huda abdullah;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;masturah binti markom;md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). solution-processed zto (zinc-tin-oxide) as an alternative czts solar cell buffer layer. - . .
muhammad zulhaziman bin mat salleh;masturah binti markom;shuhaida binti harun;abdullah amru bin indera luthfi. (2024). enhancing separation efficiency of extractive fuel denitrification using binary mixture of ionic liquids. - . .
siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, masturah markom, nur izzati ismail, siti shilatul najwa sharuddin. (2023). perlaksanaan projek bersepadu dalam kursus asas termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia; keberkesanan dan penambahbaikan. - prosiding seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2023 (peka2023) sempena kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2023 (isbn: 978-983-2982-55-5), hlm. 159-161. 159-161.
mohd shaiful bin sajab;masturah binti markom;darman bin nordin;peer mohamed. (2023). a new integrated liquid printing-electrospinning for the tunable structures of nanoscale 3d printed biopolymer. - . .
masturah markom, kalaivani chellappan, haryanti mohd affandi, noorfazila kamal, muhammad syafiq abdul razak, wan hamidon wan badaruzzaman. (2023). pelan strategik fakulti kejuruteraan dan alam bina universiti kebangsaan malaysia 2021-2025. - . 1-38.
hikmah bajunaid hariz, siti aisyah syazwani zaidi,abdullah amru indera luthfi,nurul adela bukhari,mohd shaiful sajab, masturah markom, shuhaida harun,jian ping tan gong tao ding,peer mohamed abdul. (2023). succinic acid production from oil palm biomass a prospective plastic pollution solution. - fermentation. 1-27.
sitinoor adeib idris, masturah markom, norliza abd. rahman & jarinah mohd ali. (2022). multifactor assessments to determine the overall performance of supercritical fuid extraction from gynura procumbens essential oil. - scientific reports. 1-12.
shuhaida harun, aqilah mohd tajuddin, azuan abdul latif, safa senan mahmod, mohd shaiful sajab, masturah markom, jamaliah md jahim. (2021). insight into the deep eutectic solvent pretreatment of oil palm empty fruit bunches: effects of temperature, empty fruit bunch to solvent ratio, and time. - bioresources. 6313-6341.
norsyamimi hassim, masturah markom, masli irwan rosli, suhaida harun. (2021). scale-up approach for supercritical fluid extraction with ethanol-water modifed carbon dioxide on phyllanthus niruri for safe enriched herbal extracts. - scientific reports. 1-19.
shazana azfar radzali, masturah markom and noorashikin md saleh. (2020). co-solvent selection for supercritical fluid extraction (sfe) of phenolic compounds from labisia pumila. - molecules. 1-15.
norhelaliah isa, noor-soffalina sofian seng, wan aida wan mustapha, masturah markom, nur afiqah mohd azhari. (2022). pengoptimuman pengekstrakan lemak biji mangga (mangifera indica l.) jeruk menggunakan kaedah respons permukaan dan analisis lipid (extraction optimization of pickled mango (mangifera indica l.) seed butter using response surface methodology and lipid anal. - sains malaysiana. 2713-2724.
shazana azfar radzali, masturah markom and noorashikin md saleh. (2022). parameter effects and optimisation in supercritical fluid extraction of phenolic compounds from labisia pumila. - separations. 1-18.
masturah markom, norsyamimi hassim, masitah hasa, wan ramli wan daud. (2021). modeling of supercritical fluid extraction by enhancement factor of cosolvent mixtures. - separation science and technology. 1290-1302.
azhari, n. a. m., markom, m. ismail, i. and anuar, n.. (2020). effects of different drying methods on essential oil yield and component profile of polygonum minus root extract. - international food research journal. 96-102.
masturah, m. and masniza, m.. (2019). supercritical fluid extraction of herbal plants for safe and halal enriched extracts. - global journal al thaqafah (gjat). 83-93.
hikmah bajunaid hariz, siti aisyah syazwani zaidi,abdullah amru indera luthfi,nurul adela bukhari,mohd shaiful sajab, masturah markom, shuhaida harun,jian ping tan gong tao ding,peer mohamed abdul. (2023). succinic acid production from oil palm biomass a prospective plastic pollution solution. - fermentation. 1-27.
sitinoor adeib idris, masturah markom, norliza abd rahman, jarinah mohd ali. (2022). prediction of overall yield of gynura procumbens from ethanol-water + supercritical co2 extraction using artificial neural network model. - case studies in chemical and environmental engineering. 1-9.
norhelaliah isa, noor-soffalina sofian seng, wan aida wan mustapha, masturah markom, nur afiqah mohd azhari. (2022). pengoptimuman pengekstrakan lemak biji mangga (mangifera indica l.) jeruk menggunakan kaedah respons permukaan dan analisis lipid (extraction optimization of pickled mango (mangifera indica l.) seed butter using response surface methodology and lipid anal. - sains malaysiana. 2713-2724.
