pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian kesihatan komuniti (reach)
Dr. Ruzita Abd. Talib is a Professor of Nutrition at Nutritional Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Over the last 20 years with the university, she has served as Head of Dietetics Program, Head of Quality, Principle of Residential College , Chair of the School of Healthcare Sciences and Deputy Dean of Post Graduate Study in Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM. Her formal education includes undergraduate degree and PhD in Dietetics from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Her major research interest includes Nutrition Education and Promotion, particularly in childhood obesity intervention and the application of glycemic index in dietary management of diabetes. She has published more than 50 scientific papers/reports local and internationally. She is also an ordinary member of Malaysian Dietitian Association, Nutrition Society of Malaysia and Malaysian Association Study of Obesity.
Expert Committees (National):
A member of Technical Working Group, Ministry of Health in Products Reformulation to Reduce Sodium in Food Products (2017-2018). A Technical Sub Committee of Technical Working Group Malaysian Dietary Guidelines (2008-2010), Malaysian Adolescent Dietary Guidelines (2011-2013) and Recommended Nutrient Intake for Malaysia (Energy and Macronutrients) (2016-2017). A Panel of Assessor for Malaysian Qualification Agency in Nutrition and Dietetics (2017-2020).
Professional Associations (National):
Honorary Treasurer, Malaysian Association Study of Obesity (2011-2015) and Malaysian Society of Health (1999-2002) and Council Member, Malaysian Dietetian Association (1999-2001).
ruzita binti abd talib;amirah bt. ismail;mohd izwan bin mahmud. (2025). pembentukan dan penilaian penerimaan serta keberkesanan penggunaan buku panduan komuniti sekolah (bpks) secara digital sebagai media pendidikan dalam program pendidikan pemakanan kepada remaja yang mengalami masalah lebih berat badan dan obes. - . .
poh bee koon;ruzita binti abd talib;denise koh choon lian;noor hafizah binti yatiman;farra aidah binti jumuddin. (2024). improving healthy energy balance- and obesity-related behaviours among preschoolers in malaysia: feasibility of adapting the toybox-study. - . .
chong yi ting, poh bee koon, ruzita abd. talib, koh denise, woo pik xuan, nelson georgia livan, cheah whye lian, lee julia ai cheng, yatiman noor hafizah , essau cecilia a., reeves sue , summerbell carolyn and gibson edward leigh. (2024). kajian rintis penilaian literasi digital: kesediaan guru prasekolah menggunakan platform pembelajaran dalam talian untuk pendidikan pemakanan. - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia. 71-82.
azira s, ruzita at. (2023). the relationship between food intake and physical activity with academic performance among adolescent girl students from low-income families. - 38th scientific conference. 81-82.
nur zakiah mohd saat, ruzita abd talib, sami f alarsan, nesreen saadeh, ghada shahrour. (2023). risk factors of overweight and obesity among school children aged 6 to 18 years: a scoping review. - nutrition and dietary supplements. 63-76.
w.l. cheah, b.k. poh, a.t. ruzita, j.a.c. lee, d. koh, s. reeves, c. essau, c. summerbell, y noor hafizah, g.n.j. anchang and e.l. gibson. (2023). process evaluation of a kindergarten-based intervention for obesity prevention in early childhood: the toybox study malaysia. - bmc public health. 1-13.
sue reeves, bee koon poh, yi ting chong, julia ai cheng lee, whye lian cheah, yatiman noor hafizah, georgia nelson, abd talib ruzita, denise koh, carolyn summerbell, cecilia a. essau, edward leigh gibson. (2023). from toybox study to etoybox: advancing childhood obesity reduction in malaysian kindergartens. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-13.
ahmad faezi rashid, sharifah wajihah wafa, ruzita abd talib, nor mazlina abu bakar. (2022). an interactive malaysian childhood healthy lifestyle (imachel) intervention programme to change weight related behaviour in preschool childparent dyads: study protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial. - plos one. 1-23.
g. y. chong; s. k. nachatar singh; r. abd talib; s. l. loy; w. y. siah; h. y. tan; s. s. harjit singh; r. binti abdullah; h. binti mahmud; h. c. koo. (2022). the translation, validation, and reliability of a chrononutrition assessment tool for malaysian population. - obesity reviews. 187.
b xi, x zong, r kelishadi, m litwin, ym hong, bk poh, lm steffen, sv galcheva, ih aeberli, t nawarycz, mk wiewiorowska, a khadilkar, md schmidt, h neuhauser, a schienkiewtiz, z kulaga, hs kim, bs witoszynska, me motlagh, at ruzita, vm iotova, et al.. (2020). international waist circumference percentile cutoffs for central obesity in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years. - the journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolismm. e1569-e1583.
thu-ha nguyen, zulfitri azuan mat daud, ruzita abd. talib, rozita mohd, bee koon poh. (2023). metabolic syndrome and dietary intake are associated with quality of life in kidney transplant recipients. - transplantation proceedings. 2176-2182.
lee jac, cheah wl, anchang gn, noor hafizah y, abim m, ruzita at, koh d, reeves s, summerbell c, essau ca, poh bk, gibson el. (2023). teachers and parents perspectives on the feasibility of a preschool-based behavioral intervention to prevent obesity: an embedded qualitative study within toybox study malaysia. - early childhood education journal. 149-161.
