Penerbitan Terkini

theng choon ooi, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif.  (2024).  effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplement among older adults: a randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial.  - international dairy journal.  1-9. 

rawdah whba, mohd sukor su'ait, sevda sahinbay, fathyah whba, azizan ahmad.  (2024).  natural rubber-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: modification, challenges, advances, and perspectives.  - journal of energy storage.  1-34. 

r. whba, m.s. su'ait, f. whba, a. ahmad.  (2024).  research progress on polyacrylonitrile-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: insight into electrochemical performance.  - journal of power sources.  1-31. 

lee tian khoon, nurul akmaliah dzulkurnain, azizan ahmad.  (2023).  synthetic and natural nanofillers in polymer composites: properities and application.  - 15. 

nur jafni azaki, azizan ahmad, nur hasyareeda hassan, muhammad amirul aizat mohd abdah, mohd sukor suait, narges ataollahi, tian khoon lee.  (2023).  poly(methyl methacrylate) grafted natural rubber binder for anodes in lithium-ion battery applications.  - acs applied polymer materials.  4953-4965. 

mohd sukor su'ait, marwah rayung, salmiah ibrahim, azizan ahmad.  (2023).  polyurethanes: preparation, properties, and applications volume 3: emerging applications.  - 25. 

rawdah whba, mohd sukor su'ait, salmiah ibrahim, azizan ahmad.  (2023).  epoxidized natural rubber-graft-acrylonitrile (enr-g-acn)-based solid polymer electrolytes for energy storage application.  - polymer international.  1070-1078. 

m.s. su'ait, m.a. sahudin, n.a. ludin, a. ahmad, m.y.a. rahman, h. ahmoum, n. ataollahi, p. scardi.  (2023).  potential of transition metal sulfides, cu2znsns4 as inorganic absorbing layers in dye-sensitized solar cells.  - journal of cleaner production.  1-12. 

muhammad amirul aizat mohd abdah, tian khoon lee, azizan ahmad, yusran sulaiman, nurul akmaliah dzulkarnain, marliyana mokhtar, mohammad khalid, mohd sukor su'ait.  (2023).  improving cycling performance of vanadium-based electrode deposited with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) for lithium-ion battery application.  - acs applied energy materials.  1605-1620. 

f.n. jumaah, n. m. mustafa, n. n. mobarak, n.h. hassan, s.a.m. noor, n.a. ludin, k.h. badri, a. ahmad, y. masahiro-fujita, m.s. su'ait.  (2023).  bio-based quaternary ammonium salt as an electrolyte for dye-sensitised solar cells.  - electrochimica acta.  1-16. 

roichatul madinah, febdian rusydi, rizka n fadilla, vera khairunisa, lusia s p boli, adhitya g saputro, nur hasyareeda hassan, azizan ahmad.  (2023).  first principles study of the dispersion effects in the structure and keto enol tautomerization of curcumin.  - acs omega.  34022-34033. 

f.n. jumaah, n. n. mobarak, n.h. hassan, s.a.m. noor, s.n.s. nasir, n.a. ludin, k.h. badri, a. ahmad, e.r.d. ito, m. yoshizawa-fujita, m.s. su'ait.  (2023).  review of non-crystalline and crystalline quaternary ammonium ions: classification, structural and thermal insight into tetraalkylammonium ions.  - journal of molecular liquids.  1-50. 

ramadan aliti, yoganash putthisigamany, mohd sukor su'ait, azizan bin ahmad, kazi sajedur rahman, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, mimoza ristova.  (2023).  the effect of precursor synthesis temperature on sol-gel czts spin-coated thin films properties.  - journal of natural sciences and mathematics of ut.  38-46. 

ooi theng choon, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif.  (2023).  the effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplementation on the expression levels of pro-inflammatory mediators and metabolic changes among older adults: findings from the biomarkers and untargeted metabolomic analysis.  - nutrients.  1-15. 

nadhratun naiim binti mobarak;azizan bin ahmad;mohd sukor bin su`ait;lee tian khoon.  (2023).  thermally stable substrate based on polyimide for flexible dye sensitized solar cell (dssc) application.  -

mohd sukor bin su`ait;azizan bin ahmad;puvaneswaran a/l chelvanathan;lee tian khoon.  (2022).  investigation of poly(acrylonitrile-g-epoxidized natural rubber) polymer electrolyte for rechargeable lithium-sulfur battery using cu2znsns4 electrode.  -

nur adiera hanna rosli, kee shyuan loh, wai yin wong, tian khoon lee, azizan ahmad.  (2022).  phosphorylated chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) based proton exchange membranes modified with propylammonium nitrate ionic liquid and silica filler for fuel cell applications.  - international journal of hydrogen energy.  19217-19236. 

ms su'ait, piz syed mahadzir, kh badri, a ahmad.  (2022).  effects of isocyanate-to-polyols (nco/oh) ratio on bio-based polyurethane film from palm kernel oil based monoester polyols (pko-p) for polymer electrolytes application.  - materials science (medziagotyra).  322-332. 

mohd sukor bin su`ait;azizan bin ahmad;suhaila binti sepeai.  (2022).  investigation of poly(spiro-ometad) as hole transport materials for perovskite solar cells.  -

jamilah karim, siti aminah mohd noor, mariah zuliana dzulkifli, azizan ahmad, mohd sukor su'ait, nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2022).  influence of electron beam radiation on the properties of surface modified titania filled gel polymer electrolytes using vinyl triethoxysilane (vtes) for lithium battery application.  - result in chemistry.  1-8. 

nurul iffah ismail, saiyidah nafisah saidin, nur hani rail, azizan ahmad, nadhratun naiim mobarak.  (2022).  the effects of monosaccharides on the physico electrochemical properties of chitosan based solid polymer electrolytes (spes).  - sains malaysiana.  2461-2472. 

jamilah karim, puteri intan zulaikha syed mahadzir, siti aminah mohd noor, mariah zuliana dzulkifli, ruzalina baharin, azizan ahmad, mohd sukor sua'it, nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2022).  effect of electron beam irradiation on gel polymer electrolytes: change in morphology, chemical structure and electrochemical.  - journal of polymer science and technology.  45-60. 

nur hani rail, adhitya gandaryus saputro, narges ataollahi, azizan ahmad, nadhratun naiim mobarak.  (2022).  the role of disaccharides as a plasticizer in improving the interaction between chitosan chain based solid polymer electrolytes (spes).  - new journal of chemistry.  3844-3855. 

azmin sham rambely, zanaton h iksan, ishak ahmad, faizal k.p. kunchi mohamed, wan nasyrudin wan abdullah, izfa riza hazmi, azizan ahmad, sahilah abd. mutalib, siti aisyah shamsudin, ahmad shafiq mat razali, muhammad hafiizuddin shaari, fazihan mahadi, sal.  (2021).  kem pandang alam dalam kursus pengenalan sains tauhidik.  - majalah knovasi siri 1.  1-9. 

siti munirah manap, farah hannan anuar, azizan ahmad.  (2021).  elektrolit pepejal berasaskan polimer taut silang.  - 96. 

meriem latifi, azizan ahmad, nur hasyareeda hassan, hicham ben yousef, hamid kaddami.  (2021).  towards the application of carboxymethyl chitin/ionic liquid blend as polymer electrolyte membrane for aqueous batteries.  - carbohydrate polymers.  1-10. 

nur adiera hanna rosli, kee shyuan loh, wai yin wong, tian khoon lee, azizan ahmad.  (2021).  hybrid composite membrane of phosphorylated chitosan/ poly (vinyl alcohol)/silica as a proton exchange membrane.  - membranes.  1-31. 

puteri intan zulaikha syed mahadzir, mohd sukor su'ait, suhaila sepeai, norasikin ahmad ludin, mohd asri mat teridi, kamaruzzaman sopian, azizan ahmad, khairulazhar jumbri, kasparas rakstys, mohammad khaja nazeeruddin.  (2021).  polymerization of spiro-ometad for emerging solar cells.  - proceedings of 9th seri colloquium 2021.  18. 

piz syed-mahadzir, ms su'ait, s sepeai, na ludin, ma mat-teridi, k sopian, a ahmad, k jumbri, ad jodlowski, k rakstys, mk nazeeruddin.  (2021).  polymerization of spiro-ometad for emerging solar cells.  - 7th malaysia polymer international conference 2021.  46. 

