noraida azura darom, hawa hishamuddin. (2023). supply chain risk and disruption managementv. - . 13. |
ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;. (2023). reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset). - . . |
nizaroyani binti saibani;mohd nizam bin ab rahman;hawa binti hishamuddin. (2023). the impact of adversarial tactics as negotiation concepts on supply chain value of smes.. - . . |
muhammad syafiq sulaiman, dzuraidah abd wahab, zambri harun, hawa hishamuddin, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2023). preliminary study on end-of-life vehicles recycling rate for malaysia. - energy reports. 235-246. |
nursyafina zulkefli, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman, hawa hishamuddin. (2023). environmental sustainability of electronic industry in supply chain management in malaysia: practices and efficiency of a case study. - 1st international conference on manufacturing engineering technology (iconmet 2021). 50011-50018. |
hilmi hisyam naimin, hawa hishamuddin, ruhanita maelah, muhamed ali shaikh abdul kader abdul hameed, mohd nizam ab rahman, amizawati mohd amir. (2023). cleaner power generation: an in-depth review of life cycle assessment for solid oxide fuel cells. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 257-267. |
muhammad khairulamirin zamri, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman, norngainy mohd tawil, siti maisarah mohd pisal, rosni tarmidi & hawa hishamuddin. (2023). recent recycling procedures for end-of-life vehicles (elv) metals in malaysia. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 229-237. |
hawa hishamuddin. (2023). uncertainty management and optimal inventory policies for resilient remanufacturing systems. - webinar series, industrial engineering doctoral program, universitas sebelas maret, indonesia. 1-45. |
wakhid ahmad jauhari, ivan darma wangsa, hawa hishamuddin, novrianty rizky. (2023). a sustainable vendor-buyer inventory model with incentives, green investment and energy usage under stochastic demand. - cogent business & management. 1-26. |
nuramilawahida mat ropi, hawa hishamuddin, dzuraidah abd wahab, wakhid ahmad jauhari, fatin amrina a. rashid, nor kamaliana khamis, intan fadhlina mohamed, mohd anas mohd sabri, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2023). optimal lot-sizing decisions for a remanufacturing production system under spare parts supply disruption. - mathematics. 4053-4072. |
wakhid ahmad jauhari, shabrina chairunnisa novia ramadhany, cucuk nur rosyidi, umakanta mishra, hawa hishamuddin. (2023). pricing and green inventory decisions for a supply chain system with green investment and carbon tax regulation. - journal of cleaner production. 13889-13891. |
nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, mohd anas mohd sabri, meor iqram meor ahmad, hawa hishamuddin, zaliha wahid, norhidayah mat taib. (2023). i-sihat beta: pembelajaran reflektif berasaskan komuniti melibatkan penilaian risiko pencahayaani-sihat beta: pembelajaran reflektif berasaskan komuniti melibatkan penilaian risiko pencahayaan. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2023: inovasi idea dalam pendidikan tanpa sempadan. 46-48. |
nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, mohd anas mohd sabri, meor iqram meor ahmad, hawa hishamuddin, zaliha wahid, norhidayah mat taib. (2023). i-sihat beta pembelajaran reflektif berasaskan komuniti melibatkan penilaian risiko pengcahayaan. - knovasi 2023. 1-21. |
hilal shams, altaf hossain molla, mohd nizam ab rahman, hawa hishamuddin, zambri harun, nallapaneni manoj kumar. (2023). exploring industry-specific research themes on e-waste: a literature review. - sustainability. 1-22. |
m.f. zairul fuaad, n. razali, h. hishamuddin, a. jedi. (2022). accuracy and efficiency of symmetrized implicit midpoint rule for solving the water tank system problems. - mathematics and statistics. 1-14. |
khaled m. a. salim, ruhanita maelah, hawa hishamuddin, amizawati mohd amir, mohd nizam ab rahman. (2022). two decades of life cycle sustainability assessment of solid oxide fuel cells (sofcs): a review. - sustainability. 1-18. |
nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, abdul hadi azman, hawa hishamuddin. (2022). cabaran projek berkumpulan kursus kejuruteraan dalam fasa pandemik covid-19 di institusi pengajian tinggi: satu kajian kes. - asean journal of teaching & learning in higher education (ajtlhe). 1-19. |
faridzah jamaluddin,nizaroyani saibani ,siti maisarah mohd pisal ,dzuraidah abd wahab,hawa hishamuddin ,zainuddin sajuri, rasyikah md khalid. (2022). end-of-life vehicle management systems in major automotive production bases in southeast asia: a review. - sustainability. 1-23. |
