Projek Penyelidikan

Projek Tempoh Peranan
validation of entomophobia questionnaire among ukm students 14-11-201913-07-2025 Penyelidik Bersama
a cross-sectional study of knowledge and utilisation of non-pharmacological pain management and its associated factors among nurses working at hospital canselor tuanku muhriz 04-04-202403-03-2025 Ketua Projek
a cross-sectional study of knowledge and utilisation of non-pharmacological pain management and its associated factors among nurses working at hospital canselor tuanku muhriz 04-04-202403-03-2025 Ketua Projek
development of a package on the management of myocardial infarction for healthcare professionals at jordan university hospital 16-03-202315-09-2024 Penyelidik Bersama
a cross sectional study of knowledge on suicide prevention and risk factors: perceived by visitors in hospital canselor tuanku muhriz 16-03-202315-03-2024 Ketua Projek
an evaluation of healthy indonesian program with family approach (pis-pk) in aceh, indonesia and factors contribute to its performance: a mixed methods study 24-03-202223-10-2023 Penyelidik Bersama
faktor - faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan dan kesediaan membayar insurans kesihatan di aceh, indonesia 24-02-202223-10-2023 Penyelidik Bersama
membangunkan pemberat perkhidmatan pada sistem casemix di hospital canselor tuanku muhriz (hctm) 01-10-201930-09-2023 Penyelidik Bersama
a patient-centered approach in supporting the implementation of ibadah friendly hospital program. 01-09-201931-05-2023 Penyelidik Bersama
level of satisfaction and barriers towards online learning among undergraduate students in faculty of medicine universiti kebangsaan malaysia during covid-19 pandemic 14-04-202213-01-2023 Ketua Projek
prevalence, knowledge and associated factors related to computer vision syndrome among undergraduate students in universiti kebangsaan malaysia 10-03-202209-12-2022 Ketua Projek
health-related quality of life and hba1c level among diabetic foot ulcer patients in hospital canselor tuanku mukhriz 25-03-202124-06-2022 Ketua Projek
simulation training in managing patient with emergency situation among nursing students 26-12-201925-06-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
incidence and relationship between visual acuity impairment and gadget addiction among school-aged children in hospital canselor tuanku muhriz, universiti kebangsaan malaysia medical centre 09-07-202008-06-2021 Ketua Projek
level of depression, anxiety and stress among cancer patients in hospital canselor tuanku mukhriz, malaysia 26-03-202025-03-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
knowledge, practice and barrier of the implementation of nursing process among nurses in a teaching hospital in malaysia 26-03-202025-02-2021 Ketua Projek
hand hygiene: knowledge, attitude and practice among nurses in medical and surgical ward at hospital canselor tunku muhriz ukm. 11-04-201910-04-2020 Penyelidik Bersama
assessment on interior design quality of inpatient units in obstetrics and gynaecology departments at public hospitals in malaysia 28-12-201727-12-2019 Penyelidik Bersama
exploratory study on the knowledge and skill in managing patient with chest pain using simulation among final and third year nursing student 15-12-201714-12-2019 Penyelidik Bersama
health belief and knowledge of osteoporosis among adults who visit the orthopedic clinic in hospital canselor tuanku muhriz(hctm) 28-06-201827-06-2019 Ketua Projek
patients’ discharge information needs regarding acute coronary syndrome in universiti kebangsaan malaysia medical centre (ukmmc) 26-04-201825-10-2018 Ketua Projek
knowledge and practice of peripheral intravenous catheterization among staff nurses in hospital canselor tuanku muhriz 16-03-201715-01-2018 Ketua Projek
factors influencing and level of stress among undergraduate nursing students in universiti kebangsaan malaysia 28-07-201627-07-2017 Ketua Projek
nurses’ knowledge and perceptions toward traditional and complementary medicine (t&cm) for stroke patients in universiti kebangsaan malaysia medical centre (ukmmc) 31-03-201630-03-2017 Ketua Projek
knowledge and attitudes among nurses regarding patient safety in medical and surgical wards in universiti kebangsaan malaysia medical centre (ukmmc) 31-03-201630-03-2017 Ketua Projek
development and evaluation of a carer-assisted care programme for severely disabled stroke patients living in the community 01-12-201331-05-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
parental satisfaction towards provision of care among paediatric patients in a tertiary hospital 30-04-201529-04-2016 Ketua Projek
the effect of educational programme on the level of strain among caregivers of stroke survivors in ukmmc 01-11-201131-05-2012 Penyelidik Bersama
tabung agihan penyelidikan (tap)-k007641 01-09-2022 Penyelia