rawdah whba, mohd sukor su'ait, lee tian khoon, salmiah ibrahim, nor sabirin mohamed and azizan ahmad..  (2021).  polymer electrolyte system based on acrylonitrile grafted epoxidized natural rubber (enr-g-acn) for solid state lithium-ion rechargeable battery application.  - 7th malaysia polymer international conference 2021.  37. 

r. whba, m. s. su'ait, l. tiankhoon, s. ibrahim, n.s. mohamed, a. ahmad.  (2021).  synthesis and characterization of acrylonitrile grafted epoxidized natural rubber (acn-g-enr) by in- situ uv curing technique as solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion rechargeable batteries.  - the 72nd annual meeting ise 2021.  1. 

nur maizura mustafa, fatihah najirah jumaah, nur hasyareeda hassan, azizan ahmad, chan kok meng, mohd sukor su'ait.  (2021).  synthesis, characterization of bio-based tetraalkylammonium salts and in vitro ln18 cell cytotoxicity.  - proceedings of 9th seri colloquium 2021.  19. 

mohd saiful asmal rani, masita mohammad, mohd sukor suait, azizan ahmad, nor sabirin mohamed.  (2021).  novel approach for the utilization of ionic liquid based cellulose derivative biosourced polymer electrolytes in safe sodium ion batteries.  - polymer bulletin.  5355-5377. 

r. whba, m.s. su'ait, l. tiankhoon, s. ibrahim, n.s. mohamed, a. ahmad.  (2021).  acrylonitrile grafted epoxidized natural rubber (acn-g-enr): synthesis by in- situ uv curing technique and characterization as solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion rechargeable batteries.  - reactive and functional polymers.  1-17. 

mariah zuliana dzulkipli, jamilah karim, azizan ahmad, nurul akmaliah dzulkurnain, mohd sukor su'ait , masahiro yoshizawa-fujita , lee tian khoon, and nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2021).  the influences of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate on electrochemical, thermal and structural studies as ionic liquid gel polymer electrolyte.  - polymers.  1-17. 

nadhratun naiim binti mobarak;azizan bin ahmad;mohd sukor bin su`ait;lim seng joe.  (2021).  the effect of sugar on the performance of carboxymethyl chitosan based lithium-air battery.  -

mohd sukor bin su`ait;kamaruzzaman sopian;azizan bin ahmad.  (2021).  incorporation of conducting polymers on v2o5 based carbon nanofiber composites as cathode for rechargeable batteries..  -

mohd sukor bin su`ait;khairiah binti badri;azizan bin ahmad;norasikin binti ahmad ludin;nadhratun naiim binti mobarak.  (2021).  novel polikation bio-poliuretana dari minyak isirung sawit untuk aplikasi peranti elektrokimia keadaan pepejal.  -

mohd sukor bin su`ait;khairiah binti badri;azizan bin ahmad;nur hasyareeda binti hassan;norasikin binti ahmad ludin.  (2021).  synthesis and characterization of bio-based ionic liquids from palm kernel oil.  -

maam abdah, m. mokhtar, l. tiankhoon, k. sopian, na dzulkurnain, a. ahmad, y. sulaiman, f. bella, ms. su'ait.  (2021).  synthesis and electrochemical characterizations of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene/manganese oxide coated on porous carbon nanofibers as a potential anode for lithium-ion batteries.  - energy reports.  8677-8687. 

siti aminah mohd noor, lee tian khoon, mohd sukor suait, siow yook peng, loh kee shyuan, azizan ahmad.  (2021).  poly(vinyl alcohol) /n-methylene phosphonic chitosan /2-hydroxyethylammonium formate (pva-nmpc/2-heaf) membrane for fuel cell application.  - 7th international conference on solid state science and technology - solid state phenomena.  440-446. 

noriah abdul rahman, sharina abu hanifah, nadhratun naiim mobarak, azizan ahmad, norasikin ahmad ludin, federico bella, mohd sukor su'ait.  (2021).  chitosan as a paradigm for biopolymer electrolytes in solid state dye sensitised solar cells.  - polymer.  1-13. 

rawdah whba, mohd sukor suait, lee tian khoon, salmiah ibrahim, nor sabirin mohamed , azizan ahmad.  (2021).  free radical photopolymerization of acrylonitrile grafted onto epoxidized natural rubber.  - polymers.  1-25. 

rawdah whba, mohd sukor su'ait, lee tian khoon, salmiah ibrahim, nor sabirin mohamed and azizan ahmad.  (2021).  free-radical photopolymerization of acrylonitrile grafted onto epoxidized natural rubber.  - abstract of the 15th international symposium in science and technology (isst 2021).  111. 

mariah zuliana dzulkifli, jamilah karim, azizan ahmad, nurul akmaliah dzulkurnain, mohd sukor sua'it, masahiro yoshizawa fujita, lee tian khoon, nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2021).  the influences of 1-butyl 3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate on electrochemical, thermal and structural studies as ionic liquid gel polymer electrolyte.  - polymers.  1-17. 

nur azlina abdul ghani, farah hannan anuar, azizan ahmad, nadhratun naiim mobarak, intan juliana shamsudin, mariah zuliana dzulkipli, nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2020).  incorporating 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid into iota carrageenan solid biopolymer electrolyte for electrochemical devices application.  - sains malaysiana.  305-313. 

lee tian khoon, azizan ahmad, nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2020).  bateri ion litium: zirkonia dalam elektrolit polimer nanokomposit.  - 116. 

mohd sukor bin su`ait;azizan bin ahmad;norasikin binti ahmad ludin.  (2020).  quaternary copper chalcogenide, cu2znsns4 nanoparticles based dye-sensitized solar cell (dssc).  -

marwah rayung, min min aung, shah christirani azhar, luqman chuah abdullah, mohd sukor su'ait, azizan ahmad, siti nurul ain md jamil.  (2020).  bio-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: insight into the ionic conductivity performance.  - materials.  1-47. 

meriem latifi, azizan ahmad, hamid kaddami, nur hasyareeda hassan, reiner dieden, youssef habibi.  (2020).  chemical modification and processing of chitin for sustainable production of biobased electrolytes.  - polymers.  1-16. 

shuhib mamat, halim haji razali, kamaruzzaman sopian, lee tian khoon, azizan ahmad, noriyoshi matsumi, mohd sukor su'ait.  (2020).  conductivity and dielectric behavior studies on solid polymer electrolyte based poly(methyl methacrylate) (pmma) grafted natural rubber (mg49) polymer blends.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  599-606. 

nur adiera hanna rosli, kee shyuan loh, wai yin wong, rozan mohamad yunus, tian khoon lee, azizan ahmad, seng tong chong.  (2020).  review of chitosan-based polymers as proton exchange membranes and roles of chitosan-supported ionic liquids.  - international journal of molecular sciences.  1-52. 

nur hasyareeda binti hassan;azizan bin ahmad;mohd sukor bin su`ait.  (2020).  development of a new technique for preparing advanced material (ionic liquid gel polymer eletrolytes) for lithium (li) battery application..  -

n.i. adam, h. hanibah, r.h.y. subban, m. faizal, n.n. mobarak, a. ahmad, k.h. badri, m.s. su'ait.  (2020).  palm-based cationic polyurethane membranes for solid polymer electrolytes application: a physico-chemical characteristics studies of chain-extended cationic polyurethane.  - industrial crops and products.  1-12. 

rayung, m., aung, m.m., su'ait, m.s., abdullah, l.c., ahmad, a. lim, h.n.,.  (2020).  performance analysis of jatropha oil-based polyurethane acrylate gel polymer electrolyte for dye-sensitized solar cells.  - acs omega.  14267-14274. 

r.a.g. whba, l. tiankhoon, m.s. suait, m.y.a. rahman, a. ahmad.  (2020).  influence of binary lithium salts on 49% polymethyl methacrylate grafted natural rubber based solid polymer electrolytes.  - arabian journal of chemistry.  3351-3361. 

nadhratun naiim binti mobarak;azizan bin ahmad;mohd sukor bin su`ait;lee tian khoon;nurul akmaliah bt dzulkurnain.  (2020).  kesan pengubahsuaian panjang rantai alkil terhadap sifat terma dan elektrokimia karboksimetil kitosan.  -

azizan ahmad, nur hasyareeda hassan, farah hannan anuar, sharina abu hanifah, mohd sukor su`ait, wan nor roslam wan isahak, nadhratun naiim mobarak, lee tian khoon.  (2019).  potential of modified polysaccharide based polymer electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries.  - 1-6. 