altaf hossain molla, hilal shams, zambri harun, mohd nizam ab rahman and hawa hishamuddin. (2022). an assessment of drivers and barriers to implementation of circular economy in the end-of-life vehicle recycling sector in india. - sustainability. 1-26. |
fatin amrina a. rashid, hawa hishamuddin, nizaroyani saibani, mohd radzi abu mansor dan zambri harun. (2022). a review of supply chain uncertainty management in the end-of-life vehicle industry. - sustainability. 1-28. |
nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, hawa hishamuddin. (2022). penggunaan aplikasi mudah alih sebagai alat bantuan mengajar dalam perkongsian teori dan amali serentak. - knovasi 2022. 1-10. |
nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, hawa hishamuddin. (2022). penggunaan aplikasi mudah alih sebagai alat bantuan mengajar dalam perkongsian teori dan amali serentak. - prosiding knovasi 2022. 103-105. |
sajjad hussain, wan aizon w. ghopa, s. s. k. singh , abdul hadi azman , shahrum abdullah, zambri harun, hawa hishamuddin. (2022). vibration-based fatigue analysis of octet-truss lattice infill blades for utilization in turbine rotors. - materials. 1-24. |
hawa binti hishamuddin;nizaroyani binti saibani;dzuraidah binti abd. wahab;rizauddin bin ramli. (2021). real-time decision support system for the remanufacturing supply chain in the presence of disruption risks. - . . |
nuramilawahida mat ropi, hawa hishamuddin, dzuraidah abd. wahab, nizaroyani saibani. (2021). optimisation models of remanufacturing uncertainties in closed-loop supply chains - a review. - ieee access. 60533-60551. |
go tze fong, dzuraidah abd wahab, hawa hishamuddin. (2021). reka bentuk produk untuk kitar hayat berbilang. - . 276. |
abdul hadi azman, hawa hishamuddin, faiz daud, noorul adha baharom & muhammad amruha md zan. (2021). interactive design and structural analysis of pit-opener dag for airport oil tanks based on user-centered design and finite element analysis. - international journal on interactive design and manufacturing (ijidem). 541-553. |
go, t.f., wahab, d.a., hishamuddin, h., yap, w.s., sockalingam, k.. (2021). a modified analytical hierarchy process design evaluation methods for product recovery. - journal of engineering and technological advances. 39-53. |
siti zubaidah amiruddin, hawa hishamuddin, noraida azura darom, hilmi hisyam naimin. (2021). a case study of carbon emissions from logistic activities during supply chain disruptions. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 221-228. |
muhammad idham sabtu, hawa hishamuddin, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman. (2021). a review of environmental assessment and carbon management for integrated supply chain models. - evergreen. 628-641. |
go t.f., wahab d.a., hishamuddin h., moey l.k. (2021). advances in material science and engineering. - . 6. |
nor kamaliana binti khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, abdul hadi azman, hawa hishamuddin. (2021). cabaran projek berkumpulan kursus kejuruteraan dalam fasa pandemik covid- 19 di institusi pengajian tinggi: satu kajian kes. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2021 evolusi ke arah pembelajaran tanpa sempadan: langkah kehadapan. 138-141. |
fatin amrina a.rashid, hawa hishamuddin, mohd radzi abu mansor, nizaroyani saibani. (2021). supply chain optimization for end-of-life vehicle recycling: a preliminary review. - 11th annual international conference on industrial engineering and operations management. 6807-6814. |
nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, abdul hadi azman & hawa hishamuddin. (2021). cabaran projek berkumpulan kursus kejuruteraan dalam fasa pandemik covid-19 di institusi pengajian tinggi: satu kajian kes. - knovasi 2021. 1-16. |
fatin amrina a. rashid, hawa hishamuddin, mohd radzi abu mansor, nizaroyani saibani. (2021). supply chain optimization for end-of-life vehicle recycling: a preliminary review. - proceedings of the 11th annual international conference on industrial engineering and operations management. 6807-6814. |
nurul syafiqah zulkefly, hawa hishamuddin, fatin amrina a. rashid, noorhelyna razali, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman. (2021). the effect of transportation disruptions on cold chain sustainability. - evergreen. 262-270. |
noraida azura md darom, hawa hishamuddin, rizauddin ramli, zulkifli mohd nopiah, ruhul a sarker. (2020). investigation of disruption management practices and environmental impact on malaysian automotive supply chains: a case study approach. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 341-348. |
