Penerbitan Terkini

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, air mohammad siddiky, rasheduzzaman sifat, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah.  (2024).  crossed arm based quad t shaped metallic arm with a circular loop resonator with wider bandwidth for high frequency based wireless communication.  - applied physics a-materials science & processing.  1-14. 

mohammad zahirul islam mollah, md sumon miah, md washim akram, sayed hasan mahmud, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, kholoud saad al mugren.  (2024).  thermoplastic-polymer matrix composite of banana/betel nut husk fiber reinforcement: physico-mechanical properties evaluation.  - e-polymers.  1-13. 

md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  optimization-driven design of a 2-bit coding based metasurface absorber for enhanced emi shielding and rcs reduction.  - ain shams engineering journal.  1-14. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, k s al mugren.  (2024).  asymmetric metamaterial sandwich structure with nim characteristics forthz imaging application.  - scientific reports.  1-12. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad jakir hossain.  (2024).  rotational symmetric solar system shaped triple band perfect metamaterial absorber for s-, c-, and x-band application.  - sensors & actuators: a. physical.  1-9. 

mst ishrat jahan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, k s al mugren.  (2024).  polarization incident angle independent metamaterial wave absorber for enhanced electromagnetic energy harvesting in ultraviolet b visible spectrum and near infrared frequency range.  - materials today communications.  1-12. 

rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren.  (2024).  srr inspired inversion symmetry shaped left handed metamaterial with a high effective medium ratio for asr and wlan applications.  - heliyon.  1-17. 

rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al-mugren.  (2024).  development of double-layer metamaterial with high effective medium ratio values for s and c band applications.  - helioyon.  1-17. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2024).  polarization dependent 1-bit coding metamaterial for radar cross section reduction in microwave frequency applications.  - ain shams engineering journal.  1-20. 

mst ishrat jahan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, sabirin abdullah.  (2023).  an ultra-thin, triple-band, incident angle-insensitive perfect metamaterial absorber.  - materials.  1-13. 

md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  double elliptical resonator based quadruple band metamaterial absorber for emi shielding applications in microwave regime.  - alexandria engineering journal.  193-206. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, k s al mugren.  (2023).  symmetric left handed split ring resonator metamaterial design for terahertz frequency applications.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

m.z.i. mollah, m.r.i. faruque, d.a. bradley, m.u. khandaker, saphwan al assaf.  (2023).  ftir and rheology study of alginate samples: effect of radiation.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-7. 

yahaya saadu itas,abdussalam balarabe suleiman,chifu e ndikilar, abdullahi lawal, razif razali,ismail ibrahim idowu,mayeen uddin khandaker, amina muhammad danmadami,pervaiz ahmad, talha bin emran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2023).  first-principle studies of the structural, electronic, and optical properties of double-walled carbon boron nitride nanostructures heterosystem under various interwall distances.  - journal of chemistry.  1-12. 

josiane f da silva, clara m g lima, débora l da silva, ivonea s do nascimento, sarah de o rodrigues, letícia a gonçalves, renata f santana, waseem khalid, silvani verruck, mayeen u khandaker, mohammad r i faruque, rafael da c. i. fontan.  (2023).  lectin purification through affinity chromatography exploiting macroporous monolithic adsorbents.  - separations mdpi.  1-15. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mandeep singh jit singh, mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammad salman,ahmed a f youssef.  (2023).  reduction of radar cross section by adopting symmetrical coding metamaterial design for terahertz frequency applications.  - materials.  1-16. 

mohammad jakir hossain, md habibur rahman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2023).  an innovative polarisation-insensitive perfect metamaterial absorber with an octagonal-shaped resonator for energy harvesting at visible spectra.  - nanomaterials.  1-16. 

mst ishrat jahan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, mayeen uddin khandaker, fahmi elsayed, mohammad salman, hamid osman.  (2023).  quad-band metamaterial perfect absorber with high shielding effectiveness using double x-shaped ring resonator.  - materials.  1-17. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;ahmad fudholi bin jurlius;teh wai leong;puvaneswaran a/l chelvanathan.  (2023).  highly sensitive double negative metamaterial tunneled structure development for obstacle sensing application.  -

norsuzlin binti mohd sahar;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2023).  development of high accuracy gps receiving antenna for sensing climate change..  -

md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, muhamad roszaini roslan.  (2023).  a quad band negative permittivity microwave metamaterial design for satellite applications with wider bandwidth.  - proceeding of 5th international conference on advances in manufacturing and materials engineering.  547-554. 

mst ishrat jahan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain.  (2023).  an x-shaped triple split ring resonator-based metamaterial perfect absorber with quad-band incident and polarization angle insensitivity for c, x, and ku band applications.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-11. 

mayeen uddin khandaker, mehdi hassanpour,saeedeh khezripour,mohammad reza rezaei, atefeh bazghandi,marzieh hassanpour,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, d a bradley.  (2023).  investigation of the effect of 131i on blood parameters for thyroid cancer treatment.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-7. 

md. salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  royal crown shaped polarization insensitive perfect metamaterial absorber for c-, x-, and ku-band applications.  - computers, materials & continua.  455-469. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mandeep singh jit singh, k s al-mugren.  (2023).  compact multi-layered symmetric metamaterial design structure for microwave frequency applications.  - materials.  1-15. 

m b hossain, m r i faruque, s abdullah.  (2023).  modified combination of triple split ring resonator based triple band single negative metamaterial for satellite applications.  - the 2022 international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim 2022).  1-9. 

mohammad nur e alam, arvil bhattacharjee, deba prasad paul, m a hakim, mohammad aminul islam, tiong s kiong, nowshad amin, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2023).  chronological evaluation of the synthesis techniques of nanocrystalline fe73.5cu1nb3si13.5b9 soft magnetic alloy.  - progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials.  1-13. 

s h mahmud,s c das,m z i mollah, m m ul-hoque, k s al-mugren, m r i faruque, r a khan.  (2023).  thermoset-polymer matrix composite materials of jute and glass fibre reinforcements: radiation effects determination.  - journal of materials research and technology.  6623-6635. 

mehdi hassanpour, marzieh hassanpour, mohammadreza rezaie, saeedeh khezripour, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2023).  the application of graphene/h-bn metamaterial in medical linear accelerators for reducing neutron leakage in the treatment room.  - physical and engineering sciences in medicine.  1023-1032. 

mst ishrat jahan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain.  (2023).  flower-shape resonator-based triple-band metamaterial wave absorbers to find the dispersion relation utilizing one dimensional (1-d) periodic waveguide.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-10. 

dahir sagir idris, arpita roy, soumya pandit, saad alghamdi, mazen almehmadi,ahad amer alsaiari, osama abdulaziz, abdulaziz alsharif, mayeen uddin khandaker, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2023).  polymer-based nanocarriers for biomedical and environmental applications.  - e-polymers.  1-33. 

kaisun nesa lesa, nazir ahmad, yunika mayangsari, mayeen uddin khandaker, faruque mohammad rashed iqbal,dwi larasatie nur fibri, md mehedi hassan.  (2023).  health benefits of okara for the management of diabetes mellitus.  - journal of food quality.  1-11. 

saeedeh khezripour, mohammadreza rezaie, mehdi hassanpour, marzieh hassanpour, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2023).  investigating the hard x-ray production via proton spallation on different materials to detect elements.  - plos one.  1-16. 

refat khan pathan, munmun biswas, suraiya yasmin, mohammad amaz uddin, anindya das, mayeen uddin khandaker, m r i faruque, moniruzzaman sarker.  (2023).  impact on mental health due to covid-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in bangladesh.  - clinical ehealth.  42-52. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker, k s al mugren.  (2023).  an innovative compact split-ring-resonator-based power tiller wheel-shaped metamaterial for quad-band wireless communication.  - materials.  1-16. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  srr inspired modified psi shaped perfect metamaterial absorber for c-band application.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-12. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, k s al-mugren.  (2023).  compact and polarization insensitive satellite band perfect metamaterial absorber for effective electromagnetic communication system.  - materials.  1-15. 

mehdi hassanpour, marzieh hassanpour, mayeen uddin khandaker, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, b alshahrani, hamid osman.  (2023).  an alternative method for calculation of half-value layers without the knowledge of attenuation coefficient.  - applied radiation and isotopes.  1-9. 

tayyaba waheed, salah ud din, lei ming, pervaiz ahmad, pu min, sirajul haq, mayeen uddin khandaker, imed boukhris, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, fazal ur rehman, israf ud din.  (2023).  porous hierarchical ni/mg/al layered double hydroxide for adsorption of methyl orange from aqueous solution.  - nanomaterials.  1-17. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, sami h. a. almalki, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, m. salaheldeen m & md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  rotational symmetry engineered, polarization and incident angle-insensitive, perfect metamaterial absorber for x and ku band wireless applications.  - scientific reporst.  1-12. 

mohammad bellal hoque, md abdul hannan, m z i mollah, m r i faruque, ruhul a khan.  (2022).  physico mechanical properties enhancement of pineapple leaf fiber (palf) reinforced epoxy resin-based composites using guar gum (polysaccharide) filler: effects of gamma radiation.  - radiation effects & defects in solids.  401-416. 

mehdi hassanpour, saeedeh khezripour, mohammadreza rezaie, marzieh hassanpour, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2022).  the efficacy of thick gas electron multiplier detector in measuring 14c for dating purpose.  - radiation physics & chemistry.  1-5. 