lee tian khoon, mark lee wun fui, nur hasyareeda hassan, mohd sukor suait, raman vedarajan, noriyoshi matsumi, mohammad bin kassim, loh kee shyuan, azizan ahmad.  (2019).  in situ solgel preparation of zro2 in nanocomposite polymer electrolyte of pvdfhfp/mg49 for lithium-ion polymer battery.  - journal of sol-gel science and technology.  665-675. 

tian khoon lee, nur farahidayu mohd zaini, nadharatun naiim mobarak, nur hasyareeda hassan, siti aminah mohd noor, shuhib mamat, kee shyuan loh, ku halim kubulat, mohd sukor su'ait, azizan ahmad.  (2019).  peo based polymer electrolyte comprised of epoxidized natural rubber material (enr50) for li-ion polymer battery application.  - electrochimica acta.  283-291. 

siti munirah manap, azizan ahmad, mohd sani sarjadi, farah hannan anuar.  (2019).  effect of plasticizers and lithium perchlorate on poly(l-lactic acid)-poly(propylene glycol) solid polymer electrolyte.  - malaysian journal of analytical sciences.  703-714. 

n. n. mobarak, m. mokhtar , n.h. ra'il , n.s. mohamed , a. ahmad.  (2019).  the effect of plasticizer-based sugar on the electrochemical properties of electrolyte polymer-based chitosan and its derivatives.  - malaysia polymer international conference 2019 (mpic 2019).  49. 

nur hani ra'il, nurul iffah ismail, azizan ahmad, nadhratun naiim mobarak.  (2019).  the effect of sugar type on electrochemical properties of chitosanbased solid polymer electrolyte.  - malaysia polymer international conference 2019 (mpic 2019).  86. 

noor azlina abdul ghani, rizafizah othaman, azizan ahmad, farah hannan anuar, nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2019).  impact of purification on iota carageenan as solid polymer electrolyte.  - arabian journal of chemistry.  370-376. 

noriah abdul rahman, sharina abu hanifah, nadhratun naiim mobarak, mohd sukor suait, azizan ahmad, loh kee shyuan, lee tian khoon.  (2019).  synthesis and characterizations of o-nitrochitosan based biopolymer electrolyte for electrochemical devices.  - plos one. 

dzuraidah binti abd. wahab;rahmah bt. ismail;juhana binti salim;zainab binti ismail;shahrir bin abdullah;ruhizan bt. mohammad yasin;andanastuti muchtar;mohd azlan shah bin zaidi;azizan bin ahmad.  (2019).  mekanisme penyepadanan pengalaman dan kredit pembelajaran bagi mod pembelajaran dan pengalaman terdahulu (prior experiencetial learning).  - 1-4. 

m. z. dzulkipli, a. ahmad, m. s. su'ait, s. a. m. noor, n. a. dzulkurnain, j. karim, n. h. hassan.  (2019).  studies on electrochemical behaviour of pvdf-hfp based ionic liquid gel polymer electrolyte.  - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium: proceedings of the universiti kebangsaan malaysia, faculty of science and technology 2018 postgraduate colloquium.  1-7. 

nor shafika ramli, siti aminah mohd noor, mohd sukor su'ait, lee tian khoon, azizan ahmad.  (2019).  kajian sifat elektrokimia dan teraksi kimia elektrolit polimer pepejal berasaskan pvdf-hfp/enr50-litf.  - journal of polymer science and technology.  16-21. 

loh minyi, mohd sukor su'ait, marliyana mokhtar, fatihah najirah jumaah, nadhratun naiim mobarak, azizan ahmad.  (2019).  kajian terhadap potensi pengeteran poli (vinil alkohol) sebagai bahan elektrolit polimer.  - journal of polymer science and technology.  1-15. 

f.n. jumaah, n. n. mobarak, n.h. hasan, s.a.m. noor, n.a. ludin, k.h. badri, a. ahmad, m. yoshizawa-fujita, m.s. su'ait.  (2019).  physicochemical studies on bio-based quaternary ammonium salt from fatty acid.  - 15th international conference on frontiers of polymers and advanced materials (icfpam 2019).  199. 

jamilah karim, mariah zuliana dzulkipli, azizan ahmad, siti aminah mohd noor, mohd sukor su'ait, nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2019).  effect of silica surface modification in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [bmim][bf4] - poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropene)(pvdf-hfp) ionogel.  - 15th international conference on frontiers of polymers and advanced materials (icfpam 2019).  254. 

noriah abdul rahman, sharina abu hanifah, nadhratun naiim mobarak, azizan ahmad, mohd sukor su'ait.  (2019).  chemical and conductivity studies of chitosan- sodium iodide solid biopolymer electrolyte.  - malaysia polymer international conference 2019 (mpic 2019).  85. 

marwah rayung, min.min aung, azizan ahmad, mohd.sukor su'ait, luqman chuah abdullah, siti.nurul ain md jamil.  (2019).  characteristics of ionically conducting jatropha oil-based polyurethane acrylate gel electrolyte doped with potassium iodide.  - materials chemistry and physics.  110-117. 

r.a.g. whba, m.s. su'ait, n.s. mohamed, a. ahmad.  (2019).  uv photopolymerization of acrylonitrile grafted epoxidized natural rubber.  - malaysia polymer international conference 2019 (mpic 2019).  83. 

azizan ahmad, lee tian khoon, mohd sukor su'ait, nadhratun naiim mobarak, nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2019).  biopolymer electrolyte for energy storage applications.  - malaysia polymer international conference 2019 (mpic 2019).  19. 

mohd sukor bin su`ait;azizan bin ahmad.  (2019).  sustainable bio-based electromaterials for future secondary lithium-ion batteries.  - 1-6. 

joy wei yi liew, kee shyuan loh, azizan ahmad, kean long lim and wan ramli wan daud.  (2018).  effect of modified natural filler o-methylene phosphonic kappa-carrageenan on chitosan-based polymer electrolytes.  - energies. 

marliyana mokhtar, edy herianto majlan, azizan ahmad, siti masrinda tasirin, wan ramli wan daud.  (2018).  effect of zno filler on pva-alkaline solid polymer electrolyte for aluminum-air battery applications.  - the electrochemical society journals. 

kee shyuan loh, joy wei yi liew, azizan ahmad, kean long lim & wan ramli wan daud.  (2018).  o-methylene phosphonic k-carrageenan as filler for chitosan-based polymer electrolyte.  - international conference on renewable energy 2018. 

n.n. mobarak, f.n. jantan, n.a. dzulkurnain, a. ahmad & m.p. abdullah.  (2018).  kesan garam litium nitrat terhadap sifat elektrokimia karboksimetil kitosan.  - sains malaysiana. 

dzulkurnain, n.a. rani, m.s.a. ahmad, a. mohamed, n.s.  (2018).  effect of lithium salt on physicochemical properties of p(mma-co-ema) based copolymer electrolytes for dye-sensitized solar cell application.  - ionics. 

jun xing leong, wilson agerico diņo, azizan ahmad, wan ramli wan daud, and hideaki kasai.  (2018).  increasing the proton conductivity of sulfonated polyether ether ketone by incorporating graphene oxide: morphology effect on proton dynamics..  - japanese journal of applied physics. 

lee tian khoon, nur jannah bt mohd zain, mohd sukor su'ait, loh kee shyuan & azizan ahmad.  (2018).  solid polymer electrolyte based poly (vinylidenefluoride-hexafluropropylene)-50%-epoxidized natural rubber in application of li-ion polymer battery.  - the 16th international symposium on polymer electrolyte (ispe-16). 

azizan bin ahmad;ma`aruf bin abd. ghani.  (2018).  carrageenan derivative bio-nanocomposite ionogels for battery application.  -

mark lee wun fui; lee tian khoon, ng kim hang, lorna jeffery minggu, azizan ahmad, mohammad b. kassim.  (2018).  passivated dye-sensitised tio2 photoanode with conductive polymer with improved photocatalyst stability for photoelectrochemical application.  - ionics. 

m.s. suait, f.j. jumaah, m. faizal, n.n. mobarak, k.h. badri, a. ahmad, n.a. ludin, k. sopian, a.d. jodlowski & m.k. nazeeruddin.  (2018).  high performance solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell using bio-based polyurethane polycation.  - international symposium of polymer electrolytes 2018. 

azizan ahmad, lee tian khoon & mohd sukor su'ait.  (2018).  potential of rubber electrolyte in electrochemical devices.  - international symposium of polymer electrolytes 2018. 

f.n. jumaah, n.n. mobarak, n.a. ludin, n. h. hassan, s.a.m. noor, k.h. badri, a. ahmad & m.s. su'ait.  (2018).  bio-based quaternary ammonium salt from fatty acid for electrolyte in electrochemical devices.  - international symposium of polymer electrolytes 2018. 