hawa hishamuddin dzuraidah abd wahab mohd nizam ab rahman ruhul amin sarker. (2020). analysis of supply disruption effects on greenhouse gas emission levels from transportation activities in supply chain systems. - . 1-7. |
abdul hadi azman, salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, wan aizon w ghopa, hawa hishamuddin, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, dzuraidah abd wahab, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). safety index mapping system for express bus, international science technology and engineering expo 2020. - safety index mapping system for express bus, international science technology and engineering expo 2020. 1. |
hawa hishamuddin. (2020). supply chain disruptions affect the environment. - new straits times. -. |
nurul anis mohd sudin, hawa hishamuddin, muhammad idham sabtu, hilmi hisyam naimin, nurhadi siswanto. (2020). model pemulihan sistem inventori yang mengalami gangguan bekalan dan ketidakpastian kualiti. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 315-323. |
muhammad idham sabtu, hawa hishamuddin, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman. (2020). a review of environmental assessment on different levels of manufacturer-retailer relationship for integrated supply chain models. - the 7th mechanical engineering research day (merd'20). 1. |
hawa binti hishamuddin;dzuraidah binti abd. wahab;mohd nizam bin ab rahman. (2020). analysis of supply disruption effects on greenhouse gas emission levels from transportation activities in supply chain systems. - . . |
a h azman, s abdullah, s s k singh, m r m yazid, w a w ghopa, h hisamuddin, a h shahrir, a k ariffin, d a wahab, a azhar and m s solah. (2020). assessing the safety of express bus from passengers' perspective. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-8. |
muhammad idham sabtu, hawa hishamuddin, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman. (2020). a review of environmental assessment on different levels of manufacturer-retailer relationship for integrated supply chain models. - proceedings of mechanical engineering research day 2020. 35-36. |
s s k singh, s abdullah, a h azman, n n m nasir, m r m yazid, h hishamuddin, w a w ghopa, a k ariffin, d a wahab, a h shahrir, a azhar and m s solah. (2020). responsibility of the bus operator in terms of safety and health: a malaysian case study. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-8. |
hawa hishamuddin, mohd azizi abd aziz, noraida azura md darom, mohd nizam ab rahman, dzuraidah abd wahab. (2020). dynamics in logistics. - proceedings of the 7th international conference ldic 2020, bremen, germany. 10. |
nor kamaliana binti khamis;azmin sham binti rambely;baba bin md deros;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohd faizal bin mat tahir;mohd anas bin mohd sabri. (2020). fatigue index in car controls operation. - . . |
nuramilawahida mat ropi, hawa hishamuddin, dzuraidah abd wahab. (2020). analysis of the supply chain disruption risks in the malaysian automotive remanufacturing industry- a case study. - international journal of integrated engineering. 1-11. |
shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh, abdul hadi azman, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, hawa hishamuddin, wan aizon wan ghopa, aini hazwani shahrir, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, dzuraidah abd. wahab. (2020). assessing the safety behaviour of the bus express driving condition from the passengers perspective. - international journal of integrated engineering. 27-33. |
agnes serawa anak jutang, noorhelyna razali, haliza othman, hawa hishamuddin. (2020). draining of water tank using runge-kutta methods. - international journal of recent technology and engineering. 2342-2348. |
norliza bt. mohd ali, nizaroyani saibani, hawa hishamuddin, mohd nizam ab rahman & hasan balfaqih. (2020). kajian masa untuk memenuhi piawaian masa dalam pemasangan manual pengeluaran televisyen. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 195-201. |
salvinder singh karam singh, abdul hadi azman, wan aizon w ghopa, hawa hishamuddin, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, shahrum abdullah, dzuraidah abd. wahab, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, mohd syazwan solah, azhar hamzah. (2019). smart safety index mapping system for express bus. - . 1. |
norliza mohd ali, nizaroyani saibani, hawa hishamuddin. (2019). time study to establish standard time in a television manual assembly production. - apsim 2019 6th international conference on advanced processes and systems in manufacturing. 35. |
