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Poh Bee Koon is Professor of Nutrition at Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She has more than 20 years of research experience that involves multi-disciplinary and multi-country projects. Her research areas focus on childhood and adolescent nutrition, and her projects covers surveys, observation and intervention studies.
Prof Poh has led many international grants, including those funded by United Kingdom Medical Research Council, United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Development Research Centre (IDRC Canada), International Glutamate Technical Committee, as well as those from the industry.
She is Principal Investigator of South East Asian Nutrition Surveys (SEANUTS), a nationally-representative survey on nutritional status of children; and ToyBox Study Malaysia, intervention aimed at reducing obesity rates through improving preschoolers’ healthy eating and physical activity. She has been involved in stable isotope work to assess body composition and energy expenditure among healthy individuals as well as in pediatric cancer patients.
Prof Poh has participated in consultation work for Ministry of Health Malaysia and was involved in Academy of Sciences Malaysia’s Obesity Task Force to study "Prioritizing Food Policy Options to Reduce Obesity in Malaysia". She has won numerous awards, including International Nutrition Foundation–Ellison Medical Foundation Short-term Fellowship and IAEA Nobel Peace Prize Fund Schools in Nutrition fellowship.
Prof Poh has recently been appointed as Editor-in-Chief for Malaysian Journal of Nutrition. She is a Fellow member of Nutrition Society of Malaysia, and Life member of Malaysian Association for the Study of Obesity.
lim, s. m., goh, y. x., wong, j. e., kagawa, m., & poh, b. k.. (2024). cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the malay-translated version of the food neophobia scale for malaysian young adults. - perceptual and motor skills. 381-396.
chong yi ting, poh bee koon, ruzita abd. talib, koh denise, woo pik xuan, nelson georgia livan, cheah whye lian, lee julia ai cheng, yatiman noor hafizah , essau cecilia a., reeves sue , summerbell carolyn and gibson edward leigh. (2024). kajian rintis penilaian literasi digital: kesediaan guru prasekolah menggunakan platform pembelajaran dalam talian untuk pendidikan pemakanan. - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia. 71-82.
poh bee koon. (2024). mindful eating to nourish body and mind. - the buddhist channel. 1-2.
poh bee koon;ruzita binti abd talib;denise koh choon lian;noor hafizah binti yatiman;farra aidah binti jumuddin. (2024). improving healthy energy balance- and obesity-related behaviours among preschoolers in malaysia: feasibility of adapting the toybox-study. - . .
collins john, bee koon poh, muhammad yazid jalaludin, godpower michael, idris adedeji, elizabeth eberechi oyenusi, blessing akor, nkwoala c. charles, vanitha buthmanaban, leilani muhardi. (2024). exploring disparities in malnutrition among under-five children in nigeria and potential solutions: a scoping review. - frontiers in nutrition. 1-12.
collins john, bee koon poh, muhammad yazid jalaludin, godpower michael, idris adedeji, elizabeth eberechi oyenusi, blessing akor, nkwoala c. charles, vanitha buthmanaban, leilani muhardi. (2024). exploring disparities in malnutrition among under-five children in nigeria and potential solutions: a scoping review. - frontiers in nutrition. 1-12.
ncd risk factor collaboration (ncd-risc). (2024). worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population- representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults. - the lancet. 1027-1050.
r peters, b li, b swinburn, s allender, z he, sy lim, m chea, g ding, weiwen zhou, p keonakhone, m vongxay, s khamphanthong, r selamat, a dayanghirang, e abella, f da costa, s chotivichien, n ungkanavin, mt truong, sd nguyen & bk poh. (2023). national nutrition surveillance programmes in 18 countries in south- east asia and western pacific regions: a systematic scoping review. - bulletin of the world health organization. 690-706F.
see meng lim, chai nei thien, bee koon poh, abdoul karim toure. (2023). acceptance of insects as food and its influencing factors in malaysia. - annals of nutrition & metabolism. 785.
victoria miller, patrick webb, frederick cudhea, jianyi zhang, julia reedy, peilin shi, josh erndt-marino, jennifer coates, renata micha, dariush mozaffarian & global dietary database (zaleha abdullah mahdy, khadijah shamsuddin, poh bee koon). (2023). childrens and adolescents rising animal-source food intakes in 1990-2018 were impacted by age, region, parental education and urbanicity. - nature food. 305-319.
lim, s. m., goh, y. x., wong, j. e., kagawa, m., & poh, b. k.. (2024). cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the malay-translated version of the food neophobia scale for malaysian young adults. - perceptual and motor skills. 381-396.
thu-ha nguyen, zulfitri azuan mat daud, ruzita abd. talib, rozita mohd, bee koon poh. (2023). metabolic syndrome and dietary intake are associated with quality of life in kidney transplant recipients. - transplantation proceedings. 2176-2182.
lee jac, cheah wl, anchang gn, noor hafizah y, abim m, ruzita at, koh d, reeves s, summerbell c, essau ca, poh bk, gibson el. (2023). teachers and parents perspectives on the feasibility of a preschool-based behavioral intervention to prevent obesity: an embedded qualitative study within toybox study malaysia. - early childhood education journal. 149-161.
lim sy, rosmawati d, yatiman nh, wong je, haron h, poh bk. (2022). evaluation of physical characteristics and sensory acceptance of newly developed vegetable-based soups. - progress in nutrition. 1-12.
sim yee lim, dora rosmawati, noor hafizah yatiman, jyh eiin wong, hasnah haron, bee koon poh. (2022). umami detection threshold among children of different ethnicities and its correlation with various indices of obesity and blood pressure. - current research in food science. 2204-2210.