tuan syarifah rossyidah tuan. naiwi, min min aung, azizan ahmad, marwah rayung, mohd sukor su'ait, nor azah yusof, khine zar wynn lae.  (2018).  enhancement of plasticizing effect on bio-based polyurethane acrylate solid polymer electrolyte and its properties.  - polymers. 

m.s. suait, f.n. jumaah, h. m. faizzi, s. mamat, n.a. ludin, w.a. farhan, a. haron, n. atifah, m.n. latif, k.h. badri, a. ahmad.  (2018).  palm-based polyurethane-ionic liquid gel polymer electrolyte for quasi-solid state dye sensitized solar cell.  - industrial crops and products.  406-413. 

shuhib mamat, mohamad faizzi, mohd sukor su'ait, norasikin ahmad ludin, kamaruzzaman sopian, nurul akmaliah dzulkarnain, azizan ahmad, loh kee shyuan, lee tian khoon & daniel brandell.  (2018).  kajian elektrolit polimer berasaskan getah asli terubah suai (mg49) dalam sel suria terpeka pewarna.  - sains malaysiana. 

mohamad faizzi, norasikin ahmad ludin, mohd sukor su'ait, norani muti mohamed, muhammad ameerullah sahudin, khairiah haji badri & azizan ahmad.  (2018).  effects of iodide/triiodide (i¯/i3¯) ratios on palm based polyurethane polymer electrolyte for solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell.  - jurnal kejuruteraan. 

h.m. faizzi, n.a. ludin, n.m. mohamed, k.h. badri, a. ahmad & m.s. suait.  (2017).  conductivity and electrochemical studies on solid polymer electrolytes based on palm based polyurethane for dye-sensitized solar cell application.  - malaysia polymer international conference 2017. 

karima ben hamou, h. kaddami, m.s. su`ait, k.h. badri & a. ahmad.  (2017).  nano crystals of cellulose (ncc) - polyurethane nanocomposites polymer electrolytes for li-ion battery application.  - 4th international conference on biobased materials and composites. 

nor shahfika ramli, nurul farhana saihulbahri, a. ahmad, shuhib mamat t.k. lee, m.s. suait & siti aminah mohd noor.  (2017).  the pvdf-hfp/enr50 based solid polymer electrolyte with an electrochemical anomaly behavior.  - asia-pasific international chapters conference 2017. 

noriah abdul rahman, sharina abu hanifah, nadhratun naiim mobarak, mohd sukor suait & azizan ahmad.  (2017).  potential of chitosan derivatives based on nitro as biopolimer solid electrolyte.  - malaysia polymer international conference 2017. 

marliyana mokhtar, meor zainal meor talib, edy herianto majlan, azizan ahmad, siti masrinda tasirin & wan ramli wan daud.  (2017).  the physical observation and conductivity studies of alkaline pva/zno solid polymer electrolyte for aluminium-air battery.  - 6th international conference on fuel cell & hydrogen technology 2017 (icfcht2017). 

n. f. m. zaini, a. ahmad, n. h. hassan, m. s. su`ait, s. mamat, l. tiankhoon & s. a. m. noor.  (2017).  electrochemical properties,chemical interaction and thermal stability peo-enr50 with litfsi salt solid polymer electrolyte for lithium ion battery application.  - asia-pasific international chapters conference 2017. 

m.s. suait, h.m. faizzi, n.a.ludin, n.n. mobarak, n.i. hassan, a. ahmad & m. nazeerudin.  (2017).  effects of organic molecules as electrolyte additives in dye-sensitized solar cell.  - 6th international conference on functional materials & devices 2017 (icfmd - 2017). 

joy wei yi liew, kee shyuan loh, azizan ahmad, kean long lim, wan ramli wan daud.  (2017).  synthesis and characterization of modified kappa-carrageenan for enhanced proton conductivity as polymer electrolyte membrane.  - plos one.  1-15. 

s. mamat, m.s. suait, h. razali, l. tiankhoon & a. ahmad.  (2017).  conductivity and dielectric behaviour studies on solid polymer electrolyte based 49% poly(methyl methacrylate) grafted natural rubber (mg49) blends.  - malaysia polymer international conference 2017. 

s.a.m. noor, n.c. su, l.t. khoon, n.s. mohamed, a. ahmad, m.z.a. yahya, h. zhu, m. forsyth, d.r. macfarlane.  (2017).  properties of high na-ion content n-propyl-n-methylpyrrolidinium bis( fluorosulfonyl) imide ethylene carbonate electrolytes.  - electrochimica acta.  983-993. 

m. latifi, a. ahmad & h. kaddami.  (2017).  potential of chitin derivatives as bio-polymer electrolyte.  - malaysia polymer international conference 2017. 

shamsudin i.j., ahmad a., hassan n.h., kaddami h..  (2016).  biopolymer electrolytes based on carboxymethyl ?-carrageenan and imidazolium ionic liquid.  - ionics.  841-851. 

m. r. n. nabilah, m. a. alwi, m. s. su`ait, m. imperiyka, s. a. hanifah, a. ahmad, n. h. hassan, m. y. a. rahman.  (2016).  effect of ionic liquid 1-butyl-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide on the properties of poly(glycidyl methacrylate) based solid polymer electrolytes.  - russian journal of electrochemistry.  362-373. 

mohd saiful asmal rani, nur hasyareeda hassan, azizan ahmad, hamid kaddami, nor sabirin mohamed.  (2016).  investigation of biosourced carboxymethyl cellulose-ionic liquid polymer electrolytes for potential application in electrochemical devices.  - ionics.  1855-1864. 

oon lee kang, azizan ahmad, nur hasyareeda hassan, usman ali rana.  (2016).  [mg49-liclo4]:[tio2-sio2] polymer electrolytes: in situ preparation and characterization.  - international journal of polymer science.  1-10. 

oon lee kang, azizan ahmad, nur hasyareeda hassan, usman ali rana, claudio migliaresi.  (2016).  comparative studies on mg49-liclo4 and mg49-tio2-sio2-liclo4 polymer electrolytes.  - international journal of electrochemical science.  4310-4322. 

siti rosnah mustapa, min min aung, azizan ahmad, ahmad mansor, lee tiankhoon.  (2016).  preparation and characterization of jatropha oil-based polyurethane as non-aqueous solid polymer electrolyte for electrochemical devices.  - electrochimica acta.  293-302. 

n. i. b. wafi, w.r.w. daud, e. h. majlan, m.r. somalu, a. ahmad.  (2016).  application of poly (2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate) gel electrolyte in electrochemical device: an overview.  - international journal of applied engineering research.  10043-10047. 

m. mokhtar, e. h. majlan, m. z. m. talib, a. ahmad, s. m. tasirin, w. r. w. daud.  (2016).  a short review on alkaline solid polymer electrolyte based on polyvinyl alcohol (pva) as polymer electrolyte for electrochemical devices applications..  - international journal of applied engineering research.  10009-10015. 

m.y.a. rahman, a.a. umar, m.s. suait, a. ahmad, r. taslim, l. roza, s.k.m. saad, m.m. salleh.  (2016).  metal oxide nanostructure thin films for dye-sensitized solar cells (dsscs): a brief overview.  - international journal of electroactive materials.  8-13. 

che balian s.r., ahmad a., mohamed n.s..  (2016).  the effect of lithium iodide to the properties of carboxymethyl ?-carrageenan/carboxymethyl cellulose polymer electrolyte and dye-sensitized solar cell performance.  - polymers.  1-10. 

kang o.l., ahmad a., hassan n.h., rana u.a..  (2016).  [tio2-sio2] polymer electrolytes: in situ preparation and characterization.  - international journal of polymer science.  1-10. 

wong b.c.f., ahmad a., hanifah s.a., hassan n.h..  (2016).  effects of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as cross-linker in ionic liquid gel polymer electrolyte based on poly(glycidyl methacrylate).  - international journal of polymer analysis and characterization.  95-103. 

tiankhoon l., ataollahi n., hassan n.h., ahmad a..  (2016).  studies of porous solid polymeric electrolytes based on poly (vinylidene fluoride) and poly (methyl methacrylate) grafted natural rubber for applications in electrochemical devices.  - journal of solid state electrochemistry.  203-213. 

bahram dowlati, mohamed rozali othman, azizan ahmad and elham safaei.  (2016).  a combination risk assessment of paracetamol: electrochemical oxidation behavior and cytotoxic effect evaluation of paracetamol in the presence of n1,n2-dibenzylethane-1,2-diamine.  - newjournal of chemistry.  5121-5127. 