shazana azfar radzali, masturah markom and noorashikin md saleh. (2022). parameter effects and optimisation in supercritical fluid extraction of phenolic compounds from labisia pumila. - separations. 1-18.
sitinoor adeib idris, masturah markom, norliza abd. rahman & jarinah mohd ali. (2022). multifactor assessments to determine the overall performance of supercritical fuid extraction from gynura procumbens essential oil. - scientific reports. 1-12.
rahizana mohd ibrahim, masturah markom, huda abdullah, muneer m. ba-abbad and kamal firdausi abd razak. (2019). physical and optical characterization of mn-doped zns nanoparticles prepared via reverse micelle method assisted by compressed co2. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 12030.
sitinoor adeib idris and masturah markom. (2019). application of hybrid predictive tools for prediction and simulation in supercritical fluid extraction - an overview. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering: joint conference on green engineering technology & applied computing 2019. 12051.
noor huda abd hamid, jalifah latip and masturah markom. (2018). the effect of different conventional methods of extraction on marantodes pumila var. pumila leaves in relation to free radical scavenging activity. - aip conference proceedings. 1-7.
che nurul ain nadirah che mansor, jalifah latip & masturah markom. (2016). preparation of orthosiphon stamineus enriched-extracts and evaluation of their free radical scavenging activity. - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. .
rahizana mohd ibrahim, masturah markom, huda abdullah, kamal firdausi. (2016). size control and photoluminescence enhancement of mn2+-doped zns nanoparticles synthesized by aot- reverse micelle modified by compressed co2. - materials today: proceedings. 479-484.
norsyamimi hassim, masturah markom. (2021). pengindustrian teknologi pengekstrakan herba: potensi herba dukung anak. - . 263.
che nurul ain nadirah che mansor, jalifah latip, masturah markom. (2020). teknologi pengekstrakan herba misai kucing. - . 170.
mastura markom, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ikhsan & roszilah hamid. (2016). penambahbaikan kualiti berterusan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan. - . 160.
mastura markom, mohd sahaid khalil, shahbudin masdar, rahaiza misnon, nurtantiyani ali othman, siti aminah osman & shahrom md zain. (2013). amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berkesan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina. - . 10 (255-282).
prof. ir. dr. shahrir abdullah. (2012). garis panduan penyediaan dokumen program pengajian universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 110.
masturah markom, firdaus mohamad hamzah, izamarlina asshaari & nasrul amir abdul. (2016). penambahbaikan kualiti berterusan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan. - . 17.
mastura markom, mohd sahaid khalil, shahbudin masdar, rahaiza misnon, nurtantiyani ali othman, siti aminah osman & shahrom md zain. (2013). amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berkesan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina. - . 10 (255-282).
norsyamimi hassim, masturah markom. (2021). pengindustrian teknologi pengekstrakan herba: potensi herba dukung anak. - . 263.
che nurul ain nadirah che mansor, jalifah latip, masturah markom. (2020). teknologi pengekstrakan herba misai kucing. - . 170.
mohd marzuki mustafa, fariza md sham, mohammad kassim & masturah markom. (2017). bidang keberhasilan strategik ukm. - . 61.
mastura markom, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ikhsan & roszilah hamid. (2016). penambahbaikan kualiti berterusan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan. - . 160.
prof. ir. dr. shahrir abdullah. (2012). garis panduan penyediaan dokumen program pengajian universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 110.
huda abdullah;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;masturah binti markom;md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). solution-processed zto (zinc-tin-oxide) as an alternative czts solar cell buffer layer. - . .
muhammad zulhaziman bin mat salleh;masturah binti markom;shuhaida binti harun;abdullah amru bin indera luthfi. (2024). enhancing separation efficiency of extractive fuel denitrification using binary mixture of ionic liquids. - . .
jalifah binti latip;lee yook heng;masturah binti markom. (2023). rapid methods for determination of alkaloids and toxicity assessment in ubi gadong (dioscorea hispida) . - . .
masturah markom, kalaivani chellappan, haryanti mohd affandi, noorfazila kamal, muhammad syafiq abdul razak, wan hamidon wan badaruzzaman. (2023). pelan strategik fakulti kejuruteraan dan alam bina universiti kebangsaan malaysia 2021-2025. - . 1-38.
mohd shaiful bin sajab;masturah binti markom;darman bin nordin;peer mohamed. (2023). a new integrated liquid printing-electrospinning for the tunable structures of nanoscale 3d printed biopolymer. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan kimia & proses
huda abdullah;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;masturah binti markom;md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). solution-processed zto (zinc-tin-oxide) as an alternative czts solar cell buffer layer. - . .