guey yong chong, satvinder kaur, ruzita abd talib, see ling loy, hui yin tan, sarjit singh harjit singh, rosmiza binti abdullah, hanisah binti mahmud, woan yie siah and hui chin koo. (2022). chronotype, chrononutrition and glucose tolerance among prediabetic individuals. research protocol for a prospective longitudinal study chrono-dm. - bmc primary care. 1-12.
bee suan wee, awang bulgiba, abd. talib ruzita, mohd. noor ismail and bee koon poh. (2019). pedometer-determined physical activity among primary schoolchildren in kuala lumpur. - proceedings of singapore healthcare. 115-123.
wirdah mohamed, arif azlan and ruzita abd talib. (2018). benefits of community gardening activity in obesity intervention: findings from f.e.a.t. programme. - current research in nutrition and food science journal. .
nur zakiah mohd saat, ruzita abd talib, sami f alarsan, nesreen saadeh, ghada shahrour. (2023). risk factors of overweight and obesity among school children aged 6 to 18 years: a scoping review. - nutrition and dietary supplements. 63-76.
nur anis fadzliyana fauzi, mohd ramadan ab hamid, ruzita abd talib, fadhilah jailani, siti sabariah buhari. (2023). development and validation of ffq for assessing sugarsweetened beverages (ssb) and high-energy dense foods intake among malaysian adolescents. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 53-63.
w.l. cheah, b.k. poh, a.t. ruzita, j.a.c. lee, d. koh, s. reeves, c. essau, c. summerbell, y noor hafizah, g.n.j. anchang and e.l. gibson. (2023). process evaluation of a kindergarten-based intervention for obesity prevention in early childhood: the toybox study malaysia. - bmc public health. 1-13.
hazirah md jamri, mohd ramdan ab hamid, ruzita abd talib, fadhilah jailani, siti sabariah buhari. (2023). effectiveness of social media interventions to improve nutrition behaviour among adolescents in asia: a systematic review. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 237-246.
thu-ha nguyen, zulfitri azuan mat daud, ruzita abd. talib, rozita mohd, bee koon poh. (2023). metabolic syndrome and dietary intake are associated with quality of life in kidney transplant recipients. - transplantation proceedings. 2176-2182.
lim see meng, sameeha mohd jamil & ruzita abd. talib. (2022). kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti. - . 20.
'arif azlan, nadzirah ismail, nor farah mohamad fauzi, ruzita talib. (2020). lecture notes in bioengineering : enhancing health and sports performance by design. - proceedings of the 2019 movement, health & exercise (mohe) and international sports science conference (issc). 12.
mohd. ismail noor, siti mariam ali, poh bee koon, ruzita abd. talib, mohd. nasir mohd. taib, hazizi abu saad, nik mazlan nik mamat. (2009). nutrition research priorities in malaysia. - . 67-88.
ruzita abd. talib. (2023). pendidikan pemakanan: cegah keobesan untuk kanak-kanak dan remaja. - . 109.
siti sabariah buhari, ruzita abd talib, poh bee koon. (2020). obesiti kanak-kanak: bertindak sebelum terlambat. - . 175.
paden morat, abdul hamid aziz, syed zahir idid, norimah abd. karim, salman hussein inaayat hussein, faudziah abdul manan, ruzita abdul talib, rokiah omar dan yusof hussain. (2003). glosari sains kesihatan. - . 149.
ruzita binti abd talib;amirah bt. ismail;mohd izwan bin mahmud. (2025). pembentukan dan penilaian penerimaan serta keberkesanan penggunaan buku panduan komuniti sekolah (bpks) secara digital sebagai media pendidikan dalam program pendidikan pemakanan kepada remaja yang mengalami masalah lebih berat badan dan obes. - . .
poh bee koon;ruzita binti abd talib;denise koh choon lian;noor hafizah binti yatiman;farra aidah binti jumuddin. (2024). improving healthy energy balance- and obesity-related behaviours among preschoolers in malaysia: feasibility of adapting the toybox-study. - . .
azira s, ruzita at. (2023). the relationship between food intake and physical activity with academic performance among adolescent girl students from low-income families. - 38th scientific conference. 81-82.
guey yong chong, satvinder kaur, ruzita a talib, see ling loy, hui yin tan, sarjit sigh, rosmiza binti abdullah, hanisah binti mahmud, woan yie siah, hui chin koo. (2023). the findings of chronodm: chrononutrition, chronotype and glycemic outcomes in prediabetes population. - maso 2023 scientific conference. 39.
hazirah md jamri, ruzita abd talib, mohd ramadan ab hamid, siti sabariah buhari. (2023). modeling a digital intervention framework on limiting consumption of high energy dense (hed) foods and sugar sweetened beverages among adolescents. - maso 2023 scientific conference. 38.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
SEANUTS II MALAYSIA: NUTRITION SURVEY OF MALAYSIA CHILDREN AGED 6 MONTH TO 12 YEARS | frieslandcampina | 89.5% (2018-10-11 sehingga 2025-12-31) |