oon lee kang, azizan ahmad, nur hasyareeda hassan, usman ali rana, mohd sukor suait, and claudio migliaresi.  (2016).  tio2-sio2-reinforced methylated grafted natural rubber polymer nanocomposites- preparation, optimization and characterization.  - polymers and polymer composites.  747-754. 

siti munirah manap, azizan ahmad, farah hannan anuar.  (2016).  characterization of poly(l-lactide/propylene glycol) based polyurethane films using atr-ftir spectroscopy.  - aip conference proceeding / the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium.  1-7. 

tan ching haw, azizan ahmad, farah hannan anuar.  (2016).  investigation of the synthesis of poly-d,l-lactide-co-poly(ethylene glycol) flexible thermoplastic.  - international journal of polymer analysis and characterization.  104-111. 

leong j.x., diņo w.a., ahmad a., daud w.r.w., kasai h..  (2016).  morphology effect on proton dynamics in nafionŽ 117 and sulfonated polyether ether ketone.  - journal of the physical society of japan.  1-6. 

dzulkurnain n.a., ahmad a., mohamed n.s..  (2016).  addition of 1 methyl-3 propyl imidazolium iodide into polymer electrolyte system for enhancement in dye sensitized solar cell efficiency.  - science of advanced materials.  41-46. 

rani m.s.a., dzulkurnain n.a., ahmad a., mohamed n.s..  (2015).  conductivity and dielectric behavior studies of carboxymethyl cellulose from kenaf bast fiber incorporated with ammonium acetate-bmatfsi biopolymer electrolytes.  - international journal of polymer analysis and characterization.  250-260. 

shamsudin i.j., ahmad a., hassan n.h., kaddami h..  (2015).  bifunctional ionic liquid in conductive biopolymer based on chitosan for electrochemical devices application.  - solid state ionics.  11-19. 

benhamou k., kaddami h., magnin a., dufresne a., ahmad a..  (2015).  bio-based polyurethane reinforced with cellulose nanofibers: a comprehensive investigation on the effect of interface.  - carbohydrate polymers.  202-211. 

mobarak n.n., jumaah f.n., ghani m.a., abdullah m.p., ahmad a..  (2015).  carboxymethyl carrageenan based biopolymer electrolytes.  - electrochimica acta.  224-231. 

dzulkurnain n.a., ahmad a., mohamed n.s..  (2015).  p(mma-ema) random copolymer electrolytes incorporating sodium iodide for potential application in a dye-sensitized solar cell.  - polymers.  266-280. 

ibrahim s., ahmad a., mohamed n.s..  (2015).  characterization of novel castor oil-based polyurethane polymer electrolytes.  - polymers.  747-759. 

l tiankhoon, nh hassan, mya rahman, r vedarajan, n matsumi, a ahmad.  (2015).  onepot synthesis nanohybrid zro2tio2 fillers in 49poly(methyl methacrylate) grafted natural rubber (mg49) based nanocomposite polymer electrolyte for lithium ion battery application.  - solid state ionics.  72-79. 

m.s. su`ait; a. ahmad; m.y.a. rahman; n.s. mohamed; c.l. azanza ricardo; p. scardi.  (2015).  potential of cu2znsns4 semiconductor based dye-sensitized solar cell.  - 5th international conference on functional materials & devices 2015 (icfmd - 2015). 

rudhziah, s., ahmad, a., ahmad, i. & mohamed, n. s..  (2015).  biopolymer electrolytes based on blend of kappa-carrageenan and cellulose derivatives for potential application in dye sensitized solar cell.  - electrochimica acta.  162-168. 

n. i. b. wafi, w.r.w. daud ,e. h. majlan , m.r. somalu, a. ahmad.  (2015).  application of poly (2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate) gel electrolyte in electrochemical device: a review.  - 28th symposium of malaysian chemical engineers 2015 (somche 2015).  123. 

jun xing leong, wan ramli wan daud, mostafa ghasemi, azizan ahmadc, manal ismail, , kien ben liew.  (2015).  composite membrane containing graphene oxide in sulfonated polyether ether ketone in microbial fuel cell applications.  - international journal of hydrogen energy.  11604-11614. 

wf mark lee, tk lee, kh ng, lj minggu, a ahmad, mb kassim.  (2015).  dye-sensitised tio2 photoanode with protective membrane for sustainable photoelectrochemical water splitting.  - the 4th international conference on fuel cells and hydrogen technology 2013 (icfcht2013), yogyakarta, indonesia.  71-74. 

m mokhtar, m z m talib, a ahmad, e h majlan, s m tasirin.  (2015).  a short review on alkaline solid polymer electrolyte based on polyvinyl alcohol (pva) as polymer electrolyte for electrochemical devices applications.  - proceeding 28th symposium of malaysian chemical engineering 2015. putrajaya. malaysia. 

n. ataollahi, a. ahmad, h. hamzah, m.y.a. rahman, n.s. mohamed.  (2015).  comparative study of the properties of plasticized (pvdf-hfp)-mg49-libf4 blend polymer electrolytes.  - russian journal of electrochemistry.  227-235. 

m.s. su`ait, m.y.a. rahman, a. ahmad.  (2015).  review on polymer electrolyte in dye-sensitized solar cells (dsscs).  - solar energy.  452-470. 

jumaah f.n., mobarak n.n., ahmad a., ghani m.a., rahman m.y.a..  (2015).  derivative of iota-carrageenan as solid polymer electrolyte.  - ionics.  1311-1320. 

rudhziah s., rani m.s.a., ahmad a., mohamed n.s., kaddami h..  (2015).  potential of blend of kappa-carrageenan and cellulose derivatives for green polymer electrolyte application.  - industrial crops and products. 

nurul akmaliah dzulkurnain; sharina abu hanifah; azizan ahmad; nor sabirin mohamed..  (2015).  characterization of random methacrylate copolymers synthesized using free-radical bulk polymerization method..  - international journal of electrochemical science.  84-92. 

laily b din, ropisah mie, mohd wahid samsudin, azizan ahmad, nazlina ibrahim.  (2015).  biomimetic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using the lichen ramalina dumeticola and the antibacterial activity.  - malaysian journal of analytical sciences.  369-376. 

farah nadia daud, azizan ahmad, khairiah haji badri.  (2015).  characterisations of palm-based polyurethane solid polymer electrolyte.  - advanced materials research.  163-167. 

n.n.m. radzir, s.a. hanifah, a. ahmad and n.h. hassan*.  (2015).  an investigation of gel polymer electrolytes plasticized with imidazolium ionic liquid.  - asian journal of chemistry.  3411-3414. 

federico bella, nadhratun n mobarak, fatihah n jumaah, azizan ahmad.  (2015).  from seaweeds to biopolymeric electrolytes for third generation solar cells: an intriguing approach.  - electrochimica acta.  306-311. 

sadegh khazalpour , davood nematollahi, azizan ahmad , bahram dowlati.  (2015).  electroreductive nucleophile acceptor generation. electrochemical synthesis of n-(4-(dimethylamino)phenyl)benzenesulfonamide.  - electrochimica acta.  909-913. 

ibrahim, s., ahmad, a. & mohamed, n. s..  (2015).  synthesis and characterization of castor oil-based polyurethane for potential application as host in polymer electrolytes.  - bulletin of materials science.  1155-1161. 

federico bella , nadhratun n. mobarak, fatihah n. jumaah, azizan ahmad.  (2015).  from seaweeds to biopolymeric electrolytes for third generation solar cells: an intriguing approach.  - electrochimica acta.  306-311. 

adi-irfan che-ani, khaidzir ismail, azizan ahmad, kadir ariffin & mohd zulhanif abd razak.  (2014).  a new framework for universiti kebangsaaan malaysia soft skills course: implementation and challenges.  - international education studies.  7(8):1-10. 

m.y.a. rahman, a. ahmad, a.a. umar, r. taslim, m.s. su`ait, m.m. salleh.  (2014).  polymer electrolyte for photoelectrochemical cell and dye-sensitized solar cell:a brief review.  - ionics.  1201-1205. 

m. imperiyka, a. ahmad, s.a. hanifah, a.a. umar, n.s. mohamed, m.y.a. rahman.  (2014).  photo-polymerization of methacrylate based polymer electrolyte for dye-sensitized solar cell.  - journal of polymer engineering.  695-702. 