mayeen uddin khandaker, s n mat nawi, s e lam, d a bradley, s f abdul sani, m r i faruque ,sabina yasmin, abubakr m idris.  (2022).  studies of defect states and kinetic parameters of car windscreen for thermoluminescence retrospective dosimetry.  - applied radiation and isotopes.  1-10. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah,mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker, k s al mugren.  (2022).  dual square split ring enclosed spiral shaped hybrid metamaterial resonator with size miniaturisation for microwave wireless applications.  - scientific reports.  1-19. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, jamel nebhen.  (2022).  the circularly bent split ring resonator with a high effective medium ratio for multi frequency satellite band applications.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-17. 

md bellal hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam,mayeen uddin khandaker,nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman.  (2022).  modified coptic cross shaped split-ring resonator based negative permittivity metamaterial for quad band satellite applications with high effective medium ratio.  - materials.  1-19. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim,md mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2022).  highly efficient metasurface polarization converter at far infrared range.  - frontiers in physics.  1-11. 

salah ud din,sabah hanif kiani,sirajul haq,pervaiz ahmad,mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,abubakr m idris, m i sayyed.  (2022).  bio-synthesized tin oxide nanoparticles: structural, optical, and biological studies.  - crystals.  1-11. 

md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, ahmed s alshammari, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  wide bandwidth enriched symmetric hexagonal split ring resonator based triple band negative permittivity metamaterial for satellite and wi fi applications.  - results in physics.  1-14. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mohammad tariqul islam;sabirin bin abdullah.  (2022).  functional graded nickel based nanocomposite coatings for oil and gas industry.  -

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;sabirin bin abdullah.  (2022).  a new split-triangular metamaterial for electromagnetic radiation reduction in human body .  -

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, norbahiah misran & md. shabiul islam.  (2022).  a co-polarization-insensitive metamaterial absorber for 5g n78 mobile devices at 3.5 ghz to reduce the specific absorption rate.  - scientific reports.  1-13. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, mohamed s. soliman, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, mandeep singh jit singh, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, ahmed alzamil.  (2022).  a filling-factor engineered, perfect metamaterial absorber for multiple applications at frequencies set by ieee in c and x bands.  - journal of materials research and technology.  934-946. 

sabina yasmin,mayeen uddin khandaker,siti nurasiah mat nawi,siti fairus abdul sani, d a bradley,amal alqahtani,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2022).  the effectiveness of ornamental building materials (tiles) for retrospective thermoluminescence dosimetry.  - applied radiation and isotopes.  1-11. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker,, amal alqahtani, d a bradley.  (2022).  development and analysis of coding and tailored metamaterial for terahertz frequency applications.  - materials.  1-14. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker, amal alqahtani, david a bradley.  (2022).  a new compact split ring resonator based double inverse epsilon shaped metamaterial for triple band satellite and radar communication.  - crystals.  1-18. 

ismatul nisak idrus,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mayeen uddin khandaker, nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman.  (2022).  an oval square shaped split ring resonator based left handed metamaterial for satellite communications and radar applications.  - micromachines.  1-20. 

mehdi hassanpour, mohammad reza rezaie, saeedeh khezripour, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2022).  introduction of the hezar international gravity formula.  - frontiers in physics.  1-6. 

md bellal hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam,mandeep singh,muzammil jusoh.  (2022).  triple band microwave metamaterial absorber based on double e-shaped symmetric split ring resonators for emi shielding and stealth applications.  - journal of materials research and technology.  1653-1668. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, air mohammad siddiky, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2022).  optimization of passive metamaterial design with high effective medium ratio for wireless communications.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-12. 

nurul absar, baitul mamur, abir mahmuda, talha bin emran, mayeen uddin khandaker , m r i faruque, hamid osman, amin elzaki , bahaaedin a elkhader.  (2022).  development of a computer-aided tool for detection of covid-19 pneumonia from cxr images using machine learning algorithm.  - journal of radiation research and applied sciences.  32-43. 

mayeen uddin khandaker, d a bradley, hamid osman, m i sayyed, a sulieman, m r i faruque, k a naseer, abubakr m idris.  (2022).  the significance of nuclear data in the production of radionuclides for theranostic/therapeutic applications.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-8. 

marzieh hassanpour, mehdi hassanpour, mohammadreza rezaie, eysa salajegheh, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker, d a bradley.  (2022).  studies of the mechanical and neutron shielding features of concrete by incorporation of green additive materials: experimental and numerical study.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-11. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, air mohammad siddiky,mayeen uddin khandaker, amal alqahtani,d a bradley.  (2022).  a new octagonal close ring resonator based dumbbell-shaped tuning fork perfect metamaterial zbsorber for c- and ku-band applications.  - micromachines.  1-15. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2022).  radar cross-section reduction using polarisation-dependent passive metamaterial for satellite communication.  - chinese journal of physics.  251-268. 

mohammad mominur rahman, mohammad rezaul islam, mohammad touhidul islam, mohammad harun-or-rashid, mahfuzul islam, sabirin abdullah, mohammad borhan uddin, sumit das, mohammad saidur rahaman, muniruddin ahmed, fahad a. alhumaydhi, talha bin emran, etc.  (2022).  stem cell transplantation therapy and neurological disorders: current status and future perspectives.  - biology-basel.  1-42. 

reyhane madadi, sedigheh mohamad, mohammad rastegari, abdolreza karbassi,md refat jahan rakib, mayeen uddin khandaker, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,abubakr m idris.  (2022).  health risk assessment and source apportionment of potentially toxic metal(loid)s in windowsill dust of a rapidly growing urban settlement, iran.  - scientific reports.  1-15. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  dielectric passive left-handed symmetric metamaterial design for electromagnetic absorption reduction application.  - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part l-journal of materials-design and applications.  2157-2170. 

ismatul n idrus, mohammad r i faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad t islam, mayeen u khandaker, jamel nebhen.  (2022).  an octagonal split ring resonator-based double negative metamaterial for s-, x- and ku-band applications.  - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part l: journal of materials: design and applications.  2269-2280. 

ahmed m tamim,mohammad r i faruque, mohammad t islam.  (2022).  metamaterial-inspired electrically small antenna for microwave applications.  - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part l-journal of materials-design and applications.  2230-2241. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam,mayeen uddin khandaker, d a bradley, jamel nebhen.  (2022).  tuning fork-hammer shaped perfect metamaterial absorber for c-band applications.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-9. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah, mayeen uddin khandaker, k s almugren.  (2022).  dual-square-split-ring-enclosed microstrip-based sensor for noninvasive label-free detection.  - materials.  1-18. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker, hamid osman, imed boukhris.  (2022).  coding metamaterial analysis based on 1-bit conventional and cuboid design structures for microwave applications.  - materials.  1-18. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2022).  impact of compact and novel 1-bit coding based metamaterial design for microwave absorption applications.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-8. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammadtariqul islam.  (2022).  specific absorption rate reduction for sub 6 frequency range using polarization dependent metamaterial with high effective medium ratio.  - scientific reports.  1-18. 

marzieh hassanpour, mehdi hassanpour, simin faghihi, saeedeh khezripour,mohammadreza rezaie, parvin dehghanipour, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2022).  introduction of graphene/h-bn metamaterial as neutron radiation shielding by implementing monte carlo simulation.  - materials.  1-12. 

md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain.  (2022).  holy cross-moon shaped dual band perfect metamaterial absorber for c-band application.  - materials today communications.  1-8. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah, mayeen uddin khandaker, nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman.  (2022).  body-centered double-square split-ring enclosed nested meander-line-shaped metamaterial-loaded microstrip-based resonator for sensing applications.  - materials.  1-21. 

kaisun nesa lesa, mayeen uddin khandaker, faruque mohammad rashed iqbal,rohit sharma,fahadul islam,saikat mitra, talha bin emran.  (2022).  nutritional value, medicinal importance, and health-promoting effects of dietary mushroom (pleurotus ostreatus).  - journal of food quality.  1-9. 

m prasathkumar,s anisha,a khusro,m m essa,saravana babu chidambaram, m walid qoronfleh,s sadhasivam, muhammad umar khayam sahibzada,saad alghamdi,mazen almehmadi,osama abdulaziz,mayeen uddin khandaker, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, talha bin emran.  (2022).  anti-pathogenic, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and wound healing efficacy of datura metel l. leaves.  - arabian journal of chemistry.  1-17. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah,mohammad tariqul islam, jamel nebhen.  (2022).  double negative circular shaped inductively coupled metamaterial power splitter for the c-, x band applications.  - optik.  1-16. 

awais khalid, pervaiz ahmad, abdulhameed khan,saleh muhammad, mayeen uddin khandaker, md. mottahir alam, mohd asim, israf ud din, ratiram g chaudhary, dileep kumar, rohit sharma, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, talha bin emran.  (2022).  effect of cu doping on zno nanoparticles as a photocatalyst for the removal of organic wastewater.  - bioinorganic chemistry and applications.  1-12. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker, k s al mugren.  (2022).  development of diverse coding metamaterial structure for radar cross section reduction applications.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

mehdi hassanpour, parvin dehghanipour, mohammadreza rezaie, marzieh hassanpour, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2022).  study of alpha spectrometry for detection of radon and progeny using gas microstrip detector.  - applied radiation and isotopes.  1-6. 

s yasmin,m u khandaker,d a bradley, hamid osman, amjad alyahyawi, m i sayyed, m r i faruque, k a naseer, abubakr m idris.  (2022).  the efficacy of various thicknesses of float glasses for protection of gamma-radiation.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-7. 

yahaya saadu itas, abdussalam balarabe suleiman, chifu e ndikilar, abdullahi lawal, razif razali ,ismail ibrahim idowu, mayeen uddin khandaker, pervaiz ahmad , nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2022).  computational studies of the excitonic and optical properties of armchair swcnt and swbnnt for optoelectronics applications.  - crystals.  1-12. 