abdul hadi azman, wan aizon w ghopa, hawa hishamuddin, salvinder singh karam singh, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, dzuraidah abd. wahab, shahrum abdullah, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2019). community awareness & education on express bus safety based on ir 4.0 technologies. - . 1. |
zainuddin sajuri, wan fathul hakim w zamri, nor kamaliana khamis, mariyam jameelah ghazali, hawa hishamuddin, azhari shamsudeen, farhana mohd foudzi. (2019). book of abstracts : apsim 2019. - 6th international conference on advanced processes and systems in manufacturing. 1-38. |
abdul hadi azman, salvinder singh karam singh, wan aizon w ghopa, hawa hishamuddin, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, shahrum abdullah, dzuraidah abd. wahab, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2019). driver behaviour characterisation for express bus safety enhancement using smart safety index mapping system. - the international innovation, invention & designcompetition reinventing the fundamentals proceeding. 80. |
faiz daud, hawa hishamuddin, abdul hadi azman, natrah abd rani, muhammad amruha md zan. (2019). national innovation invention in engineering & built environment. - . 75. |
abdul hadi azman, muhamad razuhanafi mat yazid, wan aizon w ghopa, hawa hishamuddin, salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, dzuraidah abd. wahab. (2019). human behaviour characterisation towards safety index development for express bus safety. - . 1. |
mohammad azri abdullah, hawa hishamuddin, nor erne nazira bazin. (2019). a system dynamics approach to investigate the effects of disruption on the supply chain with a mitigation strategy. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-11. |
hawa hishamuddin, mohamad faisal m. sobri, nur fatihah a. ghafar, noraida a. m. darom. (2019). a recovery model for an epq system subject to supply disruption with consideration of safety stock. - 2019 ieee 6th international conference on industrial engineering and applications (iciea). 240-245. |
a.h. azman, s.s.k. singh , w.g.w. aizon, h. hishamuddin, m.r.m. yazid, s. abdullah, a.k. ariffin, d. a. wahab, r. atiq, m.s. solah, a. hamzah. (2018). the needs to establish an integrated safety system for express bus. - international journal of engineering & technology. 1537-1540. |
farah hafizah hamka, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman, zambri harun, hawa hishamuddin. (2018). development of a physical simulation game in global supply chain issues. - international journal of engineering and technology. . |
khashayar danesh narooei, rizauddin ramli, hawa hishamuddin, shahla pasla, salah alden ghasim,i mehran tamjidy. (2018). tool path of air time motion in pocket milling by biogeography-based optimization (bbo). - international journal of engineering & technology. . |
hawa hishamuddin, mohamad faisal m. sobri, nur fatihah a. ghafar & noraida m. darom. (2018). an inventory recovery model subject to supply disruption with consideration of safety stock. - twentieth international working seminar on production economics. . |
hawa hishamuddn, nizaroyani saibani, dzuraidah abdul wahab & zainuddin sajuri. (2018). effectiveness of simulation games to enhance student understanding in current manufacturing systems. - k novasi p&p ukm 2018. 1-4. |
farah hafizah hamka, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman, hawa hishamuddin, zainuddin sajuri, zambri harun. (2018). development of a physical simulation game in global supply chain issues. - prosiding peka 2017. k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2018: pendidikan 4.0: graduan kalis masa depan. . |
noraida azura md darom, hawa hishamuddin, rizauddin ramli, zulkifli mat nopiah, ruhul a sarker. (2018). an integrated vendor-buyer model subject to supply disruption with transportation cost. - journal of mechanical engineering. . |
noraida azura darom, hawa hishamuddin, rizauddin ramli, zulkifli mat nopiah. (2018). an inventory model of supply chain disruption recovery with safety stock and carbon emission consideration. - journal of cleaner production. . |
nur farhana mustaffa, hawa hishamuddin, nuramilawahida mat ropi, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman. (2018). assessing supply chain risk management practices in manufacturing industries in malaysia. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 17-22. |
rina tasia johari, nizaroyani saibani, zambri harun, mohd radzi abu mansor, hawa hishamuddin dan anis amirah alim. (2017). menggalakkan minat stem melalui model dan rekabentuk kincir angin untuk pelajar sekolah menengah. - prosiding k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina) 2017. 78-86. |
