pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains matematik
Azmin Sham binti Rambely memperoleh Ijazah Sarjanamuda dalam Matematik dari
University of Arizona, Tucson dan Sarjana Sains dalam Kejuruteraan Matematik dari
University of Newcastle upon Tyne pada tahun 1996. Pada tahun 2008 beliau
memperoleh Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dalam bidang Biomekanik daripada Fakulti
Kejuruteraan, Universiti Malaya. Sekarang beliau adalah Profesor Madya di Pusat
Pengajian Sains Matematik, Fakulti Sains & Teknologi, UKM dan mememang jawatan
Timbalan Pengarah Kersarjanaan Pengajaran & Pembelajaran di Pusat Teknologi dan
Pembelajaran atau PENGAJARAN-UKM. Beliau juga merupakan Ketua Kumpulan
Penyelidikan Pendidikan Ruhiyy Ilmu Sains Matematik iaitu PRISMatik, UKM sejak
diwujudkan pada tahun 2013. Minat penyelidikan beliau merangkumi kajian pergerakan
manusia, biomekanik sukan, pemodelan matematik dan pendidikan matematik. Beliau
telah memperoleh beberapa paten dan hak cipta hasil dari penyelidikan beliau seperti
Calibration System (2001), Smart Backpack (2009), Humidity Sensing Fan Control and
Data Logger (2014), Personal Early Stroke Detection Device (2019) termasuk hak cipta
modul dalam Modul Kem Matematik: Pencarian Khazanah Ilmu Matematik (2014), Sifira
Android-based Maths Games (2014) dan Modul Seronoknya Matematik (2018).
Azmin Sham binti Rambely obtained a Bachelor`s Degree in Mathematics from University of Arizona, Tucson and a Master of Science in Engineering Mathematics from University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1996. In 2008 she obtained her Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the field of Biomechanics from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. Now she is an Associate Professor at the Mathematical Sciences Department, Faculty of Science & Technology, UKM and holds a position of Deputy Director of Research & Innovation in Teaching at the Center of Teaching and Curriculum Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She is also the Research Group Leader of the Educational Mathematical Science namely PRISMatik, UKM since its establishment in 2013. Her research interests include studies of human movement, sports biomechanics, mathematical modelling, and mathematics education. She has obtained several patents and copyrights from her research such as the Calibration System (2001), Smart Backpack (2009), Humidity Sensing Fan Control and Data Logger (2014), Personal Early Stroke Detection Device (2019) including copyrights on modules in the Mathematics Camp Module: Mathematics Discovery (2014), Sifira Android-based Maths Games (2014) and Fun Maths Module (2018).
hairunnisa hussim, roslinda rosli, nurul aisya zahira mohd nor, siti istima maat, muhammad sofwan mahmud, zanaton iksan, azmin sham rambely, siti nurdiyana mahmud, lilia halim, kamisah osman, ah nam lay. (2024). a systematic literature review of informal stem learning. - european journal of stem education. 1-10.
ishak bin hashim;azmin sham binti rambely;mohd almie bin alias;faieza binti samat. (2024). approximate analytical and numerical methods for solving integer- and non-integer-order des. - . .
mojtaba borza, azmin sham rambely, seyed ahmad edalatpanah. (2023). a linearization to the multi objective linear plus linear fractional program. - operations research forum. 1-22.
norleyza jailani, muhammad irfan ahmad najib & azmin sham rambely. (2023). konda-kondi: the legend - permainan tradisional realiti terimbuh. - asean journal of teaching & learning in higher education. 346-372.
zanaton binti h iksan;azmin sham binti rambely;salleh bin amat;denise koh choon lian;azlina binti abdul aziz. (2023). pelaksanaan pendekatan kajian pembelajaran (lesson study) dalam empat kursus di peringkat institusi pengajian tinggi. - . .
mojtaba borza; azmin sham rambely. (2022). an approach based on cuts and max-min technique to linear fractional programming with fuzzy coefficients. - iranian journal of fuzzy systems. 153-169.
syazwana aziz, kok beng gan, azmin sham rambely, kathiresan gopal, muhammad shahimi ariffin & normurniyati shattar. (2022). relationship between angle and peak vertical ground reaction force estimation in parachute landing fall among army parachutists using mathematical modelling. - alexandria engineering journal. 5413-5426.
hasyatun che-nan; azmin sham rambely. (2022). kinematic analysis of daily activity of touching lateral shoulder for normal subjects. - applied sciences - basel. 1-15.
mojtaba borza and azmin sham rambely. (2021). a linearization to the sum of linear ratios programming problem. - mathematics. 1-10.
awatif jahman alqarni, azmin sham rambely, ishak hashim. (2021). dynamical simulation of effective stem cell transplantation for modulation of microglia responses in stroke treatment. - symmetry. 1-14.
mojtaba borza, azmin sham rambely. (2023). a new efficient approach to tackle multi objective linear fractional problem with flexible constraints. - journal of industrial and management optimization. 4180-4198.
mojtaba borza; azmin sham rambely. (2022). a parametric approach to fuzzy multi-objective linear fractional program: an alpha cut-based method. - journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems. 5639-5652.