nurul absar, emon kumar das, shamsun nahar shoma, mayeen uddin khandaker, mahadi hasan miraz, m r i faruque, nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman, refat khan pathan.  (2022).  the efficacy of machine-learning-supported smart system for heart disease prediction.  - healthcare.  1-20. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker, nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman.  (2022).  design and analysis of multi-layer and cuboid coding metamaterials for radar cross section reduction.  - materials.  1-27. 

rasheduzzaman sifat,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam,mayeen uddin khandaker,nissren tamam, abdelmoneim sulieman.  (2022).  development ofdouble c shaped left-handed metamaterial for dual band wifi and satellite communication application with high effective medium radio and wide bandwidth.  - crystals.  1-20. 

nanda karmaker, kazi m maraz,farhana islam, md marjanul haque, md razzak, m z i mollah, m r i faruque, ruhul a khan.  (2021).  fundamental characteristics and application of radiation.  - gsc advanced research and reviews.  64-72. 

mohammad b hoque, m z i mollah, m r i faruque,md abdul hannan, ruhul a khan.  (2021).  review on the mechanical properties of pineapple leaf fiber (palf) reinforced epoxy resin based composite.  - engineering and technology journal.  855-860. 

awais khalid,pervaiz ahmad,abdulrahman i alharth,saleh muhammad,mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,israf ud din,mshari a alotaibi.  (2021).  a practical method for incorporation of fe (iii) in titania matrix for photocatalytic applications.  - materials research express.  1-10. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammad tariqul islam,david andrew bradley.  (2021).  electromagnetic radiation reduction using novel metamaterial for cellular applications.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-14. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim, md mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, jamel nebhen.  (2021).  polarization-independent symmetrical digital metasurface absorber.  - results in physics.  1-12. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,air mohammad siddiky,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  reduction of 5g cellular network radiation in wireless mobile phone using an asymmetric square shaped passive metamaterial design.  - scientific reports.  1-22. 

sabirin bin abdullah;mardina bt. abdullah;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;teh wai leong.  (2021).  metamaterial based invisibility cloak for electromagnetic radiation control in space applications.  -

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mardina bt. abdullah;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam;sabirin bin abdullah.  (2021).  development of open mesh meta-atom mirror for solar radiation absorption.  -

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, hatem rmili.  (2021).  polarization-independent perfect metamaterial absorber for c, x and, ku band applications.  - journal of materials research and technology.  3722-3732. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, muhammad e. h. chowdhury & farayi musharavati.  (2021).  angle insensitive copolarized metamaterial absorber based on equivalent circuit analysis for dual band wifi applications.  - scientific reports.  1-13. 

mohammad tawsiful islam, sikder sunbeam islam, abu sajed rocky, asraful alam, mehidi hossen chy, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2021).  design of a microstrip patch sensor antenna for the measurement of permittivity.  - second international conference on advances in intelligent systems, soft computing and optimization techniques 2020 (icaisco 2020).  1341-1344. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,sabirin abdullah,mohammad tariqul islam,muhammad roszaini roslan.  (2021).  left-handed compact multi-band circular metamaterial for s-, c- and ku-band applications.  - materials today: proceedings (second international conference on advances in intelligent systems, soft computing and optimization techniques 2020 (icaisco 2020).  1374-1381. 

ashok kumar,anisha jain,m i sayyed,farah laariedh,k a mahmoud,jamel nebhen,mayeen uddin khandaker,m r i faruque.  (2021).  tailoring bismuth borate glasses by incorporating pbo/geo2 for protection against nuclear radiation.  - scientific reports.  1-14. 

mohamed youssef mohamed hanfi,masoud salah masoud,m i sayyed,mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammed rashed iqbal faruque,d. a. bradley,mostafa yuness abdelfatah mostafa.  (2021).  the presence of radioactive heavy minerals in prospecting trenches and concomitant occupational exposure.  - plos one.  1-12. 

shahab ahmed abbasi,muhammad rafique,taj muhammad khan,adnan khan,nasar ahmad, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mayeen uddin khandaker,pervaiz ahmad,abdul saboor.  (2021).  chemical analysis of thermoluminescent colorless topaz crystal using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy.  - minerals.  1-16. 

sirajul haq,pervaiz ahmad,mayeen uddin khandaker,m r i faruque,wajid rehman, muhammad waseem,salah ud din.  (2021).  antibacterial, antioxidant and physicochemical investigations of tin dioxide nanoparticles synthesized via microemulsion method.  - materials research express.  1-9. 

abdul hameed khan,dania shabir,pervaiz ahmad,mayeen uddin khandaker,m r i faruque,israf ud din.  (2021).  biosynthesis and antibacterial activity of mgo-nps produced from camellia-sinensis leaves extract.  - materials research express.  1-11. 

osama fayyaz,adnan khan,r. a. shakoor, anwarul hasan,moinuddin m yusuf,m f montemor, shahid rasul,kashif khan,m r i faruque,paul c okonkwo.  (2021).  enhancement of mechanical and corrosion resistance properties of electrodeposited ni p tic composite coatings.  - scientific reports.  1-16. 

niloofar azadegan,mehdi hassanpour,mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,k.s. al mugren,d.a. bradley.  (2021).  calculation of secondary radiation absorbed doses due to the proton therapy on breast cancer using mcnpx code.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-8. 

eistiak ahamed,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,ahmed mahfuz tamim,mohammad tariqul islam,mohd fais bin mansor,mohammad badal ahmmed.  (2021).  enhancement of magnetic feld intensity with a left-handed metamaterial tunnel resonator for obstacle sensing.  - chinese journal of physics.  91-105. 

awais khalid,pervaiz ahmad,abdulrahman i alharthi,saleh muhammad,mayeen uddin khandaker,mubasher rehman,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,israf ud din,mshari a alotaibi,khalid alzimami,david a. bradley.  (2021).  structural, optical and antibacterial efficacy of pure and zinc-doped copper oxide against pathogenic bacteria.  - nanomaterials.  1-13. 

m z i mollah.m s rahaman, m r i faruque,m u khandaker,hamid osman,sultan alamri,saphwan al assaf.  (2021).  effects of radiation sterilization dose on the molecular weight and gelling properties of commercial alginate samples.  - frontiers in materials.  1-10. 

mayeen uddin khandaker,nwokoma oliver chijioke,nurul adillah binti heffny,david a. bradley, abdullah alsubaie,abdelmoneim sulieman,mohammad rashed i faruque,m i sayyed,k s al mugren.  (2021).  elevated concentrations of metal (loids) in seaweed and the concomitant exposure to humans.  - foods.  1-18. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  symmetric square shaped metamaterial structure with quintuple resonance frequencies for s, c, x and ku band applications.  - scientific reports.  1-15. 

a n m rezaul karim, farzana sultana rafi, mohammed nizam uddin, md iftakhar mahmud, mayeen uddin khandaker, riaz mahmud, m r i faruque.  (2021).  development of a new slgorithm to address the transportation issue.  - civil engineering and architecture.  2105-2116. 

shejuti rahman brishty, md jamal hossain,mayeen uddin khandaker, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,hamid osman,s m abdur rahman.  (2021).  a comprehensive account on recent progress in pharmacological activities of benzimidazole derivatives.  - frontiers in pharmacology.  1-49. 

pervaiz ahmad,mayeen uddin khandaker,fida rehman,nawshad muhammad,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, zahoor ullah,muhammad abdul rauf khan,ghulamullah khan,muhammad imtiaz khan,hazrat ali,sirajul haq,yousaf iqbal,khalid alzimami,layal jambi, david a. bradly.  (2021).  facile synthesis of high quality nano size 10b enriched fibers of hexagonal boron nitride.  - crystals.  1-8. 

awais khalid,pervaiz ahmad,abdulrahman i alharthi,saleh muhammad,mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,israf ud din,mshari a alotaibi.  (2021).  unmodified titanium dioxide nanoparticles as a potential contrast agent in photon emission computed tomography.  - crystals.  1-10. 

altaf ahmad,shahab ahmed abbasi,muhammad hafeez,taj muhammad khan,muhammad rafique,nasar ahmed,pervaiz ahmad,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mayeen uddin khandaker,muhammad javed.  (2021).  detection and quantification of precious elements in astrophyllite mineral by optical spectroscopy.  - materials.  1-15. 

m.i. sayyed, k.a. mahmoud, o.l. tashlykov, mayeen uddin khandaker, m.r.i. faruque.  (2021).  enhancement of the shielding capability of soda lime glasses with sb2o3 dopant: a potential material for radiation safety in nuclear installations.  - applied sciences.  1-15. 

m. z. i. mollah, h. m. zahid, z. mahal,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,m. u. khandaker.  (2021).  the usages and potential uses of alginate for healthcare applications.  - frontiers in molecular biosciences.  1-12. 

md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  modifed double dumbbell shaped split ring resonator based negative permittivity metamaterial for satellite communications with high effective medium ratio.  - scientific reports.  1-18. 

nurul absar,jainal abedin,m mashiur rahman,mmh miah,naziba siddique,masud kamal,mantazul islam chowdhury,a sulieman,m r i faruque,mayeen uddin khandaker, d a bradley,abdullah alsubaie.  (2021).  radionuclides transfer from soil to tea leaves and estimation of committed effective dose to the bangladesh populace.  - life.  1-15. 

mehdi hassanpour, mohammadreza rezaie, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2021).  a novel approach for the reduction of aflatoxin in pistachio nuts using experimental and mcnp simulation.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-8. 

