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nor azila, wei keong chieng, ani amelia zainuddin, kah teik chew, aida kalok, muhammad azrai abu, beng kwang ng, nor azlin mohammed, abdul ghani nur azurah. (2022). effect of acupressure at p6 on nausea and vomiting in women with hyperemesis gravidarum: a randomized controlled trial. - international journal of enviromental research and public health. 1-10. |
raimi zamriah hasan, beng kwang ng, su ee phon, abdul kadir abdul karim, pei shan lim and nur azurah abd ghani. (2022). quality of life of gynaeoncology patients and family caregivers. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-11. |
nurliza abdol manap, beng kwang ng, su ee phon, abdul kadir abdul karim, pei shan lim, maimuinah fadhil. (2022). endometrial cancer in pre-menopausal women and younger: risk factors and outcome. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-12. |
mukhtar nur farihan, beng kwang ng, su ee phon, mohamed ismail nor azlin, abdul ghani nur azurah and pei shan lim. (2022). prevalence, knowledge and awareness of pelvic floor disorder among pregnant women in a tertiary centre, malaysia. - international journal of environemental reseacrh and public health. 1-11. |
rima anggrena dasrilsyaha, aida kalok, beng kwang ng, anizah ali, kah teik chew and pei shan lim. (2021). perineal skin tear repair following vaginal birth skin adhesive versus conventional suture - a randomised controlled trial. - journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. 242-247. |
sharifa ezat wan puteh, ng beng kwang, muhammad hafiz roslan, norziana mohd anuar, nor aida mustafa, muhammad muhizsham mohd nuri, suriati ahmad, nurr fazlynn abdullah, razif adli rosli. (2021). laporan tahunan 2020 sekretariat jaringan, penjanaan, dan alumni. - . 1-69. |
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ixora kamisan atan, nur zawani zakaria, rahana abdul rahman, ps lim, ng beng kwang, mohd hashim, omar, hata sidi. (2018). the association between levator ani muscle (lam) trauma with sexual dysfunction, marital disharmony and psychiatric morbidities. - medical journal malaysia. 35. |
raimi zamriah hasan, ng beng kwang, tan geok chin, wong kon ken, nor haslinda abd aziz, lim pei shan, cheah fook choe. (2018). evaluation of placental syncytial knots in a mother with gardnerella vaginalis. - the medical journal of malaysia. . |
geok chin tan, anushia swaminathan, abd fuaat azliana, beng kwang ng, pei shan lim, yin ping wong, fook choe cheah. (2018). increased syncytial knots in the placentae of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. - 25th regional congress of the perinatal society of malaysia. . |
rahana abd rahman, ani amelia zainuddin, ng beng kwang. (2018). postmenopausal osteoporosis (malay version). - . 1-4. |
ng beng kwang, soon chong hong, ho choon moy, rahana abd rahman, ani amelia zainuddin. (2018). syndrom genitourinari menopaus. - . 1-5. |
soon leong yong, beng kwang ng, muhammad abdul jamil mohd yassin, syed zulkifli syed zakaria, nor azlin mohamed ismail. (2018). impact of late pregnancy haemoglobin a1c at 29 -30 weeks gestation on adverse pregnancy outcomes among women with pre-existing diabetes: a retrospective analysis. - journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. 461-465. |
ng, bk, mukhtar, nf, kamisan @ atan, i, lim,ps.. (2018). knowledge of pelvic floor disorder among pregnant women in malaysia. - bjog: an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. . |
lim ps, dasrilsyah ra, kalok ahm, ng bk, ali a, chew kt. (2018). adhesive glue versus conventional suture for first degree perineal tear repair- a randomized controlled trial. - bjog-an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. . |
raimi zamriah hasan, ng beng kwang, wang pei yoke, lim pei shan. (2018). multiple intracardiac echogenic foci: are they significant?. - malaysian international scientific congress of obstetrics and gynaecology. . |