shaharuddin ahmad, khaidzir ismail, roslee rajikan, chang peng kee, azizan ahmad, adi irfan che ani, mohd suzeren md jamil, wan mazlina wan mashhor, shamsul ridzuan samsudin..  (2014).  jurnal personalia pelajar.  - 1-109. 

i.j. shamsudin, a.ahmad, n.h. hassan and h. kaddami.  (2014).  solid biopolymer electrolyte based on k-carrageenan for electrochemical devices application.  - asian journal of chemistry.  77-80. 

m. imperiyka, a. ahmad, s.a. hanifah, m.y.a. rahman, n.s. mohamed.  (2014).  preparation and characterization of ultraviolet-cured polymer electrolyte poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-methyl methacrylate).  - journal of new materials for electrochemical systems.  213-217. 

m.s. sua`ait, a. ahmad, k.h. badri, n.s. mohamed, m.y.a. rahman, c.l. azanza ricardo, p.scardi.  (2014).  the potential of polyurethane bio-based solid polymer electrolyte for photoelectrochemical cell application.  - international journal of hydrogen energy.  3005-3017. 

n. ataollahi, a. ahmad, t.k. lee, a.r. abdullah, m.y.a. rahman.  (2014).  preparation and characterization of pvdf-mg49-nh4cf3so3 based solid polymer electrolyte.  - e-polymers.  14:115-120. 

m. imperiyka, a. ahmad, s.a. hanifah, m.y.a. rahman.  (2014).  preparation and characterization of polymer electrolyte of glycidyl methacrylate (gma)-methyl methacrylate (mma)-liclo4 plasticized with ethylene carbonate.  - international journal of polymer science.  2014:1-7. 

shaharuddin ahmad, khaidzir, i., azizan, a., kadir, a, zainul ariffin, a.a. khairil anwar & wan mazlina, w.m.  (2014).  the social and academic skills and the marketability of ukm`s graduates.  - procedia social and behavioral sciences.  118-123. 

m. imperiyka, a. ahmad, s.a. hanifah, n.s. mohamed, m.y.a. rahman.  (2014).  investigation of plasticized uv-curable glycidyl methacrylate based solid polymer electrolyte for photoelectrochemical cell (pec) application.  - international journal of hydrogen energy.  39(6):3018-3024. 

intan juliana shamsudin, azizan ahmad, and nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2014).  gree polymer electrolytes based on chitosan and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate.  - aip conference proceedings - the 2014 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium.  393-398. 

hussein hanibah, azizan ahmad, nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2014).  a new approach in determining limiting molar conductivity value for liquid electrolyte.  - electrochimica acta.  758-764. 

lee t.k., a.ahmad and nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2014).  preparation and characterization on nano-hybrid composite solid polymer electrolyte of pvdf-hfp/mg49-zro2 for battery application.  - aip conference proceedings - the 2014 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium.  404-409. 

c.h. tan, a. ahmad and f.h. anuar.  (2014).  synthesis and characterization of polylactide-poly(ethylene glycol) block copolymer as solid polymer electrolyte.  - asian journal of chemistry.  230-236. 

hussein hanibah, azizan ahmad,and nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2014).  molar conductivity behaviour of liclo4 in poly(ethylene oxide) solutions.  - asian journal of chemistry.  S127-132. 

serawati jafirin, ishak ahmad, azizan ahmad.  (2014).  carboxymethyl cellulose from kenaf reinforced composite polymer electrolytes based 49% poly(methyl methacrylate)-grafted natural rubber.  - malaysian journal of analytical sciences.  376-384. 

hussein hanibah, nur hasyareeda hassan and azizan ahmad.  (2014).  discrepancy in electrolytic conductivity value using different concentrations of kcl (aq.) as calibrating standard.  - asian journal of chemistry.  4897-4900. 

farah nadia daud, azizan ahmad, khairiah haji badri.  (2014).  an investigation on the properties of palm-based polyurethane solid polymer electrolyte.  - international journal of polymer science.  1-5. 

m. imperiyka, a. ahmad, s.a. hanifah, f. bella.  (2014).  a uv-prepared linear polymer electrolyte membrane for dye-sensitized solar cells.  - physica b: condense matter.  151-154. 

federico bellaa, mahamed imperiyka, azizan ahmadd.  (2014).  photochemically produced quasi-linear copolymers for stable and efficient electrolytes in dye-sensitized solar cells.  - journal of photochemistry and photobiology: a chemistry.  73-80. 

mohd saiful asmal rani, siti rudhziah, azizan ahmad and nor sabirin mohamed.  (2014).  biopolymer electrolyte based on derivatives of cellulose from kenaf bast fiber.  - polymers.  2371-2385. 

ropisah mie, mohd wahid samsudin, laily b din, azizan ahmad, nazlina ibrahim, siti noor adnalizawati adnan.  (2014).  synthesis of silver nanoparticles with antibacterial activity using the lichen parmotrema praesorediosum.  - international journal of nanomedicine.  121-127. 

rudhziah, s., mohamed, n.s., ahmad, a..  (2013).  conductivity and structural studies of poly(vinylidene fluoride co-hexafluoropropylene)/polyethyl methacrylate blend doped with ammonium triflate.  - international journal of electrochemical science.  8(1):421-434. 

mark lee wun fui, lee tian khoon, ng kim hang, lorna jeffery minggu, azizan ahmad and mohammad b. kassim.  (2013).  progress in photoelectrochemical research 2013.  - 53-59. 

m.s. su`ait, f. alamgir, p. scardi, a. ahmad.  (2013).  morphological studies of vertical arrays tio 2 nanotubes by electrochemical anodization technique for dye sensitized solar cell application.  - aip conference proceeding- the 2013 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium.  835-842. 

a.i. che-ani, a.h. hussain, n.m. tawil, j. selamat, k. ismail, a. ahmad.  (2013).  learning contract complaint management system: proposal for improvement.  - recent technological advances in education: the 9th wseas international conference on educational technologies (edute 13). renaissance hotel, kuala lumpur, malaysia. 

a.i. che-ani, n.m. tawil, m.z.a. razak, a. ahmad, k. ismail.  (2013).  kontrak pembelajaran : refleksi pelajar ukm.  - international conference on architecture & shared built heritage conference (asbc 2013) / universiti putra malaysia.. 

jumali hj. selamat, khaidzir hj. ismail, azizan ahmad, mohd haither hussin & salbiah seliman.  (2013).  framework of soft skills infusion based on learning contract concept in malaysia higher education.  - asian social science.  9(7):22-28. 

khaidzir hj. ismail, khairil anwar, shaharuddin ahmad, jumali hj. selamat, azizan ahmad.  (2013).  personality profile of students council: a comparative study between genders.  - asian social science.  9(4):77-83. 

m. imperiyka, a. ahmad, s. a hanifah, , m.y.a. rahman.  (2013).  role of salt concentration lithium perchlorate on ionic conductivity and structural of (glycidyl methacrylate -co-ethyl methacrylate ) (70/30) based on a solid polymer electrolyte.  - advanced materials research. 

farah nadia daud, azizan ahmad, and khairiah haji badri.  (2013).  preparation and characterization of plasticized palm-based polyurethane solid polymer electrolyte.  - aip conference proceedings -ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 

serawati jafirin, ishak ahmad, azizan ahmad.  (2013).  potential use of cellulose from kenaf in polymer electrolytes based on mg49 rubber composites.  - bioresources.  8(4):5947-5964. 

n.n. mobarak, a. ahmad, m.p. abdullah, n. ramli, m.y.a. rahman.  (2013).  conductivity enhancement via chemical modification of chitosan based green polymer electrolyte.  - electrochimica acta.  92:161-167. 

e.m. fahmi, a. ahmad, n.n. izyan, h. hamzah, m.y.a. rahman.  (2013).  preparation and characterization of peo-nio-licf3so3 composite polymer electrolyte.  - international journal of electroactive materials.  1:1-8. 

n.ataollahi, a.ahmad, h.hamzah, m.y.a. rahman, n.s.mohamed.  (2012).  ionic conductivity of pvdf-hfp/mg49 based solid polymer electrolyte.  - 26th regional conference on solid state science and technology,seremban(advanced materials research). 

j. karim, a. ahmad, i. abdullah, h.m. dahlan.  (2012).  effects of ph on mechanical and morphological studies of silica filled polyvinyl chloride-50% epoxidized natural rubber (pvc-enr50) nanocomposite.  - journal of sol-gel science and technology.  62:7-12. 

ropisah mie, mohd wahid samsudin, laily din, azizan ahmad.  (2012).  green synthesis of silver nanoparticle using two lichen species: parmotrema praesorediasum and ramalina dumeticoal.  - applied mechanics and materials. 