air mohammad siddiky,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam,sabirin abdullah.  (2021).  a multi-split based square split ring resonator for multiband satellite applications with high effective medium ratio.  - results in physics.  1-13. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  a dual-band polarization-independent left-handed symmetrical metamaterial for communication system application.  - journal of materials research and technology.  731-744. 

syed taimoor hussain shah,shahzad ahmad qureshi, aziz ul rehman,syed adil hussain shah,arslan amjad, adil aslam mir, amal alqahtani, david a bradley, mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, muhammad rafique.  (2021).  a novel hybrid learning system using modified breaking ties algorithm and multinomial logistic regression for classification and segmentation of hyperspectral images.  - applied sciences.  1-16. 

adil aslam mir,fatih vehbi celebi,muhammad rafique, m r i faruque,mayeen uddin khandaker,kimberlee jane kearfott, pervaiz ahmad.  (2021).  anomaly classification for earthquake prediction in radon time series data using stacking and automatic anomaly indication function.  - pure and applied geophysics.  1593-1607. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, air mohammad siddiky, eistiak ahamed, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah.  (2021).  parallel lc shaped metamaterial resonator for c and x band satellite applications with wider bandwidth.  - scientific reports.  1-15. 

salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad jakir hossain, mayeen uddin khandaker, hamid osman, sultan alamri.  (2021).  modified hexagonal split ring resonator based on an epsilon-negative metamaterial for triple-band satellite communication.  - micromachines.  1-16. 

eistiak ahamed, md mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  double negative bend headed i-shaped metamaterial based terahertz optical power splitter.  - results in physics.  1-9. 

awais khalid,pervaiz ahmad,abdulrahman i alharthi,saleh muhammad,mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,abdulhameed khan,israf ud din,mshari a alotaibi,khalid alzimami,abdulrahman a alfuraih.  (2021).  enhanced optical and antibacterial activity of hydrothermally synthesized cobalt-doped zinc oxide cylindrical microcrystals.  - materials.  1-16. 

awais khalid, pervaiz ahmad, abdulrahman i alharthi, saleh muhammad, mayeen uddin khandaker, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, israf ud din, mshari a alotaibi, abdulhameed khan.  (2021).  synergistic effects of cu-doped zno nanoantibiotic against gram-positive bacterial strains.  - plos one.  1-14. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2021).  parabolic split ring resonator (psrr) based mnz metamaterial with angular rotation for wifi/wimax/wireless/ism band applications.  - chinese journal of physics.  753-769. 

eistiak ahamed,ahmed mahfuz tamim,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,rasheduzzaman sifat,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  reconfigurable thz metamaterial filter based on binary response for information processing system.  - frontiers in physics.  1-9. 

a.n.m. rezaul karim,mohammed nizam uddin,masud rana,mayeen uddin khandaker,m. r. i. faruque,sofi mahmud parvez.  (2020).  modeling on population growth and its adaptation: a comparative analysis between bangladesh and india.  - journal of applied and natural science.  688-701. 

mohammed nizam uddin, a.n.m. rezaul karim,sofi mahmud parvez,riaz mahmud,h. m. shahadat ali,m. r. i. faruque.  (2020).  estimation of the sars-cov-2 specific reproduction number in saarc countries: a 60-days data-driven analysis.  - journal of applied and natural science.  628-634. 

mohammad tariqul islam;mardina bt. abdullah;sabirin bin abdullah;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2020).  development of a new double-negative metamaterial inspired multi-band antenna for satellite communication.  -

mohd. nizam bin mohd. said;mardina bt. abdullah;khairul nizam abdul maulud;mohd azlan shah bin jaafar;noridawaty binti mat daud;farhanah binti md isa;rawshan ara begum;siti aminah binti bahari;muhamad roszaini bin roslan;nurul hajijah binti hair;sabirin b.  (2020).  low cost earth-space monitoring system.  -

md firoz khan, ahmad hazuwan hamid, haasyimah ab rahim, khairul nizam abdul maulud, mohd talib latif, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, mazrura sahani, kai qin, prashant kumar, helena varkkey, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, ng chee guan, seyedeh parisa ahmadi, su.  (2020).  el nino driven haze over the southern malaysian peninsula and borneo.  - science of the total environment.  1-14. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  a dual band left-handed metamaterial-enabled design for satellite applications.  - results in physics.  1-8. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammed sajid khan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2020).  design and analysis of modified-split-h-shaped dng metamaterial for microwave application.  - materials research express.  1-15. 

saif hannan, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi and mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2020).  wide bandwidth angle- and polarization-insensitive symmetric metamaterial absorber for x and ku band applications.  - scientific reports.  1-9. 

mayeen uddin khandakera,nur khairunnisa zainuddinb,d.a. bradley,m.r.i. faruque,f.i. almasoud,m.i. sayyed,a. suliemang,p.j. jojo.  (2020).  radiation dose to malaysian populace via the consumption of roasted ground and instant coffee.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-7. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,eistiak ahamed, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  electromagnetic absorption of srr based double-inverse e-shaped metamaterial for dcs, eesc, 5g, and wimax applications.  - chinese journal of physics.  349-361. 

eistiak ahamed,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. jubaer alam,mohd fais bin mansor, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  digital metamaterial filter for encoding information.  - scientic reports.  1-9. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md jubaer alam, muhamad roszaini roslan, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  penapsis jalur berasaskan campuran gegelung penyalun berbentuk sarang bulat untuk aplikasi gelombang mikro.  - jurnal teknologi.  35-41. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  left-handed circular-shaped compact metamaterial for x- and ku-band applications.  - journal of physics:conference series.  1-8. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. rahman, m. m. hasan, a. m. tamim, i. n. idrus, m. t. islam.  (2020).  architecture of left handed metamaterial absorber for absorbing electromagnetic hazards.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  495-500. 

m. i. sayyed, faras q. mohammed,k. a. mahmoud,eloic lacomme, kawa m. kaky, mayeen uddin khandaker, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2020).  evaluation of radiation shielding features of co and ni-based superalloys using mcnp-5 code: potential use in nuclear safety.  - applied sciences.  1-14. 

norfadira binti wahib,mayeen uddin khandaker,s. f. abdul sani,k. s. al mugren,d. a. bradley,a. sulieman,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,m. i. sayyed.  (2020).  the potential use of car windscreens for post accident dose reconstruction in the periphery of nuclear installations.  - applied sciences.  1-14. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2020).  inverse double-c shaped square split ring resonator based metamaterial with multi-resonant frequencies for satellite band applications.  - results in physics.  1-12. 

air mohammad siddiky, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  double h-shaped complementary split ring resonator with different orientations for quad-band satellite applications.  - results in physics.  1-10. 

altaf ahmad, muhammad hafeez,shahab ahmed abbasi, taj muhammad khan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker, pervaiz ahmad, muhammad rafique, noor haleem.  (2020).  compositional analysis of chalcopyrite using calibration-free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy.  - applied sciences.  1-14. 

rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, eistiak ahmed, mohammad tariqul islam, mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2020).  electric field controlled cohesive symmetric hook-c shape inspired metamaterial for s-band application.  - chinese journal of physics.  28-38. 

suraiya yasmin,refat khan pathan,munmun biswas,mayeen uddin khandaker,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2020).  development of a robust multi-scale featured local binary pattern for improved facial expression recognition.  - sensors.  1-17. 

m.j. abedin,m.r. karim,mayeen uddin khandaker,m. kamal,s. hossain,m.h.a. miah,d.a. bradley,m.r.i. faruque,m.i. sayyed.  (2020).  dispersion of radionuclides from coal-fired brick kilns and concomitant impact on human health and the environment.  - radiation physics and chemistry.  1-13. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2020).  a compact square-shaped left-handed passive metamaterial with optimized quintuple resonance frequencies for satellite applications.  - chinese journal of physics.  360-375. 

md. samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran, m. tarikul islam, m. r. i. faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  right hand circularly polarized 2.40 ghz truncated corner patch antenna for small satellite application.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  570-576. 

ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi, mohammad rashed iqbalfaruque, mandeep jit singh, md. shabiul islam.  (2019).  u-joint double split o (udo) shaped with split square metasurface absorber for x and ku band application.  - results in physics.  1-9. 

ahasanul hoque, mohammad tariqul islam, ali f. almutairi & mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2019).  design of split hexagonal patch array shaped nano-metaabsorber with ultra-wideband absorption for visible and uv spectrum application.  - nanoscale research letters.  1-10. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah.  (2019).  split ring resonator loaded ef-structured left-handed metamaterial for modern electronic communications.  - european physical journal applied physics.  1-10. 

mayeen uddin khandaker, onosohwo bemigho uwatse, khairi azri bin shamsul khairi,m. r. i. faruque,d. a. bradley.  (2019).  terrestrial radionuclides in surface (dam) water and concomitant dose in metropolitan kuala lumpur.  - radiation protection dosimetry.  343-350. 

md samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, md t. islam, abdullah a. s. shovon, rashed i. faruque, norbahiah misran.  (2019).  a 16 modified antipodal vivaldi antenna array for microwave based breast tumor imaging applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2110-2118. 

eistiak ahamed, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohd fais bin mansor, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  polarization-dependent tunneled metamaterial structure with enhanced fields properties for x-band application.  - results in physics.  1-13. 

md. tarikul islam,m. samsuzzaman,m. r. i. faruque,mandeep jit singh,m. t. islam.  (2019).  microwave imaging based breast tumor detection using compact wide slotted uwb patch antenna.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials, rapid communications.  448-457. 