loh sweet yi esther, ng being kwang, lim pei shan, mohd hashim omar. (2018). the cervical fibroid: a rare surgical challenge. - malaysian international scientific congress of obstetrics and gynaecology. . |
debbie teh shu jian, ng beng kwang, phon su ee, lim pei shan. (2018). transfusion-dependent thalasaaemia during pregnancy. - malaysian international scientific congress of obstetrics and gynaecology. . |
ng beng kwang, wendy ng yin ling, lim pei shan. (2018). a rare cause of post-menopausal bleeding: vaginal metastases from renal cell carcinoma. - the medical journal of malaysia. . |
ng beng kwang, raimi zamriazh hasan, lim pei shan, mohd hashim omar. (2018). quality if life of gynaecology patients and caregivers. - the medical journal of malaysia. . |
sales khalid, ng beng kwang, abdul kadir abdul karim. (2018). malaysian menopause society clinical update. - teknologi banan keruburan bagi wanita yang sudah berusia. . |
nur zaiti md arshad, ng beng kwang, noor asmaliza md paiman, zaleha abdullah mahdy, rushdan mohd noor. (2018). intra-operative frozen sections for ovarian tumors - a tertiary center experience. - asian pacific journal of cancer prevention. 213-218. |
wen sze choe, beng kwang ng, ixora kamisan atan, and pei shan lim. (2018). acceptable postvoid residual urine volume after vaginal delivery and its association with various obstetric parameters. - obstetrics and gynecology international. . |
beng kwang ng, su ee phon, ani amelia zainuddin, wendy yin ling ng, nordashima abd shukor, pei shan lim. (2018). bowel endometriosis: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. - hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation. 1-4. |
ng beng kwang, kembang aziah yakob, wendy ng yin ling, lim pei shan, rahana abd rahman, abdul kadir abdul karim, ani amelia zainuddin, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2017). abdominopelvic tuberculosis mimicking ovarian malignancy and tubo-ovarian abscess: a rare clinical entity. - 10th malaysia-indonesia-brunei medical sciences conference 2017. . |
ng beng kwang, fathy ramly, wendy ng yin ling, nordashima abdul shukor, ani amelia zainuddin, lim bei shan. (2017). bowel endometriosis: a challenge to gynaecologist. - 25th congress of the obstetrical and gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
phon su ee, ng beng kwang, anizah ali, rahana abdul rahman, ani amelia zainuddin, zaleha abdullah mahdy.. (2017). congenital anomaly band causing bowel ischaemia post caesarean section. - medical journal of malaysia. 11. |
ng beng kwang, toh chin heng, thermaler selvam, muhamad amin che azmi, sarah nabila hamdan, norfaezatul fazlina@ashari, ixora kamisan atan, lim pei shan. (2017). risk factors for obstetrics anal sphincters injury: a case-controlled study. - 10th malaysia-indonesia-brunei medical sciences conference. . |
wang pei yoke, phon su ee, ng beng kwang, lim pei shan. (2017). first trimester placenta accreta: a rare clinical entity and diagnostic dilemma. - 25th congress of the obstetrical and gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
esther loh sweet yi, ng being kwang, lim pei shan, mohd hashim omar. (2017). massive vulval oedema postpartum: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. - 25th congress of the obstetrical & gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
ng beng kwang, najah sahiran, wendy ng yin ling, mohd hashim omar, lim pei shan. (2017). tuba-ovarian abscess caused by streptococcus pneumoniae: a usual pathogen at an unusual site. - 10th malaysia-indonesia-brunei medical sciences conference. . |
ng beng kwang, raimi zamriah hasan, wendy ng yin ling, lim pei shan, mohd hashim omar. (2017). conservative management of post caesarean section bladder flap haematoma: a feasible and safe approach. - 10th malaysia-indonesia-brunei medical sciences conference. . |
chui ling lee, beng kwang ng, loo ling wu, fook choe cheah, hanita othman,nor azlin mohamed ismail. (2017). vitamin d deficiency in pregnancy at term: risk factors and pregnancy outcomes. - hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation. 1-8. |
