.  (2020).  evidence-based practice in optometry: are the knowledge carried forward by students after graduation?.  - asean journal of teaching & learning in higher education.  110-121. 

pui theng yong, norlaili arif, sharanjeet kaur, mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2020).  double eyelid tape wear affects anterior ocular health among young adult women with single eyelids.  - international journal of environmental research and public health.  1-14. 

naufal nordin, sharanjeet-kaur, sumithira narayanasamy, mahadir ahmad, masne kadar, manisah mohd ali, mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2020).  comparison of habitual visual acuity and stereoacuity between children attending kemas and urban private preschools.  - medicine & health.  225-236. 

nor aqidah aziz, mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2019).  the effect reduced pupil size in normal young and older adults on pattern reversal visual evoked potentials.  - buletin fsk.  45-49. 

woi pui juan, sharanjeet kaur & mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2019).  binocular and monocular resolution thresholds throughout adulthood for luminance-modulated and contrast-modulated noise letters.  - sains malaysiana.  2185-2190. 

mohd izzuddin hairol, chuay kai ying, nurul naquiah hamzah.  (2019).  self-reported vision impairment and eye care utilisation among malay and chinese aged 50 years and older residing in urban and rural areas in klang valley.  - buletin sk.  21-29. 

nabila syuhada roslan, mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2018).  perbandingan nilai ambang akuiti visual menggunakan optotaip sloan, illiterate e dan simbol lea.  - buletin fsk.  57-61. 

mohd `izzuddin bin hairol;sharanjeet kaur a/p malkeet singh.  (2018).  development of novel letter stimuli for visual acuity measurements in degraded visual systems.  -

mohd izzuddin hairol, norlaili arif & siti hanisah mohd shariffudin.  (2018).  kepatuhan temujanji oleh pesakit di klinik optometri ukm.  - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia.  103-108. 

belina anne william m thomas , sharanjeet kaur , mohd izzuddin hairol , mahadir ahmad , lei hum wee.  (2018).  behavioural and emotional issues among primary school pupils with congenital colour vision deficiency in the federal territory of kuala lumpur, malaysia: a case-control study [version 1; referees: awa.  - f1000research.  1-11. 

wan nur amirah ibrahim, zainora mohammed, norliza mohamad fadzil, sumithira narayanasamy, mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2018).  perubahan tahap pencahayaan dalam bilik darjah di sebuah sekolah pendidikan khas cacat penglihatan dan perbandingan tahap pencahayaan di bawah keadaan pencahayaan yang berbeza.  - sains malaysiana. 

mohd izzuddin hairol, loshane arusulem, wong jia ying.  (2017).  effects of monocular blur on clinical measurements of stereopsis and binocular contrast sensitivity (kesan kabur monokular terhadap nilai ujian klinikal stereopsis dan sensitiviti kontras).  - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia.  19-25. 

woi pui juan, mohd izzuddin hairol, sharanjeet-kaur.  (2017).  monocular and binocular visual acuity changes with luminance-modulated and contrast-modulated letters in visually normal eyes throughout adulthood.  - medical journal of malaysia.  5. 

mohd izzuddin hairol, norazizah abd latif, woi pui juan, nurul hafizah ahmad rashaidi, sharanjeet kaur.  (2017).  perbandingan zon interaksi ruang dua dimensi subjek normal dan ambliopia anisometropik.  - sains malaysiana.  1913-1921. 

mohd izzuddin hairol, nabila syuhada roslan.  (2017).  comparison of visual acuity measured with different acuity tests for different age groups.  - medical journal of malaysia. 

nor diyana hani, sharanjeet-kaur, norliza fadzil, mohd izzuddin hairol, madhavendra bhandari.  (2016).  visual acuity at different contracts in amblyopes.  - kolokium siswazah fsk, fakulti sains kesihatan. 

mohd izzuddin hairol, qazi mohamad omair, sharanjeet-kaur.  (2016).  effects of flanker type and position on foveal letter recognition.  - f1000research.  1-13. 

indira madhavan, sharanjeet-kaur, mohd izzuddin hairol, zainora mohammed.  (2016).  spacing improves reading in dyslexic children.  - asia pacific journal of developmental differences.  3-20. 

pui juan woi, sharanjeet-kaur, sarah j waugh, mohd izzuddin hairol.  (2016).  visual acuity measured with luminance-modulated and contrast-modulated noise letter stimuli in young adults and adults above 50 years old.  - f1000research.  1-10. 

xiao-hui wee, sharanjeet kaur, mohd izzuddin hairol, saadah mohamed akhir.  (2016).  accommodation response in malaysia chinese school children when reading chinese and roman characters.  - kolokium siswazah fsk 2016. 

mohd izzuddin hairol, chua kai ying, nurul naquiyah hamzah.  (2015).  umur 50+ dan gangguan penglihatan.  - impak : edisi kesihatan & perubatan. 

hairol, mohd izzuddin; abd-latif, nor azizah; low, patricia; lim, wei ping; aik, jean yee; kaur, sharanjeet-.  (2015).  effects of foveal and eccentric viewing on the resolution and contrast thresholds of individual letters..  - psychology & neuroscience.  183-192. 

sarah j waugh, monika f formankiewicz, m izzuddin hairol.  (2014).  effects of stimulus duration on foveal crowding using visual acuity letters.  - journal of vision.  787. 

mohd izzuddin hairol, norazizah abd latif, pui juan woi, nurul hafizah ahmad rashaidi, sharanjeet kaur, sarah j waugh.  (2014).  visual acuity and spatial interaction zones: investigating the periphery in anisometropic amblyopia.  - journal of vision.  772. 

hairol, m.i., formankiewicz, m.a., waugh, s.j..  (2013).  foveal visual acuity is worse and shows stronger contour interaction effects for contrast-modulated than luminance-modulated cs.  - visual neuroscience.  30(3):105-120. 

sarah j waugh, monika a formankiewicz, m izzuddin hairol.  (2012).  contour interaction extents (in mar) for differently-sized cs vary little within, but lots between, lm and cm acuity systems.  - journal of vision.  12(10):101. 

monika a formankiewicz, sarah j waugh, m izzuddin hairol.  (2012).  the effects of termination rules on contour interaction in a resolution acuity task with luminance-modulated and contrast-modulated cs.  - european conference on visual perception 2012. 

mohd `izzuddin hairol, norhani mohidin, bariah mohd ali.  (2007).  warisan kecemerlangan optometri 25 tahun 1982-2007.  - 56.