md mehedi hasan, maskia rahman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  bandwidth enhanced metamaterial embedded inverse l-slotted antenna for wifi/wlan/wimax wireless communication.  - materials research express.  1-10. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  thin-layer dielectric and left-handed metamaterial stacked compact triband antenna for 2 ghz to 4 ghz wireless networks.  - journal of electronic materials.  3979-3990. 

sikder sunbeam islam, ahmed mahfuz tamim, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2019).  a new double-negative material for multi-band satellite applications.  - 10th international conference on robotics, vision, signal processing and power applications: enabling research and innovation towards sustainability (lecture notes in electrical engineering).  357-364. 

mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, m. j. alam, eistiak ahamed, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  new compact perfect metamaterial absorber for dual band applications.  - 10th international conference on robotic, vision, signal processing and power applications, rovisp 2018.  381-386. 

md atiqur rahman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  preparation of flexible substrate for patch antenna based on nickel aluminate (nial2o4) synthesized by solgel method.  - journal of electronic materials.  2932-2939. 

ahmed mahfuz tamim, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md. jubaer alam, sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  split ring resonator loaded horizontally inverse double l-shaped metamaterial for c-, x- and ku-band microwave applications.  - results in physics. 

m j hossain, m r i faruque, m r ahmed, s abdullah, m t islam.  (2019).  design and analysis of compact perfect metamaterial absorber for xband applications.  - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science.  1-9. 

m j alam, e ahamed, m r i faruque, m j hossain, m t islam.  (2019).  aztec shape metamaterial-based bandpass filter for c, x and ku-band applications.  - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science.  1-10. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md mehedi hasan, muhamad roszaini roslan, mohammad tariqul islam,sharifah mastura syed abdullah.  (2019).  inspirasi antena metabahan yang boleh dikonfigurasi untuk komunikasi 5g.  - sains malaysiana.  2257-2264. 

md. jubaer alam, eistiak ahamed, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, ahmed mahfuz tamim.  (2019).  left-handed metamaterial bandpass filter for gps, earth exploration-satellite and wimax frequency sensing applications.  - plos one.  1-19. 

tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, eistiak ahmed, sabirin abdullah.  (2019).  specific absorption rate reduction of multi split square ring metamaterial for l and s band application.  - results in physics.  1-10. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruquea, eistiak ahamed, md. atiqur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  flexible nickel aluminate (nial2o4) based dual-band double negative metamaterial for microwave applications.  - results in physics.  1-11. 

tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, eistiak ahamed.  (2019).  composite circular split ring resonator (csrr)-based left-handed metamaterial for c- and ku-band application.  - results in physics.  1-11. 

mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md. raju ahmed,md. jubaer alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2019).  polarization-insensitive infrared-visible perfect metamaterial absorber and permittivity sensor.  - results in physics.  1-8. 

md. mehedi hasan, maskia rahman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam ,mayeen uddin khandaker.  (2019).  electrically compact srr-loaded metamaterial inspired quad band antenna for bluetooth/wifi/wlan/wimax system.  - electronics.  1-19. 

md. atiqur rahman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, eistiak ahamed, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep singh.  (2019).  nickel particle-based compact flexible antenna for modern communication systems.  - electronics.  1-11. 

mohammad j. hossain, mohammad r. i. faruque, m. j. alam, mohd fais mansor, mohammad t. islam.  (2018).  a broadband negative refractive index meta-atom for quad-band and sensor applications.  - microwave & optical technology letters. 

md atiqur rahman, eistiak ahamed, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  preparation of nial2o4- based flexible substrates for metamaterials with negative dielectric properties.  - scientific reports. 

md. jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  double-split labyrinth resonator with defective ground system for wide-band band-stop filter application.  - aip advances. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  beam steering of eye shape metamaterial design on dispersive media by fdtd method.  - international journal of numerical modelling: electronic networks, devices and fields. 

m. m. hasan,e. ahamed,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,s. abdullah.  (2018).  reconfigurable metamaterial for 5g application.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials. 

sikder sunbeam islam,md atiqur rahman,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  design and analysis with different substrate materials of a new metamaterial for satellite applications.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  59-66. 

md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  improved square-z-shaped dng meta-atom for c- and x-band application.  - current science. 

eistiak ahamed, md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohd fais bin mansor, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  left-handed metamaterial inspired by joint td geometry on flexible nial2o4 substrate.  - plos one. 

jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  labyrinth double split open loop resonator based bandpass filter design for s, c and x-band application.  - journal of physics d: applied physics. 

mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  an effective medium ratio obeying wideband left-handed meta-atom for multiband applications.  - international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017). 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  correction: compact left-handed meta-atom for s-, c- and ku-band application [appl. sci., 7, (2017) (1071)].  - applied sciences. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  left handed metasurface loaded with ring resonator modelling for satellite application.  - international journal of satellite communications and networking. 

jubaer m. alam,mohammad r. i. faruque,mohammad j. hossain,mohammad t. islam.  (2018).  architecture of a unified split p-shaped swarming metamaterial for thermal mutation.  - microwave and optical technology letters. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a terahertz meta-surface with left-handed characteristics for absorbing applications.  - international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017). 

md. jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, taya allen, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, khairul nizam abdul maulud,eistiak ahamed.  (2018).  depiction and analysis of a modied theta shaped double negative metamaterial for satellite application.  - open physics. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam & sikder sunbeam islam.  (2018).  bee-comb-shape left-handed metamaterial for terahertz application.  - international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2017). 

md. jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, rezaul azim, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  depiction and analysis of a modified h-shaped double-negative meta atom for satellite communication.  - international journal of microwave and wireless technologies. 

md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  left-handed network-shaped metamaterial for visible frequency.  - proceedings of the second international conference on the future of asean. 

haslina binti arshad;riza bin sulaiman;elankovan a/l a sundararajan;shahnorbanun binti sahran;syaimak binti abdul shukor;bahari bin idrus;azrulhizam bin shapi`i;rizuana binti iqbal hussain;nazatul aini binti abd majid;zainal rasyid bin mahayuddin;mohammad.  (2018).  mobile sensing technology for augmented reality and medical application.  -

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. jubaer alam & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a multi-band planar double-incidence miniaturized double-negative metamaterial.  - proceedings of the second international conference on the future of asean. 

md. moinul islam, md. mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a compact swb antenna using parasitic strip.  - proceedings of the second international conference on the future of asean. 

m. r. i. faruque,m. m. hasan,m. t. islam.  (2018).  tree-shaped fractal meta-surface with left-handed characteristics for absorption application.  - applied physics a materials science & processing.  1-8. 

md. jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad tariqul islam & sabirin abdullah.  (2018).  depiction of a combined split p-shaped compact metamaterial for dual-band microwave application.  - proceedings of the second international conference on the future of asean icofa. 

rawshan ara begum, fatimah pk ahamad, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, khairul nizam abd maulud.  (2018).  proceedings of ipi research colloqium 2017.  - proceedings of ipi research colloqium 2017. 

rawshan ara begum, fatimah pk ahamad, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah & khairul nizam abd maulud.  (2018).  proceedings of ipi research colloquium 2017.  - proceedings of ipi research colloquium 2017. 

md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  dual band metamaterial antenna for lte/bluetooth/wimax system.  - scientific reports.  1-17. 

sikder sunbeam islam,md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  double arrow shaped negative index metamaterial for tri-band applications.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  1-6. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  effective medium ratio obeying wideband left-handed miniaturized meta-atoms for multi-band applications.  - journal of electronic materials.  1859-1870. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  perfect metamaterial absorber with high fractional bandwidth for solar energy harvesting.  - plos one. 

kemal maulana alhasa, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, popoola olalekan, mohd talib latif, yusri yusup, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, fatimah ahamad, haris hafizal abd. hamid, kadaruddin aiyub, sawal hamid md ali, md firoz khan, azizan abu samah, imran yusuff.  (2018).  calibration model of a low-cost air quality sensor using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system.  - sensors. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mardina bt. abdullah;mohammad tariqul islam;wayan suparta;mandeep singh a/l jit singh.  (2018).  development of a new metamaterial based wideband uhf rfid tag sensor for humidity sensing applications.  -

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mohammad tariqul islam.  (2018).  a new design of circular loop resonators for electromagnetic absorption reduction in human head.  -

mandeep singh a/l jit singh;azlina bt. ahmad;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2018).  development of material based mimo access point antenna using new adaptive weight based algorithm for wlan and wimax applications.  -

s. s. islam, m. m. hasan, m. r. i. faruque.  (2018).  a new metamaterial-based wideband rectangular invisibility cloak.  - applied physics a - materials science & processing.  1-6. 

sabirin bin abdullah;mardina bt. abdullah;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2018).  development of a small satellite with novel compact microstrip patch antenna for high speed communication.  -

m. m. hasan,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  a tri-band microwave perfect metamaterial absorber.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2302-2307. 

m. j. hossain,m. r. i. faruque,s. m. s. abdullah,m. r. roslan,m. t. islam.  (2017).  a new miniaturized negative-index meta-atom for tri-band applications.  - open physics.  464-471. 

m. i. hossain,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,m. t. ali.  (2017).  low-sar metamaterial-inspired printed monopole antenna.  - applied physics a- material science & processing.  1-6. 

m.m. hasan, m.r.i. faruque, m.t. islam.  (2017).  parametric studies on split s-shaped composite meta atom for x-band communication.  - bulletin of the polish academy of sciences: technical sciences.  533-539. 

sikder sunbeam islam, touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  design and analysis of a complementary split ring resonator (csrr) metamaterial based antenna for wideband application.  - science & engineering of composite materials.  573-580. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. i. hossain.  (2017).  effects of hand on em absorption and antenna performances for internal handset pifa.  - tehnicki vjesnik-technical gazette.  459-467. 