n.n. mobarak, n. ramli, a. ahmad, m.y.a. rahman.  (2012).  chemical interaction and conductivity of carboxymethyl kappa-carrageenan based green polymer electrolyte.  - solid state ionics.  224:51-57. 

n. n. mobarak, n. ramli, a. ahmad.  (2012).  synthesis and characterization of carboxymethyl k-carrageenan for dye-sensitized solar cells application.  - advanced materials research. 

m. y. a. rahman, a. ahmad, t. k. lee, y. farina, h. m. dahlan.  (2012).  liclo4 salt concentration effect on the properties of pvc-modified low molecular weight lenr50-based solid polymer electrolyte.  - journal of applied polymer science.  124(3): 2227-2233. 

lee, t.k., afiqah, s., ahmad, a., dahlan, h.m., rahman, m.y.a..  (2012).  temperature dependence on conductivity of plasticized poly(vinyl chloride)-low molecular weight liquid 50% epoxidised natural rubber solid polymer electrolyte.  - journal of solid state electrochemistry.  16(6):2251-2260. 

ahmad, a; rahman, mya; su`ait, ms.  (2012).  morphological, infrared, and ionic conductivity studies of poly(ethylene oxide)-49% poly(methyl methacrylate) grafted natural rubber-lithium perchlorate salt based solid polymer electrolytes.  - journal of applied polymer science.  4222-4229. 

lee, tk; ahmad, a; farina, y; dahlan, hm; rahman, mya.  (2012).  preparation and characterization of solid polymeric electrolyte of poly(vinyl) chloride-low-molecular weight lenr50 (70/30)-liclo 4.  - journal of applied polymer science.  126(Supp.2):E159-E165. 

ataollahi, n; ahmad, a; hamzah, h; rahman, mya; mohamed, ns.  (2012).  preparation and characterization of pvdf-hfp/mg49 based polymer blend electrolyte.  - international journal of electrochemical science.  7(8):6693-6703. 

nadhratun naiim mobarak, nazaruddin ramli, azizan ahmad & md pauzi abdullah.  (2012).  the development of polymer electrolyte based carboxymethyl kappa carrageenan for solar cell application.  - international conference on halal gums 2012. 

e. m. fahmi, a. ahmad, n. n. m. nazeri, h. hamzah, h. razali, m. y. a. rahman.  (2012).  effect of libf4 salt concentration on the properties of poly(ethylene oxide)-based composite polymer electrolyte.  - international journal of electrochemical science.  7:5798-5804. 

nadhratun naiim mobarak, nazaruddin ramli, azizan ahmad, and md pauzi abdullah.  (2012).  development of carboxymethyl chitosan based green polymer electrolyte.  - journal of biobased materials and bioenergy.  1-2. 

fahmi, e.m., ahmad, a., rahman, m.y.a., hamzah, h..  (2012).  effect of nio nanofiller concentration on the properties of peo-nio-licl 4 composite polymer electrolyte.  - journal of solid state electrochemistry.  16(7): 2487-2491. 

ahmad, a., low, s.p., almakhzoom, f.s.a., rahman, m.y.a..  (2012).  effect of propylene carbonate on ionic conductivity of mg49-tio 2-liclo4 composites polymer electrolytes.  - 26th regional conference on solid state science and technology, rcssst 2011;seremban, negeri sembilan (advanced materials research). 

a.i. che-ani, a.h. hussain, j. selamat, k. ismail, a. ahmad.  (2012).  students experience in learning contract : a snapshot from the first batch.  - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2012 - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2012. 

a. ahmad, m.y.a. rahman, h. harun, m.s. suait, m.a. yarmo..  (2012).  preparation and characterization of 49% poly(methyl methacrylate) grafted natural rubber (mg49)-stannum (iv) oxide (sno2)-lithium salt based composite polymer electrolyte.  - international journal of electrochemical science.  8309-8325. 

r. norhaniza, r.h.y. subban, n.s. mohamed, a.ahmad.  (2012).  chromium substituted lisn2p3o12 solid electrolyte.  - international journal of electrochemical science.  7:10254 - 10265. 

su`ait, m.s., noor, s.a.m., ahmad, a., hamzah, h., rahman, m.y.a..  (2012).  preparation and characterization of blended solid polymer electrolyte 49% poly(methyl methacrylate)-grafted natural rubber:poly(methyl methacrylate)-lithium tetrafluoroborate.  - journal of solid state electrochemistry.  2275-2282. 

m. y. a. rahman, a. ahmad, t. k. lee, y. farina, h. m. dahlan.  (2011).  effect of ethylene carbonate (ec) plasticizer on poly (vinyl chloride)-liquid 50% epoxidised natural rubber (lenr50) based polymer electrolyte.  - materials sciences and application.  2:817-825. 

a. ahmad, m.y.a. rahman, s.p. low and h. hamzah.  (2011).  effect of libf4 salt concentration on the properties of plasticized mg49-tio2 based nanocomposite polymer electrolyte.  - isrn materials science.  2011:1-7. 

m.s. su`ait, a. ahmad, h. hamzah & m.y.a., rahman.  (2011).  effect of lithium salt concentrations on blended 49% poly(methyl methacrylate) grafted natural rubber and poly(methyl methacrylate) based solid polymer electrolyte.  - electrochimica acta.  123-131. 

s.p. low, a. ahmad, h. hamzah, m.y.a. rahman.  (2011).  nanocomposite solid polymeric electrolyte of 49% poly(methyl methacrylate)-grafted natural rubber-titanium dioxide-lithium tetrafluoroborate (mg49-tio(2)-libf(4)).  - journal of solid state electrochemistry.  15(11-12):2611-2618. 

ahmad, a., rahman, m.y.a., su`ait, m.s., hamzah, h..  (2011).  study of mg49-pmma based solid polymer electrolyte.  - open materials science journal.  170-177. 

noor, sam; ahmad, a; talib, ia; rahman, mya.  (2011).  effect of zno nanoparticles filler concentration on the properties of peo-enr50-licf3so3 solid polymeric electrolyte.  - ionics.  17(5):451-456. 

ariffin, ey; ahmad, a; mohd, dh; mohamed, m.  (2011).  effect of molecular weight on the properties of liquid epoxidised natural rubber acrylate (lenrav)/silica hybrid composites.  - sains malaysiana.  40(7):743-748. 

s.p.low, a.ahmad, h.hamzah, m.y.a. rahman.  (2010).  nanocomposite solid polymeric electrolyte of 49% poly(methyl methacrylate) grafted natural rubber-titanium dioxide-lithium tetrafluoroborate (mg49-tio2-libf4).  - journal of solid state electrochemistry.  15(11-12):2611-2618. 

s. a. m. noor, a. ahmad, i. a. talib and m. y. a. rahman.  (2010).  effects of enr on morphology, chemical interaction and conductivity of peo-licf3so3 solid polymer electrolyte.  - solid state science and technology.  18(2):115-125. 

a. ahmad, m.y.a. rahman, s.p. low and m.s. su`ait.  (2010).  solid polymeric electrolyte of poly(methyl methacrylate)-49% poly(methyl methacrylate) grafted natural rubber-propylene carbonate-lithium tetrafluoroborate.  - current topics in electrochemistry.  17-24. 

siti aminah mohd noor, azizan ahmad, mohd yusri abdul rahman, ibrahim abu talib.  (2010).  solid polymeric electrolyte of poly(ethylene)oxide-50% epoxidized natural rubber-lithium triflate (peo-enr50-licf3so3).  - natural science.  2(3):190-196. 

noor s.a.m., ahmad a., talib i.a., rahman m.y.a..  (2010).  morphology, chemical interaction, and conductivity of a peo-enr50 based on solid polymer electrolyte.  - ionics.  16(2):161-170. 

s.p.low, a.ahmad, m.y.a. rahman..  (2010).  effect of ethylene carbonate plasticizer and tio2 nanoparticles on 49% poly(methyl methacrylate) grafted natural rubber based composite polymer electrolyte.  - ionics.  16(9):821-826. 

rahman, mya; ahmad, a; ismail, lhc; salleh, mm.  (2010).  fabrication and characterization of a solid polymeric electrolyte of pan-tio2-liclo4.  - journal of applied polymer science.  115(4):2144-2148. 

azizan ahmad, pow chee lien & mohd sukor su`ait.  (2010).  elektrolit pepejal polimer 49% poli (metil metakrilat) cangkukan getah asli-litium tetrafluoroborat.  - sains malaysiana.  39(1):65-71. 

