Projek Penyelidikan

Projek Tempoh Peranan
additive functionalized ion exchange membrane for extended durability application in portable and mobile fuel cell 01-03-202428-02-2027 Ketua Projek
portable and mobile fuel cell application with heavy-duty catalysts: cost-effective and durable hierarchically ordered structure electrocatalysts of membrane-electrode-assembly 01-03-202428-02-2027 Penyelidik Bersama
optimizing (fe-co)-n-c bimetal electrocatalysts from zifs for enhanced oxygen reduction activity in pemfcs 01-11-202431-10-2026 Penyelidik Bersama
the role of fenx active sites and pore structure of hard templated single atom fe-n-c catalyst with hierarchically ordered carbon architecture in controlling mass transport towards efficient oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange membrane fuel cells 01-10-202330-09-2026 Penyelidik Bersama
high-performance and durable hydrocarbon-based anion exchange membrane and nanostructured self-supported catalyst for anion exchange membrane water electrolyser (aemwe) 01-12-202230-11-2025 Ketua Projek
elucidation of the effect of irradiation-induced mxene-so3h filler in sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) electrolyte membrane to enhance proton conductivity and durability of proton exchange membrane fuel cell 01-10-202330-09-2025 Ketua Projek
elucidating the influence of metal doping and pyrolysis conditions on the oxygen reduction activity of zif-derived m-n-c materials as affordable electrocatalysts 01-10-202330-09-2025 Ketua Projek
optimization of anion exchange membrane water electrolyser 01-02-202431-05-2025 Penyelidik Bersama
mediating the hydroxide ion transport in qgo/qppo membranes for enhancing anionic conductivity and stability 14-11-202313-05-2025 Penyelidik Bersama
a facile two-pot synthesis of binder-free nimo@mxene/nickel foam nanocatalyst via hydrothermal approach for hydrogen evolution in alkaline electrolyte membrane electrolyser 01-10-202231-03-2025 Penyelidik Bersama
borophene@cobalt-nickel based electrocatalyst with core-shell nanostructure for improvement of hydrogen evolution reaction in anion exchange membrane water electrolyser 01-10-202231-03-2025 Penyelidik Bersama
- 01-08-202331-12-2024 Ahli Kumpulan
- 01-08-202331-12-2024 Ketua Kumpulan
tin oxides supported pt nanocatalysts as durable cathode for proton exchange membrane fuel cell application 22-09-202321-09-2024 Penyelidik Bersama
development of pt-free electrocatalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cell 01-09-202231-08-2024 Penyelidik Bersama
- 13-12-201910-06-2024 Ketua Projek
mangkin nano zarah ferum & kobalt: prestasi dan aplikasi dalam sel fuel 01-05-202331-12-2023 Ketua Projek
development of mea in aem water electrolyser 01-01-202205-12-2023 Penyelidik Bersama
fabrication of membrane electrode assembly for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer (pemwe) 01-01-202231-12-2022 Penyelidik Bersama
biopolimer kitosan: membran alternatif untuk sel fuel 24-06-202230-12-2022 Ketua Projek
synergistic effect of novel two-dimensional porous ti3c2tx (mxene) support and non-noble fe-n-c electrocatalyst on oxygen reduction reaction for clean energy generation 01-09-201930-11-2022 Penyelidik Bersama
self supported three-dimensional graphene foam-zinc oxide composite photoelectrocatalyst for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation 01-10-201930-09-2022 Penyelidik Bersama
testing and fabrication of cellulose-based membrane fuel cell kits 15-09-202031-08-2022 Ketua Projek
kajian pengangkutan jisim dan prestasi sel elektrolisis 01-10-202015-05-2022 Penyelidik Bersama
design and development of balance of plant (bop) for electrolyzer 15-07-201931-03-2022 Penyelidik Bersama
design and fabrication of bipolar plate for electrolyzer 01-07-201931-03-2022 Penyelidik Bersama