teh wai leong, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, noridawaty mat daud & siti aisyah mohamad.  (2017).  proceedings of 2016 angkasa research colloquium.  - 2016 angkasa research colloquium.  1-44. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a dual-polarized metamaterial-based cloak.  - materials research bulletin.  250-253. 

m. j. hossain,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  multi-band planar miniaturised negative-index metamaterials.  - materials technology.  764-769. 

md jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md mehedi hasan, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  split quadrilateral miniaturised multiband microstrip patch antenna design for modern communication system.  - iet microwaves antennas & propagation.  1317-1323. 

m. i. hossain,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  double-negative metamaterial for mobile phone application.  - applied physics a-material science & processing.  1-7. 

md. jubaer alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md. iqbal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam & sabirin abdullah.  (2017).  a combined double h-shaped microstrip patch antenna for x-band operation.  - international conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering (ecce). 

mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md. iqbal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam & sabirin abdullah.  (2017).  effective medium ratio obeying multiple octagonal split-ring resonators based metamaterial for tri-band applications.  - international conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering (ecce). 

md.mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  compact left-handed meta-atom for s-, c- and ku-band application.  - applied sciences-basel.  1-20. 

m. m. islam, r.w. aldhaheri, m. m. sheikh, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman, m. r. i. faruque, n. misran.  (2017).  microstrip line-fed monopole antenna on an epoxy-resin-reinforced woven-glass material for super wideband applications.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  361-370. 

md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  composite left-handed meta-atom for tri-band operation.  - materials research express.  1-9. 

md mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a mirror shape chiral meta atom for c-band communication.  - ieee access.  21217-21222. 

md. moinul islam,mohammad tariqul islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,rabah w. aldhaheri,md. samsuzzaman.  (2017).  design of a compact uwb antenna with a partial ground plane on epoxy woven glass material.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  73-79. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam,kamarulzaman bin mat.  (2017).  a new compact octagonal shape perfect metamaterial absorber for microwave applications.  - applied sciences.  1-11. 

md ikbal hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a comparative study of the pifa and printed monopole antenna em absorption.  - biomedical engineering/biomedizinische technik (bmt).  13-21. 

touhidul alam,mohammad tariqul islam,salehin kibria,mengu cho,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2017).  em absorption reduction in wireless mobile antenna using printed paper-based metamaterial.  - applied physics a-material science & processing.  1-4. 

m. m. islam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,m. f. mansor.  (2017).  compact and broadband antenna using double-negative transmission line metamaterial.  - applied physics a-material science & processing.  1-6. 

mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a polarization dependent left handed metamaterial for telecommunication.  - ieice electronics express.  1-6. 

touhidul alam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammed shamsul alam,md. moinul islam,md. zulfiker mahmud,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  bio-plastic composite substrate material based microstrip-fed printed antenna for wireless communications.  - materiali in tehnologije / materials and technology.  101-104. 

md. ikbal hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam,atiqur rahman.  (2017).  a metamaterial-embedded wide-band antenna for the microwave c-band.  - materiali in tehnologije/materials and technology.  25-28. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  design and absorption analysis of a new multiband split-s-shaped metamaterial.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  139-148. 

s. s. islam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,m. t. ali.  (2017).  a new wideband negative refractive index metamaterial for dualband operation.  - applied physics a.  1-5. 

md mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  multiband left handed biaxial meta atom at microwave frequency.  - materials research express.  1-10. 

m. a. rahman,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  circularly split ring resonator based frequency reconfigurable antenna.  - applied physics a-materials science & processing.  1-6. 

s.s. islam,m.m. hasan,m.r.i. faruque,m.t. islam.  (2017).  two components nri metamaterial for dual band applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1092-1096. 

m.j. hossain,m.r.i. faruque,m.t. islam.  (2017).  an effective medium ratio following miniaturized concentric meta-atom for s- and c-band applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1233-1240. 

m.m. hasan,m.r.i. faruque,m.t. islam.  (2017).  a single layer negative index meta atom at microwave frequencies.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1450-1454. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad jakir hossain, sikder sunbeam islam, mohd faizal bin jamlos, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  design and analysis of a new double c-shaped miniaturized metamaterial for multiband applications.  - applied physics a.  1-8. 

mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  design and analysis of a new composite double negative metamaterial for multi-band communication.  - current applied physics.  931-939. 

m. j. hossain,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam,s. s. islam.  (2017).  an effective medium ratio obeying meta-atom for multiband applications.  - bulletin of the polish academy of sciences: technical sciences.  139-147. 

md mehedi hasan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2017).  left-handed metamaterial using z-shaped srr for multiband application by azimuthal angular rotations.  - materials research express.  1-8. 

t alam, ms alam, mr islam, mt islam, ma ullah, f ashraf & mri faruque.  (2017).  specific absorption rate (sar) analysis using plastic substrate based negative indexed metamaterial shielding.  - international conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering. 

md. jubaer alam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  split quadrilateral multiband microstrip patch antenna design for modern communication system.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1530-1538. 

m. m. hasan, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2017).  inverse e-shape chiral metamaterial for long distance telecommunication.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1772-1776. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammd rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2017).  a novel biaxial double-negative metamaterial for electromagnetic rectangular cloaking operation.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  335-343. 

suparta w, ismail m, abdullah m, faruque m r i, khairul nizam abdul maulud, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, mandeep singh jit singh, zamri zainal abidin,sabirin abdullah,teh wai leong, md firoz khan, islam m t, bahari s a, daud n m.  (2017).  2017 international conference on space science and communication.  - 2017 international conference on space science and communication.  1-337. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad r. i. faruque,mohammad t. islam.  (2017).  a new double t-u-shaped biaxial compact double-negative meta-atom for multiband applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2551-2557. 

m. m. islam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2017).  a new metasurface based on meta-atom cluster for terahertz applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2052-2057. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad jakir hossain, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  a new wideband negative-refractive-index metamaterial.  - materiali in tehnologije.  873-877. 

md ikbal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  a comparative study of the effects of substrate composite materials on external and internal handset antenna em absorption.  - materials science-medziagotyra.  376-380. 

m. m. islam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2016).  a compact disc-shaped printed antenna using parasitic element on ground plane for super wideband applications.  - applied computational electromagnetics society journal.  960-969. 

m.m. islam, m.r.i. faruque, n. misran,m.t. islam.  (2016).  detection of breast cancer using electromagnetic techniques: a review.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  215-233. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md jakir hossain, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  limitations of metamaterials for invisibility cloaking.  - jurnal teknologi.  1-5. 

m. r. i. faruque,t. alam,m. t. islam.  (2016).  a corded shape printed wideband antenna design for multi-standard mobile applications.  - telecommunication systems.  511-518. 

m. j. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2016).  design of a patch antenna for ultra wide band applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2152-2156. 

md. moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2016).  a parametric study of compact uwb antenna with multiple notched-band functions.  - advances in machine learning and signal processing.  155-162. 

moinul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohd fais mansor,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  printed microstrip line-fed patch antenna on a high-dielectric material for c-band applicationss.  - materiali in tehnologije.  307-310. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2016).  reducing rf absorption from mobile phones.  - electronics world.  44-46. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam & m. t. ali.  (2016).  design and analysis of coupled-resonator reconfigurable antenna.  - applied physics a:materials science & processing.  1-4. 

touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque & mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  specific absorption rate analysis of broadband mobile antenna with negative index metamaterial.  - applied physics a:materials science & processing.  1-6. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2016).  analysis of the effects of antenna substrate composite materials on specific absorption rate.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  148-152. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  an object-independent enz metamaterial-based wideband electromagnetic cloak.  - scientific reports.  1-10. 

m. j. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, s. s. islam, m. t. islam.  (2016).  subwavelength operating metamaterial for multiband applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  3004-3008. 

md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  a new compact double-negative miniaturized metamaterial for wideband operation.  - materials.  1-12. 

touhidul alam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  study on em absorption analysis of mobile handset antenna.  - journal of telecommunication,electronic and computer engineering.  61-65. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam,md. moinul islam,norbahiah misran.  (2016).  new nri metamaterial for multi-band operation.  - journal of telecommunication electronic and computer engineering.  171-173. 

md. mehedi hasan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. moinul islam,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  multi band negative index metamaterial based on split square shape resonators.  - 19th international conference on computer and information technology (iccit 2016).  99-102. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2016).  high gain metamaterial antenna for satellite application.  - electronics world.  36-38. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  a new nzri metamaterial for electromagnetic cloaking operation.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics,.  145-153. 

md. moinul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam,haslina arshad.  (2016).  effects of an epoxy-resin-fiber substrate for a a-shaped microstrip antenna.  - materiali in tehnologije / materials and technology.  33-37. 

md moinul islam,mohammad tariqul islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sikder sunbeam islam, norbahiah misran.  (2016).  compact wrench shaped resonator loaded uwb antenna with notched frequency characteristics.  - journal of telecommunication electronic and computer engineering.  85-88. 

t. alam, m. samsuzzaman, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2016).  a metamaterial unit cell inspired antenna for mobile wireless applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  263-267. 

m. m. islam,m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2016).  the design and operation of a multiband antenna with an asymmetric, x-shaped ground plane on a composite epoxy material.  - 24th international conference on materials & technology. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad tariqul islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2016).  a new wideband double negative metamaterial.  - 2015 ieee 12th malaysia international conference on communications (micc), kuching, malaysia.  319-322. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque,m. t. islam.  (2016).  design and analysis of double negative metamaterial for microwave s-band.  - 2015 ieee 12th malaysia international conference on communications (micc), kuching, malaysia.  315-318. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. moinul islam,mohammad tariqul islam,md. atiqur rahman.  (2016).  bird face microstrip printed monopole antenna design for ultra wide band applications.  - frequenz.  473-478. 