rika, rahman m.y.a., salleh m.m., umar a.a., ahmad a..  (2010).  effect of the grain size of nanoparticle dye-coated titanium dioxide on the short-circuit current density and open-circuit voltage of an indium tin oxide/titanium dioxide/poly(acrylonitrile)-propylene.  - journal of applied polymer science.  116(6):3278-3282. 

hanina h. hamsan, azlina mohd. khir, khaidzir ismail & azizan ahmad.  (2010).  "saya mahu menjadi guru": dilema anak-anak bajau laut terhadap pendidikan dan aspirasi masa hadapan.  - the 7th international malaysian studies conference (msc7). 

rika, m. y. a. rahman, m. m. salleh, a. a. umar, a. ahmad.  (2010).  effect of ionic conductivity of a pan-pc-liclo4 solid polymeric electrolyte on the performance of a tio2 photoelectrochemical cell.  - journal of solid state electrochemistry.  14:2089-2093. 

rika taslim, m. y. a. rahman, m. m. salleh, a. ali umar, a. ahmad.  (2010).  fabrication of a nanoparticle tio2 photoelectrochemical cell utilizing a solid polymeric electrolyte of pan-pc-liclo4.  - ionics.  16:639?644. 

rahman m.y.a., ahmad a., wahab s.a..  (2009).  electrical properties of a solid polymeric electrolyte of pvc-zno-liclo4.  - ionics.  15(2):221-225. 

eda yuhana, azizan ahmad, dahlan hj. mohd., mahathir mohamed.  (2009).  mengkaji kesan perbezaan teknik penyediaan komposit hibrid getah asli terepoksida berakrilat cecair (lenra)/silika.  - prosiding kololium siswazah ke-9 fakulti sains dan teknologi. 

low shwu ping, azizan ahmad, mohd yusri abd rahman.  (2009).  ionic conductivity and morphology studies of in situ formed 49% poly(methyl methacrylate)-grafted natural rubber/ tio2 nanocomposite polymer electrolytes.  - regional conference on solid state science and technology (rcssst 2009). 

s. a. m. noor, a. ahmad, i. a. talib, m. y. a. rahman.  (2009).  effects of enr on morphology, chemical interaction and conductivity of peo-licf3so3 solid polymer electrolyte.  - regional conference on solid state science and technology (rcssst 2009). 

rika, m.y.a.rahman , m.m.salleh, a.a.umar , a.ahmad.  (2009).  synthesis and characterization of tio2 nanoparticle films coated with organic dyes.  - physica b: condensed matter.  404(8-11):1420-1422. 

m.s. su`ait, a. ahmad,* , h. hamzah , and m.y.a. rahman.  (2009).  conductivity, structural and morphological studies of 49% poly(methyl methacrylate)-grafted natural rubber based solid polymer electrolytes..  - 25th regional conference on solid state science and technology 2009 (rcssst 2009). 

siti aminah mohd noor, azizan ahmad, ibrahim abu talib.  (2009).  kajian kekonduksian ion dan atr-ftir pepejal polimer elektrolit peo-enr50-lif3so3.  - prosiding kolokium siswazah ke-9 fakulti sains dan teknologi. 

nur atiqah abdullah, nik mutasim hj. nik abd rahman, azizan ahmad.  (2009).  menjana modal insan cemerlang.  - 163-184. 

nur atiqah marcial abdullah, nik mutasim haji nik abdul rahman, ahmad khairy ahmad domil (akad), azizan ahmad.  (2009).  sumbangan modal insan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi malaysia: satu penilaian.  - business management seminar 2009 "managing business in turbulent environment" the royale bintang seremban, negeri sembilan. 

jamilah karim, azizan ahmad, ibrahim abdullah, dahlan hj. mohd..  (2009).  effects of ph on mechanical and morphological studies of silica filled pvc-enr50 nanocomposite.  - malaysia polymer international conference (mpic 2009). 

siti aminah mohd noor, mohd yusri abdul rahman, azizan ahmad.  (2009).  preparation and characterization of a solid polymeric electrolyte of peo-enr(70-30)-liclo4.  - current trends in polymer science.  13:17-23. 

mohd sukor su`ait, azizan ahmad, harun hj. hamzah, mohd yusri a.rahman.  (2009).  penyediaan dan pencirian pepejal polimer elektrolit mg49-pmma-libf4.  - prosiding kolokium siswazah ke-9 fakulti sains dan teknologi. 

siti aminah mohd noor, azizan ahmad, ibrahim abu talib, mohd yusri abdul rahman.  (2009).  properties of n-zno filled on peo-enr 50 based solid polymer electrolyte.  - malaysian polymer international conference mpic 2009. 

rika, a.ahmad, m.y.a.rahman,m.m.salleh.  (2009).  preparation and characterization of pan based solid polymeric electrolyte for dye-sensitized solar cells.  - physica b: condensed matter.  404(8-11):1359-1361. 

azizan ahmad, mohd yusri abdul rahman, siti aminah mohd noor & mohd reduan abu bakar.  (2009).  preparation and characterization of pvc-al2o3-liclo4 composite polymeric electrolyte.  - sains malaysiana.  38(4):483-487. 

m.s. su`ait, a.ahmad, h.hamzah, m.y.a.rahman.  (2009).  characterization of blended mg49-pmma based solid polymer electrolytes.  - malaysian polymer international conference mpic 2009. 

m.s. su`ait, a. ahmad, h. hamzah & m.y.a., rahman.  (2009).  preparation and characterization of pmma-mg49-liclo4 solid polymeric electrolyte.  - journal of physics d: applied physics.  :art. no. 055410. 

rika, m.y.a rahman, m.m salleh, a.a umar, a. ahmad.  (2009).  fabrication and performance studies by dye-sensitized solar cells of ito/tio2/pan-pc-lic1o4/graphite.  - international seminar on advances in renewable energy technology (isaret2009) uniten, kajang.. 

su`ait m.s., ahmad a., rahman m.y.a..  (2009).  ionic conductivity studies of 49% poly(methyl methacrylate)-grafted natural rubber-based solid polymer electrolytes.  - ionics.  497-500. 

a.ahmad, m.y.a.rahman, h.f.m.zaid.  (2009).  preparation and characterization of pvc-tio2-liclo4 solid polymer electrolyte.  - jscchem itb-ukm 2007 itb, bandung indonesia. 

noor, sam; ahmad, a; rahman, mya; talib, ia.  (2009).  preparation and characterization of a solid polymer electrolyte peo-enr50 (80/20)-licf3so3.  - journal of applied polymer science.  113(2):855-859. 

m.y.a. rahman, a. ahmad, m.r. mangsor, s.a. wahab.  (2008).  temperature dependence on conductivity and thermal properties of a solid polymeric electrolyte of pvc-zno-liclo4.  - physica b: condensed matter.  403(19-20):3414-3416. 

a.ahmad, m.y.a. rahman, m.s. su`ait.  (2008).  preparation and characterization of pvc-liclo4 based composite polymer electrolyte.  - physica b: condensed matter.  403(21-22):4128-4131. 

mohd ambar bin yarmo, mohd firdaus bin mohd raih, manal binti ismail, jumat bin salimon, azizan bin ahmad, mohd sobri bin takriff, jamaliah binti mohd jahim.  (2008).  pembangunan bahan berasaskan gliserol sebagai sumber bio-pelincir.  - seminar pemantauan projek penyelidikan (gup) 2007. 

a. ahmad, m.y.a.rahman, m.r. abu bakar.  (2007).  preparation and characterization of pvc-al2o3-liclo4 solid polymeric electrolyte.  - viith national symposium on polymeric material 2007 unikl kuala lumpur. 

m.y.a.rahman, m.m. salleh, i.a. talib, m.yahaya , a.ahmad.  (2007).  current transport mechanism and photovoltaic properties of photoelectrochemical cells of ito/tio2/pvc-liclo4/graphite.  - current applied physics.  7:446-449. 

a.ahmad, m.y.a rahman, m.l.m. ali, h.hashim, f.a kalam.  (2007).  solid polymeric electrolyte of pvc-enr-liclo4.  - ionics.  13:67-70. 

azizan ahmad.  (2007).  mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati.  - seminar kehidupan berkualiti menurut persepektif islam. 

azizan ahmad.  (2001).  potensi tenaga hidro dan cabarannya terhadap alam sekitar di malaysia.  - proceedings of the national seminar on environmental management issues and challenges in malaysia, ukm bangi, 25-26 july 2000.