noraida azura md darom, hawa hishamuddin ,rizauddin ramli & zulkifli mat nopiah. (2017). an inventory recovery model of a two stage supply chain system subject to supply disruption with safety stock consideration. - recar 2017 international conference on recent advances in automotive engineering and mobility research. . |
noraida azura md darom & hawa hishamuddin. (2016). integration of economic and environmental aspects in sustainable supply chain management: a review. - proceedings of the international conference on industrial engineering and operations management. 389-393. |
noraida azura md darom & hawa hishamuddin. (2016). disruption recovery of two stage serial supply chain with consideration of carbon emission cost. - proceedings of the 2016 international conference on industrial engineering and operations management. 482-492. |
t.f. go, d.a. wahab and h. hishamuddin. (2016). evaluation of eco-design strategies for development of multiple life-cycle products. - international journal of automotive and mechanical engineering. 3642-3656. |
mohammad azri abdullah & hawa hishamuddin. (2016). system dynamics approach in supply chain management: a review. - proceedings of international conference on advanced processes and systems in manufacturing (apsim 2016). 61-62. |
mohamad faisal mohamad sobri, hawa hishamuddin & noraida azura md darom. (2016). disruption recovery for a single stage production inventory system with optimal safety stock. - proceedings of international conference on advanced processes and systems in manufacturing (apsim 2016). 181-182. |
hawa hishamuddin, ruhul sarker, daryl essam. (2016). real-time disruption management in a coordinated supply chain system with multiple suppliers. - 6th international conference on information systems, logistics and supply chain, ils 2016, kedge business school campusbordeaux, france. 1-8. |
hawa hishamuddin, ruhul sarker, daryl essam. (2016). an inventory recovery model for an economic lot sizing problem with disruption. - jurnal teknologi. 143-148. |
mohd radzi abu mansor, norhidayah mat taib, zambri harun, hawa hishamuddin, zulkhairi zainol abidin, rozli zulkifli, shahrum abdullah, azhari shamsudeen. (2016). the implementation of cdio concept in shell eco-marathon competition in nurturing future engineers. - prosiding peka2015 k-novasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran (pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina). 161-168. |
t.f. go, d.a. wahab, h. hishamuddin. (2015). multiple generation life-cycles for product sustainability: the way forward. - journal of cleaner production. 16-29. |
hawa hishamuddin, ruhul sarker, daryl essam. (2015). a recovery model for a supply chain system with multiple suppliers subject to supply disruption. - journal of engineering science and technology. 89-101. |
hawa hishamuddin, ruhul sarker & daryl essam. (2015). a simulation model of a three echelon supply chain system with multiple suppliers subject to supply and transportation disruptions. - 15th ifac symposium on information control problems in manufacturing, incom 2015; ottawa; canada. . |
wan fathul hakim w. zamri, abu bakar sulong, rizauddinramli, nor kamaliana khamis, hawa hishamuddin, zaliha wahid, shahrum abdullah. (2014). pengukuran keberkesanan program kejuruteraan pembuatan di ukm menggunakan model rasch. - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka 2013) / pusat penyelidikan kejuruteraan, fkab, ukm.. . |
hawa hishamuddin, ruhul a. sarker, daryl essam. (2014). a recovery mechanism for a two echelon supply chain system under supply disruption. - economic modelling. 555-563. |
wan fathul hakim w. zamri, abu bakar sulong,rizauddin ramli, nor kamaliana khamis, hawa hishamuddin, shahrum abdullah. (2014). maklumbalas alumni terhadap keberkesanan program kejuruteraan pembuatan di ukm. - seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka 2013). . |
hishamuddin, h., sarker, r.a., essam, d.. (2013). a recovery model for a two-echelon serial supply chain with consideration of transportation disruption. - computers and industrial engineering. 64(2):552-561. |
hishamuddin, h., sarker, r.a., essam, d.. (2012). a disruption recovery model for a single stage production-inventory system. - european journal of operational research. 222(3):464-473. |
m.j. ghazali, a. muchtar, t.i. mohamad, w.a.w. ghopa, w.f.h.w. zamri, m.f.m. tahir, m.a.m. sabri, h. hishamuddin, z. wahid, n.k. khamis. (2009). annual report 08 department of mechanical & materials engineering. - . 75. |