mohammad jakir hossain,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. moinul islam,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2016).  multiple hexagonal split-ring resonators based negative index material for multi band applications.  - 19th international conference on computer and information technology (iccit 2016).  88-92. 

sunbeam islam s., rashed iqbal faruque m., tariqul islam m..  (2016).  an eng metamaterial based wideband electromagnetic cloak.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2522-2525. 

m.m. islama, m.t. islam, m.r.i. faruque, n.misran, m. samsuzzaman, m.i. hossaina and t. alam.  (2016).  a compact disc-shaped super wideband patch antenna with a structure of parasitic element.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  11-28. 

t. alam, m.t. islam, m.r.i. faruque, f. mansor, h. arshad and m. samsuzzaman.  (2016).  a quadrilateral shape broadband antenna for wireless application.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  45-49. 

khairul nizam abdul maulud, mardina abdullah, wayan suparta, sabirin abdullah, mohammad rashed iqbal furuque, teh wai leong, farhanah md isa, nurul hajijah hair, muhamad roszaini roslan, mohd sayuti c.  (2016).  laporan konsolidasi program pengajian siswazah sarjana sains secara penyelidikan, institut perubahan iklim.  -

khairul nizam abdul maulud, mardina abdullah, wayan suparta, sabirin abdullah, mohammad rashed iqbal furuque, teh wai leong, farhanah md isa, nurul hajijah hair, muhamad roszaini roslan, mohd sayuti c.  (2016).  laporan konsolidasi program pengajian siswazah doktor falsafah secara penyelidikan, institut perubahan iklim.  -

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque &m. t. islam.  (2016).  low sar planar inverted-f antenna for mobile phone.  - 2016 international conference on advances in electrical, electronic and system engineering. 

md. jubaer alam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,md. moinul islam.  (2016).  design of a split p-shaped multiband microstrip patch antenna for modern communication system.  - 19th international conference on computer and information technology (iccit 2016).  68-71. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman.  (2015).  ultra wideband to super wideband antenna conversion using parasitic elements.  - electronics world.  36-38. 

touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2015).  composite-material printed antenna for a multi-standard wireless application.  - materials and technology.  745-749. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m.samsuzzaman, m. r. i. faruque, and n. misran.  (2015).  omni-directional microstrip monopole antenna for uwb microwave imaging system.  - international conference on computer, communication, and control technology (i4ct 2015).  580-583. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque and m. t. islam.  (2015).  low sar microstrip patch antenna for mobile phone.  - frequenz.  399-405. 

s. s. islam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam, t. alam.  (2015).  a metamaterial based triangular cloak.  - proceedings of international conference on electrical information and communication technology (eict 2015).  284-287. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman, m. r. i. faruque, and n. misran.  (2015).  microstrip line-fed fractal antenna with a high fidelity factor for uwb imaging applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2580-2585. 

m. i hossain, m. r. i faruque, m. t. islam, h. arshad.  (2015).  design and analysis of mobile phone casing for the reduction of em absorption.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  395-403. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, and m. t. islam.  (2015).  miniature low sar printed monopole antenna for mobile phone.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  2471-2475. 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman.  (2015).  wideband printed patch antenna on low cost epoxy resin polymer substrate.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials-rapid communications.  1058-1063. 

m.i. hossain,m.r.i. faruque, m.t. islam.  (2015).  design and analysis of metamaterial inspired low sar pifa for mobile phone.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics & mechanics.  459-467. 

m.m. islam, m.t. islam, m. samsuzzaman and m.r.i. faruque.  (2015).  compact metamaterial antenna for uwb applicationss.  - electronics letters.  1222-1224. 

touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  a double-negative metamaterial-inspired mobile wireless antenna for electromagnetic absorption reduction.  - materials.  4817-4828. 

md. moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, md. samsuzzaman, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque , norbahiah misran and mohd fais mansor.  (2015).  a miniaturized antenna with negative index metamaterial based on modified srr and cls unit cell for uwb microwave imaging applications.  - materials.  392-407. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque and mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  a near zero refractive index metamaterial for electromagnetic invisibility cloaking operation.  - materials.  4790-4804. 

sikder sunbeam islam ,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  a new direct retrieval method of refractive index for the metamaterial.  - current science.  337-342. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and mohammad habib ullah.  (2015).  biological effect of sar on the human head due to variation of dielectric properties at 1800 and 2450 mhz with different antenna substrate materials.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  411-415. 

md moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran, haslina arshad.  (2015).  microwave imaging sensor using compact metamaterial uwb antenna with a high correlation factor.  - materials.  4631-4651. 

md. ikbal hossain, m.r. iqbal faruque, m. tariqul islam.  (2015).  investigation of hand impact on pifa performances and sar in human head.  - journal of applied research and technology.  447-453. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, and m. t. islam.  (2015).  a new design of cell phone body for the sar reduction in the human head.  - aces journal.  792-798. 

t. alam, m.r.i. faruque and m.t. islam.  (2015).  specific absorption rate reduction of multi-standard mobile antenna with double-negative metamaterial.  - electronics letters.  970-971. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman, m. r. i. faruque.  (2015).  a compact monopole antenna with improved bandwidth for ku band applications.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials-rapid communications.  831-835. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2015).  low sar e-shaped pifa for cellular phone applications.  - proceedings of the 4th international conference on computer science & computational mathematics (iccscm 2015), 7-8 may 2015, langkawi, malaysia.  31-35. 

mohammad tariqul islam, md. moinul islam, md. samsuzzaman,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque and norbahiah misran.  (2015).  a negative index metamaterial-inspired uwb antenna with an integration of complementary srr and cls unit cells for microwave imaging sensor applications.  - sensors.  11601-11627. 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2015).  theory and applications of applied electromagnetics.  - 31:287-294. 

m.i. hossain, m.r.i. faruque and m.t. islam.  (2015).  theory and applications of applied electromagnetics (springer).  - 18:167-174. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque and m. t. islam.  (2015).  analysis of the effects of distance between head and mobile phone on sar.  - 2015 2nd international conference on biomedical engineering (icobe 2015). 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque and m. t. islam.  (2015).  probe-fed rectangular patch antenna for wireless communication.  - 1st international conference on networking systems and security 2015 (nsyss 2015), january 5-january 7, 2015, dhaka, bangladesh.  1-4. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m. samsuzzaman, and m. r. i. faruque.  (2015).  a negative index metamaterial antenna for uwb microwave imaging applications.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1352-1361. 

md m. islam,mohammad tariqul islam,md samsuzzaman, and mohammad rashed i. faruque.  (2015).  five band notch ultra-wide band (uwb) antenna with c-shaped slots.  - microwave and optical technology letters.  1470-1475. 

mohammad moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2015).  design of a microstrip antenna on duroid 5870 substarte material for ku and k band applications.  - tehnicki vjesnik-technical gazette.  71-77. 

md ikbal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and mohammad habib ullah.  (2015).  a new wide-band double-negative metamaterial for c- and s-band applications.  - materials.  57-71. 

touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  advanced computer and communication engineering technology.  - 21: 205-212. 

sr. dr. khairul nizam abdul maulud, prof. ir. dr. mardina abdullah, prof. madya dr. wayan suparta, dr. sabirin abdullah, dr. mohammad rashed iqbal furuque, dr. teh wai leong, farhanah md isa.  (2015).  laporan semakan program pengajian siswazah sarjana sains (sains angkasa) secara penyelidikan, institut perubahan iklim.  -

sr. dr. khairul nizam abdul maulud, prof. ir. dr. mardina abdullah, prof. madya dr. wayan suparta, dr. sabirin abdullah, dr. mohammad rashed iqbal furuque, dr. teh wai leong, farhanah md isa.  (2015).  laporan semakan program pengajian siswazah doktor falsafah (sains angkasa) secara penyelidikan, institut perubahan iklim.  -

r. azim, m. samsuzzaman, t. alam, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque, m. r. zaman, m. m. islam.  (2015).  circularly polarized patch antenna for s-band satellite applications.  - proceedings of the 2015 international conference on space science & communications.  402-405. 

alam t., faruque m.r.i., islam m.t..  (2015).  broadband circularly polarized antenna for mobile application on low cost fr-4 material.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials, rapid communications.  663-667. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2015).  development of new metamaterial for electromagnetic absorption reduction of human head.  -

sr. dr. khairul nizam abdul maulud, prof. ir. dr. mardina abdullah, prof. madya dr. wayan suparta, dr. sabirin abdullah, dr. mohammad rashed iqbal furuque, dr. teh wai leong, farhanah md isa.  (2015).  laporan semakan program pengajian siswazah sarjana sains (astronautik) secara penyelidikan, institut perubahan iklim.  -

sr. dr. khairul nizam abdul maulud, prof. ir. dr. mardina abdullah, prof. madya dr. wayan suparta, dr. sabirin abdullah, dr. mohammad rashed iqbal furuque, dr. teh wai leong, farhanah md isa.  (2015).  laporan semakan program pengajian siswazah sarjana sains (pengurusan angkasa dan polisi) secara penyelidikan, institut perubahan iklim.  -

sr. dr. khairul nizam abdul maulud, prof. ir. dr. mardina abdullah, prof. madya dr. wayan suparta, dr. sabirin abdullah, dr. mohammad rashed iqbal furuque, dr. teh wai leong, farhanah md isa.  (2015).  laporan semakan program pengajian siswazah doktor falsafah (astronautik) secara penyelidikan, institut perubahan iklim.  -

sr. dr. khairul nizam abdul maulud, prof. ir. dr. mardina abdullah, prof. madya dr. wayan suparta, dr. sabirin abdullah, dr. mohammad rashed iqbal furuque, dr. teh wai leong, farhanah md isa.  (2015).  laporan semakan program pengajian siswazah doktor falsafah (pengurusan angkasa dan polisi) secara penyelidikan, institut perubahan iklim.  -

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2015).  octagonal shaped circular polarized c-band antenna for small satellite communication.  - proceedings of the 2015 international conference on space science & communications (iconspace 2015).  387-392. 

s. s. islam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam, t. alam.  (2015).  a new mu-negative metamaterial.  - proceedings of international conference on electrical information and communication technology (eict 2015).  269-272. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md ikbal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  low specific absorption rate microstrip patch antenna for cellular phone applications.  - iet microwave antennas & propagation.  1540-1546. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. i. hossain, n. misran, m. singh, m. t. islam.  (2015).  metamaterial-embedded low sar pifa for cellular phone.  - plos one.  1-14. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammd rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2015).  a two-component nzri metamaterial based rectangular cloak.  - aip advances.  107116-25. 

m.i. hossain, m.r.i. faruque, m.t. islam.  (2015).  analysis on the effect of the distances and inclination angles between human head and mobile phone on sar.  - progress in biophysics and molecular biology.  103-110. 

t. alam, m.r.i. faruque, m.t. islam, m. samsuzzaman.  (2015).  dual elliptical patch antenna design on low cost epoxy resin polymer substrate material.  - international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics.  23-29. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam and n. h. m. hanafi.  (2014).  application of auxiliary antenna elements for sar reduction in the human head.  - advanced materials research journal. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  a new double negative metamaterial for c-band microwave applications.  - advanced materials research journal. 

m. m. islam, m. r. i. faruque, and m. t. islam.  (2014).  a compact 5.5 ghz band-rejected uwb antenna using complementary split ring resonators.  - the scientific world journal.  2014:1-8. 

q. k. omran, m. t. islam, n. misran, m. r. i. faruque.  (2014).  a rom-less direct digital frequency synthesizer based on hybrid polynomial approximation.  - the scientific world journal.  812576:1-12. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. m. islam, and m. t. islam.  (2014).  investigation of a planar antenna with bandwidth enhancement for x-band applications.  - electronics world.  120(1937):12-16. 

m. m. islam, m. r. i. faruque, w. hueyshin, j. s. mandeep, and t. islam.  (2014).  a double inverted f-shape patch antenna for dual-band operation.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  2014:1-8. 

m. samsuzzaman, t. islam, n. h. abd rahman, m. r. i. faruque, and j. s.mandeep.  (2014).  compact modified swastika shape patch antenna for wlan/wimax applications.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  1-8. 

m. m. islam, m. r. i. faruque, r. azim, m. t. islam, and t. alam.  (2014).  design of a ku-band patch antenna with enhanced bandwidth.  - 30th annual review of progress in applied computational electromagnetics. 

m. samsuzzaman, m.t. islam and m.r.i. faruque.  (2014).  triple frequency fractal patch structure antenna for c band applications.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  7(10): 2017-2021. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam and nik abdullah nik mohamed.  (2014).  assessment of specific absorption rate reduction in human head using metamaterial.  - science and engineering of composite materials.  21(1): 79-85. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammd rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  design, fabrication and measurement of a new sng metamaterial.  - international conference on materials and technology (22 icm&t);october 20-22, portoroz, slovenia. 

m. samsuzzaman, t. islam, n. h. abd rahman, m. r. i. faruque, and j. s.mandeep.  (2014).  coplanar waveguide fed compact wide circular-slotted antenna for wi-fi/wimax applications.  - international journal of antennas and propagation.  1-10. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, and m. t. islam.  (2014).  analysis of the effects of antenna substrate materials on sar in the human head.  - international conference on materials and technology (22 icm&t); october 20-22, 2014, portoroz, slovenia. 

m. i. hossain, m. r. i. faruque, t. alam, m. t. islam.  (2014).  effects of hand on em absorption of internal handset antenna.  - scored 2014 - ieee student conference on research & development, 16-17 december 2014, penang , malaysia. 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. i. hossain, m. t. islam.  (2014).  printed microstrip- fed circular patch antenna for wireless communication.  - scored 2014 - ieee student conference on research & development, 16-17 december 2014, penang , malaysia. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  design of a new eng metamaterial for s-band microwave applications.  - journal of electrical and electronics engineering.  13-16. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque.  (2014).  advanced computer and communication engineering technology.  - 3:29-35. 

m.m. islam, m.t. islam and m.r.i. faruque.  (2014).  design of an uwb patch antenna for dual frequency operations.  - research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology.  7(4):822-825. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  a new sng metamaterial for s-band microwave applications.  - international conference on informatics,electronics & vision (iciev 14). 

m. m. islam, m. r. i. faruque and m. t. islam.  (2014).  5.5 ghz notched wlan band uwb antenna using slotted rectangular split ring resonators.  - electronics world.  36-38. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque*, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  design of miniaturized double-negative material for specific absorption rate reduction in human head.  - plos one journal.  1-9. 

m. r. iqbal-faruque, n. aisyah-husni, md. ikbal-hossain, m. tariqul-islam and n. misran.  (2014).  effects of mobile phone radiation onto human head with variation of holding cheek and tilt positions.  - journal of applied research and technology.  871-876. 

qahtan khalaf omran, mohammad tariqul islam,norbahiah misran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2014).  an efficient rom compression technique for linear- interpolated direct digital frequency synthesizer.  - 2014 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse).  181-185. 

sikder sunbeam islam,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  a new double negative metamaterial for multi-band microwave applications.  - applied physics a.  723-733. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  design and analysis of a new double negative metamaterial.  - informacije midem.  218-223. 

t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam.  (2014).  printed circular patch wideband antenna for wireless communication.  - informacije midem.  212-217. 

sikder sunbeam islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam.  (2014).  the design and analysis of a novel split-h-shaped metamaterial for multi-band microwave applications.  - materials.  7:4994-5011. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam and m. r. i. faruque.  (2013).  circularly polarized dual frequency patch antenna for ttc applications.  - 2013 third world congress on information and communication technologies (wict 2013). 

mohammad habib ullah, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2013).  a near-zero refractive index meta-surface structure for antenna performance improvement.  - materials.  6(11):5058-5068. 

nur a. husni, mohammad t. islam, mohammad r. i. faruque, and norbahiah misran.  (2013).  effects of electromagnetic absorption towards human head due to variation of its dielectric properties at 900, 1800 and 1900 mhz with different antenna substrates.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  138:367-388. 

m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam, m. a. m. ali.  (2013).  a new design of metamaterials for sar reduction.  - measurement science review.  13(2):70-74. 

mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, nik abdullah nik mohamed, baharudin yatim, mohd. alauddin mohd. ali.  (2013).  analysis of the effects of metamaterials on the radio-frequency electromagnetic fields in the human head and hand.  - materiali in tehnologije / materials and technology.  47(1):129-133. 

nur aisyah husni, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2013).  effects of substrate material and dielectric properties on electromagnetic energy absorption over gsm bands.  - journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence.  5(2):151-156. 

md. samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, and mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2013).  dual-band multi slot patch antenna for wireless applications.  - journal of telecommunications and information technology.  2:19-23. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque and w. hueyshin.  (2013).  dual wideband n shaped patch antenna loaded with shorting pin for wireless applications.  - 2nd international conference on advances in electrical engineering - 2013 (icaee 2013). 

mohammad r. i. faruque and mohammad t. islam.  (2013).  novel triangular metamaterial design for electromagnetic absorption reduction in human head.  - progress in electromagnetics research.  141:463-478. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, and m. r. i. faruque.  (2013).  design of a triple frequency band patch antenna on fr4 substrate material.  - 2013 ieee international rf and microwave conference (rfm 2013). 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad habib ullah, mandeep jit singh, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2013).  a new metasurface superstrate structure for antenna performance enhancement.  - materials.  6:3226-3240. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam and m. r. i. faruque.  (2013).  circular-slotted cpw antenna for wimax/c band applications.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  8(8):581-585. 

md. moinul islam, mohammad tariqul islam and mohammad rashed iqbal faruque.  (2013).  bandwidth enhancement of a microstrip antenna for x-band applications.  - arpn journal of engineering and applied sciences.  8(8):591-594. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, and m. r. i. faruque.  (2013).  dual-band operation of a microstrip patch antenna on a duroid 5870 substrate for ku- and k-bands.  - the scientific world journal.  2013: Article ID 378420. 

m. samsuzzaman, m. rahman, m. t. islam, t. rahman, s. kabir and r. i. faruque.  (2013).  developed an intelligent knowledge representation technique using semantic web technology.  - journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence.  5(4):407-412. 

m. m. islam, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque, w. hueyshin.  (2013).  design of an x-band microstrip patch antenna with enhanced bandwidth.  - international conference on advances in electrical engineering - 2013 (icaee 2013). 

nur aisyah husni, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran.  (2012).  effects of substrate material and dielectric properties on electromagnetic energy absorption over gsm bands.  - 2012 international conference on statistics in science, business and engineering, icssbe 2012;langkawi, kedah. 

mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, norbahiah misran and mandeep singh.  (2012).  boost of dielectric values & substrate materials on em absorption.  - world academy of science, engineering and technology.  61:1934-1937.