beng kwang ng, mardiana kipli, abdul kadir abdul karim, suhaila shohaimi, nur azurah abdul ghani, pei shan lim. (2017). back pain in pregnancy among office workers: risk factors and its impact on quality of life. - hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation. 1-7. |
ng beng kwang, lee chui ling, lim pei shan, hanita othman, nor azlin mohamed ismail. (2017). comparison of 25-hydroxyvitamin d and metabolic parameters between women with and without polycystic ovarian syndrome. - hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation. 1-10. |
ng keat sim, ng beng kwang, rahana abdul rahman, ani amelia zainuddin, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2017). a case of euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy. - 25th congress of the obstetrical and gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
ani amelia zainuddin, fong ai hsing, rahana abd rahman, ng beng kwang. (2017). primary ovarian insufficiency. - . 1-5. |
ng bk, chuah jn, lim ps, shuhaila a, marhani m, nor azlin mi. (2017). case control study of anxiety and depression among patients with miscarriage compared to those with successful pregnancy. - medicine & health. 244-258. |
ali amelia zainuddin, fong ai hsing, rahana abd rahman, ng beng kwang. (2017). primary ovarian insufficiency. - malaysian menopause society website. 1-5. |
phon su ee, ng beng kwang, anizah ali, rahana abd rahman, ani amelia zainuddin, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2017). congenital anomaly band causing bowel ischaemia post caesarean section. - 25th congress of the obstetrical and gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
phon su ee, ng beng kwang, wendy ng yin ling, rahana abd rahman, ani amelia zainuddin, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2017). congenital peritoneal band causing bowel ischaemia post caesarean section: a rare occurrence. - journal surgical academia. 28-31. |
ng beng kwang, wang pei yoke, wendy ng in ling, fazarina mohammed , lim pei shan, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2017). first trimester placenta accreta: a rare clinical entity and diagnostic dilemma. - journal surgical academia. 39-42. |
beng kwang ng, kembang aziah yakob, wendy yin ling ng, pei shan lim, rahana abd rahman, abdul kadir abdul karim, ani amelia zainuddin, and zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2017). abdominopelvic tuberculosis secondary to a nontuberculous mycobacterium in an immunocompetent patient. - case reports in medicine. 1-4. |
rima anggrena dasrilsyah, lim pei shan, ng beng kwang, ixora kamisan, nor haslinda abdul aziz, khong su-yen, dr zalina nusee. (2017). validation of the malaysian version of the p-qol questionnaire. - 25th congress of the obstetrical & gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
nur zaiti md arshad, ng beng kwang, noor asmaliza md paiman, zaleha abdullah mahdy, rushdan mohd noor. (2017). intraoperative frozen section in ovarian tumours: hospital sultanah bahiyah`s experience. - 25th congress of the obstetrical and gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
najah sahiran, ng beng kwang, lim pei shan, mohd hashim omar. (2017). obstetrics outcome in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome after ivf: a case-controlled study. - 25th congress of the obstetrical and gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
nur azurah abdul ghani, lim pei shan, ani amelia zainuddin, ng beng kwang, adli ali, aqmar suraya, asyraf, majmin othman, zulkifli zainnuddin. (2017). jalinan ukm tambunan. - impak. 33. |
abdul kadir abdul karim, aida hani mohd kalok, ainul mardhiah abdul wahab, ani amelia zainuddin, anizah ali, chew kah teik,ixora kamisan atan, lim pei shan, mohd hashim omar, mohd nasir shafiee, muhammad azrai abu, ng beng kwang, nor azlin mohamed ismail. (2017). obstetrics and gynecology clinic guidebook. - . 105. |