muhammad zulhaziman bin mat salleh;masturah binti markom;shuhaida binti harun;abdullah amru bin indera luthfi. (2024). enhancing separation efficiency of extractive fuel denitrification using binary mixture of ionic liquids. - . .
siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, masturah markom, nur izzati ismail, siti shilatul najwa sharuddin. (2023). perlaksanaan projek bersepadu dalam kursus asas termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia; keberkesanan dan penambahbaikan. - prosiding seminar pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2023 (peka2023) sempena kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm 2023 (isbn: 978-983-2982-55-5), hlm. 159-161. 159-161.
mohd shaiful bin sajab;masturah binti markom;darman bin nordin;peer mohamed. (2023). a new integrated liquid printing-electrospinning for the tunable structures of nanoscale 3d printed biopolymer. - . .
masturah markom, kalaivani chellappan, haryanti mohd affandi, noorfazila kamal, muhammad syafiq abdul razak, wan hamidon wan badaruzzaman. (2023). pelan strategik fakulti kejuruteraan dan alam bina universiti kebangsaan malaysia 2021-2025. - . 1-38.
hikmah bajunaid hariz, siti aisyah syazwani zaidi,abdullah amru indera luthfi,nurul adela bukhari,mohd shaiful sajab, masturah markom, shuhaida harun,jian ping tan gong tao ding,peer mohamed abdul. (2023). succinic acid production from oil palm biomass a prospective plastic pollution solution. - fermentation. 1-27.
sitinoor adeib idris, masturah markom, norliza abd. rahman & jarinah mohd ali. (2022). multifactor assessments to determine the overall performance of supercritical fuid extraction from gynura procumbens essential oil. - scientific reports. 1-12.
shuhaida harun, aqilah mohd tajuddin, azuan abdul latif, safa senan mahmod, mohd shaiful sajab, masturah markom, jamaliah md jahim. (2021). insight into the deep eutectic solvent pretreatment of oil palm empty fruit bunches: effects of temperature, empty fruit bunch to solvent ratio, and time. - bioresources. 6313-6341.
norsyamimi hassim, masturah markom, masli irwan rosli, suhaida harun. (2021). scale-up approach for supercritical fluid extraction with ethanol-water modifed carbon dioxide on phyllanthus niruri for safe enriched herbal extracts. - scientific reports. 1-19.
shazana azfar radzali, masturah markom and noorashikin md saleh. (2020). co-solvent selection for supercritical fluid extraction (sfe) of phenolic compounds from labisia pumila. - molecules. 1-15.
norhelaliah isa, noor-soffalina sofian seng, wan aida wan mustapha, masturah markom, nur afiqah mohd azhari. (2022). pengoptimuman pengekstrakan lemak biji mangga (mangifera indica l.) jeruk menggunakan kaedah respons permukaan dan analisis lipid (extraction optimization of pickled mango (mangifera indica l.) seed butter using response surface methodology and lipid anal. - sains malaysiana. 2713-2724.
shazana azfar radzali, masturah markom and noorashikin md saleh. (2022). parameter effects and optimisation in supercritical fluid extraction of phenolic compounds from labisia pumila. - separations. 1-18.
masturah markom, norsyamimi hassim, masitah hasa, wan ramli wan daud. (2021). modeling of supercritical fluid extraction by enhancement factor of cosolvent mixtures. - separation science and technology. 1290-1302.
azhari, n. a. m., markom, m. ismail, i. and anuar, n.. (2020). effects of different drying methods on essential oil yield and component profile of polygonum minus root extract. - international food research journal. 96-102.
masturah, m. and masniza, m.. (2019). supercritical fluid extraction of herbal plants for safe and halal enriched extracts. - global journal al thaqafah (gjat). 83-93.
hikmah bajunaid hariz, siti aisyah syazwani zaidi,abdullah amru indera luthfi,nurul adela bukhari,mohd shaiful sajab, masturah markom, shuhaida harun,jian ping tan gong tao ding,peer mohamed abdul. (2023). succinic acid production from oil palm biomass a prospective plastic pollution solution. - fermentation. 1-27.
sitinoor adeib idris, masturah markom, norliza abd rahman, jarinah mohd ali. (2022). prediction of overall yield of gynura procumbens from ethanol-water + supercritical co2 extraction using artificial neural network model. - case studies in chemical and environmental engineering. 1-9.