mojtaba borza, azmin sham rambely. (2022). tackling the fuzzy multi-objective linear fractional problem using a parametric approach. - journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems. 721-734.
awatif jahman alqarni, azmin sham rambely, sana abdulkream alharbi, ishak hashim. (2021). dynamic behavior and stabilization of brain cell reconstitution after stroke under the proliferation and differentiation processes for stem cells. - mathematical biosciences and engineering. 6288-6304.
m. borza, a.s. rambely, m. saraj. (2012). a stackelberg solution to a two-level linear fractional programming problem with interval coefficients in the objective functions. - sains malaysiana. 41(12):1651-1656.
hairunnisa hussim, roslinda rosli, nurul aisya zahira mohd nor, siti istima maat, muhammad sofwan mahmud, zanaton iksan, azmin sham rambely, siti nurdiyana mahmud, lilia halim, kamisah osman, ah nam lay. (2024). a systematic literature review of informal stem learning. - european journal of stem education. 1-10.
mojtaba borza, azmin sham rambely, seyed ahmad edalatpanah. (2023). a linearization to the multi objective linear plus linear fractional program. - operations research forum. 1-22.
mojtaba borza, azmin sham rambely. (2023). a new efficient approach to tackle multi objective linear fractional problem with flexible constraints. - journal of industrial and management optimization. 4180-4198.
afizal abd ghani, roslinda rosli, zanaton iksan, lilia halim, kamisah osman, siti mistima maat, siti nur diyana mahmud, muhammad sofwan mahmud, azmin shah rambely, ah nam lay. (2023). stem professional development programs for science and mathematics primary school teachers: a systematic literature review. - european journal of science and mathematics education. 738-753.
syazwana aziz, kok beng gan, azmin sham rambely, kathiresan gopal, muhammad shahimi ariffin & normurniyati shattar. (2022). relationship between angle and peak vertical ground reaction force estimation in parachute landing fall among army parachutists using mathematical modelling. - alexandria engineering journal. 5413-5426.
noor anita rahman, roslinda rosli, azmin sham rambley. (2021). mathematical teachers' knowledge of stem-based education. - journal of physics: conference series. 1-6.
s aziz, a s rambely, u f a rauf. (2019). kinematics study on plf technique by comparing professional and amateur malaysian army parachutists based on event during landing. - journal of physics: conference series. 1-10.
s a alharbi, a s rambely, o a alsuhaimi. (2019). effect of dietary factor on response of the immune system numerically. - 14th international symposium on geometric function theory and applications, gfta 2018 (iop conference series: journal of physics). 1-5.
s.n.h.s. abdullah, w.f. fauzi, m.n. sudin, n.n. zahari, z. a. rahman, a.ismail, n. r. m. suradi, a.s. rambely, n. sarnon, a. h. shaari, s. samrun, n. arsad, m.h.m. saad, m. mohd, m. ayob, k.v. jyn, k. a. z. nazri, r. yaakub, ariffin, (2018). assessment of self-identity among teens towards self-crime prevention program. - cyber resilience conference 2018. .
siti siryani sofian & azmin sham rambely. (2018). the effectiveness of game and recreational activity to motivate high achievers and low achievers: evaluation using fuzzy conjoint analysis. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. .
azmin sham rambely. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran sains matematik: penerokaan teknik terbaharu. - . 22.
wong kian yung, azmin sham rambely. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains matematik 2018. - . 4.
r.r. ahmad, a.s. rambely, and l.h. lim. (2008). lecture notes on computer science. - . 163 - 168.
azmin sham rambely, sufeera rahmad, mohd. fahmi mike abdullah. (2022). pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19 pandemik: cabaran, strategi dan peluang. - . 33.
helmi norman, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, azmin sham rambely, rozli zulkifli. (2021). alternative assessment in higher education: a practical guide to assessing learning. - . 11.
azmin sham rambely. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran sains matematik: penerokaan teknik terbaharu. - . 22.
umi umirah wahid, azmin sham rambely. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains matematik 2018. - . 5.
wong kian yung, azmin sham rambely. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains matematik 2018. - . 4.
ishak bin hashim;azmin sham binti rambely;mohd almie bin alias;faieza binti samat. (2024). approximate analytical and numerical methods for solving integer- and non-integer-order des. - . .
azmin sham rambely. (2023). applied mathematics research:mathematical modelling of stem cells functions in stroke. - the 5th international conference in mathematical sciences. 1-27.
azmin sham rambely, abu bakar yahya & nur syahirah izzati zaidi. (2023). classification og emg signals during contra- lateral arm movement. - xxix congress of international/japanese society of biomechanics. 673.
azmin sham rambely. (2023). pesan dari sang khalik rahsia solat. - al-quran dan sains: pesan dari sang khalik rahsia solat. .
azmin sham rambely, muhammad fahmi mike abdullah, nur fadzilla yusoff. (2023). garis panduan peperiksaan dalam talian berproktor (ukmproktor) menggunakan pelantar ukmfoliopdt. - . 1-49.
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