lim ps, ng bk, tan gc, aruku n. (2017). urethral masson's tumour: a rare and puzzling entity. - medicine and health. . |
raimi zamriah hasan, ng beng kwang, abdul kadir abdul karim, lim pei shan. (2016). velamentous cord insertion: a rare cause of emergency caesarean section. - journal of surgical academia. 37-39. |
ng bk, lim ps, shahizon amm, ng yl, shafiee mn, omar mh. (2016). dislodged levornogestrel-intrauterine system intra-abdominally without uterine perforation: is it possible?. - journal of surgical academia. 51-53. |
ng bek, lim ps, shafiee mn, abdul kadir ak, nordashima as, omar mh. (2016). intracystic haemorrhage in a non-endometriotic mullerian vaginal cyst: an unexpected phenomenon. - journal of surgical academia. 35-38. |
ng bk, aruku naidu, lim ps. (2016). urethral leiomyoma: a rare clinical entity. - 24th congress of the obstetric & gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
chuah joo ngor, ng beng kwang, nirmala @ chandralega a/p kampan, cheah fook choe, tan geok chin, lim pei shan. (2016). evaluation of pregnancy outcome of women with symptomatic bacteria vaginosis and the prevalence of gardnerella vaginalis. - 24th congress of the obstetric & gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
raimi zh, ng bk, lim ps. (2016). huge adenomyotic cyst in pregnancy. - 24th congress of the obstetric & gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
ng bk, abdul kadir ak, lim ps. (2016). velamentous cord insertion: a recondite cause of emergency caesarean section. - 24th congress of the obstetric & gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
lee cl, ng bk, lim ps, hanita o, nor azlin mi. (2016). comparison of 25-hydroxyvitamin d level and metabolic parameters between polycystic ovarian syndrome and normal women. - 24th congress of the obstetric & gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
chuah joo ngor, ng beng kwang, lim pei shan, shuhaila ahmad, marhani midin, nor azlin mohamed ismail. (2016). case control study of anxiety and depression among patients with miscarriage compared to patients with successful pregnancy. - 24th congress of the obstetric & gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
keat sim ng, beng kwang ng, pei shan lim, mohd nasir shafiee, abdul kadir abdul karim and mohd hashim omar. (2016). use of hydroxyprogesterone caproate to prevent preterm labour in uterine didelphys: a case report. - hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation. 89-91. |
ng beng kwang, tasneem mahayudin, hii ling yien, abdul kadir abdul karim, chew kah teik, lim pei shan. (2016). effect of an educational intervention on knowledge of human papilomavirus vaccination among pre-unversity students in malaysia. - asian pacific journal of cancer prevention. 267-274. |
lim ps, ng bk, tan gc, aruku naidu. (2016). urethral masson`s tumour: a rare and puzzling entity. - 24th congress of the obstetric & gynaecological society of malaysia. . |
dasrilsyah r.a., shan l.p., kwang n.b., shafiee m.n., omar m.h.. (2016). spontaneous conception following gnrha and progestogen therapy in adenomyosis. - hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation. 77-79. |
ali a.b., ahmad m.f.b., kwang n.b., shan l.p., shafie n.m., omar m.h.. (2016). dydrogesterone support following assisted reproductive technique (art) reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia. - hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation. 93-96. |
mohamad nasir shafiee, ng beng kwang, lim pei shan, nur azurah abd ghani, muhammad abdul jamil. (2016). an essential guide to - basic gynae-laparoscopy. - . 63-66. |
nur azurah ab ghani, ng beng kwang, lim pei shan, ahmad zailani hatta, mohd hashim omar. (2016). an essential guide to - basic gynae-laparoscopy. - . 71-74. |
lim pei shan, ng beng kwang, nur azurah abd ghani, mohd nasir shafiee. (2016). an essential guide to - basic gynae-laparoscopy. - . 75-77. |
nur azurah abd ghani, ng beng kwang, mohamad nasir shafiee, abdul kadir, ahmad zailani hatta. (2016). an essential guide to - basic gynae-laparoscopy. - . 67-70. |
ng beng kwang, aruku naidu, azyanu yahaya, lim pei shan. (2016). urethral leiomyoma: a rare clinical entity. - case reports in surgery. 1-4. |
p. s. lim, w. s. yang mohsin, b. k. ng, a. g. nur azurah;. (2016). short forms to assess life quality and symptoms distress for urinary incontinence in woman: validation of malay version for the incontinence impact questionnaire and the urogenital distress inventory. - international urogynecological association 41st annual meeting. . |
lee chui ling, ng beng kwang, wu loo ling, cheah fook choe, hanita othman, nor azlin mohamed ismail. (2016). vitamin d deficiency in pregnancy: risk factors and pregnancy outcomes. - 12th asia pacific congress of maternal fetal medicine. . |
ahmad mohd faizal, mohd hashim omar, anizah ali, lim pei shan, shafiee m n, ng beng kwang. (2016). progesterone support following assisted reproductive technique (art) reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia. - gynecological endocrinology. 52. |
raimi zamriah hasan, ng beng kwang, mohd hashim omar, lim pei shan. (2016). huge adenomyotic cyst in pregnancy. - journal of surgical academia. 40-42. |
rima a dasrilsyah, ng bk, hashim o, shuhaila a, tan gc, lim ps. (2015). congenital leukemia: a case report. - journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research. 137. |
chuah jn, abdul kadir ak, ng bk, lim ps. (2015). case report: huge borderline mucinous ovarian tumour in adolescent. - journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research. 88-89. |
ting tc, lim ps, ng bk, abdul karim ak, ma jamil. (2015). intra-umbilical carbetocin in the management of retained placenta-a pilot study. - journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research. 46. |
ng bk, mahayudin t, lim ps, abdul karim ak, hatta m. (2015). effect of educational intervention towards knowl- edge of human papillomavirus vaccination among pre-university students. - journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research. 81. |
boom-ping khoo, aruku naidu, nur azurah abd. ghani, beng-kwang ng, abdul kadir abdul karim, kah-teik chew, nirmala chandralega kampan, pei-shan lim. (2015). lower urinary tract symptoms among female doctors in university kebangsaan malaysia medical centre. - journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research. 62-63. |
beng kwang ng, ramanathan annamalai, pei shan lim, sulaiman aqmar suraya, abdul ghani nur azurah, mohd yassin muhammad abdul jamil. (2015). outpatient versus inpatient intravaginal misoprostol for the treatment of first trimester incomplete miscarriage: a randomised controlled trial. - archives of gynecology and obstetrics. 105-113. |
ng bk, mahayudin t, lim ps, abdul karim ak, hatta m. (2015). effect of educational intervention towards knowledge of human papillomavirus vaccination among pre university students. - 24th asian & oceanic congress of obstetrics & gynaecology. . |
rima a dasrilsyah, ng bk, hashim o, shuhaila a, tan gc, lim ps. (2015). congenital leukemia: a case report. - 24th asian & oceanic congress of obstetrics & gynaecology. . |
boom-ping khoo, aruku naidu, nur azurah abd. ghani, beng-kwang ng, abdul kadir abdul karim, kah-teik chew, nirmala chandralega kampan, pei-shan lim. (2015). lower urinary tract symptoms among female doctors in university kebangsaan malaysia medical centre. - 24th asian & oceanic congress of obstetrics & gynaecology. . |
chuah jn, abdul kadir ak, ng bk, lim ps. (2015). case report: huge borderline mucinous ovarian tumour in adolescent. - 24th asian & oceanic congress of obstetrics & gynaecology. . |
ting tc, lim ps, ng bk, abdul karim ak, ma jamil. (2015). intra umbilical carbetocin in the management of retained placenta : a pilot study. - 24th asian & oceanic congress of obstetrics & gynaecology. . |