proton transport mechanism in novel membrane based on chitosan derivative doped titania/ionic liquid@graphene oxide 01-01-201931-03-2022 Ketua Projek
enhanced hydrolytic stability of highly proton conductive sulfonated poly(vinyl)alcohol membranes for pemfc applications 14-12-201813-03-2022 Penyelidik Bersama
nickel-transition metal alloy as bifunctional material for hydrogen evolution reaction and corrosion coating in alkaline electrolyzer 01-12-202028-02-2022 Ketua Projek
electrolyzer stack assembly for demo plant scale 01-04-202028-02-2022 Penyelidik Bersama
coating and treatment of plate for electrolyzer 01-07-201928-02-2022 Ketua Projek
chitosan-based membrane filled with funtionalized mxene nanosheets for proton transport enhancement 15-11-201814-11-2021 Ketua Projek
irradiation treated transition metal oxide-reduced graphene oxide (tmo-rgo) electrocatalyst for fuel cell applications 15-08-201814-11-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
improving long term stability of proton exchange membrane fuel cells through anchoring catalysts on rice husk ash derived nano silica 15-08-201814-11-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
development of zero emission fuel cell vehicle: towards green campus 15-08-201814-02-2021 Penyelidik Bersama
catalyst derived from zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange membrane fuel cells 16-10-201715-01-2021 Ketua Projek
design, fabrication, testing and commissioning of 2000l/hourwater electrolyzer system 06-05-201531-12-2020 Penyelidik Bersama
deep eutectic solvent as proton conducting and plasticising agent in chitosan/spva polymer electrolyte membrane 16-10-201715-07-2020 Penyelidik Bersama
aryl diazonium graphite brush bio-cathode with ceramic membranes to increase power production in semi continuous flow microbial fuel cell 16-10-201715-07-2020 Penyelidik Bersama
development of smart power pack 10-01-201809-01-2020 Penyelidik Bersama
understanding the core-shell interaction in enhancing the performance and reversibility of sodium borohydride for hydrogen storage applications 01-05-201630-04-2019 Penyelidik Bersama
pembangunan polimer membran elektrolit berasaskan cecair ionik untuk aplikasi sel fuel 15-03-201814-03-2019 Ketua Projek
membran penukaran proton swa-pemelembapan berasaskan nanokomposit grafin untuk aplikasi sel fuel (self-humidified proton exchange membrane based on graphene nanocomposite for fuel cell applications) 01-05-201631-01-2019 Ketua Projek
a one-pot approach for separation, purification and storage of biohydrogen 01-06-201531-05-2018 Penyelidik Bersama
core-shell doped graphene for hydrogen storage 01-12-201431-05-2018 Penyelidik Bersama
reka bentuk dan pembinaan sistem modul pintar 3 kw sel fuel membran pertukaran proton mudah alih pelbagai guna 01-05-201630-04-2018 Penyelidik Bersama
effect of graphite brush and stainless steel as bioelectrodes for an improved performance in mfc 01-06-201530-03-2018 Penyelidik Bersama
synthesis, characterization and performance of nanostructured nitrogen and cobalt dual-doped carbon xerogel catalyst in pem fuel cell 01-07-201431-12-2017 Ketua Projek
determination of energy conservation mechanism in biocathode of microbial electrolysis cell 01-07-201431-12-2017 Penyelidik Bersama
cheaper and more durable pemfc for fuel cell vehicle 01-07-201331-12-2017 Penyelidik Bersama
graphene-based electrochemical catalysts for highly efficient oxygen reduction reaction 01-08-201431-07-2017 Ketua Projek
effect of ni, zn and au doping on nanostructured cu2o selectivity in photoelectrochemical conversion of co2 into fuel 01-07-201430-06-2017 Penyelidik Bersama
reducing the carbon deposition onto ni-based sofc anodes in hydrocarbon fuel by partial substitution of ni with metallic components of cu, co and fe 16-12-201331-05-2017 Penyelidik Bersama