norhelaliah isa, noor-soffalina sofian seng, wan aida wan mustapha, masturah markom, nur afiqah mohd azhari. (2022). pengoptimuman pengekstrakan lemak biji mangga (mangifera indica l.) jeruk menggunakan kaedah respons permukaan dan analisis lipid (extraction optimization of pickled mango (mangifera indica l.) seed butter using response surface methodology and lipid anal. - sains malaysiana. 2713-2724.
shazana azfar radzali, masturah markom and noorashikin md saleh. (2022). parameter effects and optimisation in supercritical fluid extraction of phenolic compounds from labisia pumila. - separations. 1-18.
sitinoor adeib idris, masturah markom, norliza abd. rahman & jarinah mohd ali. (2022). multifactor assessments to determine the overall performance of supercritical fuid extraction from gynura procumbens essential oil. - scientific reports. 1-12.
rahizana mohd ibrahim, masturah markom, huda abdullah, muneer m. ba-abbad and kamal firdausi abd razak. (2019). physical and optical characterization of mn-doped zns nanoparticles prepared via reverse micelle method assisted by compressed co2. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 12030.
sitinoor adeib idris and masturah markom. (2019). application of hybrid predictive tools for prediction and simulation in supercritical fluid extraction - an overview. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering: joint conference on green engineering technology & applied computing 2019. 12051.
noor huda abd hamid, jalifah latip and masturah markom. (2018). the effect of different conventional methods of extraction on marantodes pumila var. pumila leaves in relation to free radical scavenging activity. - aip conference proceedings. 1-7.
che nurul ain nadirah che mansor, jalifah latip & masturah markom. (2016). preparation of orthosiphon stamineus enriched-extracts and evaluation of their free radical scavenging activity. - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. .
rahizana mohd ibrahim, masturah markom, huda abdullah, kamal firdausi. (2016). size control and photoluminescence enhancement of mn2+-doped zns nanoparticles synthesized by aot- reverse micelle modified by compressed co2. - materials today: proceedings. 479-484.
norsyamimi hassim, masturah markom. (2021). pengindustrian teknologi pengekstrakan herba: potensi herba dukung anak. - . 263.
che nurul ain nadirah che mansor, jalifah latip, masturah markom. (2020). teknologi pengekstrakan herba misai kucing. - . 170.
mastura markom, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ikhsan & roszilah hamid. (2016). penambahbaikan kualiti berterusan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan. - . 160.
mastura markom, mohd sahaid khalil, shahbudin masdar, rahaiza misnon, nurtantiyani ali othman, siti aminah osman & shahrom md zain. (2013). amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berkesan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina. - . 10 (255-282).
prof. ir. dr. shahrir abdullah. (2012). garis panduan penyediaan dokumen program pengajian universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 110.
masturah markom, firdaus mohamad hamzah, izamarlina asshaari & nasrul amir abdul. (2016). penambahbaikan kualiti berterusan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan. - . 17.
mastura markom, mohd sahaid khalil, shahbudin masdar, rahaiza misnon, nurtantiyani ali othman, siti aminah osman & shahrom md zain. (2013). amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berkesan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina. - . 10 (255-282).
norsyamimi hassim, masturah markom. (2021). pengindustrian teknologi pengekstrakan herba: potensi herba dukung anak. - . 263.
che nurul ain nadirah che mansor, jalifah latip, masturah markom. (2020). teknologi pengekstrakan herba misai kucing. - . 170.
mohd marzuki mustafa, fariza md sham, mohammad kassim & masturah markom. (2017). bidang keberhasilan strategik ukm. - . 61.
mastura markom, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ikhsan & roszilah hamid. (2016). penambahbaikan kualiti berterusan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan. - . 160.
prof. ir. dr. shahrir abdullah. (2012). garis panduan penyediaan dokumen program pengajian universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 110.
huda abdullah;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;masturah binti markom;md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). solution-processed zto (zinc-tin-oxide) as an alternative czts solar cell buffer layer. - . .
muhammad zulhaziman bin mat salleh;masturah binti markom;shuhaida binti harun;abdullah amru bin indera luthfi. (2024). enhancing separation efficiency of extractive fuel denitrification using binary mixture of ionic liquids. - . .
jalifah binti latip;lee yook heng;masturah binti markom. (2023). rapid methods for determination of alkaloids and toxicity assessment in ubi gadong (dioscorea hispida) . - . .
masturah markom, kalaivani chellappan, haryanti mohd affandi, noorfazila kamal, muhammad syafiq abdul razak, wan hamidon wan badaruzzaman. (2023). pelan strategik fakulti kejuruteraan dan alam bina universiti kebangsaan malaysia 2021-2025. - . 1-38.
mohd shaiful bin sajab;masturah binti markom;darman bin nordin;peer mohamed. (2023). a new integrated liquid printing-electrospinning for the tunable structures of nanoscale 3d printed biopolymer. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |