kuhan chandru. (2023). how to study the origins of life. - . 1-2. |
afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain;rozmel binti abdul latiff;adi irfan bin che ani;muhamad azry bin khoiry;hasimi bin sallehudin;kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2023). lmcr1582: using space industry as a tool for developing career-proof curriculum. - . . |
kuhan chandru. (2023). astrobiology and the molecular odyssey: tracing the origins of life and finding extraterrestrials through prebiotic polymers. - malaysia polymer international conference (mpic) 2023. 1-29. |
tony z jia, kuhan chandru. (2023). recent progress in primitive polyester synthesis and membraneless microdroplet assembly. - biophysics and physicobiology. 1-13. |
kuhan chandru. (2023). a brief history of the world's first astrobiologist. - . 1-2. |
kuhan chandru. (2023). how salts drove the first (membraneless) protocells to grow. - elsi. 1-2. |
kuhan chandru. (2023). how does astrobiology contribute to humanity. - . 1-2. |
kuhan chandru. (2023). some of the most uncommon origins of life hypotheses. - . 1. |
kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran;jalifah binti latip;law jia xian;afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain. (2022). concept making for astrobiology: making and probing the stabilities of prebiotic polymers and structures. . - . . |
kuhan chandru. (2022). do aliens exist? it's a matter related to the origin of human life. - nanyang siang pau. 1-6. |
rehana afrin, chen chen, davide sarpa, mahendran sithamparam, ruiqin yi, chaitanya giri, irena mamajanov, h. james cleaves ii, kuhan chandru, tony z. jia. (2022). the effects of dehydration temperature and monomer chirality on primitive polyester synthesis and microdroplet assembly. - macromolecular chemistry and physics. 1-10. |
mahendran sithamparam,nirmell satthiyasilan,chen chen,tony z. jia,kuhan chandru. (2022). cover image for biopolymers. - . 1. |
weihao li, terence p. kee, kuhan chandru. (2022). prebiotic chemistry and life's origin. - . 461. |
kuhan chandru. (2022). polyester chemistry highlights possible role of microdroplets in the origin of life. - eureka alert. 1-3. |
kuhan chandru. (2022). a quick and dirty primer on unraveling the origins of life. - . 1-75. |
mahendran sithamparam, nirmell satthiyasilan, chen chen, tony z. jia, kuhan chandru. (2022). a material-based panspermia hypothesis: the potential of polymer gels and membraneless droplets. - biopolymers. 1-14. |
kuhan chandru. (2022). astrobiology: an interdisciplinary science to understand the origins of life & universal biology.. - international applied biology conference. 1-17. |
afifuddin husairi, kuhan chandru. (2021). how to make money with a drone. - . 1. |
norefrina shafinaz md nor, chee wai yip, nazlina ibrahim, mohd hasni jaafar, zetti zainol rashid, norlaila mustafa, haris hafizal abd hamid, kuhan chandru, mohd talib latif, phei er saw, chin yik lin, kemal maulana alhasa, jamal hisham hashim, mohd shahr. (2021). particulate matter (pm2.5) as a potential sars-cov-2 carrier. - scientific reports. 1-6. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain. (2021). dronepreneur: anda tanya, earonerve jawab. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain. (2021). pilot : anda tanya, captain jawab. - . 1. |
tony z. jia, niraja v. bapat, ajay verma, irena mamajanov, h. james cleaves, ii, kuhan chandru. (2021). incorporation of basic alpha hydroxy acid residues into primitive polyester microdroplets for rna segregation. - biomacromolecules. 1484-1493. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain. (2021). technopreneur : anda tanya, abam ell jawab. - . 1. |
kuhan chandru. (2021). scientists highlight use of mass spectrometers for airborne screening of pathogens, contagion monitoring. - the indian express. 1-3. |
chaitanya giri, henderson james cleaves ii, markus meringer, kuhan chandru. (2021). the post-covid-19 era: interdisciplinary demands of contagion surveillance mass spectrometry for future pandemics. - sustainability. 1-12. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home: vlog pusat sains dan kreativiti kuala terengganu. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). di mana semua bintang pergi?. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home : virtual run to the international space station (iss). - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). cerap bintang bersama keluarga. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi, kuhan chandru. (2020). how do we search for aliens?. - . 0. |
afuddin husairi, kuhan chandu, sheikh muzaphar. (2020). traditional knowledge discourses in climate change adaptation. - . 0. |
afuddin husairi, kuhan chandu, sheikh muzaphar. (2020). diyspacecamp stem - sains angkasa bersama ahli keluarga.. - . 0. |
afuddin husairi, kuhan chandu, sheikh muszaphar. (2020). bicara citra angkasa : astronomi. - . 0. |
afuddin husairi, kuhan chandu, sheikh muzaphar. (2020). kepentingan memerhati dan memahami objek-objek samawi. - . 0. |
afuddin husairi, kuhan chandu, sheikh muszaphar. (2020). kearifan tempatan dalam meramal perubahan cuaca. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi, kuhan chandu. (2020). anda tanya dr rem jawab. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi, kuhan chandu, sheikh muszaphar. (2020). potensi penggunaan sub-orbital vehicle bagi aktiviti space tourism... - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi, kuhan chandu, sheikh muzaphar. (2020). spaceplane : sub-orbital vehicle for space tourism.. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi, kuhan chandu, sheikh muszaphar. (2020). bicara citra angkasa : satellite. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi, kuhan chandu, sheikh muzaphar. (2020). sattelite : anda tanya prof mus jawab. - . 0. |
mohd. nizam bin mohd. said;mardina bt. abdullah;khairul nizam abdul maulud;mohd azlan shah bin jaafar;noridawaty binti mat daud;farhanah binti md isa;rawshan ara begum;siti aminah binti bahari;muhamad roszaini bin roslan;nurul hajijah binti hair;sabirin b. (2020). low cost earth-space monitoring system. - . . |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). high-altitude balloon: anda tanya, dr ilmi jawab. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). basic things you should know about astrobiology. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). anda tanya dr kuhan jawab : astrobiology and the covid-19 pandemic.. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). anda tanya, dr ilmi jawab ekplorasi statosfera menggunakan belon altitud tinggi. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home : rocket launching. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home: kids in space. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home : solar system. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). stem@home : fun space. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran). (2020). space@home: rocket challenge. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home : world space week virtual space ultramaraton 2020. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). bicara citra angkasa : anda tanya, dr sheikh jawab. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). bicara citra angkasa : anda tanya, dr sheikh jawab. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). astrobiology and the covid-19 pandemic. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). covid-19 and the aviation industry : impact and policy responses.. - . 0. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home : stars..!!. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home : program kesedaran sains angkasa. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home: mengenali planet didalam sistem suria. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). kahoot_teknologi angkasa. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home : planet dan kita. - . 1. |
kuhan chandru. (2020). earth to space: institute of climate change bulletin. - institute of climate change universiti kebangsaan malaysia. 3-6. |
kuhan chandru. (2020). 100 scientists of malaysia featuring kuhan chandru. - 100 scientists of malaysia. 1-4. |
kuhan chandru, tony z. jia, irena mamajanov, niraja bapat, h. james cleaves ii. (2020). prebiotic oligomerization and self-assembly of structurally diverse xenobiological monomers. - scientific reports. 1-14. |
kuhan chandru. (2020). scientists discover new organic compounds that could have helped form the first cells. - scienmag, london. 1-7. |
kuhan chandru. (2020). new organic compounds discovered that could have helped form the first cells. - lab manager. 1-3. |
kuhan chandru. (2020). researchers discover new organic compounds that could have helped form the first cells. - tunis daily news: tdnews. 1-2. |
preiner, m.; asche, s.; becker, s.; betts, h.c.; boniface, a.; camprubi, e.; chandru, k.; erastova, v.; garg, s.g.; khawaja, n.; kostyrka, g.; machné, r.; moggioli, g.; muchowska, k.b.; neukirchen, s.; peter, b.; pichlhöfer, e.; radványi, Á.; rossetto,. (2020). the future of origin of life research: bridging decades-old divisions. - life-basel. 1-23. |
kuhan chandru, irena mamajanov, h. james cleaves ii, tony z. jia. (2020). polyesters as a model system for building primitive biologies from non-biological prebiotic chemistry. - life-basel. 1-16. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). sains angkasa dan kehidupan. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home: constellation. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home: exploring new worlds in space!. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). lost in space. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home: biskut sistem suria. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, sheikh muszaphar shukor al masrie, kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2020). space@home: penghijrahan ke planet marikh. - . 1. |
dr afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain, dr. kuhan chandru, dato' dr. sheikh muszaphar, dr nor suhara fadzil, dr anita bahari. (2019). program angkasa siri 4. - . -. |
dr afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain, dr. kuhan chandru, dato' dr. sheikh muszaphar, dr nor suhara fadzil, dr anita bahari. (2019). program citra angkasa siri 3. - . -. |
dr afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain, dr. kuhan chandru, dato' dr. sheikh muszaphar, dr nor suhara fadzil, dr anita bahari. (2019). program eksplorasi stem 2019 di smk wangsa melawati. - . -. |
kuhan chandru. (2019). bfm:the daily digest. - extraterrestrial sugars. . |
afifuddin husairi hussain, norsuzlin mohd sahar, wardah mustafa din, zurina mahadi, kuhan chandru. (2019). using space science as a tool to promote stem education to high school students in malaysia. - 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2019). 257-260. |
chandran raynusha, mohammad rozaimi, nur hidayah, kuhan chandru, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, noor liyana mat yajit , mohd shahrul mohd nadzir. (2019). kadar pelepasan bromokarbon jangka hayat pendek oleh rumpai laut tropika menggunakan simulasi laut tropika. - sains malaysiana. 2415-2425. |
kuhan chandru. (2019). ukm researcher explains the origins of life on earth. - angkasfera. 1-2. |
kuhan chandru. (2019). nasa scientists build primordial ocean to re-create origins of life. - cnet magazine. . |
mariscal, barahona, aubert-kato, aydinoglu, bartlett, cárdenas, chandru, cleland, cocanougher, comfort, cornish-bowden, deacon, froese, giovannelli, hernlund, hut, kimura, maurel, moreno, nakagawa, peretó, virgo, witkowski, cleaves ii. (2019). hidden concepts in the history and philosophy of origins-of-life studies: a workshop report. - origins of life and evolution of the biosphere. 111-145. |
dr afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain, dr. kuhan chandru, dato' dr. sheikh muszaphar. (2019). citra angkasa siri 1. - . -. |
kuhan chandru. (2019). new scientist. - early life on earth may have existed as miniature droplets of jelly. 1. |
tony z. jia, kuhan chandru, yayoi hongo, rehana afrin, tomohiro usui, kunihiro myojo, and h. james cleaves ii. (2019). membraneless polyester microdroplets as primordial compartments at the origins of life. - proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america. 15830-15835. |
chandran raynusha, mohammad rozaimi, nur hidayah, kuhan chandru, wan shafrina wan mohd jaafar, noor liana mat yajit, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir. (2019). kadar pelepasan bromokarbon jangka hayat pendek oleh rumpai laut tropika menggunakan simulasi laut tropika. - sains malaysiana. 2415-2425. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, kuhan chandru, sheikh muszaphar. (2019). eksplorasi stem 2019. - . 1. |
afifuddin husairi mat jusoh @ hussain, kuhan chandru, sheikh muszaphar. (2019). poster citra angkasa 2019 siri 4. - . 1. |
kuhan chandru. (2018). mapping ignorance. - mapping ignorance. . |
kuhan chandru. (2018). space daily. - study reveals simple chemical process that may have led to the origin of life on earth. . |
kuhan chandru. (2018). how polymers may have given rise to life read more from asian scientist magazine. - asianscientist. . |