graphene as supreme material for renewable energy conversion devices 01-08-201431-01-2017 Penyelidik Bersama
innovative system for efficient renewable energy device 01-11-201331-10-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
pemantapan jaringan penyelidikan dan penerbitan kumpulan penyelidikan 15-06-201530-09-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
synthesis and characterization of oxygen reduction electrocatalyst based on transition metal nitrogen-doped graphene complexes+ 01-04-201330-09-2016 Ketua Projek
fotoelektrod tio2 berstruktur nano cabang dengan pemeka warna pitaya dan polimer konduktif untuk penghasilan tenaga hijau 01-11-201331-07-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
lithium-air batteries with sol-gel matrix and photo-polymerization of acrylate hydrogel membrane. 16-12-201315-06-2016 Penyelidik Bersama
design, fabrication, testing and commissioning of 2000l/hourwater electrolyzer system 01-01-201531-12-2015 Penyelidik Bersama
mangkin bukan logam adi berasaskan nitrogen dop grafin untuk tindak balas penurunan oksigen dalam pemfc 01-12-201330-11-2015 Ketua Projek
nanostructured hydrophobic ceramic membrane as pervaporation material for high temperature vapor feed direct methanol fuel cell 01-06-201230-11-2015 Penyelidik Bersama
new block copolymer based proton conducting membrane for proton exchange membrane fuel cell application 01-06-201230-11-2015 Ketua Projek
solid acids as electrolyte material for proton exchange membrane fuel cells (pemfcs) operating at intermediate temperature 01-06-201231-05-2015 Penyelidik Bersama
immobilization nano-composite pt/ppy/cnt in acrylic membrane for fuel cell application 16-05-201316-05-2015 Ketua Projek
pembangunan sel fuel langsung dan penstoran fuel 01-05-201230-04-2015 Penyelidik Bersama
sintesis dan pencirian eloktromangkin berasaskan grafin terdop nitrogen untuk aplikasi sel fuel 01-04-201431-03-2015 Penyelidik Bersama
program memperkasakan prasarana institut berdasarkan bidang keberhasilan utama ukm 01-04-201431-03-2015 Penyelidik Bersama
bantuan kewangan bahan penyelidikan (bkbp): loh kee shyuan 01-01-201431-03-2015 Penyelia
perkasaan jaringan antarabangsa bersama imperial colleege dan gunma univerisiti jepun 01-01-201331-03-2014 Penyelidik Bersama
solid composite membrane for high temperature pem fuel cell 01-01-201331-03-2014 Penyelidik Bersama
bantuan kewangan bahan penyelidikan :loh kee shyuan 01-03-201328-02-2014 Penyelia
biocomposite membrane based on cellulose and chitosan for fuel cell application 01-10-201130-09-2013 Ketua Projek
synthesis and characterization of nafion/csh2po4/sio2 nanocomposites membrane for proton exchange membrane 20-08-201030-09-2013 Ketua Projek
rekabentuk, pembuatan dan ujian prestasi kereta sel fuel 5 kw 01-10-201001-04-2013 Penyelidik Bersama
studies on performance degradation of air cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell 01-10-201131-03-2013 Penyelidik Bersama
synthesis and photoelectrochemical investigation of co deposited and sequential deposited nano structured metal oxide 01-10-201130-09-2012 Penyelidik Bersama
sintesis dan pencirian membran komposit nafion-csh2po4-sio2 untuk sel fuel membran elektrolit polimer 01-06-201030-06-2012 Ketua Projek
bahan baru dalam sel fuel dan tenaga hidrogen 01-07-200930-06-2012 Penyelidik Bersama
development of high current density membrane electrode assembly for fuel cell portable power application 01-04-201030-03-2012 Penyelidik Bersama
synthesis and characterization of organo-metallic catalyst 15-03-201014-03-2012 Penyelidik Bersama
solid acid composite membrane for intermediate-temperature pemfc 11-10-201010-10-2011 Ketua Projek
- 25-07-2022 Ketua Projek
- 14-07-2020 Ketua Projek
- 20-12-2019 Penyelia
- 01-12-2016 Ketua Projek