collins john, bee koon poh, muhammad yazid jalaludin, godpower michael, idris adedeji, elizabeth eberechi oyenusi, blessing akor, nkwoala c. charles, vanitha buthmanaban, leilani muhardi. (2024). exploring disparities in malnutrition among under-five children in nigeria and potential solutions: a scoping review. - frontiers in nutrition. 1-12.
lim, s. m., goh, y. x., wong, j. e., kagawa, m., & poh, b. k.. (2024). cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the malay-translated version of the food neophobia scale for malaysian young adults. - perceptual and motor skills. 381-396.
kar mun chong, airu chia, nur syahirah shah budin, bee koon poh, nor aini jamil, denise koh, mary foong-fong chong. jyh eiin wong. (2024). accuracy of a web-based time-use diary (medal) in assessing childrens meal intakes with food photography by parents as reference: instrument validation study. - jmir pediatrics and parenting. 1-13.
ncd risk factor collaboration (ncd-risc). (2024). worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population- representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults. - the lancet. 1027-1050.
lee jac, cheah wl, anchang gn, noor hafizah y, abim m, ruzita at, koh d, reeves s, summerbell c, essau ca, poh bk, gibson el. (2023). teachers and parents perspectives on the feasibility of a preschool-based behavioral intervention to prevent obesity: an embedded qualitative study within toybox study malaysia. - early childhood education journal. 149-161.
wong je, ainaa fatehah a, poh bk. (2017). estimating portion sizes from digital food images : accuracy of estimation by nutrition professionals. - malaysian journal of nutrition. 51.
lim sy, noor hafizah y, wong je, hasnah h and poh bk. (2017). study on the effect of glutamate on satiety and perceived hunger among primary school children in malaysia. - 1st southeast asia public health nutrition conference. 128.
razinah sharif, chong kar hau, hazizi abu saad, nur hadiyani binti zakaria, ong min li, poh bee koon, wong jyh eiin. (2017). malaysian active healthy kids report card 2016. - . 39.
xiao chuan lau, kar hau chong, bee koon poh, mohd noor ismail. (2013). advances in food and nutrition research. - . 2:49-101.
beth ogata, sharon a. feucht, bee koon poh. (2022). krause and mahan's: food and the nutrition care process. - . 19.
nicole larson, tashara m. leak, jamie s. stang, bee koon poh. (2022). krause and mahan's: food and the nutrition care process. - . 20.
jean t. cox, catherine s. sullivan, bee koon poh. (2022). krause and mahan's: food and the nutrition care process. - . 69.
lorena drago, martin m. yadrick, bee koon poh. (2022). krause and mahan's: food and the nutrition care process. - . 17.
poh bee koon. (2021). kamus jururawat bailliere (edisi malaysia ketiga). - . 12.
siti sabariah buhari, ruzita abd talib, poh bee koon. (2020). obesiti kanak-kanak: bertindak sebelum terlambat. - . 175.
razinah sharif, chong kar hau, hazizi abu saad, nur hadiyani binti zakaria, ong min li, poh bee koon, wong jyh eiin. (2017). malaysian active healthy kids report card 2016. - . 39.
tee e siong, fatimah salim, poh bee koon, tan sue yee, kiren sidhu. (2014). healthy spoonfuls for toddlers (pemakanan sihat untuk si kecil). - . 74.
tee e siong, fatimah salim, poh bee koon, tan sue yee, kiren sidhu. (2012). baby`s first bites : complementary feeding with confidence. - . 74.
tee e siong, poh bee koon, tan sue yee, kiren sidhu. (2011). breastfeed with confidence (menyusu dengan yakin). - . 76.
poh bee koon;ruzita binti abd talib;denise koh choon lian;noor hafizah binti yatiman;farra aidah binti jumuddin. (2024). improving healthy energy balance- and obesity-related behaviours among preschoolers in malaysia: feasibility of adapting the toybox-study. - . .
poh bee koon. (2024). mindful eating to nourish body and mind. - the buddhist channel. 1-2.
anis munirah mohd sakri,shashidharan sivabalan,mohd jamil sameeha,che aniza che wel,yong kang cheah,huay woon you,adila fahmida saptari,elaine q. borazon,sirinya phulkerd,helen trevena,anne-marie thow,bee koon poh. (2023). exploring retailer perspectives: barriers and decision-making in stocking healthy food products in urban poor areas of kuala lumpur, malaysia. - maso 2023 scientific conference on obesity. 1.
see meng lim, masaharu kagawa, jyh eiin wong, bee koon poh. (2023). acceptance of insects as food among malaysian and japanese women: a preliminary study. - 14th asian congress of nutrition (acn). 1.
mohd jamil sameeha,anis munirah mohd sakri,shashidharan sivabalan,che aniza che wel, yong kang cheah,huay woon you,adila fahmida saptari,elaine q. borazon,sirinya phulkerd,helen trevena,anne-marie thow,bee koon poh. (2023). factors influencing food purchase at different types of retailers in urban poor areas in malaysia: findings from seaofe study. - maso 2023 scientific conference on obesity. theme: "curbing obesity: a shared responsibility". 29-30.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
APPLYING NUCLEAR NUTRITION TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE OUTCOMES FOR CHILDHOOD CANCER IN MALAYSIA | international atomic energy agency (iaea) | 91.9% (2019-09-10 sehingga 2025-07-31) |
SEANUTS II MALAYSIA: NUTRITION SURVEY OF MALAYSIA CHILDREN AGED 6 MONTH TO 12 YEARS | frieslandcampina | 87.6% (2018-10-11 sehingga 2025-12-31) |