lee cl, ng bk, nurismah mi, chew kt, aruku n, lim ps. (2015). concurrent utero-vaginal prolapse with cervical angiomyofibroblastoma: a rare disease with distinct entitiy. - journal surgical academia. 58-61. |
beng kwang ng, pei shan lim, shuhaila ahmad, nirmala chandralega kampan, abdul kadir abdul karim, mohd hashim omar. (2015). cesarean scar pregnancy: what can we offer?. - taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology. 208-210. |
lim ps, ng bk, rozman z, nirmala k, shuhaila a, omar mh. (2015). renal angiomyolipoma during pregnancy: what can we offer?. - journal surgical academia. 62-65. |
wan syahirah, nur azurah abd ghani, ng beng kwang, lim ps. (2015). short form to assess life quality and symptoms distress for urinary incontinence in woman: validation of malay version for the incontinence impact questionnaire and the urogenital distress inventory. - 9th national urogynaecology symposium. . |
abdul ghani nur azurah, zakaria wan zainol, ani amelia zainuddin, pei shan lim, aqmar suraya sulaiman, beng kwang ng. (2014). update on the management of ovarian torsion in children and adolescents. - world journal of pediatric. 1. |
pei shan lim, nor azlin mohamed ismail, nur azurah abd ghani, nirmala chandralega kampan, aqmar suraya sulaiman, beng kwang ng, kah teik chew, abdul kadir abdul karim, muhammad abdul jamil mohd yassin. (2014). retained placenta: do we have any option?. - world journal of obstetrics & gynecology. 124-129. |
ng bk, lim ps, ng yl, kew ty, abdul kadir ak, hatta m. (2014). primary malignant melanoma of vagina: the options of management. - journal of surgical academia. 4(1):63-66. |
pei shan lim, beng kwang ng, anizah ali, mohamad nasir shafiee, nirmala chandralega kampan, nor azlin mohamed ismail, mohd hashim omar, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2014). successful external cephalic version: factors predicting vaginal birth. - the scientific world journal. 860107:1-8. |
pei shan lim, wan elly rushima wan abdul rahim, beng kwang ng, muhammad abdul jamil mohd yassin, natasha ain mohd nor, mohd hashim omar. (2014). the effect of adding simvastatin or metformin to yasmin on the endocrine and metabolic parameters in polycystic ovarian syndrome. - journal of endocrinology and metabolism. 2-11. |
beng kwang ng, lim pei sha, tan geok chin, abdul kadir abdul karim, nurul zaireen mohd uha and zainul rashid mohd razi. (2014). primary omental ectopic pregnancy: a rare disease not to be missed. - journal of women`s health and gynaecology. 1:101. |
ng beng kwang, choy mun yee, lim pei shan, chew kah teik, kampan nirmala chandralega, abdul kadir abdul karim, mohd dali ahmad zailani hatta. (2014). knowledge, perception and attitude towards human papillomavirus among pre-university students in malaysia. - asia pacific journal of cancer prevention. 9117-9123. |
ng bk, zainuddin aa, tan h, ng sp, lim ps, mohd nor mi and jamil ma. (2014). intravaginal misoprostol for treatment of first trimester incomplete miscarriages: a randomised controlled trial. - journal of women`s health and gynecology. 1-7. |
beng kwang ng, pei shan lim, mohamad nasir shafiee, nur azurah abdul ghani, nor azlin mohamed ismail, mohd hashim and muhammad abdul jamil muhammad yassin. (2013). comparison between amnisure placental alpha microglobulin-1 rapid immunoassay and standard diagnostic methods for detection of rupture of membranes. - biomed research international. Article ID 587438. |
ng bk, lim ps, mohamad nasir s, nur azurah ag, nor azlin mi, mohd hashim o, muhammad abdul jamil my. (2012). comparison between amnisure placenta alpha microglobulin-1 immunoassay and standard diagnosis methods for detection of rupture membranes. - 10th rcog international scientific congress. . |
ng bk, lim ps, mohammad nasir s, nur azurah ag, nor azlin mi, mohd hashim o, muhammad abdul jamil my. (2012). comparison between amnisure placental alpha microglobulin-1 rapid immunoassay and standard diagnostic methods for detection of rupture of membranes. - bjog: an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. 119(S1):14. |